As King Sennacherib rode in towards the Southern Kingdom of Judah from the “north”, he went with the sole purpose to take military control of the land to the south in the kingdom of the Jews. So also at the “end times” the incarnation of King Sennacherib will also descend upon Israel from the north. This military leader is called “Gog, from the Land of Magog”
Gog will now set his sights not towards the turmoil of the Middle East to the East but, this time will come as an unwilling international leader, impelled by the G-d of Israel `who will descend upon the Land of Israel.
As stated by the prophets, the Almighty One of Israel will “put a hook into Gog’s jaws and as an unwilling leader will be forced to take his overwhelming military might and head from the regions to the north of Israel as stated below.”
In the GogUMagog attack against the Nation of Israel, it will come just prior to the rest-oration of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel to the Land of Israel at the “end of days” (Ezekiel 39:21-29), by the Lord of hosts who sent this oracle:
Ezekiel 38:1-9 parts - “Now the word of the L-rd came to me, saying, ‘Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, ….and prophesy against him and say, ‘Thus says the Lord God: “Behold, I am against you, O Gog, the prince….
I will turn you around, put hook into your jaws, and lead you out, with all your army, horses, and horsemen, all splendidly clothed, a great company with bucklers, and shields, all of them handling swords… "
In the latter years, you will come into the land of those brought back from the sword (Nazi Holocaust) and gathered from many people on the mountains of Israel (Shomron and Judea), which had long been desolate (the Nation of Israel was formed in 1948); they were brought out of the nations (prophecy fulfilled), and now all of them dwell safely [the 70-year prophecy (1948 – 2018) of being fulfilled].
You will ascend, coming like a storm, covering the land like a cloud, you and all your troops and many people with you…”
The “end times” events as spelled out so vividly by the prophets of old, are not to appease or settle our minds but to wake all of us up to a divine reality. If we are to become participants in the transition zone of the “end times” between the 3rd and the 4th dimensional reality than we need to look at life much differently; now!
BibleSearchers Reflections – The prophecy of Ezekiel concerning the End of the Age Gog-Magog War has been one of the most sought out prophecies to understand for within its prophetic sphere it appears to encompass the entire span of the time of trouble, the apocalyptic catastrophes of the prophets, the return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel, and the final coming of the Messiah. We invite you to enjoy the wisdom of the sages of Israel as we broaden our conceptions of those final days in which we are a part of today. As written in the Israeli blog titled; "Dreaming of Moschiach"
Dreaming of Moschiach – “In Tractate Sanhedrin (94, a) the Talmud reveals: “G-d, blessed be He, wished to appoint Hezekiah (zs'l, King of Judah in 562 BCE as the Messiah, and Sennacherib (King of the Assyrian Empire) as Gog and Magog”. The Talmud goes on to explain why this plan did not materialize.
It is clear from the Talmud that Magog is not a specific nation. At the time of Redemption, whenever that may be, a given nation will take on the identity of Magog, regardless of its particular name or local name. So how do we identify Gog and Magog in our day?
The key to this secret was revealed by the great and holy mystic, Rabbi Isaac Luria, zs'l, (Safed, Israel 1534-1572), the most eminent of all kabbalists. His word is the undisputed final word amongst all Jewish sages in every part of the world for almost 500 years. He is said to have studied with the prophet Elijah on a daily basis. He is known as “The Holy Ari of Blessed Memory.”
The Ari revealed the following: The words “GogUMagog” have the numeric value of 70 [3+6+3+6+40+3+6+3]. Seventy is the number of nations mentioned in the Bible (Genesis 10). In Jewish writings, reference is frequently made to the 70 non-Jewish nations of the world.
(The fact that there are close to 200 independent nations today is not relevant, as a group of politically independent countries may be considered one nation. For example, 21 Arab countries are only one nation). This alludes to the fact that Gog from Magog is the head of the super power which dominates the 70 nations of the world.
Known as “Ha’ARI”, meaning “The Lion, and later remembered as ARIZal (The ARI, of Blessed Memory (Zikhrono Livrakha) who was the foremost rabbi and Jewish mystic in the community of Safed in the Galilee region of Ottoman, Syria has thus clearly and unequivocally identified Magog as the super-power of the world. He has uncovered the mystery. Magog is none other than this country of ours, the United States of America, and “Gog” is its president.
The location of the Land of Israel at the Centre of the Worldis based on another tradition, namely that the creation of the earth began from the Even Hashisiya, the Foundation Stone located in the holiest part of the Temple (Talmud Yoma 54b, Midrash Tanchuma, Pekudei 3).
This is the Stone that is presently under The Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount. (According to the Kabbalists the Foundation Stone is not only the center of this planet, but it is the centre of the all reality. See Sefer Yetzira 4:4.
In fact, in the very place where Ezekiel shares his vision about Gog and his armies coming from “the distant north” (Ezekiel 38:6, 39:2), he also places Israel at “the navel,” i.e., the center, of the earth (ibid. 38:12). Thus, the prophet himself gives us the “key” to locate the region he considers “the distant north.” However, the question begs to be asked. Why are we designating either the entire U.S.A., or the State of Alaska as being north of Jerusalem and not west?
Here we find another amazing phenomenon. Logic would dictate that in determining the relationship between two areas on a globe, we would set the direction based on the shortest distance. The distance between Jerusalem and northern Alaska (the furthest northern state of America) is practically identical to the distance between Jerusalem and eastern Maine (the furthest eastern state of America). They are both 5,300 miles away! Hence from a physical perspective the U.S. is both north and west of Jerusalem.
However from a metaphysical perspective, America’s role as Magogcorresponds to its northern character. (In the Kabbalah, the link between Esau/Edom and the Left/North is extensively developed. In fact, in the Bahir, one of the oldest and most important of all classical kabbalah texts (written in the first century by Rabbi Nechuniah ben HaKana), “North” is identified as the source of all evil (chapter 163 in Rabbi Kaplan’s edition). For this reason, the prophet as well, focuses on the northern connection of Magog.
We find a similar phenomenon regarding ancient Babylon. Babylon was about 500 miles east of Jerusalem, but only about 50 miles north. Clearly, we would consider Babylon east of Jerusalem, not north. Indeed, throughout the Babylonian Talmud, the sages refer to the Land of Israel as “Ma’arava”, the “West.”
Yet when G-d informed Jeremiah about the impending destruction of Israel by the hands of Babylon, the prophet is told (Jeremiah 1:14), “Out of the north the evil shall come forth upon all the inhabitants of the land.” (See Talmud, Bava Basra 25b). Here too we are to understand this from a metaphysical perspective. Although from a geographic perspective Babylon is essentially east of Jerusalem. From an inner spiritual perspective, it is its northern dimension which is the primary source of its destructive power against Israel. There is another interesting link between America and the “North”. The Kabbalists reveal that the two world religions, Christianity and Islam,are each linked to opposite directions. Christianity is represented by the “North” or the “Left” when facing East. Islam is connected to the “South” or the Right side. (The explanation of this correlation is beyond the scope of this letter). Incidentally, that is why, the Christians celebrate Sunday which is to the “left” of the Jewish Shabbat. And the Moslems celebrate Friday, which corresponds to the “right” side.
Thus, when the Prophet Daniel reveals that “at the time of the End, the King of the South will engage the Forces of the North” (Daniel 11:40), he is prophesying that America, a predominantly Christian nation will be drawn into military confrontation with Islamic countries (Afghanistan, Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Syra etc.)."
The day is coming soon when Hashem the G-d of Israel will stretch forth His great hand of judgment and cleanse the earth from the great pollution of man upon Planet Earth. He will take away the “blood oaths” from between the mouths of the Palestinian Arabs.
He will restore the Land of Israel back to “Am Yisra’el”, that means both the House of Joseph (All Ten Tribes of the House of Israel), and the House of Judah.
He will then redeem and restore His own “sheep” back into a living relationship with Himself. If you are chosen, as a Lost Tribal Member of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, your destiny is to return to your Homelands first in Shomron (Samaria), Israel.
To understand more about the Return of the 10 Tribes of Israel,
Contact “Kol Ha Tor”, the Voice of the Turtledove,
as a Reception from the House of Judah is forming to Welcome the Returning House of Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Ministries for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!” a Bed and Breakfast Guest House with Kosher Cuisine, and Tours of Biblical Shomron (Samaria) and Judea. Welcome and Visit, Lost Tribers of the House of Israel to your Future Homeland!
DISCLAIMER - Kol Ha Tor is an independent commentator and may or may not agree with the contents, the views, interpretations and opinions as expressed by the independent theological and/or political views of Destination Yisrael.
Destination Yisrael scans the world for information that has relevance on the time of the end. It is our prayer that this will allow the believers in the Almighty One of Israel to “watch and be ready”. Our readiness has nothing to do trying to halt the progression of evil on our planet earth. In our readiness, we seek to be prepared for the coming of the Messiah of Israel so that goodness and evil will be manifested in its fullest.
Our preparation is a pathway of spiritual readiness for a world of peace. Our defender is the Metatron, the Lord of hosts. The time of the end suggests that the Eternal One of Israel’s intent is to close out this chapter of earth’s history so that the perpetrators of evil, those that seek power, greed and control, will be eliminated from this planet earth. The wars of the heavens are being played out on this planet earth and humans will live through it to testify of the might, power, justice and the love of the God of Israel.
In a world of corruption and disinformation, we cannot always know what the historical truth is and who is promoting evil or mis-information. We cannot guarantee our sources but we will always seek to portray trends that can be validated in the Torah, the testimony of the prophets of the Old and the New Testament, and the writings of Rabbi Eliyahu ben Shlomo ben Zalman (famed Vilna Gaon) called the “genius” in the 18th century, and his vision of the final redemption in his collection of writings highlighted in his supernal understanding of the Torah, the Prophets and Writings as outlined in the Kol Ha Tor.
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The Modern Ashkenazi Jews are Descendants of the Jewish Male Prisoners in 70 CE with the Female Descendants of the Lost Tribes of Israel in Europe
One of the key premises in Judaism is that to be a Jew your mother must be a Jew. This tribal standard was decreed by Ezra the Scribe when the Jewish people began their historical return to Jerusalem after their seventy year exile in Babylon and Persia. This decree was a critical fact in the preservation of the tribal and national identity of the Jewish people over the next 2,300 years.
Yet, as shocking as it may seem, it will be the theme of Destination Yisrael that guided by the hand of the Divine, this cleric decree was instituted in order to preserve the Jewish people, when once again they were again threatened with extermination when the Temple of Herod was destroyed in 70 CE. The Roman military forces under the command of the Roman General Titus sacrificed the Jewish mothers and children in a massive genocide and extermination and the Jewish fathers of military age were taken into captivity to Italy and their capital, the City of Rome.
In Part One of this series, we learned of a new genetic DNA study published in Nature Communicationsthat postulated that 80 percent of the Ashkenazi maternal lineages came from European origins rather than Jewish mothers from the Near Eastern regions of the Roman Empire. According to Dr. Martin B Richards from the University of Huddersfield in England, four of these European lineages were assimilated into the Jewish communities that later became the Ashkenazi populations in northern Europe. As revealed in the Destination Yisrael article, titled, “Modern Ashkenazi Jew’s ancestral Matriarchs were not Jews but ancient European Women”, we read:
Destination Yisrael – “The Ashkenazim have four major female founding lineages that make up of 40% of the Ashkenazi mtDNA variations seen in ancient and prehistoric Europe rather than was assumed earlier to have come from the Near East or the regions of the Caucasus.
Even then, the remaining minor genetic foundational gene pools all shared a deep European ancestry, so as the scholars agreed upon, the maternal lineages did not come from the region of the Levant where the Land of Israel is today and all have concluded, came from woman that had assimilated and were part of the indigenous populations within Europe up to hundreds and thousands of years prior to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE. The conclusion of the scholars made an amazing and profound discovery as it may seem to be; to be a Jewish person and part of the Nation of Israel and a people’s of the G-d of Israel, one cannot also count on having a mother that is a Jew.
Yet as with all the premises of the ancient Torah law and their halakhic implications, to be a Jew, one must also agree to become part of the Jewish family of G-d and convert to Judaism. In the ancient days, 2000 years ago, as it now appears, the G-d of Israel scattered the Jewish fathers across the Europe and out of their loins, the vibrant Ashkenazi communities were founded by European and Italian matriarchs who chose Judaism as their spiritual life. Out of this came some of the most prominent Jewish rabbanim of Judaism in the last two millenniums.
The discoveries of these genetic lineages that became the foundational lineages of the Ashkenazi Jews today came by decoding the entire mitochondrial genomes of the people from Europe and the Near East surrounding the land of Israel today. It was an earlier DNA research that discovered that the Jewish communities that were scattered around the world were founded by Jewish men whose Y chromosomes bore the DNA patterns are were part of the larger gene pool found in the Near East.
Yet, it was the same geneticists, when they came to analyze the mitochondrial DNA, or the genetic elements that are separate from the main human genome and transferred through the female lineages, unlike the Y chromosomes of the male, the female mitochondrial DNA did not share a common pattern as the male Y chromosomes. The male Y Chromosomes were of Near Eastern origins but the mitochondrial DNA of the females came from European origins. This then suggested that the migration pattern of the Jewish males who entered Rome, Italy and then further to the north in Gaul (Europe) were not the same. It also depicted that the female lineages came from the indigenous population that were antecedent to the arrival of later male Jewish population.”
The Redemption and Restoration of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel
The historical documentation is overwhelming by the Orthodox Jewish Researcher, such as Yair Davidiy with Brit Am, with his numerous books and publications. His books and research collaborated with the Restoration and Redemption Vision of Kol Ha Tor in Israel; founded by Rabbi Avraham Feld and OvadYah Avrahami. This was highlighted in Rabbi Feld’s article titled, “Tracing the Lost Ten Tribes and preparing for their return”. Both rabbi and scholar are in agreement, plus numerous other scholars that there was an exile of the Northern Ten Tribes of the House of Israel, and that they virtually lost their identity that they fought each other as separate peoples, yet began to wander and move in massive migrations and multiple invasions from the east towards the continental lands in Europe to the north and west of Jerusalem. There at the time of the end, they would be living “in the land of their habitations” until a day in the future during an era of great crisis and catastrophic upheavals they would be “returned back” to the lands of their forefathers in the Land of Israel by the same great hand of G-d that took them out of captivity and oppression 3,600 years earlier in Egypt.
This Biblical evidence is astounding in the data collection alone of the biblical texts affirming such an exile as testified in Kol Ha Tor’s article titled, “Biblical Confirmations of the Return of the Tribes of Israel.” The clues are abundant in the regions of Central and Northern Europe called Gaul and in the Balkans called Galatia, that these tribes were so feared by the Romans for every time they encountered them on the battlefield, the Romans lost.
Here in the region of Gaul, a land that was virtually not inhabited became inhabited by peoples before the founding of Rome; at least by the 8th century BCE, and possibly as early as the 15th century BCE. They were the Lost Tribes of Israel and that the G-d of Israel was on a historical rescue mission that would take another 2000 years before the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel could be reclaimed, redeemed and restored back into fellowship with their ancient Jewish brothers and sisters of the House of Judah.
The traces of any other peoples outside of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel living in the ancient land of Gaul in Central and Northern Israel are scanty at best. The robust genetic and physical evidence of these early Israelites through the 12 tribal descendants of the Patriarchs Jacob is abundantly clear. These facts are also part of the historical traditions of the Jews, Christians and Muslims alike over the ages.
When we began to research the wanderings of the Lost Israelites, it is as if a veil began to evaporate before our eyes. As the Lost Tribes were sent into exile by the Assyrians to the region of the land of Media by the Assyrians, they lived, except for a remnant, for a small time in the land of their exile called the Land of Khurasan. During this time, they were the prime invasion force under Cyrus the Great, a lost Pasargadae Israelite, with his top general, Gobryas, a king of the Guti, from the Tribe of Gad. Yet the primary lands of their exile were located in the northeastern regions of Persia/Iran today plus eastern Afghanistan and western Pakistan.
We could imagine that the Lost Ten Tribes should look like peoples far different than we are today. But that is not necessarily so. When we take two photographs of two individuals, one an Afghani girl and the other a Golistan (Gaulistan) Iranian woman, we are faced with a shocking revelation.
Here is a picture of what was called the “Tora Bora Girl” who lived the Afghanistan mountainous regions of the “Tora Bora Mountain Range” where the American military and air force sought to snuff out Afghani mountaineer followers of Osama ben Laden. Osama and his fighters were trained by the American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to be the American front line military forces to counter the Russian bid to take control of the Nation of Afghanistan.
The picture, taken by the National Geographic photographer, Reza, is a mere depiction of how the G-d of Israel has planted His people, the Lost Tribes of Israel and imbedded them within the nations of the earth. Change their clothes and put a different attire upon them, and they would fit into many of the northern European countries and America today, yet they are Lost Israelites.
And then we have the people classically known as the “red haired” Irish, British and Scottish in the western regions of modern Europe. They are also found in the eastern regions of Europe today; the major homeland of the Ashkenazi Jews. About 1% to 2% of the human populations across the globe have red hair. It occurs more frequently (between 2% and 6% of the population) in the descendants of the Northern and Western Europeans. It’s even scarcer in other regions around the world.
Red hair appears in people with two copies of a recessive gene on chromosome 16 which causes a change in the MC1R protein. It is associated with those people with fair colored skin, and then associated with freckles, and hyper-sensitivity to ultraviolet light. These peoples include the ancient Cymrics on the Isle of Britannia plus the Scottish and the Irish. They also included the Celtic peoples as the red haired Gaulish tribes of the Germanic and the Belgic people. They have all been identified as the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel.
In the year of 278 BCE, the Gaulish Lost Israelite settlers living in the Balkans were invited by Nicomedes I of Bithynia in a royal dynastic struggle with his brother for control of the throne. Over 10,000 Gauls plus their women and children were divided into three tribes called the Trocmi, Tolistobogii, and the Tectosages. They fought against the Seleucid King Antiochus I Soter (Savior) in 275 BCE when they used Seleucid war elephants and shocked the Israelite Galatian warriors.
Seven generations later, the Syrian King Antiochus Epiphanes IV was now ruler of the Seleucid throne. He took control of the Judean province, desecrated the Temple of Zerubabbel, forbad circumcision and the reading of the Torah in order to break the back of the Jewish people in the land of Israel called Judea in those days. The days of Antiochus IV Epiphanes were soon numbered when the fiery zeal of the Jewish Maccabee warriors took down the army of the Greek Seleucids. To this day, the Jews celebrate the Festival of Chanukah on the 25th day of Kislev; celebrating the day of their deliverance when they restored and rededicated their temple in Jerusalem and relit the new menorah with one day of Holy Oil that continued to light the menorah lamp for seven full days.
As a relic of the past, the dark red or reddish-tinged hair identified in other Caucasian populations can now be seen because of the war of the Lost Israelite Galatians in the year of 275 BCE, and today the modern State of Turkey have populations that have red hair and green eyes.
Then we have to consider the harbinger of threats of genocide to the Jews coming from the region of Iran today. This was especially from the former Jewish Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. And then we remember that in the northeastern regions of Iran, the region of Khurasan where in the land of Media, this region became the homeland of the Lost Tribes of Israel. In that same region live the “Galesh” people who live in the Province of Golestan (Gaulistan) or the “Land of Gol or Gaul”.
The Guidance of the Hand of G-d assisting the Lost Israelites as they moved to a New Homeland
It was in the year of 2009, BibleSearchers Reflections, in researching the Lost Tribes of Israelites wrote the following article titled, “Finding a New Home for the Lost Tribes of Israel.” In this article, we learned that the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel who were part of the Northern Kingdom of Israel in Samaria were taken captive and transported to the region of Khurasan in Northern Iran, Eastern Afghanistan and Western Pakistan in the 8th century BCE. The remnants of these Lost Tribes who have become Islamic are living still there today, and known as the Pashtun tribes living still in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Their heritage and legacy has also been carefully preserved
As BibleSearchers Reflections was beginning its research on the Lost Tribes of Israel, an amateur Orthodox Jewish researcher on the Lost Tribes of Israel, Howard Bahr wrote to BibleSearchers the following:
Howard Bahr – “As you know, the re-unification of the "10 hidden tribes" with normative Jews is in fact a Scriptural teaching. The prophets allude to this re-unification. Here is an observation. I believe this will happen before the Revelation of Messiah.
According to Chazal (Sages of Judah), there is a well known teaching agreed upon by all Jewish Scholars and Expositors. There will be no converts to Judaism after the appearance of Messiah. Conversion will not be an option at that time. For that reason, it would appear that the "hidden tribes" will be re-united with normative Jews before the Redemption, i.e appearance of Messiah.
There would be a modified, abbreviated conversion process, perhaps similar to the process underwent by the black Jews, the Falashas. It would be somewhat different than the conversion process which gentiles undergo, i.e. for an authentic orthodox conversion. I am absolutely certain, though, there will be some sort of conversion process. Obviously, if such people in the millions were declared Jews, it would provoke unimaginable controversy…
The prophet Elijah is suppose to appear just before the Revelation of Moshiach, or to confirm his identity. Christianity utilizes this teaching by having John the Baptist, "baptising Jesus" and declaring him Messiah. Another function of Elijah will be to declare all authentic Jews from non-authentic people claiming to be Jewish. It would appear that this weighty mission of Elijah would have a direct impact on the authenticity of the hidden Jews who would have already emerged.”
In a separate communication with Rabbi Avraham Sutton, one of the Jew’s most revered rabbis with an understanding of the hidden knowledge of the Torah and Mystical Judaism once wrote:
Rabbi Avraham Sutton – “All Mankind will be elevated to the level of Yisrael, I emphasize that this will not be done by any force other than G-d Himself. Please understand that this elevation of the nations is a spiritual transformation. I am not talking about physical DNA. It isn’t to your benefit to believe that you are physical descendents of Israel.
The only way that you can honestly claim before G-d that you are “Israel,” at this point in history, is to dissociate from any and all idolatrous beliefs, go through Orthodox conversion, and enter Clal Yisrael (All Israel) as Jews, who are the only recognizable, verifiable remnant of the ancient tribes of Yehudah and Yisrael…There are three levels to the lost tribes.
Those who went north (and then east or west), and became assimilated into the various nations and cultures of Asia and Europe.
Those who re-incorporated back into Yehudah; such that although Yehudah is only one tribe, it is a microcosm, and therefore representative of the entire Israelite nation in and of itself.
Those who live in another dimension which our tradition describes as "on the other side of the Sambatyon." It is this third group that has retained Prophecy, Kehunah (“Service” like Avodah or the priestly service in the temple), and Physical Prowess once had by all Israel.
We dream of the day when Mashiach ben Yoseph will return physically at the head of this third group. In the meantime, their souls are whispering into ours now. They are our connection to the upper worlds; a connection which is unknown to most Jews living today. At any rate, on a positive note, you need to know that, from the true Torah perspective, the powerful current of “connecting to Judaic roots” that is sweeping through the Xian (Christian) world at this time is FROM HASHEM. No question about it. It’s just that, if you continue to look at it thru the Xian mindset, you can’t help but distort it.
The Talmud says that one of the reasons for Israel being exiled to the four corners of the world was for the elevation of the nations. The fullness of the elevation of the nations will be fully manifested only when Hashem decides. Our job in the meantime is to live according to His Torah to the best of our abilities.”
The Exile of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel
As we have seen in this series, the ancient Lost Tribes of Israel were spread out over the ancient lands of the Medes and the Persians. They eventually, as our research continued, migrated in mass between the Caspian and Black Seal corridor as they traveled northwards from Uratu, the ancient homeland of Noah and Shem surrounding the mountains of Ararat up and through the land mass between the Caspian and the Black Sea where the State of Georgia today was once ruled as a Jewish state by Prince and Princess of King David.
The Lost Tribes then traveled over the Caucasus Mountains towards the land of the Sarmatians along the Volga River and under the Black Sea from Turkey, across the Bosphorus Strait through the Balkans and into European Gaul and the Isles of the West beyond. There they became known as the Celtic and Cymric peoples.
In the hiatus of merging and reemerging out of this amalgamation of Lost Tribes there rose a new people identified as the ancient Scythians, the horsemen of the North. The powerful horsemen and horsewomen of the North gilded their bodies and their horses with gold and eventually ended up populating the Scandinavian countries of Norway, Sweden and Finland in the Northern regions of Europe.
The Lost Tribes as the “Great Wanderers”
It is well known and accepted that the Jews including all the Israelites called the Hebrews, as a people were as ancient as the people of China. The question, we have to ask, why are the Jews not a billion strong as the Chinese? As also well known, of all the nations of the world, it was the Israelites and then the Jews that were hunted and murdered by pogroms, holocausts, genocide and ethnic cleansing, plus assimilated by coercion, enticement or expulsed into exile.
This is the same question we are impelled to ask today. The genetic DNA study published in Nature Communication postulated that 80 percent of the Ashkenazi maternal lineages came from European origins and that the four European lineages, according to Dr. Martin B Richards from the University of Huddersfield in England, were assimilated into the Jewish communities that later became the Ashkenazi populations in northern Europe.
Scholars for the last two centuries have been pouring over the ancient leads to the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel. They also were not a people satisfied with the divine judgment given to them by the Almighty One of Israel. The Beni Israel (children of Israel) peoples each settled according to each Israelite tribe and today, the Pashtun royalty trace their Israelite royalty lineage to the loins of King Saul of the tribe of Benjamin. It was soon after they began to wander across the landscape of the earth, some to the east, and most to the west and hence became one of their names; “Great Wanderers”.
The Tribe of Dan as identified by numerous authors escaped earlier than the Assyrian Exile and followed the pathway of an even earlier migrations of the Children of Israel who scattered from the land of their oppression in Egypt about 1585 BCE during that year of long apocalyptic catastrophes that brought Moses, the Prince of Egypt to the international limelight.
These catastrophes destroyed the Imperial Nation of Pharaonic Egypt that precipitated the Great Exodus of the Children of Israel. Yet, during this year of plagues, dark days when earth stood still when the rotation of Planet Earth came to a screeching halt, numerous Lost Israelites fled to the north and west towards the Bosphorus Straits and beyond to Europe. According to many historians the Danites became participants in the famous Battle of Troy, from thence they continued to migrate into Europe.
The Legendary Hu the Mighty (Hu Gadaru Hysicion)
One of these most ancient of legends was centered upon the mysterious and legendary Hu Gadaru Hysicion, called Hu the Mighty, where “Hysicion” also meant Isaac’s Son (Isaacson). The legends of Hu the Mighty go all the way back to the year of 1800 BCE when Hu Gadaru Hysicion led the first of the Cymric peoples from the city of Defrobane that stood across the Bosphorus from where Constantinople later stood, and with his tribal peoples traversed across the Baltic Region towards the western coast of the Isle of Britannia called Wales.
But Hu the Mighty was more than a mighty warrior for in the Welsh Triads, he “mnemonically systemized the wisdom of the ancients of these peoples whom he led from “Summerland” in the Land of Israel. As the Welsh traditions account, Hu Gadaru was the originator of the use of memorization in what was called the “culture of the intellect.”
To Hu Gadaru, poetry was the “vehicle of memory” and today is remembered as the inventor of the Celtic Triads. This form of learning is still alive and well in the Orthodox Jewish Synagogues across the world, for it is the Orthodox Jew who treasures the pearls of great wisdom imbedded in the Torah that stimulates a young Jew to memorize the complete Torah by his or her twelfth birthday. So also the ancient Cymric from the Isles of the West increased their intellect by honoring HaShem’s creation of creating man in the “image of G-d.”
Art used by permission by Pat Marvenko Smith, copyright 1992. Click here to visit her "Revelation Illustrated" site
To other 19th century Lost Israelite antiquarians, Hu Gadara was also the architect of Stonehenge and through his great wisdom, established the Assembly of the Druids and Bards. His legendary mystique attributes him to the invention of glass-making plus the writing of the Ogham character scripts. Yet, it was Hu Gadaru, whose “standard” was also the representation of the “Ox” which was the tribal “Standard” of the Tribe of Ephraim, known for as one of the four “Chief Tribes” of the Children of Israel as they camped at the base of the Mount called Sinai in the four cardinal points of the globe surrounding the Sanctuary of the Dwelling.
At the time of the Great Revelation of HaShem (God of Israel), when the Torah was given upon the Mount called Sinai, the tribes of Israel, twelve in number were organized into the “Israelite Nation”. When encamped surrounding the “House of the Lord” called the “Wilderness Tabernacle” at the time of the Great Revelation of HaShem (G-d of Israel), when the Torah was given upon the Mount called Sinai, the tribes of Israel, twelve in number, were organized into a national force.
Numbers 2:2 – “Every one of the Children of Israel shall camp by his own standard, beside the emblems of his father’s house; they shall camp some distance from the tabernacle of meeting.”
A Large Portion of the Children of Israel in Goshen escaped before the Great Exodus from Egypt
From the traditions in Jewish lore, we today know that a large portion of the Israelites escaped on their own, fleeing northwest from Egypt during the midst of the plagues against the Pharaoh of Egypt. Analyzing the chronology of the Exodus, we appeal to the work of the Australian Astronomer, Barry Setterfield, in his historical analysis of the dating system of the ancient world in reference to atomic time (my) and historical or dynamical time (years) we discover that Moses was born during the reign of Pharaoh Palmanothes. His daughter Merris (‘Beloved’) adopted a Hebrew child by the name of Mousos, a prince of Egypt. Princess Merris married Pharaoh Khenephres (Kha’neferre meaning ‘Ra’s glory shines on the horizon’) whose personal name was Pharaoh Sobekhotep IV, meaning “Sobek is satisfied” (Sobek was the crocodile-headed god of the Egyptians) and became the 24th ruler of the 13th Dynasty in the Middle Kingdom of Egypt.
The Great Library in Alexandria, Egypt founded by Ptolemy I which held the largest collection of ancient texts from around the world was destroyed in a conflagration of fire. According to Setterfield, fortunately the Jewish historian Artapanus from the 3rd century BCE recorded portions of these texts of which portions of his texts are still extant. This gave us relevant dates to the era of the Great Exodus from Egypt at 1585 BCE. The entry into the Land of Canaan by the Children of Israel under Joshua the Mighty Warrior of G-d could now be determined as being about 1545 BCE +/- 6 years when they began conquering the key Canaanite cities at the close of the Middle Bronze IIC Age which ended about the year of 1550 BCE.
With this dating of the ‘Exodus’ in the year of 1585 BCE +/- 6 years, a Prince of Egypt called Mousos (Moses) led the Children of Israel out of Egypt in an era of great catastrophes. As such the birth of the Jewish Egyptian Prince Mousos (Moses) would have been about 1665 BCE, when he was adopted by the daughter of Pharaoh Kha'neferre (Sobekhotep IV), Princess Merris, an after an illustrious career as the prince regent heir to the Egyptian throne fled after he killed an Egyptian in defense of a Jew at the age of 40 in 1625 BCE. This was near to the close of the 12th Dynasty of the Middle Kingdom (see 'Atlas of Ancient Egypt', op. cit., p. 36). As Barry Setterfield wrote in the article, titled, “Creation and Catastrophe Chronology”, we read:
Barry Setterfield – “This is an interesting record from Artapanus. A Pharaoh in the mid to late 13th Dynasty is what the chronology presented above would suggest. But there are two things that make this a more positive identification of the Pharaoh to whom Moses (Mousos) was a prince. First, the only other record of a Kha’neferre is a mention of this name on an isolated fragment from the 10th Dynasty, and there is no other evidence for this particular king. In any case this is far too early, being in the Old Kingdom. There is certainly no other Pharaoh with the throne-name Kha'neferre in the Middle Kingdom, let alone in the 13th Dynasty: it is unique.
However, there is a second point of key interest. Artapanus writes that this Pharaoh appointed Prince Mousos to administer the land on his behalf. Even more importantly, Artapanus states that Prince Mousos led a military campaign against the Ethiopians to extend the frontiers of the Egyptian Empire into Upper Nubia. The records available to us reveal that, of all the Pharaohs of the 13th Dynasty, Kha'neferre was the only one to launch such an expedition. Indeed, a stela in the British Museum tells of this 13th Dynasty Campaign into Nubia in Kha'neferre's reign. The identification is therefore certain. Artapanus knew what he was writing about.
The outcome of the Campaign was interesting. According to Artapanus' understanding of ancient sources, Mousos was victorious against the Nubians. He extended Kha'neferre's jurisdiction at least 200 kilometers further south than any other 12th or 13th Dynasty ruler. This fact caused Egyptologist J. H. Breasted to label Kha'neferre (Sobekhotep IV) as the greatest Pharaoh of that era. At Kerma, beyond the 3rd Cataract of the Nile, a governor's residence was established to administer the province with a statue of Kha'neferre outside. Artapanus concludes his account by saying that this victory brought Mousos such popularity that Kha'neferre became jealous and forced Mousos to flee to Arabia. Then, after Kha'neferre was dead, Mousos returned to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.”
Amazingly archeologists discovered a parallel Egyptian Papyrus called the 'Ipuwer Papyrus – Leiden 344'. Here we see a parallel document from the close of the Middle Kingdom of the 13th dynasty of Egypt and the utmost chaos that led to the 2nd Intermediate Period just before the Hyksos (Amalekites) came and took over the country as foreign rulers. It was in early 19th Century that a papyrus dating from the end of the Middle Kingdom, was discovered in the land of Egypt. The Papyrus was taken to the Leiden Museum in Holland and there in the year of 1909, A.H. Gardiner interpreted the meaning of the papyrus and to their shock appeared to be a parallel document recording the same events as recorded in the Book of Exodus.
Today, the complete papyrus can be found in the book “Admonitions of an Egyptian from a heiratic papyrus in Leiden”. Here in graphic detail, the papyrus describes violent upheavals in Egypt, that included starvation, drought, death throughout the land plus the escape of slaves who left along with the wealth of the land of Egypt. The author of the papyrus was written by an Egyptian named Ipuwer. Today it is known as the Ipuwer Papyrus and it appears to be an eyewitness account of the effects of the Exodus plagues from the perspective of an average Egyptian.
As the Egyptian Empire began to crumple from the Ten Apocalypses upon the Land of Egypt, it doesn’t take any imagination to suggest that a part of the oppressed Egyptian Israelite slaves could have chosen to flee during the year that the great catastrophes fell upon the Land of Egypt and the Pharaonic Egyptian empire was devastated for their animal gods were helpless against the strong arm of the G-d of Israel.
Does this suggest that in this year of global holocausts that the ancient ancestors of the Celts and Cymric fled early from the Egyptian delta known as the Land of Goshen? That fact appears in part to be true, for later they left their “footprints” across the terrestrial landscape from Egypt to Gaul for others to follow. What we do know is that many of these ancient Israelites went directly to Britain, Scotland and Ireland in the Isles of the West and also fanned out over the continent of Europe and settled in the unknown and feared region which the Romans called the land of Gaul. This was the land in which the Romans feared to trod.
Hu Gardarn as Joshua the Mighty who chased Fleeing Canaanites to Cymric Regions of Western Wales (Welsh Cambria) on the British Isles
In the Welsh Triads, there is recorded the story about a mysterious man who was called Hu the Mighty. He led a group of Danites across the Hazy Sea from the Sumer Country to the Isles of the West in Britannia. He was the first of three chieftains who were to establish colonies at the furthest land to the west. Known as Hu Gardarn, he was known as a descendant of Abraham and as such, very early in earth’s history fulfilled the promise of the G-d of Israel to the Patriarch Yaakov (Jacob) when he departed from Beer-sheba and went to Haran. If so, then Hu Gardarn was the first Hebrew fulfill this promise given to of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob when he later led their descendants in a migration earlier to the Isles of the West in Britain, Scotland and Ireland:
Genesis 18:13-15 – “I am HaShem, G-d of Abraham your father and G-d of Isaac; the ground upon which you are lying, to you will I give it to your descendants. Your offspring shall be as the dust of the earth, and you shall spread out powerfully westward, eastward, northward, and southward; and all the families of the earth shall bless themselves by you and by your offspring. Behold, I am with you; I will guard you wherever you go, and I will return you to this soil. For I will not forsake you until I will have done what I have spoke about you.”
As the Welsh Triads read, the Cymry known as the Cambrians, were the first who came with Hu Gardarn to Ynys Prydain (Isle of Britannia). According to the Triads of Britain as translated by Iolo Morganwg and translated by William Probert we read in the 4th and 5th Triads:
4th Triad of Britain – “There are three pillars of the nation of the Isle of Britain. The first was Hu the Mighty, who brought the nation of the Cambrians first to the Isle of Britain; and they came from the Summer Country, which is also called Defrobani; and they came over the Hazy Sea to the Isle of Britain, and to Armorica, where they settled. The second was Prydain the son of Aedd the Great, who first organized a social state of sovereignty in Britain; for before that time there was no justice but what was done by favour; nor any law, except that of superior force. The third was Dyvnwal Moelmud, for he first made arrangements respecting the laws, maxims, customs, and privileges of the country and tribe. And on account of these reasons, they were called the three pillars of the nation of the Cambrians.”
5th Triad of Britain – “There were three social tribes on the Isle of Britain. The first was the tribe of the Cambrians, who came to the Isle of Britain with Hu the Mighty, because he would not possess a country and lands by fighting and pursuit, but by justice and tranquility. The second was the tribe of the Lloegrians, who came from Gascony, and they were descended from the primitive tribe of the Cambrians. The third were the Brython, who came from Armorica, and who were descended from the primitive tribe of the Cambrians. These were called the three peaceful tribes because they came by mutual consent and tranquility; and these tribes were descended from the primitive tribe of the Cambrians, and all three tribes had the same language and speech.”
“Gardarn” in Gaelic means “Mighty”, and “Hu” was a shortened form of the Celtic name Hesus, whose Hebrew name was Joshua which in Hebrew was Yehoshua (YHVH is salvation). So, was the famous Israelite general, Joshua of the Tribe of Ephraim the same person as Hu Gardarn, later known as “Joshua the Mighty”? The colonization of Hu Gardarn to the land of Britannia preceded by over 420 years by the migration of Brutus of Troy to Britain in 1149 BCE after the famous city of Troy was destroyed. Strange as it may seem, the Aegean attackers have later been identified as being part of the Lost Israelites and Brutus’ name became the namesake for the land of Britain.
“Hu” was a shortened form of the Celtic name Hesus, whose Hebrew name was Joshua; or Yehoshua (YHVH is salvation). So Hu Gardarn could have been the famous Israelite warrior, Joshua the Ephraimite, who was chosen by Moses to finish the mandate of HaShem to “conquer the land of Canaan". Hu Gardarn could now have been one of the same; Joshua the Mighty. As the Welsh Triads record, in his later years, Hu Gardarn peaceable settled Israelite colonists in the British Isles.
When in later years the Welsh Cambrians did migrated to the European continent in the west, they became subject to the German Cymry who were descendants of the German king Cimbrus (1679-1635 BCE) (Reference: Compendium of World History. Pasadena, CA: Ambassador College, 1963. Pp. 48-49). It was later recorded in the third year of Romus (son of Testa and King of Spain) a man known as "Liber Pater" or Bacchus (Iacchus) conquered Spain and brought it under his sway. "He was from the East and his title belonged to "Hesus the Mighty". He pursued the Canaanites and drove them out of Western Europe in 1430 B.C. (See volume II of the Compendium of World History).
Now, if the Exodus was in 1585 BCE; and not including the year it took to get to the Jordan River when the Twelve Spies went on surveillance of the Land of Israel and ten of the spies gave an evil report to stop the invasion. Because of the lack of faith, in spite of the upbeat and valiant reports by Caleb and Joshua, the Children of Israel revolted and for their lack of faith had to continue to wander throughout the wilderness for another 40 years.
If the dating of the Exodus by the Australian Astronomer Barry Setterfield is correct, then the crossing of the Jordan and the attack on Jericho would have been in the year of 1444/45 BCE, only 110 years different to the above statement in the Compendium of World History. After conquering the major cities in the Land of Israel, could now the legendary Ephraimite General “Joshua the Mighty” could have takes a coalition of tribal military warriors and pursued the Canaanites all the way to Spain and driven the “Canaanites” out of Western Europe. It is not impossible!
Was it Hue the Great who began the great Cymric exodus from Egypt, while Moses with the remaining Israelites headed towards the Promised Land?
Was the Legendary Hu Gadaru Hysicion an Ephraimite Israelite as the famous Hebrew general, Joshua the Ephraimite, who led in the battles to conquer the Land of Israel.
Or was Hu Gardarn a Danite Israelite who did migrated to the Isles of the West with a colony of the Children of Israel who included also tribal members of the Tribes of Dan and Ephraim?
These questions we still ponder today! One of the more astute researchers of the Lost Tribes of the House of Judah is the Orthodox Jewish researcher of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel, Yair Davidiy, who in his commentary on the “Book of Zechariah” wrote:
Yair Davidiy – “Welsh tradition claimed that their ancestors the Cymry (i.e. "Cimmerian") led by Hu Gadaru of the Sons of Dan had come across the "Lazy Sea" (i.e. Mediterranean) to the British isles from Defrobane which they said was just opposite Byzantium. In other words Defrobane stood on the Asiatic side of the Bosporus in the place where the port of Defen was reported to be. Defrobane may be some kind of linguistic derivation of Daphne.
The British Welsh who came from DEFROBANE opposite Byzantium called themselves CYMRY and the Scandinavian peoples contained an underlying ethnic stratum from the similarly named CIMBRI of Celtic culture. In Scandinavian mythology one version (reported by Saxo Grammaticus) concerning the origins of their ancestral gods said that they too came from the area of Byzantium, and that one of their ancestors ruled over a city in the nearby Hellespont called Dana!
In Celtic Britain the region of southern Wales, Devon, and Cornwall was referred to as Defenia and from this name comes the modern day appellation of "Devon"! This region of Defenia on Ptolemy's map of Britain is called Damnonia which is similar to the ethnic name Damnonii in Scotland within whose region was the northern Don River. There was another (second) Don River in Scotland further south and to the east upon his banks stood the city of Danum. Defenia (Damnonia) in the south was also known as Daunonia and as Dannonia. Defenia also encompassed or adjoined the Deni. Hu Gadaru who led the Cymry over the seas to Britain was descended from the Children of Dan who paralleled the Tribe of Dana in Irish legend.”
Here we are witnessing the great hand of the L-rd as He cast his wayward peoples out across the nations of the world. The Tribe of Dan was proud of its accomplishments as a global trader with his own fleet of ships along with those of the Tribe of Issachar as they migrated so far that they placed their name across the face of this planet from the Middle East to the Isles of the West in Britannia, Scotland, and Ireland. So does Yair Davidiy point out the obvious; Hu Gadaru was of the Tribe of Dana (Dan) and led the Tribe of Dan from the area of the Bosphorus Strait, near also to the ancient site of Troy, but was Hu Gadaru truly of the Tribe of Dan?
Others suggest that “Hu Gadarn” was of the Tribe of Ephraim. This would seem reasonable as it was Hu Gadarn, whose “standard” was already identified as an “Ox” which was later identified as the tribal “Standard” of the Tribe of Ephraim. His was one of the four “Chief Tribes” of the Children of Israel as they camped at the base of the Mount called Sinai in the four cardinal points of the globe surrounding the Sanctuary of the Dwelling. After the death of Moses, it was Joshua (Yehoshua) ben Nun who was Moses’ chief assistant that was anointed by Moses to became the leader the Children of Israel whose mission was to conquer the land of the Canaanites, and transform it into the land of Israel, for a people who would live the life of Torah and eventually become the “light to the world.”
As we witness now the migrations of the Lost Tribes of Israel, can we envision the Tribe of Ephraim migrating from the lands where the Assyrians displaced them to the Isles of ancient Britannia to the West, with Tribe of Manasseh continuing this migration to the farthest west into the wilderness of the Americas and evolve into the United States, Canada, and Mexico? Can we image the Tribe of Benjamin, who remained loyal to Judah from the apostasy of Dan, and eventually claim her inheritance from Bethlehem to the west of the Temple and Jerusalem towards Gaza and the Great Mediterranean Sea?
Can we also envision the Tribe of Dan, the great apostate, settling upon land surrounding the Seat of Satan at Pergamum to the north and become the prototype of apostasy through modern Rome and the Vatican? Were it not the Danites, who led with the apostasy of the “Golden Calf” with the Ten Northern Tribes? This worship of other gods was later transplanted into the Northern Kingdom of Israel with King Ahab and Queen Jezebel, a Princess from Phoenicia with the worship of Baal.
Yet, we see the traces of the Tribe of Dan as they migrated to the farther reaches of the north as the Tuatha Danan in Ireland, and leaving the legacy of their name in D(a)nmark in Scandinavia and to the outer reaches of the Danube and the D(a)nieper River to the north in the region of the Holy Roman Empire upon the European continent. Can we envision the Tribe of Reuben migrating from their lands of dispossession by the hands of the Assyrians conquerors and heading south of Jerusalem to Egypt, with the tribal remnants of Simeon and Gad through the gateway into the heartland of the South Continent of Africa?
This still does not answer the questions about the legendary identity of Hu Gadaru Hysicion coming to Britain during the years around 1800 BCE. It is easy to suggest that the ancients did not know their dating systems well and that a little over 215 years later, around the year of 1585 BCE, the plagues fell down over Egypt and precipitated the Great Exodus. Yet, is their still another Hu Gardarn even more ancient that could have led a group of the Tribe of Ephraim and escaped from bondage, left out of Egypt and headed to Britain? But why did they head to the Isle of Britannia on the other side of the visible “then known world?”
Hu Gadaru Hysicion as the Guardian of the Spiritual Life Culture of the Patriarch Seth
It was R.W. Morgan in the book titled, “St. Paul in Britain” who identified Hu Gadaru as associated with the Biblical Seth, the Melchizedek. The Patriarch Abram paid a tithe of the booty recovered from his defeat of the five kings from the East who raided Sodom and captured his nephew, Lot and his family. Yet Morgan added a new dimension. According to him, Hu Gadaru, took “Druidism”, the spiritual life system of the Patriarch Seth and his father, the Patriarch Noah, and established primitive Druidism as a worship of the Almighty Creator in the Isles of the far west in its most primitive and spiritual form. As Morgan wrote:
R.W. Morgan – “Druidism was founded by Gwyddon Ganhebon, supposed to be the Seth of the Mosaic genealogy, in Asia, in the year when the equinox occurred in the first point of Taurus, or the constellation of the Bull…When the Druidic system was founded, the equinox on the 1st of May, occurred in the first point of Taurus, which first point is now, on the 1st of May, 80 degrees from this solstitial point. It requires 72 years to recede one degree. Eighty degrees multiplied by 72 gives 5,760, the exact date when Druidism commenced, i.e., 3,903 years before the Christian era, 181 years after the creation of man, and 50 years after the birth of Seth.
The astral bull of milk-white hue, its horns crowned with golden stars, became the symbol, or visible sacrament, of Druidism. In process of time the symbol, as usual, superseded in the East the thing signified, and Druidism became a tauric religion which gave the Crimea the appellation of the Tauric Chersonese.
Extending thence, this corruption became the religion of Mithras in Persia, of Baal in Syria, of Brahma in India, of Astarte or the Dea Syria in Syria, of Apis in Egypt, and in later ages, transferred from Egypt, of the two “Apis” (or calves as they are rendered in our version of the Scriptures) of the kingdom of Israel.
In all these religions the bull, or Taurus, was the sacred animal, and the symbol was preserved free, as far as we can judge, from idolatry by the Gomeridae of Britain. The bull was the sign and represented the great Druidic isle, and the name still, in common parlance, continued to indicate a Briton of Britain as distinguished from the rest of the world.” (R.W. Morgan, “St. Paul in Britain”, reprint from 1869 edition, pg. 12-13)
According to Morgan, Hu Gadaru, the Mighty, was a contemporary of Abraham, during the patriarchal era. in which the Patriarch Shem, the son of Noah, lived so long that he lived to see, visit, and counsel Abraham’s grandson, Jacob (Israel), the 12th generation from their primal Patriarch, Noah. It was Hu the Mighty who took the spiritual life system of Druidism and transported it from the Middle East all the way to the Isles of Britannia. Druidism in Britain was perpetuated by its successors; Plannydd, Goron, Alawn, and Rhivon. It was instituted as both an ecclesiastical as well as a civil governance and the constitution of the island. (R.W. Morgan, “St. Paul in Britain”, reprint from 1869 edition, pg. 13)
The spiritual life system of the Patriarch Seth spread around the entire world. The traces of Druidism and the animal symbol of the bull and its eventual corruption were revealed in the Menw-tarw or Menw-bull found on Crete with the Minotaur in the Temple of the Labyrinth, the worship of the Bull in Baal of Phoenicia, the dual Golden Calves of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, the Golden Calf at Sinai, the sacred bull in Brahmanism, plus the Apis bulls at the Seraphim at Memphis Egypt. Yet to some scholars, corruption filtered into the spiritual life system of Shem, yet the purist remnant was found in Cymric Druidic Britain.
Is it not significance that Hu Gadaru, whose standard was the “Ox” could have been a tribal leader of the Tribe of Ephraim. Is it of any wonder that the land of Britain that lays to the west of Jerusalem is where Hu Gadaru took his Cymric exiles? Today, the Great Britain on the Isle of Britannia is noted as the land that is most identified with the identity of the Tribe of Ephraim. It was the famous English antiquarian, Isabel Hill Elder who in researching about the Druids of the Isles of the West wrote these words:
Isabel Hill Elder – “The truth about the Druids, to be found amongst fragments of literature and in folk-memory, is that they were men of culture, well-educated, equitable and impartial in the administration of justice. These ancient leaders of thought and instruction in our islands had lofty beliefs as to the character of the one God, Creator, and Preserver, and of man’s high origin and destiny. There is reason to believe that this doctrine included the need of atonement for sin (Yom Kippur) and the resurrection of the body…
It was the Druidic religious way of life that gave ancient Britain certain qualities not seen in any other place upon this earth. Their reverence for the Divine One was supreme, their abstinence from evil was meritorious and their ability to behave valiantly gained the admiration, envy and fear of every nation upon this planet, including Rome. Justice and patriotism were on the same page of their lives, because their lofty codes of moral behavior created and influenced in a profound way their national character. This character was inscribed in the motto of the Druids, “The Truth against the World”. Yet, the scholars bemoan that the history of the Druids was too scarce and obscure due to the paucity of literary manuscripts that proved the “wisdom of the teachers and the docility of the people.” (Isabel Hill Elder, “Celt, Druid, and Culdee” pg. 51- 52)
The Celt and the Cymric as written about in the Destination Yisrael article titled, “The Jewish Nazarene Culdee Ecclesia and the British Cymric Druids” were some of the earliest Israelites that settled in the Welsh region of the Isle of Britannia. There is no doubt that their educational system was the most advanced and far-reaching academic university system in the world. It was where the academic elite sent the crème of the Roman children to be educated for up to twenty years. With the understanding that the Druidic academic system was a Hebrew based scholastic system of education, we can begin to understand why. As written:
Destination Yisrael – “It was Adam Rutherford, in his 1934 book, published in London called “Anglo-Saxon Israel, or Israel-Britain”, he documented succinctly the fact that the first colonization of Britain came from people who wrote and spoke Hebrew. Scattered across the landscape of this ancient isle, Hebrew inscriptions have been found, both in England and Ireland. Rutherford, citing the studies by Jacob Tomlin, titled, “A comparative Vocabulary of Forty-Eight Languages, comprising One Hundred and Forty-Six Common English Words, with the Cognates in other Languages showing their Affinities with the English and Hebrew” demonstrated that early Cymric literature written in Britain was largely a modified version of ancient Hebrew. Even in our modern times, a traveling Jew, arriving in England and Ireland can communicate with a certain ease to native Brits who still speak the ancient Cymric language. As cited on the website called, “The Origins of our Western Heritage Category”, in the article titled, “The Westward Movement), we quote:
Origins of our Western Heritage Category – “The Welsh language, even today, closely resembles Hebrew. According to Rutherford, it is difficult to adduce a single article or form of construction in Hebrew grammar, but that the same can be found in Welsh. Many whole sentences of the two languages have exactly the same words. Rutherford notes that Dr. Davies, the author of a Welsh grammar book, says almost every page of the Welsh translation of the Bible is replete with Hebraisms in the time, sense, and spirit of the original. The Welsh is so close to Hebrew that the same syntax might serve both (Rutherford, 40). Historians place the arrival of the Hebrews in Ireland prior to the Exodus (ibid, 32-33, fn, cited on Origins of our Western Heritage Category, article, The Westward Movement)."
We then have to ask, were the early Cymric tribes with their ancient Israelite Druidic religion, albeit corrupted from their Hebrew Sinai Torah roots, actually a remnant of the pre-Sinai ancient Israelites? Or, did the Druidic roots come from greater antiquity, when they knew the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but were clueless of the revelations of G-d as the Torah from the mount called Sinai? Were not the Jewish people destined to be the “remnant” of the greater Hebrew national movement who destinies were tied to the Torah revelation at Sinai?
Was it possible that the Welsh Cymric peoples were actually a “remnant” of the ancient tribes of Jacob who fled early before the Great Exodus? This was during the final end of the Egyptian slavery and oppression of the Hebrews as the Egyptian Imperial Pharaonic rule was weakening and crumbling from the vast destruction that was destroying the entire agrarian culture and imperial rule of the Egyptian pharaoh?
Were the Druids rather a remnant of the apostate priests that stayed with the Golden Calf religion of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, while amalgamating the Phoenician Baal worship imported by the Phoenician princess, Queen Jezebel during the rule of King Ahab in the Northern Kingdom of Israel. This was during the days of the Prophet Elijah and later they were sent into exile by the Assyrians for their corruption and rebellion against the Davidian rulers, the Temple of Solomon priestly worship and with their arrogance that said to the G-d of Israel; “We know best"!
Yet, the G-d of Israel already was instituting a spiritual reclamation program to eventually bring the Israelites back home to their Hebrew Torah roots. Yet, it would take over two thousand seven hundred years into their future to reach their spiritual elevation so that the Divine One of Israel could bring the final redemption of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel home, to participate as one family with the Jews in the “World to Come?” According to Isabel Hill Elder:
Isabel Hill Elder – “The primitive mind of the Brit was in the worship of the L-rd of hosts, who was the Creator of the Greater of the Great Lights, the Sun and the Moon. They used these two solar bodies, not as forms of worship but with the realization that through nature we learn about the G-d of Creation. Viewing the universe in the heavens was a source of spiritual inspiration from the Divine. There in the crisp day and nights, the sun and the moon were their reflection and inspiration. To view the starry heavens was to them the voice of the Almighty One. Like their ancestral forefathers whom they had lost contact, they knew not even their ancestral identity, even though each one of them knew their ancestral genealogies for nine generations.
They used the movements of the heavenly bodies to fix the order of their festivals and set the dates for their agricultural yearly calendar. It was Strabo who in his observation saw that the worship of the Supreme Being was exalted amongst the British nation. (Isabel Hill Elder, “Celt, Druid, and Culdee” pg. 61)
There are no historical traditions of any other peoples that carry such the volume of legends and legacies that can we matched out with hard archeological facts on the ground, that have been preserved over the centuries except about the role of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel. It was they who wandered across the nations from Pakistan and India over and under the Black Sea until they wandered into the dense and virgin forests of central and northern Europe called Gaul. It was a swathe of land that was virtually unpopulated and ready, prepared by the hand of G-d for the final settling place of the Lost Ten Tribes.
According to the prophets, they would continue to live there until the era of man was over. Then they would reclaimed by G-d as His own, redeemed and restored by the spirit of HaShem with an elevated state of consciousness. This time in their restored state, Israel the “Battle Axe” will become one in alliance with the Jews as a coalition of nations seek to assalt the State of Israel in what will be the final GogUMogog war. This time they will seek to take possession of Jerusalem, G-d’s “Solar Rex” capital of our sun’s solar system for the dark forces of HaSatan.
Yet the evidence is still incomplete for larger and more powerful tribal migrations were still in the making, preparing the Northern Europe to become the new home of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel. At the same time, the G-d of Israel was also making preparations for the restoration of the future Ashkenazi Jews in Europe whose “mothers of Judah” and families and children were slaughtered en mass by the Roman legions during the destruction of Jerusalem and the Holy Temple of King Herod in the decades after 70 CE and the later Bar Kokhba revolt. The last of the Jewish freedom fighting patriots went to their death by suicide rather than surrender in the “Last Stand” while sheltered in King Herod’s Palace at Masada overlooking the Dead Sea.
Even though, everything looked hopeless, it was the Prophet Jeremiah who gave them the words of hope, for the final redemption of Judah would also be the final redemption of the Lost House of Israel.
Jeremiah 3:14-18 – “Return, faithless people," declares HaShem, "for I am your Husband. I will choose you—one from a town and two from a clan—and bring you to Zion. Then I will give you shepherds after My own Heart, who will lead you with knowledge and understanding.
In those days, when your numbers have increased greatly in the land," declares HaShem, "men will no longer say, 'The Ark of the Covenant of HaShem.' It will never enter their minds or be remembered; it will not be missed, nor will another one be made. At that time they will call Jerusalem The Throne of HaShem, and all nations will gather in Jerusalem to honor the name of HaShem.
No longer will they follow the stubbornness of their evil hearts. In those days the House of Judah will join the House of Israel, and together they will come from a northern land to the land I gave your forefathers as an inheritance…"
Destination Yisrael invites you to Read the Series:
“Modern Ashkenazi Jew’s ancestral Matriarchs were not Jews”
The G-d of Israel claimed that there are only two groups of people who will be restored back into covenant with Him, the Jews of the House of Israel and the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel. Both families, the Jews and the Israelites were scattered across the face of the earth and would become HaShem emissaries incognito sent to elevate the 70 nations of the world, so that even Righteous Gentiles would become part of the covenant. Even those children of Ishmael will be assimilated into the Jewish culture when deep in their hearts they are “safe to save” and willing to live in peace with their brothers, the descendants of Abraham. Only the G-d of Israel knows who they are.
We are quickly polarizing a world in which there will be only two choices; we are either for the Hebrew Israelites; both now part of the Jews of the house of Judah and the Lost Israelites of the House of Israel or we will be against them. This comes to one sobering conclusion, if you are a descendant of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel and you still despise your brothers, the Jews, you will be left cohabitating with peoples who will have a genetic hatred to you even though you think you want to be a part of them.
So today, the G-d of Israel is whistling for you to come back home to the brotherhood of Klal Yisra’el (All Israel). To learn more about this redemptive process, you are Welcome to Contact “Kol Ha Tor”, the Voice of the Turtledove.Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Vision to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This super Event of all Times will entail establishing in the region of Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness into a new homeland for the Return of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel when All Israel will finally be redeemed.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria, that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel.
According to the London
Sunday Times, the ballistic arsenal in Syria under the top command of Syrian
dictator Bashar Assad have been aimed at Greater Tel Aviv arena if Jerusalem
gives the order by Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu for any more aerial
strikes inside the borders of Syria. This
came in response to two separate attacks in three days that was formulated by
the anti-Assad Quartet; United States, Israel plus the two Sunni powers of
Turkey and Qatar.
In a military strategy
seeking to break the radical Shiite radical block of Tehran, Damascus and
Beirut, the first bullets appear to have been fired that many claim will become
World War III or the GogUMogog War. This scenario is what western military strategists
think how it might be interpreted by the Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah
Khamenei, Syrian President Bashar Assad, and Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah.
At that moment of time, they were carefully calculating their next strategy.
In January, the Jamraya
military research center north of Damascus was hit by what was believed to be
an Israeli strike against a convoy of weapons of mass destruction heading to
Lebanon. According to AFP through an unnamed Israeli official, four months
later on May 5, two separate strikes in three days occurred that included
destroying Iranian F-110 weapons that were heading from Damascus to Lebanon for
the Hizballah Shi-ite militia there.
While the population of
Damascus was awakening with fear with the roaring of airplanes overhead, the
Jamraya military research center north of Damascus was hit a second time. This
was no longer just a surgical strike for according to Russia Today, the Israeli
rocket struck again the facility caused heavy Syrian casualties that included
upwards to 300 of the Syrian elite forces plus chemical weapons researchers at
the Syrian Army’s 501st unit. The region was immediately cordoned
off against any non-official entry. According to local reports by residents,
they described the blast as shaking the ground like an earthquake which later
was calculated to be a magnitude 4 Earthquake. These strikes immediately made
the Syrian Damascus government and military “serious loss of face.” As
DEBKAfiles reported:
– “If this military strike is confirmed, then the unit which operates the
chemical weapon facility at the Barzeh district north of Damascus at the foot
of Mt. Qassioun was hit.”
Here is the heart and soul
of the Assad Alawite dictatorship that rules by fear and has claimed over 90,000
Syrian lives in a civil war that has failed to redeem them from the Assad
government; the purported chemical weapons of mass destruction have been
confirmed by multiple different sources, but have failed to convince the reluctant
White House’s Oval Office that its confirmations are true. In the meantime, Iran’s
Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast stated that Israel’s “acts of
aggression against Syria will not go unanswered and Tel Aviv will receive a
crushing response.
Quickly after the attack,
the Israeli Defense Forces calculated that Syria would be too busy to quickly
open it own attack against Israel, the northern borders of Israel near Galilee
including the huge port city of Haifa and nearby Safed were protected by additional
Iron Dome anti-missile batteries. These were expected to be the highest of risk
to be attacked by Hizballah rockets and the Palestinian terrorist proxies of
Assad. The northern Israeli airspace was shut down to civilian traffic, and all
local civilian authorities were advised to go on standby.
Immediately the spectrum of
all-out war ricocheted across the entire region. Syrian and Iranian official
such as Deputy Information minister His Al-Yiftah said, “A new foreign element
has entered the Syrian conflict overnight and this would cause war” without
expressing whom with.
The Iranian foreign
ministry official condemned what he reported as “Israeli aggression on Syria”
and then accused Israel of fomenting instability and ethnic discord in the
region. Syria’s Deputy Foreign Faisal Mekdad stated that the Israeli strike was
a “declaration of war” by Israel while Russian and Iranian media were
predicting that Middle East hostility would erupt region-wide within hours and
rumors were cascading over the region that Syrian President Bashar Assad was
preparing to declare war against Israel.
With Iran fomenting a path
of war for Syria, Hizballah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah quickly embraced raising
the “Islamic black flags” of war. Nearby, Anmed Jibril, the radical Palestinian
leader, now heading the Assad-satellite Popular Front-General Command, was
eagerly offering the services of his commandos.
According to DEBKAfiles,
Russian President Vladimir Putin hosted Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu at the
presidential compound in Sochi north of the Black Sea on May 14, where the
Israeli Prime Minister pushed hard to convince Russia not to enter into the
potential and impending war with the delivery of the advanced S-300 anti-air
missiles that Russia was promising to supply to Syria. Flanked by Military
Intelligence chief Maj. Gen. Aviv Kochavi, the impelling message from Netanyahu
fell on “deaf ears” to both Putin and his Russian foreign intelligence chief,
SVR Director Mikhail Fradkov.
Both of the Russian leaders
were “infuriated” when at the same time the news was leaked that the USS
Kearsarge bringing 1,800 marines plus a platoon of 20 V-22 Osprey helicopters was
docking at the Israeli Red Sea port of Eilat. This was exactly as US Defense
Secretary Chuck Hagel had promised and was already engaged in delivering during
his earlier visit in April.
Putin quickly saw this as
an “act of bad faith” from the White House, with the arrival of the Kearsage’s
force in the Gulf of Aqaba only two hours away from the Israel-Syrian border.
Bitterly complaining to Netanyahu, he stated, “they (America) want us to cooperate
for an international conference to end the bloodshed in Syria, while on the
other, they deploy military forces.”
In the dueling between Netanyahu and Putin, the Israeli
prime minister warned that Israel would continue to strike weapons of mass
destruction destined from Syria to Hizballah in Lebanon and if retaliated by
Assad, the Israeli forces would intensify their bombardments of Syrian target
until “Assad was left to fight off rebel assaults empty-handed.” As reported by
DEBKAfiles – “Neither Putin nor
Netanyahu put all their cards on the table, but the conversation ended with the
Russian leader fully confident that his capabilities for safeguarding Assad
were greater than Israel's ability to destroy him. In the end, Netanyahu and
his party arrived home Tuesday evening with a bad feeling. They were
certain that Moscow had given Assad the green light to go through with his
threat to make the Syrian Golan and the Horan of southern Syria “a front for
resistance” – i.e. the platforms for embarking on a war of attrition against
northern Israel with the help of a flow of advanced weapons to Hizballah.”
Only 24 hours after returning back to Jerusalem from Sochi,
Anmed Jibril’s Popular
Front-General Command began firing mortar fire upon the Israeli Mt. Hermon ski
site from its military positions in Syria. This was confirmed by Israeli
intelligence to have been a deliberate attack and a direct response from the
failed encounter between Putin and Netanyahu to quell the Syrian-Iranian
fomenting of regional war against Israel.
Netanyahu quickly reacted
to the deteriorating relations between Syria and Israel with the warning that
Assad would be “removed from power.”
This was counted from a different venue when a “senior Israeli official”
contacted The New York Times with a more detailed and potent warning:
– “If
Syrian President Assad reacts by attacking Israel, or tries to strike Israel
through his terrorist proxies, he will risk forfeiting his regime, for Israel
will retaliate.”
Quickly military arms
became the potent form of communication by Syria to Israel. Later on May
16, the Palestinian group called “Martyrs of the
Abdel Qader al-Husseini Brigades” aimed their rockets at the Israeli military
observation post on the Golan Heights and later boasted they were firing in
honor of Nakbah Day, with a Damascus based message, “We are not celebrating but
avenging the blood of our martyrs.” Clearly the Arab Ishmaelites are
envisioning a continuation of the 1948 war when the newly-born babe called the
Nation of Israel found herself surrounded by enemies from five Islamic
countries while Assad was choosing to fight Israel by her Assad proxies rather
than confront Israel face-to-face.
Washington in the meantime was stalling but expected
by the end of May to follow up on the Israeli aerial operations in Syria. With
the marines landing in Eilat earlier than expected in early June, the time
table appeared to escalating. At the time, the military operations by commando
forces on the ground with rebel forces being supplied by US arms assisting them
to demolish Syrian air force bases and missile sites continued to be
enforced. Yet, according to military
strategists, the United States Air Force will eventually have to strike from
Turkey, Europe and Israel. At least this was the plan as envisioned by
President Barak Obama, the same military strategy he used to overthrow Muammar
Qaddafi in Libya two years ago.
Israel was concerned that Moscow would decided
to send the six S-300 batteries carrying 144 missiles. Not only that Netanyahu
was concerning that with the arrival of the missiles, would come Russian missile
and air defense specialists who would remain on site and be harmed any
collateral strike against the S-300 anti-missile batteries. They would also be
available for operating the anti-missile batteries that could be effective in downing
Israeli Air Force jets striking targets in Syria and Lebanon. Netanyahu was
trying to warn Putin for he did not want any Russians to be injured or killed
during potential attack against the S-300 batteries. Putin appeared not
concerned for he was deliberately placing a severe constraint on Israel’s moral
attitude towards war which Russia does not necessarily share. He knew that he
would be limiting Israel’s operational freedom by spreading an anti-air missile
cover over the Syrian, Hizballah forces and with the Iranian Basij forces
fighting for Bashar Assad.
The Russian S-300 was designed to be capable of shooting
down planes and missiles within a 200-km (100 m.) range, so it could also be a
strategic offensive threat to Israel. Yet, it may be a threat also to any intervention
by the United States Air Forces that may be considering sorties from Turkey in
the near future. Even more alarming,
Putin pointedly told Netanyahu that he was not sending the S-300 system but had
already sent the missiles and the Russian officers supervising the S-300
missile operation to Syria, and they were already operational at that time.
Russian diplomats earlier had leaked to the
London based Arab press, Al-Quds Al-Arabi, that the S-300 missile systems have
already arrived in Syria and were in the midst of being deployed all over the
Syria. The implication of this threat
was that Russia was no longer in control of using the weapons. The Israelis
would have to look to the Syrians to blame.
Yet, this news came with another inconvenient
truth. There had not been any discussions by Putin with America, Britain or
Israel concerning the “ground rules” for Israeli bombers to refrain from
destroying the anti-missile launchers, killing the Russian technicians and
supervisors, or for Russians for avoid hitting Israeli Air Force jets. The
“rules of war” were now changing and the fallout could lead to a war not
between the Middle Eastern powers but the larger Quartet of global military
powers including America, Europe, Russia and China.
It appeared that Netanyahu visit was “too
little, too late” and appeared that his trip to Sochi was a waste of time. Moscow had already delivered the 200
launchers (probably missiles, and the Syrian missiles teams were already
prepared to use them. Putin message indirectly to Netanyahu was, go home and
have another session with the Obama administration. It was time to accept Assad
as part of the Middle East landscape and come to terms and “accept a more
realistic stand on Syria and Assad.”
At the same time that Putin
was talking to Netanyahu, the Times of Israel reported that
Putin had already ordered the dispatch of a fleet of five Russian warships that
were entering the Mediterranean Sea to bolster the Russian’s regional task
force at the Russian port in Tartus in Syria in the next two days for these five
ships set dock on Thursday, May 17, at Limassol, Cyprus.
During the Cold War, the Russians maintained a
squadron of 30-50 ships in the region between the years of 1967 to 1992. The Russian task force consisted of an
anti-submarine ship, a frigate, and rescue tugs. Joining this task force was a
Russian destroyer, amphibious warfare ships for launching troops onshore from
the ships, and a tanker. In the future, nuclear powered submarines could be a
part of this Mediterranean task force whose command and control center was
still based in Novorossiysk, Russia or in Sevastopol, Ukraine.
Washington in the meanwhile was expected to
follow up on the Israeli operation in Syria by the end of May, early June, with
operations ranging from US arms supplies to the Syrian rebels to demolishing
Syria’s air force facilities and missile sites by US air strikes from Turkey,
Europe and Israel. Barak Obama used this tactic to overthrow Muammar Qaddafi in
Libya two years ago.
The war of attrition is gradually changing
courses, with Assad against given the ascending hand. The waging of war was
waxing and waning between the pro-Assad and the anti-Assad forces, yet as DEBKAfiles military sources
recently opined, it was noted that the “Syrian rebels were being systematically
being ground down and falling apart under the crushing weight of the Syrian
army back by Iranian and Hizbullah troops and Moscow, feeding the rebels may no
longer avail.”
Obama has periodically offered for Russia to
join up with America to end the Syrian war.
This American president would also be the first that was not adverse to
even collaborating with Russia to allow Russia to land military forces in Syria
to enforce the termination of hostilities, even it was directly adverse to the
safety and future of the State of Israel.
Yet, Putin, at the last moment, added another
game changer by ordering the Russian military to provide Bashar Assad’s
regime with anti-ship missiles, which according to the New York Times was Russia’s
advanced version of the Yakhont anti-ship cruise missile. America responded
vehemently when both Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
along with Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel criticized and urged Russia to
reconsider his war games for it would fuel a regional war.
The Obama administration
denounced Russia on Friday for providing Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime
with anti-ship missiles, saying the weapons would only worsen a war that
Washington and Moscow have been promising to work together on stopping.
Gen. Martin Dempsey,
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, criticized what he called an
"unfortunate decision that will embolden the regime and prolong the
suffering." He spoke at a news conference after the New York Times reported
that Russia recently delivered an advanced version of Yakhont anti-ship cruise
missiles to Syria. As Fox News reported in the article, title, “Russia slammed by
US for sending anti-ship missiles to Syria”, we read:
Fox News – “For the Obama administration, the anti-ship
missiles are the second such worrying report in as many weeks at a time when
Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov say
they are coordinating closely to try to get Syria's government and rebels into
the start of a peace negotiation. They are hoping the talks begin next month in
Geneva. Almost immediately after last week's announcement by Kerry and Lavrov
of a new peace push, Israeli officials warned that Moscow was preparing to
give Assad state-of-the-art ground-to-air missile systems in the coming
Both sets of missiles would only add to the administration's
reservations as it evaluates a range of options, including military ones, to
break the stalemate in Syria's civil war and respond to evidence that Assad's
forces used small amounts of chemical weapons in two attacks in March. Obama
previously declared chemical weapons use his "red line" for a more
forceful American intervention, though Kerry and other U.S. officials have
since suggested that no such step would be taken while the new peace push still
has hope.
The cruise missiles and the new surface-to-air
batteries would significantly upgrade the Assad regime's capacity to target
manned planes, drones and incoming missiles after its systems were easily
circumvented in 2007 when Israeli jets bombed a suspected nuclear reactor site
along the Euphrates River in northeastern Syria. Apparently successful Israeli
strikes in recent weeks on weapons convoys to Hezbollah show the Syrian
defenses are still far from impregnable, but the new weaponry would make it
harder for United States to consider enforcing a no-fly zone in the country or
otherwise intervening militarily.
Dempsey also warned specifically about the surface-to-air
missiles, saying they provide Syria with defenses at higher altitude and longer
range, and with better tracking capability. "It pushes the standoff
distance a little more, increases risk, but not impossible to overcome,"
he told reporters. "What I really worry about is that Assad will decide
that since he's got these systems, he's somehow safer and more prone to a
According to The Telegraph
in their recent article, titled, “Al-Qaedas-Syrian-wing-takes-over-the-oilfields-once-belonging-to-Assad”, we have to admit that we do not know the true reality
of how the “wars and rumors of wars” will end in this region that is erupting
into a full scale war. If we thought the anti-Assad rebels were down and out,
we also have to know that they now control the region near the city of Raqqa
and the desert regions to the east, where once 380,000 barrels of crude oil
were produced in the wells of that region are now in the hand of the strongest
Al-Qaeda off-shoot of the region, called the Jabhat al-Nusra, a violent
anti-Western jihadist group that now feeds its own economy in the region by
selling low-grade crude oil to local entrepreneurs from home-made refineries.
Yet, the Jabhat al-Nusra
are also children of America’s war in Iraq, their homelands in the three
provinces closest to Iraq; Hasake, Deir-al-Zour, and Raqqa who share the same
religious ideology of the Sunni Islamic State of Iraq. Given all of these
circumstances, the come-back-kid of the region is Russia, who DEBKAfiles cited
that after a 21-year absence is now back in the fray armed to the teeth with a “cornucopia
of weapons” aiming to win new client for their fate and destiny at the end of
The biblical portrayal of
the Israeli and Jewish prophets depict a Russia that may either be one of the “two
great horns” on the mythical and apocalyptic beast in Daniel 8 called the
Persian Ram with two Great Horns. This portrayal depicts Russia and China as
the loser of the battle between Persia/Iran battling against
Greece/NATO-American military might in which the latter mythical Ram like
Unicorn Beast with One Great Horn meets each other in battle and the results:
8:5-7 - “I was contemplating [this] and behold! A he-goat (NATO-US) comes from the
west across the surface of the entire earth, but not touching the ground; and
the two-horned ram (Persia-Iran) that I had seen standing before the stream,
and ran at it with the fury of its might. I saw it reach the ram; it fought
bitterly with it, and smote the ram and broke its two horns (Russia and China).
The ram had no strength to stand before it; [the goat] threw it to the ground
and trampled it, and there was no one to rescue the ram from its hand.”
But then we have scores of
biblical scholars who have paraded their end time prophecies identifying Gog of
the Land of Magog as Russia, who will be drawn into the fracas of a major world
war by the G-d of Israel leading him (Russia) by clamps tied into his nose to
the final, “GogUMogog War.” If you don’t
believe that this is Russia, then you might want to consider that many of the
Jewish rabbinic interpretation allows “Gog of the Land of Magog” to be the United States, for America was first inhabited by the first colonizers
of the Magog Manchurians who could not descend down into the Hun dominated
region of Greater China because of the Great Wall of China, called the “Wall of
Magog”. So they headed east across the
Aleutian Straits and became the Navajo and Hopi American Indians who populated
North America from west to the Six Nations of Native Indians in the east. Then
they headed south to the land of the Aztecs, the Mayans, and earlier the Olmecs
in South America.
So will Obama be Gog of the Land of Magog whose last fate will be to lead a coalition of nations
into a war against Israel, but this time they are destroyed to their final fate
when Messiah of the G-d of Israel comes to protect His people and His “Holy
38:3-4, 8-9; 39:1-4 (parts) – “Son of
Man, direct your face towards Gog of the land of Magog…Thus said the
L-rd HaShem/Elohim: Behold, I am against you Gog, the prince…I will lead you
stray, and I will place hooks into your cheeks and bring you out with
your entire army, horses and riders, all of them clothed in splendor…You will
be repaid for [your sins] of ancient times; in the end of years you will
come to a land restored from the
sword, gathered from many nations, upon the mountains of Israel
that had lain desolate continuously, [to people] who had been brought
out from the nations. All of them dwelling in security. You will
attack; like a storm you will come; you will be like a cloud covering the
earth, you and all your cohorts and the many nations with you…
I am against you, Gog, the prince…I will lead you astray and seduce you;
I will cause you to ascend from the uttermost north and bring you upon the
mountains of Israel…you will fall upon the mountains of Israel, you and
all your cohorts and the peoples that are with you…”
But what about the Land of
Syria? What is their prophetic fate?
17:1-3 – “A prophecy concerning Damascus: Behold, Damascus will be negated
from being a city, and it will be a heap of rubble. Deserted will be
the cities of Aroer; they will be for flocks that will lie down with none to disturb them. The stronghold will
cease from Ephraim, and monarchy
from Aram; they will be like the glory of the Children of Israel – the word of Hashem,
Master of Legions.”
19:23 – “On that day there will be a road from
Egypt to Assyria (Syria); Assyrian will come into Egypt and Egyptian into Assyria, and Egypt will serve Hashem with Assyria. On that day Israel will be the third party with Egypt and with Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the land, for Hashem, Master of Legions will bless them
saying, ‘Blessed is My people, Egypt; and the work of My hands, Assyria; and My heritage, Israel.’”
In spite of the world
swirling in anger and rage around Israel, she and her people who have been “restored
from many nations” will still be there “resting in peace” while the rest of the
world crashes and craters around her. Let us consider that this “restoration
from many nations” includes both the Jews from the House of Judah and the Lost
Ten Tribes of Israel from the House of Israel.
If you have wondered the difference between the Biblical
concepts of Torah’s true “Culture of Life” as compared to a “Culture of Death”,
you might desire to learn of the
Biblical portrayals on what is and
may be happening in your near future.
This Biblical portrayal includes Prophecies that the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel are about to return to
the Land of their Biblical Inheritance.
This is Divine Destiny in living reality as the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel return to their Homelands first in Shomron (Samaria), Israel. If you want to learn more, Contact “Kol Ha Tor Vision”,
the Voice of the Turtledove.
Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to
bring awareness of the imminent
fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes
Re-conciled and Re-United). This super Event of all Times will entail
Establishing the Shomron (the
Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing
the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Vision and see how your life
fits in as the Lost Ten Tribes
of House of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and
Guest House in Samaria.
“In the fifth year
(2013, starting with Rosh Hashanah 2012), there will be plenty (of rain) and
people will eat, drink, and be joyous, and the Torah will return to those who
learned it.”
Now again OvadYah
Avrahami brings us the news of rain in the Land of Israel:
in Israel. Shomron - almost Shavuot and rain is predicted for Shavuot!
OvadYah Avrahami – “It
is Monday evening 15 May. There is thunder and lightning outside and refreshing
rain has been coming down over the last 20 minutes! This type of thunder storm,
which we are used to in South Africa in summer time, is seldom experienced even
in the winter rain season in Israel. The heavy daytime clouds over the
last week and intermittent cool summer weather reminds us of South African
summer weather which is totally different to Israel.
I checked with our Tour Guide who has lived in Shomron for the last 30 years.
"It is unusual." he comments, remarking that a friend, a weather man told
him that he does not recollect ever having had rains at Shavuot time.
A short but strong down pour came on Shabbat,, 3 days ago - while the sun was
shining plus intermittent heavy rain clouds. The weather is cool for this time
of the year - it should have been heavy summer heat already, and on Shabbat, I
had to dress warmer mid-day! Certainly strange to our knowledge!
I have commented on this change recently, posing the question whether perhaps
this may be "The year of Blessing" after Israel's new Gas line to its
abundant new gas fields was also connected right before Pesach (Passover
Now rain for Shavuot! Somewhere HaShem promises that His Blessings will be more
than we can receive – If?”
Rabbi Yochanan ben
Zaccai of Yavnah wrote the following prophecy just after the destruction of the
city of Jerusalem and the Holy Temple in 70 CE.
Sanhedrin 97a – “Rebi Yochanan ben Zaccai of Yavnah
said: In the generation that Ben Dovid will come, talmidei chachamim, the
“pupil of wisdom” known as the Torah sage or scholar, will decrease, and the
eyes of the remainder will protrude from sighing and sorrow; many chastisements
and many evil decrees will be renewed; one will not cease before another
Then we complete the Prophecy of
Rabbi Judah ben Zaccai of Yavneh of the last Seven Years before the coming of
the Messiah as we read these words:
In the first
year (2009 starting with Rosh Hashanah 2008), the following prophecy in Amos
4:7 will be fulfilled “I caused it to rain on one city, but, on another city, I
did not cause it to rain.
In the second
year (2010, starting with Rosh Hashanah 2009), there will be a “slight famine”
in which according to Rashi, “no place will be completely satisfied”.
In the third
year (2011 starting with Rosh Hashanah 2010), “famine will be great, and men,
women, children, pious people, and men of good deeds will die; Torah will be
forgotten by those who learned it.”
In the fourth
year (2012, starting with Rosh Hashanah 2011), “some will be satiated while
others are not.”
the fifth year (2013, starting with Rosh Hashanah 2012), there will be plenty
and people will eat, drink, and be joyous, and the Torah will return to those
who learned it.”
In the sixth
year (2014, starting with Rosh Hashanah 2013), there will be voices which
according to Rashi depict either the blowing of the shofars (war) or the
hints and voices about the coming of the messiah.
In the seventh
year (2015, starting with Rosh Hashanah 2014), there will be war (Gog-Magog or
All across the Land of Israel preceding the Festival of
Shavuot, the Jewish people began the preparation to celebrate the Festival of
Shavuot. This was the day when the G-d of Israel gave to the Children of Israel,
His Torah. This included the Lost Ten
Tribes of the House of Israel and the House of Judah. During that time the Children
of Israel had received a spiritual state of prophecy, with an elevated state of
consciousness where the revelation of the Holy and Divine One of Israel would
have been in the most receptive mode where they received the true revelation of
the Divine and the “Blueprint” of their true existence of reality; the spiritual
neshama soul that was created in the “Image of G-d.”
One of the promises was that someday in the future, Klal
Yisrael, all 12-tribes of the House of Jacob would see that “Land” that had
lain bare of foliage, unwanted by the Ishmaelites, and neglected as a “no-man’s
land” by all the nations of the world, would now witness this same land receiving
rain with great abundance. They would see this awe and premonitions, that they
were witnessing a Divine sign that the G-d of Israel was returning to be with
His chosen people.
What was unknown to them was that that, HaShem, the G-d of Israel
was beginning to unsheathe and uncloak His Divine Existence and reveal to His
Chosen People the revelation that He was their G-d and it was time for them to
become prepared to anticipate with blessings of joy as He unleashes His Divine
Power and Glory as He elevates their existence to a new State of Consciousness.
When the “showers of blessings” are now seen in literal
reality, it will also open up the dawn of new reality to the House of Judah
that their final Redemption must be fully grasped with the fullness it’s
manifestation. Yet, this will only come when the House of Judah and the House
of Israel lay down their suspicions about each other, and join together with
great joy and gladness at the reunion and reunification of the entire House of Jacob. This will be
the sign that Eliyahu the Prophet is arriving to “prepare the way of the L-rd”
as a new state of reality will open up with a new consciousness upon All Israel
(Klal Yisrael).
So as Shavuot is celebrated across the Land of Israel, the
Book of Ruth is also being read. Her life
was a story of redemption that even after an entire nation is cursed by the Divine
for ten generations, so also Ruth the Moabite, the 11th generation was
redeemed and restored as one of the Children of Israel. For her faith and honor
of her aliyah, she was blessed to become the ancestral grandmother of King
David and the Davidian Dynasty of kings from the lineage of Kings David and
This multi-generational “curse” was placed upon the Nation
of Moab whose beginnings began with the incestuous relationship between Lot,
the nephew of Abram and one of his daughters who was rescued by the angels from
the clutches of annihilation when the fiery bolides of sulphur destroyed Sodom
and Gomorrah and destroyed the entire beautiful Vale of Siddim. Ruth, now redeemed after 10 generations of
curses was restored back into the family of Children of Israel.
So today, the 2013 Festival of Shavuot (Pentecost) was
heralded with heavy showers that were accompanied with thunder and lightning in
various locales though the Land of Israel. The weather forecasters were
expecting a high likelihood of flooding in the desert regions of the Negev with
cool temperatures five-to-seven degrees lower in most regions of Israel. It was
also expected that this unseasonably cool season would continue in the days
after the festival season of Shavuot.
The traditional First Fruits ceremonies that was hosted over
a scattering of dozens of kibbutzim were either rained out or rescheduled for over
the weekend. Even so, a majority of the kibbutzim
still held their Shavuot ceremonies as over 200,000 Israelis participated in
the services. Kibbutz Snir in the region
of the panhandle in Northern Galilee were one of many who persisted and held
their ceremonies with the rain drenched skies.
While the Land of Israel was experiencing one of the wettest
winters in decades, 2012, the United States was recording the hottest year ever
record in America. In this same land,
the newly created United States was initially populated by the descendants of
the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel. Today, the descendants of those early Pilgrims
and Puritans that settled the land along the Eastern Seaboard of the United
States today have an unsettled mood in their hearts. The song that they have
sung for decades, “This land is your land, this land if my land,” is now being
sung “This Land is (Not) your Land, this Land is (Not) my land”. From all
prophetic speculations, the era of reunification between the Lost Ten Tribes of
the House of Israel and the Jewish people of the House of Judah was now
Called by many “Global Warming”
this warming trend documented in the United States goes back to the official
weather and temperature records that go back to 1895. The yearly average today
is based upon reports documented from more than 1,200 weather stations across
the 48 states on the continental United States. It also was documented by the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration that the year of 2012
experienced the second-most extreme weather in history after the hurricane
dominated year of 1998. Using a complex formula of records that included temperature records,
drought, downpours, and land-falling hurricanes, the national picture depicts that
a true weather change was being experienced in the land once called the “Land
of the Free and the Home of the Brave.”
What was documented in the United States was the fact
that the year of 2012 ranked second to 2011 as having the highest number of
high-damage events to occur. This included eleven different $1billion disasters
led by the Superstorm Sandy and the multi-year long drought across the whole
continent of North America, the worst since the 1950s era of drought and only
slightly behind the Dust Bowl drought and Great Depression of the 1930s.
Blamed upon La Nina and what was erroneously called
“Global Warming”, the true reality appears that it is the hand of G-d’s
judgment that may soon be placed upon this nation’s population of the former immigrants
from the Tribe of Ephraim of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel. But, it also includes those indigenous peoples
of the Hopi and the Navahos in the Western United States and the Confederation
of the Six “First Nations in America” who were from the Tribe of Manasseh, in
the eastern part of the continent who are both descendants from the House of
There in the land populated by the descendants of the
Tribe of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh, we are seeing the most weather extremes
in the past 108 years. Over the last century alone, the temperature trends have
gone upwards to 1.3 degrees according to NOAA. The only year in the 20th
century that was cooler than 2012 was the year of 1997. The last record cold
month of December was 1983. What was even more stunning which the scientists
are calling incredulous, is the evidence of how far above other past “hot
years” the year of 2012 became. In the 117 years of national temperature record
documentation, all previous records were clustered between the temperature degrees
of 51 to 54 degree Fahrenheit, yet 2012 soared well above 55 degrees; a full
degree above the prior record set in 1998.
With this fact in mind, we wonder, will the rabbanim in
2013 proclaim with great joy, as the Prophet Zechariah prophesied over 2,300
years ago, and declare that in 2013 it is now time to “Replace your Feasts of Fasting
with Feasts of Joy and Thanksgiving”, when He asked the Prophet Zechariah to be
His mouthpiece as he penned the following verses in the ancient
Book of Zechariah.
All of have wondered
how the G-d of Israel will bring all the prophetic events to their fulfillment
at the time of the end. Watching the “Finger of the Divine” stirring up nations
of the world is far more fascinating than watching a movie drama. The end
results will be that all nations will pool all their economic resources at the
“gates of Israel” and be prepared to once again to evoke the “Final Solution”
this time amongst the remnant of the Jewish peoples that include all the Jews
of the Diaspora that have fled to Israel as a land of safety before their lives
will be thrust into “the world to come”.
And during this same time, the G-d of
Israel is wooing each one of you, the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel,
to return and be restored back into brotherhood with the Jews of the House of
Judah so that He will send His Messiah to clean house of all the wickedness and
corruption on Planet Earth.
If you want to learn
more divinely led prophecies, we invite you to Contact “Kol
Ha Tor Vision”,
the Voice of the Turtledove.Here you will discover is a joint Orthodox Jewish and
10-Triber Vision to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical
Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and
Re-United). This super Event of all Times will bring the restoration and the
Shomron Region, the Ancient Biblical Heartland of the Patriarchs plus the
Judean Wilderness as part of the entire Land of Israel. There we will witness
the Divine as the “Land” will be restored and prepared for the Return of the
Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about
Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a
Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria, that hosts Shomron (Samaria)
Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel.
If we think
that the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI was because of any of the scandals
that have been brewing over the past decades, we fail to comprehend the
immensity of the influence of the Vatican around the world. Even so, out of the
European Union’s investigations in money laundering and corruption, the banks
of Europe were hunkered down trying to create a unified banking system for a
New European Union. In the midst of these changes, there eventually came for charges
of corruption against the Vatican and the Vatican Bank, the private bank of the
In order to
stem the further charges coming from the European Union against Vatican, there
was released a year ago the rumor that on the birthday of Pope Benedict XVI in April
2012, he would be resigning. Along with this tantalizing scent of news, it was
also revealed that there had been a plot to kill Pope Benedict, but the trail
quickly became cold.
Yet suddenly now, Pope Benedict XVI sent
his resignation within six days after a subpoena was served against him that
put himself and the Papacy under the cloud of international allegations and
suspicions. It came as a formal
announcement by State Central Office of
The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS
Central) in Brussels that stated that a “certain European government”
was prepared to issue a warrant for the arrest against Ratzinger for “Crimes
against Humanity”. They included the official charges of being responsible for “Ordering
a Criminal Conspiracy” in trying to prevent and hide the investigation of the
child trafficking, torturing and genocide against 50,000 aboriginal Indian
children in Western Canada.
It was the intent of the arrest warrant
that certain public officials within the Vatican, plus another world government
were all responsible for genocide against a native indigenous population and
included the facts that a public lien would be placed against the property of
the Vatican and all its assets by Easter, 2013. As stated in the official announcement made by
“The Second Session
of the International Common Law Court of Justice”, we read:
“On Friday, February 1, 2013, on the basis of evidence
supplied by our affiliated Common Law Court of Justice (, our Office
concluded an agreement with representatives of a European nation and its courts
to secure an arrest warrant against Joseph Ratzinger, aka Pope Benedict, for
crimes against humanity and ordering a criminal conspiracy.
This arrest warrant was to be delivered to the office
of the "Holy See" in Rome on Friday, February 15, 2013. It allowed
the nation in question to detain Ratzinger as a suspect in a crime if he
entered its sovereign territory.
A diplomatic note was issued by the said nation's
government to the Vatican's Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, on
Monday, February 4, 2013, informing Bertone of the impending arrest warrant and
inviting his office to comply. No reply to this note was received from Cardinal
Bertone or his office; but six days later, Pope Benedict resigned.
The agreement between our Tribunal and the said nation
included a second provision to issue a commercial lien through that nation's
courts against the property and wealth of the Roman Catholic Church commencing
on Easter Sunday, March 31, 2013. This lien was to be accompanied by a public
and global "Easter Reclamation Campaign" whereby Catholic Church
property was to be occupied and claimed by citizens as public assets forfeited
under international law and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal
It is the decision of our Tribunal and the said
nation's government to proceed with the arrest of Joseph Ratzinger upon his
vacating the office of the Roman Pontiff on a charge of crimes against humanity
and criminal conspiracy.
It is our further decision to proceed as well with the
indictment and arrest of Joseph Ratzinger's successor as Pope on the same
charges; and to enforce the commercial lien and "Easter Reclamation Campaign"
against the Roman Catholic Church, as planned.
In closing, our Tribunal acknowledges that Pope
Benedict's complicity in criminal activities of the Vatican Bank (IOR) was
compelling his eventual dismissal by the highest officials of the Vatican."
As the statement continued, the Secretary
of State Tarcisio Bertone immediately forced the immediate resignation of Joseph
Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) in response to the diplomatic message that was
sent to the Vatican of the impending arrest warrant that was being filed by a
“certain country” and would be issued to the Vatican on February 4, 2013. The
final statement by The International
Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) was quickly covered up by the international press, yet
here is what they wrote:
The International
Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State – “We call upon all citizens and governments to assist
our efforts to legally and directly disestablish the Vatican, Inc. and arrest
its chief officers and clergy who are complicit in crimes against humanity and
the ongoing criminal conspiracy to aid and protect child torture and
trafficking. Further bulletins on the events of the Easter Reclamation Campaign
will be issued by our Office this week.” (Issued 13 February, 2013, 12:00 am
GMT, by the Brussels Central Office ITCCS)
This arrest warrant
was only a tip of the iceberg for on January 30, 2013, the Global Media Release and Advisory from The International
Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS Central) whose international
offices are located in Brussels, Belgium made this international declaration by
the ICLCJ Prosecutor:
Media Release and Advisory – “A final and lasting justice is
owed to the dead and the living victims of the world's least-known and
never-prosecuted Genocide.”
This statement quickly highlighted of the astounding case now
set against the Vatican that was issued upon the conclusion of Canada’s first
independent judicial proceeding that ended earlier on November 6, 2012. There
they laid open the “complete case” complete with “150 exhibits and other
evidence” that established the “legality of proof” that the Canadian Catholic Church
and the State of Canada were guilty of intentional genocide and a criminal
conspiracy. It was there that they laid forth their proof and evidence of the criminal
and conspiracy charges that more than 50,000 aboriginal Native Indian children
in Canada died as the results of these allegations. The summarizations of these
allegations can be viewed in the following video.
Today what is known is that these defendants will be filed
charges against them. They include:
Pope Benedict XVI,
The Vatican plus the Canadian Roman Catholic Church,
The fiduciary offices of the Catholic, Anglican and United
The Crown and Queen of England, plus
The prime minister of Canada.
The charges of this international court include:
“Guilt of intentional genocide and criminal conspiracy
against the indigenous children of Canada.”
So what was the purpose of these charges? As summarized by
the ICLCJ advisor to the Office of the Prosecution, Kevin Annett called, “Eagle
Storm Voice”, a minister who lived and worked amongst the low income aboriginal
community in Vancouver, Canada:
Kevin Annett (Eagle Storm Voice) – “Our
aim is nothing less than the disestablishment of the institutions responsible
for the worst Genocide in human history: the planned extermination of
indigenous nations and their children on this (North American) continent."
For two decades, Kevin Annett led a campaign to expose and
eventually bring to the court of justice the evidence of the conspiracy by the
churches and certain governments of “genocide and other crimes against
humanity” across the North American continent. It was also he who became the
co-founder of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State
(ITCCS) and today and consultant and lecturer for numerous indigenous and human
rights groups all around the world.
It was on November, 2012, that Kevin Annett called upon the
58 Citizen Jurors sworn in before the court that eventually brought a guilty
verdict against the defendants; the Pope, the Vatican, Canada, the Crown of
Great Britain and others a “sentence of no less than twenty five years in
prison and the forfeiture of their wealth.”
As Annett stated:
Kevin Annett – “International law
does not suffer genocidal organizations to enjoy tax exemptions, privileges and
legal protection, and actually encourages citizens to shun such bodies. This
Court can do no less, since we stand on the Nuremberg standards and the Rome
Inherent within the legal charges of the Prosecution was the
declaration that it would seek to seize the property and the assets of the Catholic
Churches in Canada and those churches that allied themselves with the Catholic
Church and were charged with the responsibility of the deaths of the aboriginal
native Indian children.
On February 18, 2013, as these charges were announced to the
international press, it appeared that the greatest crisis to strike the Roman
Catholicism since the Reformation was now unfolding as it sought to bring to
its knees the “Seat of Satan” in the Vatican. The action within internal affairs
department of the Vatican, as they were preparing to begin a new “Curia” to
elect a new pope, was immediate. They quickly
rallied the immense international media resources of the Vatican to fight to
save the existence of the international seat of the Roman Catholic Church. In
the first round, it appeared that the Vatican was spiraling out of control.
also with the potential legal proceedings pending against the pope on the
international case of the numerous Roman Catholic priest and their sexual abuse
cases that have gone on for several decades, Reuters wrote in the article
titled, “Pope will have
security, immunity by remaining in the Vatican” that forced his retirement, and was
now prepared to live a solitary celibate monastic life within the Vatican walls
in order to protect his potential testimony in any future litigations. As stated:
Reuters – “Pope Benedict's decision to live
in the Vatican after he resigns will provide him with security and privacy. It
will also offer legal protection from any attempt to prosecute him in
connection with sexual abuse cases around the world, Church sources and legal
experts say.
‘His continued presence in the Vatican is
necessary, otherwise he might be defenseless. He wouldn't have his immunity,
his prerogatives, his security, if he is anywhere else,’ said one Vatican
official, speaking on condition of anonymity.
‘It is absolutely necessary’ that he stays in
the Vatican, said the source, adding that Benedict should have a ‘dignified
existence’ in his remaining years.
Vatican sources said officials had three main
considerations in deciding that Benedict should live in a convent in the
Vatican after he resigns on February 28. Vatican police, who already know the
pope and his habits, will be able to guarantee his privacy and security and not
have to entrust it to a foreign police force, which would be necessary if he
moved to another country.”
Yet, the international implications of this arrest warrant quickly
began to spread beyond the walls of the Vatican. Almost at the same time, the Italian
government was also facing its worst political crisis in decades. President
Napolitano came under the pressure by the Vatican to honor its Lateran Treaty
obligations and assist in protecting Pope Benedict XVI by escaping, evading or
obstructing legal laws of international justice.
It was
of interest that on February 15, 2013, three days before these charges were
announced to the international press, the Italian President Giorgio Napolitano
joined President Obama in the Oval Office for a discussion about the deep and
abiding friendship between our two countries. According to the White House
Press, President Obama thanked Italy for their contributions to the NATO
alliance, and called President Napolitano, whose term ends in May, a visionary
leader, “who has helped to guide and steer Europe towards greater unification,
but always with a strong transatlantic relationship in mind.”
according to the official White House report, the primary focus of the
conversation was on the world economy and President Obama's plan to pursue a
U.S.-European Union free trade agreement, which he discussed in his State of
the Union address earlier this week.
Napolitano expressed enthusiasm for the proposed agreement, saying he believes
it will represent “a relevant contribution for promoting a new wave of
development of technologic advancement of social justice on both shores of the
Atlantic. And I think it can represent even something more. It is to say a new
historic stage in relations between Europe and the United States -- not only
economically, but also from a political and moral point of view.”
were all the back-door communications that were cascading around the world.
There was no doubt that the arrest warrant as on the agenda of this White House
visit by Italian President Napolitano when he met with Barak Hussein Obama. There was no doubt also a discussion of the impending
international legal threats now against Pope Benedict and the Vatican. Yet,
could these same charges also be aimed next at the United States and its
treatment of the Aboriginal Native American Indians in America?
fact was brought forth in the 23rd day of February, when Pope Benedict
XVI met with the Italian President Giorgio Napolitano, just after Napolitano’s
meeting with American President Barak Hussein Obama in the White House
concerning his “protection and immunity from prosecution from the Italian
government.” As written in a recent news piece:
LatinoRebels – “According
to the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
—a group that speaks out against the “abuse, trafficking, torture and murder of
children” which “appears endemic to European culture, and continues to be
actively practiced, and condoned and protected, by church, state, judicial and
police forces around the globe”— it is claiming that Benedict will be meeting with Italian
President Giorgio Napolitano on “Saturday, February 23 to discuss
securing protection and immunity from prosecution from the Italian government.”
The ITCCS piece attributes “Italian media sources.”
This historical past of abuse and death of Native American
Indians includes in part also the story of the “Trail of
Tears (1830-1858)” where as documented in Wikipedia – “Trial
of Tears”, the United States’ past residents of the White House drove
the Native American Indians of the “Five Civilized Tribes” called the Cherokee,
Muscogee (Creek), Seminole, Chickasaw, and Choctaw Nations from their tribal
homelands in 1831 in what was called the Indian Removal Act of 1830 by President
Andrew Jackson.
By the year of 1837,
46,000 of these Native American Indian’s rights were abrogated and cast aside
for the American government did confisticate their farmlands and ranch lands and
forced the Indians to be relocated into what are now called Indian tribal reservations
during the 19th to the 20th centuries. They thereby
opened up 23 million acres to be settled by White American settlers who were
predominately descendants of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel.
In an indictment of the American democracy, the French
philosopher, Alexis de Tocqueville wrote in his memoirs in 1831 about this removal
of the Choctaw Indians from Memphis, Tennessee:
de Tocqueville – “In the whole scene there was
an air of ruin and destruction, something which betrayed a final and
irrevocable adieu; one couldn't watch without feeling one's heart wrung. The
Indians were tranquil, but sombre and taciturn. There was one who could speak
English and of whom I asked why the Chactas were leaving their country.
"To be free," he answered, could never get any other reason out of
him. We ... watch the expulsion ... of one of the most celebrated and ancient
American peoples.” – Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America.
As an unnamed American Georgia solder, remarked during the
Trail of Tears and quoted in Robert Remini’s documentary book:
Robert Remini – “I fought through
the War Between the States and have seen many men shot, but the Cherokee
Removal was the cruelest work I ever knew.” – Remini, Robert (2000),
“Invasion”, The Earth Shall Weep: A History of Native America. Grove Press. P.
According to sources
within the Vatican as
reported on the website of the International Common Law Court of Justice, the
hierarchy of the Vatican has been stalling and a diplomatic fortress wall of
defense has been erected:
International Common Law Court of Justice – “Meanwhile,
keeping an accused Joseph Ratzinger under their protection in defiance of
international law, the Vatican's Secretariat of State under Cardinal Bertone is
delaying their response to a Diplomatic communique from a European government
notifying Rome of impending legal action against Ratzinger.
to a source who is a liaison with the said government, no official reply has
been issued by Bertone's office to the February 4 communique, nor is the
Secretariat even engaged in back-channel communications on the matter.
are pretending the Diplomatic Note never arrived, and that business is normal
leading up to their Conclave to choose their next pope. They must maintain an
appearance of stability right now, we are assuming’ said the liaison source.”
Yet, even as the Vatican
has remained silent, immediately the Catholic Church dominated national media
in Italy began its assault upon the ITCCS and Kevin Annett. As reported by the
ITCCS Central in Brussels as the ITCCS was preparing for public occupations of
Catholic church properties in Canada starting on Sunday, March 24, 2013:
ITCCS Central – Brussels – “The
ITCCS website traffic has exceeded 300,000 "hits" in the past several
days, and legal and political help is pouring in to the Tribunal, especially
from Italy and the United States.
In an article posted by Kevin Annett titled, “Genocide in Canada
– Even the Official Whitewash now Admits that Thousands of Children died…but
when will Criminal charges be laid?” that was
published on February 19, 2013,
it was admitted by the “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” (TRC) that
thousands of Canadian Native Indians actually did die in Catholic church run
Indian residential schools all across Canada between the years of 1891 and 1949
when the Roman Catholic Church ran and controlled the schools without any
government control or supervision.
During that time more than 50,000 Indian children never returned home.
This was not the 3,000 claimed by the State of Canada, which is less than 2% of
the actual death rate as gained by the historical and living testimony of the
descendants of the aboriginal Native Indians of Canada. As charged by the ITCCS and their advocate,
Kevin D. Annett:
Kevin D. Annett – “European Holocaust Deniers would be
proud of Canada's TRC. To have the gall to even suggest such a ludicrously low
death rate – when every government record and all our
posted evidence shows that as early as the first year of the western
residential schools, the death rate averaged between 30% and 50% – shows how
deep the rot of deceit extends into the stage-managed TRC.
The death rate of 50% continued for at least six
decades in these "schools": from 1891 to 1949, when a top government
official commented on that huge mortality. 50,000 or more kids never returned –
not 3000.
This Big Lie strategy by the church and
state-established TRC has worked up until now, but their deception has worn
thin. Like the Vatican, the Canadian government must feel especially desperate
to risk announcing such a proven lie and exposing such an obvious cover-up.
Regardless, all the TRC has done today is to prove
that their work constitutes a criminal conspiracy to subvert and obstruct
justice. Their duplicity has indicted their government and church sponsors
before the law and the world. This latest act of official deception will figure
as more evidence of deliberate cover-up in the docket of our upcoming Common
Law Court case against Canada and its Catholic and Protestant churches. In the
months ahead, it won't just be former Popes who go to trial for conspiracy and
child murder.”
This tragedy continued even into the
1960s in the Kamloops and Mission "Indian residential schools" during
the mid 1960's. For this reason, the next link will reveal the inside story of
reported genocide of Canada’s children that disappeared while entrusted to the
care of the Roman Catholic hierarchy of Canada.
Some people consider that the “time of
the End” will be a day of great catastrophes as the judgments of G-d will come
down upon Planet Earth for its people will be steeped in depravity and
wickedness. Yet, according to the sages of Judah, the end of days will not come
as an “event” but as a long drawn out process where bit by bit the citizens of
this planet will have to make their choices between “service to others” or
service to self” or “service to G-d” or “service to the Forces of Evil”
controlled by Satan himself. These will
be the days when the chaff will be separated from the wheat, and where the
sheep will be separated between the goats.
This will be a day when righteousness
will be seen as evil and the depravity of mankind will rise up as the accepted
morality of the modern culture of self adulation. In a way, we today are the jurors of the
world as the G-d of Israel is beckoning us to judge the “70 Nations of the Gentile
World.” As their actions repel us, will
we as the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel turn from our own self
centered ways? Will we be so inclined to
return in teshuvah (repentance) to the ways of Torah righteousness?
Here then is where our human soul’s
greatest commandment (mitzvah) will
be to preserve human life and our spiritual Lost Israelite soul (neshama Israeli) should be “Fear G-d and
give glory to Him.”
Yet what is missing is the realization
that every one of these events that are cascading around us in this world is
part of the Ikvot Meshicha (footsteps
of the Messiah). This process of redemption assists each of us daily, hour by
hour by the Maschiach ben Yosef
(Messiah son of Joseph) for this messianic era is a divine “process”, not an
“event” that will inch our way in tiny increments towards the final redemption
in the “World to Come” or the “Great Shabbat”.
It is important to know that one of the
great deceiver institutions in the past two thousand years has been the tyranny
of Rome, inherited later by Apostate Roman Christianity. This institution will
someday be destroyed, but let us not get too excited, for there is one pope
left to rule; Petrus Romanus (Peter the Roman).
The high likelihood that the new pope will be a
Jesuit or beholden to the Jesuit, Society of Jesus is a given
for here is the seat of the Great Shabbatean heresy in Judaism when Shabbatai Tzevi declared
that he would become the final Messiah on June (6th month) 18th
(6+6+6) in the year of 1666 (1000 + 666).
Understand fully that in the Great Drama
of the Ages, the forces of evil, even though they are directed by the power of
HaSatan or the Great Deceiver, it is only done at the permission and behest of
HaShem, the Divine, G-d of Israel. It is the finger of G-d that is directing
everything that is happening in the geo-politics and the spiritual warfare on
earth today. That is the reason why redemption appears to be so close, and then
it becomes hidden, for the final redemption must be brought to its full
conclusion in a round-about manner so that the demonic forces of evil that seek
to sabitoge us will be circumvented and they will be prevented from interfering
in our final pathway to salvation.
The Cosmic Clock is closing in upon the
end of the era of satanic evil and the beginning of the great “day of the
L-rd”. At this time the Torah Light will shine forth in its greatest and
fullest manifestation with the manifestation of the Mashiach ben Dovid (Messiah
son of David). To get to that final hour, the Ikveta d’Meshicha, the Footstep or Heels of the Messiah that is
identified with the Messiah son of Joseph is now moving our world stealthily
towards that final hour when redemption will be here and apparent to all.
This messianic force called the “footsteps
of the messiah” will have effectively deceived and kept the (egoistic) forces
of evil that surround our lives like the husk surrounds the wheat berry from
consuming us for this impure shield, called the klipat, or the “evil inclination” literally surrounds our
lives. It seeks to cut mankind from its
true spiritual reality and seal Planet Earth from heaven. When this evil
spiritual force called the klipat is
overcome, then HaShem, the G-d of Israel will reveal the awesome Messianic
Light hidden beneath His Throne of Glory.
The mini-drama occurring in this
messianic age, the resignation of the Jewish Pope, Benedict
XVI, who was a descendant of the famous
Jewish rabbi called the Maharal of Prague is but one
of many mini-dramas that will be performed at these final hours of earth’s
history of man. It may cause the dissolution of the Vatican as we know it to
be, when founding patron of apostate Roman Christianity disappears and is morphed
into a more powerful and sinister force of evil. Yet, let us not fail to
comprehend that the Light of the Messiah cannot be fully revealed until sin is
revealed in its fullest manifestations. At that time, the Force of Evil,
HaSatan will be fully revealed and this era of evil will be over.
The Battle for the Minds of the Human Race is now coming to
its fullest revelation. The forces of Darkness will battle with the Forces of
HaShem’s angels of Light as the final battle for the souls of men are played
out on Planet Earth. Out of these epic war will come the restoration and
redemption of All Israel; the Ten Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and the
Jews of the House of Judah.
The Roman Catholic Church has been a major part of this
Drama of the Ages and will continue to do so until the Final Act of that Divine
Drama. It will include the Jews of the House of Israel, the Lost Sheep of the
Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Northern Israel; both of the House of Jacob
(Israel). It will also include the Roman Edomites of the House of Esau, the
brother of Jacob of the House of Isaac. It will also include the Arabs of the
House of Ishmael, the brother to Isaac of the House of Abraham.
If you want to learn more, Contact “Kol Ha Tor Vision”,the Voice of the
Turtledove. Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to bring
awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the
Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United).
The author of
this blog is a supporter of Kol Ha Tor Vision and while we are publishing
material that may be relevant to the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel,
the leadership of Kol Ha Tor do not necessarily agree with everything we have
published. Yet, we understand, until the
Messiah son of David comes to give us full insight into what is happening to
our lives and our world today, we may know only in part while we continue to
support the rabbanim of Israel and seek reconciliation with the Jews of the
House of Israel until we are finally one family; the family of our Patriarchs
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
This reunification will truly be a super Event of all Times that
will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the
Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and
preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel
and then the Redemption of All Israel.For
inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel, we invite you
to make a personal Visit to Israel and stay at “Shomron
Lives!”,a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria, that
hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the
House of Israel.
Parashat Va'yechi (And he lived): Genesis 47:28 -
Haftarah: I Kings 2:1-12
NOTE: Kol HaTor, in its commentaries
on the weekly Parashot, endeavors to search for and accentuate the Torah
Messages contained in the Parashot as applicable to the main Theme of Tanach of
the Return of the House of Israel, i.e. the Lost Ten Tribes of Northern Israel
and their Reconciliation with Judah to form the reunited 12-Tribed Kingdom of
This week's Parashah brings us to the end of the Book of
Genesis and concludes the Process of Election (Bechirah). We have traced the Divine Election for channeling
the Blessing of Abraham, through its family tracks, through Yitzchak (Isaac)
and Ya'acov (Jacob), to the 70 family members who went down into Egypt. They
would form the nucleus of the Nation to come at the End Time, amongst whom G-d
would have a righteous Ruling Body to rule in His forthcoming Universal
Our next Parashot, from the Book of Exodus (Schmot), will be
tell how these 70 souls multiply, become a multitude, become enslaved in Egypt
and eventually redeemed - all as a metaphor of the Ultimate future Redemption
at the final fulfillment of Abraham's Blessings in a multitude of nations.
Our Parashah opens with Ya'acov passing the Abrahamic Blessing
onto the two sons of Yosef; Ephraim & Menasha - a double Blessing. Menasha
would become a “great nation” but Ephraim would become a “group of nations”.
Scripture confirms (as do Rabbinic interpretation) that ‘Ephraim’ becomes the
Group Name for the Ten Tribes of Israel which would later be exiled and
intermingled into oblivion amongst the Nations.
Genesis 49:1 – “Then Ya'acov called
for his sons and said: ‘Gather around so
I can tell you what will happen to you in days to come.’
This week's Parashah then features Ya'acov's series of Main
Prophecies for the Times of Final Redemption - though with limitation on what
he may reveal. These Prophecies are of vast magnitude and we will simply touch
on one area of it - an important and captivating insight into the Times ahead
of us, as we approach the Final Redemption.
The Evil That Will Befall Israel in ‘The Last Days’
DISCLAIMER - While we reproduce the following
commentary for its relative value to interpretation of the Parashah, KOL HATOR
does not necessarily agree with the views expressed by the authors thereof. The
authors also are not associated with KOL HA'TOR and need not agree with our
views and commentaries expressed in our publications.
[ Part 1)
This article and the related teaching are based mostly on a
video link in an Israeli newspaper a few years ago. The research was done by
Orthodox Jews living in Israel, in August 2008, more than two months before the US presidential election of
November 2008. To arrive at their conclusions, they have used one of the Rabbinic
interpretation methods of Gematriah.
Gematriah is a Hebrew concept by which interpretations are
derived from the numerical values of words or phrases of the Torah and the
Scriptures. The Hebrew words of the Torah contain so much depth, meaning and
truth, which English words cannot generally teach or explain and which also
conceal incredible mysteries and astounding prophecies. Hebrew letters have
numerical values. By comparing the numerical value of different words or
phrases used in the Bible, the process of Gematriah portends deeper
revelationary meanings which seem to be Divinely built into the Hebrew
Scriptures like a mathematical formula underlying all.
Gematriah is not
‘evil numerology’ as most Christians assume. Christian interpreters of
their ‘New Testament’ are heavily engaged in exactly the same procedure in
trying to resolve one of its most popular clues for identifying the Personage
of ‘the man of Evil’ who is to arise in ‘The Time of the End.’ Various
interpreters using similar methods of numerical interpretation, have for ages
been suggesting the names of various famous people to fit the popular ‘sign of
the beast, “which is the number of a man - 666”
Some additional information and / or explanations have been
added to the article, in order to help those who do not read Hebrew or know
certain Hebraic concepts used in the Scriptures, to have a more clear and
better understanding.
Jewish Perspective: Obama and the Evil at the End of Days
By Joel Gallis and Dr. Robert Wolf [
Israel ]
The coded, end of days message that Ya'akov gave over to his
sons (Gen. 49) was not deciphered by them. But our generation, the generation
alive at the end of days, can understand the clues and break the code [ref.
Daniel 12:3, 4]. Ya’akov (Jacob) called for his sons and said:
Genesis 49:1 - “Gather and assemble
yourselves together and I will proclaim to you what will befall you [your
descendants] in the Last Days.”
That is, unify and become a single nation with “ONE HEART” (
lev echad לב אחד) and I will tell you about your
descendants' REDEMPTION ( Geulah גאולה ) in the LAST DAYS.
The Gematriah of the phrase “ONE
HEART” ” (lev echad לבאַחד ) is calculated as = Total 45.
The Gematriah of the word
“REDEMPTION” ( Geulah גאולה ) is calculated as = Total 45.
Thus both “ONE HEART” and
“REDEMPTION” have a Gematriah of 45.
[This emphasizes the importance of UNITY to attain
Redemption. See 'Main Conclusion' at end of this commentary']
But there was no UNITY among the brothers. There still were
bad feelings and finger pointing among them. They did REPENTANCE (Teshuvah תשובה
) with respect to their brother Joseph but with respect to each other, they
were separate tribes. And so, Jacob could not reveal to them what would befall
[Bear in mind also, that they were well aware of the Divine
Promise that their descendants would grow into uncountable numbers, as nations
with kings. The rivalry amongst these first Patriarchs of Israel is obvious
from the way they treated Yosef who indicated his leadership amongst them. This
rivalry remained a great reason for division amongst the 12 Tribes of Israel
throughout time. It also was the main reason for the splitting of the ancient
12-Tribed Kingdom of Israel into two, viz. the House of Judah (with Benjamin)
and the House of ‘Israel’ – that is, the Biblical term used for the Northern
10-Tribes AFTER the split. UNITY should therefore be the Final Goal for those
who await the Return of the Shechinah (visible Presence) of G-d before the Redemption
can be brought about].
“IN THE LAST DAYS” [b’achareet
ha-yahmim בְאַחֲרִּית היָמִּים
Ya’akov thought that perhaps one of his sons had sinned. So
he then searched the names of each of his 12 sons to see if the letters ח { chet } or ט { tet }, the main letters of the word “To SIN” [l’cha-toh לחטוא] were present in any of his son’s names. He
was relieved when he realized that these letters were absent from their names.
He then thought that perhaps their LACK of UNITY (lack of oneness of heart),
was worse than he imagined. If so, their merit to learn about the future final
redemption was lost.
Yaakov then searched their names again to see if the letters
ק { Kof } and ץ [Tzahdi-final] from the word “End” [ kaytz קץ ] were present in
any of their names. Once again these letters were absent from all 12 names.
Yaakov then realized the extent of their DISUNITY and began
to give blessings and or make prophecies over each of the sons. Although he was
not allowed to tell about events affecting their descendants [Israel – being
the 12 Tribes re-united in Peace], for thousands of years into the future, he
had already hinted at the IDENTITY of the EVIL that would befall their
DESCENDANTS -- IN THE LAST DAYS. He also hinted that the lack of unity that
they possessed would continue until those LAST DAYS.
The Gematriah of “GATHER” (
hay-ahs-poo הֵאָסְפו ) is 152.
While the phrase ”UNTIL THIS DAY”
(ad ha-yom ha-zeh עד היום הזה) is also the Gematriah
of 152, for UNTIL THIS DAY,
there still has NOT been “ONE HEART among Israel.
However, there was one brief period of time of “ONE HEART”
at Mount Sinai, when the Israelites received the Torah. This unity lasted until
Moshe’s (Moses’s) death, and because of it, Moshe was able to tell the
Israelites before he died, what will happen to their DESCENDANTS IN THE LAST
DAYS. Moses declared that the Israelites would turn away from the path of the
Torah [ not “law”, but Instructions ] of Elohim, and that they would provoke
Him to anger “BY THE WORK OF YOUR HANDS” (b’mah-ahsay yaday-chem במעֲשֵה יְַדֵיכֶם ), “AND IT SHALL BEFALL” (
veh-kah-raht וקָרָאת ) you EVIL, IN
Deuteronomy 31:29 – “For I know that
after my death you will become utterly corrupt, and turn aside from the way
which I have commanded you. And evil WILL BEFALL YOU in the LAST DAYS,
because you will do evil in the sight of HaShem, to provoke Him to anger BY THE
Normally the Hebrew word which would be used in a sentence
like this would be “To CALL / To PROCLAIM” ( yik-ra יִּקְרָא
), which is what Jacob used when he spoke to his 12 sons in Genesis 49:1
Yet Moses uses the word “AND IT SHALL BEFALL” (veh-kah-raht
וקָרָאת ) instead!
Why? [ a mystery revealed ]
The only other time this variation of the word: “AND IT
SHALL BEFALL” (veh-kah-raht ) is used in the entire Torah [ Five Books of Moses
], is when Hagar was told that she would have a son, and was told by the
Messenger of HaShem to call his name Ishmael. [ Is this a co-incidence? We do
NOT think so! ]
Genesis 16:10-12 - “Then the
messenger [ “angel” ] of HaShem said to her, ‘I will multiply your descendants
exceedingly, so that they shall not be counted for multitude.’ And the messenger of HaShem said to her: ‘Behold,
you are with child, and you shall bear a son. ‘AND YOU SHALL CALL’ (
veh-kah-raht ) his name Ishmael, because HaShem has heard your affliction. He
shall be a wild man; his hand shall be against every man, and every man’s hand
against him. And he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.”
This Prophecy certainly seems to describe the descendants of
Ishmael -- Arabs and Muslims. They are against everyone in almost every nation
where they live, and their hand, by the sword of Islam in their hands, is
against everyone.
This word “AND IT SHALL BEFALL” ( veh-kah-raht ), which is
normally connected to proclaiming and voicing something ( ”AND YOU SHALL CALL”
), is mysteriously used by Moses in just two places in the entire Torah (Genesis
16:11 and Deuteronomy 31:29), but with different meanings in each case.
This tells us that when evil befalls the Israelites
(their descendants), in the LAST DAYS, it was proclaimed in Heaven
and does not happen by chance.
Both Jacob (in Genesis 49:1) and Moses (in Deuteronomy
31:29) prophesied that some horrifying “EVIL WILL BEFALL” the sons of Jacob /
the children of Israel, IN THE LAST DAYS. Thus, the prophecy was essentially
given two times. In the second instance, the words of Moses are more specific
and also include a mysterious, but alarming detail.
Moreover, since Moses uses the exact same word (in Deut
31:29) that is used in naming Ishmael (in Gen 16:11), we ask ourselves: So what
then is the PHYSICAL and SPIRITUAL connection between the “EVIL THAT WILL
BEFALL” the sons of Jacob / the children of Israel IN THE LAST
The answer is very clear and simple: the descendants of
ISHMAEL (and his brothers) are the EVIL that will befall the
descendants of JACOB / the descendants of Israel – IN THE LAST DAYS.
HOW will this happen?
Israel will provoke Elohim to anger; “BY THE WORK OF YOUR
This phrase “BY THE WORK OF YOUR
HANDS” has a Gematriah of 501.
The ISHMAELITES ( Yish-meh-ay-leem יִּשְׁמְעֵאלִּים ) also has a Gematriah of 501.
[ Is this a co-incidence ? We do NOT think so! ]
The fact that the Gematriah of both of these two words /
phrases is 501, and that they
are found in the same two verses (Gen 16:11 and Deut. 31:29) which are already
connected by “AND IT SHALL BEFALL” (veh-kah-raht) (Deut. 31:29) “AND YOU SHALL
CALL” (veh-kah-raht) (Gen 16:11), further strengthens and confirms the PHYSICAL
and SPIRITUAL connection in the prophecies by Jacob and Moses -- that the EVIL
that shall befall the DESCENDANTS of Jacob / Israel -- in the Last Days --
shall be from the descendants of Ishmael.
[ Comment - Yet now, with this
awesome understanding, we still have only part of the mystery solved. There is
still more. We need to understand what exactly the descendants of Israel will
do to provoke HaShem to anger “BY THE WORK OF YOUR HANDS”.
So what could we, the children of
Israel, have possibly done, “BY THE WORK OF YOUR HANDS”, that would anger
Elohim so much?
With our very own hands, we finance
and work to put the wrong people in power over us. This action results in our
downfall. By putting into power leaders in Israel who don’t believe in Elohim,
we help bring about a spiritual collapse.
And by electing dangerous and
hateful leaders in America ( USA ) and in other countries, we assist in
bringing about both our physical and spiritual downfall even more.
We raise money for them, we vote for
these people and we put them in power. This evil work of our hands will
bring PUNISHMENT from Elohim and evil upon us from the ISHMAELITES
(Yish-mehayleem יִּשְׁמְעֵאלִּים).
We have also seen lately how the
Israel leaders have capitulated and bent before the demands of Obama by signing
a Peace Agreement with the terrorist rulers of Gaza, Hamas, and with the
president of Egypt, Muhammed Morsi, who’s declared vow is to conquer Jerusalem
for Islam.
Morsi will also be the future
overseer of the Peace Treaty. In this way Israel’s leaders have acknowledged
Hamas’s terrorist rule and raised Morsi to a great Peacemaker in the opinion of
the world.]
(End of Comment)
Thus not only is 501
the Gematriah of: “BY THE WORK OF YOUR HANDS”;
is, our PUNISHMENT, will be by the descendants of ISHMAELITES, which also has a
Gematriah of 501.
And all of this is also connected to the president of the
United States, that many descendants of Jacob / Israel actually helped put in
power through their finances and efforts ( promoting and voting) – “BY THE WORK
connected together, as they all have a Gematriah of 501.
Connecting all of this together, we have:
“The HEAD of the (descendants of
BEFALL the (descendants of) Jacob (BOTH Houses of Israel, all 12 Tribes) in the
Last Days for the evil WORK OF THEIR HANDS.”
HaShem watched as countless Jews, all over the United
States, rushed to send their money to Obama’s campaign chest and helped promote
and advise his campaign. Today, many Jews are in his cabinet, including
Emmanuel, Axelrod, Geitner and Bernanke. And so, with our own hands, we took a
DESCENDANT from Yishmael and placed him as our HEAD in the White House, just 7
years after 9/11.
Accordingly, he (Obama) is indeed a great EVIL THAT WILL
BEFALL the Jewish people, the DESCENDANTS of Jacob, “IN THE LAST DAYS”, the
EVIL that Jacob and Moses prophesied about to our ancestors.
[ Reawakening and re-identifying Ten
Tribers today, should not count themselves detached from the reason for bringing
this Evil upon Israel as recompense for “THE WORK OF THEIR HANDS”, while
pointing fingers to “the evil works of Judah” (Jews) only. They also voted for
Obama who has not proven himself the friend of Israel, but rather of Islam
(Ishmaelites). Today’s re-identifying Ten Tribers also do not show an open hand
of physical support for rebuilding the Land of Israel because of their
criticism of orthodox Rabbinic and non-Jesus-accepting spiritual leadership of
Israel. This all to the discredit of “THE WORK OF THEIR HANDS.” ]
But there are those who argue that Obama is youthful and
energized in his appearance and his ideas. Why shouldn’t we believe him when he
says the magic words that he is a friend of Israel?
How do we really know he is dangerous to us?
Not only does the name, Barack Hussein Obama), have the same
Gematriah 501 as ISHMAELITES,
evidencing that he is a Muslim, although he denies it (watch the video given at
the end of the article), but it also has a further connection to a wave of
impending evil against Israel and the rest of the world. This we explain below
in more detail:
At our Passover Seders, we spill a drop of wine when we
mention each of the TEN Plagues, and also when we mention the abbreviation of
those plagues by saying באחב עדש דצּכ
[ This Hebrew acronym is made up of the first letters (with
one surprising exception), of each of the Ten Plagues which HaShem judged the
land of Egypt with, at the time of the Exodus of the Israelites. The following
list is also not in the original article, but included here to help people
better see and understand how such Hebrew acronyms work.
blood ( dahm ד
) (Exodus 7:17-25);
frogs (
tzeh-fahr-day-ah צ ) Exodus 8:1-15);
gnats / lice (
kih-nahm כ ) (Exodus 8:16-19);
flies ( ah-rohv
ע ) (Exodus 8:20-32);
pestilence (
deh-vehr ד ) (Exodus 9:1-7);
boils (
sheh-cheen ש ) (Exodus 9:8-12);
hail ( bah-rahd
ב ) (Exodus 9:13-35);
locusts (
ahr-beh א ) (Exodus 10:1-20);
darkness (
choh-shech ח ) (Exodus 10:21-29);
killing of the
first-born ( machat beh-choh-roht מכת בכרות) (Exodus
4:22-23, 11:1-10).
The Gematriah of this acronym for the Ten Plagues in Egypt is calculated as; 501.
So we see that this acronym of the Ten Plagues also
has a Gematriah of 501, the same
as both the name, Barack Hussein Obama, “HEAD” and ISHMAELITES.
From all of these things, we learn that the Torah teaches us
that Obama and radical Muslims will bring as much tribulation, destruction and
confusion to the world, at the time of the end, IN THE LAST DAYS -- as all the
TEN ( 10 ) plagues together brought to Egypt.
[ HaShem used all of those plagues
and judgments on Egypt, in order to bring about the RELEASE of His People,
12-Tribed Israel, to bring them out in the First Exodus, to the Promised Land.
This is referred to as the Redemption of His People, ancient Israel. Although
those plagues were brought about by G-d in order to bring about their release,
the Israelites had to equally endure the plagues upon the land of Egypt. Their
only protection was under the 10th Plague, the death of the First-born of each
family – the Plague which ensured their Release. (Note the author’s special
application for this 10th Plague for purposes of the Gematriah formula
interpretation … see 3rd par. from here).
Likewise, HaShem will use the forthcoming
tribulation and destruction in the world (which relates to spiritual ‘Egypt’,
amongst whom His Lost Ten Tribes and Lost - unidentified and assimilated - Jews
are held captive in exile). In this way He will bring about, the Second Exodus
(Regathering of His 12 Tribes from amongst all the nations, for the FINAL
REDEMPTION of His people Israel) ].
Moreover, the prophecy of the messenger of G-d to Hagar
about Ishmael was that: "He will be a wild donkey of a man, his hand will
be against everyone, and everyone's hand will be against him.” We see this
happening all over the world IN THESE LAST DAYS.
[ It is interesting to note how
Rabbi Yehudah, who made the acronym or abbreviation of the Ten Plagues, took
the FIRST Hebrew letter of each of the first NINE ( 9 ) plagues. However, with
respect to the TENTH and LAST PLAGUE, the KILLING of the FIRST-BORN (machat
b’choroht), he took the FIRST letter of the SECOND word of the plague – the Hebrew letter Beit ב, for
‘first-born’, instead of the
FIRST letter of the FIRST word -
Mem , for ‘the killing of’.
This letter Beit refers to the subject of the sentence, the ‘first-born’;
Which also is the subject of the Release of Israel from
slavery and their proceeding in the Exodus from Egypt to the Promised Land.
The topic of the ‘first-born’ is an extremely
important factor in reference to Redemption in Judaism.
Noteworthy also is that ‘Ephraim’ is the group
name used in the Bible for the Ten Tribes and as such, the Ten Tribes to be
re-identified and Returned to their heritage and to the Land in the End Time,
holds a special role of esteem by HaShem.
Through their father Yosef, Ephraim and Manasheh received a
double portion of inheritance in the Promised Land, according to the Rights of
the first-born. Yosef, regarded in Scripture as the first-born through his
mother Rachel, beloved wife of Jacob, is also regarded in Judaism as a
proto-type or metaphor for the Ten Tribes which were torn away from the Kingdom
of Israel and rejected by G-d for their rivalry with and rejection of the
judicial authority of Judah. There remains a Divine Oath though for their
re-acceptance and Return to the Land by G-d at the Time of the establishment of
the Messianic Kingdom to rule over the earth.
It is evident that this ‘501’ Time
of Trouble for Israel (all 12 Tribes?) will be used in the likeness of the
ancient Ten Plagues, to Return the Lost Israelites and Jews to the Promised
Land in a Second Exodus which will be even greater than the first!
Jeremiah 16:14-15 –
days are coming, declares HaShem when it will no longer be said, ‘As surely as
HaShem lives, Who brought the Israelites up out of Egypt,’ but it will be said,
‘As surely as HaShem lives, Who brought the Israelites up out of the land of
the north and out of all the countries where he had banished them.’ For I will
restore them to the land I gave their ancestors.”
The wisdom of Rabbi Yehudah in
selecting the 2nd letter which refers to the first born, is therefore evident.]
The coded, End of Days message, that Yaakov (Jacob) gave to
his sons was not understood by them. But our generation, the generation which
is today and alive in these Last Days, which both Yaakov (Jacob) and Mosheh
(Moses) prophesied about, can now understand the clues and decipher the codes.
G-d told Daniel that His words would be concealed and the Prophecies of His
Book sealed or kept hidden from understanding -- until the Time of the End, that is. in the Last Days.
Now that we are living in the very Time of the End, G-d is
opening up the words and the Prophecies of the Book of Daniel, along with so
many other Prophecies, so that we can understand and interpret them.
Daniel 12:1-5 - “At that time Michael
will stand, the great [heavenly] prince who stand in support for the members of
your people, and there will be a TIME OF TROUBLE, such as there had never been
since there was a nation until that time. But at that time your people will
escape; everything that is found written in this book in this book [will
Many of those who sleep in the dusty
earth will awaken; these for everlasting life and those for shame, for
everlasting abhorrence. The wise will shine like the radiance of the firmament,
and those who teach righteousness to the multitudes [will shine] like the
stars, forever and ever.
As for you, Daniel, obscure the
matters and seal the book until the time of the End; let many muse and let
knowledge increase.”
In Yaakov’s (Jacob’s) statement and prophecy to his 12 sons
(in Genesis 49:1 above and following), there are FIVE words (in Hebrew): “what
- WILL BEFALL - YOU - in the LAST - DAYS”.
The word translated “WHAT”
(or ‘that which’) is ‘ashare’ אשר. [ It has the
exact same three Hebrew letters as the word “HEAD’. ] Nevertheless it still has a Gematriah of 501 being the sum of the same three
numerical values. Jacob’s prophecy is talking about WHAT EVIL shall befall the DESCENDANTS of Jacob / Israel in the
This is because the Hebrew word translated as “WHAT” (ah-sher) can also be translated
as “WHO”. This is word or phrase
[ 5. ] in our calculations that has a Gematriah of 501. And with this understanding, the prophecy by Jacob further explains
and identifies the EVIL -- THAT
WILL BEFALL the descendants of Jacob / Israel in the LAST DAYS by the “HEAD” (
rohsh ) of the Ishmaelites. That “WHO”
is: Barack Hussein Obama, whose
name we have already learned has the same Gematria of 501. [ How can this be just another co-incidence? ]
[ and if this were not enough, there is yet even one more
strange co-incidence as we close… ]
When we look carefully at the word for “IN THE LAST” ( beh-ah-chah-reet בְאַחֲרִּיתַ ) we notice that the FIRST THREE ( 3 )
Hebrew letters contain the letters of the initials of Barack Hussein Obama in Hebrew:
The Bet - ב
is for Barack;
the Alef - א
is for אובמה Obama;
and the Chet - ח is for Hussein.
The HEAD [501] of the ( descendants of the ) ISHMAELITES
[501] is BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, [501], WHO [ 501 ] is the EVIL -- THAT WILL
BEFALL the ( descendants of ) Jacob / Israel, in the Last Days, BY THE WORK OF
May HaShem [ Elohim ] protect us from this evil and bring
Messiah ( Mashiach ) speedily in our days.
One of the amazing features
of the Torah Readings is the confirmation that often comes from major news
events in the world - as if a Prophetic fulfillment of the Torah portion. Bear
in mind that these readings are done on a programmed basis which has been
formulated centuries ago and faithfully repeated year after year by Jews
throughout the centuries.
Our confirmation of the controversial statements contained
in this commentary, comes from WND (World News Digest) this week in an article
Lie of the Year 2012 is Obama, News Media for Misleading Tales”in which they reveal some shocking details of how the US
under Obama has been funding Al Qaida rebels in Libya and currently in Syria.
The reports states:
World Net Daily – “In September, WND
also broke the story that the slain US ambassador, Christopher Stevens, played
a central role (in Benghazi), in recruiting Jihadists to fight Assad’s regime,
according to Egyptian security officials.
Last month, Middle Eastern security sources further described both the U.S.
mission and nearby CIA annex in Benghazi as the main intelligence and planning
center for U.S. aid to the rebels that was being coordinated with Turkey, Saudi
Arabia and Qatar. Many rebel fighters are openly members of terrorist
organizations, including al-Qaida.
Questions remain about the nature of U.S. support for the revolutions in
Egypt and Libya, including reports the U.S.-aided rebels that toppled Gadhafi’s
regime in Libya consisted of al-Qaida and jihad groups. The U.S. provided
direct assistance, including weapons and finances, to the Libyan rebels. Similarly,
the Obama administration has aided the rebels fighting Assad’s regime in Syria
amid widespread reports that al-Qaida jihadists are included in the ranks of
the Free Syrian Army.
During the revolution against Gadhafi’s regime, the U.S. admitted to directly
arming the rebel groups. At the time, rebel leader Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi
admitted in an interview that a significant number of the Libyan rebels were
al-Qaida fighters, many of whom had fought U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
He insisted his fighters “are patriots and good Muslims, not terrorists,” but
he added that the “members of al-Qaida are also good Muslims and are fighting
against the invader.”
While the impression is created in the media that Israel is
assisted and protected against their surrounding enemies, there is an ominous
build up in this process of even more fundamentalist Islamic neighbors who all
vehemently oppose the establishment of a Jewish State or Israel Kingdom.”
King David's death bed wishes to his son, Solomon, gives an
apt conclusion and secure guidelines to anyone who wishes to conform to the Message of the 12 Parashot that make up the entire
Book of Genesis and wants "to Live".
1 Kings 2:2-4 – “Observe what HaShem
your God requires: Walk in obedience to him, and keep His Decrees and Commands,
His Laws and Regulations, as written in the Law of Moses. Do this so that you
may prosper in all you do and wherever you go and that HaShem may keep His
Promise to me.”
This echoes Ya'acov's wishes for his sons (as in our
Parashah) as well as the wishes, prayers and Blessings of all the Patriarchs of
Genesis who cherished and pursued the Divine Blessing to Avraham.
It is these Guidelines that their descendants forgot - and which
10-Israel is returning to today. No wonder that the evil forces have besmirched
these very principles and guidelines through the traditions in Exile. May
re-awakening 10-Israel realize and see through these evil intentions and return
to their original heritage as outlined in David's death-bed wishes so that
HaShem can fulfill His Promises.
Main Conclusion from Beresheet
The Blessings to Avraham stand firm - and HaShem is eager to
bring it on for us. WE, His People, the claimants to His Promises, are the
obstacles! We withhold it from occurring!
The underlying shortcoming which has echoed from all these
12 Parashot is UNITY. NOT just Unity amongst Judah, or unity amongst 10-Israel,
but also and mainly, UNITY between the two Sticks to be molded into ONE. UNITY
between the Brothers who make up the Twelve Tribes of Israel.
May we conclude with the guidelines given in the Definition
of this required UNITY, by Rav Yisachar Shlomo Teichtal when he
Rav Yisachar
Shlomo Teichtal – “That peace and unity do not consist of the avoidance of
conflict alone, and cannot be achieved by the suppression of differences.
Rather, unification in true peace is a positive state that presupposes
authentic connectedness -- affirmative engagement and willingness to encounter
others in their fullness -- along with concerted efforts at mutual
understanding and appreciation (if not validation) of differences in culture,
practice and ideology.”
May the leaders and members of BOTH
Houses of Israel be brave and humble enough to meditate on these wise
guidelines and start to put them into practise.
To understand more
about the Return of the 10 Tribes of Israel to their Homeland in Shomron
(Samaria), Israel, Contact “Kol Ha’Tor”,the
Voice of the Turtledove.
Here is a joint
Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to bring awareness of the imminent
fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel
(12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This super Event of all Times will
entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs)
and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the
“Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the
Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about
Kol Ha Tor Ministries for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House
in Samaria, that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost
Tribers of the House of Israel.
To understand more
about the Return of the 10 Tribes of Israel to their Homeland in Shomron
(Samaria), Israel, Contact “Kol Ha’Tor”,
the Voice of the Turtledove.
Here is a joint
Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to bring awareness of the imminent
fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel
(12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This super Event of all Times will
entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs)
and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the
“Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the
Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about
Kol Ha Tor Ministries for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House
in Samaria, that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost
Tribers of the House of Israel.
Present Latitudes of the Northern Ten Tribes of Israel in Europe
Lost Tribes of Israel during the Pole Shift
The Impact of a Planetary Pole Shift
or Terrestrial Crustal Shift
The Affect upon a Major Ocean
impacted by a Large Asteroid
The Impact of Eastern Mysticism and Western Pragmatism
on the Quest for Cosmic Reality
The Impact of a Planetary Pole Shift
or Terrestrial Crustal Shift
Sometime soon in the future, the evidence is
increasing that Planet Earth will be experiencing aPole shiftor a massiveterrestrial
crustal shift. If the track record is correct, and the directional
force of the migrating North Pole continues to increase exponentially, it may
relocate itself to a new home somewhere in tundra region of Siberia in
Russia. At that time, the New European
Union where Northern Europe, the homeland of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House
of Israel is located today will shift to the east and northward towards it New
North Pole. Will this be a magnetic or a
physical pole shift, and will it instead include a crustal shift of Europe
upwards towards the North Pole? We don’t know!
What is now known is that the magnetic North Pole migrated as late as 2006-2007 off the
coastline of Canada and is heading towards the Russian regions of
Siberia. The city of Moscow at the
latitude of 51 degrees with a 15 degree crustal or pole shift will be
sitting near the region of the Berent Sea near the Arctic Circle. The city of
London at the latitude of 51 degrees will not be just experiencing Siberian Blizzards as predicted in the 2004
Pentagon Report, but could be encased in ice as the warm thermal
waters of the Gulf Stream collapse and as reported in part in the “Pentagon
“Between 2010 and 2020 Europe is hardest
hit by climatic change with an average annual temperature drop of 6F. Climate
in Britain becomes colder and drier as weather patterns begin to resemble
Rich areas like the US and Europe would
become ‘virtual fortresses’ to prevent
millions of migrants from entering after being forced from land drowned by
sea-level rise or no longer able to grow crops. Waves of boatpeople pose
significant problems.
Europe will face huge internal struggles as
it copes with massive numbers of migrants
washing up on its shores. Immigrants from Scandinavia seek warmer climates to
the south. Southern Europe is beleaguered by refugees from hard-hit countries
in Africa.
Deaths from war and famine run into the
millions until the planet’s population is reduced by such an extent the Earth
can cope.
Future wars will be fought over the issue
of survival rather than religion, ideology or national honor.”
The changes in the weather will be affected
predominately because the conveyor belt of the waters in the oceans constantly
flowing around the world will be altered and in some areas collapsing. As seen
on the map above, the arrows depicts the path of the ocean current circulation,
where the red arrows show the warm surface currents and the blue arrows depict
the movements of the colder waters deep into the sea.
In the Atlantic Ocean, the thermohaline circulation of
the Gulf Stream and its extension into the North Atlantic Drift brings warm
salty water from the Gulf of Mexico region of North America to the Northeastern
Atlantic region warming Great Britain and Western Europe. As the water cools,
it mixes with the cooler waters from the Arctic Ocean and with its increased
density sinks to the southern and eastern regions of Greenland.
Present Latitudes of the Northern Ten Tribes of Israel in Europe
With such a Pole
Shift, suddenly much of the continental lands, between the48th to the 73rd degree latitudes of Northern
Norway and Sweden will suddenly thrust above the Arctic Circle at 75 degrees as
a New North Pole may also literally be located in the tundra region south of the
Franz Joseph (Is)Land and the Kara Sea.
The lands of habitation for the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel may now be
thrust into the regions farther north than the latitudes of the Northern Tundra
Regions of Siberia in northern Eurasia. Some of the European nations that may
be included in the New Arctic Circle (75 degree latitude) that could include parts
of Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland including Leningrad,
Russia. The present homelands of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel and
their estimated central latitude in
degrees include:
The Tribe of Reuben in Northern France (48th
The Tribe of Asher in Belgium and Luxemburg (50th
The Tribe of Zebulon in the Netherlands (52nd
The Tribe of Dan in Ireland (53rd degree)
The Tribes of Ephraim plus Simeon and Dan (Cornwall)
in Great Britain (54th degree) including
The Tribes of Simeon and Dan in Wales (54th
The Tribes of Simeon and Levi in Scotland (56th
The Tribe of Dan in Denmark (56th degree),
The Tribe of Issachar in Northern Germany (56th
The Tribe of Benjamin
in Norway (62nd degree), as far North as the 72nd degree
The Tribe of Naphtali in Sweden (62nd
With the creation of
this model on the terrestrial shifting of the globe, let us see what may happen
to the Land of Israel, and the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel now
living in Northern Europe? This has some fascinating implications when we
realize that that with a crustal or polar shift of only 10 degrees,
which has been documented in the historical age of man by the reprinted 15th
century maps depicting a 15 degree shift in the Antarctica, Jerusalem, the
capital of Israel at the 31st degree parallel could replace Rome,
the capital of Italy at the 41st parallel latitude.
Considering that this
coming apocalyptic era will herald the rise of Greater Israel, where Eilat, on
the Red Sea is presently the southernmost tip of Israel on the 29th
degree parallel. The capital of Israel
in Jerusalem at the center is located at the 31st, yet Greater
Israel will also include Beirut, Tyre and Sidon at the 33rd degree
parallel and Hamath north of Damascus, also now part of the future sovereign
lands of Greater Israel will be located at the 45th degree parallel.
Is it not interesting
that with a 10 degree shift in latitude, the Ancient Roman Empire, whose
imperial state on the Peninsula of Italia will discover that the new latitude
of Eilat on the south will replace the Isle of Malta at the 38th
parallel line? Jerusalem again will
replace Rome at the 41st, Beirut, Tyre and Sidon will replace
Florence at the 43rd degree parallel and Milano, Italy plus Lyon and
Bordeaux, France will be replaced by Hamath, Syria at the 45th.
Whereas Rome over the centuries has sought to replace
Jerusalem as the city of God (HaShem) as written by St. Augustine in his book, “Rome
the City of God”, now we can envision the Land of Israel replacing the literal latitude
location on the same position on the globe as where the Peninsula of Italy and
Rome was once located. The arid wilderness desert of Israel now relocated along
this parallel latitude will be located right along where the breezes and rain will
again make the Land of Israel a garden district raising such bountiful produce
that the world will wonder in awe.
Ezekiel 36:3-4, 6-10, 11-12 - (parts) - “Because,
and again because, there was astonishment and craving for you from all around,
for you to become a heritage for the rest of the nations, and you were taken up
on [every] lip of each nation as the subject of the people’s disparagement,
therefore mountains of Israel, hear the word of the L-rd HaShem/Elohim!
Thus said the L-rd HaShem/Elohim to the
mountains and to the hills, to the streams and to the valleys, to the desolate
ruins and to the forlorn cities, which have become a scorn and a derision for
the remaining nations all around…but you, O mountains of Israel, will give
forth your branch and bear your fruit for My people, [Lost Tribes of] Israel,
for they are soon to come…and you will be tilled and you will be sown. I
will make people numerous upon you – the entire House of Israel, all of
I will multiply man and animal upon you,
and they will multiply and be fruitful; I will make you inhabited as in your
earlier times, and I will make it better than it was at your beginning, then
you will know that I am HaShem. I will cause man to walk upon you – My
people Israel – and they will inherit you. Then you will be theirs for a
possession and you will no longer bereaved of them.”
As Ancient Rome sought also to replace Jerusalem and
the Jews spiritually, the humor of the G-d of Israel may have the last
laugh. Jerusalem could literally replace
Rome’s latitude position of the 41St parallel, and the lands of
inhabited by the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel, will become devastated
as climatic changes will alter the European clime dramatically.
Yet, Greater Israel, G-d’s new empire on Planet Earth,
called the “Kingdom of G-d on Earth” will literally replace part of the
homeland of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel and many of their
homelands will now be encased in ice. Yes, Jerusalem will truly and literally become
Hashem’s planetary capital on Planet Earth.
Lost Tribes of Israel during the Pole Shift
The Northern Kingdom
of Israel was sent into land of their exile in the
region of Khurasan where the United States and NATO are fighting today (2012-3)
in Eastern Afghanistan and Western Pakistan.
Ninety percent of theLost
10-Triber Israelitesmigrated from the
lands of their exile in Afghanistan (Khurasan), up into the Caucasus Region
through the lands of the ancient Jewish royal Davidian Empire of Georgia whose imperial rule peaked during the Roman Christian
Crusades to the Holy Land in the 12-13th century CE.
The Lost 10 Tribers
then traversed westward across over the Black Sea and followed the trail of
their cousins, the Tribe of Dan, into the regions of the Don (Dan) River, the D(a)niester River and the D(a)nieper Rivers and finally up the
Danube River settling in the vast forested and unpopulated lands of Northern Europe. There they settled in Northern Europe,
Scandinavia, and over to the “isles of the sea” of England, Ireland and
Scotland. This would now become their
final homeland during their long two-thousand seven hundred year exile from the
land of their forefathers in Samaria in Northern Israel.
The Impact of a Planetary Pole Shift
or Terrestrial Crustal Shift
In what may be a combination of amagnetic pole
shiftwith a massive planetary
“crustal shift”, if the former homelands of the Lost Tribes of the House of
Israel located in the Shomron region of Central Israel will be pushed north by
a 15 degree crustal shift, it would then rest in the same latitude that the
European Union does today. Once the
“breadbasket of the world”, a major part of the United States of America will
descend down into the latitude of the desert regions of Mexico. The drought of
2011 in the State of Texas alone cost the state $5.2 billion in either
additional production costs or potential income not received; the worst in
As the last president of the United States of America
withdraws its nation’s support of the State of Israel, will America come under
the judgments of the Almighty? Will
America become a participant of the apocalyptic events of Revelation? Will the
apocalyptic streams from the heavens crash upon this continent such as one of a
series of asteroids or planetoids impact upon this earth; the first three
Trumpet plagues of Revelation?
Revelation 8:6-11 – “Now theseven
angelswith the seven shofars prepared to sound them. The first one
sounded his shofar; and there came hail and fire mingled with blood, and
it was thrown down upon the earth.
A third of the earth was burned up, a third of the trees were burned up,
and all green grass was burned up.
second angel sounded his shofar, and what looked like an enormous
blazing mountain was hurled into the sea.
A third of the sea turned to blood, a third of the living creatures in
the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.”
The third angel sounded his shofar;
and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky onto a third
of the rivers and unto the springs of water.
The name of the star was “Bitterness” (“Wormwood”) and a third of the
water was bitter, and many people died from the water that had been turned
The Affect upon a Major Ocean
impacted by a Large Asteroid
Into one of the great oceanic basins of the earth,
Atlantic, Pacific, or the Indian Ocean, is prophetically destined to be
impacted by an asteroid or planet from another stellar system that the prophet
of Revelation described as an “enormous blazing mountain”. Such an impact would send tsunamis over 100-200
feet high to pummel the coastal cities surrounding the impacted ocean.
Since 75-80% of the world’s populations live within
miles of an ocean, such an impact would send the fleeing billions of panicking populations,
now without homes, inland as refugees.
Consider the fact that this “blazing mountain” were to impact the
Pacific Ocean to the east of the continent of Asia. It could set in motion
billions of Chinese in a mass migration to find a new homeland to the west
towards Jerusalem.
Revelation 9:14-18 – “The sixth angel sounded his shofar, and
I heard a voice from the four horns of the gold altar before G-d, saying to the
sixth angel, the one with the shofar, ‘Release
the four angels that are bound at the great river Euphrates !’ And they
were released. The four angels had been kept ready for this moment, for this
day and month, and year, to kill a third of mankind; and the number
of the cavalry soldiers was two hundred million! – I heard the number.
Here is how the horses
looked in the vision: the riders had breastplates that were fire-red, iris-blue, and sulfur-yellow; the horse’s heads were like lions’ heads;
and from their mouths issued fire, smoke and sulfur. It was these three plagues that killed a
third of mankind – the fire, smoke and sulfur issuing from the horse’s mouths. For
the power of the horses was in their mouths – and also in their tails, for
their tails were like snakes with heads, and with them they could cause injury.”
Revelation 16:12 – “The sixth one poured out his bowl on
the great river Euphrates, and
its water dried up, in order to
prepare the way for the kings
from the east.”
With the progressive global catastrophes, the Island
of Japan will no doubt be destroyed and collapse under the waters of the
Pacific. All the coastal cities from China, South and North Korea, and all the
cities down the coastline of Alaska, Canada; the western seaboard of the United
States downward to Panama, Peru, to the Nation of Chili on the southern borders
of South America could be impacted by mega-tsunamis.
With this horrendous reality envisioned from earth in
observation of the sixth angel blowing the shofar or casting the vials of ashes
down upon earth; we can now understand with the devastation of western Asia in
China, the Koreas, and Japan along the “Ring of Fire” and the “Pacific Ring”,
plus along the entire western coastline of North and South America that a
“third” of the populations on Planet Earth could be destroyed. And we now begin
to comprehend why the 200 million man army of the “kings of the East” is heading
west towards Jerusalem. Israel will now
be perceived by the armies of the world as the last “safe haven” upon this
What if this asteroid impact were to crash into the
Atlantic Ocean? The resultant tsunami
would impact all the coastal cities of Europe and the eastern seaboard of the
United States of America. Could it
become the primary “act of G-d” that would force the displacement of the
populations in Europe which are populated by the Lost Tribes of the House of
Israel in northern Europe? Would it be
such an epic catastrophe that along the coastline where the 13 Original
Colonies in America, representing the Twelve Lost Tribes of Israel with the
“double blessing” to Joseph for the 13th tribal colony would be so
utterly devastated that a massive evacuation beings with the Second Exodus as
the descendants of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel begin making
preparation for aliyah to the Land of Israel?
Will these events become the causal force for America
to “turn it’s heart back to the God of Israel?
Yet, when we look at each of these potential models of the final
apocalypse, the starkest reality is that they may occur within the next three
to four years beginning with the End of the Mayan World Age on December 21,
Earlier we witnessed a “great star” falling
like a “blazing torch” and fell upon a third of the rivers and the
springs of water. Does it plow into a continent? Not necessarily! Or does it
pass-over and the debris from the cometary or planetoid tail could leave a
multi-inch layer of iron oxide over the one entire continent on this globe. The
resultant impact upon the continent would be that it would pollute and
contaminate a third of the “rivers” and “springs of water” where the water
would become bitter and millions of people would die.
These apocalyptic catastrophes do occur after the 6th
(sixth) Seal after which Satan the “Accuser” will seal his own adherents with
the “Mark of the Beast”. Just prior to
the 7th Seal, the dark forces of Lucifer claim their own, then the
G-d of Israel will claim His “chosen ones” of the House of Judah, the House of
the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel, and all who believe in the divine
mission of the Orthodox Jew, Yahshua HaNotzri (Jesus the Nazarene) who was the incarnated
human manifestation of the Holy One Himself.
All of these “chosen ones” would be protected by the Divine, during the
last 1260 literal days (three and one-half years) before the arrival of the
Mashiach ben David (Messiah son of David).
It was this same Orthodox Jewish rabbi, whom many
believed to be their Messiah, who took His disciples upon the mount called
Olivet, when looking down upon the temple, said to them;
Matthew 24:1-3 - “And Jesus (Yahshua) went out, and departed
from the temple: and His disciples came to Him to show Him the buildings of the
temple. And Jesus said unto them, See
you not all these things? Verily I say
unto you, there shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not
be thrown down.
And as He sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came
unto Him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be, and what shall
be the sign of Your coming, and of the End of the World?”
Yahshua was speaking with His disciples, the words interpreted by the
translators as, “the end ofthe world”
was the Greek world, “aion” or translated as “aeon” which did not mean the
complete destruction of this planet earth, or the complete annihilation of
every human on this planet. Rather it was translates as the “End of the Age”.
world age was now departing, and another world age was in the process of
beginning for the next millennium (1000 years).
The first words that lighten the minds of many people included; New
Earth, the Millennial rule of King Messiah, the 1000 year of God’s saints in
heaven, and the Messianic Kingdom of YHVH’s Messiah upon this Planet Earth. They
all have very similar connotations.
The Impact of Eastern Mysticism and Western Pragmatism
on the Quest for Cosmic Reality
western New Agers though are part of the larger concepts of Eastern mysticism
incorporating the concepts of the trans-migration of the soul and reincarnation,
as they try to explain how humans can reach a state of perfection, totality and
completeness. This cosmology was
imbedded in the concepts of the Mayans.
great Circle of Life returns to its original beginning every 25,000 years to
complete its “Five World Age” cycle. During this time the 12 constellations of
the Zodiac, representing the 12 Tribes of House of Israel (Jacob), continues to
move through the
precession of the equinoxes and return to the same moment of time; the place of
the Divine Beginning.
the Hebrew-Jewish concept of Divine Oneness is the “Great Circle of Life Plus”
by adding the one element; “time”. While
the great Circle of Life is true, according to the Hebrews, we also live in a
three dimensional world with the addition of “time”.
life is dynamic, and flows with rhythm, pulse, and sound. Instead of static circles returning to their
same point of origin, the Hebrews added the dimension of time. A rotating
circle became a wave function, much like an oscillation of a photon of light, a
sound wave, or the pulsation of a “breath of air”. The scientific evidence of life suggested a
circular motion that advanced in time and when viewed from the side it appears
as a wave form.
the creative power of the Divine, HaShem came as He “spoke” (sound), or He
“breathed into his (Adam’s) nostrils” (wind) or the divine “Spark of Life”
(light) and the creative process was completed.
How long each of these divine acts took is still a matter of scientific
and religious debate but the reality of life is that the wave forms of sound,
blowing of the wind, and the photon pulsing of light are the inherent parts of
the “acts of creation”.
fact that a human being can bring his life into perfection and oneness with the
Divine is a fact of the Hebrew prophetic understanding. This is the way of Torah. Living a life in perfect harmony with one’s
heart, mind and soul in the precepts of Torah living. This was intended to be
with the assistance of the presence of the divine Temple of God and the
nearness of the Divine Shekinah that showed that the Presence of God was a true reality.
Without the living Presence of the Divine in
the connection with the Shekinah produced an improbability in what we call a
“dead option”. It could happen, but most of the time it won’t. We are capable of thinking, but our limited
sensory system hinders our ability to perceive the Divine Power, and so we
struggle today as our spiritual eyes are veiled to the divine reality.
The probability of creating a
perfect life by living the life of Torah in our present state of “sinfulness”
appears to be a hopeless improbability.
This is why “emuna” or faith in the Sovereignty of HaShem is so critical
in order to open the gateway to our neshama soul for the Divine to live within
our hearts or in Jewish terms, for the “spark of the divine to reside in the
vessel of our mind”.
If this is hard on an individual
basis, consider the fact of the difficulty of it becoming a part of the process
for the national consciousness of a people, such as Hebrews; Jews and Lost
Israelites. So together, we can collectively come into a Oneness with the
Divine as our original form of “Being” or “Chosenness”.
This road to eventual perfection
without the divine action of “salvation” afforded by the arrival of a Jewish
Messiah is like putting a “drop of water in the ocean”. Orthodox Judaism has struggled with this concept,
where the Torah theme that any human, living a life of Torah, above and beyond
the letter of the Law can spiritually and literally come into harmony with the
The chance of doing that
individually or collectively with a national consciousness is one in billions
of a chance; improbable but possible.
With the revealing of HaShem’s Maschiah ben Dovid, the gates of heaven
will be opened and our spiritual souls will connect with our physical bodies
here on earth and will be transformed by the creative power of the Divine as we
are restored to live into a World of Torah Enlightenment; taught and guided by
HaShem’s Messiah.
Taking the archeological and
linguistic understanding of the Sumerian texts and bringing them into harmony
with the Torah historical account suggests that there was a moment of time in
which the G-d of Israel permitted an advanced group of civilized humanoid like
beings to come into our three dimensional world to live and teach the sons of
man about the organization and culture of the world of creation from the World
of the Divine, to the World of the Spirit Beings, to the World of Formation,
where Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden in a sinless state.
There the first “couple” was
privileged to witness and communicate directly with the Divine and His
emissaries of the spirit world. By the
participation of the rebelling spiritual beings along with HaSatan (Satan), Adam
and Eve were exiled from the Garden and devolved into this literal World of
Action, where a dimensional shroud surrounded them. They could no longer see or perceive the
hierarchy and governance of the heavenly forces.
So today, we now live, feel, act
like, and reside like the other animals of God’s creation except we as humans have
the perception to understand and with our communication skills to transmit this
information to others. We also still retain the power of free will; the “power
to think and to do.”
With the introduction of greed, sin,
obsession of power, and the need to control other people, our world that once
was a nest of immense creative and flourishing entrepreneurial activity has now
become robotic, static, in its decaying entropy of extinction. The final drama
of the rebellion with the dark forces of HaSatan against the forces of light
guided by the Master of the Universe, has now come to its completion on
December 21, 2012. What will happen on that date, we will have to wait, pray,
and prepared for whatever reality it will be.
There is still one hidden and
occluded part little perceived. Back in the mid-19th century, the 13
Original Colonies were alive with the expectation of the “Coming of the Messiah”. This was a revolutionary idea in that day.
When the “Messiah” did not come, the rest of the world castigated that moment
of time as a “failed prophecy”. Yet it took the Jewish sage called the Vilna
Gaon, who told his disciples just prior to that time that the “coming of the
Messiah was not an event; but a process.”
This was an amazing revelation.
we stand at the cusp of the date of December 21, 2012, and ask, “What is going
to happen?” Keep it in mind, whatever it
will be, we will look back upon it in time, and understand, for it will
not become just an “event” but the
gateway to a process that will unfold as the “End of Days” transforms into a most
brilliant reality; the revelation or the revealing of the Maschiah ben Dovid (Messiah
son of David).
Isaiah 9:5-6 – “For a child has been born to us, a son has
been given to us, and the dominion will rest on his shoulder; the Wondrous
Adviser, Mighty G-d, Eternal Father, called his name Sar-Shalom (Prince of
Peace); upon the one with the greatness in dominion and the boundless peace
that will prevail on the throne of David and on his kingdom, to establish it
and sustain it through justice and righteousness, from now to eternity. The
zealousness of HaShem, Master of Legions, will accomplish this!”
when the Sar-Shalom (Prince of Peace) does begin its reign, what will happen to
Klal Yisra’el (All Israel)?
39:23-29 – “And the
nations will know that the people of Israel went into exile for their sin,
because they were unfaithful to Me. So I hid My Face from them and
handed them over to their enemies, and they all fell by the sword. I dealt with
them according to their uncleanness and their offenses, and I hid My Face from
Therefore this is what the Sovereign HaShem says: I will
now bring Jacob back from captivity and will have compassion upon the
whole House of Israel, and I will be zealous for My Holy Name. They will
forget their shame and all the unfaithfulness they showed toward Me when they
lived in safety in their land with no one to make them afraid.
When I have brought them back from the nations and have
gathered them from the countries of their enemies, I will show Myself holy
through them in the sight of many nations. Then they will know that I am
HaShem their G-d, for though I sent them into exile among the nations, I
will gather them to their own land, not leaving any behind. I will no longer
hide My Face from them, for I will pour out My Spirit on the house of
Israel, declares the Sovereign HaShem."
might Want to Read the Series – “The 2012 Mayan End of the Age”
Finger of the Divine is rapidly transforming our world in to the final guela
and redemption for All Israel; Judah and Ten-Israel together. As it comes to
the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel, our naturalized homelands as we know
them to be will soon disappear and we will have only one choice left,
assimilate into rapidly decaying gentile world, or return to our ancestral
tribal homelands in Israel. The prophets have a lot to say as to the fate of
each of these Lost Israelites.
prophets of Israel have spoken and continue to reveal to us today the prophetic
matrix of the future. As with Rabbi Judah ben Samuel, the clue as to the
prophetic vortex that is rapidly swirling around our lives is becoming more
revealed. If you don’t know how to listen to the “still small voice”, the voice
of HaShem, like Elijah the Prophet, it’s time to begin listening as the G-d of
Israel is whistling or coaxing you to come back to the brotherhood of Klal
Yisra’el (All Israel).
learn more about this redemptive process, you are Welcome to Contact “Kol Ha'Tor”, the Voice of the
Turtledove. Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to bring
awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the
Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This super
Event of all Times will entail establishing in the region of Shomron (the
Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness into a new
homeland for the Return of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel when All Israel will
finally be redeemed.
inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”,a
Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria, that hosts Shomron (Samaria)
Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel.
Parashat Miketz (At the End of): Genesis 41 - 44:17
Haftarah: 1 Kings 3:15 - 4:1
NOTE: Kol HaTor, in its commentaries on the
weekly Parashot, endeavors to search for and accentuate the Torah Messages
contained in the Parashot as applicable to the main Theme of Tanach of the
Return of the House of Israel, i.e. the Lost Ten Tribes of Northern Israel and
their Reconciliation with Judah to form the reunited 12-Tribed Kingdom of
Our Torah Reading this week coincides
with Chanukah. Our commentary will shortly bring all this into perspective.
First, let us pick up the context of our Parashot readings thus far. Underlying
these first 9 Parashot, since Genesis chapter 1, we have traced the Divine
Intent to create a righteous Body to rule with Him in His Kingdom over this
World which He had created all for humanity’s sake – His Creation. This was
further defined by the Blessing to Abraham which narrowed it down to a section
of the descendants of Ya’acov, the Twelve Tribes of Israel.
In Parashat Va’yeshev, last week, we
were introduced to the long-standing Division amongst these Tribes brought
about by their individual striving for leadership. Yosef, representing the
10-Tribed faction of the ‘House of Israel’ was introduced and the Need for
ultimate Unity to restore Peace and Oneness in the House of HaShem was stressed
as a Final Requirement for the completion of Redemption (Geulah). We also need
to clarify the metaphoric representation in each of these historic Biblical
role players in order to more fully comprehend the underlying Divine Message
for our Time.
Judaism of today is
represented by the Tribe of Judah (together with the small tribe of Benjamin
and ‘those of Ephraim who have joined with and live amongst Judah’.
Yosef is regarded by
the Rabbis as being representative of the Ten Tribes of Israel who have been in
exile since the breakup of the Kingdom of Israel in the time of King Solomon,
2800 years ago.
Prophesy predicts their Return to
their Hebraic Roots and to the Land of Israel in a process of Restoration and
Redemption. As Parashat Mikeitz will show though, Yosef, while representative
of the 10 Tribes, seem to be separate from and unrecognized not just by Judah,
but also by his fellow 9 brothers. This could be explained by regarding Yosef
as the spiritual ‘first-born’ amongst the Ten Tribes; the one who would be in a
‘leadership’ position with Truth.
As such, even Yosef’s brothers, who
are still in spiritual ‘Egypt’, regard him as somewhat strange and not part of
them. To Judah, Yosef is an ‘Egyptian’ and a stranger, while he has really
received the double Blessing of the First-born which has been passed on to his
sons, Ephraim and Menasseh (‘Ephraim’ being a group compound name for 10-Israel
Parashat Mikeitz will thus further
emphasize the great division and spiritual rivalry which withholds the ultimate
Redemption and which has to be overcome by Judah, Yosef and Ephraim – thus ALL
12 Tribal contenders whose Reconciliation is a foundational requirement and
condition for Redemption.
This non-recognition of Yosef (as the
leader, represented by the Hebraic Restoration Movement which takes the lead in
restoring and establishing the Torah-based Return of 10-Israel) by all his
brothers, is evident today from the recognition and treatment that Hebraic
Restoration Returnees receive from both Judaism and the Church.
The latter regards these Hebraic Roots
Restorers as “traitors to the Christian faith who reject the NT Grace and want
to place themselves (with Judah) under the burden of the Law again.” Judaism,
on the other hand, regards these ‘strange pagans’ with great suspicion for
wanting to keep Jewish Laws, tradition and culture. Surely, “Yosef is not
recognized by his brothers!”
Our Reading this week brings a
particularly encouraging Message for this ‘Time of the End’ which we are no
doubt approaching before the ultimate Redemption of the Ages. In fact, this
week’s Parashah is named “Miketz” – (“At the End of”, according to the first words
of the Parashah).
While this section fits perfectly the
times that we are living in and this time of Chanukah, it does at first glance
seem totally irrelevant and inapplicable that the Haftarah portion this week
comes from the inconspicuous book of 1 Kings chapter 3 which relates the
argument between two prostitutes about a baby.
Closer consideration though, will
reveal an amazing Message in this dispute for the very Time that we are living
in. Bear in mind, that this dividing of the Torah into some 52 weekly Readings,
paired with defined extracts from the Prophets and other sections of the
Tanach, follows a pattern selected and set by Jewish Sages many centuries ago.
If the entire Bible did not testify to a Divine spiritual, almost mathematical
foundation underlying it, then this all could well be classified as ‘amazing
We start our commentary with an
extract from an article written just this week by Rabbi Chaim Richman of “The Temple Institute,
Jerusalem”. Interpolating
Comments by KOL HA’TOR are presented between [ ].
42:8 - “They did not recognize him (Yosef)”
As Rabbi Richman writes:
Rabbi Chaim Richman -
“Chanukah, the eight day celebration of the victory of the Maccabees over their
Greek oppressors, is the only holiday on the Hebrew calendar that spans two
months. By virtue of its unique placement on the Hebrew calendar, the great
Festival of Lights occurs not only at the darkest time of the solar year, in
close proximity to the winter solstice, it also incorporates within its eight
days the darkest moment of the monthly lunar cycle,
When a
brother does not recognize a brother, this is the definition of spiritual
darkness; this is the meaning of exile. There are two fundamental reasons why
the brothers did not recognize Yosef. He was dressed and coiffed in the
manner of the royal house of Egypt. Everything about his outward appearance was
foreign to them. He epitomized everything that their descendants, the Maccabeus
warriors, would rebel against thousands of years later.
On a
deeper level they didn't and couldn't recognize Yosef until the guilt
they bore for the wrong they had done him would be resolved, as eventually it
was. So while they remained outwardly faithful to the teachings and yearnings
of their fathers Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov [Judaism], they
had betrayed their own heritage by their misdeed. They were foreign to
themselves. [The result was the lack of Unity; the Prime Divine Requirement for
Redemption and the Return of the Divine Shechinah.]
But what
makes this moment even darker than a moonless night in the depths of December
is the simple fact that until they could recognize one another, until they
could resolve their differences, until they could come clean with themselves,
look directly into the eyes of their brother and register the bright glimmer of
pure holy light looking back at them, they couldn't even tell that they were in
such darkness. They were not yet cognizant of the fact that they were already [still]
in exile. The long night had begun [had not ended] and they were unaware.
We cannot possibly
reconcile with G-d, our Father in heaven, until we reconcile with one another.
And this is true even within the microcosmic sphere of our own family unit. Can
a father truly be pleased with any of his children if they, themselves, are
estranged from one another?
Yaakov couldn't possibly have been brought down to Egypt until
his sons had first reunited. And although this reunion would take place at the
onset of a cruel exile, it was at once both the beginning and the beginning of
the end of the exile. For recognition and unity and brotherly love for one
another is what it takes to sustain and resist and eventually overcome any
exile, no matter how dark.
The miracle
of the cruse of pure oil that lasted for eight straight days was really the
miracle of the rekindling of the pure light of Torah within the hearts of
estranged brothers. And just as in the case of Israel in Egypt, the
rekindling of the light of brotherly unity didn't mark the end of the war with
Antiochus. The war would rage on for two more decades. But it did mark the
beginning of the eventual victory over those who sought to darken the eyes of
Israel. Unity among Israel can only lead to victory and redemption.
Today we
are living through the prophesied historical period known to our sages as “the
heels of the messiah," that is, a period marked both by the
growing light of redemption and the final efforts of the forces of darkness to
return Israel to exile. And there are still among Israel those, who, in spite
of, or perhaps because of the blinding light of Redemption, are finding it
difficult to recognize their own brothers.
We need
to reach out to them even as we continue unabated in our efforts to work toward
and build the coming Redemption even as it approaches, and as the Maccabees did
in their day, to rebuild and purify the great stone altar, rekindle the golden
menorah and return the Holy Temple and the Divine service to the embrace of all
Our Parashah portion from Genesis has clearly
accentuated the destructive Division of the Elected House of Ya’acov as a
continuation of the Message of the previous Parashah Va’Yeshev (Parashah #9).
The Haftarah this week exposes a similar
great division between two mothers regarding a communal treasure – a child.
Both claimed the same child as theirs. Upon the King’s decision to cut the
child in two and give each mother a half, the real mother was easily identified
by her love for her child, when she asked the judge to rather give the child to
the other mother. The other mother was happy to see the child rather die so
that neither of them would have the pleasure of a child.
Much the same applies to the two divided
Houses of Israel today (Judaism and re-awakening 10-Israel), who both are
entitled to the Divine Promise regarding the same Promised Land – the physical
Land of Israel promised to Abraham and his uncountable generations. Both these
factions however, have their own terms – and totally inconsiderate of each
other. 10-Israel wants the Land to be free from Judah’s Rabbinic control and
Judah is not to be found for sharing the Land with what they regard as
Noteworthy also is the fact that this
Parashah refers to these two mothers as “two prostitutes “– I Kings 3:16, who
lived in one house. If indeed the claim to a child is a metaphoric reference to
the claim for the Promised Land; why then are the mothers referred to as
‘prostitutes’? How could this possibly apply to the Divine Beneficiaries of the
Promised Land, Judah and 10-Israel – the twelve Tribes of Israel?
Well, this may well be where the awesome
implications of this week’s Torah Reading (indeed, of the Bible’s entire Redemption
Message) really takes effect. Read on:
The Bible’s evaluation of the two
‘contestants’ to the Promised Land really makes some uneasy, almost
pornographic reading! We will just quote the main themes here and leave the
reader to read the somewhat horrid descriptive characterizations for themselves
in Ezekiel chapter 16 and 23:
23:1 – “The word of HaShem came to me: “Son of man, there were two women,
daughters of the same mother. They became prostitutes in Egypt,
engaging in prostitution from their youth. In that land their breasts
were fondled and their virgin bosoms caressed.
The older
was named Oholah, and her sister was Oholibah. They were mine and gave birth to
sons and daughters. Oholah is Samaria, and Oholibah is Jerusalem.”
This, without doubt, is a reference to the
Two Houses of Israel to whom these Final Messages of the Age is directed. In
case you have any doubts about this, read the complete chapters 16 & 23 of
Not only are these Two Houses divided
on the issue of the “disputed child”, i.e. the Land and the Inheritance, but
they point fingers at each other about who of them really is the ‘harlot’, each
trying to justify herself! The Bible phrases the Divine Verdict loudly and
clearly: BOTH are!
Yet, BOTH are His Beloved, while He is
patiently waiting on their Teshuvah (Repentance)! His Grace even encompasses
taking back His Divorced Bride, 10-Israel, with whom He pleads for her return –
but, on His Terms this Time! (This entails a complete and comprehensive
additional study. Suffice it here to say that all Jewish Prophets foretold and
foresaw this Return to complete the Redemption.
Refer to our comprehensive quoted list of
these Scriptures at:
Both Houses should learn from this Haftarah,
to pray for and share a Living Land, rather than to reflect the attitude of:
‘Rather let the Land be lost to both factions, than to share it with each
other’, or to have to acknowledge each other.
Judah has to come to realize that Jews from the
Tribe of Judah and Benjamin alone can NOT POSSIBLY settle the Greater Israel.
The entire world population of Judah only numbers some 15 million Jews – not
even enough to settle the current region of Israel West of the Jordan River.
A Biblical Map of Greater Israel will reflect
that current ‘Jewish Israel’ is not much more in proportion to the Greater
Israel, than a nature reserve. Estimates of a 10-Triber population of one
billion people have been mentioned in Jewish Sages’ writing – more like the
figure required settling Greater Israel. Where will such numbers of Jews come
And, if 10-Israel has to be accommodated, it
cannot possibly be on basis of expecting them to be “Super Torah Jews”
rather than the reality of being “Returning-to-Torah” subordinates who
need a loving hand up, just the same as much of the majority of non-observant
and secular Jews in the world need it.
10-Israel, on the other hand, needs to realize that it
cannot expect Judah to become subject to a religious system “which their
fathers never knew”, or to a theology that has a pagan foundation.
The required UNITY to secure the Peace
which will guarantee the Return of the Divine Shechinah has to come from a
heart of love and sincere concern, from those to whom the LIFE of Greater
Israel is as essential as a mother’s love for her child.
May we all search for and find this Key to
UNITY in the House of Zion!
HA’TOR – the Vision for a re-united 12-Tribed Kingdom of Israel
To understand more
about the Return of the 10 Tribes of Israel to their Homeland in Shomron
(Samaria), Israel, Contact “Kol Ha’Tor”,
the Voice of the Turtledove.
Here is a joint
Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to bring awareness of the imminent
fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel
(12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This super Event of all Times will
entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs)
and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the
“Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the
Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about
Kol Ha Tor Ministries for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House
in Samaria, that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost
Tribers of the House of Israel.
Parashat Va’yeshev (And he was settled): Genesis 37:1-40:23
Haftarah: Amos 2:6-3:8
Kol HaTor, in its commentaries on the weekly Parashot, endeavors to search for
and accentuate the Torah Messages contained in the Parashot as applicable to
the main Theme of Tanach of the Return of the House of Israel, i.e. the Lost
Ten Tribes of Northern Israel and their Reconciliation with Judah to form the
reunited 12-Tribed Kingdom of Israel.
Having followed
through the first 8 Readings of the Torah, the ‘Blessing of a Multitude of
Nations’ to Avraham, the 9th Reading “Va’yeshev” (‘And he was
settled’) now brings us to the finer division of Avraham’s descendants into two
The first section
(Genesis 37) deals with Yoseph (son of Ya’acov). ‘Yoseph’, in Rabbinic
interpretation, embodies what later would become the Torah rebelling and Judah
rejecting Northern Ten Tribes of Israel. As such, ‘Yoseph’ became the mascot
reference or group name for the Northern Ten Tribes of Israel, which would
become rejected by HaShem and exiled into oblivion amongst the nations of the
Chapter 38 deals with
the descendants of Judah. Who would become the Second House of Israel. At
first glance, this chapter is not a complimentary reference to Judah, who’s
first 2 sons (Er and Onan) would be struck dead by HaShem for their
wickedness. Further to Judah’s discredit, he then sleeps with Er’s widow,
Tamar, after seeing her for a prostitute!
Yet, from Judah would
arise the descendents of the “Lion of Judah” with many illustrious leaders to come;
like Joshua, King David and a host of others. Both Judah and Yoseph would be
“in the line of Mashiach ben Yosef” (Gaon of Vilna, Kol HaTor, ch 1.23).
Just as this Reading
relates the terrible division and disunity amongst the sons of Ya’acov in
capturing and selling Yoseph, so there would come great division between the
Two Houses of Israel which make up the Nation of HaShem. This division
would last until the End Time – the Time that Mashiach ben David will come to
rule over the nations in the re-united 12-Tribed Kingdom of the G-d of
The Gaon of Vilna, of
blessed memory, in the same section quoted above, sheds the following
light on this Reconciliation in the End Time:
Gaon - “In our deeds and with our prayers we help Mashiach ben Yosef,
and by acting with all our strength when the awakening comes from below, we will
achieve the unity of Mashiach ben Yosef and Mashiach ben David who
are “the tree of Yosef and the tree of Judah.” At first they will be in your
hands individually, and afterwards “they will be united in My hand.”
The unity of both
are the foundation for the unity of the Holy One blessed be He and the
Shechina, and thus the completion of the Redemption. We at the Kol HaTor
Vision (publishers of this Commentary) believe that we are now in the “Time of
Awakening” referred to by the Gaon. It is therefore incumbent on us to
strive for thus Unity that the Gaon refers to. Whereas our Reading this
week introduces us to the Great Division, we should use this knowledge that we
are gaining here as stepping stones to Reconciliation and thus the ultimate
Redemption (Geulah).
The purpose of these
commentaries is to bring realization of the intrinsic Message contained in the
Bible and understanding of HaShem’s Plan and Intent for mankind. Only in
this way can we hope to comply and work together with each other and with
HaShem to reach the ultimate. For this reason we now insert a complete review
here on the Great Division in the Nation of HaShem and the reason for it.
In this way we will have sufficient information and knowledge to take the right
decisions to work towards the ultimate – and above all, to be found worthy of
being part of it!
The conflict between Joseph and his brothers particularly that between
Joseph and Judah, runs like a seam across the entire history of Israel. At
times Joseph gains the upper hand, at times Judah prevails, but the schism
always resurfaces. Our sages even speak of two messiahs, each with a
role to play in the final fulfilment of Israel’s mission—a messiah descended
from Joseph, and a messiah from the royal house of David, from the
tribe of Judah.
The conflict has its roots in Jacob’s marriages to Leah and Rachel.
Jacob’s preference lay with Rachel—she was his first love and the one he
regarded as his primary wife. But Leah was the first he married, the first to
bear his children, and the one to emerge victorious in the sisters’ competition
to provide Jacob with the most sons. All of Leah’s six sons were born before Rachel’s
firstborn, Joseph; Rachel had a total of two children, as she died while giving
birth to her second son, Benjamin.
As Jacob’s firstborn, Leah’s son Reuben is initially slated for leadership
in all areas of Jewish life. But Reuben sins and his firstborn’s rights are
transferred to three of his brothers: the priesthood goes to Leah’s third
son, Levi; the kingship to Leah’s fourth, Judah; and the “birth
right” (the right of the firstborn to a double portion in his father’s
heritage) to Joseph. Thus Joseph’s descendants comprise two tribes,
Manasseh and Ephraim, and receive two territories in the Holy Land.
(Reuben’s sin is itself an outgrowth of the Leah/Rachel rivalry, as
Reuben interferes in his father’s marriage arrangements in protest of Jacob’s
giving precedence to Rachel’s maid, Bilhah over Leah.)
Jacob transfers his love of Rachel to her son Joseph, demonstrating his
greater preference toward him over his brothers—as he had demonstrated his
preference of Rachel over Leah. The brothers’ jealousy is augmented by Joseph’s
dreams, which Joseph insists on repeatedly describing to them and to his
father—dreams which foretell his mastery over them.This the sons of Leah are determined to prevent at any
cost. Shimon and Levi plot to kill Joseph; Judah prevents this, but oversees
his sale into slavery.
But the brothers’ victory is short-lived. Soon they find themselves in
Egypt, at the mercy of a harsh viceroy who, unbeknownst to them, is their
banished brother. They prostrate themselves before him in fulfilment of his
dreams. Judah confronts Joseph, but finds his considerable physical might and
intellectual prowess bested by his younger brother. Then comes the moving scene
in which Joseph reveals himself to them and is reconciled with them.
Joseph is now the undisputed leader of the fledgling nation. He is their
protector and their source of sustenance. Even Jacob bows to him.
When the people of Israel emerge from the Egyptian exile, it is under
the leadership of Moses and Aaron, both Levites. But it is Joshua, a descendant
of Joseph, who leads them in their conquest of the Holy Land. Several
generations later, another descendant of Joseph, Gideon, liberates them from
foreign rule and governs them. For 369 years the Tabernacle, which as
the forerunner of the Holy Temple serves as the spiritual epicenter of Jewish
life, is situated at Shiloh, in the territory of Joseph. When the people
of Israel ask for a king, a descendant of Rachel, the Benjaminite Saul, is
endowed with the crown.
Then, after centuries of Josephian ascendancy, the pendulum swings once
more. David, the scion of Judah, is anointed as king; his struggles with King
Saul are a replay of the age-old Leah/Rachel rivalry over the leadership of
For seven years David reigns in the Judean city of Hebron, while a son of Saul
is the recognized king in the north. But then the sovereignty of David is
accepted by the entire people of Israel. David makes his capital in another Judean
city; Jerusalem. His son Solomon builds the Holy Temple on a part of the city
which straddles the boundary between Judah and Benjamin. The schism seems to be
healed, the people united, with the leadership firmly in the hands of Judah.
But once more the conflict resurfaces. Following Solomon’s death,
Jeroboam, a descendant of Joseph, leads a revolt against the royal house of
David. He even gets other tribes descended from Leah to join him in the
renunciation of the Judean leadership. For the next 240 years, the Holy Land is
split into two kingdoms; the northern kingdom of Israel, encompassing ten
breakaway tribes under Josephian leadership, and the southern kingdom of Judah.
(Interestingly, the tribe of Benjamin remains loyal to the Judean throne.) The
sons of Joseph are simply not prepared to accept the sovereignty of Judah.
(This is most emphatically illustrated by the following Talmudic account
(Sanhedrin 102a):
Sanhedrin 102a - “G‑d Himself grabbed Jeroboam by his
robe and said to him: ‘Repent, and I, you and the son of Jesse [King David]
will stroll together in the Garden of Eden.’ Asked Jeroboam, ‘Who will walk
first?’ ‘The son of Jesse,’ [answered G‑d. Said Jeroboam,] ‘If so, I’m not
The breach persists to this day. A century before the destruction of the
first Temple, Shalmaneser,
king of Assyria, overran the northern kingdom of Israel and exiled the ten
tribes to an unknown place. They were never heard from again. The rest of Jewish history, as we
know it, is the story of the surviving tribes of Judah and Benjamin, a
significant part of Levi (whose priests and Levites lived in cities throughout
the Holy Land), and a small number of Jews from the other tribes who lived in
the kingdom of Judah.
But the prophets promise that there will come a time when the rent
halves of the people of Israel will be reunited. The messianic age will be
heralded by a messiah from the tribe of Joseph and a Davidic messiah
from the tribe of Judah; ultimately, however, the sovereignty of Judah will
be established once and for all. In the words of the prophet Ezekiel:
Ezekiel 37:22–25 - “I will make them into one
nation in the land . . . and a single king shall be over them all . . . My
servant David shall be king over them, and they shall all have a single
shepherd… and My servant David shall be their prince forever.”
To make this week’s Prophetic reading relevant, we have to look around
us at what is happening. Here in Israel there are ominous signs (Dec.
2012). Our government has just conspired with the enemy’s conditions and
seem to continue bowing before their demands which are becoming more and more
suicidal for us as a nation.
The news media reports that warships of various nations are
entering the seas around us – USA, Britain, France, and Iran. Arab
dictatorships are being toppled one after the other in the name of
‘democracy’, by a consorted force of Western capitalist-Arab interests.
They are being replaced by even more fundamentalist Shariah Law Islamic
Syria is now on the list while preparing poison tipped rockets. In
all this, our Israeli government and the media are taking a lame duck attitude
of wait and see – obviously not having alternative cards to play.
With this in mind and considering how often these long past selected
Prophetic sections commonly have virtual applicable application to the news of
our time, the ominous message may not be so co-incidental as we would
wish it to be.
Amos 2:13; 3:1-2, 6-8 – “Now then, I will crush you as a cart crushes when loaded
with grain …Hear this word, people of Israel, the Word HaShem has spoken
against you—against the whole family I brought up out of Egypt: You only have I
chosen of all the families of the earth; therefore I will punish you for all
your sins.
When a
trumpet sounds in a city, do not the people tremble? When disaster comes to a
city, has not HaShem caused it? Surely the Sovereign HaShem does nothing
without revealing His Plan to His servants the prophets. The lion has
roared—who will not fear? The Sovereign Lord has spoken—who can but prophesy?”
Threatening and scary
as the future may seem to us right now, let us NOT forget HaShem’s Promise to
Avraham of uncountable numbers of Israelites to re-settle the domain of their
forefathers – the Greater Israel (! – talk about explosive topics!)
Let us not lose out
of sight the miraculous phenomenon of a debilitated Judah having rebuilt a
model world leading nation and country in just 60 years – on a foundationless,
desert and swamp infested desolate countryside!
Let us BLESS Judah
for this!
Let us not forget
that it is according to the Prophecies of HaShem!
Let us NOT forget the
rest of these Prophecies of even greater to Come! – the 2nd Exodus!
Let us sculpt His
Eternal Promises on our minds and in our souls:
Genesis 28:15 - “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go,
and I will bring you back to this Land. I will not leave you until I
have done what I have promised you.”
HaTor Vision for a re-united 12-Tribed Kingdom in Greater Israel
To understand more about the Return of the 10 Tribes of
Israel to their Homeland in Shomron (Samaria), Israel, Contact “Kol Ha’Tor”, the Voice of the Turtledove.
Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to
bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies
regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United).
This super Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient
Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the
Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of
the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Ministries for the Lost
Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron
Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest
House in Samaria, that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the
Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel.
You are Israel!
The History was Revealed by the Prophets and Confirmed by Archeology, the Judgment of the God of Israel was Sealed as they were Exiled to Khurasan in Northern Iran, Eastern Afghanistan and Western Pakistan. They Disappeared into the Mists of History as they Migrated in Waves up through Georgia through the Caucasus and Followed the Tracks of their Cousin Dan who left his Name on the Rivers of his Passage (Don, Dniester, Dnieper, and the Danube) as they Migrated Northwestward towards Denmark. They Erupted into Northern Europe in the 3rd Century BCE as the Royal Scythians, Celts, Cymrics, Cimmerians, Goths, Angles, Saxons, Ostrogoths, Visigoths and Frisians.
They Populated the Lands of Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark), the Isles of the West (Britain, Ireland, and Scotland) the Lowlands (Netherlands and Belgium), the Colonies of Great Britain (United States, Canada, Australia, South Africa) plus the Lands of Northern France, and Germany. These today are the Lost Tribes of Israel!
If your Ancestry comes from any of these Lands,
Welcome, You are a “Lost Ten Triber” of the House of Israel!
The Prophets have Proclaimed, at the Time of the End, You will Return Home!
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