Islamist Leader Khaled Meshaal speaking to 1,000,000 Palestinian Arabs in Gaza
on December 8, 2012
As the Jewish people in Jerusalem were lighting their first candle on Hanukkah, on December 8, 2012, the “King of Gaza”, the Hamas political leader Khaled Meshaal arrived back into Gaza City. After 45 years of exile, he now came to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Palestinian Hamas with an estimate of upwards to 1,000,000 Gazan Palestinians.
Born in the West Bank in 1956, the ancestral homeland of the Lost 10 Tribes of the House of Israel, Meshaal took over the reins of Hamas, an Islamist Palestinian paramilitary organization when Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi was assassinated in 2004. Meshaal first led the Kuwaiti branch of Hamas, moved from Kuwait to Jordan in 1991, and later was later sent into exile first to Qatar before moving to Damascus in 2001 after the Jordanian Hamas leadership was expelled from Jordan in 1999.
Now he returns to visit for three days, and spout his venom against the Jewish people laced with “blood from his mouth” and “abominations from between his teeth.” Little does he comprehend that he may be the prime target of G-d’s wrath in the near future for the G-d of Israel did pronounce judgment specifically upon Gaza, with these words, “The king shall perish from Gaza”. The strangest of events, there has not been a king of Gaza since the days before King David ruled.
The Throngs in Gaza City listening to Hamas Islamist
“King” Meshaal in his First Visit since Exiled from his home in the West Bank.
With the permission of the new Islamist led Egyptian government by Egyptian President Morsi, a Muslim Brotherhood leader, Meshaal was able to cross the over the Egyptian Rafah border into Gaza for the first time in a three day visit as he spoke to cheering crowds of Palestinian Arabs. The first thing he did was to drop face down with tears in his eyes, and kiss the ground of Gaza, as adoring fans and well placed photographers took prime images of this photo-op.
Click to Open Video - "Khaled Meshaal's visit to Gaza, the first time he stepped on Palestinian soil since he left as a teenager in 1967."
Stepping to the podium as he was flanked by the background of a M75 missile, he stated:
Khaled Meshaal – “Today is Gaza. Tomorrow will be Ramallah and after that Jerusalem, then Haifa and Jaffa"
To cheering crowds, he shouted out:
Khaled Meshaal – “Jihad and armed resistance are the right and real way to liberate Palestine and restore our rights”
His defiance to the Jewish people was even extended with these statements:
Khaled Meshaal – “Palestine from the river to the sea, from the north to the south, is our land and we will never give up one inch or any part of it.”
Hamas leader in exile Khaled
Meshaal delivering a speech to Hamas supporters in Gaza City during a Rally
celebrating the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Islamist movement in
Gaza City on December 8, 2012
Flanked by the Hamas’s militant leadership in Gaza, Khaled Meshaal continued to exhort his people which the crowds chanted slogans below calling on the Hamas’ armed wings, the Izzadin Kassam to fire rockets next time at Haifa. The second day, Meshaal spoke at the Gaza Islamic University reiterating the long standing Hamas position; “We do not accept a two-state solution!” counteracting a recent interview he had with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour when he stated that that Hamas accepted a Palestinian state within the pre-1967 lines.
Earlier, the Palestinian Authority (PA) Head Mahmoud Abbas addressed the United Nations with these words:
Mahmoud Abbas – “Palestine comes today to the General Assembly because it believes in peace and because its people, as proven in past days, are in desperate need of it.”
That same day, the United Nations General Assembly voted to recognize “Palestine” as a non-member observer state.
The Jewish festival of Hanukkah began on that same day, as they celebrated the Jewish people’s independence from the oppressive Hellenistic Greek Emperor, Antiochus Epiphanes IV, when a small priestly band of Jewish patriots turned revolutionary guerrilla warriors defeated the Syrian military forces in Israel in the 2nd century BCE. Since that day, the Jewish people have been saying; “am Yisrael chai!” (the people of Israel live!).
On this same night, the Khaled Mashaal and his deputy, the Hamas Chief Ismail Haniyeh were chanting out to over 100,000 Palestinian Arabs celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Palestinian Islamist Movements beginnings, with the centuries old litany that Israel will be exterminated and the Jews will be driven into the sea.
What the Palestinian Islamist’s refuse to accept, the prophets of Israel have already spoken the “thus saith the L-rd” because the Psalmist had already proclaimed G-d word:
Psalms 94:14 – “The L-rd will not abandon His people nor will He forsake His inheritance.”
Psalms 132:13-16, 18 – “For the Lord has chosen Zion. He has desired it for His habitation. This is my resting place, forever. Here I shall dwell. I will abundantly bless her provision. Her priests, I will clothe with salvation and her godly ones will sing aloud with joy. Her enemies I will clothe with shame but on them crowns shall shine.”
Yet, it may also be true that the Hamas leader, Khaled Meshaal has been identified in Jewish prophecy. In the very apocalyptic and futuristic Book of Zechariah, the ninth chapter discusses a moment of time at the end of days, in which the Philistines, now Palestinians, along with the entire Western Mediterranean seacoast will come under some form of judgment by the G-d of Israel,
Zechariah 9:1-8 – “The prophecy of the word of HaShem for the land of Hadrach, with Damascus its resting place: Toward HaShem will be the eyes of mankind, and all the tribes of Israel (Jews and the Lost 10 Tribes of Israel). Also Hamath (in Northern Syria) will be in its borders, as well as Tyre and Sidon, though she is very wise. Tyre built herself a fortification; she amassed silver like dirt and fine gold like the mud of the street. Behold the L-rd will impoverish her, and He will strike her wealth with the sea, and it will be consumed by fire.
Ashkelon will see this and fear, and Gaza [will see] and tremble greatly, and Ekron, for the one to whom she looked [for protection] has been humiliated.
A king will perish from Gaza, and Ashkelon will not be inhabited. A strange will dwell in Ashdod, and I will eliminate the pride of the Philistines (Palestinians). I will remove his blood from his mouth and his abomination from between his teeth, and then he too will remain for our G-d. He will be like a master in Judah, and Ekron, will be like the Jebusite.”
As documented in the Destination Yisra’el blog titled, “Oracles of G-d against the Syrians in Damascus, Hizballah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza”, we read:
Destination Yisra’el – “According to the Jewish sage, Radak, the sea will inundate Tyre and carry away all her possessions and merchandise (see Ezekiel 26:3,19; 27:34) and then afterwards a fire will destroy the remaining parts of the damaged buildings (Ezekiel 28:18). This is a prophecy that has never been fulfilled in its literal intent. According to Jewish sages, Tyre will become part of the Land of Israel.
The rest of the Palestinian region of Gaza, Ashkelon and Ekron will be consumed with fear as the forces of nature under the control of the Almighty One will consume the entire region. There has not been a king of Gaza since the days of the Phoenicians and the city state rulers of the five city states called the Pentapolis in the days of King David; until Hamas, the Palestinian chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood took control of the region.
Gaza is now under the rule of its Supreme Leader Khaled Meshaal living in exile in Damascus and Ismail Haniyeh, the Prime Minister of Hamas and Senior Hamas leader living in Gaza. It appears that the prophetic future is assured for both the Supreme Leader Khaled Meshaal living in Damascus and the Gaza Prime Minister Khaled Meshal.”
According to the Rabbinic commentary in the TaNaKh, this prophecy was given in Hadrach, just north of Damascus, and according to Ibn Ezra, it would “rest” or occur in Damascus. Of all the places mentioned, the Tyrinians of Phoenician descent, once considered herself “too wise” to be conquered, but this time, according to Radak, Tyre will be conquered and become a part of the Land of Israel. Rabbinic prophecy vividly gives prophetic account that the “sea will inundate Tyre and carry away all her possessions and merchandise (Ezekiel 26:3, 10; 27:34), and then a fire will destroy her buildings (Ezekiel 28:18).
After this apocalyptic event, which some allude that it will be a tsunami from the Mediterranean Sea, the entire coastline of Israel will be pacified and come into harmony and fellowship with the Jews and the G-d of Israel. The Palestinians (Philistines which the Romans named the Land of Israel, Palestine, after the Philistines) and now Israel whom Targum, wrote that the Palestinians deride as foreigners will stop their bloodthirsty and idolatrous practices, and join the people of Israel in worshiping G-d. Then even the Palestinians will be like the leaders of Judah, and Ekron will become as Jewish as the former Jebusite city of Jerusalem.
One of the most interesting studies on this prophecy slated to herald the final end of days before the coming of the Messiah was written in 1999 by the late archeologist Ernest Martin in the article titled, “The Damascus Phase of End Time Prophecy”
Ernest Martin – “This prophecy to all those who live in "The Fertile Crescent" begins with a time when Israel and Judah are reckoned to be in exile for their sins and when the Temple is not functioning properly. The prophecy is for the End-Time because it is a prediction of how God will in a step-by-step way again set up His domicile in Jerusalem. He gives events leading up to the seismic disturbances of Zechariah 14 that accompany the return of God to His residence in Jerusalem.
The prophecy begins with a great destruction of the whole seacoast of the Levant (the area from Hamath on the Euphrates in the far north) and then reaching southward to include all the Philistine (Palestinian) cities up to and including Gaza (Zechariah 9:2-8). It is God (not man or the armies of man) who does this prophesied destruction. It is no doubt and earthquake in the Mediterranean and its consequent tsunami (a large destructive ocean wave often called, wrongly, a "tidal wave") that the prophecy is describing. It could also be the results of an asteroid with its consequent ocean waves of destruction. Note that only the coastal cities of the eastern Mediterranean are judged. Though such things have happened in history, this tsunami will be gigantic and almost beyond compare.
So, the first event ushering in the "Time of the End" will be a massive tsunami with a wave of ocean water hitting the eastern Mediterranean seacoast with probably a height of 100 to 200 feet (maybe even higher). Massive destruction on the seacoast will result. Since no elevated inland areas are mentioned in the judgment (such as Jerusalem at 2600 feet above sea level), a tsunami is most likely the means that will introduce the End-Time prophecy of Zechariah 9 to 14. This seems to be what God is talking about. The truth depends on the proper interpretation of Zechariah 9:2-8. I do not claim to be a modern day prophet, but I am an interpreter of the Scriptures who understands (and believes) many of the traumatic historical events of the past that are found in the documents (including those of the Bible). So, in my view the judgment appears to me to be a tsunami.
This tsunami will be of great magnitude. It will hit the eastern Mediterranean coastline (giving widespread devastation for 10 to 20 miles inland depending where "level land" is exposed to the coast). Tel Aviv (Israel’s largest city) will certainly have widespread ruins along with all regions from the Turkish border in the north down to Gaza in the south. Though the judgment is for the "Land of Hadrach" (the Promised Land), such a tsunami would also include Egypt and its near sea level land mass from its Delta to Upper Egypt. Ezekiel 29:1-12 may be referring to this "destruction."
When people of the world see on television and the Internet this particular devastation in this area of the world, they will then be told of this very prophecy in Zechariah 9 to 14 that God is now entering into world affairs. People all over the world will begin to repent almost wholesale and they will start to throw their idols away (Zechariah 10:2) just like the Byzantine emperors did in the 700’s A.D. when a similar catastrophe occurred.
This happened when a major volcano erupted with a consequent earthquake at the Island of Santorini in 726 A.D. This very eruption brought great social and religious changes in the eastern Mediterranean (and they are all recorded in history). But, for the past 500 years, the earth has been relatively quiet without any of its past bursting forth of natural catastrophes. Our "disasters" have been mild in comparison.
However, the time is soon coming when the earth will start (abruptly and out of the blue) its belching forth of earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, extreme weather conditions the likes of which modern mankind has never seen before. This is all prophesied in the Book of Revelation, and it is shown in this introductory judgment by a massive tsunami to hit the eastern Mediterranean as recorded in the "Damascus Phase" prophecy of Zechariah 9 to 14.”
There is a certain prophetic excitement about what is occurring in real life and now attuned to prophetic end time history. How long will the Hamas chief Khaled Meshaal stay away from Gaza? Since he has relocated in Egypt, next door to Gaza, the reins of rule will soon be evident of coming out of Egypt, as Egypt now becomes engulfed in the radical Islamist politics of the Middle East until the G-d of Israel says, “Enough!”
As reported in the Destination Yisra’el blog titled, “The Jewish Prophecy of the Tsunami hitting the Coastline of Gaza”, it was in the year 2005 that numerous Jewish orthodox blogs were alive with the prophecy attributed to HaRav Baruch Shapira, ztvk’l who claimed ten years prior, and posted on the Hebrew site, Moriyah.org, and reported by Years of Awe and Moshiach and Guela:
Years of Awe and Moshiach and Guela – “HaRav Baruch Shapira, ztvk"l, said ten years ago: "I am a big prophet and head of the 36 hidden Tzaddikim, and my prophecy is that in the future they will drive out complete settlements from the Gaza Strip (fulfilled on the 9th Av, 2005), and immediately afterwards there will be a very strong earthquake in the area of Gaza and a huge wave will come and wash away the whole area into the sea, along with all the Palestinians."
It was reported that HaRav Baruch Shapira, ztvk”l lived in an old house in Maale Edomim. The timing of the incident ten years prior was when a group of Jews from Hebron went to visit this 90 year old rabbi, later known to be a Mekubal Rabbi, one of the chief and learned of the rabbanim. He was buried on the Mount of Olives and during his funeral the present HaRav Mordechai Eliyahu spoke at his funeral. On that occasion, he made the claim that Rabbi Shapiro was the “Head” of the 36 hidden Tzaddikim (Righteous One)” in the world, and the greatest of them…
According to the Kabbalistic Jews, there are 36 hidden and righteous men called “Tzaddikim”, who are so pure that only they know the holy and unspeakable “Name” of the Almighty One of Israel. They are called the Lamed Vav Tzaddikim, known as the Tzaddikim Histarim or the “Hidden Righteous.” According to the Talmudic book, the Sanhedrin and the Sukkah, it states:
Sanhedrin 97b and Sukkah 45b - As a mystical concept, the number 36 is even more intriguing. It is said that at all times there are 36 special people in the world, and that were it not for them, all of them, if even one of them was missing, the world would come to an end.
The two Hebrew letters for 36 are the lamed, which is 30, and the vav, which is six. Therefore, these 36 are referred to as the Lamed-Vav Tzaddikim. This widely-held belief, this most unusual Jewish concept is based on a Talmudic statement to the effect that in every generation 36 righteous "greet the Shechinah," the Divine Presence.
According to Hasidic Judaism these 36 righteous men’s role is to justify the purpose of mankind in the eyes of the Almighty God of Israel. Their identity is secret and unknown even to each other. If any one of them were to come to a full realization of the purpose of their existence, they would die immediately and their role would be filled by another Tzaddik. This was explained by a Rabbi Zwerin in the following homily:
Rabbi Zwerin from Temple Sinai in Denver - The Lamed-Vav Tzaddikim are also called the Nistarim (concealed ones). In our folk tales, they emerge from their self-imposed concealment and, by the mystic powers, which they possess, they succeed in averting the threatened disasters of a people persecuted by the enemies that surround them. They return to their anonymity as soon as their task is accomplished, 'concealing' themselves once again in a Jewish community wherein they are relatively unknown.
The lamed-vavniks, scattered as they are throughout the Diaspora, have no acquaintance with one another. On very rare occasions, one of them is 'discovered' by accident, in which case the secret of their identity must not be disclosed. The lamed-vavniks do not themselves know that they are one of the 36. In fact, tradition has it that should a person claim to be one of the 36 that is proof positive that he is certainly not one. Since the 36 are each exemplars of anavah, humility, having such a virtue would preclude against one’s self-proclamation of being among the special righteous. The 36 are simply too humble to believe that they are one of the 36."
It appears that we are in momentous times. The facts that we fear our future is very human, but at the same time, while the G-d of Israel is becoming more hidden from the faces of those who despise and oppose Him and his will, like Elijah at Mount Horeb when he thought that he was on only one left of the prophets of Israel, he was informed by the Almighty One of Israel that there were still 7,000 others like he.
The facts are that, we cannot change the course of history; it’s in the palm of HaShem’s hand. He is guiding and controlling every step of the way. How the redemption of all Israel, including the 6 million Jews still in the Diaspora and the estimate of over 300 million to 1 Billion Lost Ten Tribes Israel’s descendants living predominately in Europe, America and the colonies of the northern nations of Europe, will happen in its totality is also totally unknown.
Will the final Exodus back to Israel come before the GogUMogog War, or after the full revealing of Elijah the Prophet, who will herald the coming of the Maschiah ben Dovid, we do not know. Yet, every day, the revelations become even more pronounced.
As the “Eight Day War with Hamas in Gaza” was unfolding, the feelings of the yearning for the Messiah were becoming more and more palpable; within and without Israel. We read that “Israel Dreams of Moshiach as Operation Pillar of Defense protects Israel from Hamas Terrorist Havens”. The masses of young Israeli soldiers were emotionally and spiritual uplifted for now they were fighting for the G-d of Israel. Though disappointed were the masses of the Israelis that a “Ceasefire” was agreed to with Israel’s avowed enemies, once again it was only at the behest of the Commander of the Heavenly Forces who controls it all.
Then the turmoil within Syria erupted with greater and greater intensity as the Al Qaeda Jabhat al-Nusra forces were closing in the Syrian city of Aleppo, ready to take possession of Syria’s largest chemical weapons storage at Al Safira where the largest storehouse of chemical weapons in Syria are located. By December 12, the Jabhat al-Nusra jihadists were just outside the perimeters of the base’s northwestern perimeter fence. If and when they smash through and enter the base, take possession of the chemical WMD plus the Scud E planes already armed with chemical warheads, it appears that the Islamic jihadist forces against Assad in Syria are set to consume one another.
For the first time in decades the chemical weapons of mass destruction have now been pulled out of the military storage, mounted on missiles and prepared for a massacre of Syrian peoples, more than the casualties of the 40,000 plus Syrians who have now died in the bloodbath of a civil war; the harbinger of the eruption of a regional or a global war.
Truly the Master of the Universe is unleashing his judgments upon Planet Earth upon the nations surrounding Israel. Yet, we recognized that fact to be real. One of G-d’s ways to judge is to withdraw His protective hand upon His people. Without the sheltering of the “Wings” of HaShem’s protective love, our lives are at the mercy of evil. This is clearly being seen also in Israel. The ecstasy of anticipation that HaShem would reveal His messiah more during the “Eight Day War” with Hamas in Gaza then turned many to despair. Why! Without faith (emuna) or repentance (teshuva), we are vulnerable to the forces of darkness that surround us. As Rabbi Laser Brody wrote in “Lazer Beams”:
Rabbi Lazer Brody – “Without observing the Torah, a Jew has no right to the Land of Israel. King David says explicitly at the end of Psalm 105 that Hashem gave us this holy land for the sole purpose of observing His commandments. But, where there's no emuna in Hashem, there's no dedication to our homeland. A soldier who lacks dedication will never be effective. A weak but dedicated soldier can overcome a stronger enemy who lacks faith in what he's doing.
The government and the IDF can take one of two choices: it's teshuva (repentance), emuna (faith in the Sovereignty of G-d) and fighting a no-holds-barred battle with a cruel enemy or losing deterrence and running a dozen times a day to the bomb shelters. Hashem is sending the rock-throwing Pallies to show us just how flabby we've become with our lack of emuna. He wants us to strengthen our emuna and our holds on the holy Land of Israel…let us fill our mouths with words of emuna. I hope someone in the government or in the IDF brass is listening. Hashem is now giving us a clear-cut choice - either emuna or another Intifada. Living without emuna is downright dangerous. Why expose ourselves to danger? We all have a job to do, and that's strengthening our emuna right away. Don't delay!”
To the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel, it’s time to ponder our real role as brothers with the Jews of Judah, leave behind our apprehensions and animosities, and be willing to let the healing hands of the Almighty One, to bind up our hearts in love and service to one another. It’s also time to be willing to take the yoke of servitude to El-Shaddai, the Al-Mighty One, the All-Powerful One and the One True G-d of Israel. Our “faith” (emuna) is in proportion to our belief that our destiny is assured. It will be He who will guide us and lead us in the final redemption, the final Exodus, from the lands of oppression from America, Europe and the homelands of Lost Jews and Lost Israelites all around the world.
When we receive the “touch of the Divine” and perceive that things that we thought were important suddenly vanish from our lives, then we will perceive how limited and oppressed out lives have been trying to please and appease other rather than the G-d of Israel.
The world around is quickly becoming transformed into a polarizing a world of two choices: for G-d or for Satan, for Goodness or for Evil, for Restoration of All Israel or against the restoration of the House of Israel and the House of Judah. As it comes to the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel, our naturalized homelands as we know them to be will soon disappear and we will have only one choice left, assimilate into Clinton’s global village or return to our ancestral tribal homelands in Israel. The prophets have a lot to say as to the fate of each of these Lost Israelites.
This comes to one sobering conclusion, if you are a descendant of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel and you despise your brothers, the Jews, you will be left cohabitating with peoples who will have a genetic hatred to you even though you think you want to be a part of them.
So today, the G-d of Israel is whistling or coaxing you to come back to the brotherhood of Klal Yisra’el (All Israel). To learn more about this redemptive process, you are Welcome to Contact “Kol Ha'Tor”,the Voice of the Turtledove. Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This super Event of all Times will entail establishing in the region of Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness into a new homeland for the Return of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel when All Israel will finally be redeemed.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”,a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria, that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel.