As King Sennacherib rode in towards the Southern Kingdom of Judah from the “north”, he went with the sole purpose to take military control of the land to the south in the kingdom of the Jews. So also at the “end times” the incarnation of King Sennacherib will also descend upon Israel from the north. This military leader is called “Gog, from the Land of Magog”
Gog will now set his sights not towards the turmoil of the Middle East to the East but, this time will come as an unwilling international leader, impelled by the G-d of Israel `who will descend upon the Land of Israel.
As stated by the prophets, the Almighty One of Israel will “put a hook into Gog’s jaws and as an unwilling leader will be forced to take his overwhelming military might and head from the regions to the north of Israel as stated below.”
In the GogUMagog attack against the Nation of Israel, it will come just prior to the rest-oration of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel to the Land of Israel at the “end of days” (Ezekiel 39:21-29), by the Lord of hosts who sent this oracle:
Ezekiel 38:1-9 parts - “Now the word of the L-rd came to me, saying, ‘Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, ….and prophesy against him and say, ‘Thus says the Lord God: “Behold, I am against you, O Gog, the prince….
I will turn you around, put hook into your jaws, and lead you out, with all your army, horses, and horsemen, all splendidly clothed, a great company with bucklers, and shields, all of them handling swords… "
In the latter years, you will come into the land of those brought back from the sword (Nazi Holocaust) and gathered from many people on the mountains of Israel (Shomron and Judea), which had long been desolate (the Nation of Israel was formed in 1948); they were brought out of the nations (prophecy fulfilled), and now all of them dwell safely [the 70-year prophecy (1948 – 2018) of being fulfilled].
You will ascend, coming like a storm, covering the land like a cloud, you and all your troops and many people with you…”
The “end times” events as spelled out so vividly by the prophets of old, are not to appease or settle our minds but to wake all of us up to a divine reality. If we are to become participants in the transition zone of the “end times” between the 3rd and the 4th dimensional reality than we need to look at life much differently; now!
BibleSearchers Reflections – The prophecy of Ezekiel concerning the End of the Age Gog-Magog War has been one of the most sought out prophecies to understand for within its prophetic sphere it appears to encompass the entire span of the time of trouble, the apocalyptic catastrophes of the prophets, the return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel, and the final coming of the Messiah. We invite you to enjoy the wisdom of the sages of Israel as we broaden our conceptions of those final days in which we are a part of today. As written in the Israeli blog titled; "Dreaming of Moschiach"
Dreaming of Moschiach – “In Tractate Sanhedrin (94, a) the Talmud reveals: “G-d, blessed be He, wished to appoint Hezekiah (zs'l, King of Judah in 562 BCE as the Messiah, and Sennacherib (King of the Assyrian Empire) as Gog and Magog”. The Talmud goes on to explain why this plan did not materialize.
It is clear from the Talmud that Magog is not a specific nation. At the time of Redemption, whenever that may be, a given nation will take on the identity of Magog, regardless of its particular name or local name. So how do we identify Gog and Magog in our day?
The key to this secret was revealed by the great and holy mystic, Rabbi Isaac Luria, zs'l, (Safed, Israel 1534-1572), the most eminent of all kabbalists. His word is the undisputed final word amongst all Jewish sages in every part of the world for almost 500 years. He is said to have studied with the prophet Elijah on a daily basis. He is known as “The Holy Ari of Blessed Memory.”
The Ari revealed the following: The words “GogUMagog” have the numeric value of 70 [3+6+3+6+40+3+6+3]. Seventy is the number of nations mentioned in the Bible (Genesis 10). In Jewish writings, reference is frequently made to the 70 non-Jewish nations of the world.
(The fact that there are close to 200 independent nations today is not relevant, as a group of politically independent countries may be considered one nation. For example, 21 Arab countries are only one nation). This alludes to the fact that Gog from Magog is the head of the super power which dominates the 70 nations of the world.
Known as “Ha’ARI”, meaning “The Lion, and later remembered as ARIZal (The ARI, of Blessed Memory (Zikhrono Livrakha) who was the foremost rabbi and Jewish mystic in the community of Safed in the Galilee region of Ottoman, Syria has thus clearly and unequivocally identified Magog as the super-power of the world. He has uncovered the mystery. Magog is none other than this country of ours, the United States of America, and “Gog” is its president.
The location of the Land of Israel at the Centre of the Worldis based on another tradition, namely that the creation of the earth began from the Even Hashisiya, the Foundation Stone located in the holiest part of the Temple (Talmud Yoma 54b, Midrash Tanchuma, Pekudei 3).
This is the Stone that is presently under The Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount. (According to the Kabbalists the Foundation Stone is not only the center of this planet, but it is the centre of the all reality. See Sefer Yetzira 4:4.
In fact, in the very place where Ezekiel shares his vision about Gog and his armies coming from “the distant north” (Ezekiel 38:6, 39:2), he also places Israel at “the navel,” i.e., the center, of the earth (ibid. 38:12). Thus, the prophet himself gives us the “key” to locate the region he considers “the distant north.” However, the question begs to be asked. Why are we designating either the entire U.S.A., or the State of Alaska as being north of Jerusalem and not west?
Here we find another amazing phenomenon. Logic would dictate that in determining the relationship between two areas on a globe, we would set the direction based on the shortest distance. The distance between Jerusalem and northern Alaska (the furthest northern state of America) is practically identical to the distance between Jerusalem and eastern Maine (the furthest eastern state of America). They are both 5,300 miles away! Hence from a physical perspective the U.S. is both north and west of Jerusalem.
However from a metaphysical perspective, America’s role as Magogcorresponds to its northern character. (In the Kabbalah, the link between Esau/Edom and the Left/North is extensively developed. In fact, in the Bahir, one of the oldest and most important of all classical kabbalah texts (written in the first century by Rabbi Nechuniah ben HaKana), “North” is identified as the source of all evil (chapter 163 in Rabbi Kaplan’s edition). For this reason, the prophet as well, focuses on the northern connection of Magog.
We find a similar phenomenon regarding ancient Babylon. Babylon was about 500 miles east of Jerusalem, but only about 50 miles north. Clearly, we would consider Babylon east of Jerusalem, not north. Indeed, throughout the Babylonian Talmud, the sages refer to the Land of Israel as “Ma’arava”, the “West.”
Yet when G-d informed Jeremiah about the impending destruction of Israel by the hands of Babylon, the prophet is told (Jeremiah 1:14), “Out of the north the evil shall come forth upon all the inhabitants of the land.” (See Talmud, Bava Basra 25b). Here too we are to understand this from a metaphysical perspective. Although from a geographic perspective Babylon is essentially east of Jerusalem. From an inner spiritual perspective, it is its northern dimension which is the primary source of its destructive power against Israel. There is another interesting link between America and the “North”. The Kabbalists reveal that the two world religions, Christianity and Islam,are each linked to opposite directions. Christianity is represented by the “North” or the “Left” when facing East. Islam is connected to the “South” or the Right side. (The explanation of this correlation is beyond the scope of this letter). Incidentally, that is why, the Christians celebrate Sunday which is to the “left” of the Jewish Shabbat. And the Moslems celebrate Friday, which corresponds to the “right” side.
Thus, when the Prophet Daniel reveals that “at the time of the End, the King of the South will engage the Forces of the North” (Daniel 11:40), he is prophesying that America, a predominantly Christian nation will be drawn into military confrontation with Islamic countries (Afghanistan, Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Syra etc.)."
The day is coming soon when Hashem the G-d of Israel will stretch forth His great hand of judgment and cleanse the earth from the great pollution of man upon Planet Earth. He will take away the “blood oaths” from between the mouths of the Palestinian Arabs.
He will restore the Land of Israel back to “Am Yisra’el”, that means both the House of Joseph (All Ten Tribes of the House of Israel), and the House of Judah.
He will then redeem and restore His own “sheep” back into a living relationship with Himself. If you are chosen, as a Lost Tribal Member of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, your destiny is to return to your Homelands first in Shomron (Samaria), Israel.
To understand more about the Return of the 10 Tribes of Israel,
Contact “Kol Ha Tor”, the Voice of the Turtledove,
as a Reception from the House of Judah is forming to Welcome the Returning House of Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Ministries for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!” a Bed and Breakfast Guest House with Kosher Cuisine, and Tours of Biblical Shomron (Samaria) and Judea. Welcome and Visit, Lost Tribers of the House of Israel to your Future Homeland!
DISCLAIMER - Kol Ha Tor is an independent commentator and may or may not agree with the contents, the views, interpretations and opinions as expressed by the independent theological and/or political views of Destination Yisrael.
Destination Yisrael scans the world for information that has relevance on the time of the end. It is our prayer that this will allow the believers in the Almighty One of Israel to “watch and be ready”. Our readiness has nothing to do trying to halt the progression of evil on our planet earth. In our readiness, we seek to be prepared for the coming of the Messiah of Israel so that goodness and evil will be manifested in its fullest.
Our preparation is a pathway of spiritual readiness for a world of peace. Our defender is the Metatron, the Lord of hosts. The time of the end suggests that the Eternal One of Israel’s intent is to close out this chapter of earth’s history so that the perpetrators of evil, those that seek power, greed and control, will be eliminated from this planet earth. The wars of the heavens are being played out on this planet earth and humans will live through it to testify of the might, power, justice and the love of the God of Israel.
In a world of corruption and disinformation, we cannot always know what the historical truth is and who is promoting evil or mis-information. We cannot guarantee our sources but we will always seek to portray trends that can be validated in the Torah, the testimony of the prophets of the Old and the New Testament, and the writings of Rabbi Eliyahu ben Shlomo ben Zalman (famed Vilna Gaon) called the “genius” in the 18th century, and his vision of the final redemption in his collection of writings highlighted in his supernal understanding of the Torah, the Prophets and Writings as outlined in the Kol Ha Tor.
This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to:
Moving to a Higher Dimensional Consciousness from the Shorelines Planet Earth
1st, The Exponential Rise of the Yehudi Neshama (Jewish Soul) erupts from the Second Amona Catastrophic Evacuation in the Jewish year of 5777 as Observant Jews living in Amona were driven from their homes by Israel’s Attorney General whose legal opinion prohibited Jews for living in Shomron and Judea; the Biblical Heartland of Israel.
2nd, A Massive Surge of the Har Ha Báyit (Temple Mount) Spiritual Consciousness erupts after the death of the young Jewess dancer, Hallel Yaffa Ariel A’H by a young Palestinian Terrorist who breached the walls protecting Hebron. Hebron was the city where David first went to dwell and there was anointed king by the Tribe of Judah as the King of Judah. It was in Hebron that King David, at the age of 30, first began to rule. Soon after, he obtained the Tabernacle of the Dwelling in Gibeon and erected it in Jerusalem on Mount Zion.
3rd, A Massive Surge of Spiritual Consciousness erupted as thousands of Jews and “Christian loving Israel” Evangelical Christians ascended the Har Ha Báyit (“The Mount of the House”) known as the “Temple Mount” beginning on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur and continuing through Pesach (Passover) and Shavuot (Pentecost) showing that the G-d of Israel is spreading and enveloping His “Divine Spirit” upon His people on Planet Earth.
4th, The Jewish Religious forces of Dissent and Rebellion between the Hareidi, Orthodox, Conservative and Reform Judaism plus "Women at the Western Wall" will Herald a futuristic Rise of Edenic Consciousness on praying to HaShem at the Western Wall recognizing that “Intimacy with HaShem and our fellow man equals Conflict with mankind plus Change in our Love and Relationship with G-d and also mankind.
5th, The Trump Spiritual Revolution called “America First”, meaning “G-d First” heralds the end of the Ishmaelite rule over the World as the Masonic Illuminati storm America, Europe, and Vatican Enclaves; just as ISIS now threatens to destroy Vatican Rome.
6th, The Lost Israelite Neshama, the “Neshama Israeli” blossoms forth into a new planetary awareness and reality as the forces against HaShem, by the Dark Forces of HaSatan seek the destruction of Europe and America, the largest homelands of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel as Hitler’s daughter, Angela Merkel whose destiny was to create the 4th German Reich yet instead opened the “gates” of the Middle East into Europe and with Obama into America so that hundreds of thousands of Ishmaelites are now imbedded on the two continents as Angela Merkel and now Barak Obama prepare to flee Europe and/or America.
7th, The Supernal Universal Force of HaShem, the One G-d of Israel is today creating a Solar and Universal catastrophe that will catapult and lead to the prophetic destruction of Planet Earth as this one “Dwarf Star called Nibiru” by the ancient Sumerians, or “Nemesis”, G-d’s agent of planetary destruction before it begins its transformation of Planet Earth into Gan Eden, a New Garden of Eden on Planet Earth in the Land of Israel.
Metatron, the “Angel of the Divine Presence” who also carries with it the 70 Divine Names of G-d will also unleash the ascension of 4th Dimension Consciousness as G-d’s Chosen People (Klal Yisrael) both Jews and Lost Israelites alike begin their spiritual evolution as they are “transformed in a twinkling of an eye” as the Divine Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh) transforms G-d’s Holy Ones into their new cosmic awareness.
They will be waiting as G-d “opens the gates of heaven” and the Meta-forces of the Maschiach ben Yosef unite with the Meta-Forces of the Maschiach ben David, called “Metatron” or Mem-Tet, as the Neshamas of the “Lost Ten Israelites” blossoms open by the Divine Spirit as a massive counterforce of French-German Jews flee and return to their Jewish homeland in Israel.
This cosmic event will open up the vortex for the vast Ingathering of upwards to 2-3 billion of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel in Europe and America as Jewish and Lost Israelites flee to Israel while the Obama-Clinton imbedded ISIS rise up in South America and head north to bring devastation to North America; the last bastion of Nazarene-Essene Christianity.
Though the revelation of the approaching Dark Dwarf Star has been circulating around the world since the 1983 announcement by the Washington Post, it disappeared from all news channels shielded by President Ronald Wilson Reagan, 40th President of the United States from 1981-1989. NASA has been in charge of the cover-up for the past 24 years. As first reported in The Washington Post:
The Washington Post on December 30, 1983
“A heavenly body possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope aboard the U.S. infrared astronomical satellite.
So, mysterious is the object that astronomers do not know if it is a planet, a giant comet, a nearby "protostar" that never got hot enough to become a star, a distant galaxy so young that it is still in the process of forming its first stars or a galaxy so shrouded in dust that none of the light cast by its stars ever gets through.
"All I can tell you is that we don't know what it is," Dr. Gerry Neugebauer, IRAS chief scientist for California's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and director of the Palomar Observatory for the California Institute of Technology, said in an interview.
The most fascinating explanation of this mystery body, which is so cold it casts no light and has never been seen by optical telescopes on Earth or in space, is that it is a giant gaseous planet as large as Jupiter and as close to Earth as 50 trillion miles.
While that may seem like a great distance in earthbound terms, it is a stone's throw in cosmological terms, so close in fact that it would be the nearest heavenly body to Earth beyond the outermost planet Pluto.
"If it is really that close, it would be a part of our solar system," said Dr. James Houck of Cornell University's Center for Radio Physics and Space Research and a member of the IRAS science team.
"If it is that close, I don't know how the world's planetary scientists would even begin to classify it." The mystery body was seen twice by the infrared satellite as it scanned the northern sky from last January to November, when the satellite ran out of the supercold helium that allowed its telescope to see the coldest bodies in the heavens.
The second observation took place six months after the first and suggested the mystery body had not moved from its spot in the sky near the western edge of the constellation Orion in that time.
"This suggests it's not a comet because a comet would not be as large as the one we've observed and a comet would probably have moved," Houck said. "A planet may have moved if it were as close as 50 trillion miles but it could still be a more distant planet and not have moved in six months’ time."
Whatever it is, Houck said, the mystery body is so cold its temperature is no more than 40 degrees above "absolute" zero, which is 456 degrees Fahrenheit below zero. The telescope aboard IRAS is cooled so low and is so sensitive it can "see" objects in the heavens that are only 20 degrees above absolute zero.
When IRAS scientists first saw the mystery body and calculated that it could be as close as 50 trillion miles, there was some speculation that it might be moving toward Earth. "It's not incoming mail," Cal Tech's Neugebauer said. "I want to douse that idea with as much cold water as I can."
Then, what is it? What if it is as large as Jupiter and so close to the sun it would be part of the solar system? Conceivably, it could be the 10th planet astronomers have searched for in vain. It also might be a Jupiter-like star that started out to become a star eons ago but never got hot enough like the sun to become a star. While they cannot disprove that notion, Neugebauer and Houck are so bedeviled by it that they do not want to accept it.
Neugebauer and Houck "hope" the mystery body is a distant galaxy either so young that its stars have not begun to shine or so surrounded by dust that its starlight cannot penetrate the shroud. "I believe it's one of these dark, young galaxies that we have never been able to observe before," Neugebauer said. "If it is, then it is a major step forward in our understanding of the size of the universe, how the universe formed and how it continues to form as time goes on."
The next step in pinpointing what the mystery body is, Neuegebauer said, is to search for it with the world's largest optical telescopes. Already, the 100-inch diameter telescope at Cerro del Tololo in Chile has begun its search and the 200-inch telescope at Palomar Mountain in California has earmarked several nights next year to look for it. If the body is close enough and emits even a hint of light, the Palomar telescope should find it since the infrared satellite has pinpointed its position.”
8th, The Dark Binary Red Dwarf Star, Nibiru, began its divine mission it is believed with the “Great Flood of Noah” and continued its apocalyptic mission as the “Death Angel” of the Exodus (1575 BCE) with the words, “I will pass over you when I see the blood”. It may now return as HaShem’s final agent of judgment upon Planet Earth. The approaching Dwarf Twin Star, Nibiru, devastates the “Climate Change Hoax” as it creates havoc to the world and raise the bottom of the Great Oceans of the world as it wipes out 80% of American and European coastal cities.
9th, The Catastrophic Megatrend continues after the first fly-by of Nibiru, Planet X or the Twin Binary Star. The most catastrophic affect upon America will be the rise of the Deep Sea Oceanic Trenches under the Pacific Ocean that will inundate all the cities along the Western Coastline of the States of Washington, Oregon and California, putting even Utah and parts of Northern Colorado under water. This will include Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego.
Yet, this cataclysm will also affect the Eastern Coastline of the United States that will also inundate the megacities of New York, Boston, Philadelphia, all the way down to Miami. In the Gulf of Mexico, New Orleans and Houston will be swamped up to 100 or more feet.
10th, The death of the Jewish settlements of Gush Katif and Amona will erupt into the final battle in the Land of Israel as the Jewish people and the return of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel go into battle to free the Land of Israel from Canaanite, Philistine, Palestinian and Amalek control of the Mountains of Israel. These are the Biblical homelands of our ancestral forefathers; Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and they will be returned to their original owners. The era for the repopulation of the Mountains of Israel in Shomron and Judea has now come.
This “drawing of a third of the angelic hosts in heaven and throwing them to the earth, as we now see ties in with the great war in heaven.
11th, The American Jews are emancipated and now free by the “Trumpian Cyrus the Great to begin the restoration of Klal Yisrael (All Israel), Jews and Lost Israelite’s alike as the global expansion of the Commonwealth of Greater Israel begins to reign.
Metatron, the Commander of the Heavenly Hostswill be in Battle in the 3rd and 4th Dimensional realms as the Forces of Michael the Archangel will be in Battle for the preservation of the Land of Israel, the preservation of Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount as the Ingathering of the Jews and the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel will gain supremacy and control Planet Earth as the seven dimensions of Heaven are wrestled and freed from the Dark Forces of HaSatan and Planet Earth.
Revelation 12:7-8 – “And war broke out in heaven; Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels (stars) fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer.
12th, The Alien 1/3rd of the angelic forces against the Creator G-d of Israel devolve into the 3-dimensional consciousness while the Ingathering of the Jews and the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel evolve into their 4th dimensional consciousness as they return to claim their Jubilee inheritance in the Land of Israel.
The number of 12 is the framework of the archetype of all creation including the 12 gates and 12 foundations of the New Jerusalem plus the 12-tribes of Israel
According to Elohay Neshama:
The soul that You, my G-d, have given me is pure. You created it, You formed it, You breathed it into me, You protect it within me, and You will someday take it from my body and return it to me in the world-to-come.
As long as my soul is within me, I give thanks to You Adonai, my G-d and the G-d of my ancestors, Master of all Creation, L-rd of all souls. Praised are You, Adonai, Restorer of souls to bodies that have died.
Continuing with the theme of Modeh Ani, we thank G-d each morning for restoring our souls to us after a night’s sleep. The sub-text is that even as G-d restores our souls to us each day after a “mini-death” (i.e., sleep), God will someday restore our souls to us after our real death (i.e., in the world-to-come).
The question is often posed whether Jews believe in life after death. Although Christianity tends to emphasize individual salvation in the world-to-come while Judaism speaks of the need to perfect the world in which we live today.
It is important to remember that Christianity took the concept of life after death directly from its parent religion. Eternal life is one of the most important doctrines of rabbinic Judaism, and Elohai Neshama is a daily reaffirmation of that doctrine.
The day is coming soon when Hashem the G-d of Israel will stretch forth His great hand of judgment and cleanse the earth from the great pollution of man upon Planet Earth. He will take away the “blood oaths” from between the mouths of the Palestinian Arabs.
He will restore the Land of Israel back to “Am Yisra’el”, that means both the House of Joseph (All Ten Tribes of the House of Israel), and the House of Judah.
He will then redeem and restore His own “sheep” back into a living relationship with Himself. If you are chosen, as a Lost Tribal Member of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, your destiny is to return to your Homelands first in Shomron (Samaria), Israel.
To understand more about the Return of the 10 Tribes of Israel,
Contact “Kol Ha Tor”, the Voice of the Turtledove,
as a Reception from the House of Judah is forming to Welcome the Returning House of Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Ministries for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!” a Bed and Breakfast Guest House with Kosher Cuisine, and Tours of Biblical Shomron (Samaria) and Judea. Welcome and Visit, Lost Tribers of the House of Israel to your Future Homeland!
DISCLAIMER - Kol Ha Tor is an independent commentator and may or may not agree with the contents, the views, interpretations and opinions as expressed by the independent theological and/or political views of Destination Yisrael.
Destination Yisrael scans the world for information that has relevance on the time of the end. It is our prayer that this will allow the believers in the Almighty One of Israel to “watch and be ready”. Our readiness has nothing to do trying to halt the progression of evil on our planet earth. In our readiness, we seek to be prepared for the coming of the Messiah of Israel so that goodness and evil will be manifested in its fullest.
Our preparation is a pathway of spiritual readiness for a world of peace. Our defender is the Metatron, the Lord of hosts. The time of the end suggests that the Eternal One of Israel’s intent is to close out this chapter of earth’s history so that the perpetrators of evil, those that seek power, greed and control, will be eliminated from this planet earth. The wars of the heavens are being played out on this planet earth and humans will live through it to testify of the might, power, justice and the love of the God of Israel.
In a world of corruption and disinformation, we cannot always know what the historical truth is and who is promoting evil or mis-information. We cannot guarantee our sources but we will always seek to portray trends that can be validated in the Torah, the testimony of the prophets of the Old and the New Testament, and the writings of Rabbi Eliyahu ben Shlomo ben Zalman (famed Vilna Gaon) called the “genius” in the 18th century, and his vision of the final redemption in his collection of writings highlighted in his supernal understanding of the Torah, the Prophets and Writings as outlined in the Kol Ha Tor.
This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to:
Genesis 30:32 – “I will pass through all thy flock to-day, removing from thence every speckled and spotted one, and every dark one among the sheep, and the spotted and speckled among the goats; and of such shall be my hire.”
The first Jacob’s Lamb was born in the land of Israel for the first time in over two millennia. This lamb’s auspicious birth came last month in the Jordan Valley. As revealed by One of Israel’s Torah Code sages, very precise instructions have now been uncloaked in the sheep’s role in bringing forth the Third Jewish Temple and its sacred mission.
It was last November, 2016, that 119 of Jacob’s Sheep arrived in the land of Israel after a 2000-mile journey across Western Canada to Eastern Canada. They were then sent on special air flights by El Al, the Israeli National Airline from Canada to Israel.
The sheep are such a rare breed that high level international cooperation took almost a year to complete before the sheep arrived in the Land of Israel. Now, Destination Yisrael is delighted to share the first birth announcement of the 1st baby lamb born in the Land of Israel since the days of our Patriarch Jacob.
These sheep are specially known for their genetic purity. They came from the flock of Jacob’s uncle, Laban, in Padan Aran, who lived in the land of Mesopotamia. The arrival of sheep genetically pure from the sheep in Patriarch’s Judah’s flock as he left Laban’s homeland in Mesopotamia have now returned home to the lands of their patriarchal sheep herders.
These same sheep later “went down” during an era of great famine in the Middle East to Egypt. At this time, the 70-member family of Jacob traveled to Egypt under the protection and guardianship of Joseph, the Vizier of Mitzsrayim (Egypt).
This rare flock of precious sheep, 119 in all, have now returned to the ancient land of Canaan, now the State of Israel. This type of sheep is very robust in health as they were genetically cloned by the Patriarch Jacob when he herded the flocks of Laban in the watershed rivers in Mesopotamia.
Biblical experts now believe this unique breed, originally raised by Jacob over 4000 years ago, accompanied the Hebrew family of 70 into Egypt. Over several generations the Children of Israel eventually sunk into slavery in ancient Pharaonic Egypt.
After the Exodus from Egypt, the flocks of sheep wandered in the wilderness with the Children of Israel after their encounter with the G-d of Israel at the mount called Sinai. Later, after settling in Canaan, the tribes of Manasseh, Gad and Reuben lived on the eastern side of the Jordan River (in the regions of Syria and Jordan today). After the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temples of Solomon and Herod the Great, the sheep spread to Northern Africa.
It was the Moors in Northern Africa along the Mediterranean coastline that traded the sheep to Spain. The Spanish royalty then shared them to Ancient Britain where the British baronial families used them on their “parklands” with their manor homes in the country.
Since that era, the sheep have been considered a “heritage breed” as their genetic lineages remain pure and they can thrive in desert climates and are unique by having 4 to 6 horns.
It was in the end of May, 2017 that Gil Lewinsky was contacted by Simcha Treister, a Bible Code expert in Safed on the Galilean coastline, who discovered a hidden role of Jacob’s sheep in the era of the New Holy Temple. Simcha Treister described his unique method in using intervals in the entire TaNaKh (Bible) that were based on date timing. As Simcha Treister described his code breaking revelations:
Simcha Treister – “I searched intervals of 5777 letters in the Bible, since that is this year in the Hebrew calendar. The word tzoan (“flock” in Hebrew) appeared in this interval, perpendicular to the word “Gil”, the owner’s name. Directly above these words is the word ‘Moshiach’ (Messiah).”
The Biblical Code for “Flock”, “Gil” (Lewinsky the owner) and Messiah (Maschiach)
When the hidden message code included the name of “Gil” the owner of the flock, he called Gil Lewinsky and gave him the exciting message. The “flock of sheep” were coded together with the owner’s name, “Gil” and completed with the Hebrew word, Maschiach the name of “Messiah”.
The sheep are now home near the Jordan River. Jacob’s Sheep finally made aliyah to the Land of Israel. One hundred and nineteen sheep first made a 2,100-mile journey from their original home in Vancouver in Western Canada to Eastern Canada where they were quarantined.
Now all 119 sheep are safely home after flying from Canada to Israel. They traveled in eleven separate flights after their quarantine was completed in Canada.
The challenges were formidable, but the Lewinsky family, creating a not for profit farm to maintain the flock of sheep have now opened the gates for the International world to participate in the public campaign to maintain their not-for-profit flock. In an effort to raise funding, they have launched a public campaign to help in the expenses called ‘Name a Lamb’.
Special Edition: The First Lamb from the Speckled Flock of our Patriarch Jacob has now been born in Israel, the first time in over 2000 years. - June 18, 2016
At the time of the end the G-d of Israel will use all of His Chosen Ones of Israel to complete His divine destiny for Planet Earth. Most of these chosen ones will have no idea of their chosen destiny. They will become the prime actors in the final act of the “Drama of the Ages”. In that day when the Messiah of Israel does reveal himself, also will be revealed all those whose destiny were linked to that august moment in human history.
For inquiries about the Vilna Gaon's Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit their Web Site
They also offer – “a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel to their chosen destiny. For details refer to Shomron Lives!”
DISCLAIMER - Kol Ha Tor is an independent commentator and may or may not agree with the contents, the views, interpretations and opinions as expressed by the independent theological and/or political views of Destination Yisrael
Destination Yisrael scans the world for information that has relevance on the time of the end. It is our prayer that this will allow the believers in the Almighty One of Israel to “watch and be ready”. Our readiness has nothing to do trying to halt the progression of evil on our planet earth. In our readiness, we seek to be prepared for the coming of the Messiah of Israel so that goodness and evil will be manifested in its fullest.
Our preparation is a pathway of spiritual readiness for a world of peace. Our defender is the Metatron, the Lord of hosts. The time of the end suggests that the Eternal One of Israel’s intent is to close out this chapter of earth’s history so that the perpetrators of evil, those that seek power, greed and control, will be eliminated from this planet earth. The wars of the heavens are being played out on this planet earth and humans will live through it to testify of the might, power, justice and the love of the God of Israel.
In a world of corruption and disinformation, we cannot always know what the historical truth is and who is promoting evil or mis-information. We cannot guarantee our sources but we will always seek to portray trends that can be validated in the Torah, the testimony of the prophets of the Old and the New Testament, and the writings of Rabbi Eliyahu ben Shlomo ben Zalman (famed Vilna Gaon) called the “genius” in the 18th century, and his vision of the final redemption in his collection of writings highlighted in his supernal understanding of the Torah, the Prophets and Writings as outlined in the Kol Ha Tor.
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Many consider that after the foot washing of the feet of His disciples, Yehoshua (Jesus/Joshua) left the upper terrace of the residence. Yet, in the Sefer (Book) of John, the evening for the last teachings by their Master to His chosen eleven, was just beginning.
What would you say if you were the Prince of David, Yehoshua, and had only one hour left before the cascading events of Calvary were to begin cascading around Him? What would be your last words that you would be privileged to communicate privately with those disciples that had been following you throughout Galilee and Judea for the last three and one-half years?
Prince Yehoshua carefully began to outline to His chosen eleven the mysteries of the divine and the human relationship. This was not just a few parting remarks, but a lengthy discourse. With the setting of the sun, the stars of the heavens began to shine forth in their brilliance. He could now reveal to them the pathway of the reNewed Torah in their new life.
The New Commandment of the Nazarene’s – “Love One Another”
This was to be the culmination of the all the private instructions of Yehoshua given personally to his talmidim. The “Son of Man” was soon to be executed. Out of His death, He would be glorified by His Father in heaven in this cosmic drama nearby on the Mount called Zion in Jerusalem.
The other-dimensional world in the angelic realms would now intersect with the earthly dimensions through the glorified person of Yehoshua who would eventually receive an ascended level of spiritual enlightenment as he moved in and out of 3rd and 4th dimensional spheres.
The disciples would soon be revealed a most profound and personal revelation. They would be privileged to witness how they would someday also be glorified in Yehoshua, as the cosmic “Tree of life” that was shattered in the Garden of Eden would be restored.
The purpose of this most profound revelation would be the “First Act” of the glorification of human flesh as was first revealed in the divine creation of man in the Garden called Gan Eden (Garden of Eden). Here in Eden was created the human body untainted by sin in the form of the first married couple; Adam with Chavah (Eve). They were humans that were created as “Light Beings”.
Within their bodies, the Supernal Glory of G-d radiated thru the energized, untainted, and uncorrupted blood as it streamed through their cardio-vascular system. Their bodies glowed with the revealed glory of their Creator.
The disciples, a few days later, would behold a glorified human whom they would recognize as the resurrected Messiah of Israel. Yehoshua would soon wrestle the dominion of this planet earth away from HaSatan (Satan) through this divine act as the power of the dark forces began to shatter. The days of the forces of evil from this day forward, were now numbered.
What would you say if you were an emissary sent from the heavenly dimensions to reveal the fullest manifestation of the Almighty One of Israel that could be revealed in human flesh? The mystery of the incarnation was an event that had no historical counterpart.
Was Yehoshua’s G-d now revealed in the flesh? No! Was Yehoshua the fullest revelation of the Almighty One that could be manifested in the flesh? Yes! He was the most complete revelation of seven of the ten emanations of the Unknown Ein Sof, the Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient Monotheistic Eternal One.
Yehoshua was not the Keter, the “Crown” for He was not the King of the Universes. He was not the Abba but he recognized the Almighty One of Israel as the “Father in Heaven”. Neither was He the Hokhmah the right hand emanation of HaShem (“The Name”) with His unfathomable “Wisdom”. He was not the left hand emanation called Binah that was the Fountain of all Understanding. These were the three emanations that the Father in heaven kept to His Eternal Self.
As the “Hidden One”, how could Yehoshua now reveal to His disciples in these last few minutes the hidden mysteries of divine personal relationship between the Father and Son, mirrored by the Son with all mankind?
The vast streams of energy from the Source of Creation flowed through the emanation called, Tiferet, in the Sefirot or “Image of Yehoshua”, who was the “Image of the Divine One of Israel”. On this earth, He was the “Son” cloaked in the fallen and degenerated form of humanity burdened with the ravages of four millenniums of the curse of sin.
Yehoshua informed them that He would soon leave them and go to a place where they could not go. There was one last command that He wanted to leave them, “that you love one another; as I have loved you” so that all would know “that you are My disciples.”
The legacy of the Nazarene Orthodox Jews was not to be holy wars, crusades, jihads, rebellions, or uprisings against social evil, injustice, or an imperial enemy. The transforming power of “divine love” exhibited in the relationships between one another would be the hallmark of the identity of His followers. (John 13:31-37)
The Divine Relationship of Yehoshua and His Father in Heaven
We can almost imagine, the Prince of David Yehoshua rising from His couch on the upper terrace and looking over the silk draped balcony towards the House of the Lord (Beit (Bayit) HaMikdash) on Mount Moriah.
The imagery of His message began to describe to the chosen disciples the divine archetype of heavenly relationships; His relationship with His Father in the heavenly spheres.
In Yehoshua’s heavenly dwelling place was His Father’s Bayit (House). As the disciples, had dwelling places here on earth, so in the heavenly archetype where there were many dwelling chambers in the House of the Lord in heaven.
As the Levites and priests lived during their temple service in the House of the Lord, so the chosen ones would soon become royal priests and live in Yehoshua’s Father’s House. To become a part of Go-d was to become a part of the “family of G-d”.
As He looked to the northwest, there stood the earthy representation of His Father’s House in heaven. He knew there was a great concern in the Jewish disciples’ mind of how to personally know their G-d; the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Yet the Davidian Prince Yehoshua’s (Joshua’s) words were one of comfort, “Let not your hearts be troubled; you believe in G-d, believe also in Me. In My Abba’s Bayit (Father’s house) are many dwelling chambers (mansions)…I go to prepare a place for you, and…I will come again and receive you to Myself…I am the derech (pathway), the emet (truth), and the chayim (life); no man comes to the (Abba) Father in heaven except through Me.”
Here Yehoshua was describing the “Cosmic Tree of Life” called the Sefirot.Here along the “Pole of Grace”, all prayers, communication, and creative energies flowed to and from the other created worlds through the Tiferetto the World of the Divine. He urged them to try to comprehend that if they truly knew Him, they would know His Father, the Holy One of Israel. He tried to get them to grasp that He was not the Holy One of Israel, but that they both resided in the World of the Divine.
Yehoshua’s Father was all ten of the unfathomable ten dimensions of mathematical completeness. Yehoshua was the complete revelation of seven of those attributes.
As such, the authority that He spoke was because the Holy One of Israel was speaking through Him, for the Father dwelled within Him, and through Yehoshua the emanations of the Holy One radiated to all creation the glory of the Eternal One. As Eve was in Adam, so Yehoshua was in the Father, for His Father was dwelling in Him.
To connect with the World of the Divine, all the disciples of Yehoshua had to do was to ask in the Name of Yehoshua. The prayers of the Nazarenes would be sealed with the Name of Yehoshua. He would respond to them so the “Father would be esteemed in the Son”. There would be only one gentle warning to the Nazarene followers, “If you love me, keep My mitzvot (commandments)”.
Here was the Jewish Sage par excellent, who lived his life “above and beyond” the “letter of Torah Law”. Here was the One who told anyone who sought to be his disciple; “Follow Me!” “Do as I do!” “Do as I say!”
It was this Rabbi’s gentle reminder that Torah observance was a precondition for the revelations of Yehoshua to be given to His followers. (John 14:1-12)
The Ruach HaKodesh (Divine Spirit) is Promised to Yehoshua’s Disciples
The Davidian Prince Yehoshua knew that he left them, he also leave behind a vacuum or a void within their lives. He promised them that He would not leave them “orphans” or alone. His Father would send them the “Helper” or the “Comforter” who was the “Spirit of Truth”. Together the Divine Spirit and the Nazarene, Yehoshua would dwell within them in the spirit.
Now, the Nazarene disciples were promised fellowship with both the Father and the Son. The Son’s “dwelling place” would be along the “central pole of grace” of the Sefirot of the Divine World that would connect the Ein Sof, the Unseen G-d of Israel, with the Orthodox Nazarene talmidin (disciples) of the Nazarene.
Yehoshua wanted his disciples to know that when He did leave them, He would be with them always. How was this to be? The mystery of the Divine relationship was so uncharacteristic to life here on earth. How were they to understand, when Yehoshua described this relationship as; “I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you?”
In the earthly sphere, we define a relationship between two individuals in terms of independent, individuality, and autonomous human characteristics. Yet “individuality” is not compatible with “spirituality”. In reality, “individuality” the hard protective outer “husk” that protects the inner spiritual person inside.
In the spiritual dominion, the “personality” is the signet characteristic of the inner, spiritual man. A personality describes a whole person as G0d is always described in terms defining His Total Person. The Hebrew mind saw a wholeness when describing the personality of the World of the Divine. They could not comprehend the Divine fragmented into parts.
It was independence and individuality that started the first rebellion in the angelic hosts by HaSatan. Was not Lucifer, one of the guardian cherubim that guarded the throne of G-d?
When Lucifer began to define himself as an individual or an autonomous being, he suddenly removed himself from the “Oneness” in the relationship with the World of the Divine and went into rebellion against the absolute Oneness of the Person of G-d.
Satan was no longer a part of the spiritual angelic dominions in heaven for he separated himself by his independent and autonomous behavior and took with himself a third of the angelic host in rebellion against the Almighty One of Israel.
It was those same characteristics that defined the rebellion of man, when Adam and Chavah (Eve) asserted their own independence by the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden.
The “oneness” of the spirit of loving fellowship between the Father and the Son was now being shared together between the heavenly spheres with all the disciples of Yehoshua here on this earth.
Yet, that hard, outer shell must be cracked open. Independence and individuality must be yielded and surrendered so that the inner spiritual person inside could participate and respond to inner calling of the Divine. When that happens, immediate freedom transforms the whole person and is portrayed by the acts of loving relationships. (John 14:13-23)
Help from the Divine Spirit will come in Yehoshua’s Name
The “Helper” that Yehoshua promised to His disciples was the Ruach HaKodesh (Divine Spirit). This Divine Spirit would be sent by the Father down the “Pole of Grace” in Yehoshua’s Name. From the Helper the Nazarene Christians would receive future teachings and the remembrance of the things in which they had learned.
With His loving eyes piercing each of their own souls, Yehoshua turned to them and said,
John 14.27 – “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart by troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
The voice of Yehoshua then became somber and quiet. He warned them that very soon, He would become strangely quiet and no longer communicate freely with them as they were used to Him speaking.
He wanted them to understand that the atmosphere of oppressive evil was closing in around them. And He stated, “ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing against Me.” The hour of darkness was soon to come upon them. His warning to them was also a warning to his disciples at the time of the end. (John 14:25-31)
Yehoshua as the True Vine, the Father as the Vinedresser, and the Disciples as the Branches
As the future emissaries of the Davidian Messianic Prince gazed down from the sheltered upper terrace and looked out over the city of Jerusalem from the Mount called Zion, Yehoshua directed their minds to the “vineyard of Israel”.
He reminded them that He was the archetypical heavenly vine (de-vine), so on earth He was “the true vine” or the true representative of the heavenly vine. He also reminded them that His Father was the vinedresser.
Looking to each of His disciples, He said, “You are the branches.” If you “abide” or stay connected to the vine, you will bear a lot of lush and succulent fruit. If not, your branches will bear poor fruit or become barren.
If that happens, the Vinedresser will prune you so that you will “bear fruit”. If you do not bear fruit, this will represent that you are not connected with Yehoshua, the vine. The branches will be cut off, cast into the fire, and burned up. If they did bear much fruit, Yehoshua’s Father in heaven would be glorified. (John 15:1-8)
Yehoshua was a Hasidic orthodox Jewish rabbi, who proclaimed that “not one jot nor tittle” would pass from the Torah and kept every command above the letter of the Law (Torah). Once again the Davidian Prince of David, Yehoshua turned to his talmidim (disciples) and reaffirmed the core-essence of their Jewishness;
John 15:10-11 - “If you keep My mitzvoth (commandments) you shall stay in My ahava (love); even as I have kept My Abba’s (Father’s) mitzvot, and stay in His ahava. These things have I spoken to you, that My simcha (joy) might remain in you, and that your simcha (joy)might be full.”
The disciples were once again reaffirmed that the life of Torah living was affirmatively tied to the loving relationship between G-d and man. If they wanted to be “Torah observant friends” of Yehoshua HaMaschiach (Jesus the Messiah), they must follow His commands of living a life of harmony with His Father’s Torah.
What was this joy that Yehoshua had? The “joy in Yehoshua was not to be confused with the emotion called happiness. The “joy of Yehoshua” was His absolute self-surrender and self-sacrifice in doing the express will of His Father in heaven.
When the Master’s Disciples Obey the Torah, They are called Friends of Yehoshua
The abundant life with joy flowing out like a fountain of water was not dependent upon physical circumstances, body health, a perfect understanding of G-d, nor even the success of G-d’s work in this world.
This joy was the affirmation of a fellowship of oneness with the L-rd. The physical irritants in this world would not affect this joy, for focusing on their physical cares would literally choke and starve this relationship with the divine.
When their lives reached a state of spiritual joy, Yehoshua would no longer call them bond-servants. He would instead call them “friends”. The real mysterious fact was revealed that they did not choose Yehoshua, but He chose them and appointed them to bear fruit and love one another. (John 15:9-17)
The Rejection by the World
There is one thing the world of individuality hates is for someone who is aberrant or outside the social norm of recognized “individual behavior”. Aberrant behavior is rejected and cast aside. This type of behavior can be those that are “too good” or “too bad”.
The Nazarene pointed this fact out to His disciples as they sat on the mats surrounding His sofa on the upper terrace. They were soon to see, within a few hours, the cost of being an aberration of society.
Because their Master had challenged the religious and social norms, and politically attacked the most powerful Sadducean family, the House of Ananias, Yehoshua was now the “most wanted” on the hit list of the high priests of Israel.
Yehoshua was very pointed to His disciples that if they chose to continue their relationship with He and His Father in heaven, they would become hated by the world. Why? They would be hated because the “the world loves its own”.
When they were to be persecuted, they would be persecuted for Yehoshua’s name. The fact that the “world” of the Sadducean leadership sought to persecute them, would be the revelation to the disciples that the temple leadership did not know the Almighty One of Israel.
The mission of the Nazarene stated many times in His ministry, was that He was “sent” to the “Lost Sheep of the House of Israel”. These lost cousins to the Jewish people were lost in the assimilation within the nations of the gentile world.
The surprising fact was that the lost tribes of Israel were not even hunted or searched for by their own Jewish relatives. If they could be reconnected to the vineyard of Israel, they would have to be reconnected to the G-d of their forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
The “Lost Israelites of the House of Joseph” would become logistically “insiders” to the pagan gentile world who were still worshipping pagan planetary gods and idols of sticks and stones. A “Lost Israelite” reconnected to the vineyard of Israel could naturally infiltrate and infuse the seventy nations of the world with the knowledge of the Creator G--d of Israel.
Once the nations of the world knew who the Holy One of Israel was, they would have “no excuse for their sin”. The rulers of the nations of the world would obviously hate the true disciples of Yehoshua, just like the rulers of the Jewish people hated Yehoshua. Why!
Because HaSatan, the “the ruler of the world”, hates Yehoshua, and Satan was the ruler of the world of pagans and the Jewish leadership in rebellion to Him.
When the Great Drama of the Ages was completed on the Mount called Calvary, the Divine Spirit would be sent so that the G-d of Israel could testify about His Son; Yehoshua.
This Divine testimony would collaborate with the human testimony of Yehoshua’s disciples who would bear witness that they had been with the Nazarene “from the beginning” and the fruits of His ministry would be revealed in their lives, their actions, and by their verbal testimony in Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the world.
When the messianic followers of Yehoshua were persecuted, it will be because Jesus said that they “hated Me without a cause”.
The days of persecution would rapidly descend upon the disciples of Yehoshua. They would first be thrown out of the synagogues and their orthodox Jewishness would be rejected by the leadership of the Jews.
A pogrom would soon lash out against the Nazarenes by the Saul the Persecutor later known as the Apostle Paul in the persecution. This persecution was ordered by the High Priest Jonathan son of Ananias and as such the Nazarenes fled to Damascus.
Some of them would be killed by those who felt that killing them was for “G-d’s service”. The reality was, these Jewish temple leaders did not know the G-d of Israel but were servants of the “ruler of this world” and the dark forces of the spirit world. (John 15:18-27; 16:1-4)
The first of the human emotions that the disciples would feel when Jesus was leaving them was sorrow. This would be a natural response, but Yehoshua’s departure was to be a good thing. His mission was completed and now a new “Helper” would be sent for a special and specific task. He would be sent:
To “convict the world of sin,
To convict the world “of righteousness”, and
To convict the world “of the judgment to come”.
Even at this moment during the celebration the Passover, there were things to come that would be too hard and fearful to comprehend. The purpose of the Holy Spirit was to “guide you in all truth” and “tell you things to come”. Yet, was the Holy Spirit the Father in heaven? No! Like Yehoshua, the Holy Spirit could not speak on its own authority. The purpose of the Holy Spirit was to glorify Yehoshua and take those things that the Father gave to Yehoshua, the Holy Spirit would give to Yehoshua’s followers. (John 16:5-15)
Joy when We understand Yehoshua’s Plans for He has Overcome the World
The Master then warned His disciples, in a little while they would not see Him, then they would see Him. This was confusing to them. Did they not come to this Seder with the messianic expectations that the end of days was coming now?
Perhaps, they thought, the gates of heaven would break open this very night with the hosts of heaven pouring down upon this earth, the angelic hosts, the patriarchs, the mothers of Israel, the Prophets plus Moses and Jeremiah…all of them! In their apocalyptic imagination, they could see the light of heaven, that fiery light of creation, the light that the Almighty One of Israel kept concealed in heaven from the beginning of time, now bursting forth in glory, radiance, and with the brilliance of divine glory.
Yet, Yehoshua was talking about sorrow and not joy. He was talking about Him leaving them, but then their sorrow would be turned to joy. They would not see their Master, then they would see Him. This was a mystery that they were so puzzled over.
When Yehoshua would be taken away from them, Jesus told them, the Jewish and Roman world leaders would rejoice. Like the labor pain of a woman about to bear a child, the pangs of sorrow will be mixed with joys of expectation. Up to this point they had not asked anything of Yehoshua, but in that day, they will ask of the Father, in Yehoshua’s name. “Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.”
The symbolic language was about to overwhelm Yehoshua’s disciples. Now, He would speak to them with the forcefulness of literal reality. “The hour has now come” that “you will be scattered, each to his own, and leave Me alone…In the world, you will have tribulation: but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” They were sorrowful, elated, shocked, and now stunned. (John 16:16-33)
Yehoshua’s Prayer for His Coming Mission, and the Sanctification of His Disciples
Suddenly, Yehoshua in the Upper Terrace raised His eyes to His Heavenly Father saying:
John 17:1-19 (parts) - “Father the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify You, as You have given Him authority over all flesh, that He should give eternal life to as many as You have given Him. And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true G-d, and Yehoshua HaMaschiach (Joshua the Messiah) whom You have sent…I have manifested Your name to the men whom You have given Me out of the world.
I pray for them, I do not pray for the world but for those whom You have given Me, for they are Yours…I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that you should keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.”
Yehoshua’s Prayer for the Unity of His Messianic Nazarene Believers
With His eyes ascended to His Father in heaven, Yehoshua closed with prayer not just to His own disciples, but to those who would become believers through the testimony of their word. He prayed for their unity, “that they all may be one, as you, Father, are in Me, and I in You: that they also may be one in Us…and the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one
With these final words, Yehoshua closed the Seder with a benediction. According to the traditions of the celebration of the Pesach Seder, the Psalms were then sung. It would be the last supper that Yehoshua would eat with all of His disciples. One of them would be lost, “the son of perdition (Judas), that the Scripture might be fulfilled.” There was one last desire of Yehoshua to His Father:
John 17:24 - “I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I am, that they may behold My glory which You have given Me; for You loved Me before the foundation of the world.” (John 17:20-26)
That evening, after the Pesach meal, Yehoshua and His disciples quietly stole out into the street within the Essene Quarter. The Master was cloaked in a white robe that shown with brilliance in the strong rays of the full moon lit night. Yehoshua was fatigued, wiping the sweat from His brow, for pouring out the last reserve of love for His disciples in the service of the Seder.
Together they walked down the slopes of the Mount of Zion beside the palatial guarded residence of the high priest, into the Hinnom Valley, over to the Kidron Valley to seek a place to sleep near the Village of Geshemonim. There in the grove of olives by the garden of the olive oil wine pressers, called the Garden of Gat Shemen, they found a private grassy meadow to settle down to rest.
There in the garden, Yehoshua spent the hours in agony until He was arrested by the traitorous kiss of His zealot disciple called Judas Iscariot, who would identify Yehoshua and become His accuser. Yehoshua was taken to the Palace of the High Priests on the eastern slopes of Mount Zion during the night of the eve of the Preparation Day.
The Rejection by the World
There is one thing the world of individuality hates is aberrant or outside the social norm of recognized “individual behavior”. Aberrant behavior is rejected and cast aside. This type of behavior can be those that are “too good” or “too bad”. Yehoshua pointed this fact out to His disciples as they sat on the mats surrounding His sofa on the upper terrace. They were soon to see, within a few hours, the cost of being an aberration of society. Because their Master had challenged the religious and social norms, and politically attacked the most powerful Sadducean family, the House of Ananus, Yehoshua was now the “most wanted” on the hit list of the high priests of Israel.
Yehoshua was very pointed to His disciples that if they chose to continue their relationship with He and His Father in heaven, they would become hated by the world. Why? They would be hated because the “the world loves its own”. When they were to be persecuted, they would be persecuted for Yehoshua’s name. The fact that the “world” of the Sadducean leadership sought to persecute them, would be the revelation to the disciples that the temple leadership did not know the Almighty One of Israel.
The mission of Yehoshua, stated many times in His ministry, was that He was sent to the “lost sheep of the House of Israel”. These lost cousins to the Jewish people were lost in the assimilation within the nations of the gentile world. The surprising fact was that the Lost tribes of Israel were not even hunted or searched for by their own Jewish relatives. If they could be reconnected to the vineyard of Israel, they would become reconnected to the Go- of their forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The lost Israelites of the House of Joseph would become logistically “insiders” to the pagan gentile world who were still worshipping pagan planetary gods and idols of sticks and stones. A “lost Israelite” reconnected to the vineyard of Israel could naturally infiltrate and infuse the seventy nations of the world with the knowledge of the Creator G-d of Israel.
Once the nations of the world knew who the Holy One of Israel was, they would have “no excuse for their sin”. The rulers of the nations of the world would obviously hate the true disciples of Yehoshua, just like the rulers of the Jewish people hated Yehoshua. Why! Because HaSatan, the “the ruler of the world”, hates Yehoshua, and Satan was the ruler of the world of pagans and the Jewish leadership in rebellion to Him.
When the messianic followers of Yehoshua were persecuted, it will be because Jesus said that they “hated Me without a cause”. When the Great Drama of the Ages was completed on the Mount called Calvary, the Holy Spirit would be sent so that the G-d of Israel could testify about His Son, Yehoshua. This Divine testimony would collaborate with the human testimony of Yehoshua’s disciples who would bear witness that they had been with Jesus “from the beginning” and the fruits of His ministry would be revealed in their lives, their actions, and by their verbal testimony in Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the world.
The days of persecution would rapidly descend upon the disciples of Yehoshua. They would first be thrown out of the synagogues and their orthodox Jewishness would be rejected by the leaders of the Jews. A pogrom would soon lash out against the Nazarenes by the Saulian persecution that was ordered by the High Priest Jonathan son of Ananias and had to flee to Damascus.
Some of them would be killed by those who felt that killing them was for “G-d’s service”. The reality was, these Jewish Sadducean temple leaders did not know the Go- of Israel but were servants of the “ruler of this world” and the dark forces of the spirit world. (John 15:18-27; 16:1-4)
The Work of the Divine Spirit
The first of the human emotions that the disciples would feel when Jesus was leaving them was sorrow. This would be a natural response, but Yehoshua’s departure was to be a good thing. His mission was completed and now a new “Helper” would be sent for a special and specific task. He would be sent:
To “convict the world of sin,
To convict the world “of righteousness”, and
To convict the world “of the judgment to come”.
Even at this moment during the celebration the Passover, there were things to come that would be too hard and fearful to comprehend. The purpose of the Holy Spirit was to “guide you in all truth” and “tell you things to come”. Yet, was the Holy Spirit the Father in heaven? No! Like Yehoshua, the Holy Spirit could not speak on its own authority. The purpose of the Holy Spirit was to glorify Yehoshua and take those things that the Father gave to Yehoshua, the Holy Spirit would give to Yehoshua’s followers. (John 16:5-15)
Joy when We understand Yehoshua’s Plans for He has Overcome the World
The Master then warned His disciples, in a little while they would not see Him, then they would see Him. This was confusing to them. Did they not come to this Seder with the messianic expectations that the end of days was coming now?
Perhaps, they thought, the gates of heaven would break open this very night with the hosts of heaven pouring down upon this earth, the angelic hosts, the patriarchs, the mothers of Israel, the Prophets plus Moses and Jeremiah…all of them! In their apocalyptic imagination, they could see the light of heaven, that fiery light of creation, the light that the Almighty One of Israel kept concealed in heaven from the beginning of time, now bursting forth in glory, radiance, and with the brilliance of divine glory.
Yet, Yehoshua was talking about sorrow and not joy. He was talking about Him leaving them, but then their sorrow would be turned to joy. They would not see their Master, then they would see Him. This was a mystery that they were so puzzled over.
When Yehoshua would be taken away from them, Jesus told them, the Jewish and Roman world leaders would rejoice. Like the labor pain of a woman about to bear a child, the pangs of sorrow will be mixed with joys of expectation. Up to this point they had not asked anything of Yehoshua, but in that day, they will ask of the Father, in Yehoshua’s name. “Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.”
The symbolic language was about to overwhelm Yehoshua’s disciples. Now, He would speak to them with the forcefulness of literal reality. “The hour has now come” that “you will be scattered, each to his own, and leave Me alone…In the world, you will have tribulation: but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” They were sorrowful, elated, shocked, and now stunned. (John 16:16-33)
Yehoshua’s Prayer for His Coming Mission, and the Sanctification of His Disciples
Suddenly, Yehoshua in the Upper Terrace raised His eyes to His Heavenly Father saying:
John 17:1-19 (parts) - “Father the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify You, as You have given Him authority over all flesh, that He should give eternal life to as many as You have given Him. And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true G-d, and Yehoshua HaMaschiach (Jesus (Joshua the Messiah) whom You have sent…I have manifested Your name to the men whom You have given Me out of the world…I pray for them, I do not pray for the world but for those whom You have given Me, for they are Yours…I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that you should keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.” (John 17:1-19)
Yehoshua’s Prayer for the Unity of His Nazarene Messianic Believers
With His eyes ascended to His Father in heaven, Yehoshua closed with prayer not just to His own disciples, but to those who would become believers through the testimony of their word. He prayed for their unity, “that they all may be one, as you, Father, are in Me, and I in You: that they also may be one in Us…and the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one.”
With these final words, Yehoshua closed the Seder with a benediction. Per the traditions of the celebration of the Pesach Seder, the Psalms were then sung. It would be the last supper that Yehoshua would eat with all His disciples. One of them would be lost, “the son of perdition (Judas), that the Scripture might be fulfilled.” There was one last desire of Yehoshua to His Father:
John 17:24 - “I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I am, that they may behold My glory which You have given Me; for You loved Me before the foundation of the world.” (John 17:20-26)
That evening, after the Pesach meal, Yehoshua and His disciples quietly stole out into the street within the Essene Quarter. The Master was cloaked in a white robe that shown with brilliance in the strong rays of the full moon lit night. Yehoshua was fatigued, wiping the sweat from His brow, for pouring out the last reserve of love for His disciples in the service of the Seder.
Together they walked down the slopes of the Mount of Zion beside the palatial guarded residence of the high priest, into the Hinnom Valley, over to the Kidron Valley to seek a place to sleep near the village of Geshemonim. There in the grove of olives by the garden of the olive oil wine pressers, called the Garden of Gat Shemen, they found a private grassy meadow to settle down to rest.
There in the garden, Yehoshua spent the hours in agony until He was arrested by the traitorous kiss of His zealot disciple called Judas Ishcariot, who would identify Yehoshua and become His accuser. Yehoshua was taken to the Palace of the High Priests on the eastern slopes of Mount Zion in the midst of the night of the eve of the Preparation Day for the Passover, for imprisonment and interrogation by Ananus the Elder, the former high priest andPatriarch of the House of Ananus Ben Seth ben Boethus.
Seeing is believing! For over 2000 years, the world has been affixed with the drama of those few years of time that a single solitary Prince of the esteemed dynastic lineage of Kings David and Solomon shook up the then known world.
His life literally became a “Drama of the Ages” that evoked such a passion in the lives of not only the entire peasantry class of Jewish people, but his fame swept across the entire Middle East changing and transforming all the inhabitants of that era.
It has been stated in hundreds of different cultures that the world as we know today would be totally different if it were not for this one life, for out of his one life, one who was a Neshama Yehudi (Jewish soul) affected so many variant cultures that out of his spiritual loins rose Three Major Religions of the world; Judaism, Christianity and over six hundred years later Islam.
The era of man is standing now on the brink of the seashore waiting to be passed through the inter dimensional veil of the “World to Come.” The day is coming soon when we will break through that inter dimensional barrier and stand on the beach of a “New World” and a “New Age” as the rising Light of the age called the “Era of the Messiah” raises to its glorious manifestation.
The day is coming soon when Hashem the One G-d of Israel will stretch forth His great hand of judgment and cleanse the earth from the great pollution of man upon Planet Earth. He will take away the “blood oaths” from between the mouths of the Palestinian Arabs, He will restore the Land of Israel back to “Am Yisra’el”, that means both the House of Joseph (All Ten Tribes of the House of Israel), and the House of Judah.
He will then redeem and restore His own “sheep” back into a living relationship with Himself. If you are chosen, as a Lost Tribal Member of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, your destiny is to return to your Homelands first in Shomron (Samaria), Israel.
If you want to learn more, click the link and Contact
Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and Christian 10-Triber Vision to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This Supernal Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria.
DISCLAIMER - Kol Ha Tor is an independent commentator and may or may not agree with the contents, the views, interpretations and opinions as expressed by the independent theological and/or political views of Destination Yisrael.
Destination Yisrael scans the world for information that has relevance on the time of the end. It is our prayer that this will allow the believers in the Almighty One of Israel to “watch and be ready”. Our readiness has nothing to do trying to halt the progression of evil on our planet earth. In our readiness, we seek to be prepared for the coming of the Messiah of Israel so that goodness and evil will be manifested in its fullest.
Our preparation is a pathway of spiritual readiness for a world of peace. Our defender is the Metatron, the Lord of hosts. The time of the end suggests that the Eternal One of Israel’s intent is to close out this chapter of earth’s history so that the perpetrators of evil, those that seek power, greed and control, will be eliminated from this planet earth. The wars of the heavens are being played out on this planet earth and humans will live through it to testify of the might, power, justice and the love of the God of Israel.
In a world of corruption and disinformation, we cannot always know what the historical truth is and who is promoting evil or mis-information. We cannot guarantee our sources but we will always seek to portray trends that can be validated in the Torah, the testimony of the prophets of the Old and the New Testament, and the writings of Rabbi Eliyahu ben Shlomo ben Zalman (famed Vilna Gaon) called the “genius” in the 18th century, and his vision of the final redemption in his collection of writings highlighted in his supernal understanding of the Torah, the Prophets and Writings as outlined in the Kol Ha Tor.
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Looking at the Death of the Prince of David called Yehoshua HaNotzri (Jesus the Nazarene) from the Perspective of historical First Century Judaism
(Church with the Upper Room and King David’s Tomb) with the Church of St. Peter in Gallicantu over the site of the Palace of the High Priests, Ananias and Caiphas., the Site of Yehoshua’s Interrogation Proceedings
By Robert Mock M.D.
Written first in April (Passover) 2007
The Cosmic Anguish in Heaven
Nineteen hundred and sixty-seven years ago on April 5, 30 CE, the most cataclysmic and action packed drama occurred in the city of Jerusalem. There on a tree, some called the “Almond tree of Aaron’s rod”, hung the body of a young Jewish rabbi. He was discipled under the teachings of Hillel the Great and Menahem the Essene, the former Nasi (“President”) and Av Beis Din (“Father of the Court”) of the Great Sanhedrin between the dates of 30 to 20 BCE.
The young Prince of David Yehoshua Ha Notzri (Jesus the Nazarene) was a world traveler in His youth with his great uncle, Joseph of Arimathea, that Roman Decurion in charge by the Emperor of Rome to oversee the “Saracens” or Jewish miners at the Cornish tin mines in southern Britain. Joseph was also a member of the Roman Provincial Council of Judea and the esteemed Elder who apparently sat on the hereditary seat of King David in the Great Sanhedrin in Jerusalem as the most noble of the authentic Princes of Kings David and Solomon.
Now the greatest drama was almost over, or only just begun, as this young rabbi that had led a reformation to change the entire Jewish temple culture appeared to have been destroyed by the temple hierarchy of the House of Ananus and all their Sadducean kinsmen from the House of Boethus.
He had sought to change the religious attitude of the brooding Pharisees of the School of Shammai into a spiritual revival to elevate them to the “kingdom of G-d on earth” and the throne of His Father in heaven.
From a human point of view, this supreme sacrifice appeared to be a futile gesture of a failed mission for his only testimony was that he was to carry the “Good News” to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel. Without such a mission accomplished, they could not open the gates to the Gentiles with the divine understanding about the G-d of Creation; who was the G-d of Israel.
Here was the dream of that great jurist, Hillel the Great, who as the president (nasi) of the Sanhedrin, sought to bring the concept of the Almighty One of Israel to the gentiles of the world, not just to the small remnant of the ancient Israelites who received their covenant at Sinai.
Had not this rabbi been proclaimed to be the messiah of his generation, not to the 70 Gentile Nations but rather he was sent by HaShem, his Heavenly Father to find Yehoshua’s Lost 10-Tribal cousins of the House of Israel?
Matthew 15:24 – “But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Yisrael.”
Were these “Lost Sheep” not offered to come into a re-newed covenant relationship with the Ein Sof, the Unknowable and Unseen Almighty One of Israel, through His Only Begotten Son and emissary, known to the Jewish peasants as YehoshuaHa Maschiach (Jesus the Messiah)?
Did not this rabbi receive the pronouncement of the Supreme pleasure of His Father in heaven where in a mikveh immersion in the waters of the Jordan River, he was baptized by John (Yohannes) the Baptizer, his cousin, an Essene and heard the words:
Matthew 3:17 - “This is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased”.
Did not this rabbi follow the ways of Torah to the “letter of the law”? Did He not preach a message that “no jot nor tittle” will be taken away from the Torah?
Did He not also take the commands of Torah and follow them as a Hasidim, fulfilling not only the Torah to the letter of the law but beyond the letter of the law to their ultimate spiritual fulfillment?
Matthew 5:17-18 – “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law (Torah) or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the Law (Torah) till all is fulfilled.”
It was his disciples (talmidim), patterned after the ancient schools of the prophets, that fulfilled the mission of the Essenes; formed an oppositional temple hierarchy that worshipped in the temple of Herod with a non-animal sacrificial ritual, and created the Nazarene Sanhedrin, named after their Master, Yehoshua Ha Notzri (called the “Nazarene”).
The Nazarene Sanhedrin gave governance in a manner that emulated the government of the “Kingdom of Heaven” that their Master lived, preached, and portrayed during His ministry in Galilee and Judea.
Now the angelic archons in the heavens along with the mighty seven archangels that commanded the seven emanations of the Divine to all the created worlds, hung their heads in suspense as they watched this inter-galactic drama between the emissary of the Divine One, who sent His Son on a rescue mission to the last or the remnant of His covenanted and chosen people.
Had the Jewish people not been co-opted and were now controlled by the globalist forces of Rome (Edom) with the “face” of Hellenistic Greece? Had not the Maccabean defenders fought over the desecrated temple, about one hundred sixty years earlier (40 x 4) prior to the birth of this babe destined to be their messiah? Did they not bravely fight to preserve the last vestige of Hebrew-Israeli culture from being destroyed by the Grecian tyrant, Antiochus Epiphanes IV?
Was it not Antiochus who sought to eradicate the last vestige of Jewish covenanted culture (circumcision, Sabbath (Shabbat) worship and temple festival celebrations) and substitute it with Hellenistic culture in the city of Jerusalem?
Was not this Hellenistic culture absorbed into the Roman global force that was seeking to control the whole world? Are not these the same shadow pictures we follow closely today as the times of tribulation progress before our eyes?
This “Passover Drama” was ordained in the Supreme Council in Heaven before the creation of this orb in our solar system. While the heart of the true follower of HaShem, the G-d of Israel, yearns and seeks salvation, the idea of salvation is not man’s idea, it is the idea of G-d from the unfathomable depth of love for His creation.
Hebrews 1:1-4 – “G-d, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days (yamim acharonim) spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds (olamim); who being the brightness of His glory and the express image (sefirot) of His Person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become so much better than the angels (heavenly Malachim), as He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent Name than they.”
Salvation is not an experience for man. Salvation is the “door” by which salvation comes into the consciousness of man’s life and elevates us to a higher level of experience while at the same time opening our eyes to a divine reality on a much deeper level.”
There the mighty seven archangels that had been created in the Creation of the Spirit Worldnow stood witness to that inter-galactic “Big Bang” that brought the unfathomable energies of the Divine One of the ten dimensions and ten emanations through the creation vortex like a divine black hole.
Here, through the Tiferet of the Sefirot, the Divine Image of the Almighty One of Israel became the “funnel cloud” by the creative powers of the “Father”.
Here the ancient sages of Judah in their mystical Merkabah journeys witnessed Metatron, (YHVH Elohim) the “‘Angel before the Presence’ of the Almighty One of Israel”.
In the seventh heaven, the other “Sons of G-d” that reigned as the Supreme Elders in the Council of the Universes (Revelation 4:4) also watched with bated breath. It was one of their own, Adam, who lost His seat in the heavenly council by Satan (HaSatan) who was now roaming this planet earth like a roaring lion. (Job 2:6, I Peter 5:8)
As HaSatan walked back and forth over the face of the earth, seeking to incite G-d against those who love Him (Job 2:9), the “Eyes” of the Lord G-d were roaming to and fro over the face of the earth showing Himself strong in defense of those who are loyal to Him. (2 Chronicles 16:9)
Now this lifeless figure of Yehoshua was hanging on a mere splinter of wood in a manner of being accursed of G-d. (Deuteronomy 21:20-24) He was now trapped as hostage in this world of three-dimensional space.
The Jewish people earlier had cried out in adoration and acclamation as the real and living Pesach Lamb rode down the street of Jerusalem like a newly arrived king on the back of a donkey. They shouted, “Hosanna to the Son of David, Blessed is He who comes in the Name of our L-rd, Hosanna in the Highest!” (Matthew 21:9)
Now these same pilgrim followers cried and wretched in agony as they and the whole universe witnessed the fury of the Divine over the denial by the aristocratic Sadducee high priestly family of the House of Ananus and the whole Sadducean House of Boethus, Camydus, Cantherus, and Phabi. They were the unworthy descendants of their revered ancestor, Zadok, the high priest of King David. It was they and their adherents and accomplices, the Pharisaic disciples of the School of Shammai who conspired in killing the emissary and “Son” of HaShem (“The Name”), they called their Own, but rejected rather His own.
The Arraignment – A Travesty in Jewish Jurisprudence
It was a travesty of Jewish jurisprudence that the arrest and arraignment of Jesus the Nazarene (Yehoshua haNotzri) even occurred. It would not be until this modern era after the rise of National Israel that we would see such a travesty in justice when Jewish national leaders, called the “Erev Rav” would ally themselves with Rome and turn against their own orthodox Jewish brethren.
Today this has been replicated when the globalist government of Israel selectively began marking for elimination the orthodox rabbis who honor the Torah and decry the western economic stranglehold on the Jewish Nation of Israel.
Is not this the same government that cast out the Torah observing Israeli families from their homes and businesses in Gaza in hopes for peace with Hamas (“violence” in Hebrew) and the Arafat’s Palestinian protégées, the modern Amaleks of today?
The testimony is clear that the Jewish temple leadership feared this Davidian rabbi called Prince Yehoshua ben Yosef (Jesus the son of Joseph) as stated in the historical record:
Mark 11:18, 12:12 – “And the scribes and chief priests heard it and sought how they might destroy Him; for they feared Him, because all the people were astonished at His teaching…And they sought to lay hands on Him but feared the multitude for they knew He had spoken the parable against them. So they left and went away.”
Luke 22:2 – “Now, the Feast of Unleavened Bread drew near, which is called, Passover. And the chief priests and the scribes sought how they might kill Him, for they feared the people.”
The power that Rabbi Yehoshua wielded in Jewish religious and political life was phenomenal. Yehoshua was only a potential nuisance to the Sadducean temple leadership and Shammaite Pharisees if His mission was kept in the regions surrounding Galilee.
Here was the nesting ground for Hashmonean royal aspirants and the hotbed for rebel revolts by the Davidian princes of the lineage of Kings David and Solomon were fighting against the Roman government rule.
When the ministry of the Nazarene moved into Judea and Jerusalem, the Davidian Prince Nazarene became a rival to the power and authority against the corrupt Sadducean aristocracy who held the rights to the high priestly temple authority.
He boldly challenged not the authority but the hypocrisy of the Shammaite Pharisees who set up rigid standards on how to follow the Torah, but did not follow their own standards.
These were the same disciples who had usurped the mantle of spiritual authority in the Land of Israel from the Pharisee disciples of the revered Hillel the Elder and Menahem the Essene.
Who notified the high priest in Jerusalem of the non-orthodox appearing pregnancy of Mary and Joseph.
Ananus was the high priest in 6 CE when the young Prince Yehoshua went on his bar mitzvoth year Passover and was questioned by the chief priests and elders of Judah.
It was later Ananus the Elder, who was the father-in-law of the high priest, Caiphas, who sentenced Prince Yehoshua to death.
Ananus was the father of Jonathan the high priest who sentenced Stephen the deacon of the Hebrew Nazarene Ecclesia to death.
Ananus the Elder was the father of Ananus the Younger, the high priest who now sentenced Yehoahua’s’ brother, James the Just, to death and had his bludgeoned body thrown over the temple parapet to the Kidron Valley below.
The House of Ananus (House of the High Priest Ananias the Great) had created the greatest money laundering business in the eastern regions of the Roman Empire along the Mediterranean Sea Seaboard.
It was also the most corrupt Jewish government in Jewish history as some rabbis have proclaimed, till the final era of earth’s as they descended into the 49th level of degradation, called Tuma. The vast wealth that flowed into the Temple of Herod was totally within their hands.
When the ministry of the Nazarene moved into Judea and Jerusalem, the Nazorean became a rival to the power and authority against the corrupt Sadducean aristocracy who held the rights to the high priestly temple authority. He boldly challenged not the authority but the hypocrisy of the Shammaite Pharisees who set up rigid standards on how to follow the Torah, but did not follow their own standards.
These were the same disciples who had usurped the mantle of spiritual authority in the Land of Israel from the Pharisee disciples of the revered Hillel the Elder and Menahem the Essene.
The House of Ananus (House of the High Priest Ananias the Great) had created the greatest money laundering business in the eastern regions of the Roman Empire along the Mediterranean Sea Seaboard. It was also the most corrupt Jewish government in Jewish history as some rabbis have proclaimed, till the final era of earth’s as they descended into the 49th level of degradation, called Tuma. The vast wealth that flowed into the Temple of Herod was totally within their hands.
When Yehoshua for the second time strode into the temple and threw out the money-changers (Matthew 21:12; Mark 11:15), the entire buying and selling of oxen, sheep and doves halted in the temple Bazaars of Hanan. It was a political attack at the heart of the entire corrupt temple economic culture.
The “Erev Rav and the “Golden Calf culture” had risen again, this time not at Sinai but in the heart of the House of the Lord. The Erev Rav, called the “mixed multitude, at Sinai had again returned as Jewish leaders, pandering after their Edomite (Roman) overlords, so that the gold of the Jews would buy them power and prestige with the Roman government.
We are first introduced to a young priestly scribe, Annas, who appeared on the religio-political scene as the accuser of Mary’s apparent conception outside of wedlock. He cast doubt on the former “temple virgin” as whether she had broken her vows and now deserved to be stoned to death.
During the era of this temple scribe, Ananias, who would later become the High Priest of Israel, was also living in the same era in which the young and orphaned Princess of David, Miriam, the grand-daughter of Jesus II the High Priest and the daughter of Prince Alexander III Helios who also was a Prince of David and was also a Maccabean Prince, known as Prince Alexander Helios (Sun) as recorded in the historical Book of Luke called Heli.
The High Priest and the Davidian prince were both on the “wanted list” to be exterminated by the long arm of justice of the paranoid and evil, King Herod the Great. It was King Herod the Great who sought to destroy every Prince of David in the ancient land of Judea earlier called Roman Palestine (not Arab Palestine) for inciting rebellion against King Herod.
This was because Rome wanted the Land of Israel and the Princes of David who became the oppositional leaders against King Herod and Rome from having complete control over the ancient Roman Judea.
In this highly contested region of the world, a young Davidian Jewish Prince Joseph (Yosef) became the father to a young Davidian Princess, Miriam, whose maternal grandfather was Jesus III the High Priest (Yehoshua III Ha Kohen Hagadol) in the Temple of Herod in Jerusalem. Is it any wonder that Yehoshua was so popular in the 1st century CE at the height of the 1st century Temple of King Herod culture?
These facts may shock some people to know that Jesus III, son of Fabus or Fabet or Phiabi,was also Joshua ben Fabus the High Priest of Israel, He was known as Yehoshua Ha Gadol or Yehoshua III the High Priest. Jesus III the High Priest was also the grandfather of the young Davidian Prince called in modern times, “Jesus of Nazareth”.
It is also profoundly true that the era of King Herod and the 1st century CE swirled around the highly sought and contested Prince of David called “Jesus of Nazareth” for it was he who was now also potential heir to become the High Priest (Ha Gadol) in the Temple of King Herod and a potential heir to the Throne of Kings David and Solomon in Jerusalem.
These amazing facts depict that the young Davidian prince, Yehoshua, rejected the kingship and instead became a classical rabbinic sage whose words of divine wisdom are more known than any other Jewish person on 1st century Judea.
It is true, the first High Priest during the Great Emancipation of the Jews by King Cyrus the Great at the beginning of the temple service in the Temple of Zerubabbel was Yehoshua I Ha Kohen Hagadol (Jesus I the High Priest) as written about in the first chapter of the prophetic Book of Zechariah.
About three centuries later after the inauguration of the Temple of Zerubabbel, the Davidian Princess Miriam (Mary, the mother of Jesus) was confronted by a young temple scribe and almost caused her death for charging her for breaking the strict rules that governed the dynastic conception of the Davidian heirs apparent to rule over the House of King David. Even more severe, she was charged with breaking her Torah vows.
By the time of the young Davidian, Yehoshua’s bar mitzvoth, if our name similarities give us our link, this young priest called Ananias had now moved unto the throne of the high priest.
Ananias’ family was a powerful high priestly family, the son of Seth, the grandson of Boethus, of the House of Zadok, the high priest of David. Ananias (Ananus the Elder) became the founding father of the powerful Sadducean family that bribed and purchased the possession of the office of the high priest and kept it within their family for the next forty four out of sixty years until the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple of Herod.
By graft, bribes, power, and influence, these families of the aristocracy bought and sold the office of the high priest from the Roman government. They in turn made the Office of the Procurator in Caesarea one of the wealthiest appointed Roman authorities in the entire empire. For the next fifty years, the House of Ananius the High Priest and the House of Davidian family of Jesus would struggle for the heart and soul of the Jewish people.
To comprehend the significance of the historical importance of Jesus the Nazarene, we must understand the drawing power of His charismatic spiritual message. The most fervent followers of His resided in the southeastern corner of the city of Jerusalem on the crest of the Mount called today, Zion. Here in the Essene Quarters was the Ultra-Orthodox haven called the “Third Party” of first century Judaism. Radical, mystical, pious, apocalyptic, and sectarian, the Essenes have always remained a mystery.
The “Last Supper” in the House with the Upper Terrace
The Essenes for centuries truly had been an enigma. They were cloistered in reclusive communes from Damascus to Qumran along the Dead Sea, upwards to Galilee and down into Egypt. The messianic vision in first century Judaism was driven by the apocalyptic dreams of the Essene mystics. These same Essene mystics were highlighted in the Destination Yisrael article, titled “The Qumran Essene Traditions of Enoch and Metatron as King Messiah”
The comprehension of the Essenes of the higher realms of the heaven was far more advanced than the Sadducee and Pharisee culture who were seeking power, greed, and control in the Temple culture of the era of King Herod the Great.
The Essene Quarter in Jerusalem had its own gate so that purity laws of cleanliness could be kept to its fullest details. The guardians of the Essenes had the primary mission; to protect the Tomb of their forefather King David and to protect the sacred lineage of any Davidian heir that could be the potential future messiah and heir to the throne of David. The Nazarene was one of those Davidian prince heirs whom the Essenes guarded with watchful eyes.
Is it of any wonder that the site for the beginning festivities of the Passover for Yehoshua and his disciples (talmidin) was selected under such mysterious circumstances? They were to watch for a male “water carrier” who would lead them to the secret and sacred spot later called the House with the Upper Room. Here is the first clue; in first century Judea. Essene males did not carry large water jugs on their head. That was the role of the women.
As the disciples were being shown to the upper terrace where they would celebrate, they scattered so as not to be noticed, for this event was kept in strict secrecy and known to only a selected few.
In the tradition of the Jewish Pesach festival, that morning, Simon bar Jonah (Simon Peter), Yohannes (John), and Yacov (James) went to the temple bazaars to purchase a lamb. Nowhere was the Rabbi to be found. Then they, with the other disciples along with thousands of Jewish pilgrims, streamed into the Upper City with their lambs and kids, in haste to fulfill the commands of the Lord.
There they entered the Temple of Herod and went to the court of Israel. Up the fifteen steps to the Nicanor Gate, and through the large opened bronze Hekel doors they could see the temple trumpeters blowing their silver trumpets in proclamation that the time for the slaughtering of the lambs had come. Beyond the Nicanor Gate, in the court of the Priests, a great fire was burning on the Great Altar that was erected before the Holy Place of the Temple.
Behind the priests with their silver shofars irradiated by the gleaming sun, were two long rows of Levites, dressed in shimmering white linen garments. These two rows went from the place of sacrifice in the court of women to the Great Altar and back.
As permission was granted, the pilgrims entered with their sacrifice, two by two, and were ushered to the other side of the Court of Women to perform their sacrifice. Two of the disciples, Peter with the lamb, and John, carrying the knife, approached the place of sacrificial block.
In route, they walked pass the long rows of Levites that were passing, hand to hand, golden beakers that were broad at the mouth and narrow at the rim. As Peter laid his lamb on the sacrificial block, the priest quickly slit the vessels of the neck. One drop of blood fell into the golden beaker. The rest of the blood drained through a hole in the sacrificing block down the drains lined with lead from the Mendip mines in Cornwall, England to the garden district below the temple.
Then the golden beaker was passed, from Levite to Levite, until it reached the officiating Priest standing before the altar, who sprinkled it on the great fire. When finished, the golden beaker was sent down a second row of Levites back to the place of sacrifice.
Yohannes, now with the lamb, wrapped in a sheet, resting on his shoulder with Simon bar Jonah behind, left the court of the Priests and walked down the three steps to the court of Israel. In route, they passed by musical ensembles of priests with hand harps, timbrels, and flutes raising their voices in adoration to the Almighty One of Israel as the blood of the lambs was sprinkled on the great altar.
Below in the Court of Men, the rest of the disciples of the Prince of David, Yehoshua HaNotzri called the “Nazarene”, bowing their heads in worship and adoration singing, “Hallelujah, praise ye the Lord, praise Him, His servants, praise the name of the Lord” in antiphonal rhythm with other pilgrims singing, “Praised be the name of the Lord from this day for ever and ever.”
Following the narrow streets of the Lower City, they went to the Mount called Zion. There they found the unknown man posing as a watercarrier. With a sign of recognition, separately, they entered unnoticed, one by one, into the house with the upper terrace, prepared to cook the young lamb on the three-legged stove while enjoying the beautiful vistas of the entire city.
Another unusual event was occurring. As strange as it may seem, the entire terrace of celebration was fully prepared for its noble guest and disciples. In secrecy, with no one else was in attendance, the disciples were to spend the afternoon in celebration with their Master. When the Master finally arrived, the historical drama began to unfold.
How He arrived, or when where He came from, will also be left untold. What is known, Yehoshua was a hunted man. The temple rulers with their hired servants and spies were on the lookout for the Rabbi of Galilee that the high priest had warned with a veiled threat would be at the Pesach celebrations.
John 11:47-54 (parts) – “Then the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered a council and said, ‘What shall we do? For this Man works many signs. If we let Him alone like this, everyone will believe in Him, and the Romans will come and take
away both our place and nation.’ And one of them, Caiphas, being the high priest that year, said to them, ‘You know nothing at all, nor do you consider that it is expedient for us that one man should die for the people, and not that the whole nation should perish?
Now this he did not say on his own authority; but being high priest that year he prophesied that Yehoshua would die for the nation and that He would gather together in one the children of G-d who were scattered abroad. Then, from that day on, they plotted to put Him to death. Therefore, the Nazarene no longer walked openly among the Jews…”
Hidden in the guarded section of the Essene District, the Master plus His twelve, ascended a shielded flight of steps that led to an upper terrace, in accustom to the building styles of the region. Over the terrace was a canopy of thin bamboo rushes with a tapestry of dried out palm leaves forming a canopy of protection from the elements of the sun and rain, and a protective panoramic view of the holy city of Jerusalem.
The temple was to the northwest. The walls of the city were to the south and east. The Palace of Herod and the Praetorian of the Romans was to the north and northwest.
The Palace of the High Priest was nearby, outside the Essene Quarters, to the west on the slopes looking down upon the Kidron Valley below. From there, an elevated walkway went from the palace and the homes of elite to the temple complex, to shield the aristocracy from the masses of peasant rabble below. Here the Prince of David Yehoshua would be kept in guarded protective custody of the guardians of the Tomb of David, and shielded from the eyes of any prying onlookers below.
Upon the patio terrace, preparations had been made by a third party of unknown secret followers of the Nazarene. Silk tapestries and curtains were hung over and shielded the patio fence. Towards one end of the terrace, a canopy was erected where beneath a couch was placed for the Master with reed matting as places to sit for the twelve disciples.
Planks of wood on risers formed a low table that was overlaid with fine coverings. Vessels for food, earthenware cups for drinking. Per secret tradition an alabaster vessel was strategically placed on the table as a gift from His uncle, the Prince of David, Joseph of Arimathea, the rich man in Jerusalem. It was he who as the leading Prince of David of his age, sat in the hereditary seat of Kings David and Solomon as an esteemed “Elder” in the Great Sanhedrin in Jerusalem.
Joseph of Arimathea was a wealthy Jewish magnate who was a metal merchant with the contract from the Caesar of Rome. He mined lead and tin in the mines located in the Cornwall coast of Ancient Britannia, by ancient Jewish miners called Saracens in mines called “Jew Huts” for lead and tin were the strategic military metals needed for the Roman Imperial War machine who sought to control the nations of the world.
Specially prepared fresh unleavened matzah was laying upon an earthenware pottery with greens and herbs to dress the meal along with baskets of fruit. Bowls of water were carefully placed for the ceremonial washing of the hands.
Earthenware basins with amphora of water was placed nearby for the washing of the dusty feet. Delicate spices were sprinkled on the napkins and handkerchiefs. Incense was lit in a covered dish, nearby to the Rabbi’s couch. The lamps were trimmed with oil.
Everything was carefully and meticulously prepared in loving attention to exact and specific details by what we can only suspect to have been the disciples of Nicodemus and the servants of Joseph of Arimathea.
Was the Last Supper a Pesach Meal?
Per one scholar, the “Last Supper” was not a Pesach meal for its non-halakhic Torah atmosphere during the meal, precluded such a fact. There was no Korban lamb that was eaten and the bread was “sopped” during the meal which suggested that it was leavened bread.
John 13:26 – “Jesus answered, “’It is he to whom I shall give a piece of bread when I have dipped it.’ And having dipped the bread, He gave it to Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon.”
This may have been a preparatory meal for the upcoming Passover to plan for the Passover celebration. It would truly become the “Last supper” that Davidic Rabbi called the “Nazarene” would eat with his talmidei before leaving his 3-dimensional body and returning to his 4th dimensional elevated state of messianic consciousness when later His glorified being began to glow in later encounters like the ancient Edenic Light Beings called Adam and Chavah (Eve).
Here Yehoshua only lifted up the third 3rd Passover Seder cup, the cup of redemption. He then proclaimed that the next time that He would return to this planet earth, He would share the 4th Passover Seder cup with them. At that time, they would celebrate that moment when G-d “would take His own people” and redeem them again into the Promise Land at the “end of days.”
When we read in the Synoptic Gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, it suggests that the Passover meal was the Last Supper, yet the Gospel of John states that the messianic Prince of David, Yehoshua Ha Notzri was crucified before the Passover.
Matthew 26:17 – “Now on the first day of the Feast of the Unleavened Breadthe disciples came to Jesus, saying to Him, “Where do You want us to prepare for You to eat the Passover.”
Mark 14:12 – “Nowon the first day of Unleavened Bread, when they killed the Passover lamb, His disciples said to Him, ‘Where do You want us to go and prepare, that You may eat the Passover?
Luke 22:7-8 – “Then came the Day of Unleavened Bread, when the Passover must be killed.”
John 13:1 – “Now before the Feast of the Passover, when Yehoshua (Jesus) knew that His hour had come that He should depart from this world to the Father, having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end.
And supper being ended, the devil having already put it into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon’s son, to betray Him, Yehoshua, knowing that the “Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come from G-d and was going to G-d, rose from the supper and laid aside His garments, took a towel and girded Himself.”
As our knowledge of the first century Provincia Iudaea (Province of Judah) matures, we begin to find that the controversies of how to observe the Torah (halakha) were as dynamic as they are today. Maybe this is one reason, Torah sages suggest that in the “days of Jesus”, as it is today, the state of spiritual connection with the G-d of Israel was in the lowest state of spirituality, or at the 49th level of Tuma.
Halakhah (how to keep the Torah commands), though rigid, was not universally observed by all. As such, in the days of Yehoshua, (Jesus, Joshua) at least three, and possibly four different times, the Passover Seder Seders were held. These times were accepted respectfully by the Sadducees, the Pharisees, the Essenes, and the Jewish pilgrims from the Galilean and the Babylonian Diaspora.
The second solution suggests that there were two different calendars, the “sunset” calendar of the Pharisees and the “sunrise” calendar of the Sadducees.
The third solution suggests that the Last Supper was held on the solar Jubilee Calendar of the Essenes in the Synoptic Gospels. In John’s (Yohannes) own account, the Last Supper was to have held according to the lunar sunrise calendar of the Sadducee Temple calendar.
Then there was a fourth solution, that the “Passover” was an idiom, or a figure of speech that included the Passover as the whole week of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
Pope Benedict XVI – “"In the narrations of the Evangelists, there is an apparent contradiction between the Gospel of John, on one hand, and what, on the other hand, Matthew, Mark and Luke tell us.
Per John, the disciple of Jesus, the Nazarene died on the cross precisely at the moment in which, in the temple, the Passover lambs were being sacrificed. His death and the sacrifice of the lambs coincided and collided.
This means that the Prince of David Yehoshua (Joshua) died on the eve of Passover, and that, therefore, he could not have personally celebrated the paschal supper, at least this is what it would seem… Jesus celebrated Passover with his disciples probably according to the calendar of Qumran, that is to say, at least one day earlier -- he celebrated without a lamb, like the Qumran community who did not recognize the Temple of Herod and was waiting for a new temple."
He went on to suggest that “Yehoshua” may have celebrated the Passover according to the solar calendar of the Qumran Essenes, who always celebrated their Passovers on the eve of Wednesday (Tuesday evening). The fact that the Essenes were vegetarians, is also suggested to be accepted by the Synoptic Gospels as part of the narrative of the Last Supper.”
It was in February, 2005 that BibleSearchers Reflections posted a series of articles titled, “Study in the Israeli-Vatican Diplomatic Relations that will Lead to the Prophetic Fulfillment of “On that day, all Nations will Seek to Surround Jerusalem.”
The lead article was, “The Vatican Seek to Reclaim its Own – “The Church with the Upper Room”. In this series of three articles, was the detailed historical summary of the Roman Catholic bid to take control of the holy sites in Jerusalem. The first bid was take possession of the Church with the Upper Room that was transformed into its present Gothic architectural structure by the Franciscan monks in the 13th century.
When Ariel Sharon resisted, and refused to turn the title of the building that housed the “Church with the Upper Room” plus the Tomb of David to the Roman Catholic Church in the winter of 2006, he found himself put into the state of the “living death” in the Israeli Hadassah Hospital by the “avenging angel of the Lord”.
On October 25, 2005, when Vatican came calling to the President of Israel, Moshe Katsav, and Katsav refused to deal with the Vatican, by July 2006, allegations began to surface that led to the threat of indictment against President Katsav of sexual harassment, breach of trust, obstruction of justice, and fraud.
Are we seeing the Vatican making the appearance of returning to their Jewish roots to complete the bid to divide the city of Jerusalem, finally take possession of holy sites in Jerusalem, and eventually the entire Temple Mount?
As early as 1550 BCE, the Hebrews living in Egypt were in the throes of a major catastrophic era that catapulted them into to a new era: redemptions from slavery and restoration to the Land promised to their forefather, Abraham. This was the land of Canaan in the land of Israel today.
On the day of redemption, when the “blood” of the slain lamb was sprinkled on the door post, the “first born” of that family was saved from the avenging angel of death passing over Egypt. The march to a new life also began with eating of the paschal lamb on that first Passover. While the Passover is HaShem’s Passover(Exodus 12:11, Leviticus 23:5, Numbers 28:16, and II Chronicles 35:1), we can also call it the Hebrew’s Passover.
Almost a thousand years later, the remnant of the Hebrews was being redeemed from their 70 years of bondage in Babylon and Persia. Here the Judeans (Jews) from the southern tribes of Judah and Benjamin returned to resettle Jerusalem. Now, new ways of observing the Torah festivals were instituted and with it the Passover Seder as we know it today.
The modern Torah Seder is not the same that the Hebrews observed while in Egypt and the Sinai desert. Babylonian influence, such as the Seder egg, crept into the more primitive Palestinian Seder rites that soon disappeared after being augmented by the influence of the Babylonian Haggadah. In a way, we can call the modern Passover Seder a Jewish festival where the instructions on how to practice or perform this Seder is spelled out in instructional manuals, called “The Haggadah”.
Was it not the commands of the Go-d of Israel at Sinai, who stated?
Leviticus 23:5-6 – “On the fourteenth day of the first month at twilight is the Lord’s Passover. And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the Feast of Unleavened Bread to the Lord.” (See also Numbers 28:16-17)
When Moshe (Moses) was in Egypt, he was given special instructions that the Israelites were notto hold a festival in the land of Egypt. Therefore, Moses went to the Pharaoh seeking permission to go to the land of Goshen so that the Israelites could a festival.
Exodus 5:1 – “Afterward Moses and Aaron went in and told Pharaoh, ’thus says the L-rd G-d of Israel: ‘Let My people go, that they may hold a feast to Me in the wilderness.’”
Why was such a strange command given by G-d to Moses? Was it His divine purpose just to say, “I won’t permit it?” The reality appears that HaShem, the G-d of Israel did have a divine purpose for He intended to deal with the Pharaoh, the representative of Egypt’s divine god, Ra, person to Person. He did not want the Israelites to become involved, so that none of them would be hurt or killed.
A festival by the Israelites in Egypt would have been offensive to the Egyptian priesthood. The festivals would have been celebrated with animal sacrifices and grain sacrifices, yet the Egyptians worshipped the animals and the grains as their deities. It was these deities that the Israelites were going to sacrifice to the G-d of Israel. Such an act would have been detestable with the Egyptian priests of Ra and could have provoked the death warrant for Moses and many Hebrews.
Exodus 8:25-26 – “Then Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron, and said, ‘Go, sacrifice to your G-d in the land.’ And Moses said, ‘It is not right to do so, for we would be sacrificing the abomination of the Egyptians to the L-rd our G-d. If we sacrifice the abomination of the Egyptians before their eyes, then will they not stone us? We will go three days’ journey into the wilderness and sacrifice to the L-rd our G-d as He will command us.’”
Was not the goddess of Hathor in Dendura portrayed as the sacred cow? Was not the sacred bull that was worshipped as Apis, the actual embodiment of Ptah, Atum-Ra, and later Osiris to the Egyptians?
These bulls were housed in the temple for their entire life, then embalmed, and given their funerary rites while being encased in giant monolithic stone sarcophagi in the Serapeum at Saqqara.
Even the grain sacrifices of the Hebrews would have been offensive, for Nepri was the grain god, Ermutet was the goddess of the crops, and the jackal-headed Anubis was the guardian of the fields. Above all, was Osiris, a member of the Egyptian sacred trinity, was the god of agriculture. Now the Israelites were going to sacrifice the Egyptian gods to the Almighty One of Israel.
Yet, the Passover was held in Egypt. Why? The Passover was a memorial, not a festival, to an event that occurred in Egypt. It would also point to a more profound event that would occur in the future. The mood of Passover was symbolized by pain and suffering. On the afternoon of the 14th day of Nisan, the Hebrews were to sacrifice their favorite unblemished lamb, the best of their flock.
For the Hebrews, who did have faith (emuna) in the sovereignty of their G-d, the blood of this lamb was to literally “save” the firstborn sons of their family and the firstborn of all their sheep, goats, and cattle. It was take a lot of faith, emuna, to believe their Sovereign G-d in asking them to do such an incomprehensible task; slay the lamb, take the blood and put it on the doorpost of their dwelling and their firstborn sons and animals would be saved from death.
The shadow-picture in Egypt to the Israelites was now about to see its complete fulfillment sixteen hundred years, or 40 generations later. Only a few hours after the Last Supper, the “Only Begotten” firstborn “Son of G-d” would be impaled, like the Korban lamb, His blood splattered on the upright wooden tree (stake) so that all the world, who had “emuna” (faith) in the sovereign One G-d of Israel would be saved from eternal death.
John 3:16 – “For HaShem, the One G-d of Israel so loved the world, that He gave His only Begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life. For G-d did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world, through Him, might be saved.
Seeing is believing! For over 2000 years, the world has been affixed with the drama of those few years of time that a single solitary Prince of the esteemed dynastic lineage of Kings David and Solomon shook up the then known world at that time.
His life literally became a “Drama of the Ages” that evoked such a passion in the lives of not only the entire peasantry class of Jewish people, but his fame swept across the entire Middle East changing and transforming all the inhabitants of that era.
It has been stated in hundreds of different cultures that the world as we know today would be totally different if it were not for this one life, for out of his one life, one who was a Neshama Yehudi (Jewish soul) affected so many variant cultures that out of his spiritual loins rose Three Major Religions of the world; Judaism, Christianity and over six hundred years later Islam.
The era of man is standing now on the brink of the seashore waiting to be passed through the inter dimensional veil of the “World to Come.” The day is coming soon when we will break through that inter dimensional barrier and stand on the beach of a “New World” and a “New Age” as the rising Light of the age called the “Era of the Messiah” raises to its glorious manifestation.
The day is coming soon when Hashem the One G-d of Israel will stretch forth His great hand of judgment and cleanse the earth from the great pollution of man upon Planet Earth. He will take away the “blood oaths” from between the mouths of the Palestinian Arabs, He will restore the Land of Israel back to “Am Yisra’el”, that means both the House of Joseph (All Ten Tribes of the House of Israel), and the House of Judah.
He will then redeem and restore His own “sheep” back into a living relationship with Himself. If you are chosen, as a Lost Tribal Member of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, your destiny is to return to your Homelands first in Shomron (Samaria), Israel.
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Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and Christian 10-Triber Vision to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This Supernal Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria.
DISCLAIMER - Kol Ha Tor is an independent commentator and may or may not agree with the contents, the views, interpretations and opinions as expressed by the independent theological and/or political views of Destination Yisrael.
Destination Yisrael scans the world for information that has relevance on the time of the end. It is our prayer that this will allow the believers in the Almighty One of Israel to “watch and be ready”. Our readiness has nothing to do trying to halt the progression of evil on our planet earth. In our readiness, we seek to be prepared for the coming of the Messiah of Israel so that goodness and evil will be manifested in its fullest.
Our preparation is a pathway of spiritual readiness for a world of peace. Our defender is the Metatron, the Lord of hosts. The time of the end suggests that the Eternal One of Israel’s intent is to close out this chapter of earth’s history so that the perpetrators of evil, those that seek power, greed and control, will be eliminated from this planet earth. The wars of the heavens are being played out on this planet earth and humans will live through it to testify of the might, power, justice and the love of the God of Israel.
In a world of corruption and disinformation, we cannot always know what the historical truth is and who is promoting evil or mis-information. We cannot guarantee our sources but we will always seek to portray trends that can be validated in the Torah, the testimony of the prophets of the Old and the New Testament, and the writings of Rabbi Eliyahu ben Shlomo ben Zalman (famed Vilna Gaon) called the “genius” in the 18th century, and his vision of the final redemption in his collection of writings highlighted in his supernal understanding of the Torah, the Prophets and Writings as outlined in the Kol Ha Tor.
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The famed mystic Rabbi, Ha Rav Nir Ben Artzi during the month of March (2017 in the first year of the Era of the Messiah) began to focus his global messianic predictions around the world. As reported by Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz with Breaking Israel News, he noted of great interest how Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi’s past predictions continue to come true as prophesied.
In a recent Jewish synagogue sermon Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi unleased a litany of future and potential disasters that include not only earthquakes, major oceanic and tsunami storms, but also recent international plane crashes whose causal destruction came as stellar EMP bolides of HaShem’s divine judgement in response to global political events.
These have enhanced the notable and spiritual intent of the Divine plus includes powerful relevance to our present prophetic times. As Rabbi Nir Ben Arzi warned while elaborating with intense detail about the current messianic “birth pangs”, does give us insight in the cause and effect intent of Divine judgment upon Planet Earth and the 70 nations of the earth. As the Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi spoke:
Ha Rav Nir Ben Artzi – “The times will continue to be difficult and the judgements will continue to grow stronger: floods, volcanic eruptions, fires and heat, evil spirits, storms and earthquakes. Buildings will disappear into the ground – the ground will open and swallow places in the world. Planes will collide and get lost, ships will get lost and sink.”
“The times will continue to be difficult and the judgements will continue to grow stronger: floods, volcanic eruptions, fires and heat, evil spirits, storms and earthquakes. Buildings will disappear into the ground – the ground will open and swallow places in the world. Planes will collide and get lost, ships will get lost and sink.”
This end of days scenario suddenly erupted in March, 2016, when seven major earthquakes struck Japan and Ecuador and crashed into both coasts of the Pacific within 96 hours.
To many of the interpreting seismologists, this is only the beginning of a long range global process of evolutionary development. The rabbis and the believers of the rabbinic faith whether Jews, Lost Ten Israelites or believing Noahides, we are instead watching carefully the development of the global messianic process of recreating a new Gan Eden that will first be revealed to begin on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
As the Chazal, the Sages of Judah have long proclaimed; In the end days when the Era of Metatron, will be revealed as HaShem’s Melekh HaMaschiach (King Messiah) He will be known as the Maschiach ben David (Messiah son of David. At that time:
The Temple Mount will expand to include the whole State of Israel.
The Land of Israel will then expand to include the whole Middle East from the Nile to the Euphrates.
The Middle East will expand to include the entire Planet Earth.
The Rabbis and people of faith will then fully recognize this as part of the Universal Messianic process with the Creation of the “Commonwealth of Israel.”
The Rabbis and the people of the faith will then recognize that what we have been beholding in front of our eyes has been the merging of the two Messianic Mega-Trends; called the Maschiach ben Yosef (Messiah son of Joseph) and the Maschiach ben David (Messiah son of David)
It was in the summer 2016 that earth scientists began to see the remodeling of Planet Earth. Over 500 people were killed when a 7.8-magnitude earthquake hit Ecuador. 1,700 people remained missing, over 4,000 are injured, and thousands more are wandering homeless.
Within 94 hours, a 7.3-magnitude quake hit Japan’s southern island hour later, while over 600 smaller tremors continued to shake the survivors. The death toll in Japan stands at 47 killed, more than 1,000 injured, 8 missing, and over 100,000 left homeless.
Other less-deadly earthquakes were felt around the world. Many scientists are convinced that this recent epidemic of earthquakes is just a prelude to increased seismic activity around the globe in unprecedented magnitudes.
University of Colorado seismologist Roger Bilham told the Express, “The current conditions might trigger at least four earthquakes greater than 8.0 in magnitude. And if they delay, the strain accumulated during the centuries provokes more catastrophic mega-earthquakes.”
Experts from India’s Ministry of Home Affairs warned in January that yet another major quake, equal or larger than the last disaster, can be expected in the region.
Seismologists at Tokyo University estimate there is a 98 percent chance that in the next 30 years Japan will be hit by another major earthquake of catastrophic proportions. Earlier in 2011 a 9.0-magnitude quake killed over 20,000 people, but its destructive effects didn’t end at mere earth-shifting.
Japan’s Fukushima power plant was designed to withstand earthquakes, but a meltdown occurred when the ensuing tsunami washed away generators powering the emergency cooling, leaking large amounts of radioactive material into the atmosphere.
This apocalyptic scenario could easily be repeated with devastating results in many developed countries, including the US. Nuclear power plants in California, New York, Washington State, and Arkansas are situated near major fault lines. Other plants in Maine, Pennsylvania, and Virginia have raised concern of their earthquake survivability with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission but were deemed within acceptable standards.
Especially at risk is the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant in California, which is situated directly on the ocean, making it very vulnerable to tsunamis. It sits in an earthquake red zone, in close vicinity to four active fault lines, one lying only 2,000 feet away from the plant’s two nuclear reactors.
David Freeman, a former general manager of the Sacramento Municipal Utility District, called the Diablo Nuclear plant “a disaster waiting to happen.”
The facts exist that tsunamis are far more devastating than the earthquakes that trigger them. In 2004, the Banda Aceh earthquake, barely felt on land, created a tsunami in the Indian Ocean that killed about 250,000 people in Sumatra and Indonesia.
A recent study by seismologists at the University of California suggests that Southern California is at greater risk of tsunamis than previously thought. A 7.0-magnitude earthquake in the Ventura Basin Fault could generate a tsunami that would penetrate up to two kilometers inland in less than half an hour, devastating a heavily populated area.
It was Rabbi Yitzchak Batzri, a noted Kabbalist from Jerusalem, spoke to Breaking Israel News about how the wave of earthquakes fits into the Messianic process. There is no doubt that the earthquakes have a divine origin. As Rabbi Yitzchak Batzri pondered, he commented:
Rabbi Yitzchak Batzri – “The potential of earthquakes has been a part of the history of the world since the first days of creation, but the power that brings it into existence is God’s will. The will is triggered by human action. Our actions, in relation to God, affect His decision to enact the forces of nature, especially in things having to do with our rejecting sanctity. As King David wrote:
Psalms 104:32 – “He looketh on the earth, and it trembleth; He toucheth the mountains, and they smoke”
This describes what will happen in the End of Days before the final redemption. There will be an earthquake in Israel, but it will be beneficial, opening up the Temple Mount, bringing forth living waters, purifying the city to receive the Messiah.”
The rabbinic understanding of this prophecy has over the centuries is today now supported by the opinions of many scientists. The Land of Israel sits on the Syria-African rift, which runs along the Dead sea Valley. It passes through the area thought to be the sites of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the city of Jericho, which still stands today.
The Biblical accounts of the destruction of the twin cities of evil, and the later account of the falling walls of Jericho, could very well be interpreted as divinely powered geologic catastrophes.
Per Dr. Shmuel Marco’s research on earthquakes and catastrophic event in the Middle East, such catastrophic events have been common to the region over the past millenniums. It was Dr. Shmuel Marco, who studied earthquake timelines and it was expected that that more earthquakes would be expected soon. Major earthquakes were recorded in the Jordan Valley in the years 31 BCE, 363 CE, 749 CE and 1033 CE.As he stated:
Dr. Shmuel Marco – “So roughly, we are talking about an interval of every 400 years. If we follow the patterns of nature, a major quake should be expected any time because almost a whole millennium has passed since the last strong earthquake. The rash of earthquakes has brought about one of those rare scenarios in which scientific theory and prophetic vision agree: earthquakes threaten our future. Man would be wise to prepare, spiritually and physically, for what lies ahead.”
According to the CATDAT database, the socioeconomic loss and metrics from natural disasters globally suggests that floods have caused the highest damage, earthquakes and storms show an increasing role in recent times. The overall data suggests that Natural Disasters since 1900 have resulted in over 8 Million Deaths and 7 Trillion US Dollars damage since 1980.
Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi prophetic insight on Recent Catastrophes
Rabbi Artiz’s predictions appeared to dove-tail closely the catastrophic waves in which from 1900 up to the summer of 2015 it appears to align themselves with numerous global incidents around the world.
The dual higher magnitude wave of major earthquakes which included a 7.8 magnitude quake in Ecuador that killed over 500 people, and a 7.3 magnitude quake in Japan that killed over 50 appears to come in alliance with global catastrophes as Seismologists were beginning to become more spiritually inclined that prophecy was connected to the end-of days. And while lost planes are uncommon in these technologically-advanced days, it is nearly three years to the day since the Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 vanished into thin air.
Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi prophetic insight on American President Donald Trump
Rabbi Ben Artzi’s other predictions focused on the Middle East, ranging from the impact of Donald Trump’s presidency on Israel to the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and radical Islam.
Rabbi Artzi carried words of encouragement to the Jewish people in Israel with the message that Trump will be good for the Jewish State of Israel and that “Trump is doing his real work in secret, so he can fix all the things that were made “crooked”. He doesn’t like to make his plans public prematurely, and if he hasn’t yet done what he promised, he will.”
Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi prophetic insight on the Jerusalem American Embassy and the bilateral Peace Agreement between Israel and the Palestinians
There has been “One presidential promise that has been reneged upon and failed in the campaign promises of his President Trump’s predecessors was the promise of the American presidents that they would move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the capital of Israel.
This one issue has captured the international attention of all the nations of the world as to whether President Donald Trump will move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem?
Yet not realized due to the subdued coverage of the international media was the fact that there was currently already a delegation of two congressmen who arrived in Israel to begin scouting locations for the embassy in Jerusalem and putting the move into motion.
When it came to the diplomatic potential of a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians, the famed mystical rabbi, Rabbi Ben Artzi predicted that there “would be no advances in negotiations” premised on the fact that “coexistence runs counter to the spiritual inclination of the Arabs.” As Rabbi Artzi exclaimed:
Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi - “The Palestinians and Hamas don’t want peace. It is inscribed in their hearts to hate the Jews and to expel them from Israel. The Palestinians can live anywhere else in the Middle East, but they choose to cope with the difficulties in Israel so “they could have a chance to harm the Jews.”
Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi prophetic insight that ISIS has a Divine Role in the end-time Messianic Era.
Regardless of their nefarious goals to destroy the State of Israel and drive the Jews into the sea, Rabbi Ben Artzi went on to state that “the Arab world, even avowed enemies like ISIS and Iran, will fail to harm Israel.” As Rabbi Artzi then proclaimed:
Rabbi Ben Artzi – “ISIS has an unexpected place in the divine plan – its role is actually to protect Israel from its enemies. ISIS will not be wiped out. God does not want it wiped out for they are “agents of the Divine.” He then further stated:
Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi – “ISIS creates complications all over the world in certain countries so that they will leave Israel alone. ISIS and the Muslims hate Christiansmore than they hate Jews.” Even deeper with the combined efforts of the world’s superpowers of America’s forces and the Russian military, ISIS has not been defeated.”
Yet the role of ISIS since its founding in 2014, ISIS has committed dozens of terror attacks in Europe and Turkey and killed hundreds of civilians, apart from its genocidal plan to wipe out all non-Muslims within its territories.
As for Iran, Israel has little to fear — but America does, the respected leader said. Two ISIS terrorists held several people hostage and murdered a priest on July 26, 2016 at a church in France. (YouTube)
“Iran is still working to produce nuclear weapons,” the rabbi said. “America can use the [nuclear] agreement to reveal all the nuclear sites in Iran. But Israel is not in danger from these nuclear weapons. The threat of Iranian nuclear weapons is to America and the rest of the world.”
The reality is that Rabbi Ben Artzi has made similar predictions in the past that have come true in shocking detail. Over a month ago, Breaking Israel News reported a prediction made by the rabbi that black magik will make a comeback in the world. It will be the adepts of “Black Magik” supporters that will focus on the world leaders like US President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Less than two weeks later, opponents of President Trump gathered outside Trump Tower in New York City in an attempt to curse the president and his supporters. They sent out a call on social media for others to join in, with detailed instructions on how to perform the black magic.
Another of the rabbi’s predictions that materialized was concerning Russia providing Iran with the advanced S-300 anti-aircraft weapons system in the summer of 2016 when Rabbi Ben Artzi made the following statement backed by the promises of the Divine:
Psalms 37:15 – “Their sword shall enter into their own heart, and their bows shall be broken:
Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi – “These missiles, which can shoot down practically any plane, will get a virus in their computers, and go crazy.” With additional emphasis, Rabbi Ben Artzi reassured his followers in September. “They (the missiles will blow up inside their bunkers. The launcher will blow up underneath them.”
In the week before December 16, 2016, Breaking Israel News reported again, this time on the failed launching of Russia’s advanced S-300 anti-aircraft weapons system to Iran, again Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi stated that it was not necessary to worry. It was in a vision when Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi received included a biblical inspired vision when he was shown the fate of the missiles.
In December, a video went up on YouTube showing precisely what the rabbi had prophesied: a missile shot out of an S-300 launcher but its rocket failed to ignite. The missile dropped back onto its launcher, exploding inside the bunker.
We must honor the fact that as Jews and Lost 10 Israelites, we also were given access to live in the Holy Land of Israel subject to conditions as outlined by the G-d of Israel.
The condition of any of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, their remaining in “The Land” came with one proviso; “Conquer the Land”. “Drive out the Canaanites (Palestinians)” who were corrupting the land given by the G-d of Israel to Abraham in an epic contract for all ages; guaranteed by the Sovereign power of G-d.
This is the same “Divine Contract” that has been given also to the last Israeli Prime Minister of the State of Israel; Benyamin Netanyahu, which he is mandated by G-d to honor today.
After the Government of Israel comes under the yoke of Metatron, Melekh HaMaschiach’s (King Messiah’s) Divine rule in Jerusalem, only then will the Commonwealth of Israel’s rule extend all over Planet Earth as HaShem’s Solar Rex Capital of our Solar System.
As stated above, this same mandate has been given also to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as stated in the Torah:
Conquer the Ancient Canaanite lands in Galilee, Shomron (Samaria) and Judea and the East Side of the Jordan River in Basham and Assyria.
Return the Palestinians back to the lands of their Ishmaelite forefathers in Jordan on the East Bank of the Jordan River and beyond in the deserts of Arabia.
Support the Jewish people in building towns, industry, re-foresting the Mountains of Central Israel, for it is the Divine Mandate that the Jewish people and the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel must settle, plant fields and orchards, develop spiritual technology, create cities of holiness as our act of “arousal from below”.
Support the Jewish Rabbanim in creating an atmosphere of holiness in Jerusalem and the cities in Israel so that the G-d of Israel can open the “floodgates of heaven and herald in the future, Olam HaBah (World to Come) as we welcome the elevated level of consciousness that is part of the futuristic “Era of the Messiah”.
So role as G-d opens the flood gates of heaven, even we as the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel, may step through the interdimensional vortex into the futuristic 4th dimensional world of messianic consciousness.
Joel David Bakst – “Just as in the human body neural pathways are already built into us, likewise the inter-dimensional pathways are already built into us, likewise the inter-dimensional circuits that spread out from Jerusalem throughout the world are built into creation.
This is the esoteric meaning of the verse, “For out of Zion” [another code name for the Foundation Stone called the Makon or “G-d’s Holy Place”, that is covered by the Even Shetiya [Golden Dome of the Rock] “will go forth Torah” referring to the renewed Torah consciousness along the “Teetering Edge of the Messianic Age.”
The future waterways referred to are not only something that will be created totally new. These virtual global “cerebral neural networks” and passage ways already have their channels carved out in the extra-dimensional planes.
The circuits or “tunnels” are already here and we must “get our motor running”, and our pulsating thought waves activated as we find our way into the higher levels of messianic consciousness. As the Talmudic Sages have stated over the centuries. The mystic sages over the centuries have alluded to these hidden meridians when, the Sages enigmatically inform us that:
In the future; the level of kedusha/holiness of the Holy of Holies will spread throughout the entire Temple Mount,
Then the level of kedusha/holiness of Jerusalem will spread throughout all of Eretz Yisrael (Land of Israel and then,
The kedusha/holiness of Eretz Yisrael (Land of Israel) will spread to the whole world.
Let us link their prophetic understanding as we prepare ourselves for our catastrophic and redemptive future. So what will be the potential effect of the Red Twin Binary Star have upon our Planet Earth? If we evaluate the futuristic Maps of North and Central America, this is what we may see affecting the North America including the United States, Canada and Mexico?
Water will cover the coastline of the Pacific Northwest all the way down from the Alaskan Peninsula, extending for hundreds of miles over a good portion of the States of Washington, Oregon and all the way along the California coastline to the Baja region of Northern Mexico.
Those with “eyes that can see and behold” can only ponder the significance of what will happen to Planet Earth when Nibiru's smaller solar system with its 7 planetoids races by in a close fly-by. If we evaluate the futuristic Maps of North and Central America, this is what we may see:
The volcanos in the Pacific Northwest will begin to erupt, the earthquakes begin to rumble, the tsunamis will race across the oceans to devastate the shorelines of the continents on the other side of the oceans.
The Molten Iron Core of the Earth will continue to energize more and more, so that the plumes of magma erupting from the “magnetic core engine” of Planet Earth become so strong that they raise the beds of the maritime trenches of the Pacific Ocean and push up the mantle of the earth, according to “earth-change” researchers between 200 to 600 feet higher under the waters of the Pacific.
As such the oceanic floor of the Pacific Ocean will rise from below, the oceanic waters above will begin to rise up higher and higher until 80% of Oregon, all of Nevada, 3/4th of Utah and parts of Northern Colorado will be under water.
The entire coastline of California, including San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego all the way down to Baja California will be inundated like the ancient cities of old in past catastrophes.
Parts of ancient maritime continents in the mythology of human peoples, may also rise such as the ancient mythical lands of Lemuria in the Pacific and Atlantis in the Atlantic Oceans.
The Mississippi River will open up engulfing all the lands to its south into the Gulf of Mexico.
The Gulf of Mexico will also be engulfed as water will rise several hundred feet inundating Houston and lands south of the escarpment resting to the south of Dallas and Fort-Worth.
The Islands of the Caribbean Sea will completely go under the water including the Petén in Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico and Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
Along the Eastern Seaboard of the United States, Florida will be inundated and Miami is expected to be immersed as it sinks under the rising waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
The Atlantic maritime coastline will also be submerged east of the Appalachian Mountains. The Atlantic maritime coastline along the eastern coastline of the United States and Washington DC, New York, Philadelphia and Boston will be prone to mega-tsunamis hundreds of feet in height.
As we dwell upon these momentous days in our near future, we have to ponder the words of the prophets of the Hebrew TaNaKh and the Essene disciples of the esteemed Nasi of the Jerusalem Great Sanhedrin, Hillel the Great and his Beit Av Din, Menahem the Essene whose Orthodox disciples fled to Damascus first and later to Qumran.
Let us link their prophetic understanding as we prepare ourselves for our catastrophic and redemptive future:
Revelation 6:12 – “Then I watched as he broke the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake, the sun turned black as sackcloth worn in mourning, and the full moon became shaken by strong wind. The sky receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved from its place.
Then the earth’s kings, the rulers, the generals, the rich and the mighty – indeed, everyone, slave and free – hid himself in caves and among the rocks in the mountains and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us, and hide us from the face of the One sitting on the throne and from the fury of the Lamb! For the Great Day of their fury has come, and who can stand!”
Revelation 16:17- “The seventh one poured out his bowl on the air, and a loud voice came out of the of the Temple from the throne, saying, “It is done!”
There were flashes of lightning, voices and peals of thunder; and there was a massive earthquake, such has never occurred since mankind has been on earth, so violent was the earthquake.
The great city (Washington, DC called Babylon the Great) was split into three parts (East of the Mississippi, West of the Mississippi, and the coastline of the Pacific Northwest and California and Baja California), the cities of the nations fell, …
Every island fled, and no mountains were to be found. And huge seventy pound hailstones fell on people from the sky. But the people cursed G-d for the plague of hail, that it was such a terrible plague.”
Then compare these same cataclysmic times, in our prophetic future, as the Prophet Zechariah wrote these words:
Zechariah 14:2,4,6 – “For I will gather all the nations against Yerushalayim for war…On that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, …and the Mountain of Olives will be split in half from east to west; to make a huge valley…
On that day, there will be neither bright light nor thick darkness; and one day, known to Adonai, will be neither day nor night (sun will not go down), although by evening there will be light (sun will rise from west where it went down in the west (Planet Earth just made a partial or complete Pole Shift).”
All of you have wondered how the G-d of Israel will bring all the prophetic events to their fulfillment at the time of the end. Watching the “Finger of the Divine” stirring up nations of the world is far more fascinating than watching a movie drama. The end results will be that all nations will pool all their economic resources at the “gates of Israel” and be prepared to once again to evoke the “Final Solution” this time amongst the remnant of the Jewish peoples that include all the Jews of the Diaspora that have fled to Israel as a land of safety before their life would be thrust through the "gate“ into "the world to come”.
Yet, at that time, a massive influx or possibly mass migrations of the Lost Tribes of Israel will be returning home led by the spirit of HaShem. And during this same time, the G-d of Israel is wooing each one of you, the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel, to return and be restored back into brotherhood with the Jews of the House of Judah so that He will send His Messiah to clean house of all the wickedness and corruption on Planet Earth.
The day is coming soon when Hashem the G-d of Israel will stretch forth His great hand of judgment and cleanse the earth from the great pollution of man upon Planet Earth. He will take away the “blood oaths” from between the mouths of the Palestinian Arabs, He will restore the Land of Israel back to “Am Yisra’el”, that means both the House of Joseph (All Ten Tribes of the House of Israel), and the House of Judah.
He will then redeem and restore His own “sheep” back into a living relationship with Himself. If you are chosen, as a Lost Tribal Member of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, your destiny is to return to your Homelands first in Shomron (Samaria), Israel.
If you want to learn more, click the link and Contact
Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Vision to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This Supernal Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria.
DISCLAIMER - Kol Ha Tor is an independent commentator and may or may not agree with the contents, the views, interpretations and opinions as expressed by the independent theological and/or political views of Destination Yisrael.
Destination Yisrael scans the world for information that has relevance on the time of the end. It is our prayer that this will allow the believers in the Almighty One of Israel to “watch and be ready”. Our readiness has nothing to do trying to halt the progression of evil on our planet earth. In our readiness, we seek to be prepared for the coming of the Messiah of Israel so that goodness and evil will be manifested in its fullest.
Our preparation is a pathway of spiritual readiness for a world of peace. Our defender is the Metatron, the Lord of hosts. The time of the end suggests that the Eternal One of Israel’s intent is to close out this chapter of earth’s history so that the perpetrators of evil, those that seek power, greed and control, will be eliminated from this planet earth. The wars of the heavens are being played out on this planet earth and humans will live through it to testify of the might, power, justice and the love of the God of Israel.
In a world of corruption and disinformation, we cannot always know what the historical truth is and who is promoting evil or mis-information. We cannot guarantee our sources but we will always seek to portray trends that can be validated in the Torah, the testimony of the prophets of the Old and the New Testament, and the writings of Rabbi Eliyahu ben Shlomo ben Zalman (famed Vilna Gaon) called the “genius” in the 18th century, and his vision of the final redemption in his collection of writings highlighted in his supernal understanding of the Torah, the Prophets and Writings as outlined in the Kol Ha Tor.
This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to:
We are puzzled with our life, we are afraid of our present, as we are anticipating a life in the future Gan Eden (Garden of Eden). Why are we not ecstatic as our world is disappearing around us as we anticipate the revealing of the future Melekh HaMaschiach (King Messiah son of David. Will it not be he who will thrust us through the veil into the 4th dimensional messianic consciousness of our future?
I recently began to re-read an enormously powerful E’Book, “The Well of Living Waters” that was written by one of the current sages in modern Israel today, Rabbi Avraham Sutton, that appears was never published.
As we witness the chaos surrounding our lives destroying all the norms of social and religious cultures, we ponder with palpitations in our chest, “What is the meaning of the Yetzer Hara, the “evil inclination” that surrounds our souls?
Here is where Rabbi Avraham Sutton, repeats one of the many Jewish parables found in the Zohar, and retold during the legendary era of the ancient days of ARI, the Baal Shem Tov, Rabbi Nachman and the Vilna Gaon. This may give us some insight into the questions of our present, “Who am I?”, “Why am I Here” and “Where am I going.” Here is the following parable that may give us some divine revealings.
Rabbi Avraham Sutton – “A King had only one son. The king loved his son exceedingly, He therefore warned him not to go near any loose women, lest he be deemed unworthy of ever entering his father’s palace again. [hearing this and known how much his father loved him] the prince declared his allegiance to his father the king and promised that he would never act contrary to his wishes.
It happened that a loose woman lived outside the king’s palace. She was exceedingly beautiful and lovely to look upon. Days passed and [the king wished to give the kingdom to his son. In order to do so, however] the king had to first test his son’s loyalty.
He called the prostitute and hired her to go and seduce his son. What did she do? She followed the prince, and at the right moment, approached him to hug and kiss him, and thereby entice him to lay with her. If the prince maintains his allegiance to his father the king, he overcomes the lure of her charms, admonished her and pushes her away. His father then rejoices doubly in his son, and brings him into the inner chambers of his palace. He showers him with precious gifts. Who occasioned all the honor for the king’s son? Was it not the prostitute?
Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan made this comment:
Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan – “First, the king warns the prince not to go near any loose women. They he turns around and hires a prostitute to tempt him. Actually, the prostitute is doing the king’s bidding by tempting the prince. This, however, is only the secondary purpose of the king. His son is the real and primary purpose.
In a sense, the king is disguising his primary purpose by hiring the prostitute. It is only when the prince sees through this disguise (and realized that it is just a test that his father has set up) that he becomes totally impervious to her charms.
In the same way, the evil that comes about as a result of the shattering of the vessels is a concealment of God’s primary purpose. This allow for the possibility of free choice. When man then overcomes the challenge of this concealment, he is master of the good he received. This was the king’s primary purpose.”
Like Rebbi Nachman’s parable, this is the Zohar’s explanation of how G-d puts man in a test situation in order that man can eventually become king, and attain his true stature. He has to be tested by the very thing that he was told to beware of.
The ramifications of this are awesome. We go through so many different periods in our lifetime, meeting so many different kinds of people, being confronted by so many different kinds of tests.
What is mind-boggling is that none of these experiences are random. Hashem arranges and designs each specific situation that we our souls need to confront. Each person’s life is set up for certain very particular kinds of tests each one having to do with his being (essence) in particular; his strengths, his weaknesses, etc.
For one person, it might be lust; for another, hatred and resentment. For another, it might be depression, or jealousy, or any number of other negative traits.
Whatever it is, and whenever it hits us, it is very specific for each individual. Each person has their very particular struggle based on something unique about them. Every circumstance they encounter in their life follows this.
Why was this person born a man, not a woman, and vice versa? Why is this person here, and another person there? Why is this person struck with his illness, and another with financial troubles, etc.?
So here is where our subconscious receives and illuminates our present to future life. The soul that is placed within us by the Divine will give us our walking orders for our future, as the following reveals.
“You will receive a body…; You will learn lessons…; There are no mistakes, only lessons…; A lesson is repeated until it is learned…; Learning lessons does not end…; “There” is no better place than “here”…; Others are merely mirrors of you…; What you make of your life is up to you…; your answers lie inside you…; You will forget all of this.”
And this is why it’s so difficult, because we get tested with the very thing (trait, person, circumstance, etc) that we have most trouble dealing with.
In other words, the yetzer hara’s (evil inclination) ability to play on our weaknesses, to exasperate us and get us upset when we’re most tired, to frustrate us after we’ve tried our very best, to kick us when we’re down and make us fall into depression, to attack us when we least expect – in all this, it is merely fulfilling its task of testing us.
How do we overcome the yetzer hara?
Knowing that life is a series of tests in a drama, a drama in which there are incredible rewards, incredibly good things up ahead – this is what makes the difference.
For, in the end, it will be clear that as hard as it was, as much as it tore us apart, it will all be worth it.
Knowing this – really knowing this – the tests won’t pull us down as much (or at all) any more. Because, in a sense, by being able to see beyond the tests, we’ve tasted the rewards. We’re able to move and grow, and eventually attain our malkhut, the kingdom that G-d wants to give us.
[And, again, if you shall ask, Why doesn’t He just give us the reward He wants to give us? Why go to all the trouble of hiring the prostitute to test us? The answer, as you must know, is that He know us, for He knows the way He made us. He made us in such a way that we could never really appreciate the kind of gift He wants to give us – eternal existence – if we hadn’t worked for it and been tested to the very core. And if you ask, why did He have to make us life this? I leave it up to you to guess the answer!]
As each of us awakens from the dream of our individual drama, to see the reality of the Great and Loving King who is really with us (disguised as all the characters in our lives, including the Adversary!), and then as we join with others and help them to awaken and see through their dramas too, something then starts to happen that is bigger that all of us.
We realize that each of our little dramas is part of an incredibly great Drama, the Messianic Drama that began with Adam and Chavah in the Garden of Eden, and will climax with the appearance of the Maschiach. This is what our sages taught in the midrash.
This is what the ARI, the Baal Shem Tov, Nachman, the Ramchal, the Gaon of Vilna, and all the great masters have taught. In order to explain why we have a yetzer hara, they jump to the cosmic level, and explain the existence of evil in it very inception. They explain the place of evil in Hashem’s Plan for the world.
The connection, again, is that when more and more people begin to see through the veil of evil in their individual lives, this itself is what Hashem is waiting for. Even this moment of awareness on our part, together with the little thing that each of us must awaken from our little dream/dramas; will bring that day closer when it will be revealed that the King was with us the whole time. This then will signal the advent of the Messianic Era…”
If we are willing to stop for a moment of time, we realize that we are in a “game-changing” transition of messianic enlightenment. Evil will become more evil and the Righteous will become more righteous. Today, there is no gray as the geo-religio-political world is quickly becoming black and white. Though we cannot perceive it in our 3rd dimensional world around us, the forces of darkness are fighting bitterly against the Forces of Light to remain in control of Planet Earth as Metatron, the future King Messiah (Melekh HaMaschiach) is in control of this planet while Michael the Archangel is protecting the Jews in Israel.
The cries of the Jewish people are rising-up from the ground below. Soon the Almighty One of Israel will open the flood gates of heaven from above and usher us through the 50th Gate of Jerusalem, as the futuristic “Era of the Messiah” prepares us for the outcome of the mankind’s final fate as the “Era of King Messiah" has now arrived.
The wandering pathway of the Maschiach ben Yosef (Messiah son of Joseph) called the “At’chalta de Guela” is about to come to its end. The “Era of the Messiah” is now at the door of redemption. At that time, the Maschiach ben David (Messiah son of David) will be revealed by Elijah the Prophet (Eliyahu HaNavi) along with Moshe Rabbeinu (Moses our Teacher). King Messiah, known as Metatron will begin the process of the final redemption that will include also the final redemption of all Twelve-Tribed Israel.
If we open our eyes, we will behold that the Almighty One of Israel is planting in high places of the government of the State of Israel, men who will honor the Holy Name of G-d. At that time, we will be willing to Sanctify G-d’s Holy Name with “boots on the ground”; willing to claim that G-d is with us today.
This is the same G-d of Israel that gave to the Nation of Israel the entire Land of Canaan; the entire lands to the west of Jordan and the entire "Land of Greater Israel" from the Nile River to the Euphrates.
From now on until eternity, you will remember the young Jewish dancer, Hallel Yaffa Ariel, who will be honored in all ages as a symbol of righteousness and loving kindness. The legacy of her name, Hallel, “praise to the Al-mighty G-d of Israel”, will resonate through all eternity.
You might Want to Read the Following series of Articles:
The day is coming soon when Hashem the G-d of Israel will stretch forth His great hand of judgment and cleanse the earth from the great pollution of man upon Planet Earth. He will take away the “blood oaths” from between the mouths of the Palestinian Arabs, He will restore the Land of Israel back to “Am Yisra’el”, that means both the House of Joseph (All Ten Tribes of the House of Israel), and the House of Judah.
He will then redeem and restore His own “sheep” back into a living relationship with Himself. If you are chosen, as a Lost Tribal Member of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, your destiny is to return to your Homelands first in Shomron (Samaria), Israel.
If you want to learn more, click the link and Contact
Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Vision to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This Supernal Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria.
DISCLAIMER - Kol Ha Tor is an independent commentator and may or may not agree with the contents, the views, interpretations and opinions as expressed by the independent theological and/or political views of Destination Yisrael.
Destination Yisrael scans the world for information that has relevance on the time of the end. It is our prayer that this will allow the believers in the Almighty One of Israel to “watch and be ready”. Our readiness has nothing to do trying to halt the progression of evil on our planet earth. In our readiness, we seek to be prepared for the coming of the Messiah of Israel so that goodness and evil will be manifested in its fullest.
Our preparation is a pathway of spiritual readiness for a world of peace. Our defender is the Metatron, the Lord of hosts. The time of the end suggests that the Eternal One of Israel’s intent is to close out this chapter of earth’s history so that the perpetrators of evil, those that seek power, greed and control, will be eliminated from this planet earth. The wars of the heavens are being played out on this planet earth and humans will live through it to testify of the might, power, justice and the love of the God of Israel.
In a world of corruption and disinformation, we cannot always know what the historical truth is and who is promoting evil or mis-information. We cannot guarantee our sources but we will always seek to portray trends that can be validated in the Torah, the testimony of the prophets of the Old and the New Testament, and the writings of Rabbi Eliyahu ben Shlomo ben Zalman (famed Vilna Gaon) called the “genius” in the 18th century, and his vision of the final redemption in his collection of writings highlighted in his supernal understanding of the Torah, the Prophets and Writings as outlined in the Kol Ha Tor.
This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to:
Let‘s Honor G-d’s Holy Name: For every Jewish Patriot and Pioneer martyred by a Palestinian Terrorist immediately start the Construction of a New Jewish Community in Shomron and Judea
Psalms 24:3-5 – “Who may ascend the Mountain of the L-rd?
Who may stand in His holy place? The one who has clean hands and a pure heart,
Who has not set his mind on what is false, and who has not sworn deceitfully.
He will receive blessing from the L-rd, and righteousness from the G-d of his salvation!”
It is the G-d of our Salvation who has been preparing his peoples since the debacle in the Garden of Eden when we lost access to the Tree of Life. Over the millenniums He, the G-d of our salvation has been waiting for all the 12-Tribes of Israel to come with rejoicing and to “ascend to the Mountain of our G-d”.
We talk a lot about ascending to a higher level of spiritual elevations, but now we can perceive the reality of that spiritual urge within our hearts. It is today not a thought process but a spiritual reality. We can truly perceive if we try to be aware that we are so close to transforming our earthly planet into a spiritual world as we are soon to be transformed back into angelic beings as Adam and Chavah (Eve) were in the utopian world called Gan Eden.
Rabbi Mendel Kessin - “In the original plan of Creation, the one to do tikkun, which means to rectify creation, to dematerialize the universe, originally God wanted all mankind to do the job. Not the Jews, but all Mankind.” This included the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel.
The job of tikkun literally means, (“fixing”), which was first assigned to Adam in the Garden of Eden. It was their duty to elevate physical existence into spiritual existence.
We need to create, or retransform, a physical universe into a spiritual universe. That ultimately becomes Olam Haba (The World to Come) and that’s the world we will exist in for all eternity. That’s the purpose of man. To remove the physical barrier in-order to make this universe a spiritual universe.
In the original plan of Creation, the one to do tikkun, which means to rectify creation, was to dematerialize this universe. Originally God wanted mankind to do the job. Not the Jews, but all Mankind.”
It was a fateful evening on Thursday, June 30th, on the 24thof Siven just before the beginning of the Jubilee year of 5777 (2016) that a beautiful 13-year-old “daughter of Zion’s” life had her life snuffed out by a Palestinian terrorist. He scaled the security fence and stabbed her while asleep in her bed. This one event went viral and ricochet around the world like no other event in modern Israeli history. This international event was covered by Destination Yisrael in the article, titled: "The Testimony of the Death of a Young Jewish Girl that will Change the Whole World", on July 17, 2016.
Hallel Yaffa Ariel was a teen-age pioneer and patriot of the city of Hebron, where the Patriarchs and their wives are buried. This was the biblical homeland of the Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob not the Palestinians nor the Canaanites.
Hallel is such a beautiful name and it should be for it means “Praise”; Praise to HaShem, the One-G-d of Israel. The Psalms 113-118 are called “Hallel” and Psalms 145-150 are called Hallel Pesuki dezimra, while Psalms 136 is called “The Great Hallel” and all of them are used for praise and thanksgiving by Orthodox Jews today especially during Jewish holidays.
This horrific and brutal murder came only 17 days after Shavuot, when the Children of Israel celebrated when the G-d of Israel came down upon the Mount called Sinai to meet with all 12-tribed Israel when they had achieved the highest level of prophecy and were instituted by HaShem as the “Nation of Israel.”
The world was enraged at such a senseless loss. Yet with this event, the Jewish settlers living in the Land of Israel rose-up in mass with the flood of tears swelling up from the ground below as revealed by Rabbi Eliyahu Shlomo Zalman, noted Torah genius called the Vilna Gaon, moving the battle for the final destiny of Israel forward in our midst with great vengeance.
It was the One G-d of Israel who took this catastrophic event and began within 24 hours laid the foundation for the beginnings of the spiritual ascent of the Jewish settlers to a higher level of Jewish spiritual consciousness. How could this be?
The secret weapon that HaShem had already planted in the Land of Israel was the one family, the Ariel parents of the slain Jewish martyr, Hallel Yaffa. Her father, Amihal Arial is a cohen (priest) of the lineage of Aaron the High Priest. Her mother, Rina Ariel is a daughter of a Cohen (priest). This was spiritual dynamite.
Within hours of Hallel’s death, on July 1, outside the Shaarei Zedek hospital in Jerusalem where she breathed her last breath, Hallel’s father, the priest, Amihal Arial cried out with divine justice.
He called upon the patriot-pioneer Jewish settlers in the spiritual battleground of Shomron and Judea who came with their condolences gathered together and invited them “to come and console us, strengthen us, and tell us that Kiryat Arba at Hebron, the land of their ancestral forefathers is still a place to live in and not die in.”
They expected to find Hallel’s mother to be incapacitated with grief. Instead, they found a “rock of Zion” speaking for all the settlers in Shomron and Judea, “Our story started in Hebron”, where King David built his first altar to the One-G-d of Israel and “it will end in Har Habayit (The Temple Mount) speaking the words of Samuel the Prophet:
I Samuel 15:29 – “And also the Glory of Israel will not lie nor repent; for He is not a man, that He should repent.”
At that moment of time, divine forces of “Light and Goodness” under the command of Metatron the future Melekh Ha Mashiach, began the universal process of dematerializing this physical Planet Earth and moving our lives on Planet Earth towards a spiritual universe.
Within hours, when Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a condolence call. It was the brave mother who made the connection between the murder of her daughter and the Temple Mount. This is what she said to the Israeli Prime minister:
Rina Arial to PM Benyamin Netanyahu – “It is forbidden that a private Jewish household should be destroyed, so we must direct our concerns to the House of G-d. It is totally untenable to allow the Muslims to have control of the Temple Mount… The real cause of terror is the Muslim monopoly of the Temple Mount. There is a direct link from there to the murder of my daughter.
This is not something disconnected. It is one and the same. They receive a prize (control of the Temple Mount), if they violently riot and I [as a Jew] am chased off the Mount [by my government] then they come to my house and murder my daughter.”
Twelve days after Hallel’s death, under the national invitation for all Jews to meet at the Mover 500 people converged at the entrance of the Temple Mount as they visited the sight of the Al Aqsa Mosque compound. This was the largest group of Jewish visitors every assembled on the Temple Mount since its capture in the 1967 war that occurred 50 years (A Jubilee of Years) ago this year.
Isaiah 2:3 – “And many people shall go and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the L-RD, to the house of the G-d of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the L-RD from Jerusalem.”
At that moment of time, Rina Arial and her sister, Yael Kabillo, Hillel’s aunt who is the chairperson for “Women of the Holy Temple” began the preparation on that same day preparing for a mass ascension of the Jewish people to the Temple Mount. This was an honor to Hallel’s death who herself was a pioneer and patriot of Israel. As stated in the Breaking Israel News article titled; “Family of slain Teen calls for unprecedented Mass Ascension to the Temple Mount.”
Breaking Israel News – “The terrorist stabbed a young Jewish girl deep in her heart. We awaken our hearts to the heart of our nation, which has always been the Temple Mount. They have the nerve to enter a private home, we need to gather the nerve to enter into the House of G-d, the Temple Mount, not to be afraid, but with tremendous courage…My sister (Rina) is responding with love and light. She wants people to see what a Jewish response is, that we don’t celebrate death, not even the death of our enemy. It’s unfortunate that the other side isn’t like that. They celebrate death”
Yet that was not all! For the first time in decades, including a relaxation during the Fall Holiday season, a record number of over 3000 people ascended the Mugrabi Gate, the sole entrance for non-Muslims to enter the Temple Mount. Despite short visiting hours and the relaxation of the police and non-Muslim visitors, any non-Muslim visitor could discretely pray silently without disturbance from the Waqf security.
Visiting the Temple Mount during the Holiday season of Sukkot according to the Torah and Jewish traditions is particularly meaningful during the holiday of Sukkot as it is one of the three pilgrimage festivals when Jews were required to bring offerings to the Temple in Jerusalem, according to Biblical tradition.
Even more so, a few of the Temple Mount activists were given provision that they were allowed to carry a lulav bundle of four species, that were to be ritually shaken on each day of the week-long festival. This was despite a police ban on any non-Muslim religious item carried upon the Temple Mount compound. As reported:
“The police have gone back to exercising restraint and stopped harassing non-public prayers. Thus, many Jews could pray on the Temple Mount quietly, and some even inconspicuously carried a lulav and the [other] species.”
For many of the visitors that celebrated on this most august Holiday season of Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Sukkot, thousands are anticipating the Era of the King Messiah is expected to begin in the Jewish year of 5777, as prescribed in the ancient biblical traditions. Visiting the Temple Mount was especially meaningful during the holiday of Sukkot, which according to Biblical tradition is one of the three pilgrimage festivals when Jews were required to bring offerings to the Temple in Jerusalem.
As noted in a recent statement by the organization of Temple Mount activists, this Sukkot, some Jews were even allowed to carry the lulav bundle of four species, ritually shaken on each day of the week-long festival, into the Temple Mount compound despite a police ban on any non-Muslim religious items inside.
The police have gone back to exercising restraint and stopped harassing non-public prayers. Thus, many Jews went to the Temple Mount with the spiritual goal to quietly pray and bless the G-d of Israel.
During this time, Israeli Knesset members continued to be restricted from ascending the Temple Mount. This was a record year as more visitors from around the world did come to Jerusalem for one purpose to ascend the Temple Mount. It was even more special as the end of this Jubilee year, the Jewish Nation of Israel literally began the literal preparation for “Era of King Messiah” to begin.
With the flood of the human cries of the Jewish people reached up with their cries for their redemption. It swelled up from the ground below, as revealed by Rabbi Eliyahu Shlomo Zalman, noted Torah genius called the Vilna Gaon, as the battle for the final destiny of Israel was now beginning to rise-up within our midst with great vengeance.
Are we able and willing to perceive that the hand of the Almighty One of Israel is transforming the Land the Israel? Is the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob now beginning to manifest His Sovereignty over the His Zion in Jerusalem and the Temple Mount?
Consider the evidence that happened this past October 2016 Sukkot Holiday Season in the Jewish year of 5777.
A 13-year-old Jewish girl, Hallel was stabbed to death by a Palestinian terrorist. He deliberately scaled a protective wall and invaded her home as she was sleeping.
Unknown, the mother and her father were of Cohen bloodlines and descendants of Aaron the High Priest.
Within the first 24 yours, her parents evoked a divine mandate; if you invade our home to kill, we will invade the House of G-d on the Temple Mount to bring life.
In 12 days, the largest ascension upon the Temple Mount in Jerusalem occurred as 500 Jews gathered at the Mughrabi Gate to ascend upon the Temple Mount. For the first this time it came with the consent of the Waqf and the Temple police.
For the first-time ever non-Muslims were allowed to quietly pray on the Temple Mount.
Again, for the first time ever, the office of the Prime Minister of Israel agreed to allow mass ascension upon the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
Israeli Knesset (MK) politicians were not allowed to enter the Temple Mount during the Fall Holidays, but 3 months later in February 2017 the ban on Israeli MKs visiting the Temple Mount was lifted.
Today, architectural plans to build 4 synagogues on the Temple Mount have now been drawn preparing to recreate a spiritual atmosphere so that the Holy and Divine One may come down and dwell upon men.
Think seriously! Can you perceive that the angelic hosts of the Divine Creator of the Universe are now slowly taking back HaShem's divinely appointed place on Planet Earth, the House of G-d? Are we preparing ourselves to be willing to become a part of the greatest mass Exodus in history from one continent to the Land of Israel as Jerusalem is preparing to become the Solar Rex capital of this Universe?
Today, all 12 Tribed Israel, whether we perceive it or not are now standing on the "Final Seashore" called the "Edge of Time". This will be the end-days of our "3-Dimensional space-time reality" on Planet Earth.
Across this great ocean to our future is the "World Beyond", a world unknown to all of us; the messianic four-directional fabric of a "higher-4th Dimensional world of universal space-time."
If we are willing to stop for a moment of time, we realize that we are in a “game-changing” transition of messianic enlightenment. Evil will become more evil and the Righteous will become more righteous. Today, there is no gray as the geo-religio-political world is quickly becoming black and white. Though we cannot perceive it in our 3rd dimensional world around us, the forces of darkness are fighting bitterly against the Forces of Light to remain in control of Planet Earth as Metatron, the future King Messiah (Melekh HaMaschiach) is in control of this planet as Michael the Archangel is protecting the Jews in Israel.
The cries of the Jewish people are rising-up from the ground below. Soon the Almighty One of Israel will open the flood gates of heaven from above and usher us through the 50th Gate of Jerusalem, as the futuristic “Era of the Messiah” prepares us for the outcome of the mankind’s final fate as the “Era of King Messiah" has now arrived.
The wandering pathway of the Maschiach ben Yosef (Messiah son of Joseph) called the “At’chalta de Guela” is about to come to its end. The “Era of the Messiah” is now at the door of redemption. At that time, the Maschiach ben David (Messiah son of David) will be revealed by Elijah the Prophet (Eliyahu HaNavi) along with Moshe Rabbeinu (Moses our Teacher). King Messiah, known as Metatron will begin the process of the final redemption that will include also the final redemption of all Twelve-Tribed Israel.
If we open our eyes, we will behold that the Almighty One of Israel is planting in high places of the government of the State of Israel, men who will honor the Holy Name of G-d. At that time, we will be willing to Sanctify G-d’s Holy Name with “boots on the ground”; willing to claim that G-d is with us today.
This is the same G-d of Israel that gave to the Nation of Israel the entire Land of Canaan; the entire lands to the west of Jordan and the entire "Land of Greater Israel" from the Nile River to the Euphrates.
From now on until eternity, you will remember the young Jewish dancer, Hallel Yaffa Ariel, who will be honored in all ages as a symbol of righteousness and loving kindness. The legacy of her name, Hallel, “praise to the Al-mighty G-d of Israel”, will resonate through all eternity.
The day is coming soon when Hashem the G-d of Israel will stretch forth His great hand of judgment and cleanse the earth from the great pollution of man upon Planet Earth. He will take away the “blood oaths” from between the mouths of the Palestinian Arabs, He will restore the Land of Israel back to “Am Yisra’el”, that means both the House of Joseph (All Ten Tribes of the House of Israel), and the House of Judah.
He will then redeem and restore His own “sheep” back into a living relationship with Himself. If you are chosen, as a Lost Tribal Member of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, your destiny is to return to your Homelands first in Shomron (Samaria), Israel.
If you want to learn more, click the link and Contact
Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Vision to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This Supernal Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria.
DISCLAIMER - Kol Ha Tor is an independent commentator and may or may not agree with the contents, the views, interpretations and opinions as expressed by the independent theological and/or political views of Destination Yisrael.
Destination Yisrael scans the world for information that has relevance on the time of the end. It is our prayer that this will allow the believers in the Almighty One of Israel to “watch and be ready”. Our readiness has nothing to do trying to halt the progression of evil on our planet earth. In our readiness, we seek to be prepared for the coming of the Messiah of Israel so that goodness and evil will be manifested in its fullest.
Our preparation is a pathway of spiritual readiness for a world of peace. Our defender is the Metatron, the Lord of hosts. The time of the end suggests that the Eternal One of Israel’s intent is to close out this chapter of earth’s history so that the perpetrators of evil, those that seek power, greed and control, will be eliminated from this planet earth. The wars of the heavens are being played out on this planet earth and humans will live through it to testify of the might, power, justice and the love of the God of Israel.
In a world of corruption and disinformation, we cannot always know what the historical truth is and who is promoting evil or mis-information. We cannot guarantee our sources but we will always seek to portray trends that can be validated in the Torah, the testimony of the prophets of the Old and the New Testament, and the writings of Rabbi Eliyahu ben Shlomo ben Zalman (famed Vilna Gaon) called the “genius” in the 18th century, and his vision of the final redemption in his collection of writings highlighted in his supernal understanding of the Torah, the Prophets and Writings as outlined in the Kol Ha Tor.
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The Forest Fires and Natural Catastrophes are the Harbingers hastening the Return of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel
Epic Forest Fires are consuming Northern Israel
Starting with Mount Carmel where the Prophet Elijah confronted the demonic forces of Jezebel’s prophets of Baal and a fiery inferno swept down upon the altar of HaShem, the G-d of Israel has used this fiery inferno over the centuries as a visible manifestation of the powers of light fighting the powers of darkness settling down over the State of Israel.
Between April and July, drought began to grip the Land of Israel. It had already taken its toll as the Israeli summer heat baked with the sweltering and oppresive temperatures moved from 86 to 108 degrees Fahrenheit.
Over those five months alone, over 55 regions of forested areas had blazed all the way down the State of Israel from the north near the Mount of Carmel and nearby Haifa, near the biblical cities of Megiddo, Tiberias, Haifa and Acre all the way down into the southern regions of Dvira Forest.
It threatened the lives of thousands of Jews and threatened the Israeli firefighting crews. We ponder on the meaning, as every act or anomaly is tied to the future of G-d Holy Land.
Almost 6 years ago, between December 2 and December 5, 2010, a deadly wildfire swept through the forest on Mount Carmel in Israel. This rare wildfire burned more than 12,000 acres.
Black is Burnt out region in the Central Mountains of Israel and Dark Red is Forested Land and Farmlands to the East and West.
Radiometer (ASTER) on NASA’s Terra satellite on December 9, 2010 shows the extent of the Mount Carmel fire damage.
Freshly burned land is black, while forested land is dark red. Cultivated land is light red.
The terrain is rugged in the range of coastal mountains. Silver cities and villages dot the landscape around the burned area. Some of these were damaged in the fire.
According to the United Nations in 2010, 250 homes were damaged or destroyed, and most were in the communities of Beit Oren, Yemin Ord, and Ein Hod, all marked in the image. At the fire’s height, 17,000 people had been evacuated from the communities clustered around the forest.
This time now in 2016, the warnings of the Divine were now sent down first upon the petrochemical hub of Israel at port city of Haifa and the surrounding regions between the seven days of November 18 and November 25, that gave us these statistics:
32,000 acres of forested and urban land development were destroyed in the fires;
The cities of Haifa, Zichron, Ya’acov, Neveh Shalom, Modi’in, Neveh Olan, Nataf were all damaged in parts.
2,000 Israeli firefighters were in the forefront of fire control;
3,500 of the IDF soldiers from the Israeli Home Front Command in assistance;
20,000 police officers were there to assist in traffic control;
The State of Israel sent out 14 of its firefighting air squadron;
19 firefighting air squadron were sent from 12 countries; US, Russia, Greece, Croatia, Turkey, France, Spain, Canada, Cyprus, Italy, Azerbaijan, Egypt, and Ukraine;
2,000 homes were damage;
In the city of Haifa alone 527 apartments with a total of 569 homes in the region were destroyed and 1,600 were left homeless;
75,000 people from the city of Haifa were evacuated;
Even the Palestinian Authority sent 40 firefighters and eight fire trucks to assist the Israeli firefighters in the fire rescue.
Over 160 people were reported at injured, and innumerable suffered smoke inhalation, but under the miraculous assistance of the angelic hosts, there were no Israeli deaths.
Numerous fires were set around the capital city of Jerusalem which were attributed or literally observed as the intent for arson.
As reported in the community of Beit Meir, the entire region was heavily damaged by the forest fires. As reported in Breaking Israel News on November 30, 2016, Rabbi Weisz along with his staff of Israel 365 went to visit the region in Beit Meir that was about 20 miles outside of Jerusalem. As reported:
Rabbi Weisz – “The stories from this tragedy are both heart-wrenching and miraculous…Seeing homes burned to the ground and knowing that people have lost their lives’ possession is very painful, yet, nobody was killed.
Walking through Beit Meir, Rabbi Weisz was visibly moved as he spoke with the Jewish artist Yoram Raanan, whose studio was burned to the ground. Raanan explained that he had arrived exactly 40 years ago to Israel with nothing and today, once again, he is back to nothing as potentially millions of dollars of his original paintings were lost in the fire.
We were devastated to see the ruins of Yoram Raanan’s art studio. The stench of the embers in Beit Meir was overwhelming and we had to wear face masks to protect us from the asbestos in the air…
Most of Raanan’s life’s work had gone up in flames during Thursday night’s blaze, with thousands of his original works destroyed by the fire. “As we tried to get out of the moshav (village or settlement) around 2:30 in the morning on Thursday, I watched my studio go up in a vertical column of flames,” recounted Raanan to Tazpit Press Service (TPS) in an interview.
“The most important thing at the time was that we got out alive,” said the veteran artist, who was sleeping in the studio when his wife came to wake him up at the time of the fire. While the Raanans’ home remained untouched, other homes in Beit Meir were completely destroyed by the fire. “We were about 100 cars trying to get out of the moshav, as the fire began raging around us,” he said. “We were very lucky to escape.”
Towards the end of the week, it was reported that twenty-two people had been arrested on suspicion of arson or incitement to arson; but time had to wait as security officials were battling some of the worst wildfires in Jewish history since the founding of the State of Israel in 1948.
There were noted early reasons to suspect that it was arson that caused a blazing torrent in regions of parched forest lands with the to destroy and incinerate Jewish homes. They were seen as easy targets and became suspect for Palestinian arson.
It was Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu that opened the Pandora box when late in the week he stated that a “considerable number” of the fires were deliberate set and described them as “terror” when he stated that “There is a price for crime, and there is a price for terror and incitement, and we will exact it.” As he continued:
Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu – “Israeli officials said the fires had been fanned by unusually strong winds and made worse by a dry atmosphere, but they also said they suspected that many of them had been caused by arson and negligence. Dozens of people have been slightly affected by smoke inhalation, but no serious injuries or fatalities have been reported.”
It was Gilad Erdan, Israel’s public security minister, that reported on Army Radio that the professional assessment was that almost half the fires were the result of arson. By that time Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu was touring the Hatzor military base. At that time, the Israeli firefighters had most of the fires, still in the dozens, under control before the Jewish Shabbat began.
Thousands of Israelis began to return to see what was left of their homes in the northern port city of Haifa, where the first eruptions of fire began. Yet, the forest fire crisis was not over for new fires were erupting to the south near Jerusalem and in the region of the Sea of Galilee, hundreds of Israeli families were evacuated on the eve of the Shabbat in the small Jewish community of Nataf near Jerusalem.
Firefighters had most of the dozens of fires under control by Friday, allowing thousands of people to return to their homes in the northern port city of Haifa, one of the areas that was hit hardest. Still, new fires erupted near Jerusalem and in the Galilee in northern Israel.
Hundreds of residents of Nataf, a small Jewish community near Jerusalem, were evacuated on Friday as reported above. This was only hours before the 747 Supertanker firefighting plane arrived from the United States to help the firefighters conquer the blazing inferno.
When the fire fighting was over and the tallies were done, the account was correct for according to the Israeli security officials; it was at least half of the fires were set deliberately as arson, not by Jewish settlers but by Palestinian terrorists.
It’s time to take a larger perspective from the perspective of the Divine sitting on His throne in the 7th dimensional heaven. It’s cleansing time.
One of the great losses to the Jewish people is the fact that the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel are not physically living in the Land of Israel to help the Jews their cousins to protect, and help them from the enemies that surround them.
It’s easy to discuss and to dismiss the magnitude of the rift between the Lost Ten Tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Jews of the Southern Kingdom of Judah. and how they are played out over the landscape of the world, but more focused in the State of Israel.
We see it with the Lost Tribes in Northern Europe spiritually battling it out with the BDS (Boycott, Disinvestment and Sanctions) in America and Europe against Samaria or Shomron. It was the European Lost Tribers who were the first to accept the amalgamation of the Ishmaelites to become their neighbors in Britain, Sweden, Norway, France and Germany. Yet, it is the Lost Ten Tribers who are today fleeing by the thousands out of Europe.
Recently, Rabbi Glazerson, well known for his “Bible Code” revelations in script and in videos, revealed that the forest fires blazing across the Land of Israel were a “sign that we are nearing the time for the Messiah”. The Bible Codes revealed in the same Bible Code table portray a connection between the words “Hamas” “HaRatah” (the Palestinian Party of Mahmoud Abbas, terror and mizitim which in English means “arsonists.” Then he noted that the Bible code for Hatzatot (arson) crossed the code word HaARavim meaning the Arabs.
Over and over the usage of the Bible Codes have opened up a spectrum of understanding with the futuristic intent of greater understanding and illumination of the sacred texts of the TaNaKh (Old Testament). Here is where Rabbi Glazerson begins his forensic insight of the Divine past where the Torah is “the blueprint of creation.”
Imbedded in the Torah we discover that the biblical codes for Srayfot (fires), Yisrael (Israel) and Cheshvan 5777 (November 2016), the Hebrew date for the recent months of Rosh Hashanah and the Jewish New Year that completed the Year of Jubilee and enters all of us into the new age of higher Messianic consciousness
The amazing fact is that almost 6 millenniums ago the Torah Codes were imbedded in the Torah as secret codes. Rabbi Eliyahu ben Shlomo ben Zalman, known as the Vilna Gaon was one of the first to “connected the dots” in the Torah that was given on the mount called Sinai. Today it gives us hints of an era of impending and world-wide catastrophes as we wait for the revelation of King Messiah in out near future.
The Gaon of Vilna as the final Codifier of the Ancient Talmuds
It was in the year of 1720 that Rabbi Eliyahu ben Shlomo ben Zalman (1720-1792) was born. He was a precocious child for by the age of eight, with his eidetic memory (photographic memory) he had already memorized numerous of the Talmudic tractates. He then branched out to study astronomy in order to learn of the One G-d of the Universes.
By the age of 10 (1730) he had conquered memorizing the Torah without the aid of any rabbinic tutor, and refused any messianic tutors (angelic tutors) for his knowledge of the Torah surpassed all of those who sought to teach him. By the age of eleven (1731), he had memorized the entire Talmud.
In his early teens, the young Jewish scholar became known as the “Gra” called the “Genius”. At this time, he began his wanderings which he called “exiles” traveling across the European landscape especially in Poland and Germany as was the custom of the “pious” in those days.
By the age of 20 (1740), he was teaching the rabbis of Europe their most difficult halakhic problems and his name became renowned across Europe.
Yet is was not just the Jews who sought his insights into the world of the Divine. Jewish and non-Jewish scholars sought his insights into their most formidable questions in mathematics and astronomy.
By the age of 28 (1748), the renown Vilna Gaon was the supreme rabbi of all Europe.
Yet it was the highest aspirations of the Vilna Gaon to complete an immense task of making the final redaction and perfection of Halakhah and become the final Codifier and Redactor for reestablishing the original versions of the Two Talmuds; the Babylonian Talmud and the Jerusalem Talmud.
In his later years, the Vilna Gaon sought to complete and perfect the areas of halakhic weakness in some sections of Rabbi Luria’s Jewish Kabbalah.
What is little understood, there was also an emerging with a heightened messianic expectation in the European Continent. It was palpable as it swelled across the landscape of the homelands of the final migrations of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel in Gaul in the Northern European landscape and was also becoming contagious in the Jewish synagogues in Europe.
According to the Jewish Kabbalah, it would be in the middle of the 5th millennium since Creation, that was known as the 5,500th year of mankind that the mega forces of the Messiah son of Joseph (Maschiach ben Yosef) would begin the revelations of the final days before the Divine revelations of the Meta-force called Mem-Tet or Metatron known as the Messiah son of David (Maschiach ben Dovid) will open up our future horizon in the “World to Come.”
Over the centuries, the era of the Messiah son of Joseph was called the “Ikveta D'Meshicha” or the wandering pathway of the Messiah son of Joseph, that was called the “footsteps of the Messiah” or the “wandering pathway of the Messiah.”
There was also emerging a heightened messianic expectation on the European Continent that was palpable as it swelled across the landscape of the homelands of the final migrations of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel in Gaul in the Northern European landscape, the homeland of the Celts and the Cymric.
According to the BibleSearchers Reflection article, titled, “The Great Aliyah to Israel by the Disciples of the Vilna Gaon”, it was the dream of the Vilna Gaon that he would travel to Eretz Yisrael (Land of Israel) to that Holy Land to prepare the dawning of the future messianic era for both the Jews and the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel and then to bring his own disciples. It was a mission that was aborted by the Holy One of Israel.
What was little known was that a same messianic urge of “arising from below” in the wandering pathway of the “Ikveta D'Meshicha”, that is the wandering heels or footprints of the Maschiach ben Yosef (Messiah son of Joseph) was also erupting on the continent of North America. This came from the heighten expectation wanting to hasten the reclamation, restoration and redemption of Klal Yisrael (All 12-Tribed Israel).
Yet, the same messianic swelling from below” was also simultaneously occurring in 18th century Colonial North America; now the lands of the immigrating Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel. They too were awaiting the arrival of King Messiah but had to come to grip that they also were the “brazen faced” Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel and had a little teshuva (repentance with change of behavior) and emuna (establishing a firm acceptance of the Sovereign Power of the Divine, that He and He Alone will establish our final redemption.
Here the arriving Lost Ten Tribes founded their new homeland of 13 colonies reflecting the “12 Tribes of Israel” with a double portion blessing given to the two sons of Joseph.
The 12th Tribe to Ephraim and the 13th Tribe of Manasseh were now populating the eastern seaboard of the United States in the 17th to the 18th centuries. Collectively they declared their own Declaration of Independence from King George in England in the year of 1776.
What was little understood was the fact that while Jewish messianism was erupting in Central Europe led by the Vilna Gaon with numerous other Jewish rabbis in the 1740s, there also arose a parallel era of anti-Roman Christian messianism in America known as the First Great Awakening in 1740’s among the new colonists that were of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel that arose from their Huguenot, Cathar, Calvinist, Pilgrim and Puritan roots.
At this time, Jonathan Edwards of Puritan and Calvinist roots erupted in the Israelite homeland of the Tribe of Manasseh in North America’s New England. They were now populating America while at the same time preparing for their own emancipation from the European concept of the “Divine Right of Kings” with America’s 1776 Declaration of Independence.
It was Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) who became a revivalist preacher and a Congregationalist Protestant theologian holding what was called Reformed Theology of the heritage of the Puritans. He was a part of the rise of “The Enlightenment” and in his church in Northampton, Massachusetts hosted the first revival when he delivered the first sermon, “Sinners in the Hand of an Angry G-d” in 1741. This was the same year that the Vilna Gaon in Europe reached the pinnacle of halakhic greatness in the eyes of the rabbanim in Europe.
It was George Whitefield who was born as an Englishman in Gloucester, of the Tribe of Ephraim. At the University of Oxford Whitefield joined the “Holy Club” and there was introduced to John and Charles Wesley, the founders of Methodism.
George Whitefield was not a Christian cleric but a revivalist. As a single itinerant preacher and evangelist, he swept the landscape of England and Eastern Seaboard of America. He received his widespread renown for preaching to as many as 18,000 revivals to an estimate of 10 million listeners in Great Britain and the American colonies.
It was the famous Ben Franklin who had heard of the speaking prowess of George Whitefield. So Ben Franklins decided to attend a revival in Philadelphia. Franklin’s skepticism was high when he heard of what appeared to be exaggerated reports of Whitefield ability to preach to crowds numbering in the thousands.
As Ben Franklin listened to Whitefield preach at the Philadelphia court house, he backed away from the crowds until he could no longer hear George Whitefield articulate clearly. He then calculated the distance he had walked and the calculated the semicircle that encompassed the area surrounding this family preacher. By the estimate of Benjamin Franklin, George Whitefield could be heart by over thirty thousand people.Despite never being assigned a church in which to pastor, Whitefield became one of the most influential preachers in the colonies. Thanks to speaking events and print media, at the time of his death, it was estimated that more than half of Americans had heard or read Whitefield’s words.
We now begin to comprehend that the One G-d of Israel was speaking and wooing his own chosen people, Jews and Lost Israelites alike to begin the journey back home to oneness with G-d and to each other.
In what initially was the Nation of Israel that was inaugurated at the mount called Sinai as the Twelve Tribes of Israel, they were now fragmented from each other. At the same time, the Divine Will was now choosing to bring all of them back home. Is it not amazing how the Divine imprint was wooing both groups at the same time.
It was the Vilna Gaon in Lithuania who was chosen by the Holy One of Israel to bring Jewish Halachah to its primal condition as it was codified in the Two Talmuds of Babylon and Jerusalem.
The timing was right for both the Jews and the Lost Tribed Christians for they were destined by the prophets of old to become one again. Is it any wonder that the modern Evangelical Christians in America are in the front-line of joining hands with the Jews in Israel at the time of the High Holidays of Rosh HaShanah, Yom Kippur and Succot every year?
Today, now 277 years later (1740 + 277 years = 2017) in the Gregorian conventional year of 2017 and the Jewish calendar year of 5777, the messianic urge that began to erupt was now swelling upwards to G-d while the Almighty One of Israel began opening up the gates of heaven from above in the Jewish calendar year of 5500 (1740) or in the midst of the 6th millennium.
Like the “birth pangs” which herald the arrival of a new-born child, so we will have to pass through the “birth pains” into a New Age where according to the Lurianic traditions of the Jewish Kabballah will include earthquakes, fires, volcanoes, mega tsunamis, floods, and global catastrophes.
These are now believed to be the by-product of the dwarf red twin star in our solar system called Nibiru, as documented by the End of Days blogger Menachem Robinson who makes this observation.
Menachem Robinson – “For decades, astronomers have believed, mostly because of gravitational anomalies on the planets in our solar system, that there was a tenth planet (after Pluto was designated as the ninth planet in our solar system).
The tenth planet was named Planet X, X being the Roman numeral for 10.”
But Nibiru and Planet X “are two different heavenly bodies completely, and are not even in the same solar system,” he emphasized.
“I have no idea where the 10th planet is, but it is not the threat that we are facing now. Nibiru and its accompanying solar system is the system that will cause havoc to the world.”
This is not a time of despair, but a time of global anticipation that will reinforce the hope of those awaiting the revealing of the Maschiach ben Dovid (Messiah son of David) for as the darkness of oppression descends upon us, we are prepared to awaken to the dawn of a New Age of Messianic Enlightenment and an elevation of 4th dimensional consciousness.
The day is coming soon when Hashem the G-d of Israel will stretch forth His great hand of judgment and cleanse the earth from the great pollution of man upon Planet Earth. He will take away the “blood oaths” from between the mouths of the Palestinian Arabs, He will restore the Land of Israel back to “Am Yisra’el”, that means both the House of Joseph (All Ten Tribes of the House of Israel), and the House of Judah.
He will then redeem and restore His own “sheep” back into a living relationship with Himself. If you are chosen, as a Lost Tribal Member of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, your destiny is to return to your Homelands first in Shomron (Samaria), Israel. If you want to learn more, click the link and Contact
Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Vision to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This Supernal Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria.
DISCLAIMER - Kol Ha Tor is an independent commentator and may or may not agree with the contents, the views, interpretations and opinions as expressed by the independent theological and/or political views of Destination Yisrael.
Destination Yisrael scans the world for information that has relevance on the time of the end. It is our prayer that this will allow the believers in the Almighty One of Israel to “watch and be ready”. Our readiness has nothing to do trying to halt the progression of evil on our planet earth. In our readiness, we seek to be prepared for the coming of the Messiah of Israel so that goodness and evil will be manifested in its fullest.
Our preparation is a pathway of spiritual readiness for a world of peace. Our defender is the Metatron, the Lord of hosts. The time of the end suggests that the Eternal One of Israel’s intent is to close out this chapter of earth’s history so that the perpetrators of evil, those that seek power, greed and control, will be eliminated from this planet earth. The wars of the heavens are being played out on this planet earth and humans will live through it to testify of the might, power, justice and the love of the God of Israel.
In a world of corruption and disinformation, we cannot always know what the historical truth is and who is promoting evil or mis-information. We cannot guarantee our sources but we will always seek to portray trends that can be validated in the Torah, the testimony of the prophets of the Old and the New Testament, and the writings of Rabbi Eliyahu ben Shlomo ben Zalman (famed Vilna Gaon) called the “genius” in the 18th century, and his vision of the final redemption in his collection of writings highlighted in his supernal understanding of the Torah, the Prophets and Writings as outlined in the Kol Ha Tor.
This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information, go to:
Daniel 9:24 – “Seventy Septets (weeks) are decreed upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to terminate transgression, to end sin, to wipe away iniquity, to bring everlasting righteousness, to confirm the vision and the prophets and to anoint the Holy of Holies, to bring everlasting righteousness, and to seal vision and prophet, and to anoint the most holy place.”
It was over three hundred years ago that a recent discovery of an esoteric book called the Bet Aked Haqudot written by Rabbi Meir Halevi Horowitz was discovered. This fascinating rabbi had a strong yearning to understands the mysteries of the ancient prophets, especially the Prophet Daniel. One of his favorite texts which he pondered over its mystical meanings was the text above written by the ancient Prime Minister of both Babylon and Persia now turned prophet that pertained to the “end of the times” or the “end of days” and the beginning of the messianic era called the “Era of King Messiah.”
So truly this heavenly decree sent down to Daniel about 2385 years ago is today being resurrected again at the “end of the era”. It is a harbinger that we have now entered the higher dimensional vortex zone of the “messianic era of spiritual enlightenment".
So here again, we can perceive Daniel was in prayer and supplication with fasting sackcloth and ashes. Once again the gates heaven were opened as Gabriel was sent down from the throne of the Almighty One to the one prophet who had the “ear of HaShem.”
Daniel 12:7 – “And I heard the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, when he lifted up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and swore by the “Life Source of the World” that after a Period, Periods, and a half upon the completion of the fragmenting of the hand (power) of the holy people; all these things shall be finished.
It was Rabbi Meir Halevi Horowitz who interpreted the whole prophetic period called “Time”. “Times” and a “Half” to be a period of time of 700 years (notice how HaShem weaves the number if His Name (7) into prophetic time. The reasons he chose this designated period called “time” (moadim or anointed times) as 700 years for it was based upon the prophetic calculations as stated below:
It was a total of 1000 years that the “Children of Israel”, the Jews of the Kingdom of Judah and the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel angered the G-d of Israel after Joshua brought the “Israelites” into the Land of Canaan and then to this day refused to fulfill this Divine Mandate and Mission; they and their descendants were to wipe out the Canaanites and take total control of the entire biblical Land of Israel; from the Nile to the Euphrates River. This mission is yet to be fulfilled by either the Zionist State of Israel or the nations now populated by the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel.
As written in the Talmud, the non-Jews or the Gentile nations of the earth, were then given 1000 years to subjugate the Jews and Lost Israelites. As such, according to Rabbi Meir Halevi Horowitz, he subtracted the 300 years that the Jews that were subjucated and sent into exile under Babylon, Persia and later Hellenistic Greece. These 300 years were then subtracted from the 1000 years that the 70 archetypical nations of the world had subjected the Jews and then began the quest to discover the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel; as 700 years.
Then this famous rabbi of the 17th and 18th century made the biblical interpretation that “seventy septets” or “seventy weeks of years” was a prophetic era. The Prophet Daniel described this period of time as a total of “50 double Jubilee cycles” which were equal to 50 doubled shmittah (sabbatical week of year) cycles or a total of 700 years.
The final prophetic calculation when calculated together, according to Rabbi Horowitz was to be if “one time” was equal to 700 years than “3.5 times” would equal 2450 years.
According to the Yeranen Yaakov Blog site in Israel, today we can finish the calculation that the beginning of the First Stage of the Jewish exile began in the Hebrew calendar year of 434 BCE as recorded by Rabbi Yose b. Halafta in his Jewish History, Seder Olam Rabbah (The Great Order of the World). The first wave of the Babylonian exile took Daniel and the three worthies in the Hebrew year of 434 BCE back to the land of Babylon. The destruction of the Temple of Solomon occurred 13 years later in the Hebrew year of 421 BCE.
From the date of 434 BCE, let us add the years of 2450 years (700 years multiplied by 3.5 “times”) and to our surprise it equals our present Gregorian calendar year of 2017 that is the Hebrew calendar year 5777 (5000 as the number of the years given to mankind to redeem himself back to G-d and 777 the number of the One G-d of Israel. Amazing!!
Now we can understand the calculations that brings us to the “beginning of the Era of the Messiah” which according to the famous Jewish “Rabbi Judah ben Samuel’s Jubilee Prophecy gives the Year of the Messiah” was also the Jewish Year of 5777. Now we now have two rabbinic witnesses over the centuries documenting this wondrous era in our near future.
Yeranen Yaakov then introduces us to another TaNaKh text in which points to our prophetic past to the Babylonian Exile by using the expression (“times”), similar to the Book of Daniel. The prophecy in Jeremiah contains a hint that this conventional Gregorian calendar year of 2017 or the Hebrew calendar year as 5777 will be the last or final year before the “revelation of King Messiah”, who is called Melekh HaMaschiach. It describes also a prophetic vision that after the exile, there will be a return to the Land of Israel.
Jeremiah 24:1 – “Hashem showed me, and behold two baskets of figs set “before the temple of Hashem”; after that Nevuchadretzar (Nebuchadnezzar) king of Bavel (Babylon) had carried away captive Yechonyah (Jeconiah) the son of Yehoyakim (Jehoakim), king of Yehudah, and the princes of Yehudah (Judah), with the craftsmen and smiths, from Yerushalayim (Jerusalem), and had brought them to Bavel (Babylon).
Here is the biblical text below in Hebrew and the gematria (numerology of the letters in Hebrew), of the words of the verse, beginning with the words “before the Temple”, to our amazement it equals the gematria of 5777.
There have been hundreds of interpretations of the prophecies related to the Prophetic Book of Daniel over the past 2300 years and so we ask, what makes this interpretation of the Books of Daniel and Jeremiah after thousands of years of interpretations any different?
It was Rabbi Yosef Berger, who is the rabbi of the Tomb of King David on Mount Zion, who explained why ancient prophecies like Daniel are being studied with new understanding today. As Rabbi Yosef Bergerstated:
Rabbi Yosef Berger - “What Daniel wrote about the end of days our greatest sages have been trying to understand for generations. But the real meanings were intentionally hidden. Daniel himself said that these things will remain hidden until the end.” As Rabbi Yosef Berger repeating the words of the Prophet Daniel:
Daniel 12:9 – “Go thy way, Daniel; for the words are shut up and sealed till the time of the end.”
Rabbi Yosef Berger – “It is written in the Zohar (the foundational source for Jewish mysticism) that in the days preceding the Messiah, all secrets will be revealed, and even small children will be able to explain prophecies from the most obscure sources. Now, in our day, everything is being opened up. We are discovering sources that hint that the Messiah that has existed for generations; and only now can we interpret them properly. This is a clear sign that they are now being intentionally revealed.”
The day is coming soon when Hashem the G-d of Israel will stretch forth His great hand of judgment and cleanse the earth from the great pollution of man upon Planet Earth. He will take away the “blood oaths” from between the mouths of the Palestinian Arabs, He will restore the Land of Israel back to “Am Yisra’el”, that means both the House of Joseph (All Ten Tribes of the House of Israel), and the House of Judah.
He will then redeem and restore His own “sheep” back into a living relationship with Himself. If you are chosen, as a Lost Tribal Member of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, your destiny is to return to your Homelands first in Shomron (Samaria), Israel. If you want to learn more, click the link and Contact
Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Vision to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This Supernal Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria.
DISCLAIMER - Kol Ha Tor is an independent commentator and may or may not agree with the contents, the views, interpretations and opinions as expressed by the independent theological and/or political views of Destination Yisrael.
Destination Yisrael scans the world for information that has relevance on the time of the end. It is our prayer that this will allow the believers in the Almighty One of Israel to “watch and be ready”. Our readiness has nothing to do trying to halt the progression of evil on our planet earth. In our readiness, we seek to be prepared for the coming of the Messiah of Israel so that goodness and evil will be manifested in its fullest.
Our preparation is a pathway of spiritual readiness for a world of peace. Our defender is the Metatron, the Lord of hosts. The time of the end suggests that the Eternal One of Israel’s intent is to close out this chapter of earth’s history so that the perpetrators of evil, those that seek power, greed and control, will be eliminated from this planet earth. The wars of the heavens are being played out on this planet earth and humans will live through it to testify of the might, power, justice and the love of the God of Israel.
In a world of corruption and disinformation, we cannot always know what the historical truth is and who is promoting evil or mis-information. We cannot guarantee our sources but we will always seek to portray trends that can be validated in the Torah, the testimony of the prophets of the Old and the New Testament, and the writings of Rabbi Eliyahu ben Shlomo ben Zalman (famed Vilna Gaon) called the “genius” in the 18th century, and his vision of the final redemption in his collection of writings highlighted in his supernal understanding of the Torah, the Prophets and Writings as outlined in the Kol Ha Tor.
This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to:
You are Israel!
The History was Revealed by the Prophets and Confirmed by Archeology, the Judgment of the God of Israel was Sealed as they were Exiled to Khurasan in Northern Iran, Eastern Afghanistan and Western Pakistan. They Disappeared into the Mists of History as they Migrated in Waves up through Georgia through the Caucasus and Followed the Tracks of their Cousin Dan who left his Name on the Rivers of his Passage (Don, Dniester, Dnieper, and the Danube) as they Migrated Northwestward towards Denmark. They Erupted into Northern Europe in the 3rd Century BCE as the Royal Scythians, Celts, Cymrics, Cimmerians, Goths, Angles, Saxons, Ostrogoths, Visigoths and Frisians.
They Populated the Lands of Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark), the Isles of the West (Britain, Ireland, and Scotland) the Lowlands (Netherlands and Belgium), the Colonies of Great Britain (United States, Canada, Australia, South Africa) plus the Lands of Northern France, and Germany. These today are the Lost Tribes of Israel!
If your Ancestry comes from any of these Lands,
Welcome, You are a “Lost Ten Triber” of the House of Israel!
The Prophets have Proclaimed, at the Time of the End, You will Return Home!
This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: