Part One – 911 and the “Last Crisis”
The Collapse of the New York Trade Center Inferno on September 11, 2001
The 911 New York Trade Center Catastrophes
Destination Yisrael –“I was on that fateful day of September 11, 2001, that the New York World trade Center was destroyed by two airline attacks and what now is believed by a majority of the population internal implosions. With the subsequent suicide attacks, more than 2,700 deaths occurred in New York’s financial district. This included over 400 servicemen from the fire, police and EMT emergency services.
Yet, this day was only just a warning. These pictures taken from the lone police helicopter flying overhead have left enduring though painful pictures, but also a legacy of the extent of power, greed and control that is about to consume the whole world.
Thirteen days later, on September 24, 2001, Yehoshua Meiri, a close confidant of the rabbinic court of Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri announced on Arutz Sheva’s radio broadcast this aged and revered sage of Judah’s prediction after the destruction of the 911 attack on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington D.C. As predicted:
Yehoshua Meiri on Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri - "On Hashanah Rabba, the actual war of Gog and Magog will commence and will last for some seven years."
Exactly thirteen days later after this announcement, On October 7, 2001, on the eve of 7th day of Succot called Hashanah Rabbah, when the sun was setting behind the hills surrounding Jerusalem to the west, the beginning of the GogUMogog War began as the American and British forces began aerial bombing attacks on the forces of Taliban and Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and the War on Terror began. It was the ancient Jewish sage of almost 108 years, who put the prophetic flesh on the War of GogUMogog when the year and the date of its beginning, Sunday, October 7, 2001 at 12:30 EDT (Eastern Daylight Savings Time) and 8:30 p.m. Jerusalem time.
According to the writings of the Jewish sage, the Vilna Gaon as understood by Rabbi Kaduri, the sign of the Gog Magog War would be that it would begin on the Jewish holiday of Hoshana Rabba, the 7th day of the Jewish holiday of Succot. This would come after the conclusion of the 7th or Shemittah Agricultural Sabbatical year that began on Rosh Hashanah 2001 and ended on Rosh Hashanah 2008.
Seven years later, on the eve of Rosh Hashanah on Monday, September 29, 2008, the Congress of the United States was meeting in what was to be one of its most historical sessions in history for not only America, Wall Street, but also the rest of the world. The Jewish Congressmen were pushing for a roll call so that they would exit and fly back to their hometowns and celebrate Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. At that same time the House of Representatives rejected the US$700 billion rescue plan to bail out America’s beleaguered financial industry.
This was in stunning defiance to and a rebuke against the American President George W. Bush and the Congressional leaders of both parties who put extreme pressure on their Congressmen to vote for the “Emergency Economic Stabilization Plan” (TARP Bailout) in order to prevent what was heralded as a widespread financial collapse. In a vote of 228-205, a bi-partisan vote included 133 Republican to 95 Democratic congressmen opposing the bill.
On the Eve of Rosh Hashanah, the Stock Market Crashed 777 points. Was this the Finger of the Lord?
That same day the United States Stock Market plummeted on the average of 777 points; the number of the God of Israel. On that same day, the handwriting was not engraved on the palace walls of King Belteshazzar but was engraved by the same finger of the Divine on the economic palace walls of the United States Stock Market and Wall Street USA. After 10 weeks of financial turmoil in the global marketplace, the God of Israel was leaving His imprint, “The days of America are over. I’m withdrawing My presence from the land in which its currency invokes, “In God we Trust”, for they live their lives in defiance against Me”.
Within six weeks, the United States had a new president, the War against Terror was effectively over and the next few years would see the United States seeking to extract itself from Iraq and Afghanistan. The War though was not over; it was rather transferred from a “War against Terror” into a “Global Economic War”. According to the Hegelian Dialectic Theory described in, “Making All Nations One – The Hegelian Dialectic Theory , we discover the surprising truth is that those leaders who were fighting against terrorists were becoming like those whom they opposed.
This philosophical theory is a three step process of "Thesis, antithesis, synthesis" now used in the unification of nations and religions by the leading forces of “power, greed and control” for a one unified world government and religion. It’s final synthesis will be when the internationalists and the trans-nationalists, called the “globalists” as they battle each other for power and control, will then determine that they are the ones who have become the ultimate global power force to control the economies of the entire world. One thing they will forget, that the G-d of Israel controls the whole world and its final destiny will be determined by the Sovereign Power of the Divine.
The Jewish Messiah did not come on the 8th year of that seven year Sabbatical week of year cycle that began and ended between the years of 2001-2008. And so Israel and the whole world has now entered into a new prophetic phase. It appears that what began as an economic war cycle for the entire world on Roth Hashanah peaked around Passover 2012 with the impending economic implosion of Europe and the rest of the world. The dice has been set and the rest of the world will collapse in its “appointed time”.
Also at the same time, another seven years and another Sabbatical week of years would occur in which the world will wait again for the coming of the Messiah. While the world continues its economic implosion that was first inaugurated on 911, September 11, 2001, this implosion will end when a One Economic World Government in which all nations of the world will end and ten economic world blocs will be inaugurated. This time it will be under the control of one representing the dark forces of HaSatan, called the Maschiah Nagid, called the Negative of the anti-Messiah.
The 2008 Financial World Collapse
After the day in which the NY Stock Market collapsed, the rest of the economic world began to collapse over the next ten days. Amazingly these days are called the Days of Awe and on Yom Kippur, the Great Day of Judgment, the financial ministers of all the major countries in the world were facing their judgment day as they met to try to save the collapse of the entire world’s economic system.
Neither the Messiah ben Yosef (Messiah son of Joseph) nor the Messiah ben Dovid (Messiah son of David) arrived during the following prophetic 8th year so a new seven year Sabbatical week of years began. This cycle is expected to end on Rosh Hashanah 2015 with the final war of GogUMogog to begin in that year. If this is G-d’s appointed hour, the Messiah will be revealed in the year from Roth Hashanah 2015 to Succot 2016.
We have now entered the second half of the 3½ year or 1260 days mini-cycle within that larger 7-year cycle that ended and began again on Passover 2012. During that time the affects of the economic implosion of Eurozone peaked. This was not a happenstance but highly controlled on the highest levels of globalists who shape the destiny of the entire world. The implosion of Eurozone also began to affect America and every country in the world. At the same time Europe and the Obama White House failed to stall the arrival of Nuclear Iran.
Now the only answer left for Europe/Rome with America is to confront Iran, plus her two-horned allies, Russia and China with military confrontation. This was described in the Destination Yisra’el’s blog titled, “World War III looms on the Horizon as the War of Daniel 8 is about to Erupt with Great Fury when Iran confronts America”. This fact was also a prophetically described by the sages of Judah in the Destination Yisra’el blog titled, “The Fate of Iran was given to the Rabbinic Sages Centuries Ago” and confirmed that it will be at the “Time of the End” in the blog titled, “The Archangel Gabriel: the Persian Ram’s demise will be at the Time of the End” and “The Crushing of the Persian Ram opens the Gates for the final Battle of GoguMogog.”
Let us explores some of these prophesies written by the rabbinic sages of Judah hundreds of years ago. Let us look at a few of these writings at posted first on the website of Yiddishkeit (no longer in print) in the article titled, “War with Iran? A Song of the Redemption!” and preserved by Destination Yisra’el in the blog article titled above, “The Sages of Judah: the Terror of the Persian Iran and its demise by Edom”:
Yoma 10a in the Talmud – “Rabbi Yochanan said in the name of Rabbi Yehuda in the name of Rabbi Ilai: In the time to come, Rome will fall at the hands of Persia.”
Yalkut Shimoni (Midrash, compiled circa 500 CE) – “Rabbi Yitzchak said: The year that Melech HaMoshiach (King Messiah) will be revealed, all the kings (leaders) of the nations will be struggling against each other. The leader of Persia (Iran) will contest with an Arab leader and the Arab leader will go to Aram (the Western Superpowers) to get council from them.
The leader of Persia will respond and destroy the entire world. All the nations of the world will be trembling and shaking and falling on their faces. They will be seized by pains like labor pains. The Jewish people will be trembling and quaking and saying: "Where can we go? Where can we go?"
And [Moshiach] will say to them: my children, do not fear! Everything I did I did only for you! Why are you frightened? Don't be afraid--the days of your redemption have arrived!
Rabbi Yonasan Eibshetz, ztvk"l, (1690-1764) in his Sefer (Book) Yaaros Dvash – “At certain moment the time will come when Moshiach should have already arrived but the redemption has not yet come, the Moshiach will ask how it could be that the time for redemption has arrived and he still undergoes sufferings?
The response that he will receive is that he must wait for nine months. Why? In order to wait for the fall of Persia (Iran) at the hands of Edom (the Christian West), and then the final redemption will come.”
Jews as the Spiritual Guardians of the World today praying at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem - Photo by Destination Yisra’el’s Archives
In the Destination Yisra’el blog titled, “The Confrontation of Nuclear Iran by Daniel’s Greco-Roman He-Goat”, we read Rabbi Lazer Brody’s take on the Geula and redemption and its affect on the Iranian and Israeli conflict. As written:
Rabbi Lazer Brody – “In a private interview with Rabbi CAE, a blueblood descendant of three of the greatest Chassidic dynasties in Judaism, he explained that the Disengagement from Gaza when the Jewish were expelled from their homes in Gush Katif, the Jewish Gaza, August, 2005.
This was the beginning of the Geula or the days of redemption when the Messiah will be revealed. Could this tragic event actually be the beginning of the full redemption of all people, Jews and gentiles alike?
When we read the Zohar, one of the most revered books of mystical Judaism, it teaches that The Almighty, when He looked in His holy Torah, the world was created. The Torah in reality is the blueprint of The Creator God. According to Rebbe Nachman of Breslev, the “Torah is all one needs to understand what’s happening in the world”.
What does the Torah have to say about all this? Let’s open our Gemorra to Tractate Avoda Zara, page 2b, and examine the Tosephos commentary, called the “mashcha malchusaihu.”
Mashcha malchusaihu – Persia shall fall into the hands of Rome directly before the coming of Moshiach, for Rome shall rule the whole world for 9 months.”
Jews as the Spiritual Guardians of the World praying at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem 150 years ago
Prefaced with the strong held beliefs that their covenant with the God of Israel has never been taken away, this places the Jewish people as the spiritual guardians not only of the Torah but as the guardians of the entire world. Yet, their future at the time of the end depends on an important fact: will all the Jewish people, even those in the diaspora (assimilated into the world) return to HaShem, the God of Israel, and to His Torah, or not?
According to the Jewish perspective and how they perceived their role as the guardians of the “Oracles of the God of Israel” in the Holy Scripture, we discover two scenarios concerning the time of the end and the days of redemption called the “Geula”. With the pace of events rapidly escalating, these two scenarios are painted in stark reality for the citizens of the world to watch. The timing? In their minds, it will be in the only a few more months.
The “Achishena” or good scenario: If the Jewish people return to the God of their forefathers, then Iran (Persia) will collapse from within without even a shot being fired in a very similar pattern that the USSR and the “iron curtain” collapsed in the early 90’s. According to the Chassidic opinion), the War of Gog from the Land of Magog will be declared over, the Messiah of Israel will reveal Himself to the whole world and the process of redemption for the whole world will begin its final stages.
The “B’ito” is called the rough scenario: According to Rabbi Lazer Brody:
Rabbi Brody - “Gog Bush (now ObamaGog) quick-draws a pair of atomic six-guns at nuclear high-noon between Iran and the USA (with or without Israel) where Iran will be wiped off the globe. The Israel of Sharon (now Prime Minister Netanyahu) and Israel’s President Shimon Peres becomes a puppet state of the USA for 9 months, until Moshiach sends them all packing, and Israel renews its glory of old as Hashem's palace on earth, speedily and in our time, amen.”
Yet, the prophetic drama intensified. As written a year later by BibleSearchers Reflections in the February 2007 article titled, “The Map of the New Middle East”, we read during that the Seventh Year of the last Sabbatical Week of Years (Rosh Hashanah 2001- Rosh Hashanah 2008) was about over and did the Messiah return beginning the 8th year starting in Rosh Hashanah 2008? No! Instead, we watched Wall Street collapse 777 points on Rosh Hashanah 2008 and the economic world has been devolving and disappearing as the final One World Order is being developed in front of our eyes. As Biblesearchers Reflection wrote:
Biblesearchers Reflections – “To the Hebrews, within the angelic host there were four angels for the four imperial nations of Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome that would affect the Jewish people. In the days of the Prophet Daniel, it was Gabriel who struggled with the angelic Prince of Persia. Each of the other imperial forces had their signet angel that watched over the affairs of that empire; Babylon (Bavel), Persia (Paras), Greece (Yavan), and Rome (Edom).
According to the sages of Judah, these angels were first introduced to Jacob (Ya’akov) in a dream as he laid his head and slept on that rocky pillow at Bethel (Bet El). There he saw a ladder with angels going up and down into heaven, who were the angels of the nations that would affect the future of Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) and the land of Israel (Eritz Yisra’el)?”
In an insightful article on the death of Saddam Hussein, we read the following article titled, “2500 Years to Glory: From Nebuchadnezzar to Saddam” by the Jewish Maggid Dov Bar-Leib:
Maggid Dov Bar-Lieb – “Here according to Rashi, the earth from Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) to Bet El (Bethel) folded up underneath his (Jacob’s) head when he had his vision of angels ascending and descending on a ladder from Heaven. Here the text draws an inextricable link between Ya'akov (Jacob) receiving the blessing and the fate of Yerushalayim, as a matter of fact the fate of the entire stretch of Eretz Yisrael (Land of Israel) stretching from Yerushalayim to Bet El…
The angels were none other than the angels of the four kingdoms, Bavel (Babylon), Paras (Persia), Yavan (Greece or Ionia), and Edom (Rome). The distance of their ascension and descent on that ladder was directly proportional to the lengths of their rule over the Holy City. What is most important to understand is that at the End of Days all four angels would return to contest over the Holy City. Four angels coveting One City. What a confusing mess!”
Yet in the Talmudic commentaries of the ancient sages of Judah, called the Chazal, only two angels would be left for the final competition for global domination, the final One World Order.
The Strategic Center of the Oil Shipping Lanes at the Strait of Hormuz between the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman
By that time, the Prince of Persia, now Iran, who had destroyed or vanquished Babylon would be in direct confrontation with the Prince of Rome (the European Union). Yet in history, the Prince of Rome did not destroy (vanquish) but absorbed or assimilated Greece into the Greco-Roman Empire. As Dov Bar-Lieb further explains:
Maggid Dov Bar-Lieb – “Well to make matters more perplexing, the Talmud in Avodah Zarah specifically states that in reality only two of the angels will be around for the final contest. Apparently, the angel of Babylon and the angel of Yavan (Greece) will not be official participants in this final contest. Now we know that the angel of Greece was simply absorbed into the goals and purposes of the angel of Rome, for Chazal tell us that Greece is the Face of Rome. From this we see that Rome did not need to vanquish Greece in order to rise. It simply needed to absorb it in order to embellish its empire.
Previously Persia under Koresh (Cyrus) had vanquished Babylon, and Greece under Alexander had vanquished Persia under Daryavush (Darius). The Greeks also were defeated by the Romans in the Punic Wars when the Greeks allied with Hannibal and the Carthaginians. Yet, the Romans ultimately absorbed Greek culture, not the other way around. In short the angel of Greece was absorbed into Rome and not simply vanquished.”
According to Maggid Dov Bar-Lieb, the future “Great War” that will be “between the Greco-Roman West and the Persians.” We have seen this war played out in covert wars, proxy wars, drugs and weapons smuggling throughout the East. How this war will be manifested will no doubt reveal every military black-op weapon developed in American history. How so? The reason will be that the aftermath of this war will decide which countries will become the ruling powers in the final rise of a Unified World Economic Order; America and Europe in the West or Russia and China in the East. This war will be a now-or-never opportunity.
Yet, we then ask, who controls the West; America and Europe? The Vatican controls Europe. What then about the United States? We have a Roman Catholic Vice-President, Joseph Biden who is one step from becoming President of the United States.
Then we have a Roman Catholic controlled United States Supreme Court with Catholic Chief Justice John G. Roberts plus five Justices; Antonin Scalia, Anthony M. Kennedy, Clarence Thomas, Samuel A. Alito Jr. and Sonya Sotomayer controlling with six votes. Here is the amazing fact, the G-d of Israel is balancing the control American Supreme Court by the Roman Catholic Church with three Jewish Justices; Ruth Bader Ginzberg, Stephen G. Beyer, and Elena Kagan. Protestant America is no longer in the prophetic race, for its time is people, the Lost Tribes of Israel prepare themselves to go home; to Israel the land of their forefathers.
With 50% of the Senators of the United States Senate today as Roman Catholics plus 134 out of 435 seats (31%) in the United States House of Representatives under the rule of the Roman Catholic House Speaker John Boehner, the power of the Vatican in America is great enough to suggest that the United States and Europe effectively can be represented in biblical and rabbinic prophecy as Vatican-Edom-Rome.
As the Redemption of All Israel comes to its climax, the confrontation between Edom/Rome and Persia appears inevitable and assured. Now we understand that this will become a global war as “Persian Ram” will be Persia/Iran fronting for Russia and China in the battle with the He-Goat, the aerial powers of the American Air Force leading the forces of Europe NATO all fronting for Vatican Edomite Rome. With the power of the “Great Horn” of the United States we find its clue as the largest military aerial military power in the history of the world whose air force “comes from the west across the surface of the entire earth, but not touching the ground.”
Daniel 8:5-7 – “I was contemplating [this] and behold! A he-goat (NATO-America) came from the west across the surface of the entire earth, but not touching the ground; and the he-goat had a conspicuous horn between its eyes. It came up to the two-horned ram (Persia/Iran fronting for Russia and China) that I had seen standing before the stream and ran at it with the fury of its might.
I saw it reach the ram; it fought bitterly with it, and smote the ram and broke its two horns (Russia and China). The ram had no strength to stand before it; [the goat] threw it to the ground and trampled it, and there was no one to rescue the ram from its hand.”
You might want to
Read the Series Titled; “911 and the “Last Crisis”
Part One – “The 911 Twin Tower Destruction at the World Trade Center and ‘The Last Crisis’”
Part Two – “1909: Ellen White in New York and the 911 Twin Tower Destruction heralds the ‘Last
Part Three – “Analysis of Ellen White’s Vision of 911 Twin Tower Catastrophes”
The Book of Revelation written by an Orthodox Jewish writer with strong ties to the apocalyptic sect called the Essenes in Qumran and the Dead Sea and the Book of Enoch, depicts an era before the coming of the Messiah when the whole Planet Earth will caught up into an apocalyptic planetary destruction. Only Jerusalem and the Holy Land of Israel will be protected in those days.
Revelation’s sister book in the TaNaKh (Old Testament), the Book of Zechariah depicts this era to be preceded by the Restoration of the House of Joseph and Ephraim and the Latter Rain with the Return of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel. It is the promise by the G-d of Israel, that the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel at the ‘appointed time’ during the time of the ‘End’ will be redeemed and restored back to the land of their forefathers. Not only that, we will be restored back into fellowship with our brothers, the Jews of the House of Judah.
If you are a descendant of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel, then your destiny has already been spelled out by the G-d of Israel, no different than your brothers and sisters in the House of Judah. To learn more about this redemptive process, Contact “Kol Ha Tor”, the Voice of the Turtledove.
Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This super Event of all Times will entail establishing in the region of Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness into a new homeland for the Return of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel when All Israel will finally be redeemed.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria, that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel.