Benyamin Netanyahu:
Will He carry the Mandate of Judaism to the Messianic Era?
The Prime Minister of Israel, Benyamin Netanyahu, has been reelected to another term as the Prime Minister of Israel. Heralded by the New Israeli Centrists (the former Right-wing) as the wave of the future, he carries with himself now the distain of the Israeli left, many American Jews, the American presidential administration and most European leaders. As Alexander H. Joffe with the War to Mobilize Democracy recently wrote:
Alexander H. Joffe – “No one regards the prospect of another Netanyahu government with more anguish than the Palestinians. In the Arab-Israeli conflict’s long, tortured history, they have reviled no Israeli prime minister – with the possible exception of Ariel Sharon – more than Netanyahu. The reason is simple: he is one of them. Literally, of course, he is not. But, unlike previous Israeli prime ministers (again, with the possible exception of Sharon), Netanyahu has emulated the Palestinian political strategy of sumud, or steadfastness.
The philosophy of sumud is rooted in Palestinians’ implacable belief in the righteousness of their cause and the justness of their methods. It operates both passively and actively in Palestinian culture, demanding stubbornness and tolerating ruthlessness, violence, and duplicity. At sumud’s core lies the unswerving, blinkered view that Israel is illegitimate and its duration limited. As a result, Palestinian leaders have for decades mobilized their society to outlast Israel. Indoctrination begins at a young age through family, education, and media, and later encourages more aggressive resistance, including terrorism.
In other words, Palestinians are playing a long game. But plans for a functioning Palestinian state that do not depend on foreign aid have been conspicuously absent, save for the recent efforts of Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. Netanyahu’s version of sumud is evident in his policies and rhetoric that focus on Israel’s legitimacy, necessity, and permanence. Indeed, his speeches frequently offer lessons in Jewish history, while casting the “Holy Land” as both a Jewish right and an Israeli national symbol.”
This steadfastness has refused to cast aside any future partners in the democratic partnership for Peace in the Middle East. At the same time, Netanyahu has deftly cast aside the Obama administration’s enraptured thrall of a “moderate Islamist” while Islamist countries around Israel are collapsing. Yet, at the same time, Netanyahu continues to proclaim Jewish rights to retain sovereign control of the Israeli capital of Israel, and the Jewish rights to settle the biblical heartland of Israel that was once the homeland of the forefathers of the Jewish people; Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. As Alexander H. Joffe continued in his article, “Netanyahu the Palestinian”:
Alexander H. Joffe – “Indeed, while settlement-building in the West Bank has slackened, it continues. Moreover, aggressive counter-terrorism activities and the separation barrier have decisively reduced cross-border attacks, containing mounting pressure in Palestine as the conflict remains on the back burner. And Netanyahu continues to oversee economic expansion and improved foreign relations, despite hostile rhetoric from Europe and elsewhere.
The Palestinians seem to recognize Netanyahu’s variety of sumud for what it is. His steadfastness – and declining international interest in their struggle, as the world’s focus shifts to the Arab Spring’s Islamist winter – stymies any advance toward an agreement.”
Prime Minister
Benyamin Netanyahu before the Assembly of the United Nations
It fact was recently highlighted in Netanyahu’s recent address to the United Nations in September, 2012, it was Benyamin Netanyahu who stated his core values and that of the Israeli people, when he stated:
Benyamin Netanyahu – “Three thousand years ago, King David reigned over the Jewish state in our eternal capital, Jerusalem. I say that to all those who proclaim that the Jewish state has no roots in our region, and that it will soon disappear.”
This vision of Netanyahu was not built on short-term strategic interests to appease the Muslim people or to placate the European and American Lost Sheep of the House of Israel whose countries that they govern are in an economic and social decline. This vision is firmly built upon a core belief that the Israeli strategic interest is in preserving the Land of Israel for the descendants of the peoples in which King David and Solomon coalesced into a United Monarchy 3,000 years ago and earned the divine mandate of the G-d of Israel, that this is also the will of the Divine.
With only four days left in the political campaign before elections, Netanyahu began to open up his new administration goals in regards to the “settlements” and a Palestinian State with the following admissions:
- “The days of bulldozers flattening settlements are behind us not in front of us,” as reported by the Ma’ariv daily.
- “I don’t think it is a good idea for the Jewish state (for the Palestinians to be incorporated as citizens of Israel)” as reported by the Jerusalem Post, but added, “first of all, nobody wants a bi-national state.”
Unknown to most Americans outside of intimate understanding of Israeli politics, as reported in the Times of Israel, Netanyahu’s nearest political opponent, Naftali Bennet with the Bayit Yehudi (Jewish Home) party, currently is advocating annexing Area C, that is totally under the administration of the State of Israel and controls 60% of the portion called the West Bank. Bennet proposes to offer Israeli citizenship to the 50,000 Palestinians residing in those area, and concept known as Israel being a “bi-national state”. Yet Netanyahu demurs such a political solution when he states:
Benyamin Netanyahu – “No one wants a bi-national state. I do not want to include a million and a half or two million Palestinian Arabs within the state of Israel. There are things that we have in common with other parties, but regarding this issue my position is clear.”
This confirmed an earlier interview between Netanyahu and Channel 2, when he stated:
Benyamin Netanyahu – “Any territory that we evacuate will be captured by Iran…The stronger we are, the more we will be able to guarantee our future and make peace with our neighbors…I don’t want to rule the Palestinians and I don’t want them to rule us and threaten our existence.”
Even though the Israeli settlements have been the “thorn in the side” of the European’s thrust to regain momentum of getting the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks started again, it was President Mahmoud Abbas that insisted again that there will be no negotiations until Israel agreed to freeze construction in its West Bank settlements. In other words, Israel must always commit itself first only to find that the Palestinian leaders refuse to negotiate. This was proven in Netanyahu’s limited, partial 10-month freeze between the dates of November 2009 to September 2010 when afterwards, Abbas refused to go to the negotiating table and begin negotiations without any preconditions.
Yet there was also another prime admission by Netanyahu as recently told the Jerusalem Post that in spite of the fact that a majority of the nations of the world refuse to consider that Israel’s West Bank settlement are legal, “there is a common acceptance that the so-called settlement blocs will remain part of Israel” in any peace agreement.
What has frustrated most the United States and Europe, according to Joffe, was the fact that Netanyahu does not fit their classical ideology of how Israeli prime ministers are suppose to act and react: either as “heavily accented Eastern European men and grizzled military officers who talk a good game before acquiescing to the latest American or international demands for concession, talks, and aid, and prime ministers like Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir were not averse to lecturing, they lacked strategic cunning.” As Joffe continues:
Alexander H. Joffe – “Netanyahu’s unwillingness to compromise disconcerts, confuses, and often enrages Americans. His relentless disquisitions on Israel’s strategic environment, security requirements, red lines, and Jewish history are offset only by conciliatory talk about reopening negotiations, which are immediately reject by the Palestinians, who, like him, fear showing weakness.
Furthermore, Netanyahu’s unsentimental assessment of the Middle East does not line up with that of the Obama administration – in thrall to its collapsing romance with moderate Islamists – and its devoted supporters among Jewish Americans. These groups do not understand Netanyahu, who proclaims Jewish rights, defends his country’s interests, and hints at conciliation but gives up little – much like a traditional Arab leader…
As a result, Netanyahu’s position is strong. The Palestinians initiated a zero-sum game that has given him the upper hand. By using the Palestinians’ own strategy, he has cornered them. After all, genuine peace efforts by the Palestinians – based on a two-state solution with no “right of return” for post-1948 refugees – would enrage Hamas and revive factional violence, adding another self-defeat to an already long list.”
Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu adjusts his Yarmaluke before Lighting the Hanukkah Candles.
What Joffe has failed to connect was the fact that the political center of Israeli politics has recently begun shifting where the former “political right” is now becoming the “political center”. The Israeli citizen can no longer continue to be recognized as the “fool” but recognizes that the “peace pot of gold” is “fool’s gold”. The new mandates of Israeli politics of the future with the addition of new Jewish orthodox Knesset members appear to include the following:
- The Mandate by the G-d of Israel to conquer the land must be completed in this modern age, plus the fact;
- The “Land” is to become a “Holy Land” is becoming a new central political issue upon which the Israeli sumud or steadfastness of the future will not being willing to negotiate. This includes that the fact that with the recent “Levy Report”;
- That Citizens of Israel have a right to settle anywhere in the “Land of Israel” given to them by the legal mandates of the League of Nations and the United Nations;
- That Jewish Orthodoxy has a right to legislate religious principles given by the G-d of Israel at Sinai into their political life and future Israeli constitution, and that;
- The Jewish government has a right possess any tribal land whose “deed of trust” was given to them or their brothers, the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel by the G-d of Israel as a eternal right of possession for Klal Yisrael (All Israel).
The global agenda of a “Palestinian State” appears also to be a “no go” in spite of a high potential of a regional Islamic war against Israel, (see Psalms 83). The recent United Nation’s acceptance of the “Palestinian Authority” as an observer status in the United Nations appears to be a “dead option” that will not be accepted by the new Israeli administration.
With the recent smoldering of America’s global democracy agenda, the Arab Spring has left Egypt in the hands of the radical Islamists called the Muslim Brotherhood. It has also dragged the American White House administration’s sympathy that there is a “Moderate Islam” down a bloody path of a terrorist filled Libya, a “burning Syria, a smoldering Egypt, and a volatile Lebanon.”
So the near future of Netanyahu appears good, for the recent Israeli “disgust” towards Netanyahu’s party, its allies and politics is rapidly melting and will continue to do so. This fact is predicated by the “on the ground evidence” that the Israeli political left continues to melt into oblivion with the recent exodus of Labor Party liberal, the former Defense Secretary Barak, the policies of Yachimovich’s Labor Party’s social justice agenda is also bankrupt because it refuses to address the “security of the State of Israel” and also address the global ideology of a “Two State” Solution predicated of “land for peace”. As recently revealed by the Hindu Times, speaking on a future Palestinian State, Netanyahu states the following as facts:
- Many legislators in Netanyahu’s own Likud-Beteinu faction disown the two-state solution to the conflict. As admitted to the Jerusalem Post, “I don’t think it is a good idea for the Jewish state (for the Palestinians to be incorporated as citizens of Israel).” He repeated the point in the Ma’ariv interview, saying that “first of all, nobody wants a bi-national state.” In reference to Mr. Abbas representing the Palestinian Authority, as reported by the Jerusalem Post;
- “He’s (Abbas’) run away from negotiations for the last four years. He’s piled on precondition upon precondition.”
- “He went to the UN for a unilateral resolution, which is a fundamental breach of the (Israeli-Palestinian interim) Oslo Accords.”
- “He (Mahmoud Abbas) embraced (the radical Islamist) Hamas (movement), and if he changes that and comes back to the table without preconditions, he’ll find me there, if I’m elected prime minister.” And as reported again by Ma’ariv:
- “The Palestinians are posing entry conditions for commencing negotiations that we cannot accept.” And finally;
- “On the other hand, I have conditions for how to end the negotiations. Their entry conditions are unacceptable to me, and my conditions for concluding the negotiations are unacceptable to them. That is the actual reality.”
So the G-d of Israel is repositioning the ascent of Israel in global international politics. As the nations of the world crumble and finally concede to a unified world authority with ten global economic unions with no “states” and no “nations”, yet it appears that there will be one Israel turning ever so deftly back to the mandate of “All Israel” under the planetary government instituted by HaShem, the G-d of Israel’s messiah.
The Rise of the End Times State of Israel is unfolding before our eyes. This is an anathema to most of the nations of the world, who believe in the ascendancy of man rather than the ascendancy of the future Messianic Kingdom of G-d on earth.
We have to recognize that the G-d of Israel is working with imperfect people in order to restore this planet to a messianic era in which our lives can be focused on holiness, righteousness and justice. If you believe in the Sovereignty of G-d and that His will be completed before the revealing of the messianic age of our future, then you might desire to reconnect with the Biblical portrayals of what is and will be happening in your near future, Contact “Kol Ha Tor Vision”, the Voice of the Turtledove.
Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This super Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”,a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria, that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel.