Blue Line
for “Jewish Baby Boomers” and Red Line for “Jewish Immigrants”
Two Columbia University professors, one of which is Jewish, Yinon Cohen and Neve Gordon have determination that the “Lack of Peace” in the Middle East was determined by one statistical fact: Jewish babies! Ruffled feathers began to fly in the face of “Friends of Israel” who support the Jewish settlement movement and those who believe that there is a G-d of Israel, who chose the Hebrew people, and made a covenant with them as “National Israel” at the mount called Sinai. This was after this same G-d promised his chosen emissary, Abraham, that his descendants through Isaac and Jacob would have divine legal “deed of trust” to the entire Land of Israel, for their descendants, forever.
It was in the early 1990s that following the 1991 Madrid Conference, our Norwegian Lost Israelite brothers plotted secretly until when they revealed the “Oslo Accord” (1993), this began the ill fated international quest to induce the Israelis “Land for Peace” for the sole purpose to give the “fields of Ephraim” in Central Samaria to the Palestinian peoples for a national homeland.
So they, the Palestinians created terrorism, suicide bombers, and rocket launchers and even use their own children as human shields to fend off attack by the Israeli defenders. Then they sought to negotiate more “Land” for “Peace” that never came. They began calling this region “Occupied Territory” as they sought to delegitimize the settling of Israeli citizens in that region that they called the “West Bank” which was actually the biblical heartland of the homelands of the ancient Children of Israel.
The only reason that there was a “West Bank” was because there was also an “East Bank” on the “other side of the Jordan” that was also artificially conceived by the British Mandate, supposedly for a national homeland for the Palestinian people. Instead it was given to the Hashemite Jordanian royal family in order to get “insider rights” to the oil in the Middle East, predominately in Saudi Arabia.
During these years, the State of Israel began to encourage the Israeli settlement Program which was initiated in the early 1990s to encourage Israelis settling in the mountains of Israel in central Shomron. This was done to establish a Jewish presence throughout all the land of Israel.
As we notice in the chart above, the immigration into the “mountains of Samaria” skyrocketed in 1990, then quickly began to decline, only to be followed by two surging growth patterns in 1997 and 1999 just before Yasser Arafat decided to sabitoge the entire “Land for Peace” by plotting the Second Intifada, seeking to kill, maim or destroy any Jewish people living in the “mountains of Israel” placed there for a homeland for the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel.
After the Gaza Disengagement, the patriots and pioneering Jewish families then began a concerted effort, this time on their own to “settle” the biblical mountains of Israel. This Jewish settlers “do it yourself” attitude came only the heels of the cowardice of their own Israeli political leaders who lost the vision of G-d’s promise and blessings to restore this land at the “end of days” to the G-d of Israel.”
After the devastating 2005 retreat from Gaza, the “Black Knight” assault on “settler kids” at Amona, and the continuous harassing of Jewish settlers living in Hebron, one of the most Jewish of the ancient Jewish towns in Jewish history, immigration into the Shomron regions continued to decline.
The evidence today appears that the natural birth rates of Israeli children born to parents that were patriotic to the dreams of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, continues to expand while the immigration rate of all Israeli into the Shomron and Judean regions of the Land of Israel continued to decline. Was this a lack of faith that their country’s government and Supreme Court leadership are against the Divine Will have political goals and agendas that are against the commands of the G-d of Israel? Even if so, there is sufficient growth to allow for the Jewish people to remain the ascendant population within the region, even against a growing Palestinian population.
What we now are witnessing, in the second graph is the evidence that the accelerating Annual Birth Rate in Shomron and Judea is and will be in the future one of the keys to the sustenance of the Jewish population in the biblical heartland of Israel. Here, where the Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob lived and flourished, is today witnessing a flourishing population of patriotic and pioneering settlers who are predominantly Orthodox Observant Jews.
Testifying to the graph depicting the birthrate of the Jewish population, we see that the “Total Israeli Jewish population” living from Galilee to the north and Eilat on the Red Sea to the south, the average the total birthrate is only about 3.0%. We are initially unsettled by the facts that the “West Bank” Palestinian’s total birth rate is slightly higher at 3.1%.
The High
Fertility Rate of Ultra-Orthodox Women in comparison to Israeli and Palestinian
Yet when we put all the Jewish patriots settling in the Mountain of Judea and Shomron, we have an amazing population birthrate of 5.1%. What is the key to such a jump in the Jewish birthrate; the Ultra-Orthodox Jews. When we look at the birth rate of the Ultra-Orthodox Jews living within the entire Land of Israel, from Galilee to Eilat and from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River, the annual birthrate is an amazing 6.5%.
If we dig a little bit deeper, we discover that the Ultra-Orthodox population of Jewish people is seeking predominately to live in the biblical heartland of Shomron and Judea where their Patriarchal fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob once lived. There they lived, died and were later buried there in Hebron, in the family tomb purchased by their Father Abraham. It is in these regions of Shomron and Judea that the birthrate of the Ultra-Orthodox is a whopping 7.7%.
We have to understand the biblical command of the G-d of Creation to “be fruitful and multiply”. This means that in the eyes of the G-d of Creation, it is more important to have children then it is to have a Mercedes Benz, an estate, or an executive position in an important company. Also we have to consider that these are the stout pioneers of the State of Israel, who still have to evacuated their own legally purchased homes and dwellings, and watch them be razed to the ground to appease their tribal brothers to the north and choose instead to give the tribal homelands for the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel away to the Palestinians for their homeland. Consider if that was your home?
Now, let us witness the chart depicting the annual Jewish Israeli growth rate. We then look at the total populations and analyze how the annual growth rate in the entire Land of Israel is partitioned out to different sectors of the population. Here we see the result:
- The Growth Rate of “All Israeli Jews” from the Sea to the River is 1.5%,
- The Growth Rate of “Palestinians” living in the mountains of Israel called Shomron and Judea is 2.2%,
- The Growth Rate of “All Settlers” patriotic to the goals and dreams of Moses, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that the Children of Israel should take possession of the “Land” is 3.6%, and;
- The Growth Rate of “All Ultra-Orthodox Settlers” living in the biblical heartland of Israel, fulfilling G-d’s mandate to “be fruitful and multiply” is 6.6%.
The evidence today appears that the natural birth rates of Israeli children born to parents patriotic to the dreams of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob continues to expand while the immigration rate of all Israeli, into the Shomron and Judean regions of the Land of Israel continues to decline. Is this because there is a lack of faith that their country’s government and Supreme Court leadership refuse to govern with just policies that reflect the commands of the G-d of Israel? Do they believe that their government leader’s political goals and agendas are against the commands of the G-d of Israel? Even so, there is sufficient growth to allow for Jewish people to remain the ascendant population within the region, even as we shall see against a growing Palestinian population.
What we now are witnessing, in the second graph is the evidence that the accelerating Annual Birth Rate in Shomron and Judea is and will be in the future one of the keys to the sustenance of the Jewish population in the biblical heartland of Israel. Here where the Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob lived and flourished, today is witnessed by the flourishing patriotic and pioneering settlers who are predominantly Orthodox Jews.
Testifying to the birthrate of the Jewish population in Israel, we see in the “Total Israeli Jewish population” living from Galilee to the north and Eilat on the Red Sea to the south; the average the total birthrate is about 3.0%. Yet we are unsettled by the facts that the West Bank Palestinians total birth rate is slightly higher at 3.1%.
In spite of the fact that the most honorable goal of lives of these pioneering Jewish settlers, they are still threatened and actually evacuated from their own legally purchased homes and dwellings. They have their homes bulldozed to the ground because the international furor coming predominately from the countries in Northern Europe.
Is not the message coming clear, the animosity and anti-Semitism of the Lost 10-Tribes of the House of Israel today living in Northern Europe towards their Jewish brothers is still alive and well. In a day not to far in the future, the G-d of Israel has promised to stop their arrogance to their brother, Judah, and their abomination of G-d’s Holy Name, and He will set the stage of global catastrophes that will effectively make the lands of their dwelling non-inhabitable.
Let us now look that the last graph. In 1991, the year of the Madrid Conference, the international globalists established an international agenda to delegitimize the Israeli Jew’s right to live and possess the biblical heartland of Israel. All these honorable Jews wanted to do was to live in the hometowns and regions of where their Patriarchal forefathers once lived almost 4,000 years ago.
At that time, the population of ultra-Orthodox Jews living in the Shomron and Judea (not the West Bank) was less than 5,000 people, or less than 5% of the pioneering settlers living in the same region. The State of Israel began an official building program in which apartments and a variety of homes were built for the expanding Jewish population. With that also came a whole array of incentives and subsidies.
During the years of the Oslo Accord, after 1993, the State of Israel began to encourage the Ultra-Orthodox population to move to Shomron and Judea. First note that the term “West Bank” is a globalist term loaded with anti-Semitic ideology, and definitely not a biblical term. Yet today, over 30% of the population that lives within this region is Ultra-Orthodox Jews. In less than 8 years into the future of the State of Israel, the Ultra-Orthodox population will be nearly 40% of the entire population of Israeli patriots today living as citizens in the biblical heartland of the Northern Kingdom of Israel; Shomron and the northern regions of the Southern Kingdom of Judah in the region of Judea. This tremendous growth has not and will not come by immigration. It has come from the expanding birth rate of those Torah pioneers who have chosen to stay true to the commands of the G-d of Israel
What this means today; the peoples who are following the commands of the L-rd believe fervently also that possessing the land is a Divine command. The G-d of Israel commanded that it was imperative to “possess” the “Land” in order to make this region a “Holy Land”. Let us look now at the statistics of the demographics of the expanding Jewish population today divided between the Haredi Jews and all other Israeli Settlers:
- The Year of 1991 (Pre-Oslo); Ultra Haredi Jews: 5.2% and Other Israeli Settlers: 94.8%;
- The Year of 2011 (Post-Gaza Disengagement); Ultra Haredi Jews: 31.0% and Other Israeli Settlers: 69.0%;
- The future 2020 (Age of the Messiah?); Ultra Haredi Jews: 38.2% and Other Israeli Settler: 61.8%.
The facts are now clear, there is a mega-trend going on in Israel and it is no wonder that the future of Israel, in the non-spiritual eyes of the globalist anti-Jew, is seeing their political ideology of destroying the spiritual identity of the Land of Israel as being G-d’s Holy Land. The political identity of the Zionist State of Israel is turning away from being one with the rest of the “nations of the world”. They are returning to their true Jewish roots, while there political ideology is turning into a spiritual ideology with their futuristic vision of Israel begin transformed into the vision of the Messianic Kingdom in the “World to Come!”
A spiritual volcano is about to erupt in the Middle East and around the world. When it does, the transformation of the humans with a spiritual orientation of “service to others” will become more elevated and the polarity of the forces of light in conflict with the forces of darkness will become the battleground of the future.
On December 21, 2012, the world made a transition towards our future. The world as we know it to be is now being seen by millions as an era “passing away.” Their new identity will gradually escalate into a global focus on preparing to be a part of the “World to Come” and the “age of the Messiah.”
This fact is becoming an ever present reality especially in the lives of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel, as the “The Call to the Ten Tribes of Yisra’el; “Come Home!” becomes an urgent obsession most of their lives. It's time for the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel to begin their historic journey back home and return to their Jewish roots in Judaism.
It’s time for emuna, the “faith” in the Sovereignty of the Divine One of Israel that He is capable of making this fact happen and renew the spirit within us, for us to daily “call upon the “Master of Legions” bring to reality the true “Messianic World to Come” and the recreation of the mountains of Israel in Shomron and Judea into a new “Gan Eden” (Ezekiel 36:35).
Ezekiel 36:33-36 – “On the day when I cleanse you from all your iniquities, I will cause the cities to be inhabited and the ruins will be built. The desolated land will be tilled, instead of having been desolate in the eyes of every passerby. People will say, ‘This very land, which had been desolate, has become like the Garden of Eden; and the ruined, desolate and demolished cities have been fortified, inhabited!” The nations that remain around you will know that I, HaShem, have rebuilt the ruins and I have replanted the wasteland; I, HaShem, have spoken and I shall act.”
The prophecies are clear that the G-d of Israel will redeem the “Sparks” of the Hidden Jews of the Diaspora and the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel so that peace can restored to all the earth. This is not a conditional prophesy. Rather, it is a prophecy for both the Jews and the Lost Israelites, when we will be restored back into brotherhood; the Jews of the House of Judah and Lost Israelites of the House of Israel (Ezekiel 37).
This Biblical portrayal includes Prophecies that the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel are about to return to the Land of their Biblical Inheritance. This is Divine Destiny in living reality as the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel return to their Homelands first in Shomron (Samaria), Israel. If you want to learn more, Contact “Kol Ha Tor Vision”, the Voice of the Turtledove. Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This super Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness into a new homeland for the Return of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel when All Israel will finally be redeemed.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”,a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria, that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel.