Who We will be is Reflected in the Life we Live Now
The Jewish family scattered around Planet Earth celebrated their Winter Festival, Hanukkah last year within one day of the Christian Winter Holiday of Christmas. This year, there were three weeks separating the two. Such is the difference when you celebrate a holiday based on the lunar calendar such as Judaism, and a holiday based on the solar calendar such as Christianity.
This year, we had an epochal celebration, originated also because of the most complex calendars ever devised in human history; the Mayan, a tribal member of part of the American aboriginal Indian populations that live from Alaska to South America. This celebration, called a “prophetic pointer” was the Mayan End of the World celebration focusing the world on a cosmic process that may herald the complete “end of the age” and the “beginning of a new Messianic Age of the Messiah.”
Why do I state a “celebration” when the whole world was expecting a catastrophe? And now that December 21, 2012 is over, did anything happen? Silence, we do not know! Yet, it would be prudent to have a little hind-sight before any such historical judgments are over.
What do we know! For one, numerous archetypes of what we call reality are collapsing in front of our eyes. Let’s discuss only a few;
- The civility of the world community appears to be collapsing if what we are viewing in the Middle East is true. The Syrian government killed over 45,000 of its population who were wanting reform, and are about to be consumed with even more virulent Islamics rebels who may now be willing to use chemical weapons of mass destruction upon each other. Not only that, Russia is supporting Syria and the United States is supporting in part the Islamic rebels.
- If Syria ruled by the Shiite Alawite sect goes down, it is the global assumption that with Iran now claiming to have enough plutonium to make 24 Nagasaki sized nuclear bombs, the western world will be forced place Iran as target #2.
- The America and the World economy are teetering in what is apocalyptically called the “Fiscal Abyss”. If these political measures do continue to stalemate, the “World as the Western World knows it to be” will fade into history. Clearly we are on the precipice of the transition of one “world age” to another. The image of our future by our Hebrew prophets, a “One World Order” ruled by the Mashiach Nagid (Negative Messiah) becomes almost a prophetic reality.
- Even Christmas, which the Christians celebrated on the eve of December 25, 2012 as the day of the birth of the “Christ Child” is now claimed by Pope Benedict XVI to be the wrong day. This confession is epic, for it was a Roman Christian Church cleric who made a mistake and then the whole Church got it wrong, for 1600 years. Let’s look at this testimony!
Dedication of Jesus the Nazarene
In his epic book, “Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives” published on November 21, 2012, Pope Benedict XVI claims; “The calculation of the beginning of our calendar – based on the birth of Jesus – was made by a 6th century monk, Dionysius Exiguus, who made a mistake in his calculation by several years.” This included:
- “The actual date of Jesus’ birth was several years before.”
- “The Christian calendar is based on false premises”; the keystone of Roman Christianity’s assertion for spiritual power and domination to over one billion Christians.
- “The presence of animals like cattle and donkeys in traditional Nativity scenes is based on little more than a myth”, give a clue to the transition of a true Jewish based hero story to a Roman Christian myth.
- The pope wrote that when the gospel account refers to the "heavenly host" of angels "praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest’, they in fact spoke the words rather than sang them.”
Benedict also rejected the arguments by some Christian scholars that Jesus was born in Nazareth rather than Bethlehem. For those attune to the history of the Jewish Nazarenes, the idea that the Christian Messiah was born on December 25, in a transition year between 1 BC (Before Christ) and 1 AD (Anno Domini or “Year of our Lord) truly does have no historical basis, for he was born during the reign of King Herod the Great who died before around 3-4 BCE.
Even the idea of what season the “Christ child” was born is now being dismantled so as Benedict claims; “the whole idea of celebrating his birth during the darkest part of the years is probably liken to pagan traditions and the winter solstice.” This testimony is epic knowing especially that Pope Benedict XVI is of rabbinic Jewish descent, and truly be called a Jewish Shabbatean Pope.
So what historical traditions do we have that would be more appropriate? BibleSearchers and Destination Yisrael have touched on all of these traditions, and the pagan Christian roots from which they came, for the archetype of Christmas is nestled within the true Jewish lineages and traditions of Jesus, a Prince of the King David Dynasty:
- King Herod died closer to 4 BCE. If we add two more years to the date when the “Massacre of the Children” in Bethlehem occurred that were of the age of two and under, we get a date closer to the 6-7 BCE date.
- The Jewish culture in ancient Judea was a lunar based festival culture. If the date of December 25 has any validity, it would be the fact that the Gregorian Solar Calendar date of December 25 transitions in some years simultaneously the Jewish lunar date of the 25th day of Kislev, the Jewish month equivalent to December. Was it a coincidence that this is also the date of the Jewish “Festival of Lights” called “Hanukkah”?
- The forerunner to the Jewish Nazarene Messiah was an Essene prophet called Yohannes (John) who baptized his disciples in the flowing mikveh waters of the Jordan River. John was conceived right after the Jewish festival of Shavuot (Pentecost).
- Six months after the conception of John the Baptizer within weeks after Pentecost, the young Jewish maiden, a Princess of David, Miriam discovered herself to be pregnant. That date would be the closest to the festival of Hanukkah on the 25th Kislev.
- Is so, the 25th of Kislev would have been the “conception date” of the Jewish rabbi called, Jesus the Nazarene, not the date of his birth, hence the transposition of December 25 for the 25th day of Kislev.
- Nine months later, in rhythm with the pre-natal period of child development, this young babe could have been born, on the 1st day of Succot; called also the Festival of Tabernacles, when G-d comes to dwell with his people.
- We can assume that there were no animals by the manger of Jesus for this babe would have been born in a sukkah on the hillside of Bethlehem with thousands of other Jewish pilgrims dwelling also in sukkahs nearby during the Succot festival, and obviously the local inn was also booked full.
- When the pope also express that the angels did not sing but spoke praises to G-d in heaven, also do not reflect the Jewish traditions. In the “titbarach tzurenu” prayer that appears just before the Jewish “Shema Yisrael” prayer, the song of angels is frequently mentioned, as stated, G-d “fashioned angelic spirits to serve [G-d]…they all await [G-d’s] command.” Next the concept of angels singing hymns in praise of G-d is very Jewish, for it is reflected in Isaiah’s famous prayer (Isaiah 6:3), when angels sing “Kadosh, kadosh, kadosh” (holy, holy, holy) is the L-rd of Hosts.” When the Jewish people worship in the weekly Seventh-day Shabbat service in the synagogues and say the Kedushah, they become representatives of all Jews around the world, and echo the angelic hosts singing G-d’s praise by proclaiming His holiness and glory with these words, “Praise is the glory of the L-rd.”
- So also the Lost Tribes of Israel, whose religious affiliation is predominately within Christian Europe, America and their colonies, they now have accepted this historical based Jewish Prince of David and Jewish rabbi to be their Messiah. This does not come without expectations, for it was Yahshua HaNotzri’s (Jesus the Nazarene) testimony that he was on a divine mission as he proclaimed; “I was sent only to find the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel”. He was not sent to change Pharisaic Judaism, the Torah, or the authority of the Mechoqeck. The mission of this messiah for the Lost Tribes was a reclamation ministry to reclaim, redeem and to restore the Lost 10-Tribes of the House of Israel back to their chosen destiny; to be members of the restored Whole House of Israel.
With these epic events surrounding us, the foundation of the Christian Church is crumbling, for it was only a “half-way-house” to transition the “Lost Sheep of the House of Israel” back to their halakhic based Torah roots in Jewish orthodoxy. Are we so bold to state that before the end of the ages and the full revelation of the Messiah that all religious walls and foundations will be crumbled into the dust of history?
This may be true and is also accepted in the prophetic annals of the Roman Catholic Papal Prophecies of Malachy written in the 12th century; that the last pope will be Peter the Roman in an prophecy in an apocalyptic era that states these words:
Papal Prophecies of Malachy - “During the final persecution of the Roman Christian Church, one called “Petrus Romanus will reign (Peter the Roman), who will nourish his believers in many sufferings. After that, the town of the seven hills (Vatican Rome) will be destroyed and the dreaded judge will sentence his people. The End!”
Today, it is accepted that the “White Pope” Benedict XVI is the last pope of the Roman Christian Church as we know it to be. Benedict’s successor, by one globalist author, Benjamin Fulford, identifies the last pope, Peter the Roman to be Adolfo Nicholas, the Jesuit General of the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits) also called the “Black Pope”. Under his rule, the final days of the foundation of Christianity will be destroyed. At that time, the redemption of “All Israel” including the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel will be at hand.
Not only that, according to the Prophet Daniel, the last world ruler called the Maschiach Nagid (“Messiah the Prince” or the anti-Messiah) will rule a world without borders. National and state borders all around the world will disappear. It will be a “One World Economic World Order” with ten economic unions. This was the vision of America’s Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, when she wrote the book in 1996, “It takes a Village”.
According to the vision of the prophets, the only “village” outside of the “global village” will be the “Jewish village”. That fact alone sets the stage for the global wars against Israel called Gog Magog War (GogUMogog War) or Armageddon. If you are of Lost 10 Tribal descents and in one with your brother’s the Jews, you will become one with the “Jewish village”. According to the understanding of the Hebrew prophets, if you are of Jewish descents, whether halakhic pure or not, you will be hunted like the Jews were in Europe and World War II, whether you choose to believe this or not.
What the prophets also tell us that during this time of war, catastrophes, social disorders and upheavals, there will also be “war in heaven” following the ancient maxim, “As Above, so it will be Below”. What we see is that the wars that are going on in the spiritual world are also reflected by the wars that are going upon earth here below.
The picture is not pretty! Global wars and global catastrophes are all portrayed by the global consensus of the Hebrew prophets as being under the control of the G-d of Israel. Is He a G-d of war? No! He is a G-d of judgment. He is coming to clean up Planet Earth, and remold it into the New Messianic Kingdom that will be ruled by the Messiah son of David (Maschiach ben Dovid) with a rod of iron in His mouth. In other words, G-d will take control of Planet Earth, destroy all those who have raped our world, pillaged our peoples, and removed all the creative freedoms given to human man called the “power of choice; the power to think and to do.”
As the Mayans may have accurately outlined in their studies in the cosmic calendars; The Old Order of “power, greed and control” is dissolving and over. A New Order of peace, truth and righteousness is now being set up and revealed. How it affects us is dependent upon what kind of life we have chosen to live.
Is it not strange that, we are now being told after 1,700 years that we are celebrating the birthday of the Christian Messiah, but that date is wrong? If the date of Christmas is wrong, are we to believe that the Christian festival dates of Easter and Thanksgiving do not also exist except to restore them back to their original philosophical and religious cultural base, our Hebrew-Judaic roots? As we have been led to believe, we have been looking at a world through the prism of the ancient Greco-Roman philosophical world, rather than the Hebrew-Judaic world of Judaism.
These are two life-systems, one upon total dependency of the G-d of Israel, and then having the emuna, faith, that He is capable of rearranging this world however He chooses for our future spiritual welfare and goodness. The other is dependent upon the god of self, the “evil inclination” used by the arch-deceiver, HaSatan, to lead us astray.
One thing the western world failed to comprehend in the past is the fact that we thought the “coming of the Messiah” during the Second Great Awakening was an “event” that occurred in one day or a moment of time. Yet, according to the Jewish sage, the Vilna Gaon, all those planetary catastrophes that will precede the “coming of the Jewish messiah” will be instead a “process” that could take place over several human generations in the future. At the end, though, it will come rapidly.
The Mayans, some scholars have identified as the Native Indians of the Tribe of Manasseh, son of Joseph the Viceroy of Egypt. When they were scattered during their exile as they were scattered into the nations of the world, they also were given gifts of knowing the prophetic future and understanding.
Like their Jewish brothers, the sages of Judaism, whatever may come during the passage through the Center of the Galactic Universe, will not be an “event” either, but also a “process” that will unfold over the next few years. Yet, what we don’t know in the future, we must not worry for according to the Mayans, “what kind of a person we are” is what counts.
In their cosmology, there would be unfolding catastrophes in our world ahead, but the essence of their message is the fact that what type of person you are, whether you are a person of “service to others” or a person who is “service to only yourself” will be either enhanced to a higher state of consciousness or a lower state of consciousness depending upon the personality of who you choose to be right now.
If you are a person who is embodied by the noble characteristics of “service to others”, in this transition through the “Galactic Alignment” it will bring you to a higher stage of consciousness, more in tune with your future life in the “world to come” to be recreated by the G-d of Israel in the Messianic Kingdom of G-d on Planet Earth in a “Garden of Eden” restored.
Yet, the opposite will also be true. Rather than living in a global world in which we are all the same, we will find the polarity will cause a division of the masses of people, as the Christian messiah foretold; the division of the “sheep and the goats” or the division between the “wheat and the tares”.
If we choose to lead a life only to ourselves, then in either the Mayan or the Hebrew archetype, we might be left out in the “world to come”. Is we choose to lead a life in “service to others” because that is a reflection of the G-d we serve, then we will be “save to save” and participate in the “world to come. The final outcome will be; those that are “service to others” will also become “servants of G-d” and reflect the halakhic observant life of the Torah observant Jew, devotion to the service of G-d.
From all appearances, we are coming to a “dividing time” when we will not have a million choices of freedom in which to choose, but two, service to the Forces of Light or service to the Forces of Darkness. How we make those choices will determine our future. So how will this scenario play out?
Within our families, this time will be a time of reunification and personal acceptance of one another. It will be imperative for families to get together and seek to love and work closely with one another. It will be time to start taking time to help each other, assist each other, and the larger “family of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob”. This will become a hallmark of this coming era in our future, the reunification of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel and the House of Judah.
To the Lost 10 Tribes of the House of Israel, it’s time we accept our Jewish brothers, for strange as it may seem, we are one spiritually, for we are one of the same physical family of the House of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Also, strange as it may be, many of us are imbedded with Jewish bloodlines, and by isolating ourselves from fellowship with those of our family roots, we may also be destroying our future as we spiritually destroy ourselves.
It is time to take our families and bring them closer to each of us. It is time to open our eyes to our cosmic reality that we are destined to become part of the Oneness of G-d. It’s time to lay aside personally dissension and rather to open our eyes that the G-d of Israel, and truly our “Father in Heaven” has laid out a “blueprint” of our lives, and a “roadmap” of our future, that will lead us to become one with He and His Messiah in the “World to Come.” This only comes by giving up the rights to ourselves, and claiming the destiny that we are truly his children.
It has been over 2,000 years since the birth of the Prince of David, Jesus the Nazarene. What we know now is that his life and history is historically validated but in the Roman Christian world the life and ministry of this Jewish rabbi has been recreated to suit the global and imperial interests of Vatican Rome. That leave the Lost Tribes of Israel with one question, are we ready for our final journey home to our true Torah roots founded at the base of the mount called Sinai? Are we ready for a homecoming to live and die for the preservation of the Holy Land of Israel and to fight with the Forces of Light in the final battle against Jerusalem before the Messiah son of David is fully revealed?
To understand more about the Return of the 10 Tribes of Israel to their Homeland in Shomron (Samaria), Israel, Contact “Kol Ha’Tor”,the Voice of the Turtledove. Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This super Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land”for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Ministries for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria, that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel.