The Menorah flanked by Two Olive Trees
Zechariah 4:1-6 – “The the angel who as speaking with me returned and woke me, as a man is awakened from his sleep. He said to me, “What do you see.”
I said ‘I see and behold – there is a menorah [made] entirely of gold with its bowl on its top; its seven lamps are upon it, and there are seven ducts for [each of] the lamps on its top. There are two olive trees over it, one at the right of the bowl and one on its left.’ I spoke up and said to the angel who was speaking to me, saying, ‘What are these, my lord?”
The angel who was speaking to me answered, and said to me, ‘Do you not know what these are?” He spoke up and said to me, saying, ‘This is the word of HaShem to Zerubabbel, saying;
‘Not through your army (power) and not through your strength (might), but through My spirit,’ said HaShem, Master of Legions.’”
The Land of Israel has had a long record of broken promises, shepherd predators of G-d’s sheep, an Erev Rav (mixed multitude) in Tel Aviv who believe in the “Golden Calf” (salvation by making a lot of money), and lust to make Israel the Sodom and the Egypt of the world. Then we have flocks of Orthodox settlers who fail to comprehend why their shepherds despise them, use them instead of giving them safe, secure homes towns and villages.
There are the Shabbatean anti-Jews, who have not only rejected HaShem, but use the Jewish people for their own personal lusts for world dominion. They are like their ancient brothers of the House of Israel who chose 3,000 years to revolt and split from the family of G-d. They wanted nothing to do with King Solomon’s Temple, the prayers of the Levite priests, nor the kings of the dynastic lineage of Kings David and Solomon. They even spurned throughout the centuries the Mechoqeck judiciary of Torah Law by the rabbinic Jews of Judah who could have helped to assist them on how to live the ways of Torah (halakhah) over three and a half millenniums ago.
Yet, the prophets of Israel forecasted that these days of division and separation would someday be over. Our brother, Judah, was the first to hear the whistle of G-d to come home in 1740s, when the famous Vilna Gaon (Genius of Vilna) prepared his disciples in Europe to move to Israel in the early 1800s, settle the land and populate Jerusalem in preparation for the final event called the “End of Days” when the Maschiah would be revealed and the Glory of HaShem will envelop the whole earth. Yet the larger Exodus of the Jews to Israel did not happen until a holocaust happened in the lands where the Lost Tribes of Israel (Northern Europe) dwelled when the hearts of the Lost Tribes of Israel were hardened against their own brothers; the Jews in the lands of Europe.
As the “whisper” of HaShem burned in the ears of the Jews, the remnant of those that were left, would begin their trek homewards to the lands of their forefathers where Jerusalem became their capital where they could pray for the Shekinah Presence of G-d to someday dwell over them and spread the light of peace all over the globe.
The family of G-d was now split and separated with brothers against brothers, breakdown in tribal relationships, where one tribe warred against another and the family of Jacob (Yaakov) sunk into depression and despair. As the dysfunctional family of G-d, we were all eventually cast all over the globe; first the Lost Ten Tribes of the House Israel and later, the Jews of the House of Judah.
Today the Lost Ten Tribes still hound and persecute their Jewish brothers from the lands of their habitat in America and Northern Europe. As founders of the “Land for Peace” movement with the United Nations, leaders of the World Peace Council, the Oslo Accord, and the diplomatic “Quartet” called the UN, US, EU and Russia, they continually seek to prevent the Jewish sheep (Orthodox Jews) from fulfilling G-d’s mandate to them; occupy and settle “The Land of Israel” and make it one and part of “All Israel.”
So today, for almost seventy years, the Zionist State of Israel has been ruled predominately by prime ministers whose are beholden to Freemason masters that have no allegiance to the G-d of Israel. Their masters called the Shabbatean Jews rule the English and Scottish Freemasonic lodges, plus the Freemason dignitaries from the Vatican P2 Lodge in Rome. Is it any wonder that the Papal See continues seeking to consolidate the Vatican hold over the Temple Mount, King David’s Tomb, and numerous Catholic properties scattered all over Jerusalem, for the Vatican has been ruled also by Sabbatean Jews like Pope Benedict XVI, the descendant of the famous Rabbi, the Maharal of Prague.
Yet, today a new elevation of spiritual consciousness is settling over the land of Israel. The Jewish sheep are witnessing the supernal light of HaShem shining down upon them. Soon they will witness, as the Prophet Zechariah did 2,300 years ago the vision of the menorah, with the spirit of oil shining forth with the Light of G-d bringing down to them and the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel their spiritual neshama souls from the throne of heaven.
It took though the spirit of G-d to begin elevating the physical souls of the Jews upwards to meet with neshama yehudi (spirit soul of Judah) for the homecoming and the resurrection of the Jewish State of Israel. Born in sin, and not always with perfect people, a cry now rings throughout the “Land”; “Enough is enough!” We must break this dysfunctional cycle of family animosity.
Today, the wolves that surround the Land of Israel in the Middle East smell the sweat of despair that cling to the vision that the words of the prophets are true. In spite of all the anti-Semitism that is erupting all around us, the Christian Lost Tribers, who have been G-d’s lost sheep, began to reach for a higher vision through what is known today as the Hebrew Roots Movement. With a true love for Israel, the G-d of Israel will soon mobilize these forces to participate in the final salvation of the “Land of Israel” and the redemption of “All Israel.”
The calling of the Lost Ten Tribes in America and Europe during the First Great Awakening began also in midst of the 18th century, the six century of the sixth millennium after Adam was created. The time of the end was now at hand. Amazingly, this was also the same time (1740) when the Gra (Genius) of Vilna, called the Vilna Gaon, sent his disciples to begin repopulating the Land of Israel, that the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel were being awakened to the great Judgment of G-d upon their lives with the message, “Come out of Her My people”, leave Apostate Roman Christianity and return to the faith of their forefathers, Judaism.
While the disciples of Vilna Gaon were planting synagogues with observant Jewish families and settling the land of Israel in the 1840s, the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel in American and Europe were experiencing the Second Great Awakening that the Jewish Messiah son of David would bring redemption for all His people; Klal Yisra’el (All Israel).
So today, with personal changes in our expectations, today the whisper of G-d is echoing louder and louder across the Land of Israel from Galilee to Beer Sheva. We’re going to break out of this cycle and start believing G-d for bigger dreams and more spiritually elevating lives. As the “Latter Rain” showered down upon Israel in the winter of 2012-2013, breaking a 20 year drought, the spiritual consciousness of the Jewish people became proud again that they were being blessed by HaShem and vigorously went to the polls to proclaim to their national leaders that the political sentiment in Israel was to the “Right”, and that it’s time of begin showing the world, that Israel was to be a “Holy Nation”, and that it was Israeli leaders that were to set the pace for that physical actuality.
We must learn that when the G-d of Israel puts a dream within our (Jews and Lost Tribers alike) hearts to build homes in the land of our forefathers, and plant vineyards with our brothers the Jews where Abraham, Isaac and Jacob once trod, HaShem will also bring forth new opportunities, where physical and spiritual connect and a “bold life of faith” now expects with confidence that we are fully capable to create a society holy unto the L-rd.
What will it take for the Ingathering “All Israel” to bring together Judah and Israel? What changes must happen before we are willing to walk hand in hand building a Spiritual Kingdom of G-d in “The Land”. For it will be there in “The Land” where the Shekinah Presence can come and dwell with us like the vortex of the Pillar of Cloud that rested over the Holy Sanctuary of the Dwelling so many centuries ago?
Can we perceive that the war of the nations against Israel is but a mirage? The parasitical forces of darkness that surround us could vanish away in a moment of time, if we would but reach out to each other in emuna, faith, that the G-d of Israel in His Divine Sovereignty is capable of bringing this era of sin, division, acrimony, hate, jealousy, and rivalry with each other over.
This will happen when the Jewish children of Judah and Lost Triber descendants of Joseph (the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel) collectively say, “it’s time for us to reach out and heal our tribal family wounds. When the Ingathering of all the Tribes of Israel is completed and the HaShem’s dreams for our future are accomplished, the forces of evil that latch unto us like parasites will vanish away. The G-d of Israel is eagerly awaiting the day with Klal Yisra’el (All Israel) wants to come home and be a united family once again with the Messiah son of David as our leader and ruler over One-Israel serving the One-G-d of Israel. .
Are we prepared for HaShem to begin seriously the land reclamation of recreating this once barren and parched land into a New Gan Eden? Are we ready to “receive” what we are willing to “believe” that G-d’s promises can happen?
Are we willing to break outside of the box of Egyptian oppression, and begin a New Exodus to the Land of Israel? Are the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel willing to walk hand in hand with their brothers, the Jews of the House of Judah living in the diaspora as all of us begin their journey home and return in aliyah to Israel?
As it took the ancient Children of Israel to physically step into the waters of the Red Sea before the “Parting of the Sea”, so also we, both the House of Israel and the House of Judah must step forward in faith, and say, “It’s time to repair the breaches that divide us, and with HaShem’s divine blessing make us again one family.
If so, then the Master of the Universe will begin sending the forces of Hashem to push back the tide of international scorn, as His people together take possession and reclaim the “deed of trust” of the land he gave to our forefathers. At that time, we will seriously begin to reclaim all the lands of our forefathers.
Yet, it will not be given to us without our participation. Neither the Jews of Israel, nor the Lost Ten Tribes of Europe and American will be able to close this era of man by the use of weapons of mass destruction, nor by the flexing of international threats and power, but only by the “spirit of HaShem”. As the Prophet Zechariah proclaimed, representing the G-d of Israel to his people 3,300 years ago;
“Not through armies and not through strength and international threats of power” will the end be completed, but only “through My spirit,” said HaShem, Master of Legions.”
Someday soon the Prophetic Name of the Prophet Zechariah will be fulfilled:
Zechariah, the son of Berechiah, son of Iddo
“At the Appointed Time, God blesses and God remembers”
If you have a hard time believing that the G-d of Israel is in Control, keep your eyes focused on Jerusalem. Here is the “stumbling stone” for all the nations of the world for all the “eyes” of the Freemason of the world are focused on Jerusalem today. Then consider, it takes a Mason to know a Mason, and then we may understand why Netanyahu, the most skilled and articulate Jewish Freemason in the world is the Prime Minister of Israel. Understand, he does have strong principles. He may give up Hebron to the Palestinians, but not Jerusalem.
The G-d of Israel is quietly recreating the State of Israel to begin its final acts before the G-d of Israel takes full control of the Land of Israel. Yes, there are a lot of imperfect people seeking to restore the Land of Israel to its divine mission, the strategic planetary capital of the future Messiah son of David. Here will be a nation focused on holiness, righteousness and justice. If you believe these facts to be true, you might desire to reconnect with the Biblical portrayals of what is and will be happening in your near future.
This Biblical portrayal includes Prophecies that the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel are about to return to the Land of their Biblical Inheritance. This is Divine Destiny in living reality as the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel return to their Homelands first in Shomron (Samaria), Israel.
If you want to learn more, Contact “Kol Ha Tor Vision”, the Voice of the Turtledove. Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This super Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”,a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria, that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel.