The World of the Divine as the Merkhabah Throne
envisioned by the Prophet Ezekiel
One of the greatest goals of the Sages of Judah was to be blessed with the comprehension of the Divine. Here we beginwith the comprehension of the four universes or “worlds” of creation. Here is also where we, as the Lost Israelites have to retrain our Lost Israelite brains to remember our ancient heritage of Torah that was given to us back at the mount called Sinai.
To comprehend the totality of this all; there is a World of the Divine where Infinite Source of Energy called the “Ein Sof” resides. He is, was, and will be the Infinite Unknowable G-d or the Holy One of Israel. From this Energy Force Field comes the sustenance of all other living beings from the exalted Archangels that surround the Throne of G-d to the creatures and microorganism on our Planet Earth or any other planet in our universe.
The concept of “There is No G-d” or “G-d is an Absentee G-d” is a form of rebellion that states that we refuse to comprehend that G-d of far greater than anything in which our brain could comprehend. It refuses to conceive that He is the philosophical foundation and the true reality of all Torah observation.
If G-d was not interacting with every moment of the existence of every planet, universe, or any of the creatures who dwell therein, He would not be the Sovereign G-d of the Universe. If the electrons from the emanations of G-d that are freely given by Him for our continuous existence were to cease to flow through the ether of the universe, we and all other living organism on Planet Earth would cease to exist. Even other creations such as the Angelic Beings in the World of the Spirits, or the “Sons of G-d” living on other planets as spoken about in the Book of Job are sustained by the creative power of the Divine.
As HaShem, the G-d of Creation is a G-d of Infinite Energy and resides in the highest of all the energy realms, so also rocks, fossils, and trees living in the lowest energy realms are sustained by Him, to suit His creative purpose. Yes, they are still there because the G-d willed it to be and His creative energies sustain them.
Inherent in the comprehension of these wonderful universes of creation is the comprehension that HaShem, the Creator of the Universes is an Incomprehensible Being of Unfathomable Energy. In a way, we can look at each of these worlds or universes as different manifestations of the Divine Reality. It all begins as the Keter that is the “Brain Center” of the Powerhouse of G-d and the Divine Throne that governs the entire universes.
The Keter of the "King" of the Universe begins in the highest Energy Field of all Existence. Here is the Throne; the Dwelling Place of the Divine sitting upon His throne in the World of Atzilut. It is an Energy Field which we cannot comprehend, where the Speed of Light of that Supernal Light Source is beyond our capacity to calculate, test or comprehend. It is easier to state that it is “Infinite Energy”.
As Rabbi Chayim Vital writing in the name of Ari, the famed Rabbi Isaac Luria in Likutey Torah Haazinu declared:
R. Chayim Vital – “G-d created four main universes – atzilut, beriah, yetzirah, and asiyah. To join all of them together, He created Man (Adam), for Man contains within himself [aspects of] all the universes. G-d therefore said to all the universes, “Let us make Man in our image.”
For the universe of beriah was to give Man his neshamah (divine soul-breath); (the universe of) yetzirah was to give him his ruach [vivifying spirit), which is the portion of the chayot-angels (these were the four “living creatures under the throne chariot of G-d with four heads each and four wings each)…; the (universe of) asiyah gave him (Adam) his nefesh (indwelling soul).
After this, He Himself gave him His portion [from the level of atzilut (world of the divine)], as it is written, “He breathed into his nostril the nishmat chayim (breath of life)” …In sum, when Man refines himself and walks in the ways of the Creator, he binds all the universes together…”
This is an awesome statement for it portrays the unique role that Adam and all his descendants were to have played for Eternity if Adam had not made the “mistake” of eating of the wrong tree in the Garden. Yet, this is also the unique role that the descendants of Adam will play throughout all the historical era of man. They are now living in a “world of sin” yet they will be participants in the Tikum, the process of “setting things right” or “correcting” that which was broken that included the process for the restoration of the fragmented universe and bringing it back to the its state of perfection. When this act of restoration occurs and is completed, the final act of the “Drama of the Ages” to eliminate sin from the universes will be complete.
Adam and Chavah created in the Garden of Eden as “Light
The exalted level of existence in which Adam and Chavah (Eve) were involved in the creation of the world is really above our comprehension. According to Jewish traditions, Adam and Chavah were both angelic beings sent into the Garden for the awesome role of binding together all the four universes of creation.
According to the Talmud, they were capable with their immense capacity to visualize the vast reaches of the interactions between the Divine and the angelic hosts that were taking place to sustain and support the universes, inhabit the planets, and other realms where the “sons of G-d dwelled”. Adam and Chavah were able to observe the “Supernal Light” that were the emanations or the energies of G-d that flowed “from one end of the universe to the other”.
In other words, Adam and Eve were vital participants in the economy of the universes from the highest dimensions all the way down to the physical world on Planet Earth. Not only that, within the hidden traditions of the Kabbalah Adam and Chavah was capable of flying like the angels into inter-dimensional travel between third and forth dimensions and beyond.
The molecular structure of reality was a lot difference within the World of Formation in which Adam and Eve were created. Their “bodies of light” were not the same as the physical carbon based bodies in which we live in today. When they “sinned” and later were clothed in “skin”, this was the act of the Divine to lower their “angelic beings” into the third-dimension world of “human beings” in which we now live (and are now trapped) until that day when we will be restored to the life as “Light Being” and restored to the fullness of the “Image of G-d” which we were created to have been.
The whole concept of the corrupting element of blood today in halakhic Jewish kashrut food comes from the fact that we are shielded from the “Glory of G-d” and as such are shielded from the life-transforming Supernal Light of the Divine that destroys the wicked while at the same time transforms and “saves” the righteous. This suggests that “blood” surging through the arteries and veins of Adam and Chavah (Eve) while living as “Light Beings” in the World of Formation, was exposed to the immensely higher energy fields of G-d’s Presence and as such they in turn were irradiated, transformed and then reflected the “Glory of the Divine” that was illuminating them from within.
This force field could effectively transform the lower energy hemoglobin, the main cellular constituent of blood that exists almost to the point of coagulation or congealing into an infusion of higher and intense energy. When it was energized and irradiated by the higher energy streaming at them by the Master of the Universe, it glowed as it flowed through their arteries and veins. As the hemoglobin was exposed to the intense energy of the Divine, it was energized into an effulgent glow as it was irradiated by the divine energy and the “Glory of G-d” and then became also the “glory of man”; the most amazing creature of G-d’s creation.
The Ten Sefirot
of the Kabbalah
This concept is validated by the consideration that ice, when exposed to the higher energy of warmth turns to liquid water and then later disappears as it is energized into steam as it continues to warm and achieve a higher state of energy. That which was rock hard as ice now disappears into a different form of matter and transformed into a higher energy state as it appears to move into another dimension invisible to our senses.
So we can begin to comprehend how higher energy beings called angels can move in and out of our dimension. Taking this thought into consideration, according to Jewish traditions, Adam and Chavah were created as “angelic beings” in the Garden of Eden. It was their role to be custodians of all animal life on Planet Earth, a role in which they could communicate with every species of animals, birds, fish and land creatures that walked, many of which can relate and communicate with man today. Yet this was not their most august role in which they were to perform there in Gan Eden.
It is stated by the sages of Judah that the Supernal Light of HaShem flowed “from one end of the universe to the other.” The immense energy of the Light of the Ein Sof flowed from the highest spiritual dimension all the way down to the physical world of mountainous rock, shady glens, roaring waterfalls, pristine lakes, and meandering streams. The particles of G-d in the form of the electron stream that flows through all life from the heavens to earth were within the capacity of the sensory system of Adam and Chavah to watch, behold and to comprehend.
Even the Crystals forming the Matrix of Earth reflect the Glory of G-d
As their physical composition was vastly different than our carbon based bodies today, their molecular structure was different for the matrix of their beings were spiritual and their bodies, not physical as we can see and visualize, constituted pure “light” They were “Light Beings”, the most magnificent of all G-d’s creations.
In their august state, Adam and Chavah had the mental capacity to connect to the Source of Life for when they closed their eyes, they had the capacity to fly and to travel into other dimensions and to other worlds. They could communicate by extra-sensory perception, observe images millions of miles away, and connect directly with the Divine reality that flowed through the entire universe within the electron stream.
If the Supernal Light of G-d was shining “from one end of the universe to the other, then Adam and Chavah were capable of observing this Light as it flowed throughout the entire universes. They truly were universal beings, created in the “Image of G-d” to hold together all the four created universes to each other. As written in the Zohar in Raya Mehemna Pinchas (3:238a)”:
Zohar Raya Mehemna – “Elokim said; Let us make Man in our image and in our likeness, and let him rule over the fish of the sea, the birds of the heavens, the livestock animals and all the earth, and every land animal that walks the earth. Elokim thus created Man in His images, in the image of Elokim He created him male and female He created them.” (Genesis 1:26-27).
After G-d completed every detail of creation, He said to them, “I have one more creature to make who will be a partner with all of us. All of you join together so that you can give him something of yourselves. I too will join you to give him (Adam) a portion of Myself.” This is the meaning of “Let us make Man in our image and in our likeness…)”
These same concepts of hidden divine reality have been elaborated within the writings of the sages of Judah in the Tiukuney Zoyhar Chadash 89a, Gra edition 48a, plus Zohar Chadash 32c, 33a, 58B; and Etz Chayim 26:1.
The role of Adam in the Divine Creation was hinted about in the Zohar Naso which reads with these words:
Idra Rabba – “Above the firmament…like the appearance of sapphire, was the likeness of a Throne; and over the likeness of the Throne, was a likeness that was like the appearance of a Man, on it from above.” (Ezekiel 1:26)
Like the appearance of Man that contains all forms. Like the appearance of Man in which all the upper and lower dimensions are concealed. Like the appearance of Man which contains all the mysteries that were spoken and rectified before the world was created.”
Compare this with the writings of Rabbi Abba, who opens his discourses with these words:
Rabbi Abba – “Elokim created Adam in His image.” (Genesis 1:27) Come see! When the Blessed Holy One created Adam in His Image, He made him in the image of the upper and the lower dimensions [in such a way that] he is a microcosm of all of them.”
The sages of Judah have written very clearly that Adam was created in such a magnificent way, that his head, the “Keter” or the “Crown” of his being resided at the Yesod, or the foundation of the World of the Divine. Through the intellect of his mind, Adam could participate with his “extra-sensory receptors” and with the two emanations that HaShem holds closely to His own being, Binah or “Understanding” and Hokhmah or “Wisdom”, these were available only with this divinely created creature called Adam, which within his matrix carried polar opposites binary beings; male and female.
Adam’s upper body, the arms and thorax, dwelled in the angelic spirit world of “Spirit Beings” and there Adam participated in assisting G-d with the running of the universe with the spiritual beings called “angels”. Yet at the same time, Adam walked on Planet Earth and communicated with all the animals, bird and fishes of G-d’s creation. This was the universe in which Adam and Chavah lived, participated and observed. They were not just an audience to watch the Divine Power but their bodies were a part of the matrix, or the Sefirot of the whole universal creation.
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Who am I? – Exploring the Mystical Jewish Teachings of “Adam (Man) Created in the Image of G-d”
The mystical traditions of Judah have given us the deepest understanding of the mysteries of the Divine. Since all life began at creation, so this is the entry point of comprehending who is the Creator of the Universe. Not only was the G-d of Israel the Creator of the Universe, so also He was the Creator of the Nation of Israel, and the Creator of the Covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob the forefathers of the Covenant for the redemption of both the Houses of Israel and Judah (Klal Yisra’el). This is our destiny, and it takes only one step; coming home in harmony with your brother, the Jews of the House of Israel. If you want to learn more, Contact “Kol Ha Tor Vision”, the Voice of the Turtledove.
Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This super Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria.