Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu as a Young Graduate
There is probably no other Israeli Statesman who is as articulate and skilled in the communication to the American people and the world as the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. These attributes have been recognized since his youth. It was the reason that he was early on in his life identified by the American State Department as an ally of the United States and groomed to be an Israeli leader.
Netanyahu’s skill at oratory and his unflinching and unyielding hammering down a strategic nuance or point of reference has even made his political opponents yield to the fact that Netanyahu has been and still is Israel’s most valiant spokesman for Israel.
Cyrus was chosen by G-d to become the chess master to destroy the invincible power of the Babylonian Empire and the topple the impregnable city of Babylon so that HaShem’s people, the Jewish people, could return home after their 70 years in exile and rebuilt the Temple of Zerubabbel. So Netanyahu today may also be such a “chosen one”.
The fact that Netanyahu is an amateur but almost a master chess player is beside the point. The fact that Netanyahu is a Mason and may identify with many of the Masonic and Illuminati idealisms and dreams to rule over Jerusalem does not negate the fact that the G-d of Israel may be using him for His divine purpose.
Let us face one fact, Cyrus the Great was neither a “saint” nor a “sage”. He was a ruthless ruler that was willing to have his Prime Minister Daniel thrown into the lion’s den under the inflexible rule of Persian law.
What is little comprehended, from the best scholars of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel, Yair Davidiy of Brit Am, is the fact that Cyrus the Great was an Israelite whose ancestors were from the Pasar-Gadae (sons of Gad) tribe that were sent into exile to the land of Media for their abominations and defiance to the G-d of Israel?
Not only that, Cyrus’ general, Gobryas a Gutti tribal chieftain was also probably a “Catti” of also of the tribe of Gad who developed the strategy to divert the waters of the Euphrates River and allowed the Persian sappers to crawl under the water gates of Babylon while the Babylonian king Belteshazzar and the Babylonian aristocracy with the military leaders were in the banquet hall flaunting their global power by drinking from the sacred golden vessels from Solomon’s Temple.
Even though these were ruthless and powerful rulers and military generals they were led by the Almighty One of Israel to do His divine will for Cyrus the Great was the Jewish liberator who saved the Jewish people from their Babylonian oppressors (don’t forget Daniel and the Three Worthies were put in a fiery furnace) without shedding one drop of Jewish blood.
With these thoughts in mind, take a nine minute interlude and watch this powerful debate between the young MIT graduate, Ben Nitay (Benyamin Netanyahu) who in 1978 appeared on an American TV program titled “The Advocate” and debated the Palestinian apologist Fouad Ajami who is today a professor at John Hopkin’s University.
Two years earlier, the brother to the young Benyamin Netanyahu was killed leading the Entebbe raid considered to be one of the most daring military operations of the twentieth century. The Sayeret Matkal, along with members of the Israeli Air Force, Golani Brigade, and paratroopers, traveled 2,500 miles to Entebbe, where they rescued Israeli and non-Israeli Jewish passengers of Air France Flight 139 that was hijacked on June 27, 1976 by Arab and German terrorists after a stopover in Athens.
The hijackers from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Baader-Meinhof Gang had diverted the plane to Benghazi, Libya for refueling and then to Entebbe. At the airport, they were met by other terrorists and welcomed by notorious Ugandan dictator Idi Amin. During this rescue raid, Benyamin Netanyahu’s brother Yonatan (Yoni) was killed and now in 1978, Ben Nitay’s (Benyamin Netanyahu) was still at risk for PLO retaliation and was studying under an assumed name.
Here in this video we see at the age of 28, the young Netanyahu already a master of diplomatically dismantling criticism of Israel for not allowing for the creation of a Palestinian Arab State taken under control by the Israeli 11 years early in the 1967 War against the Arab States when they already had a “State” in Jordan. Very little has changed since that day.
Ben Nitay (Benyamin Netanyahu) debates the Illegitimacy of a Palestinian State
With Iranian President Ahmadinejad proclaiming from the podium of the United Nations on Yom Kippur 2012 seeking to delegitimize the Jewish State of Israel before the nations of the earth and that the Jewish people should be exterminated and driven from the land, pundits are also claiming that Israel will be attacked with a nukes and its people will be living in tents as they did during the Exodus from Egypt. The question we have to ask ourselves, do we have the “emuna”, the ‘faith” that the G-d of Israel is Sovereign Ruler over all the earth and that He will protect His “Sheep” in the Land of Israel?
To the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel living in America and Europe, take hope! The G-d of Israel as proclaimed in Ezekiel 36, will not redeem you and take you from the lands of your dwelling today, and bring you back to the land of your forefathers in Shomron, Galilee, Lebanon and Syria today, unless He will also be protecting you with the palms of His divine hand.
The Eternal One of Israel foretold to the Jews through the Prophet Isaiah during the days of Sennacherib the King of Assyria, years before the days of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon that Cyrus the Great would be His messiah, His “anointed one”. He counseled them that the city of Babylon would not have to be destroyed, the walls would not have to be breached, but rather the double doors of Babylon would be opened to Cyrus and his troops and that the gates to the mighty Euphrates River would not be shut so that his army would be able to secure the city without the loss of one drop of Jewish blood.
So also Benyamin Netanyahu may be that same “messiah” and “anointed one” who will bring the Jewish people in the Land of Israel plus all the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel who the Divine One also brought to the land of their forefathers, through the guela (time of redemption) when the Maschiah ben Dovid (Messiah son of David) will come and rule over His people.
Credit to Ryan Jones – “Video: A Younger Netanyahu says ‘No’ to a Palestinian State” – Israel Today Magazine, September 12, 2012
The G-d of Israel claimed that there are only two groups of people who will be annihilated at the time of the end; Edom and Amalek. Even the children of Ishmael will be assimilated into the Jewish culture when deep in their hearts they are “safe to save” and willing to live in peace with their brothers, the descendants of Abraham. Only the G-d of Israel knows who they are.
We are quickly polarizing a world in which there will be only two choices; we are either for the Hebrew Israelites; both now part of the Jews of the house of Judah and the Lost Israelites of the house of Israel or we will be against them. This comes to one sobering conclusion, if you are a descendant of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel and you despise your brothers, the Jews, you will be left cohabitating with peoples who will have a genetic hatred to you even though you think you want to be a part of them.
So today, the G-d if whistling you to come back to the brotherhood of Klal Yisra’el (All Israel). To learn more about this redemptive process, you are Welcome to Contact “Kol Ha Tor”, the Voice of the Turtledove. Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This super Event of all Times will entail establishing in the region of Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness into a new homeland for the Return of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel when All Israel will finally be redeemed.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria, that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel.