The Father is the Model of G-d’s Character
Psalms 103:13
“As a father has compassion on his children,
So the L-rd has compassion on those who fear Him.
This is your day, O Father’s of the House Israel and day of celebrating one of the most awesome responsibilities of being a “father” to the heirs who will follow after you. Sometimes we look at this parental responsibility with tiredness and distain, but through you one of the greatest messages of the Divine is being transmitted to all future generations.
To you as a father, the most potent images of the very Person who the G-d of Israel truly is in the one you portray in your life to your children. Here are a few gems that will carry you throughout your life.
“The Life you Live is a Reflection of the G-d you Serve”
As a father, it is most important to remember that your children will get their concepts about who G-d is and what God is like by watching your daily life in times of happiness and in times of crisis. Think about this fact in your own life, and in your observations of other men you have admired at paternal models in your life. Consider this little gem.
“If you grew up believing in a Loving G-d, you will also live a life as a kind and loving father.”
As human who watch carefully patterns of human behavior, consider these observation:
“If your father was an angry father, you will probably grow up believing in an angry G-d, and your life will be spent as an angry father.”
“If your father believed in a loving G-d, you will probably grow up believing in a loving G-d, and you life will be spent as a loving father.”
In the great archetypes of the Divine, the sages of Judah speak about “Image of G-d”. Adam as the flawless creation of G-d was put in the Garden of Eden to live his life as one with extraordinary potential. One of the greatest responsibility he had was to portray to all creation the “image of G-d”; to the birds of the air, the flowers of the field, the fish of the sea, and the lions who lay with the sheep in the pastures.
Every living organisms or creature who could develop an intimate relationship with Adam were able to conceptualize the true reality, for the Creator of the Universe was reflected in the lives of Adam and Eve. To his future, even in his now sinful state, Adam could instruct to his children who the G-d in the Garden was truly like, for they could witness it in the life of Adam lived in everyday daily living.
One of the great teachings of the sages of Judah is concerning the very nature of G-d. Adam knew that G-d who lived in the World of the Divine gave all the various aspects (emanations) of His Nature to Adam and to his descendants. Yet, He withheld the true nature of His Character to only three; to be revealed only to those who connected their “image” in alliance or harmony with His “Image”.
The Tree of Life as Part of the Jewish Life
G-d was the “Crown” the King of the Universe. You could understand that idea as a fact, but you cannot understand it until your “crown” or the mind as the king of your body has total control of all your intellect, passions, your emotion, and your internal identity, “soul”.
There is no earthly father, ruler, king, or dictator who is ruling today that the G-d of Israel has not assigned that certain role to his life. This give understanding to that fact, no matter how good or bad, everything that exists is there because of the will of G-d.
G-d asks that you must have true emuna; that is faith that G-d is the King of the Universe and has the ability to change our lives and the earth in which we live according to His Sovereign Will. That is why He asked all Jews to recite daily the prayers that bring their attention to G-d, the One and only G-d which states:
V’ohavto ays Adonoy Elohecho, b’chol l’vov’cho, uvchol nafsh’cho, uvchol m’odecho.
You shall love the L-rd your G-d with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your resources.
As HaShem, the G-d of Israel can reveal or not reveal Himself to you, so also you have the same privilege to reveal or not reveal what you are thinking to your sons and daughters, until you feel that they are prepared for such knowledge.
Yet, there are two other manifestations that G-d chooses or chooses not to reveal to you! The first is the “Right Hand of G-d” where though He gives freely the knowledge of the universe for those who are willing to explore with all their heart, soul and mind, He will withhold or give “Understanding of that Knowledge” only by the active “Right hand of G-d”.
Yet, even though you, as a father have access, especially in our modern technological world, to the great resources of knowledge about your child, you are still left with one handicap. What is it! So you ask, what is the “Left Hand of G-d” if universal Understanding is the “Right Hand of G-d?
About three thousand years ago, this very question was given to King David’s young son, and Prince of David; King Solomon. HaShem asked him. If you could have just one thing in your life for Me to bestow to you, what would it be?
Solomon knew that he was smart. He had access to the royal library and the wealth of the knowledge of the rest of the nations of the world as they knew it to be. Prince Solomon also knew that he was to be chosen as King David’s successor to the throne of Israel even though there was no reason why he should have been chosen, except by G-d’s command.
He was the son of King David’s last and 10th wife, the beautiful Queen Bathsheba. He was King David’s last and 21st son, and the youngest son of Bathsheba, for his brother Prince Nathan was older.
He knew that he had “Kingship” and he had “Knowledge” and he innately was given “Understanding” for he comprehended all the various disciplines needed to run a healthy, diverse and functional nation. But he asked for only one thing; Wisdom! The passive “Left Hand of G-d” was “Wisdom”.
So you, as the father of your child, have the same roles and responsibility as the G-d of the Universe of whom you serve. Your children, as they grow up should learn the discipline of being the “Keter” the crowned kings and queens of their lives, their future homes, and their royal subjects; their children and their children’s children.
You have a responsibility to provide for your children, not the inherited brilliance of a genius, but the understanding on how to love the L-rd their G-d, with all their hearts, with all their souls and with all their resources.
You have the responsibility to give your child the understanding of the G-d of Israel, and give to them the divine wisdom of how to partake that understanding to other people and to their children and children’s children. And at the same, understand that you are a chosen one of Israel. Though your forefathers chose to rebel and leave the brotherhood of the Hebrews, it is your responsibility to return and seek to repair the breeches, that fragmented that relationship 2,700 years ago and now today to seek to restore relationship with the Jews and all other descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Blessing on this Day; Father’s Day! You have a wonderful and awesome role to perform in everyday life for your children now and those in the world to come!
To understand more about the Return of the 10 Tribes of Israel to their Homeland in Israel, Jordan, and Syria, Contact “Kol Ha Tor”, the Voice of the Turtledove.
Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This super Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Ministries for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria, that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel.