giving the Blessings of Abraham to his Twelve Sons”
KOL HA’TOR Presentation
Weekly Bible Reading #12
Year 5773 (2012/2013) – 29 December 2012
Parashat Va'yechi (And he lived): Genesis 47:28 - 50:26
Haftarah: I Kings 2:1-12
NOTE: Kol HaTor, in its commentaries on the weekly Parashot, endeavors to search for and accentuate the Torah Messages contained in the Parashot as applicable to the main Theme of Tanach of the Return of the House of Israel, i.e. the Lost Ten Tribes of Northern Israel and their Reconciliation with Judah to form the reunited 12-Tribed Kingdom of Israel.
This week's Parashah brings us to the end of the Book of Genesis and concludes the Process of Election (Bechirah). We have traced the Divine Election for channeling the Blessing of Abraham, through its family tracks, through Yitzchak (Isaac) and Ya'acov (Jacob), to the 70 family members who went down into Egypt. They would form the nucleus of the Nation to come at the End Time, amongst whom G-d would have a righteous Ruling Body to rule in His forthcoming Universal Kingdom.
Our next Parashot, from the Book of Exodus (Schmot), will be tell how these 70 souls multiply, become a multitude, become enslaved in Egypt and eventually redeemed - all as a metaphor of the Ultimate future Redemption at the final fulfillment of Abraham's Blessings in a multitude of nations.
Our Parashah opens with Ya'acov passing the Abrahamic Blessing onto the two sons of Yosef; Ephraim & Menasha - a double Blessing. Menasha would become a “great nation” but Ephraim would become a “group of nations”. Scripture confirms (as do Rabbinic interpretation) that ‘Ephraim’ becomes the Group Name for the Ten Tribes of Israel which would later be exiled and intermingled into oblivion amongst the Nations.
Genesis 49:1 – “Then Ya'acov called for his sons and said: ‘Gather around so I can tell you what will happen to you in days to come.’
This week's Parashah then features Ya'acov's series of Main Prophecies for the Times of Final Redemption - though with limitation on what he may reveal. These Prophecies are of vast magnitude and we will simply touch on one area of it - an important and captivating insight into the Times ahead of us, as we approach the Final Redemption.
The Evil That Will Befall Israel in ‘The Last Days’
“The Evil that will Befall Israel in ‘The Last Days’”
Ancient Mystery Prophecies by Jacob now revealed in the 501 Torah Code
DISCLAIMER - While we reproduce the following commentary for its relative value to interpretation of the Parashah, KOL HATOR does not necessarily agree with the views expressed by the authors thereof. The authors also are not associated with KOL HA'TOR and need not agree with our views and commentaries expressed in our publications.
[ Part 1)
This article and the related teaching are based mostly on a video link in an Israeli newspaper a few years ago. The research was done by Orthodox Jews living in Israel, in August 2008, more than two months before the US presidential election of November 2008. To arrive at their conclusions, they have used one of the Rabbinic interpretation methods of Gematriah.
Gematriah is a Hebrew concept by which interpretations are derived from the numerical values of words or phrases of the Torah and the Scriptures. The Hebrew words of the Torah contain so much depth, meaning and truth, which English words cannot generally teach or explain and which also conceal incredible mysteries and astounding prophecies. Hebrew letters have numerical values. By comparing the numerical value of different words or phrases used in the Bible, the process of Gematriah portends deeper revelationary meanings which seem to be Divinely built into the Hebrew Scriptures like a mathematical formula underlying all.
Gematriah is not ‘evil numerology’ as most Christians assume. Christian interpreters of their ‘New Testament’ are heavily engaged in exactly the same procedure in trying to resolve one of its most popular clues for identifying the Personage of ‘the man of Evil’ who is to arise in ‘The Time of the End.’ Various interpreters using similar methods of numerical interpretation, have for ages been suggesting the names of various famous people to fit the popular ‘sign of the beast, “which is the number of a man - 666”
Some additional information and / or explanations have been added to the article, in order to help those who do not read Hebrew or know certain Hebraic concepts used in the Scriptures, to have a more clear and better understanding.
Jewish Perspective: Obama and the Evil at the End of Days
By Joel Gallis and Dr. Robert Wolf [ Israel ]
The coded, end of days message that Ya'akov gave over to his sons (Gen. 49) was not deciphered by them. But our generation, the generation alive at the end of days, can understand the clues and break the code [ref. Daniel 12:3, 4]. Ya’akov (Jacob) called for his sons and said:
Genesis 49:1 - “Gather and assemble yourselves together and I will proclaim to you what will befall you [your descendants] in the Last Days.”
That is, unify and become a single nation with “ONE HEART” ( lev echad לב אחד) and I will tell you about your descendants' REDEMPTION ( Geulah גאולה ) in the LAST DAYS.
The Gematriah of the phrase “ONE HEART” ” (lev echad לב אַחד ) is calculated as = Total 45.
The Gematriah of the word “REDEMPTION” ( Geulah גאולה ) is calculated as = Total 45.
Thus both “ONE HEART” and “REDEMPTION” have a Gematriah of 45.
[This emphasizes the importance of UNITY to attain Redemption. See 'Main Conclusion' at end of this commentary']
But there was no UNITY among the brothers. There still were bad feelings and finger pointing among them. They did REPENTANCE (Teshuvah תשובה ) with respect to their brother Joseph but with respect to each other, they were separate tribes. And so, Jacob could not reveal to them what would befall their DESCENDANTS.
[Bear in mind also, that they were well aware of the Divine Promise that their descendants would grow into uncountable numbers, as nations with kings. The rivalry amongst these first Patriarchs of Israel is obvious from the way they treated Yosef who indicated his leadership amongst them. This rivalry remained a great reason for division amongst the 12 Tribes of Israel throughout time. It also was the main reason for the splitting of the ancient 12-Tribed Kingdom of Israel into two, viz. the House of Judah (with Benjamin) and the House of ‘Israel’ – that is, the Biblical term used for the Northern 10-Tribes AFTER the split. UNITY should therefore be the Final Goal for those who await the Return of the Shechinah (visible Presence) of G-d before the Redemption can be brought about].
“IN THE LAST DAYS” [b’achareet ha-yahmim בְאַחֲרִּית היָמִּים ].
Ya’akov thought that perhaps one of his sons had sinned. So he then searched the names of each of his 12 sons to see if the letters ח { chet } or ט { tet }, the main letters of the word “To SIN” [l’cha-toh לחטוא] were present in any of his son’s names. He was relieved when he realized that these letters were absent from their names. He then thought that perhaps their LACK of UNITY (lack of oneness of heart), was worse than he imagined. If so, their merit to learn about the future final redemption was lost.
Yaakov then searched their names again to see if the letters ק { Kof } and ץ [Tzahdi-final] from the word “End” [ kaytz קץ ] were present in any of their names. Once again these letters were absent from all 12 names.
Yaakov then realized the extent of their DISUNITY and began to give blessings and or make prophecies over each of the sons. Although he was not allowed to tell about events affecting their descendants [Israel – being the 12 Tribes re-united in Peace], for thousands of years into the future, he had already hinted at the IDENTITY of the EVIL that would befall their DESCENDANTS -- IN THE LAST DAYS. He also hinted that the lack of unity that they possessed would continue until those LAST DAYS.
The Gematriah of “GATHER” ( hay-ahs-poo הֵאָסְפו ) is 152.
While the phrase ”UNTIL THIS DAY” (ad ha-yom ha-zeh עד היום הזה) is also the Gematriah of 152, for UNTIL THIS DAY, there still has NOT been “ONE HEART among Israel.
However, there was one brief period of time of “ONE HEART” at Mount Sinai, when the Israelites received the Torah. This unity lasted until Moshe’s (Moses’s) death, and because of it, Moshe was able to tell the Israelites before he died, what will happen to their DESCENDANTS IN THE LAST DAYS. Moses declared that the Israelites would turn away from the path of the Torah [ not “law”, but Instructions ] of Elohim, and that they would provoke Him to anger “BY THE WORK OF YOUR HANDS” (b’mah-ahsay yaday-chem במעֲשֵה יְַדֵיכֶם ), “AND IT SHALL BEFALL” ( veh-kah-raht וקָרָאת ) you EVIL, IN THE LAST DAYS.
Deuteronomy 31:29 – “For I know that after my death you will become utterly corrupt, and turn aside from the way which I have commanded you. And evil WILL BEFALL YOU in the LAST DAYS, because you will do evil in the sight of HaShem, to provoke Him to anger BY THE WORK OF YOUR HANDS.”
Normally the Hebrew word which would be used in a sentence like this would be “To CALL / To PROCLAIM” ( yik-ra יִּקְרָא ), which is what Jacob used when he spoke to his 12 sons in Genesis 49:1 above.
Yet Moses uses the word “AND IT SHALL BEFALL” (veh-kah-raht וקָרָאת ) instead!
Why? [ a mystery revealed ]
The only other time this variation of the word: “AND IT SHALL BEFALL” (veh-kah-raht ) is used in the entire Torah [ Five Books of Moses ], is when Hagar was told that she would have a son, and was told by the Messenger of HaShem to call his name Ishmael. [ Is this a co-incidence? We do NOT think so! ]
Genesis 16:10-12 - “Then the messenger [ “angel” ] of HaShem said to her, ‘I will multiply your descendants exceedingly, so that they shall not be counted for multitude.’ And the messenger of HaShem said to her: ‘Behold, you are with child, and you shall bear a son. ‘AND YOU SHALL CALL’ ( veh-kah-raht ) his name Ishmael, because HaShem has heard your affliction. He shall be a wild man; his hand shall be against every man, and every man’s hand against him. And he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.”
This Prophecy certainly seems to describe the descendants of Ishmael -- Arabs and Muslims. They are against everyone in almost every nation where they live, and their hand, by the sword of Islam in their hands, is against everyone.
This word “AND IT SHALL BEFALL” ( veh-kah-raht ), which is normally connected to proclaiming and voicing something ( ”AND YOU SHALL CALL” ), is mysteriously used by Moses in just two places in the entire Torah (Genesis 16:11 and Deuteronomy 31:29), but with different meanings in each case.
This tells us that when evil befalls the Israelites (their descendants), in the LAST DAYS, it was proclaimed in Heaven and does not happen by chance.
Both Jacob (in Genesis 49:1) and Moses (in Deuteronomy 31:29) prophesied that some horrifying “EVIL WILL BEFALL” the sons of Jacob / the children of Israel, IN THE LAST DAYS. Thus, the prophecy was essentially given two times. In the second instance, the words of Moses are more specific and also include a mysterious, but alarming detail.
Moreover, since Moses uses the exact same word (in Deut 31:29) that is used in naming Ishmael (in Gen 16:11), we ask ourselves: So what then is the PHYSICAL and SPIRITUAL connection between the “EVIL THAT WILL BEFALL” the sons of Jacob / the children of Israel IN THE LAST DAYS -- and ISHMAEL?
The answer is very clear and simple: the descendants of ISHMAEL (and his brothers) are the EVIL that will befall the descendants of JACOB / the descendants of Israel – IN THE LAST DAYS.
HOW will this happen?
Israel will provoke Elohim to anger; “BY THE WORK OF YOUR HANDS.”
This phrase “BY THE WORK OF YOUR HANDS” has a Gematriah of 501.
The ISHMAELITES ( Yish-meh-ay-leem יִּשְׁמְעֵאלִּים ) also has a Gematriah of 501.
[ Is this a co-incidence ? We do NOT think so! ]
The fact that the Gematriah of both of these two words / phrases is 501, and that they are found in the same two verses (Gen 16:11 and Deut. 31:29) which are already connected by “AND IT SHALL BEFALL” (veh-kah-raht) (Deut. 31:29) “AND YOU SHALL CALL” (veh-kah-raht) (Gen 16:11), further strengthens and confirms the PHYSICAL and SPIRITUAL connection in the prophecies by Jacob and Moses -- that the EVIL that shall befall the DESCENDANTS of Jacob / Israel -- in the Last Days -- shall be from the descendants of Ishmael.
[ Comment - Yet now, with this awesome understanding, we still have only part of the mystery solved. There is still more. We need to understand what exactly the descendants of Israel will do to provoke HaShem to anger “BY THE WORK OF YOUR HANDS”.
So what could we, the children of Israel, have possibly done, “BY THE WORK OF YOUR HANDS”, that would anger Elohim so much?
With our very own hands, we finance and work to put the wrong people in power over us. This action results in our downfall. By putting into power leaders in Israel who don’t believe in Elohim, we help bring about a spiritual collapse.
And by electing dangerous and hateful leaders in America ( USA ) and in other countries, we assist in bringing about both our physical and spiritual downfall even more.
We raise money for them, we vote for these people and we put them in power. This evil work of our hands will bring PUNISHMENT from Elohim and evil upon us from the ISHMAELITES (Yish-mehayleem יִּשְׁמְעֵאלִּים).
We have also seen lately how the Israel leaders have capitulated and bent before the demands of Obama by signing a Peace Agreement with the terrorist rulers of Gaza, Hamas, and with the president of Egypt, Muhammed Morsi, who’s declared vow is to conquer Jerusalem for Islam.
Morsi will also be the future overseer of the Peace Treaty. In this way Israel’s leaders have acknowledged Hamas’s terrorist rule and raised Morsi to a great Peacemaker in the opinion of the world.]
(End of Comment)
Thus not only is 501 the Gematriah of: “BY THE WORK OF YOUR HANDS”;
But the ( EVIL ) THAT WILL BEFALL us IN THE LAST DAYS – that is, our PUNISHMENT, will be by the descendants of ISHMAELITES, which also has a Gematriah of 501.
[ PLEASE READ Psalm 83 ]
Psalms 83: The Islamic Nations that will Attack Israel
And all of this is also connected to the president of the United States, that many descendants of Jacob / Israel actually helped put in power through their finances and efforts ( promoting and voting) – “BY THE WORK OF YOUR HANDS”.
[ Approximately 70% of the Jewish people in the United States voted FOR Obama].
The word for: “HEAD” is ‘rosh’ ראש - This also applies to a leader, prime minister or president. This word also has a Gematriah of 501.
And who WILL BE the new “HEAD” (rosh ראש ) of the United States? Barack Obama.
[ Note: Their article and this Scripture research was done in August 2008, two months BEFORE the election!! ]
Our readers probably will be shocked to learn that 501 is also the Gematriah of the name Barack Hussein Obama, written phonetically in Hebrew!
This means that all FOUR of these factors are PHYSICALLY and SPIRITUALLY connected together, as they all have a Gematriah of 501:
- “HEAD (president)”; and
[There is more to this - incredible and astounding, to come in Part 2].
The Evil That Will Befall Israel In The Last Days
“Obama and the Evil that will Befall Israel in the Last Days”
Ancient Mystery Prophecies by Jacob
Now Revealed in the 501 Torah Code
This means that all four of these things:
- “HEAD (leader)” and;
- “BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA” are PHYSICALLY and SPIRITUALLY connected together, as they all have a Gematriah of 501.
Connecting all of this together, we have:
“The HEAD of the (descendants of the) ISHMAELITES is BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA who will bring the EVIL THAT WILL BEFALL the (descendants of) Jacob (BOTH Houses of Israel, all 12 Tribes) in the Last Days for the evil WORK OF THEIR HANDS.”
HaShem watched as countless Jews, all over the United States, rushed to send their money to Obama’s campaign chest and helped promote and advise his campaign. Today, many Jews are in his cabinet, including Emmanuel, Axelrod, Geitner and Bernanke. And so, with our own hands, we took a DESCENDANT from Yishmael and placed him as our HEAD in the White House, just 7 years after 9/11.
Accordingly, he (Obama) is indeed a great EVIL THAT WILL BEFALL the Jewish people, the DESCENDANTS of Jacob, “IN THE LAST DAYS”, the EVIL that Jacob and Moses prophesied about to our ancestors.
[ Reawakening and re-identifying Ten Tribers today, should not count themselves detached from the reason for bringing this Evil upon Israel as recompense for “THE WORK OF THEIR HANDS”, while pointing fingers to “the evil works of Judah” (Jews) only. They also voted for Obama who has not proven himself the friend of Israel, but rather of Islam (Ishmaelites). Today’s re-identifying Ten Tribers also do not show an open hand of physical support for rebuilding the Land of Israel because of their criticism of orthodox Rabbinic and non-Jesus-accepting spiritual leadership of Israel. This all to the discredit of “THE WORK OF THEIR HANDS.” ]
But there are those who argue that Obama is youthful and energized in his appearance and his ideas. Why shouldn’t we believe him when he says the magic words that he is a friend of Israel?
How do we really know he is dangerous to us?
Not only does the name, Barack Hussein Obama), have the same Gematriah 501 as ISHMAELITES, evidencing that he is a Muslim, although he denies it (watch the video given at the end of the article), but it also has a further connection to a wave of impending evil against Israel and the rest of the world. This we explain below in more detail:
At our Passover Seders, we spill a drop of wine when we mention each of the TEN Plagues, and also when we mention the abbreviation of those plagues by saying באחב עדש דצּכ
[ This Hebrew acronym is made up of the first letters (with one surprising exception), of each of the Ten Plagues which HaShem judged the land of Egypt with, at the time of the Exodus of the Israelites. The following list is also not in the original article, but included here to help people better see and understand how such Hebrew acronyms work.
- blood ( dahm ד ) (Exodus 7:17-25);
- frogs ( tzeh-fahr-day-ah צ ) Exodus 8:1-15);
- gnats / lice ( kih-nahm כ ) (Exodus 8:16-19);
- flies ( ah-rohv ע ) (Exodus 8:20-32);
- pestilence ( deh-vehr ד ) (Exodus 9:1-7);
- boils ( sheh-cheen ש ) (Exodus 9:8-12);
- hail ( bah-rahd ב ) (Exodus 9:13-35);
- locusts ( ahr-beh א ) (Exodus 10:1-20);
- darkness ( choh-shech ח ) (Exodus 10:21-29);
- killing of the first-born ( machat beh-choh-roht מכת בכרות) (Exodus 4:22-23, 11:1-10).
The Gematriah of this acronym for the Ten Plagues in Egypt is calculated as; 501.
So we see that this acronym of the Ten Plagues also has a Gematriah of 501, the same as both the name, Barack Hussein Obama, “HEAD” and ISHMAELITES.
From all of these things, we learn that the Torah teaches us that Obama and radical Muslims will bring as much tribulation, destruction and confusion to the world, at the time of the end, IN THE LAST DAYS -- as all the TEN ( 10 ) plagues together brought to Egypt.
[ HaShem used all of those plagues and judgments on Egypt, in order to bring about the RELEASE of His People, 12-Tribed Israel, to bring them out in the First Exodus, to the Promised Land. This is referred to as the Redemption of His People, ancient Israel. Although those plagues were brought about by G-d in order to bring about their release, the Israelites had to equally endure the plagues upon the land of Egypt. Their only protection was under the 10th Plague, the death of the First-born of each family – the Plague which ensured their Release. (Note the author’s special application for this 10th Plague for purposes of the Gematriah formula interpretation … see 3rd par. from here).
Likewise, HaShem will use the forthcoming tribulation and destruction in the world (which relates to spiritual ‘Egypt’, amongst whom His Lost Ten Tribes and Lost - unidentified and assimilated - Jews are held captive in exile). In this way He will bring about, the Second Exodus (Regathering of His 12 Tribes from amongst all the nations, for the FINAL REDEMPTION of His people Israel) ].
Moreover, the prophecy of the messenger of G-d to Hagar about Ishmael was that: "He will be a wild donkey of a man, his hand will be against everyone, and everyone's hand will be against him.” We see this happening all over the world IN THESE LAST DAYS.
[ It is interesting to note how Rabbi Yehudah, who made the acronym or abbreviation of the Ten Plagues, took the FIRST Hebrew letter of each of the first NINE ( 9 ) plagues. However, with respect to the TENTH and LAST PLAGUE, the KILLING of the FIRST-BORN (machat b’choroht), he took the FIRST letter of the SECOND word of the plague – the Hebrew letter Beit ב, for ‘first-born’, instead of the FIRST letter of the FIRST word - Mem , for ‘the killing of’.
- This letter Beit refers to the subject of the sentence, the ‘first-born’;
- Which also is the subject of the Release of Israel from slavery and their proceeding in the Exodus from Egypt to the Promised Land.
- The topic of the ‘first-born’ is an extremely important factor in reference to Redemption in Judaism.
- Noteworthy also is that ‘Ephraim’ is the group name used in the Bible for the Ten Tribes and as such, the Ten Tribes to be re-identified and Returned to their heritage and to the Land in the End Time, holds a special role of esteem by HaShem.
- Through their father Yosef, Ephraim and Manasheh received a double portion of inheritance in the Promised Land, according to the Rights of the first-born. Yosef, regarded in Scripture as the first-born through his mother Rachel, beloved wife of Jacob, is also regarded in Judaism as a proto-type or metaphor for the Ten Tribes which were torn away from the Kingdom of Israel and rejected by G-d for their rivalry with and rejection of the judicial authority of Judah. There remains a Divine Oath though for their re-acceptance and Return to the Land by G-d at the Time of the establishment of the Messianic Kingdom to rule over the earth.
It is evident that this ‘501’ Time of Trouble for Israel (all 12 Tribes?) will be used in the likeness of the ancient Ten Plagues, to Return the Lost Israelites and Jews to the Promised Land in a Second Exodus which will be even greater than the first!
Jeremiah 16:14-15 – “The days are coming, declares HaShem when it will no longer be said, ‘As surely as HaShem lives, Who brought the Israelites up out of Egypt,’ but it will be said, ‘As surely as HaShem lives, Who brought the Israelites up out of the land of the north and out of all the countries where he had banished them.’ For I will restore them to the land I gave their ancestors.”
The wisdom of Rabbi Yehudah in selecting the 2nd letter which refers to the first born, is therefore evident.]
The coded, End of Days message, that Yaakov (Jacob) gave to his sons was not understood by them. But our generation, the generation which is today and alive in these Last Days, which both Yaakov (Jacob) and Mosheh (Moses) prophesied about, can now understand the clues and decipher the codes. G-d told Daniel that His words would be concealed and the Prophecies of His Book sealed or kept hidden from understanding -- until the Time of the End, that is. in the Last Days.
Now that we are living in the very Time of the End, G-d is opening up the words and the Prophecies of the Book of Daniel, along with so many other Prophecies, so that we can understand and interpret them.
Daniel 12:1-5 - “At that time Michael will stand, the great [heavenly] prince who stand in support for the members of your people, and there will be a TIME OF TROUBLE, such as there had never been since there was a nation until that time. But at that time your people will escape; everything that is found written in this book in this book [will occur].
Many of those who sleep in the dusty earth will awaken; these for everlasting life and those for shame, for everlasting abhorrence. The wise will shine like the radiance of the firmament, and those who teach righteousness to the multitudes [will shine] like the stars, forever and ever.
As for you, Daniel, obscure the matters and seal the book until the time of the End; let many muse and let knowledge increase.”
In Yaakov’s (Jacob’s) statement and prophecy to his 12 sons (in Genesis 49:1 above and following), there are FIVE words (in Hebrew): “what - WILL BEFALL - YOU - in the LAST - DAYS”.
The word translated “WHAT” (or ‘that which’) is ‘ashare’ אשר. [ It has the exact same three Hebrew letters as the word “HEAD’. ] Nevertheless it still has a Gematriah of 501 being the sum of the same three numerical values. Jacob’s prophecy is talking about WHAT EVIL shall befall the DESCENDANTS of Jacob / Israel in the LAST DAYS
This is because the Hebrew word translated as “WHAT” (ah-sher) can also be translated as “WHO”. This is word or phrase [ 5. ] in our calculations that has a Gematriah of 501. And with this understanding, the prophecy by Jacob further explains and identifies the EVIL -- THAT WILL BEFALL the descendants of Jacob / Israel in the LAST DAYS by the “HEAD” ( rohsh ) of the Ishmaelites. That “WHO” is: Barack Hussein Obama, whose name we have already learned has the same Gematria of 501. [ How can this be just another co-incidence? ]
[ and if this were not enough, there is yet even one more strange co-incidence as we close… ]
When we look carefully at the word for “IN THE LAST” ( beh-ah-chah-reet בְאַחֲרִּיתַ ) we notice that the FIRST THREE ( 3 ) Hebrew letters contain the letters of the initials of Barack Hussein Obama in Hebrew:
- The Bet - ב is for Barack;
- the Alef - א is for אובמה Obama;
- and the Chet - ח is for Hussein.
The HEAD [501] of the ( descendants of the ) ISHMAELITES [501] is BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, [501], WHO [ 501 ] is the EVIL -- THAT WILL BEFALL the ( descendants of ) Jacob / Israel, in the Last Days, BY THE WORK OF YOUR HANDS [501].
May HaShem [ Elohim ] protect us from this evil and bring Messiah ( Mashiach ) speedily in our days.
[End of Quote]
You may want to Read: “Torah Codes predict, and warn about, Obama Presidency”.
Video - “Obama Admits he is a Muslim!” a descendant of Ishmael
Fulfillment in the News this week
One of the amazing features of the Torah Readings is the confirmation that often comes from major news events in the world - as if a Prophetic fulfillment of the Torah portion. Bear in mind that these readings are done on a programmed basis which has been formulated centuries ago and faithfully repeated year after year by Jews throughout the centuries.
Our confirmation of the controversial statements contained in this commentary, comes from WND (World News Digest) this week in an article “Biggest Lie of the Year 2012 is Obama, News Media for Misleading Tales” in which they reveal some shocking details of how the US under Obama has been funding Al Qaida rebels in Libya and currently in Syria. The reports states:
World Net Daily – “In September, WND also broke the story that the slain US ambassador, Christopher Stevens, played a central role (in Benghazi), in recruiting Jihadists to fight Assad’s regime, according to Egyptian security officials.
Last month, Middle Eastern security sources further described both the U.S. mission and nearby CIA annex in Benghazi as the main intelligence and planning center for U.S. aid to the rebels that was being coordinated with Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Many rebel fighters are openly members of terrorist organizations, including al-Qaida.
Questions remain about the nature of U.S. support for the revolutions in Egypt and Libya, including reports the U.S.-aided rebels that toppled Gadhafi’s regime in Libya consisted of al-Qaida and jihad groups. The U.S. provided direct assistance, including weapons and finances, to the Libyan rebels. Similarly, the Obama administration has aided the rebels fighting Assad’s regime in Syria amid widespread reports that al-Qaida jihadists are included in the ranks of the Free Syrian Army.
During the revolution against Gadhafi’s regime, the U.S. admitted to directly arming the rebel groups. At the time, rebel leader Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi admitted in an interview that a significant number of the Libyan rebels were al-Qaida fighters, many of whom had fought U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
He insisted his fighters “are patriots and good Muslims, not terrorists,” but he added that the “members of al-Qaida are also good Muslims and are fighting against the invader.”
While the impression is created in the media that Israel is assisted and protected against their surrounding enemies, there is an ominous build up in this process of even more fundamentalist Islamic neighbors who all vehemently oppose the establishment of a Jewish State or Israel Kingdom.”
This week's Haftarah
The Wisdom of King Solomon passed Down from King David
King David's death bed wishes to his son, Solomon, gives an apt conclusion and secure guidelines to anyone who wishes to conform to the Message of the 12 Parashot that make up the entire Book of Genesis and wants "to Live".
1 Kings 2:2-4 – “Observe what HaShem your God requires: Walk in obedience to him, and keep His Decrees and Commands, His Laws and Regulations, as written in the Law of Moses. Do this so that you may prosper in all you do and wherever you go and that HaShem may keep His Promise to me.”
This echoes Ya'acov's wishes for his sons (as in our Parashah) as well as the wishes, prayers and Blessings of all the Patriarchs of Genesis who cherished and pursued the Divine Blessing to Avraham.
It is these Guidelines that their descendants forgot - and which 10-Israel is returning to today. No wonder that the evil forces have besmirched these very principles and guidelines through the traditions in Exile. May re-awakening 10-Israel realize and see through these evil intentions and return to their original heritage as outlined in David's death-bed wishes so that HaShem can fulfill His Promises.
Main Conclusion from Beresheet
The Blessings to Avraham stand firm - and HaShem is eager to bring it on for us. WE, His People, the claimants to His Promises, are the obstacles! We withhold it from occurring!
The underlying shortcoming which has echoed from all these 12 Parashot is UNITY. NOT just Unity amongst Judah, or unity amongst 10-Israel, but also and mainly, UNITY between the two Sticks to be molded into ONE. UNITY between the Brothers who make up the Twelve Tribes of Israel.
May we conclude with the guidelines given in the Definition of this required UNITY, by Rav Yisachar Shlomo Teichtal when he advises:
Rav Yisachar Shlomo Teichtal – “That peace and unity do not consist of the avoidance of conflict alone, and cannot be achieved by the suppression of differences. Rather, unification in true peace is a positive state that presupposes authentic connectedness -- affirmative engagement and willingness to encounter others in their fullness -- along with concerted efforts at mutual understanding and appreciation (if not validation) of differences in culture, practice and ideology.”
May the leaders and members of BOTH Houses of Israel be brave and humble enough to meditate on these wise guidelines and start to put them into practise.
THEN Unity will result!
THEN the Shechinah of HaShem will Return.
THEN will we all be ONE!
Baruch HaShem!
Presented by KOL HA’TOR
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You might Want to Read Destination Yisra’el’s Kol Ha’tor Series on “Judah the Mechoqeck”
“Judah - The Lawgiver of God –Part One”
“Judah-The Lawgiver of God –Part Two”
To understand more about the Return of the 10 Tribes of Israel to their Homeland in Shomron (Samaria), Israel, Contact “Kol Ha’Tor”,the Voice of the Turtledove.
Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This super Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Ministries for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria, that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel.