Economy and Trade Minister Naftali Bennett
Amazing transformations are settling over the Land of Israel. The hope and illusions of having a true peace partner with the Palestinian people is diminishing every day. Out of the pyres of delusions, thinking that a leopard can truly change his spots is now a concept that has a greater reality.
The prophets of Israel have given us direct from the throne of the G-d of Israel that there is a Manifest Destiny, not for America or Europe but for Klal Yisrael (All 12-Israel) and a future “Greater Israel”. Yes, the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel will soon return. They will become observant sons and daughters of HaShem, the G-d of All Israel. How? Because the G-d of Israel has willed that these future prophetic facts will become a living reality.
To consider anything else means that we do not trust HaShem, the Creator of the Universe that He is able to pull it off that the Lost and Rebellious 10-Tribes of Israel can be rediscovered, redeemed, and restored back into brotherhood with the Jews of the House of Judah into 12-Israel.
The latter, Klal Yisrael is still in is embryonic stage. There was once Ten Tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel that in their rebellion and arrogance, they thought that they knew things better than G-d. For their rebellion, they were exiled and become the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel that virtually disappeared off the face of the earth.
Yet, with the historical sleuthing of the Jewish scholars, Yair Davidiy and Rabbi Avraham Feld, we know today that pure genetic Lost 10-Israelites truly live and exist next door with Jews all around the world. The lost Israelites are clueless to that divine facts that they, themselves and their brothers the Jews, are destined to once again be united together as one family; the restoration of the Twelve Tribes of Jacob.
As outrageous as this may seem, this is only because it was G-d’s purpose to hide Himself from His people, so that they would have to search for Him with greater intensity and desire over the ages. So today, the revelation is being revealed that there are hundreds of millions of peoples all around the world, who in HaShem’s eyes will one day have their “eyes and their ears” opened to “see and to hear” that the G-d of Israel is bringing them back into brotherhood once again. Sounds outrageous! Maybe, but in the eyes of the prophets of Israel and Judah, those facts are a divine reality.
Such was the transformation that is continuously being imprinted into the “discussions” by the Jewish people living in the land of Israel. These facts were recently enhanced and became a “living conversation” when the Yesha Council, an umbrella body of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria sent out the invitation to various government officials to speak to their conference on how to focus Israel’s public advocacy more effectively on the international world stage.
Suddenly the citizens in the State of Israel are becoming aware of a gut-felt fact; there is no way on Planet Earth, except by the divine intervention of G-d that the Palestinian leaders will ever have any interest in sharing and co-existing the Land of Israel with the Jewish people.
As they met in a conference center that was hosted in the central mountainous region of Samaria, Israel’s Economy and Trade Minister Naftali Bennett, the leader of the Habayit Hayehudi political party, stated the bare facts with succinct reality:
Naftali Bennett – “The conflict with the Palestinians has come to an impasse. Israel should discard the two-state solution, so it’s time to “live with the problem”, quit looking behind and “move on.”
The punch line was yet to come; the “Two-State Solution” is dead.” It’s time to put that idea behind us and move on.” With great passion, he continued to speak about the facts on the ground:
Naftali Bennett - “Never has so much time been invested in something so pointless. We need to build, build, build! If the money spent on caviar in cocktail parties dealing with the idea of a Palestinian state would have been used for building interchanges (in the territories) – everything would be different.”
Facts and reality are beginning to be instilled on the ground in Israel within the mental conceptions of the Jewish people in Israel. It is obvious to most Jews except to Justice Ministry Tzipi Livni (Hatnuah) and Israeli President Shimon Peres, that the Land of Israel's land deed and trust was given to the Jewish people and the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel, not the Syrian Palestinians, Jordanian Palestinians, Saudi Palestinians or Egyptian Palestinians.
While Livni and Peres are on the “let us give away Holy Land” to unholy people who will desecrate it and abominate the Holy Name of Hashem, new voices are now being listened to such a Bennet’s who made these comments:
Naftali Bennett - “There has never been a Palestinian state here. We need to change our conception and say we're here because it's our home. We need to start thinking about how we conduct ourselves from now on, with that concept behind us.”
It was the disciples of the Vilna Gaon who first voiced those opinions that the “end of days” was now upon their lives in the 1740s. The Messiah will not return until the Holy Land was populated with Jewish people as the majority inhabitants in the land.
So in the early 19th century, the disciples of the Gaon of Vilna moved to the Land of Israel. It was upon their intrepid work of settling the land, that the process of transforming the Land of Israel back into a population of Abraham’s descendants that would remain in covenant with the commands of the Torah that were given to them on the mount of Sinai.
It was the Children of Israel who populated the land that was given by the G-d of Israel in the division of the world land mass by Noah to his descendants. The facts that the descendants of Ham violated the demarcation of the world land mass by Noah, and the Canaanites chose to become the first occupiers of land that did not belong to them, is still a fact of ancient history. The first “occupiers of the Land Israel” were the children of Ham, and the first “redeemers of the Land of Israel” were the children of Shem, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It was they who fled Egypt that held them in hostage and redeemed the Land of Israel.
Ishmael, the prophetic “wild-ass man” whose mother, Hagar was an Egyptian princess today is the ancestral forefather of those Arabs who claim that the former “Land of Canaan” belongs to them. This is only a part of a family struggle for domination of land masses that G-d through Noah first gave to the first peoples when they left the Ark of Noah to repopulate the post-diluvian world after the Great Flood of Noah.
These same arguments are continuing to be resurrected today, even by Israeli Knesset MKs, such as Yesh Atid MK Ofer Shelah who harshly slammed Israel's policy in the West Bank only a few days prior to the Yesha conference with these words:
MK Ofer Shelah – “The occupation corrupts Israeli society, the IDF , Israeli justice, Israeli media, Israeli psyche and Israeli mode of speech. Thinking the world will get used to this situation is similar to what white people used to say in South Africa.”
Bennett reencountered this statement with this response:
Naftali Bennett - “Those who dare say that the occupation corrupts and talk about occupation all day, what occupation are they talking about? How can you be an occupier in your own home? This is our home!”
It was the opinion of MK Ofer Shelah that the settlements in the West Bank are an obstacle to peace. The question we ask, “what peace?” To leave behind a remnant of peoples whose future dreams are only to annihilate the Jewish people, is a pathway of destruction, not peace.
Co-existence may not be a fact of reality on the ground, for Palestinian leader Abbas has stated over and over that no Jewish life will be allowed to live in the Palestinian State. They will be killed.
So, we again ask, how does the United Nation even condone this kind of rhetoric of a national leader whose only futuristic ideology is one of genocide and depopulation of other people lives? Truly as a planetary peoples, we been there before and don’t have to continue to recreate again and again holocausts, pogroms, and genocide.
These facts are obvious to most Jewish settlers living in the Israeli towns located in the central mountainous region of Shomron and Judea. The reason it is obvious is the stark reality; this land is the biblical homeland of their ancient patriarchal forefathers; Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
This fact is elusive to some Jews for in their minds the Land of Israel is a bargaining chip for their delusions of world domination. Let us not forget that it was Livni and Peres that that took the ideas in 2005 to bargain with Pope Benedict XVI that Jerusalem was being prepped to become the “Capital of the World.”
Facts do not lie; for they both, Tzipi and Peres are trying even today desperately to give away the land in Shomron and Judea to the Palestinian people, and Eastern Jerusalem to Vatican Rome. Instead, according to Bennet, Israel should annex now the entire region of Shomron and Judea. The facts come forth with a stark reality that now with the sheer number of Jewish residents living, working, being educated, servicing and defending their country the “two-state solution” is not longer viable nor a living reality. As Bennet spoke to the audience:
Naftali Bennett – “More than 10 percent of all Israelis live beyond what was known as the Green Line [Israel's pre-1967 border with Jordan]; anyone walking in Judea and Samaria knows that what was negotiated in Annapolis and in Oslo was just divorced from reality."
As the speech continued he spoke that the pursuit of peace in such conference settling along with numerous and negotiating sessions has ultimately resulted in many deaths. So he slowly offered to the Jewish people in attendance that a Western-style peace accord is beyond reach. As he noted and transparently expressed his fear than there will be many more deaths before the Israeli people abandon their "quest for a perfect solution.”
Deputy Foreign Minister Zeev Elkin from the Likud party observed at the conference that most European diplomats (most of whom are Lost Israelites in descent) that he meets with are wedded to the idea that a “two-state solution” is the only solution. As Zeev Elkins continued to speak:
Zeev Elkins – “Not a single foreign minister in Europe would agree with what Bennett said, not even with 10% of what he said; dozens of European foreign ministers have met with me recently and all they talked about was the two-state solution.”
Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon in his Knesset Office
Yet, it was Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon, also from the Likud Party and truly was considered by his colleagues to be a “hawk” on the Palestinian two-state solution later made these comments:
Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon – “If you will bring it (Palestinian “Two-State” solution”) to a vote in the government -- nobody will bring it to a vote, it’s not smart to do it -- but if you bring it to a vote, you will see the majority of Likud ministers, along with Habayit Hayehudi, will be against it.”
Danon who later did become Israel’s Defense Deputy Minister pursued further comments and observations. The Defense Deputy Minister Danny Danon recently told a reporter from The Times of Israel that the media’s portrayal that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is truly in support for a two-state solution is nothing more than a tactical strategy for the prospect of a “two-state solution” to be approved in the Israeli Knesset had zero chance of materializing.
When these facts hit the Israeli press, it was reported that a “media firestorm” erupted. Netanyahu distanced himself from Danon’s public statements, and to everyone expectations; Jewish Justice Ministry Tzipi Livni with the Hatnuah Party condemned Danon’s statements. She stated that Danon’s views, were “Danonism”.
What else would anyone expect from Livni, one whose life and mission has been to give away Gush Katif and the Orthodox towns, synagogue and flower and vegetable nurseries in 2005 to the citizens of Gaza, a dozen other properties to the Vatican, the Jewish capital of Jerusalem to the Vatican to become the “International Capital” of Planet Earth and to give away Eastern Jerusalem to the Palestinian State to become their new capital?
This only prompts one last question, has the Israeli Justice Ministry Director, Tzipi Livni ever read the Torah? Has she ever asked, “What has the G-d of Israel decreed about the future of the State of Israel? Does she have any belief in the prophets of Judah? If she has not, why does she represent the interests of the Israeli national government and the Israeli people?
All of have wondered how the G-d of Israel will bring all the prophetic events to their fulfillment at the time of the end. Watching the “Finger of the Divine” stirring up nations of the world is far more fascinating than watching a movie drama. The end results will be that all nations will pool all their economic resources at the “gates of Israel” and be prepared to once again to evoke the “Final Solution” this time amongst the remnant of the Jewish peoples. These will include all the Jews of the Diaspora that have fled to Israel as a land of safety before their lives will be thrust into “the world to come”.
Yet, during this same time, the G-d of Israel is wooing each one of you, the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel, to return and be restored back into brotherhood with the Jews of the House of Judah. When that day come, He will send His Messiah to clean house of all the wickedness and corruption on Planet Earth.
If you want to learn more divinely led prophecies, we invite you to Contact “Kol Ha Tor Vision”, the Voice of the Turtledove. Here you will discover is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Vision to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This super Event of all Times will bring the restoration and the Shomron Region, the Ancient Biblical Heartland of the Patriarchs plus the Judean Wilderness as part of the entire Land of Israel. There we will witness the Divine as the “Land” will be restored and prepared for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria, that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel.