The Sons of Klal Yisrael (All Israel)
Gilad, Naftali and Eyal
were Kidnapped and Murdered by Hamas the Descendants of Haman the Agagite in the Days of Queen Esther
It’s hard to know who the real author is of this “Letter” when it was first posted in Hebrew on Kikarhashabat, and later translated into English and posted on Yeranen Yaakov Blogspot, for it is one letter that will touch your heart. Thanks to these two sites.
Knowing that we are one of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel, we also are “One” with our brothers the Jewish people. The Eternal One of Israel has promised by the honor of His Holy Name, that we will once again be One Family and One Nation under HaShem in Gan Eden.
Eyal, Gil-Ad and Naftali, you also are our Sons.
To all our Moms, Dads, Brothers and Sisters
Everything is now OK, really!
We're no longer afraid, we're no longer cold
Everything is OK, it no longer hurts
It is no longer dark and scary
We are free - not tied up
Far from those who want to destroy us
We are not crying, we are fortunate
They accepted us with songs and dances
Exactly like in the movies
We can really see everything from up here
The View is Simply Breathtaking
It's too bad there isn't a camera - the view is simply breathtaking
We already met holy ones and supreme ones
Udi and Ruti Fogel brought us flowers
Shelly Dadon blessed us for peace
The Atias family baked us a giant cake
Full of merits upon our nation
Also, Rav Eliyahu learned Torah with us
He said a Hiddush that was really amazing
He hinted that the Redemption is close
Even King David plucked on the harp
He said "Thanks" to us for the bags-full of psalms that we brought with us
We asked for his autograph and he sweetened it with a song
It's really infinite here and everything is enlightening and perfect.
An angel came and told us that we must stay quiet from speaking
But good things will come upon Israel.
Jewish settlers light candles at the hitchhiking spot in the West Bank from where the three young Jewish teenagers Eyal Yifrach, Naftali Frenkel and Gilad Sha’ar were abducted on June 12. The bodies of Eyal, Naftali and Gilad were found in a field north of Hebron earlier on June 29.
Do you remember that we asked why this was done this way?
And why the exile is so long?
Here, there are no questions.
Everything is understood.
There is a Creator to the world.
How nice are our brothers!
How the candles down there have caressed us
And the, what songs!!!
What? All for us?
What an investment!
What a special nation!
Amir Benayoun sings his hit 'Standing at the Gate,' directed at the Messiah, outside Cave of Machpelah.
There is not much to tell because they hushed us up from speaking
But know - mothers of ours - that all the tears are gathered in a bag
None are wasted or went for nought - it definitely was not absorbed up
Everything here waters Gan Eden - everything is blossoming.
There is no end to the flowers of hope and Redemption that you will all see quickly
Good, we need to go - the angels are calling us to the Throne of Glory
We will request mercy and sweetening (Who knows? Maybe we'll meet Mashiah. We'll tell him to come. If we won't get so embarrassed, we'll sing him the song of Amir Benayoun: "Come! We've been waiting for you too many years. We've become crazy. We have no face at all - we just stand and waste away the whole time, so come!")
We're not invisible - we're just a little high up - yes, there above the clouds
We breathe in everything, we feel everything, and we hear you always..
And to the soldiers and the searchers and the entire House of Israel, we wanted to say "Thank you"
We so much wanted to give you a sign - to reveal where we were, but they told us that it is was not yet permitted as there were still more tears that needed to come down and there were more prayers that needed to break through.
They told us that you searched - that you overturned every stone
And for the operation had a name, "Return, O brothers"
Now we are asking
Return, return O brothers
Loving you very much and always around
Gil-ad, Naftali, and Eyal
The G-d of Israel is whistling for you to come back home to the brotherhood of Klal Yisra’el (All Israel). To learn more about this redemptive process, you are Welcome to Contact “Kol Ha Tor”, the Voice of the Turtledove. Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Vision to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-Conciled and Re-United).
This Supernal Event of all Times will entail establishing in the region of Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness into a new homeland for the Return of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel when All Israel will finally be redeemed.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria, that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel