Yom Yerushalayim 2016 – Saturday, June 4, 2016
For most of the Lost 10 Tribes of the House of Israel, one of the deepest transitions of Jewish thought and living is the period of time between Spring Festival of Pesach (Passover) and the Festival of Shavuot (Pentecost). Here were the 7 weeks, 49 day transition period when the Children of Israel first fled Egypt during the catastrophic era that toppled the largest empire of the world at that time called the Exodus, and now were standing at the base of the mount called Sinai.
Here they received the Torah, the Ten Commands during a time of spiritual prophetic elevation, were given the futuristic “Blessings and Curses” and then became the Nation of Israel under the One-G-d of Israel: all 12 Tribes in union with one another.
In the shortened version of “Advice”, of Rebbe Nachman of Breslev’s Magnum opus called Likutey Noharan, we read the following:
Rebbe Nachman of Breslev’s Likutey Noharan - “Each day of the Omer period is associated with a different aspect of the Sefirot. And on that day everything which everyone in the whole world is talking about is purely an expression of the particular aspect with which that day is associated.”
So what then is the Sefirot and the Jewish mystical traditions called Kabbalah? As we “stand upon the shores of the Present World” and literally awaiting the transition into the “World Beyond” what are we to expect as we await our transition into the “Era of our futuristic eternal 4th dimensional Messianic Era of HaMelekh HaMaschiach.”
According to the Kabbalah, these 10 Sefirot are split into three higher emanations that are attributed only to G-d, plus seven lower ones that are associated with a whole clustering of different things, including the main attributes, or character traits, that were given to us human beings and meant to work on, to rectify or to repair, or to perfect throughout the course of our lives.
According to the Kabbalah, HaShem, the G-d of Israel created Planet Earth into 10 worlds or spheres of divine energy that are called the Sefirot according to the Jewish mystical traditions called the Kabbalah. These 10 Sefirots or emanations from the Holy One, are separated into three higher spheres of energy starting with the Keter, the boundless supernal energy source of the Ain Sof called the Keter (King or Kingship) Hokhmah (Wisdom) and Binah (Knowledge and Understanding). Then these higher emanations flow downwards to seven lower emanations from the unknowable One G-d of Israel.
Each week of the 49 days of the “Counting the Omer”, from Pesach (Passover) to Shavuot (Pentecost), the focus is on a different one of these seven emanations, attributes of the Holy Sefirot. In Hebrew, they are listed as:
Week 1: Chesed – often translated as loving kindness
Week 2: Gevurah – often translated as inner strength, and self-control
Week 3: Tiferet – often translated as truth, beauty or splendor
Week 4: Netzach – often translated as referring as victorious
Week 5: Hod – often translated as gratitude with humility
Week 6: Yesod – literally translated as ‘foundation’
Week 7: Malkhut or – literally translated as royalty, or kingship representing the Shekinah; the New World Age of resting in the splendor of the Divine.
What we are reading above is a transitional zone where we who are living on Planet Earth are a part of all humanity that have for thousands of years been traveling forwards in the 3 dimensions of space-time of our present world. Now we are beginning to realize that we are the “Final Generation” and we are literally standing upon the “Final Shores” of our “Present World” and now waiting with expectation to be thrust beyond 3-dimensional life into the 4th dimensional space-time called the “World to Come”.
One of my favorite bloggers is the Jewish Maggid called Dov Bar Leib in his blog called “End of Days”, titled, “There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt on in your Philosophy.”
Dov Bar Lieb later would expound on the profound significance of "Four Divine Historical Events" that did occurr during the Fourth Week of the Days of Omer that will affect all of our lives as the “End of the World” as we know it to be will unfold. It will be in this era that Eliyahu HaNavi (Prophet Elijah) will appear out of the techeilet blue sky in a Chariot of Fire to herald the Coming of Maschiach ben David (Messiah son of David). These "Four Divine Events are:
First Divine Event - "Sixty six (66) gentile souls die as their plane descends to Mitzraim between the two countries France and Mitzraim that are set to divide Jerusalem this Summer. 66 souls accompanied Yaakov to Mitzraim. 66 gentile souls went down in an airplane into the Mediterranean that originated in Paris, France on the way to Mitzraim as the plane entered Mitzri traffic control airspace... in honor of this pasuk....All the souls belonging to Jacob that came into Egypt, that came out of his loins, besides Jacob's sons' wives, all the souls were threescore and six. (That would be 66.) (Genesis 46)
Dear L-rd, Now that we are arriving at the 50th Gate, Are You just getting started? Oh, the Parisians in coordination with El Sisi of Mitzraim just announced today or yesterday that they will not be deterred this Summer with their most important foreign policy goal in their lap: to divide Yerushalayim (Jerusalem)and the rest of Eretz Yisrael (Land of Israel) between the Jews and the Mythical State of the Invented People! Good Show Hollande! Good show El Sisi! You really want to get lacerated again?
Second Divine Event - "Meir Ettinger's torturer in the Defense Ministry Moshe Boogie Yaalon falls from his high perch on this past Wednesday, the Day of Netzach that is in Netzach, 25th day of the Omer. At the Brit Milah (Jewish rite of circumcision) of his son that Meir could not attend under orders from Yaalon, the baby received the mysterious and unusual first name Netzach about which Rav Yitzchak Ginsburgh Shlit"a gave a two hour drashah at the seudat brit. There was a Mazkir (Hebrew scribe) at the Seudah (festival meal) recording the entire drashah (sermon or learned address). I know someone who is close to the Rav. I will try to get the transcript from him."
Third Divine Event - "Meir Ettinger will now get a release from being Israel's foremost political prisoner of the past year (one of the Yordei Duma or those arrested for the Duma arsons/murders). He will be released a mere four days before we reach the Gateway to the 50th year of Yerushalayim's Unification. The 50th gate physically is The Golden Gate to The Temple Mount from the Qidron (Kidron) Valley to where the Ezrat HaNashim (The Women's Courtyard) was during the times of the First two Temples on The Mount. The Golden Gate aka Shaar HaRachamim is in a direct line from the peak of the Mt. of Olives on the other side of the Qidron valley to the east of the Old City, from there to the Holy of Holies on the Temple Mount.
Fourth Divine Event - "And now the foremost Temple Mt activist in the world is entering the K'nesset as an MK to replace the fallen Yaalon! And as he enters, he ponders and prays about Sanctifying the Name of Heaven!
After all four of these events, then all 12-Tribes (Klal Yisrael) of the House of Israel will start to sing Hallel (Psalm 115), the Psalm of contrasts between the Almighty One of Israel and all the gods of the other nations on Planet Earth.
Psalms 115 – “Not for our sake, HaShem, not for our sake, but for Your Name’s sake give glory, for Your kindness and for your truth! “Why should the nations say, “Where now is their G-d? Our G-d is in the heavens, whatever He pleases, He does!
One of the following insights comes from his blog for Jewish readers, but are worthy of all Lost Tribes of Israel to pay attention. Since “The Lost Tribes” have never been lost from the eyes of the G-d of Israel, all those from the Lost Ten tribes must remember that in the “World to Come” and with their “New Hearts of Flesh”, they will also be accountable of joining with their brothers and sisters of Judah especially in the Three Pilgrimage Festivals of Judaism; Pesach, Shavuot and Sukkot. So with that in mind, the “day after” the three Festivals or the, Isru Chag of Pesach, Shabuot, and Sukot are also binding upon all of us as noted in Psalms 118:27:
Psalms 118:27 – “Whosoever makes an addition to the Festival of eating and drinking is regarded by scripture as though he had built and offered thereon a sacrifice.”
This passage was affirmed by Rabbi Yosef Havyim (1832-1909), known as Ben Ish Chai, and sited by the Holy Ari, the Kabbalist Rabbi Isaac Luria (1534-1572) to the effect that Klal Yisrael, “All Twelve Tribed Israel” will connect the day after the Festival holiday to the holiday itself because the remaining remnants of the sanctity of the “light” of the holiday will be extended. As Dov Bar Leib also opined:
Yom Yerushalayim 2015 at the Western Wall the Wall nearest the Most Holy Place and the Shekinah
Dov Bar Leib – “I truly believed, and of course as we finally see right now, continue to believe, that this Yom Yerushalayim (Sundown the 28th of Iyyar, 5776 on June 4, 2016) and the three day Festival of Shavuot 5776 one week later is the “Gateway to the 50th Gate” of both the physical Yerushalayim on Earth and the spiritual Yerushalayim in Heaven.
Here are the facts. This coming week is the 50th anniversary of the unification of Jerusalem and ancient Judea and was returned back to the governance of the Jewish people almost 2000 years after the Roman warriors destroyed the Holy Temple of Herod and the Holy City of Jerusalem in 70 CE.
Now the 50th Anniversary of the Reunification on this special day of 50th anniversary of Yom Yerushalayim’s date of reunification on the 3rd day of the Six Day War, the 50th Jubilee Year will fall on the eve of the 5th of June, 2016 (Jewish Year of 5776). In the esoteric traditions of the Mystical Jewish Sages, the 50th Gate of Jerusalem and the Golden Gate are truly one and the same. So Dov Bar Lieb continues to reveal:
Dov Bar Lieb – “Jerusalem Day (Hebrew: יום ירושלים, Yom Yerushalayim) is an Israeli national holiday commemorating the reunification of Jerusalem and the establishment of Israeli control over the Old City in June 1967. The Chief Rabbinate of Israel declared Jerusalem Day a minor religious holiday to thank God for victory in the Six-Day War and for answering the 2,000-year-old prayer of "Next Year in Jerusalem”…
This coming June 4, 2016, will be the 50th Yom Yerushalayim, the date of its unification, since and including the year of the 6 Day War on the third day of that war. Yom Yerushalayim 5776 is therefore the “Entrance to the 50th Gate for the Fiftieth Gate and the “Golden Gate” on the Temple Mount are “truly one and the same.”
For the last several years now, I have believed that at this very auspicious moment at which we are at its doorstep or “Interdimensional Gateway”. This was not just the next most opportune time for the Final Redemption in our Generation. This will be actually “The Time” called B’itah, that Mashiach ben David will have to show up to greet us at the 50th Gate, in the words of Rav Chaim Vital, zt"l.”
As Dov Bar Lieb focused on the present three day festival of Shavuot in the Jewish year of 5776 (2016), we are reminded that when the Nation of Israel is also preparing to meet the Creator of the Universe, by the arousal of the Jewish people from below, the hyper-dimensional spiritual gates of heaven will open from above with the reunion with the Creator G-d of the Universes, just like it did at Sinai, so also in the “one week the “Gateway to the 50th Gate” of both the physical Yerushalayim on Earth and the spiritual Yerushalayim in Heaven could unite into one, on first day of Shavuot, Jewish year of 5776.
According to the 13th century “Jubilee Year Prophecy of Rabbi Judah ben Samael gives the Year of the Messiah,” that was written in the Jubilee Year of 1217 CE, we discovered that we are now on the cusp of prophetic history being fulfilled; 11 Jubilees after Rabbi Judah’s death in 1217 CE, the 12th Jubilee since Rabbi Judah’s death and the 50th Year since the reunification of Jerusalem with the State of Israel.
This heralds the prophetic facts that the 82nd Jubilee is now facing us before our eyes. This is predicated upon the historical facts that the Jewish State of Israel have kept control of the Capital of Jerusalem for 50 years after Jerusalem’s reunification after the 6-day war in 1967. After that the preparations for the “Era of the Messiah will begin”.
Therefore in the aftermath of the 6-Day War of 1967 that occurred between the dates of June 5, 1967 – June 10, 1967, the Arab nations of Syria, Jordan, and Egypt (UAE or the United Arab Republic) attacked the State of Israel. The Arab coalition of nations met a dishonorable defeat called by Arabs today, “The an-Naksah “The Setback” in the 3rd Arab-Israeli War of 1967.
Seven years, on Rosh Hashanah 2009, according to Michael Murray, retired nuclear physicist, the 6000 year landmark date of the era of man ended. On that date the 7000th year “Millennium of the Messiah” began.
G-d’s Time-Wave of the Sin-Wave in Human History by Nuclear Physicist Michael Murray
Other amazing dates synchronized with the Jewish Sabbatical Week of Years and Jubilee Cycles came to some interesting conclusions.
144 Jubilees occurred between the Creation of Adam and the beginning of the New Earth when sinless man will again walk and talk with G-d.
The First Negative Sine Wave Valley of G-d’s Time-Wave of History occurred during the Corruption and Apostasy of the “Fallen Angel” Watchers that led to the destruction of the World in the Great Flood of Noah.
The First Nodal Point Transitional crossing from negative to positive occurred Two thousand historical years (365 days/year) after the Creation of Adam when the Patriarch Abraham was born. This was 41 Jubilees or 2009 prophetic years (360 days/year) later.
It took One Jubilee Cycle (49 years) from the day of the Exodus in 1471 BCE until the day that Joshua divided the Land of Israel to each of its tribes in 1422 BCE. They entered the “Land” seven years earlier, One Sabbatical Week of years, when the Israelites crossed the Jordan River on 1429 BCE.
The First Positive Sine Wave Peak of G-d’s Time-Wave of History occurred at the Three thousand historical Year when King David was in the height or mid-point era of his 40 year reign with Greater Israel.
The Second Nodal Point Transitional crossing now from positive to negative Four thousand historical years after the Creation of Adam in the year of 1 BCE. This was the First Coming of the Messiah 41 Jubilees, 2009 prophetic years (360 days/year) or 2000 historical years (365 days/year), after the birth of Abraham.
The 5000th year of man occurred at the height of the Negative Sine Wave Cycle when the Roman Catholic Papacy began their wars of genocide and destruction upon the Jewish and Islamic populations in Jerusalem and the Middle East during the Christian Crusades of the 10th and 11th
The Third Nodal Point Transitional crossing now from positive to negative after the Creation of Adam, Six thousand historical years after the Creation of Adam in the year of 2009 CE. The 6000th year of man was completed on Rosh Hashanah 2009.
The 6000th year marked the beginning of the Messianic Era that occurred on Rosh Hashanah 2009.
The Second Positive Sine Wave Peak of G-d’s Time-Wave of History will occur on the Year of 3028 CE when the conclusion of the Great White Throne Judgment of Creator G-d of the Universe begins the new hyper-dimensional beginning of the New Gan Eden (Garden of Eden) when HaShem, the G-d of Israel as the Shekinah Glory will once again live amongst men.
70 Jubilees occurred between the Crossing of the Jordan River by Joshua and the Children of Israel until to the Beginning of the Era of the Messiah in 2009.
20 Jubilees occurred between the Birth of Abraham and the death of Samuel the Prophet (1030 prophetic CE).
King Solomon began construction on the 1st Temple in the year of 982 prophetic BCE.
King Solomon completed the construction One Sabbatical Week of years (seven years) on the 1st Temple in the year of 975 prophetic BCE.
There were 17 Jubilees from the Crossing of the Jordan River when the Children of Israel entered the Promise Land until the Destruction of Jerusalem and the Holy Temple and the Jewish Remnant of the Children of Israel were exiled from the Promised Land.
29 Jubilees occurred from birth of Abraham to the beginning of the construction of Solomon’s Temple to 1BCE.
20 Jubilees occurred from the beginning of the construction of Solomon’s Temple to
82 Jubilees occurred between the death of Samuel, the last of the Prophetic Judges of Israel until the Destruction of Solomon’s Temple and the city of Jerusalem by the imperial forces of Babylon.
41 Jubilee cycles occurred between each 2000 years in the Time-Wave History of Man.
Will it take One Jubilee Cycle (50 years) from the day that the Jewish State of Israel captured Jerusalem from the forces of Jordan in 1967. Will this date herald the herald the arrival of King Messiah (Melekh HaMashiach) on the eve of the 50th year of the Jubilee (Rosh HaShanah 2016 in the Jewish year 5777? Will this begin the Divine command, like Joshua of old, to begin the division of the Land of Israel between the House of Judah and the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel?
The 50th Anniversary of the Reunification of Jerusalem back into the hands of the State of Israel will come on this special day called Yom Yerushalayim. It began on the 3rd day of the Six Day War. It will also fall during the Jubilee Jewish Year of 5776. Since the 4th Week of the 7 Weeks of the 49 days of the “Counting the Omer”, from Pesach (Passover) to Shavuot (Pentecost) is the Week of Netzach, it is expected to be an auspicious week often translated as referring as victorious.
We are on the precipice of watching the cosmic battles in the heavens between the dark forces of HaSatan as the forces of light with Metatron as the Commander of the L-rd’s Hosts will spiritually be turning the tide of evil in favor of the Jews, Jerusalem and the Land of Israel.
As such, our “spiritual eyes” that can “see” must be highly focused for a cascade or an avalanche of “end time Guela redemption events” may begin to unfold between now and Rosh Hashanah on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, 29th of Elul on October 2, 2016, in the Jewish Year 5777. This will progressively give each one of us 4th dimensional insight into our future as the “Final Generation” prepares to enter hyper-dimensional “Era of Melekh HaMaschiach (King Messiah) as the Maschiach ben David (Messiah son of David).
How is HaShem going to awaken us from our slumber, always expecting that the next day will be the same as the last day? As we teeter on the precipice of our “Present World” before existentially leaping into the “Higher Dimensional World Beyond”, the “final pathway to the Guela (redemption) will not depend upon whether our ancestral mothers are Jewish or Lost Israelites, but whether we are prepared to become “One Family” together as “Klal Yisrael,” or all “12-Tribed Israel.” Our futures will be dramatically and providentially different than our present reality of life. So what does this mean to each one of us at this stage in earth’s history?
The ancestral history of the Jews and the Israelites have been all funneled through the genetic loins of Jacob “Yaakov”, the son of Isaac and the grandson of Abraham. What we are witnessing in our world today, is the rapidly escalating events that will herald the “Final Guela” or the “Redemption of All Israel.”
Many parts of these will be the “Al’chalta de Guela”, the meandering of the redemption process over the last 300 years since the days of the famed, Vilna Gaon. Already this master of the guela is beginning to micromanage every event in the Land of Israel and beyond, looking for the keys of redemption that are sprouting all over the landscape of Planet Earth.
So it does not surprise us as Lost Ten Tribers that during this recent air flight catastrophe of EgyptAir Flight 804 on May 19, 2016, that four highly significant events affecting the future of a Torah observing State of Israel began to unfold. All of these events just happened to occur during this particular week of Omer called Netzach. You are welcome to reread this testimony from the Jewish Israeli blog, “End of Days”.
Here is the gist of the quest to understand Near Earth Asteroids and Fireballs. What is being accepted by the scientists is the fact that since the year of 2010, when the era of mankind ended in 2009, the frequency of fireballs has been increasing every year and exponentially increasing between the years of 2014 and 2015.
Biblical futurists have not caught the attention of this increase in spite of all the catastrophes that are yet to unfold as foretold by the Prophets of old. The question is why did the asteroid “fireball” rate slowdown in the Jubilee year of 2015 yet was still increasing exponentially? What will happen in the year of 2016? Even more so, why did the asteroid “fireballs” only slowdown in the fall of the year around the High Holidays of the Jews?
Meteor Fireballs: 12-month Rolling Average over the US in the last decade
Because we are using two datasets, there can be some incongruity for the 2013-2014 data. Nevertheless, the pattern is there: from 2010 onwards, the frequency of fireballs has been increasing each year in an exponential fashion (until 2015, when the rate of increase slowed down). Such a change is significant and should be generating a lot of media attention and a lot of activity in near space observation.
The most significant way to plot the data is via a 12-month rolling average, which smooths out 'noise' that demonstrates any significant changes that have occurred. From mid-2010, the average number of fireballs significantly increased, until late 2015 when the rolling average stabilized yet still increased significantly?
Dr M.A. Rose
6-month rolling average of meteor fireballs over the US in the last decade
Collating the data into a 6-month rolling average reveals the asymmetric distribution across the year. Fireballs are also occurring at higher numbers in the latter part of each year. This difference in distribution significantly increased after 2013. The concern then is unfolding.
"There is one part of space that is becoming dense with dust and rocks, and Earth plus our other inner solar system planets are also moving through this area of space every year."
The most significant way to plot the data is via a 12-month rolling average, which smooths out 'noise' and demonstrates any significant changes that have occurred. From mid-2010, the average number of fireballs have increased significantly, and then in 2015 the rolling average stabilized.
Collating the data into a 6-month rolling average reveals the asymmetric distribution across the year. Fireballs are occurring at higher frequency during the latter part of the year. This difference in distribution significantly increased after 2013. That fact is, this one part of space is becoming very dense with dust and rocks, and therefore Planet Earth and other inner solar system plants are moving also through this same space every year.
When analyzing all the data from NASA, it is apparent that that the fireball frequency is most concentrated during the months between the months of August to December. Yet the months of June and July are increasing also significantly.
© Dr. M.A. Rose
NASA-observed fireballs increasing over the last three years
"Where there is meteor smoke, there are asteroids"
This suggests one thing; the region in outer space from where asteroids and cometary dust is reaching Planet Earth is rapidly increasing in size. It will continue to affect Planet Earth in the near prophetic future. Did the Creator G-d of Israel design this at the time of creation to occur in these certain years at the "Time of the End?
The Route of EgyptAir Flight 804
We will now begin to analyze the four prophetic events that Dov Bar Lieb wrote on his blog, the "End of Days" titled, “There are more things in Heaven And Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
Horatio was a friend of Hamlet in the William Shakespeare’s tragedy called “Hamlet”. These facts revealed so far suggest that truly there are more prophetic events in our future that are held in the palms of G-d’s hand than have even been revealed by the Chazal (Rabbinic Sages) to this date.
EgyptAir Flight 804, while descending into the airspace of the Nation of Egypt (Ancient Mitzraim) on May 19, 2016, disappeared without notice into the Mediterranean Sea. There were “66 Gentile Souls” that disappeared for what appeared to be of unknown reasons.” There was international shock again; why are so many planes disappearing into oblivion?
This quickly reminds us that it is easy for international pundits to speculate and convince the world public that a terrorist, even a lone terrorist is to be blamed for planting a timed activated bomb in the front restroom of an airplane. As such fear will reign in the hearts of everyone flying around the world; pilots, crew and passengers alike. Sometimes the G-d of Israel does His own speaking.
Was this a coincidental human event, or was it a cosmic event under the control of the Creator of the Universe? If so, does the G-d of Israel have a message for us today?
Okno optoelectronic space surveillance complex in Tajikistan
The evidence suggests that major cosmic event/s are unfolding before our eyes. Between the years of 2013-2014, the incidence of cometary fireballs over Planet Earth increased by 120%. Then again, the increase of cometary fireballs over earth increased between the years of 2014-2015 another 20%; 140% in two years. This is a significant increase, and it should have generated international attention. Those who knew no doubt kept it quiet behind closed doors.
With the above information, within hours before the EgyptAir Flight 805 went into descent towards Alexandria, Egypt, a Near Earth Asteroid broke up as it entered earth's atmosphere flying from the Canadian Pacific Northwest heading to the Southeast. Fragments of that breakup were traced across the Mediterranean heading to the Middle East and onward towards Australia. This pathway was significant. We still cannot prove what happened to EgyptAir as it was preparing to descent into Egypt was caused by asteroid metal, dust and small rock fragments but it must be considered.
The experts to date have speculated that the window in the bathroom behind the cockpit lost it seal and a fire began and then continuing forward, the airplane’s nose lost its integrity right where all the electronics of the airplane are contained.
Did metal or rock fragments of an asteroid breakup collide into the bathroom window and into the right side of the nose of the airplane? It this what happened to damage the electronics of the plane and cause the rapid descent and disappearance of EgyptAir Flight 805 into the Mediterranean Sea? In this certain incident, it appears that fragments of metal and rock from fragmenting asteroids may is far more likely than a lone terrorist with a self-made time bomb.
Alternative sources reported that on May 17, 2016, two days before the May 19 crash of EgyptAir Flight 804, the Okno optoelectronic space surveillance complex in Tajikistan reported a critical alert warning to the Russian ADF. They reported that a large near Earth asteroid was approaching North America at speeds around 67,000 kilometers-per-hour. They estimated that the mass of the fragmented comet was as heavy as 22.05 million pounds (10,000 metric tonnes).
It was then reported that “tens-of-thousands (if not hundreds-of-thousands) of meteorites fragments (estimated to be between 5-60 centimeters) were still expected to fall into our Earth’s atmosphere between May 18-20, 2016. Then Okno optoelectonic space surveillance complex in Tajikistan along with the Russian Kanopus satellite data determined that the “areas/regions” most likely to affected by this space debris lay between Greenland and Australia due to the original North-South orbit of this meteorite—with the center point being in the Middle East.
The American Meteorology Society shared numerous images caught on the security cameras at the Burlington International Airport in Vermont that showed the original Near Earth Asteroid breaking into two asteroids as it entered Planet Earth’s atmosphere. It was later reported as a spectacular fireball on the police auto-cams in Portland, New York.
The most shocking evidence was the fact that this near earth asteroid that was confirmed to be breaking into at least two objects as it hit the North American atmosphere no doubt left thousands of smaller metal and rock debris particles to enter earth’s atmosphere from Vermont to the Middle East.
A giant “Ball of Fire” over the Quebec Harbor in Ontario, Canada
The AMS (American Meteorological Society) has also shared video recorded by a security camera at Burlington International Airport in Vermont that shows two objects entering the Earth’s atmosphere, explaining that the meteoroid had broken up during entry.
So was it a coincidence that the G-d of Israel is preparing the final debut of this era of mankind on Planet Earth? In His own Divine Judgment, will he punish the wicked and prepare a new Gan Eden for His Covenanted People; including the entire House of Judah; all 12-Tribed Israel? (Ezekiel 36)
According to the American Meteorological Society, over 700 reports or sighting of the fiery comet were reported from Maine to Vermont, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, plus also Ontario (Canada) and Québec (Canada).
At the same time that the EgyptAir Flight 804 was in flight to Egypt (Mizraim), the Russian ADF was redirecting the eye of their Kanopus satellite to monitor the asteroid fragments. They did observe this asteroid slamming into the atmosphere above the Northeastern Region of the United States.
It was a fact that, the EgyptAir Flight 804 that originated in Paris, France and was heading to Egypt (Mitzraim), the two countries that are adamant to begin again the peace process to divide Jerusalem this summer as the “last gasp” of international diplomacy, was flying about the same pathway of the asteroid and subsequent bolides of fire that the Egyptian airline was flying. What is of interest is that 66 people on board died in the crash. Yet when we read in the TaNaKh, it speaks also of 66 souls also going to Egypt in the ancient past.
Genesis 46:26 – “All the souls belonging to Jacob that came into Egypt, that came out of his loins, besides Jacob’s son’s wives, all the souls were threescore and six (66 souls).”
As Dov Bar Leib cried out:
Dov Bar Lieb – “Dear L-rd, Now that we are arriving at the 50th Gate, Are You just getting started? There is no doubt that the nations that surround Jerusalem and the Land of Israel and seek to do Israel and Israel's people harm, will be met with the divine wrath of G-d. So in the aftermath, the Parisian Lost Israelites in coordination with El Sisi of Mitzraim (Egypt) just announced today or yesterday that they will not be deterred this Summer with their most important foreign policy goal in their lap: to divide Yerushalayim and the rest of Eretz Yisrael between the Jews and the Mythical State of the Invented People! Good Show Hollande! Good show El Sisi! You really want to get lacerated again?”
So is it a coincidence that the G-d of Israel is preparing the final debut of this era of mankind on Planet Earth? In His own Divine Judgment is G-d preparing to punish the wicked and prepare a new Gan Eden for His Covenanted People in the Land of Israel? Will this include the entire House of Judah; all 12-Tribed Israel. (Ezekiel 36)?
Today the Nation of France is the “final resting place” of the House of Reuben, the oldest son of Jacob. Today, the French Lost Israelites have become the international symbol of Christian Nations in allegiance to the Roman papacy with the European Union against the State of Israel. It is France who is at the forefront in dividing the Land of Israel to give to the Palestinian Ishmaelites and the division of the Holy City of Jerusalem.
The House of Jacob were saved when they went to Egypt. The House of the Franks will soon cease to exist. Egypt will soon come under the allegiance of Israel. But that will not be a “coincident” but an "Act of G-d."
What is most interesting is that Jacob, the ancestral father of all 12-Tribes of Israel in Genesis 46, was forced by a climatic catastrophe of an intense drought to “descend into the 49th level of the house of degradation in Mitzraim (ancient Egypt)” to save his family of “66 souls”. They were protected by Divine intervention as Jacob’s son, Joseph whom Jacob thought was dead actually was to be their “saviour” now as the Vizer with complete power over the Empire of Egypt and saved Jacob’s family from starvation.
So also the symbol of the “Final Days” will be when the Mashiach ben Yosef (Messiah son of Joseph) is revealed and whose role during the final days when the “Last Generation” of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel will be prepared for their salvation and final redemption, we will witness 2-3 billion of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel head home in aliyah to the ancestral lands of their forefathers; Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
According to the Vilna Gaon, at the “end of days” there will be seven fundamental phases of the Al’chalta de Guela, or the "footsteps of the Messiah" as stated in the Destination Yisrael article titled, “ Shout for joy,, the Times of the Messiah is here; before the Era of the Messiah begins, Israel must Build, Build, Build.”
- First would be the rebuilding of Jerusalem, G-d’s Holy Zion that started in the early 1800s.
- Second will be the ingathering of the exiles; the Jews in the Diaspora and the ingathering of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel that began after the institution of the Jewish homeland in the State of Israel and the Holocaust in Europe.
- Third is the re-flourishing of the Land of Israel by planting the mountains of Shomron and Judea with forests, orchards, vineyards, fields of flowers, hot houses for consumable vegetables, and by planting settlements all over the Land of Israel for the redemption and ingathering of the exiles.
- Fourth is the improvement of character traits living lives as ones created in the image of G-d.
- Fifth is to zealously yearn to learn the hidden aspects of the Torah.
- Sixth is to study of the Seven Sciences elevating them as “Sacred Technologies” that will be elevating the Wisdom of Israel by the Sanctification of the Name of G-d in the eyes of the 70 Nations of the world.
- Seventh is the Revelation of the Wisdom of Israel in the eyes of the Nations while re-flourishing the entire Land of Israel with gardens and fields, forests and lakes, orchards and the sacred husbandry of Gan Eden.
So, where are those who are spiritual followers of the Gra, the 17th century Vilna Gaon who was called the “Genius” as we enter this final era of world history? In the explosive era of intense international pressure by the Northern European states, most of which are the descendants of what the G-d of Israel called the “brazen faced” Lost Israelites, a week of horror came in early December 2015 in what was called the “Duma Affair”.
In the region called the “West Bank” or the “Occupied Territories”, is the primal homeland of the House of Ephraim in what is called Samaria; the former region where the Northern Kingdom of Israel once controlled and ruled in their capital city called Samaria.
There the mountains of Israel are elevated and in a high Samarian valley, a house in the Palestinian Arab settlement called Duma, a family of four were burnt up in a conflagration that included one child who later died in the hospital.
What is known to be true, in this region there are only Palestinian Arab settlements. These are divided up in quarters of rival Palestinian gangs. Afterwards, two or four masked figures were seen escaping eastward.
There are no Jewish settlements near Duma. Any Jewish person to enter this region, set a fire, write “Revenge” upon the walls and escape by foot at night from the center of the village through deep canyons is what should be called “sheer madness.”
The isolation of the Palestinian village of Duma as Viewed from the West with the Jordan Valley in the background – Photo by Oren Rozen.
Yet the mantra of the European Israelites who funnel millions of dollars to this region, it is the “status quo” opinion that this has to be an act of terror by Jewish youth, called the “Hilltop Youth”; whose only goal in life is to obey the Jewish Torah.
So the escalation of the world’s opinion against the Divine commands of G-d is becoming more and more intense between the forces of light and the forces of darkness. The entire world is aligning itself either with the forces of HaShem or the forces of HaSatan.
This is a region of Arab settlements which the Europeans Israelites claim belong to the Palestinian peoples, and the G-d of Israel states otherwise. Today, there are no Israeli settlements nearby, and Israelis walk in that territory only at risk for their lives. It was reported that two or four masked figures were seen running away to the east. This is as far away from the Israeli settlements in the region of the west as any terrorist can be.
The Message “Revenge” scrawled at Duma Residence
A message that was left behind and analyzed by the blog titled, “The Learning Diary of an Israeli Water Engineer”, stated:
The Learning Diary…"The message that was left behind was scrawled with the message, “Nekama *Revenge) The message (pic) “Nekama” (Revenge) seems to me genuine, written by someone literate in English (exclamation mark, which is unusual in Hebrew (Jewish) writers (but common in Arabic writers); interrupted underlining, which is unusual in any language.)
The writer was someone very careful (also observe the star; it is symmetric) and (appears not to be in haste). The habitual suspects - religious Jewish youngsters - were rounded up and expected to confess. Given the urgency of punishing somebody, the case passed to the Shabak (Israeli Secret Service). The boys did not confess. Some have been released.
European socialists have adopted the Palestinians and are protecting them against "Jewish aggression". They are applying pressure on Israel to punish “aggressors”. The world is thirsty for Jewish suffering and bleeding. When five hundred million Europeans desire something very badly, it is difficult to resist. That is the background of the Duma affair.
A house in the Palestinian settlement of Duma, in a high Samarian valley, went up in fire. Arab settlements are divided in quarters of rival clans, divided by vicious feuds. In Duma a family of four was badly burnt. Three already died and only a child is fighting for his life in the hospital. Two or four masked figures were seen escaping eastward, persecuted by the neighbors.
There are no Jewish settlements near Duma and escaping by foot at night from the center of the village through deep canyons is sheer madness. But the common opinion that this was an act of terror by Jews. The message (pic) "Nekama" (Revenge) seems to me genuine, written by someone literate in English (exclamation mark, which is unusual in Hebrew writers; interrupted underlining, which is unusual in any language.) The writer is someone very careful (also observe the star; it is symmetric). The habitual suspects - religious Jewish youngsters - were rounded up and expected to confess. Given the urgency of punishing somebody, the case passed to the Shabak. They boys did not confess. Some have been released.
The Shabak asked permission to apply physical pressure, aka torture. It is becoming known that the High Court of Justice allowed the Secret Police to maintain them incommunicado indefinitely. Torture is the surest way to extract confessions in these cases, but God forbid we start torturing Jews to satisfy the European thirst for Jewish blood.
On the other hand, we cannot allow deadly provocations against our neighbors if we want to live in some kind of peace with them.
Following worldwide horror and condemnation over the firebombing murder last Friday of 18-month-old Ali Saad Dawabsha in the Palestinian village of Duma, Israel’s Shin Bet arrested its first suspect on Monday – Meir Ettinger, the 23-year-old grandson of assassinated "extremist" rabbi Meir Kahane. Let us not forget that Rabbi Meir Kahane was a 100% Torah observing rabbi. He lived and preached the mandate given to Joshua by Moses from G-d, "Conquer and Settle the Land." That is why he was called an "extremist."
Ettinger was considered a radical member and leader of Israel’s “hilltop youth,” young people from religiously observant families who move to settlement outposts, and to resist soldiers’ attempts to evacuate them. They were also intermittently alleged to carry out “price tag” hate crime attacks on Palestinian, Christian and Israeli targets. So it was they , the “Hilltop Youth” who were suspected “without cause" of the arson at the Church of the Loaves and Fishes, and they were also suspected, “without cause” of the “Duma Affair”. As you will see soon, no cause was every found.
The young Meir Ettinger was a clone of his grandfather, a fiery orator and defender of a Torah based Nation of Israel. Grandfather Rabbi Meir Kahane eventually took his viewpoint of Torah based Israel to Jerusalem and after five tries to host a successful political party, Rabbi M Kahane became a Knesset member in the year of 1984 with his Kach party. By 1988, with Kahane gaining more and more popular, the Israeli government banned the Kach party for being racist and anti-democratic according to an unknown “ad hoc law”.
Rabbi Meir Kahane the Divinely appointed Spokesperson for Torah based Israel
In November, 1990, while giving a lecture to a full crown of Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn New Year, Rabbi Meir Kahane warned American Jewry to emigrate to Israel before it was too late. This was his last warning to world Jewry, for within minutes after giving the lecture, on the second floor lecture hall in Manhattan’s Marriott East Side Hotel, Kahane was assassinated by El Sayyid Nosair.
The assassin was first charged and then acquitted of the murder, until the al-Qaeda linked El Sayyid Nosair was convicted in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, making Kahane the first American victim that was assassinated by the Osama ben Laden's terrorist network. This also came with the later intelligence insight that Al Qaeda terror cells had been active and working underground four years in New York Metro since 1989. The funeral of Kahane in Jerusalem was one of the largest in Israel’s history, when over 150,000 Jews participated.
Meir Ettinger’s grandfather so invoked the higher Torah calling of living the life of a true Jew, believer in the Torah precepts, he also spoke with derision of the immoral destruction of the present State of Israel.
Moshe “Bogie” Yaalon, Former IDF Chief of Staff – Photo by Reuven Kapuscinski
So it was not a coincidence that Rabbi Meir Kahane’s grandson, “Meir Ettinger was arrested and charged with the murder of a young Palestinian boy who burned up in a house supposedly set off by Jewish radical arsonists.” Of course not. It's time for Israel to open their eyes that Palestinian radicals can be arsonists.
It was also not just a coincidence, according to Dov Bar Lieb, in his recent blog, that on May 17, 2016, two days before EgyptAir flight 805 crashed into the waters of Egypt that Israel’s head military chief, Defense Minister Moshe “Bogie” Yaalon resigned (fired) by Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu from his “high perch” as the Former IDF Chief of Staff in Israel. In his place, Netanyahu appointed as his Defense Minister the rightist Russian hardliner, Avigdor Lieberman, who along with the new majority of the rightist or observant Jewish Israelis are turning back to the words of the Divine. The G-d of Israel is truly beginning to reveal Himself as directing the affairs of the Nation of Israel.
So, Meir Ettinger has been under administrative detention (isolated, interrogated till exhaustion, and tortured while kept in isolation) for almost a year. All this time, no evidence has shown forth that he was involved in any of these supposed "Jewish Hate Crimes". Meir was married, now a father of a son, and an avid and consummate consumer of the Hebrew Torah, just like his grandfather, Rabbi Meir Kahane.
Meir Ettinger was accused of being one of the “Hilltop Youth” thereby was not permitted to attend his son’s Jewish rite of circumcision including the dedication service and a festive meal. This came under the orders from Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon whom Yaalon had targeted over the years in appeasement to the radical anti-Israel “Peace Now Movement” and other left wing radical activists against the biblical rights of the Jewish people to occupy the Jewish territorial homeland of their ancestral forefathers; Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
This Jewish pioneer and patriot, Meir Ettinger, was no different than the Lost Israelite “Pioneers called the Pilgrims” that began the migration to America to escape the Inquisition of the Roman papacy in Europe. Later like-minded Lost Israelites and Jews were later known as the “Patriots of the American Revolution in 1776.”
Meir Ettinger was accused of being one of the “Hilltop Youth” thereby was not permitted to attend his son’s Jewish rite of circumcision including the dedication service and festive meal. This refusal to allow Meir Ettinger to participate in such an important Jewish rite of passage for his new born son came personally under the orders from Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon.
It was not a coincident but a Divine command that Meir Ettinger was released on June 1, 2016 from being Israel's foremost political prisoner of the years of 2015-2016 (one of the Yordei Duma or those arrested for the Duma arsons/murders. Instead he was released a mere four days before the Jewish people reached the Gateway to the 50th year of Yerushalayim's Unification on June 5, 2016. The 50th gate physically is The Golden Gate to The Temple Mount from the Qidron (Kidron) Valley to where the Ezrat HaNashim (Women’s Courtyard in the Holy Temple) was during the times of the first Two Temples on The Mount.
In the aftermath, the foremost Temple Mount activist in the world, Rabbi Yehuda Glick is entering the K'nesset as an MK to replace the fallen Yaalon! And as he enters, he ponders and prays about Sanctifying the Name of Heaven!
Meir Ettinger was released “without cause” on June 1, 2016
Meir Ettinger was now releases from being Israel's foremost political prisoner of the past year (one of the Yordei Duma or those arrested for the Duma arsons/murders). After 10 months of interrogation, isolation, administrative detention Meir Ettinger was released and continued to maintain his joyful smile for the world to understand that it is a joy to serve the G-d of Israel even in detention and isolation. Yet that is not all. He was not truly free.
- Meir Ettinger was issued an administrative order placing him under house arrest and was banned from visiting Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and Yad Binyamin.
- Ettinger was banned from communicating verbally, or written messages or by Facebook with all his adherents around the world and 92 of his personal friends.
- Roni Noma, from the Central Command ordered that Ettinger not be allowed to enter Judea and Samaria for one year.
- Homefront General Yoel Strik banned Ettinger from Jerusalem and Yad Binyamin for six month.
- Ettinger was ordered to be under nighttime house arrest for the next four months and banned from communication with 92 of his patriot friends; the Torah observing young married adults.
- In another order against a Jewish youth recently released from prison, the youth was banned from speaking with 87 of his friends. The order against Ettinger has now eclipsed even that one.
- The administrative detention of Ettinger these past 12 months was issued without evidence and without trial.
- The Shabak and prison service also refused to release Ettinger for the Bris of his first son and instead he remained in prison during the event.
- Ettinger, along with Mordechai Meyer and Evyatar Slonim were placed in detention based on orders signed by former Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon. In the end, Meyer was released after it was determined that the suspicions against him were unfounded.
The Golden Gate awaiting for the Arrival of Melekh HaMaschiah (King Messiah) Ettinger was released on June 1, 2016, a mere four days before we reach the “Gateway to the 50th year of Yerushalayim's Unification” on June 5, 2016. The “50th gate” physically is “The Golden Gate” to The Temple Mount from the Qidron (Kidron) Valley to where the Ezrat HaNashim (Women’s Courtyard in the Holy Temple) was during the times of the first Two Temples on The Mount.
And now the foremost Temple Mt activist in the world, Rabbi Yehuda Glick is entering the K'nesset as an MK to replace the fallen Yaalon! And as he enters, he ponders and prays about Sanctifying the Name of Heaven!
The Eastern Golden Gate is called the Shaar HaRachamim (Gate of Compassion).
The Golden Gate is called the “Shaar HaRachamim” (Gate of Compassion). It is centered on the Eastern Wall of the Temple Mount aligned perfectly in a direct line from the Peak of the Mount of Olives situated on the other side of the Kidron (Qidron) Valley lying to the east of Old City Jerusalem and hence to the Holy of Holiest on the Temple Mount.
You might want to Read:
The Legacy of Benyamin Netanyahu
Part One – “Benzion Netanyahu’s legacy to his son, Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu; ‘Conquer the Land of Israel’” – May 21, 2012
Part Two – “99 year-old Zionist, Benzion Netanyahu speaks on the ‘Future of the Jews’” – May 21, 2013
“Awakening Jews and Lost Israelites to their Final Destination” -
“Netanyahu, Jewish Settlements and the Nefarious Future of the Palestinian-Israeli Peace Talks” – September 22, 2010
“The State of Israel is becoming a ‘Dictatorship’ as reported by the Jewish Patriot Youth in Shomron” – January 10, 2012
“The Jews new Passover Quest: Sovereignty, Sacredness, and Torah’s Messiah” - April 4, 2013
“ls Al-Qaeda’s ISIS G-d’s agent to bring Final Judgment upon the Land of Assyria and Babylon and Wake up Israel to Its Destined Mission?” – June 22, 2014
“Is this the Last Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur? The Rosicrucian Georgia Guidestone’s Final Message to Planet Earth” – October 5, 2014
“Shout for Joy: the Times of the Messiah is Here! Before the Era of the Messiah begins: Israel must Build, Build, and Build” – January 24, 2016
“G-d’s Evacuation Aliyah Plan for 10 million Jews and 2-3 Billion Lost Tribes of Israel back to the Promised Land of Israel.” – February 28, 2016
Metatron as King Messiah
Part One – “Shiloh, the Neshama of the Neshama Soul of Moshe the Redeemer”
Part Two – “MemTet, the Angel of Divine Presence, as the Messiah and the Five Souls of Man”
Part Three – “Metatron, the Angel of the Divine Presence is Melekh HaMaschiach (King Messiah)”
Part Four – “The 2015 Houston Shavuot Flood, the Prophecy of Meidad at Sinai: Flooding the Land of the Gogs of Magog”
Now the world of history has returned full cycle. What was lost is now being found. What was found is now being reclaimed by the One G-d of Israel, restored bit by bit with the continuous mantle of spiritual enlightenment. You are a part of that “cycle of global restoration” and you will soon feel, if not now, the pangs of sorrow for your persistent rejection of the overpowering love of the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, laying out the welcome mat; “My child, welcome home to the faith of your forefathers.”
If you want to learn more, Contact “Kol Ha Tor Vision”, the Voice of the Turtledove. Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Vision to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United).
This super Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
At the time of the end the G-d of Israel will use all of His Chosen Ones of Israel to complete His divine destiny for Planet Earth. Most of these chosen ones will have no idea of their chosen destiny. They will become the prime actors in the final act of the “Drama of the Ages”. In that day when the Messiah of Israel does reveal himself, also will be revealed all those whose destiny were linked to that august moment in human history.
For inquiries about the Vilna Gaon's Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel,
Visit their Web Site
“Kol Ha Tor”,
They also offer – “a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel to their chosen destiny. For details refer to Shomron Lives!”
DISCLAIMER - Kol Ha Tor is an independent commentator and may or may not agree with the contents, the views, interpretations and opinions as expressed by the independent theological and/or political views of Destination Yisrael.
Destination Yisrael scans the world for information that has relevance on the time of the end. It is our prayer that this will allow the believers in the Almighty One of Israel to “watch and be ready”. Our readiness has nothing to do trying to halt the progression of evil on our planet earth. In our readiness, we seek to be prepared for the coming of the Messiah of Israel so that goodness and evil will be manifested in its fullest.
Our preparation is a pathway of spiritual readiness for a world of peace. Our defender is the Metatron, the Lord of hosts. The time of the end suggests that the Eternal One of Israel’s intent is to close out this chapter of earth’s history so that the perpetrators of evil, those that seek power, greed and control, will be eliminated from this planet earth. The wars of the heavens are being played out on this planet earth and humans will live through it to testify of the might, power, justice and the love of the God of Israel.
In a world of corruption and disinformation, we cannot always know what the historical truth is and who is promoting evil or mis-information. We cannot guarantee our sources but we will always seek to portray trends that can be validated in the Torah, the testimony of the prophets of the Old and the New Testament, and the writings of Rabbi Eliyahu ben Shlomo ben Zalman (famed Vilna Gaon) called the “genius” in the 18th century, and his vision of the final redemption in his collection of writings highlighted in his supernal understanding of the Torah, the Prophets and Writings as outlined in the Kol Ha Tor.
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