The Helix Nebula NGC 7293 (The “Eye of God”) photo by NASA from Hubble Telescope
Zechariah 2:8- - “Jerusalem will be settled beyond its walls, because of the multitude of people and livestock within it. And I will be for it – the word of HaShem – a wall of fire all around and for glory will I be in its midst.
Woe! Woe! Flee from the lands of the north the word of HaShem, for I have scattered you like the four directions of the heavens, the world of HaShem. Woe! O [exiles of] Zion, Escape, O you who dwell with the daughter Babylonia! For thus said HaShem, Master of Legions, after glory, He will send me to the nations who despoil you, for
“Whoever touched you (Israel) touches the Pupil (Apple/Cornea) of G-d’s own Eye.
For behold, I am waving My hand against them, and they will become spoils to those who had serve them. Then you will know that HaShem, Master of Legions has sent me."
The rabbinic sages are collectively beginning to merge into one futuristic messianic scenario concerning of the awe-inspiring reality. The most august Archangel, MemTet (Metatron), may be inaugurated as the “Year of Jubilee” closes as the Maschiach ben David (Messiah on of David) in or after the High Holiday Fall Festivals of 2016 (Jewish Year of 5777).
At the time of this this time of this inauguration, Planet Earth will begin its elevation into the Messianic 4th dimensional consciousness of Space Time looking forward to the Era of the Great Shabbat when mankind on Planet Earth will be restored into oneness with the Ain Sof, the Holy One-G-d of Israel.
The prophets have spoken very eloquently concerning this era as preserved in the Jewish TaNaKh (Old Testament) plus the inclusion of the 1st century CE Essene inspired “Book of Revelation” whose primal messages were written by the disciples of Hillel the Great and Menahem the Essene of the era before 1st century Jerusalem.
Hidden these enigmatic passages are included over 150 passages taken only from the more ancient and enigmatic Book of Enoch, from the cache of manuscript fragments that were discovered in the archeologic archival dream cache called the Dead Sea Scrolls at Qumran in the mountain preserve called Qumran.
The compilation of all the writings of all the prophets of old speak of a pre-messianic era when all the world would succumb under a global catastrophic era in which no humans of all ages have experienced except in the days of the Great Flood of Noah.
The world will be collapse, with no countries immune, except that the Holy One of Israel has promised upon the sanctification of His Holy Name that the Holy Land of Israel and Jerusalem will be protected and preserved. No other major city or country, ancient or modern, has the biblical and prophetic protection of surviving that Jerusalem alone has.
If you’re starting to think that the world is a mess, you’re 100 percent correct. The promised “Global World Community” is a mess. The United States is not exempt for one look at any one of the recent debates by either Republican or Democratic candidates vying to guide and direct from the Oval Office the land of America over the next four years have come to conclusion that all candidates are pandering to their own self-actualizing reality of planet earth and how the control of this planet will actualize their most cherished dreams.
Gone are the days of the Planetary Statesman for politicians all want control of your life and assets or placed with the guardian of a socialistic state. One weak link is that the female presidential opponent may soon be indicted by a grand jury for the illegal use of top security documents as the former Secretary of State of the United States and barred from running as the Democratic candidate for the presidency of the United States.
Mantra and Goal of the New World Order
For many this is just a competition on the “Chess Game of American Politics.” Yet something is even more strange and surreal. The entire world economic community is standing on the precipice of a global economic collapse. The “One World Order” they have been dreaming and envisioning for over 70 years is now disappearing from their grasp.
At the same time, not since 1976 has an election been so chaotic as the day when President Richard Nixon resigned as the president of the United States because of the “Whitegate Affair Crisis” and opened the door for the most anti-Semitic president in history to sit in the Oval Office.
The former Baptist peanut farmer, President Jimmy Carter did his best to destroy the State of Israel with his accusation that Israel was an “oppressive apartheid state”. He threw away all the biblical commands of the One G-d of Israel that the Jewish State of Israel must sanctify the Holy Name of G-d by:
- Restoring the city of Jerusalem as the “city of Zion” and the capital of the Jewish people.
- Settle in the Land of Israel that included mountains of Shomron (ancient Samaria) where the Northern Kingdom of Israel once ruled with its capital in Samaria; and
- Plant, cultivate, and harvest the entire Land of Israel for mankind must begin the process of returning the Land of Israel to its original state as Gan Eden (Garden of Eden).
If it wasn’t just an anti-Semitic Christian, like a president of the United States, the esoteric societies such as the Scottish Freemasonry or Illuminati, the Bavarian Illuminati who built the Georgia Guidestones, and even the Islamic terrorists are weighing in their opinion on the future of Planet Earth as they all are announcing their agenda for all to hear and behold.
The Georgia Guidestones’ Message to the World
The Rosicrucian Georgian Guidestone’s 10 Commandments for a “New Age of Reason”
The Ten Guides for a new Age of Reason are as follows:
- Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.
On the superficial surface, most people are puzzled by what they perceive is the “nasty game of politics.” Yet this time, the profane has now become the norm of the entire Planet Earth. Yet, with one’s eyes in need of being spiritually opened, all the unprecedented events that are going on around the world are not stemming from the race for the next presidency of the United States, but rather the “finger of the Divine” is stirring up the nations of the world.
What we are seeing in living color are the beginnings of the archetypical wars at the “end of the age”. Instead of perceiving the divine hand of G-d, Americans are at their TVs feeding off the trough of the internationalist globalists trying to resurrect their own vision of utopia; a New World Order at peace with only 500,000,000 million people living on Planet Earth in a new Utopia. It is true that most Americans are concerned than any other year of presidential politics in over 40 years.
New World Order and 10 Regional Unions
What the secular economists and global pundits are warning is that the rising tide of “war cycles” will soon consume the whole earth and remain at least for a decade or beyond. To those who have “spiritual eyes that can see”, the world chaos is leading up to the “universal messianic age of world consciousness” that will lead us to the precipice of the “world to come” but before where the “forces of light” are fighting against the “forces of darkness” under the command of MemTet (Metatron, the Angel before the Face of G-d.
This exalted Archangel is the today, the Commander of the L-rd’s Hosts) as he was in the days of Joshua when the Children of Israel were crossing the Jordan River and all 12-Tribed Israel were commanded to:
- “Conquer the Land” (Caanan);
- “Establish courts of peace and justice”;
- “Settle in the land” from the Nile River to the Euphrates as it was done in the days of the United Kingdom of Kings David and Solomon;
- “Be fruitful multiply”;
- “Plant trees, orchards, fruits and vegetables to independently sustain their own population,” and;
- “Establish the Eternal City of Jerusalem as the capital of the Land of Israel.
So today, the same command from HaShem, “Choose you this day whom you may serve” is now given again to Klal Yisrael (All 12-Tribed Israel).
Separatists and Cessationism around the World
What we are seeing at this time in the politics of America as dissention, riots, cessation, and civil-war like movements that are erupting all around the world. Let us look at the evidence:
- Europe – The separatist regionalist civil-war like movements are exploding to record highs. Over 65 separatist and regionalist movements are actively fomenting chaos throughout Europe’s regions and allied countries of the European Union. Every one of them have critical issues seeking to force within their country, and each one of them have reasons that are unique to their country as part of their anti-establishment movements.
This includes the Nation of France, who is currently led by their President François Hollande and the Socialist Party & the Radical Party of the Left. The second major party is the Union for a Popular Movement led by the former President, the Jewish Nicolas Sarkozy, an apostate Thessalonkiki Sabbatean Frankist Jew whose ancestors were disciples of the Turkish Sephardi Jewish rabbi called Yakov ben Judah Leib Frankovich (1726-1791) called Rabbi Jacob Frank.
Rabbi Jacob Frank became the protégé of Rabbi Shabbatai Tzevi, the 17th century Jewish false messiah, who stated that he was to be the long sought messiah of the Jews and would be inaugurated as King Messiah on June (6th month) 18 (6+6+6) 1666 (1000 + 666). It was Rabbi Jacob Frank who posed as a Sephardic Jewish rabbi and led thousands of Jews in Eastern Europe into Christianity.
In France, today the “Modern Union for a Popular Movement in France is led today by former President Nicolas Sarkozy, followed by the 3rd far right party of Marine Le Pen’s National Party in France that is classified as a communist separatist movement. The Le Pen’s National Party are swiftly becoming an insurrectionist’s movements in prime-time politics and growing underground with the goal of overthrowing the conservative, socialist French government of President.
With the recent terrorist attack in Paris, France the government of France is under assault and threatened for collapse in part by the insurrection of the remnants of the Rothschilds, Frankists and the Bavarian Illuminati whose roots are controlled by the Jesuits in Rome.
- Then we looks at the mighty Imperialists, 18th century Great Britain which is seeking soon to exit from the European Union, with a referendum slated for this June, 2016.
Spanish Catalonia Cessation Movement Victory March
- To the north in Scotland is a movement to secede from Great Britain as cessation urges are spiraling all the way down to Catalonia is Spain.
- Over to Northern Italy and Sicily in the south, the cessation movements are wanting to split Italy into three regions.
- Then the Syrians are immigrating by the tens of thousands into the European Union because of the destruction of Damascus by the anti-Assad rebels who are now facing the wrath of Putin’s Russian-American wars against ISIS in Syria and Iraq.
The war mongering has now opened the eyes of the Europeans especially the Swedes of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel in Northern Europe. They were the first to open their doors to Muslim massive immigration a decade ago.
Today, the Swedish maidens are raped by Muslim immigrants now imbedded in their midst and now enemies who are now hosting and protecting the hostile underground ISIS trained forces seeking to extend the Sunni Islamic Caliphate of ISIS, over all Europe and topple the nations of Northern Europe.
The Kabbalist Jew, Christopher Columbus preparing to set sail to the New World
This was a feat that the Islamic hordes were denied when the Moslem warriors traversed over Northern Africa in the 8th century CE (711 CE). They crossed over Gibraltar and conquered Spain yet failed to penetrate into Northern and Central Europe.
The wall of protection for the European Lost Israelites against the Islamic hordes in that age was provided by the “The ‘Noble’ Visigothic Kingdom of Aquitaine and Hispania and Nazarien” that were part of the Germanic Lost Israelite tribes of the Ostrogoths, Visigoths and the Vandals. They with the Franks to the north protected and guarded the gateway into Europe through Spain. As such they protected also the land of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel who had populated Europe in Northern Gaul.
Yet the Nation of Spain was controlled by the Muslims during the height of the Umayyad Caliphate of Cordova and the Islamic Caliphate of Cordova witnessed its Golden Years with also its Jewish population until the Spanish forces of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella drove them out 700 years later.
This was followed weeks later with the expulsion of the Sephardic Jews from Spain on the 9th Av 1492, the eve of the Jewish Shabbat, the same day that the Kabbalist Jew, Christopher Columbus and his Jewish crew set sail on the Santa Maria, Pinta and the Nina heading towards “China” but instead discovered the New World.
They sailed away from the coastline of Spain, anchored and worshipped the Seventh day Shabbat as Jews, and then “sailed the ocean blue in 1492.”
- Then we notice the rampant escalation of anti-Semitism and neo-Nazi Europeans within the European Union, a phenomenon not seen since the early rise of Hitler’s Nazi’s Germany in the 1930’s.
- We have Bavaria wanting to split Germany in two, the home of the Bavarian Illuminati under the command of the Jesuit Jew, Adam Weishaupt, who with the monies of Amschel Mayer Rothschild, the founder of the Rothschild Banking Dynasty in the 17th century and the insurrectionists of Frankists under the control of Rabbi Jacob Frank whose agents took control of Scottish Masonry and from its loins rose the American Masonic Illuminati Revolution of 1776 and later the French Revolution.
- To the South in Africa, the rise in terrorism is exponentially driven by the Boko Haram, who are in alliance in part with ISIS, the al-Aqeda, Al-Shabaab and the Lord’s Resistance Army of Uganda.
- Then we traverse the Atlantic Ocean to the west into South America, the separatism and anti-establishment movements are escalating to record highs. This is especially true in Brazil where six different regions are wanting to secede into six different countries.
- In Canada to the north of America, we find secession movements in Newfoundland, Labrador, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Alberta and Manitoba, British Columbia and the Alaskan Yukan who live to the east of the Aleutian Straits. They are all seeking to split from Canada and form their own governments.
The Masonic American Revolution with Freemason President George Washington
Back to the United States, the land of America, “the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.”
- Today here are 30 of fifty states that have cessation movements to “partition” themselves into one or more states such as Northern and Southern California.
- There are upwards to eight states in the United States that have separatist movement and all are gaining political strength. This includes: Alaska, California, New Hampshire, Texas, Vermont and Hawaii plus a larger regional separatist movement in the Southern States called the Confederate States of America (CSA) that are calling all the southern states to secede from the United States. This Confederation includes the original states cited in the Confederate Constitution of South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas.
- Back to the Western States along the Pacific Northwest we learn of the Cascadia Independence Movement (CIM) that is seeking to carve out a new country from the western states of Washington, Oregon, Southeastern Alaska plus Northern California, Idaho, Western Montana, Wyoming, and the Yukon in Alaska.
States in America requesting Secession from the United States
If the Messiah has not come by the Jewish Fall Festivals in September 2016 (Jewish year of 5777), or is delayed by the Divine Will, by the next four years, 2020, the peoples of the world may see massive changes over the political landscape. The Mega-Trend of our world as we know it to be will be rearranged in no less dramatic fact than the 18th to the early 19th century during the international “Era of Nationalism.”
Nation states sprouted up all over the world. It began in the beginning in the eighteenth century with the colonialism of Great Britain and the British Empire and ended with the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia that was followed by the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in the Balkans.
The entire Middle East was rearranged as all the countries of the Middle East were created by the international creation of the British and the French Mandate, yet the Jewish people were the last to get their own nation (the Palestinians are not a national people).
The Islamic nations wanted only exclusionism. With the end of colonial Europe, the Jewish people, after the Shoah (Holocaust) gave rise to the Nation of Israel in 1948 and all the newly created Islamic nations at that time went into revolt. They lost and now the nations of Islam are internally imploding in disarray and externally being destroyed by Russia and America.
The Nation of Islam were only babes during the eras of the ancient imperial nations of the world. It came in the year 610 CE after when the Prophet Muhammad had his first revelation at the age of 40 and Muhammad and his followers began spreading the teachings of Islam throughout the Arabian Peninsula.
Yet, the national consciousness of the Islamic people were only new starts to the Jewish people whose national consciousness as the Children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel) began in the year of 1575 BCE with the inauguration of the “Nation of 12-Tribed Israel” by the Divine One of Israel at the mount called Sinai. This was 2,185 years earlier than the national consciousness of the children of Ishmael.
Look at the Persians today, a noble peoples, many of Jewish descent, whose ancestral legacy goes back to King Darius Nothus, the son of the Jewess Queen Esther who was married to the King of the Pasargadae Tribe of Gad of the House of Israel, King Cyrus the Great. It was Cyrus who liberated the Jewish people and sent them back home to Jerusalem where their noble and tribal legacy belonged; in the capital city of Jerusalem, once the largest imperial kingdom of the world, the United Kingdom of Kings David and Solomon.
Here the Jewish peoples were still a national people, a global fact that was instituted as the Nation of Israel at the mount called Sinai, in spite of being an oppressed people under the five world imperial powers; Pharaonic Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, Greece and Rome. Of all the nations and empires of the world, the Jewish people are the only tribal peoples of the world who have kept their:
- National identity, Jews;
- Their tribal culture, Jewish;
- Their religious identity, Judaism, their;
- National G-d, HaShem, the One-G-d of Israel;
- Their national language, the Holy Language of Hebrew, the purest of all languages, and their;
- Historical heritage and legacy that traces backwards to Adam and Eve in Gan Eden (Garden of Eden) 5,776 years ago.
Where today are the Ammonites? The Sumerians? The Chaldeans? The Moabites? How many people can trace their ancestry back to the Egyptian Pharaoh Ramses the Great? Look at the ancient Grecian Empire of Alexander the Great and realize that the Greeks were part of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel. Yet the great Grecian Empire (now Greece) is now a bankrupt nation in a precipitous decline into chaos and anarchy.
Where today are the Babylonians? The tyranny of Saddam Hussein, who saw himself as the Babylonian reincarnation of Nebuchadnezzar the Great was as legendary as the evil of the Babylonian tyrant.
Where are the Assyrians? The ruthless Imperial power of antiquity has been incarnated into the modern tyrant, the Syrian President Bashar Assad. He alone has slaughtered over 740,000 of the Syrian peoples including rebels fighting for their independence, as documented by the Syrian Center for Policy Research (SCPR).
Look at the Imperial might of the British Empire! Now realize that a New European Union if the International Globalists have their way with a New World Order; Great Britain will be carved up into many pieces and the Commonwealth of Great Britain will disappear.
Meanwhile the Nation of Israel is a thriving country blossoming in a world of husbandry, farming, political, spiritual, scientific, industrial, and technological ascendency. The Moetzes Gedolei haTorah (Council of Orthodox Torah Sages) are steering the Jewish people towards “The Light” which is slowly elevating, preparing the Jewish people and the returning Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel for a Spiritual Revolution of Messianic 4th Dimensional Consciousness as the “World to Come” continues to manifest itself in a higher dimensional field of messianic reality.
So we stand stunned today by the revelations of which we are now beholding as the world around us is imploding. Is it not astounding that almost every nation on Planet Earth is in the throes of having to adapt, accept the facts that dissent, revolt and secession against their “mother country” is the name of the game?
Every region of the world is affected by the ever increasing number of conflicts and movements that are growing more and more vocal. The expectations are that Scotland will pull itself out of the UK, the UK will pull itself out of the EU and Catalonia will split with Spain. In the United States, it is expected that some states will choose to secede from the United States by the year of 2020. This will rampantly increase the sovereign sector debt and create a political crisis with unfathomable results. All of it seems to be timed as though “Change” has come “right on cue.”
There is no doubt today, as almost everyone one in the world today, including all the archetypical 70 nations of the world have that indwelling feeling that something bigger is happening to our lives, on the equivalent of another “face to face” encounter with the Holy One of Israel, as occurred at the base of the mount called Sinai. As Rabbi Joel Bakst succinctly wrote in ‘Beyond Kabbalah, The Teachings that cannot be Taught: Preparing for the Messianic Era and Beyond.”
Rabbi Joel, Bakst – “The school of Talmudic Sage-Mystics was and continues to be based on a cosmological principle that subsumes there is a missing coordinate, a direction and a dimension to the entirety of existence, present and future. The missing fourth-coordinate or dimension (4-D) is at the root of every space-time event from the most cataclysmic universal and historical events to the excruciating minutiae of every human’s existence on a second to second basis. The concealed dimension of reality is what our tangible world is embedded within. The way of perceiving it allows you to add a fourth coordinate, a fourth direction and a fourth dimension to every person, place and thing…
This ability is one of the most profound and crucial gifts the advancing challenger can draw out from the field of higher-dimensional mathematics. A developing conscious awareness of the search for this hidden landscape is another fourth factor. When added to the formula of the three disciplines mentioned above – Talmudic methodology, Kabalistic axioms and New Science models – it can virtually guarantee an experiential shift into direct Torah consciousness and the ability to begin to “see your world in your lifetime.” …
The fundamental Torah belief that the sensory experience of our three directional reality is encompassed within a fourth dimension is not new or even “mystical”. The entirety of Torah, Kabbalah and the complete history and future of Jewish, as well a world existence, revolves around what is known in English as the Tetragrammaton (from the Greek meaning “four letters”). This is the four Hebrew letters, Y-H-V-H, which is universally known as the “name” of the G-d of Israel.
These four alphanumeric digits, however, are much more than a name. Rather they are notations for an equation – the underlying formula to the unified field of reality. Out entire reality is embedded within this higher-dimension, yet as modeled in the Matrix trilogy, “The world has been pulled over your eyes”. In a profound way, all of Torah and the mission of Israel are the legacy of the searching for and the reunification of the lost coordinate.
The Talmudic Sage-Mystics were comic navigators and they were acutely aware of the unseen 4th direction where we are headed within the higher-dimensional Adamic “body” of space-time. According to the long hidden secrets of esoteric Judaism, we know exactly where we are in the coordinates of the space-time “body” of the uber-ground of existence.
We are on the “edge”, more correctly a “lip” of something. Because of the properties of this higher-dimensional: lip”, some of the rules of the game (finish of the game and the rules of spiritual warfare are changing. What is occurring beneath the veneer of history (including all things up to this moment of time as you read these is bigger than we can envision. But what is even more astounding is that we will soon actually be able to concretely visualize it. And there is more. The vision will then become reality.
Not only is the world about to change but the bedrock of reality itself is about to transform in a manner that will turn our conception of ourselves on its head and will quite literally turn all us, down to the last molecule and sub-atomic particle, “inside out”. More correctly stated, all humanity, and history itself is poised to be turned back “outside in”. Reality, from one end of the creation to the other and from the beginning of time to the end, is turning its single surfaced “side” formats present “outside” to it new “inside”; the ever-revolving Four Doors of Torah Consciousness.”
There is a higher dimensional light that is beginning to permeate the space-time fabric of human consciousness. This Light is known as the Ohr HaGanuz – The Hidden Light – one of its many names and aspects.
This is also known as the Messianic Light which, more technically is the cerebral-spinal neural network of a formulation that the Jewish sage-mystics refer to as Metatron. It is this “Light of the Mind” that is increasing daily all around us and it allows us to go and teach these secrets of consciousness to be revealed. It is this Light that allows us to understand and internalize these ancient truths; it is this Light which allows us to teach which cannot be taught. It is this Light that allows the aspiring reader, if choosing to follow the Torah masters down through the inter-dimensional rabbit hole to begin to see fractal glimmering of the Light of “The Next World” while still in “This World.”
As we again look into the near future, it is time that we open our “spiritual eyes” and behold that the G-d of Israel is surrounding all of us living on planet earth with an ever-elevating higher dimensional Light. It will soon open the “flood gates of heaven” and flood Planet Earth with a higher dimensional veil of Torah consciousness. It matters not whether you are Jewish, secular, profane and agnostic, or a Lost Israelite who is returning home to Torah enlightenment, and yearning to become a part of the future higher dimensional messianic era. The Edenic world of Godliness will be here for you. All you have to do is open up your mind to the "Mind of G-d" for soon you will be able to take off those external garments, the "skins" that were placed on Adam and Eve for your soul will regain its primordial body as a "Light Being" as you become a part of that supernal creation called Adam and Eve, that were once “Light Beings” in Gan Eden when they made their grave mistake.
Now the world of history has returned full cycle. What was lost is now being found. What was found is now being reclaimed by the One G-d of Israel, restored bit by bit with the continuous mantle of spiritual enlightenment. You are a part of that “cycle of global restoration” and you will soon feel, if not now, the pangs of sorrow for your persistent rejection of the overpowering love of the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, laying out the welcome mat; “My child, welcome home to the faith of your forefathers.”
If you want to learn more, Contact “Kol Ha Tor Vision”, the Voice of the Turtledove. Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Vision to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United).
This super Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
At the time of the end the G-d of Israel will use all of His Chosen Ones of Israel to complete His divine destiny for Planet Earth. Most of these chosen ones will have no idea of their chosen destiny. They will become the prime actors in the final act of the “Drama of the Ages”. In that day when the Messiah of Israel does reveal himself, also will be revealed all those whose destiny were linked to that august moment in human history.
For inquiries about the Vilna Gaon's Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel,
Visit their Web Site
“Kol Ha Tor”,
They also offer – “a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel to their chosen destiny. For details refer to Shomron Lives!”
DISCLAIMER - Kol Ha Tor is an independent commentator and may or may not agree with the contents, the views, interpretations and opinions as expressed by the independent theological and/or political views of Destination Yisrael
Destination Yisrael scans the world for information that has relevance on the time of the end. It is our prayer that this will allow the believers in the Almighty One of Israel to “watch and be ready”. Our readiness has nothing to do trying to halt the progression of evil on our planet earth. In our readiness, we seek to be prepared for the coming of the Messiah of Israel so that goodness and evil will be manifested in its fullest.
Our preparation is a pathway of spiritual readiness for a world of peace. Our defender is the Metatron, the Lord of hosts. The time of the end suggests that the Eternal One of Israel’s intent is to close out this chapter of earth’s history so that the perpetrators of evil, those that seek power, greed and control, will be eliminated from this planet earth. The wars of the heavens are being played out on this planet earth and humans will live through it to testify of the might, power, justice and the love of the God of Israel.
In a world of corruption and disinformation, we cannot always know what the historical truth is and who is promoting evil or mis-information. We cannot guarantee our sources but we will always seek to portray trends that can be validated in the Torah, the testimony of the prophets of the Old and the New Testament, and the writings of Rabbi Eliyahu ben Shlomo ben Zalman (famed Vilna Gaon) called the “genius” in the 18th century, and his vision of the final redemption in his collection of writings highlighted in his supernal understanding of the Torah, the Prophets and Writings as outlined in the Kol Ha Tor.
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