Part One – Shiloh as King Messiah (Melekh HaMaschiach)
The Sefirot of the Divine according to Rabbi Isaac Halevi Luria, known as “Ari (Ashkenazi Rabbi Isaac),” the holy lion and the single most influential sage of medieval Jewish mysticism (1534-1572 CE):Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi, kabbalah – Tradition of hidden knowledge, Thames and Hudson, 1979
“The Staff shall not depart from Judah [Yehuda],
Nor the scepter from between his feet, until ‘Shiloh comes, and the obedience of the people be his.” - Bereshit 49:10
The Patriarch Jacob [Ya’aqov Avinu] was nearing the end of his life. There on the side of his deathbed he begins to talk with each of his twelve sons, giving them some inside truths about who they were according to the “Name” which was given to them, why they were here (meaning of the “Name”) and where the prophetic destiny of their descendants would be at the “time of the End”.
With his son, Yehudah [Judah], Jacob made a reference to Shiloh, but did not specify what he actually meant except the ruling legal judiciary would be in the hands of the Jews, called the Mechoquek, would continue until the era of the Messiah (Maschiach) would begin.
We give credit to the following profound thoughts and meanings to the 2001 article, written two Sabbatical Week of Years ago, titled, “Identifying Shiloh, the Secret Soul of the Mashiah”, by Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok
Onkelos was a Roman nobleman who converted to Judaism in the Tannaic time [35-120 CE]. He was recognized in the Talmud as the author of the famous Targum Onkelos (c.119 CE), which in the Midrash Rabbah (Rabbah meaning great) included a series of commentaries and exegesis of texts in the TaNaKh. They included homiletic stories such as were taught by the Chazal (Rabbinic Jewish sages in the post temple era. This included Rashi, Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki, one of the leading Biblical commentators of the Middle Ages, living in Troyes, France from 1040 to 1105 CE. They all agreed that “Shiloh” is the future Maschiach ben Dovid (Messiah son of David).
Imbedded in the core beliefs of Judaism as well as the Thirteen Principles of the Jewish faith is the about the future age of the Messiah, when it will arrive and its profound meaning to mankind all over the face of Planet Earth.
Even the concept of the messiah is imbedded closely in the core beliefs of Islam with the arrival of “The Mahdi” and in Christianity where Roman apostasy and the “reformed beliefs” of the protesting reformation of the Protestants hijacked the core of the Brit Hadassah which was not a “New Covenant” but a “Renewed Covenant” of the Original Covenant at the mount called Sinai. This was where it was time to return to the foundation of Nation of Israel, the 12-tribes of the Children of Israel at Sinai, that there was One G-d and Him only we should worship.
It was Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon (RaMBaM), the famous Jewish physician, Maimonides, in Cordova, Spain who in writing in his Hilkhot Melakhim concerning of the messiah that these were his own opinions and was not the only pathway of understanding the profound and august studies on the Maschiach of the future.
Even this brilliant physician in Cordoba, Spain in writing concerning the Messiah (Maschiach) in his Mishneh Torah under the section called the Hilkhot Melakhim [ ] stated that these were his opinions and the subject was much broader than what he was willing to reveal.
According to the Sephardi Mekubalim (mystics), the end of the age will come at a time that only G-d knows and wills. It will come cloaked with a harsh reality that will affect all mankind. This model is called the B’ito model that will come with wrapped with harsh and catastrophic End of Times scenarios.
The B’ito model includes worldwide catastrophes that will affect predominately the gentile world and the Jews that refuse to return to the Land of Israel (aliyah). The B’ito model also includes also the great fight between the forces of evil by Gog and the world-wide coalition forces with the “Land of Magog” (America) that will come against Israel.
Out of this, the 3rd GogUMagog battle, those who do not escape from Jerusalem during the catastrophic earthquake of Zechariah 13 where the Gihon River will erupt from the base of the Mount of the Temple, 2/3rd of these Jewish people in Jerusalem will be killed and a 1/3rd will be tried in the “fires of Hashem (G-d of Israel)”.
When it came time for Jacob to tell his sons what would happen at the time of the end and when the “era of the Maschiach” would begin, his mouth was sealed shut by the
G-d of Israel about what future his sons, their descendants and their progeny would have to live and endure. It would be some time far into the future when the 5,000th year of the Gentile age would be over and when the 6000th year called the “Era of the Messiah” will be fully revealed.
It was the Ba’al HaTurim, Rabbi Yaakov ben Raash, who was born in region of the 13th c. Cologne, Germany and died in the 14th c. while living in Cordoba, Spain. During this era, he wrote theArba'ah Turim, one of the most important halachic books of all times. It was the Ba’al HaTurim who wrote that the Gematria (numerical value of the name) of Shiloh was the same as Moses (Moshe Rabbeinu).
It took the work of the 17th century Master Mekubal Rabbi Haim Vital who wrote in his Sha’ar HaPesukim (Veydhi 20B) the following:
Master Mekubal Rabbi Haim Vital – “It has already been referred to in the Zohar (1,25B), Ra’aya Mehemna (Pinhas 246B, and the Tikunum (21,52B) that [the name] Shiloh is numerically equal to [the name] Moshe, for it is he who is Mashiah Ben David... Now, regarding Mashiah Ben David, it is written “Behold, my servant shall be enlightened, he shall be extolled and exalted, and be elevated immensely” (Yishaya 52, 13). [He shall be] “extolled” more than Avraham (Abraham), “exalted” more than Yitzhak (Isaac), “elevated” more than Ya’aqov (Jacob) and “immensely” more than Moshe (Moses).”
This is how HaRav Ariel Bar Tzadok explains the relationships:
The Sefirot of the Divine according to Rabbi Isaac Halevi Luria, known as “Ari (Ashkenazi Rabbi Isaac),” the holy lion and the single most influential sage of medieval Jewish
mysticism (1534-1572 CE): Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi, kabbalah – Tradition of hidden knowledge, Thames and Hudson, 1979
HaRav Ariel Bar Tzadok – “This is the explanation, Mashiah Ben David will merit the “Neshama of the Neshama”, that which not even Moshe merited to receive. We thus find that the first shepherd, Moshe, he himself will be the final shepherd, even as our Sages have referred to in the Midrash. Therefore “Shiloh,” who is the Mashiah and Moshe, add up to an equal numerical value. For they are one, [the only difference] is that the Mashiah is the Neshama of the Neshama of Moshe (Soul of Moses).”
This is not totally strange, for Moshe (Moses) and “Maschiach” (Messiah) always had a mystical relationship where the “first messiah” for the Israelites (Children of Israel) during the Great Exodus out of Egypt was Moses. So it is not improbable that Moshe Rabbeinu (Moses the Teacher) could also return and be the last messiah for Klal Yisrael (All Israel).
This will only come when we as the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel are willing against all odds to ally ourselves with the Jews in Israel and around the world as one people again. The Lost Israelites may also be “Jews” who may also have genetic bloodlines also to the House of Judah, that may not be complete where every maternal lineage is pure Jewish (genetic lineage or conversion).
Or this will come when every Davidian who has a pure paternal ancestor to the genetic dynastic lineage of the Princes of Kings David and Solomon and is recognized as pure Davidian of the authorized lineages of Kings David and Solomon. Yet, we protest, how do we know whether our genetic lineages back 70 generations to the era of the destruction of the Second Temple of King Herod in 70 CE are correct?
Is it possible to accept that the G-d of Israel was instrumental in the Creation of the United States of America? Was it of Divine intent that the G-d of Israel was instrumental in the foundational mission of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America to create a nation called the “New Israel” and became the creation of the “13 Original Colonies”?
Are we willing to accept that they not represent the genetic “Twelve Tribes of Israel” by the Patriarch Judah, son of Isaac and the grandson of Abraham, who in his last days, made his final blessing upon two sons of Joseph, the vizier of Egypt and gave us the original “13th colony” that was also in the Land of Manasseh today, was located along the seaboard of the United States of America?
For decades, Americans have been singing one of their own native born beloved folk anthems called “This Land is your Land” by Woodie Guthrie. As America is devolving into its demoralized, decadent post imperial “end of days” just like the Roman Empire did 2,000 years ago, we sang the following words:
“This land is your land, this land is my land
From California to the New York Island
From the red wood forest to the Gulf Stream waters
This land was made for you and Me.”
Yet, today we now sing these words:
“This land is-not your land, this land is-not my land
From California to the New York Island
From the red wood forest to the Gulf Stream waters
This land is-not made for you and Me.”
And so also, as Americans stand erect before “Old Glory” with the right hand over the heart, while they chant in unison, “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”, we realize that we no longer have One Nation but a fragmenting nation, a nation that is becoming more and more divisible as Sharia Law is being implemented into the matrix of the governing laws of the nation. The Constitution of the United States becomes no longer the foundation of the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court justices today bow to the international courts of Justice including the Islamic courts who do not believe that there is such a thing as, “One Nation under G-d.”
We witness Imperial America who now seeks to control the whole world while destroying within its own foundations of integrity, excellence, and moral justice. So also we witness the continuation of the cycles of nations rising and falling as they have over the past imperial ages. What they do not realized, there is no other imperial nation that will ascend to rule the world except for the installation of the planetary empire of HaShem’s Kingdom of G-d on Planet Earth that will be ruled by Melekh HaMaschiach (King Messiah).
First when we consider what “Heaven” is like to the Tzaddiks and Sages of the world of Torah Observant Judaism. We have to be willing to enter into a life of complete nullification of our own being, our desires, our personal interests, our independence, and our autonomy.
This is opposed to the willing mental preparation that we as G-d’s own people, the Jews of the House of Judah and the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel are destined to be transformed in the near future to the elevated state of spiritual consciousness G-d has promised to give us as in the future “Era of the Messiah”.
This also includes that in that era that we will ascend towards the rarified heights of the Atzilut, the “World of the Divine” and “G-d consciousness.” To get there we will be transformed and go through five concentric worlds of reality. The “Five Concentric Worlds of Reality” are in essence related to the “Four Universes of G-d’s Creation” minus the comprehension of HaShem’s home in the Hidden House of Ain Sof.
Even today, there are Tzaddiks, the righteous Sages of Israel who have ascended to the “World of the Creation”, Atzilut, and witness the World of the Divine through the emanation of the Holy Spirit. Here they witness the World of the Angelic and Spirit Beings.
Let us not kid ourselves; this is a profound experience and one that is not achieved by wishing or demanding. Through the pathways of the human soul, Adam could understand and visualize the cosmic worlds of the angelic beings and the World of the Divine. As the revered and esteemed rabbis have testified, “Adam could see the universe from one end to another: Across the Universe and Up and Down the Universe.”
This visualization could have been in a stated of visions, dreams, and the mystical and spiritual ascendancy of the human mind assisted by the “Spirit of G-d”. As the Almighty One of Israel said to Zechariah, “When you call upon me, I will answer.”
So the State of Israel stands today in an existential quandary. It is not complete. The Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel are only beginning to accept their own identity and have not come to their full reality that they are tribal cousin to the Jewish people.
Yet the “footsteps of the Messiah” that once sounded like a tiptoe through the forest is now escalating into the drum beats of redemption. But the G-d of Israel remains hidden, so that we all will have to beg the G-d of Israel to accept us home in the land of our forefathers in Shomron and Judah and the Eastern side of the Jordan River.
It appears that it is time to consider that we must begin, Jews and Lost Israelites to accept the concept that “We are One”; sons and daughters of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
If we want redemption, and become a part of the “World to Come” then collectively, we will, as one family, call upon the G-d of Israel to save us, redeem us and restore us to the “family of G-d. As such, the Jews of the House of Judah will activate their “Nefesh Yehudi” (Jewish Souls) and link them with the “Nefesh Israeli” (Israelite Souls) of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel.
To understand this spiritual phenomenon, we will ask ourselves, what is the relationship of the “Nefesh”, the “Ruach” and the “Neshama”: the lowest three Souls of mankind?
The Sefirot of the Divine, the Archetype of the Human Soul
According to Rabbi Cooper, (Rabbi David A. Cooper, “Five Worlds, Five Soul Dimensions”, found in his book, “G-d is a Verb”, we read:
Rabbi David Cooper – “The “soul has five levels, five dimension of awareness.Each soul dimensionhas a unique relationship with its world, and each relationship is the vehicle through which we mysteriously connect with that world. Some aspects of soul relate more to our physicality, while others dwell, so to speak, in different realms of awareness. One aspect of the soul is always joined with the center of creation, “The Pole of Grace” as this is our eternal link with truth.” (Ibid. 95)
Whereas most Christians, think that man has one soul, and most creationists think that the defining issue between the nature of man and animal is that man has a soul and that animals and all lower creations are soul-less, the Hebrew understanding is more profound and comprehensive, again in harmony with the Hebrew model of creation by the emanations of G-d (Ain Sof), not creation ex nihilo or out of nothing.
To begin, the normal human physical existence of man is now living in the fifth levelof reality. Yet, man is trapped in our three-dimensional world, yet is part of Five Worlds of Reality, the World of Asiyyah or the World of Action or the world created by “atoms” on that has molded and created every aspect of our physical Planet Earth. These include: Five Worlds of Reality, the Four Universes, and where you and I live and exist, the fourth Universe of Action which are created and remolded around the four elements; Earth, Air, Water, and Fire.
The Platonic World of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water
The Five Worlds of Reality
The First Concentric World of Reality: “The Keter” (Crown) – The Eternal Unseen, the “Ain Sof” or the One G-d of Israel
The Second Concentric World of Reality – “The Atzilut” - The First Universe called the “World of the Divine”
The Third Concentric World of Reality: “The Beriyah” – The Second Universe called the “World of Creation” or the “World of the Spirit Beings (Angelic Hosts)
The Fourth Concentric World of Reality: “The Yetzirah” – The Third Universe called the “World of Formation” where Adam was “formed” and created in an Exalted Being
The Fifth Concentric World of Reality: “The Assiyah (Asiyyah)” – The Fourth Universe called the “World of Action” where Adam and all Mankind devolved into the World into the world in which we live today: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.
Here now we can see that the world called “Atzilut” is the dwelling place and the Throne of the Almighty One of Israel. It is where all the streams and manifestations of the Divine are sent throughout all the universes through the agency of the angelic forces that guide, direct and control the universes.
In the world of the Keter Elyon is “The Supreme Crown” that is the highest manifestation of the Sefirot that can be contemplated by human beings. It is the world of the Invisible One-G-d of the Universes. Even so, it is rarely discussed by Jewish Kabbalists, yet in the later traditions it speaks of the “620 Pillars of Light.”
Directly below the Keter or Crown is the Daat or “Knowledge”, seen by the mystical Jews as the veil that stands before the Throne, that no created beings can penetrate except as revealed by YHVH opening the veil and allowing Himself to be revealed.
Directly below the Daat descending down the “Pole of Grace” we come to the emanation of “Tiferet” or the realm of “Messiah” until we reach the bottom of the Sefirot at the “Shekinah”, the Presence of the Holy One of Israel.
Here, according to the Talmud, the “Shekinah” is the representation of G-d’s dwelling and immanence on Planet Earth. It is the Shekinah as the One-G-d of Israel that also shared in the two exiles of the Jewish people and the mega-exile of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel.
Therefore the guela, or the redemption of Klal Yisrael (All Israel) is indelibly linked to the rectification or the remedy of the alienation between the Jews of the House of Judah and the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel, and the greater alienation of the Lost Ten Tribes in their blasphemy of the “Holy Name of G-d” that exists between the One-G-d of Israel as Him/Herself between He and his “Chosen People”.
Yet it also broadens the traditional Jewish Messianic eschatology to include the rectification and the remedy by both the House of Judah and the House of Israel (Ezekiel 37) into loving and accepting each other so that during the soon to come “Era of the Messiah” that this love and affirmation for each other will also sweep into the sweeping vortex that will include the reclamation, restoration and redemption of 12-Tribed Israel (Klal Yisrael). With this background and insight we will now focus our attention to “The Five Souls of Man.”
If you have wondered how biblical prophecy fits into your life, and how it will affect the Return of the House of Israel, then the G-d of Israel is beginning his “call” to bring you home, too. You might desire to reconnect with the Biblical portrayals on what is and may be happening in your near future. This Biblical portrayal includes Prophecies that the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel are about to return to the Land of their Biblical Inheritance. This is Divine Destiny in living reality as the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel return to their Homelands first in Shomron (Samaria), Israel.
For inquiries about the Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel,
Visit their Web Site “Kol Ha Tor”,
They also offer – “a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel to their chosen destiny. For details refer to Shomron Lives!”,
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