Part Two: Shiloh as King Messiah (Melekh HaMaschiach)
The Nefesh Soul (bottom), the Ruach Soul (Middle) and the Neshama (Upper) Soul
The Three Greatest Questions we should all ask about ourselves:
“Who am I?”, “Why am I here?” and “Where am I going?”
The Five Levels of the Human Soul
First Level of the Human Soul: “The Nefesh” – The Soul of the Planetary World of Atoms
Second Level of the Human Soul: “The Ruach” – The Soul of the Human Spirit
Third Level of the Human Soul: “The Neshama” – The Soul of the Divine Breath of G-d
Fourth Level of the Human Soul: “The Chayah” – The Mystical Ecstasy
Fifth Level of the Human Soul - “The Yehidah” – The World of the Will that can ascend to the Throne of the Divine
We learned in the Part One of this series, titled, “Shiloh, the Neshama of the Neshama Soul of Moshe the Redeemer”, that the human soul came from the exalted region of the Throne of the Divine. This was in the supernal regions of the 7th heaven of G-d called the Ain Sof; the home of the Divine One.
This soul after being touched by the finger of the Divine, was then placed or incarnated into the life of a human. This led the sages of Judah to comprehend that our Nefesh soul was the lower soul and the Neshama soul was the higher soul and that it was the role of the Neshama Soul to teach the soul of the Nefesh.
Afterwards we read that the text of the following verse reveals that King Messiah was a special and exalted being that stood before the Presence of the Divine; His name was “Shiloh”.
“The Staff shall not depart from Judah [Yehuda],
Nor the scepter from between his (Judah’s) feet, until ‘Shiloh comes, and the obedience of the people be his.” - Bereshit 49:10
As we begin to perceive, this exalted being called Shiloh was to be the Redeemer. We realize that Moses was the Redeemer of the Children of Israel at the time of the Egyptian Exodus. Is it possible that Moshe (Moses) was resurrected and transformed into an exalted angelic being and thereby became a candidate to return and become “Moses the Redeemer of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel and the Lost Jews still in the Diasporic exile?”
Understandably, this would precipitate a Greater Exodus from around the world of the Lost Jews in the Diaspora and the Lost Ten tribes of the House of Israel. Is it they who King Messiah will lead back to populate the tribal homelands of the Lost Ten Tribes to the Land of Promise in Shomron and Judea?
So let us begin “learn about the five souls of the human being, living in a sea of atoms at the lower level of reality and learn how these five souls will one day be exalted to become truly the “Sons of G-d.
The First Level of the Human Soul is the nefesh, or the Soul of the Atomic World, the world of the atoms. This is the Soul of the Malkhut, the “Kingdom of G-d” on the Sefirot of G-d. This is the lowest level of reality, the physical world, which is called Assiyah, or the World of Action.
To the Hebrews, every particle of matter, whether it is a rock, plant, single-cell organisms and even every celestial body has a soul. It is occasionally called the “animal soul or body soul”. Humans link to this animal soul by what is known as human awareness, whether to themselves, to other people or to another animal or creature.
First Level of the Human Soul: “The Nefesh” – The Soul of the Planetary World of Atoms
Human Grief and the Unimaginable Sacrifice of Surrender as Classmates of Eight Yeshiva Students Slaughtered by an Islamic Terrorist cry out in grief while studying in their Yeshiva. This was their Nefesh Yehudi (Jewish soul)
The “Nefesh” is recognized to be the densest part of the soul, or the soul with the least energy. Yet, this is the part of the soul most humans identify with. This is the human soul that is connected with the physical world; our friends, our pets, our moments of adventures, our moments of grief and sorrow. This soul may relate to your special pet and out of this human and animal relationship is the source of great inspiration and hope. Maybe it is a boy with his dog, or the relationship of a young girl with her horse, or a mother with her pet cat that follows her everywhere in the house.
It is the observation and appreciation of the physical world of creation that points man the closest to the G-d of Creation. When most humans deal with thoughts of inspiration, it is usually in reference to a created object in the physical world; a serene lake, a gorgeous sunset, a majestic view from a mountain peak, an exquisite gemstone of great faceted brilliance or a beautiful lily in the garden. This is the bond and interaction in the human soul of “Nefesh”, or the interlinking of the Jewish in a combined mission, such as returning to the Land of Israel with a hundred other people called “Aliyah”.
I once read with fascination of a scientist who spent years watching and relating with ants. In fact, the great wisdom of King Solomon includes such pearls of wisdom as, “Go to the ant thou sluggard, consider her ways and be wise”. It is the observation and appreciation of the physical world of creation that points man the closest to the G-d of Creation. When most humans deal with thoughts of inspiration, it is usually in reference to a created object in the physical world; a serene lake, a gorgeous sunset, a majestic view from a mountain peak, an exquisite gemstone of great faceted brilliance or a beautiful lily in the garden. This is the bond and interaction in the human soul of nefesh.
It was the nefesh soul that was created in Adam that produced the one major responsibility of mankind; the guardianship of this earth. And the Lord caused all the animals to walk by Adam, he observed their ways and habits and named them in the same way Hebrews name humans, as a description of their personality or a description of a major event in their lives.
That some disparage the environmental “wackos” only to realize that though maybe single-minded, they are trying to remedy one of the great sins of human existence; the rape and destruction of the environment around us. The longevity of man is indelibly tied to the health of the planet in which he lives. The curse of nuclear proliferation and the toxic waste it has produced, is sobered by the fact that a large percentage of our earthquakes during the 50’s to the 80’s were a cause of nuclear testing.
The First Level of the Human Soul, “The Nefesh” as Jewish Immigrants from around the World arrive in Aliyah and as they become part of the collective Nefesh Yehudi (Jewish Soul)
Environmental preservation is one means of keeping the human “Nefesh” healthy. Though it is the least connected with the Infinite Divine Energy, it is the foundation or the kingdom of where all the soul levels begin. The “Nefesh”, like the “Sefirot”, is grounded in the “Malkhut”, or Kingdom which is literally our physical earth.
This is where the human soul called the “Nefesh” soul includes the entire “World of Animal Beings”, the “World of Man’s Physical Body” and the Physical World we live in. This includes all the biological and anabolic processes which human process within their own being, plus the cyclical and monitoring systems that include man’s ego, central nervous system, and autonomic nervous system. It also includes the skeletal system, skin, the sense organs plus the vitamins, minerals and the elements that compose all living beings, rocks, minerals, flowers, trees, animals, birds, fish and plant food. Without this grounding, the Sefirot is incomplete.
Is it any wonder that the basis for Hebrew thought is bound up in the concepts of the “Land”. The redemption of the House of Israel and the House of Judah is indelibly tied to the redemption of the “Land of Israel”. In its fullest there is the necessity of creating “Sacred Ground” or “Holy Ground” where “Messiah” as the manifestation of the One G’d of Israel can dwell with mankind in the “World to Come.” Before G-d comes down to this earth, a piece of this planet must be made holy. Over and over, in the prophets, the L-rd of Hosts identifies this site as Jerusalem.
The First Level of the Human Soul is the nefesh, or the Soul of the Atomic World, the world of the atoms. This is the Soul of the Malkhut, the “Kingdom of G-d” on the Sefirot of G-d. This is the lowest level of reality, the physical world, which is called Assiyah, or the World of Action.
To the Hebrews, every particle of matter, whether it is a rock, plant, single-cell organisms and even every celestial body has a soul. It is occasionally called the “animal soul or body soul”. Humans link to this animal soul by what is known as human awareness, whether to themselves or to another animal or creature.
The nefesh is recognized to be the densest part of the soul, or the soul of least energy. Yet, this is the part of the soul most humans identify with. This is the human soul that is connected with the physical world; our friends, our pets, our moments of adventures, our moments of grief and sorrow. This soul may relate to your special pet and out of this human and animal relationship is the source of great inspiration and hope. Maybe it is a boy with his dog, or the relationship of a young girl with her horse, or a mother with her pet cat that followers her everywhere in the house.
I once read with fascination of a scientist who spent years watching and relating with ants. In fact, the great wisdom of King Solomon includes such pearls of wisdom as, “Go to the ant thou sluggard, consider her ways and be wise”. It is the observation and appreciation of the physical world of creation that points man the closest to the G-d of Creation. When most humans deal with thoughts of inspiration, it is usually in reference to a created object in the physical world; a serene lake, a gorgeous sunset, a majestic view from a mountain peak, an exquisite gemstone of great faceted brilliance or a beautiful lily in the garden. This is the bond and interaction in the human soul of nefesh.
It was the nefesh soul that was created in Adam that produced the one major responsibility of mankind; the guardianship of this earth. And the Lord caused all the animals to walk by Adam, he observed their ways and habits and named them in the same way Hebrews name humans, as a description of their personality or a description of a major event in their lives.
That some disparage the environmental “wackos” only to realize that though maybe single-minded, they are trying to remedy one of the great sins of human existence; the rape and destruction of the environment around us. The longevity of man is indelibly tied to the health of the planet in which he lives. The curse of nuclear proliferation and the toxic waste it has produced, is sobered by the fact that a large percentage of our earthquakes during the 50’s to the 80’s were a cause of nuclear testing.
When the final cataclysms at the end of times, as preserved in the Essene-Nazarene Sefer called “Revelation”, we witness in the sixth seal and the seventh trumpet of the seventh seal making its catastrophic toll upon this earth. It appears that the sites with the greatest potential for cataclysmic destruction in the continental North America, will be at the sites where nuclear waste is being deposited into the earth; from the erupting inferno at Yellowstone westward to the dormant volcanos in the Pacific Northwest.
The concept of the “living planet” or Gaia, espoused especially by the New Age does have its roots in the nefesh, the notion that the material earth has a soul. The sad testimony is that most New Agers believe that this is the ultimate soul of existence. Once again, their idea is right, but their philosophical foundation is the reverse of the Hebrew reality. They are at the wrong end of the Sefirot of G-d.
The Bonding of a Human with their Pet
Environmental preservation is one means of keeping the human nefesh healthy. Though it is the least connected with the Infinite Divine Energy, it is the foundation or the kingdom of where all the soul levels begin. The nefesh, like the Sefirot, is grounded in the Malkhut, or Kingdom. Without this grounding, the Sefirot is incomplete.
Is it any wonder that the basis for Hebrew thought is bound up in the concepts of the “land”. The redemption of the House of Israel and the House of Judah is indelibly tied to the redemption of the Land of Israel and the necessity of creating “sacred ground” or “holy ground”. Before G-d comes down to this earth, a piece of this planet must be made holy. Over and over, in the prophets, the Lord of Hosts identifies this site as Jerusalem.
For Moses to speak directly with G-d, he had to recognize the Shekinah that was consuming a “burning bush” in the Midian wilderness, and that piece of ground was holy. Why? This place was made holy because the “Angel of G-d, was residing in that “burning bush” and now the manifestation of the Spirit of YHVH G-d, touched down at that place. Before the Torah could be given to Moses, the Mount called Sinai had to be made holy and consecrated to the Lord. Why?
As we shall soon read, the “Angel of G-d” came down earlier just to Moshe (Moses) when HaShem touched down His Sefirot upon that mount. Many years later after Moses was gone, before Joshua could speak with the “Angel of the L-rd” called the “Captain of the L-rd’s Hosts”, he took off his shoes, for the ground at Gilgal was holy. Why, because the “Angel of G-d” stated that this was “Holy Ground.” (Joshua 5:15)
At this power strategy meeting, this “Angel before the Face of G-d” was now manifested as the “Captain of the Lord’s Hosts.”
Here on the land surrounding this sacred ground called Gilgal, the Israelites lived fourteen years. When they followed the Angel of the Lord, they were victorious and drove out the inhabitants of the land. When they followed their own desires and revenge, they met defeat. Then there came the Day of Dedication.
Two large monuments were erected. Joshua, the general of the Hebrews, stood before His people. He spelled out the conditions of the Lord to inhabit the land and with his final admonition, he said, “If the HaShem be G-d, follow Him….As for me and my house, we will serve the HaShem.”
Second Level of the Human Soul: “The Ruach” – The Soul of the Human Spirit
The Second Level of the Human Soul – The Ruach
The Second Level of the Human Soul from the bottom is the “Ruach”, or the Soul of the World of Formation, Beriyah. Now, “Ruach” means “wind’ or “spirit”. In humans the “Ruach” relates to speech and emotions, and forms a vital part of our consciousness and the language that flows through our five senses. As such, “Ruach” is more closely associated with emotional awareness.
The “spirituality” of man is grounded in the “Ruach” soul level. When a rabbi presents a very powerful sermon that touches your heart and brings tears to your eyes that is the Spirit, called “Ruach”. When you look at a piece of art by a Master Artist and emotions flow through your soul, that is the Spirit called the “Ruach”. When you watch your son overwhelmed by a glance from his girlfriend that is the Spirit called Ruach.
Love on this level is more real and longer lasting because it identifies directly with your emotions. When you sit at your computer and compose a passage that in your eyes is profound and mystical, tears will swell up in your eyes and you know that this is the Spirit called the “Ruach”.
When the “Ruach” energy level is raised to its highest elevation, we achieve a level of awareness elevated and intense called “Ruach-Ha-Kodesh”, literally called the Holy Spirit. It is a transcendent state that exceeds any form of ordinary awareness.
Within this state of “Ruach-Ha-Kodesh”, we dwell in other dimensions of reality that is outside of our emotions and senses. Out of it we gain a clarity in our mission and sense of how our life is to unfold. All the biblical prophets had “Ruach-Ha-Kodesh”. Rabbis throughout the centuries have achieved the “Ruach-Ha-Kodesh”. This is the level of prophecy and intense contemplative works by the rabbis and spiritual leaders throughout the ages.
The question then arises. If the Daat is the level of the veil which opens and gives us knowledge (prophecy) and the essence of divine mission, what happens on the Beriyah level of the World of Formation?
Re-examine the Sefirot model. When the L-rd of Host acts He descends from the top and comes down to us. The first descent is at the level of the Daat. The Veil that covers the manifestations of the Spirit G-d called HaShem, the veil opens up and reveals those emanations that G-d in His Divine Wisdom chooses.
When a man of G-d acts, he ascends from the bottom up. His first level of ascent is at the Beriyah, the level of human and spiritual emotions. In other words, G-d meets us step by step in our ascent to Him.
The Third Level of the Human Soul is “The Neshama”: the Soul of the World of Creation: Beriyah.
Neshama, Experiencing Connection with the Divine
This is Third Human Soul, from the human body at the bottom and coming up, is also the Third Realm of Reality, coming from G-d the Father down, puts us into the World of Creation. As noted above, this is the world of the angelic hosts, the Archangels, the Cherubim, and all the spirit beings.
This Human “Neshama”, called the “Breath of G-d” is placed within a human life at birth. At that time, this babe becomes a human soul.
We must now remember that the Neshama Soul of man has two parts: the “Lower Neshama” that lives within the body of man and the “Upper Neshama” residing in the rarified Hand of the Holy One of Israel in 7th Heaven upon the Throne of the Divine.
The “First Neshama” is placed in the receptacle of man and is called the “Spirit of Man”. The second of the “Two Neshamas”, remains in the realms above to communicate with the “Spirit of Man” below. In other words, we have our own direct connection with the Divine One at the World of the Divine.
By the same intuitive thinking, the “breath” (neshama) given by G-d to Adam and the Spirit of man (neshama) were the same. Here we remind ourselves of the introduction text for this study.
Zechariah 12:1 - “I am He that formeth or instills the Spirit of man that is placed within him.”
It is on the Level of the Angelic World, in the “spirit world” that the “Spirit of man” and the “Breath of G-d” meet face to face. According to Rabbi Cooper,
Rabbi David Cooper - “It is the defining quality of human consciousness.”
Concerning the “Neshama of the Neshama of Moshe Rabbeinu (Moses our Teacher), it was earlier identified as the “Angel of HaShem”. It was he who met with Moses at the flaming burning bush was identified in the Targum Jonathan, written by Rabbi Jonathan Ben Uziel, mentioned in the Talmud (Sukkah 28a) who also was one of the 80 tannaim that studied under the famed Nasi of the Great Sanhedrin in Jerusalem, Rabbi Hillel the Elder.
It was Ben Uziel who identified the Angel of HaShem as “Zag” (translation of angel names are not allowed!) who we will see later is one of the most exalted of the angelic ministers who resides in the 7th Heaven of the 4 Universes of G-d and known as the “Prince of the Torah”.
It was the Gaon (Genius) of Vilna, Rabbi Eliyahu ben Shlomo Zalman who made a profound revelation in his Sefer Yetzirah (1.1, ofan 3, 3a) when he wrote concerning how man is related to his Neshama soul:
Vilna Gaon – “The Neshama soul is the mind [of a man] that teaches him knowledge. It is a man’s mazal (guiding destiny) and his angel (spiritual minister), as is known. [The Neshama soul] exists in Heaven and [only] sparks [of it] descend to a man to guide him and to enlighten him.”
Here we see the Gaon is telling us that one’s angelic maggid (teacher) or spiritual guide is truly his own higher Neshama soul, the “Neshama of the Neshama”. In relationship with Moses, the highest angelic minister in the courts of heaven, Zag, was Moses’ spiritual minister in Heaven, who also was Moses’ Neshama of his Neshama.
Even more profound was the fact that Moses’ higher self, or his Neshama of his Neshama was actually Mashiach, the one who is called Melekh HaMaschiach or the future “King Messiah”.
Pondering these amazing thoughts, we begin to comprehend that Melekh HaMashiach is an angel. Yet, we ask, what then is an angel? According to the Hebrew concepts of the heavenly ministers of HaShem, and “angel” was created a little lower than the “Neshamot” of man.
As such, we ponder further with our highest expectations, for his “angel” that was the Neshama of Neshama to be also the “guiding angel” of Moshe Rabbeinu, he must truly be an exalted heavenly angelic being who also was the one called the “Prince of the Torah” or the exalted angelic minister called the Sar HaPanim called the “Angel of the Presence [of G-d) who also was called Hanokh (Enoch) or Mem Tet.
In the biblical lore of the ancient Hebrews, we read of one human who was so close to HaShem, especially when in the rebellions of the universe one group of created citizens of another planet that were called the Annunaki as the “Watchers” in Genesis and the Book of Enoch as reported in the BibleSearchers article titled, “The Hebrew Watchers and Giants as the Annunaki and Nephilim of Old.”
Genesis 6:1-4 – “Now it came to pass, when man began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of G-d saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose…There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of G-d came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.”
This strange insight into the world of the heavens and the role of the evil that has occurred there has been portrayed in stark detail with the account in the Jewish Book of Enoch, which was a revered book with the Essene Jews whose leading mentor was Menahem the Essene the Beit Av Din of the Great Sanhedrin in Jerusalem under the leading Nasi of that day, Rabbi Hillel the Great.
We then have to consider that there were more manuscript pieces of the preserved Essene scrolls at Qumran at the Dead Sea than any book of the Old Testament. Here we read of a group of angels, created in the world of the spirit, who were sent down to this Planet Earth, with a special mission, to instruct the sons of Adam on the ways of producing a social order and civilization. While here they defiled the Holy One of Israel and lusted and then cross-bred their genetics with the daughters of the children of Adam.
Book of Enoch 7:1-15 (parts) – “It happened after the sons of men had multiplied in those days, that daughters were born to them, elegant and beautiful (Genesis 6:1-4).
And when the angels, the sons of heaven, beheld them, they became enamored of them saying to each other: ‘Come, let us select for ourselves wives from the progeny of men, and let us beget children’.
Then their leader Samyaza said to them: I fear that you may perhaps be indisposed to the performance of this enterprise; and that I alone shall suffer for so grievous a crime. But they answered him and said: ‘We shall swear; and bind ourselves by mutual execrations, that our intention, but execute our projected undertaking.
Then they swore together, and all bound themselves by mutual execrations. Their whole number was two hundred, who descended upon Aridis, which is the top of Mount Armon (Hermon on the borders of Northern Israel, Lebanon and Syria). These are the names of their chiefs: Samyaza, who was their leader, Urakabarameel, Akibeel, Tamiel, Ramuel, Danel, Azkeel, Azkeel, Sarakuyal Asael, Armers, Batrall, Anane, Zavebe, Samsaveel, Ertael, Turel, Yomyael, and Arazyal. These were the prefects of the two hundred angels, and the remainder were all of them.
Then they took wives, each choosing for himself: whom they began to approach, and with whom they cohabited; teaching them sorcery, incantation, and the dividing of roots and trees. And they conceiving brought forth giants (Genesis 6:4-6); whose stature was each three hundred cubits (?).
These devoured all which the labor of men produced, until it became impossible to feel them; when they turned themselves against men, in order to devour them (cannibalize); and began to injure birds, beasts, reptiles, and fishes, to eat their flesh one after another, and to drink their blood (Matthew 24:37-39). Then the earth reproved the unrighteous.”
This story as revealed in the manuscripts at Qumran was documented in the BibleSearcher’s Reflections article titled, “The Lost Book of the Giants”- their Story and their Judgment” and the role that Enoch played in their defense before the Heavenly Court of the 7th Heaven.
According to the Sages of Judah, Mem Tet is the chief Archangel in heaven called the “Angel of the Presence (of G-d)” that is above both Michael and Gabriel, the leading 7 Holy Archangels in heaven. Mem Tet’s special name is the same as the Name of his Master, HaShem, the G-d of Israel, who like the G-d of Israel has seventy names of which one of these names is “Zag”.
These facts were confirmed by Rabbi Haim Vital (Rabbi Hayyim ben Joseph Vital of Safed, the foremost disciples of Rabbi Isaac Luria, the Master of Jewish Kabbalah as written in his Likutei Torah (Vilna 19a):
Rabbi Haim Vital – “Enoch was on a higher level than Moshe for he was his teacher. He was the angel Zag…for he achieved the Hayah (Chayah, the Mystical Ecstasy of the 4th soul of man) called the Hokhma soul.
In the Zohar, the most prominent mystical text of Judaism, the Sefer Zohar describes the neshama as follows:
Sefer Zohar - “The nefesh and the ruach intertwine together, while the neshama resides in a person’s character. This is an abode, which cannot be discovered or located. Should a person strive towards purity in life, he or she is aided by a holy Neshama. But should the person not strive for righteousness and purity of life, this person is animated only by two grades; nefesh (animal soul) and ruach (animal spirit).” (Zohar 1:62b)
All people have the power to develop the neshama level. As stated by Rebbi Cooper;
Rabbi David Cooper - “From the spiritual perspective, our lives are fired by conscious action (fuel) and clean living (oxygen). We need a good mix of the two to get the temperature high enough to vitalize our higher soul potential. Once this is accomplished, we have access to expended realms of awareness.” (Ibid 98)
It is assumed that the real purpose of human achievement is to live holy lives and to ‘parent’ the lofty achievement of neshama, the spirit of man/G-d. According to the Zohar, after the ruach, or spirit, ‘a superior grade that dominates the others, the neshama, takes up its abode, and the person becomes worthy of the world to come. Nefesh cannot exist without the help of ruach, and ruach in turn is sustained by neshama. The three form a unity.” (Ibid, 1:206a) So we have this equation:
Body or Animal Awareness --> Emotional Awareness --> Spiritual Awareness --> Mystical States and Visions --> Glorified State (Translation)
Book of Splendor - “The neshama (spirit) emanates from an elevated source, while the ruach (spirit of man) emanates from a somewhat lower origin. When these two sources unite, they shine with a celestial light and are called the ‘lamp.’ As stated in Proverbs, “The ‘Lamp of G-d’ is the neshama of humankind.” (Zohar II:99b on Proverbs 20:27)
This union is a vital act of creation. It is at the Neshama level that human life becomes complete. It is at the Neshama level that G-d breathed into Adam, the breath of life, and Adam became a living soul. It is the part of the human soul that connects with the Divine Source of Life. To the Hebrews, the neshama is pure in its essence and will never become blemished. When we die, this is the soul, neshama that immediately returns back to its Divine Author.
The Fourth Level of the Human Soul – Chayah, the Mystical Ecstacy
Chayah, the Mystical Experience of Walking on Spiritual Emanations of G-dly Oneness
The Fourth Level of the Human Soul is the chayah, the world of emanation. This is a living essence that is so ethereal and other worldly that it has virtually no connection with our body. A person in chayah, must enter altered states of existence. These are the rare moments; one experiences the feelings of “oceanic unity” or the “bright light of pure oneness”.
Chayah is the overwhelming experience of coming into the presence of the Divine and becoming overwhelmed by His Presence. A person experiencing chayah, while living in this life, the physical processes of living are stopped at this moment while this person is in that ascendant state.
This may include the holding of a 15 pound Bible for thirty minutes in an outstretched arm, cessation of breathing, loss of physical sensations such as pain, lack of ‘normal’ human emotions, and no sign of human reasoning or the continuing the process of intellect or rational understanding. It is the rare “holy one” who is able to achieve this mystical state.
The Fifth Level of the Human Soul – Yehidah, the World of Will
The Human Will of Yehidah, connected with the Source of Awareness as a “Total Unity with the Divine”
The Fifth Level of the Human Soul is Yehidah, the world of will. It is called the soul level most connected with the Source of awareness and as such it is total “unity”. “Some would say that this is the aspect of the soul that is hardwired directly into the essence of the Divine. It is not ‘with’ us, but we are never apart from it.
On this level, duality dissolves. That means, we cannot recognize our personhood as separate from the Creator. It is far too subtle to be recognized by human consciousness, yet according to Cooper, “Yehidah is our:
Rabbi David Cooper - “ultimate link with G-d-ing, the part of us that can never be separated from G-d. On this existence, ‘when all else fails, the awareness of our Yehidah endowment may be sufficient to carry us through our more difficult times, for it is the aspect of each person eternally connected with perfection.” (Cooper, p.99)
To the Eastern mind, this oneness with the Divine has a much easier reception. In our Western mindset of individuality, autonomy, and personal rights, we now face a major roadblock. Ask most American teenagers, are you ready to come into oneness with G-d, lose your individuality, autonomy and personal rights and become a servant or slave to the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? They would look at you in amazement, are you out of your mind! The farther up the levels of the soul, the more resistant and uncomfortable a westerner would become. What a trap we are in.
The Dimensional Veil that must be Opened before a Human is Permitted to the World of Yehidah
Well at the Time of the End, after the Sixth Seal, in the Ultra-Orthodox traditions of the Essenes, the disciples of Menahem the Essene, the Beit Av Din during the reign of the Jewish Nasi in the Great Sanhedrin, Hillel the Great, through the legacy of the Essene-Nazoreans in the Sefer called “Revelation” we witness in print the testimony of the 144,000 standing near to the Throne of G-d. . The Great Multitude beyond were standing on a Sapphire “Sea of Glass”.
Can you perceive the harmonic convergence as the music swells around the throne of G-d? The sea of glass has a great multitude with swells of anthems and praising, singing the “Song of Moses”. The 144,000 are singing a “New Song”, which no one else will be able to learn or sing. These saints are in “Yehidah”.This apparently is also the glorified state in which we will be transformed in a moment, in the twinkling of the eye. Are you ready for this experience?
By now, we begin to comprehend that there is a unity in all that the One-G-d of Israel does in His creation, the governance of all His universes, and the other worlds within these universes. It will continue until this Planet Earth disappears and the Era of the “Great Shabbat” begins thousands of years into our future.
While we have studied about the Five Concentric Universes of the Reality created by the G-d of Israel, from the hints given to us by the great tzaddikim, sages of Judah, there is a growing interest as the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel are awakening to their new identity. It is now peaking their interest as to who is this “Exalted Being” called “Shiloh” and translated as Melekh HaMaschiach (King Messiah) who will rule Planet Earth in the Kingdom of G-d on Planet Earth begins to be revealed in its fullest and most elevated reality.
If you have wondered how biblical prophecy fits into your life, and how it will affect the Return of the House of Israel, then the G-d of Israel is beginning his “call” to bring you home, too. You might desire to reconnect with the Biblical portrayals on what is and may be happening in your near future. This Biblical portrayal includes Prophecies that the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel are about to return to the Land of their Biblical Inheritance. This is Divine Destiny in living reality as the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel return to their Homelands first in Shomron (Samaria), Israel.
For inquiries about the Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel,
Visit their Web Site “Kol Ha Tor”,
They also offer – “a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel to their chosen destiny. For details refer to Shomron Lives!”,
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