The Visigothic and the Vandal Invasions that toppled Rome in Order to Redeem the Treasures of the Temple of Herod that Rome confiscated from Jerusalem in 70 CE
How significant was the slaughter and the terror of the “The Church” as the religious persecution of the papacy trampled mercilessly upon the masses and populous of the Medieval France and Spain? An informative article documented by David Plaisted in 2006 titled, “Estimates of the Number killed by the Papacy in the Middle Ages and Later”, gives us reason to pause and ponder. This continuous holocaust of both the Jews and the ancient Lost Tribes of Israel that continued for over twelve centuries appears how to be rising again upon the continental European scene. We must not forget that the Jewish people lived in peace the Muslim people for 1260 years, between the year of 657 CE and 1917 CE. This understanding does expand ones comprehension of the true meaning of being “chosen of G-d” for they were chosen to be G-d’s visible and invisible emissaries to enact his justice upon the 70 nations of the world. They included not just the Jews but the Whole House of Israel, known in the ancient times as the Hebrews or the Children of Israel. As John Dowling reported in his History of Romanism:
John Dowling - "From the birth of Popery in 606 to the present time, it is estimated by careful and credible historians, that more than fifty millions of the human family, have been slaughtered for the crime of heresy by popish persecutors, an average of more than forty thousand religious murders for every year of the existence of popery." (Dowling, “History of Romanism”, pp. 541, 542. New York: 1871)
David Plaisted in his article titled above, when quoting from a fundamental Baptist web site states the following:
David Plaisted – “For example, it has been estimated by careful and reputed historians of the Catholic Inquisition that 50 million people were slaughtered for the crime of "heresy" by Roman persecutors between the A.D. 606 and the middle of the 19th century. This is the number cited by John Dowling, who published the classic "History of Romanism" in 1847 (book VIII, chapter 1, footnote 1).
Only seven years after its first printing, it could be said of Dowling’s book, "it has already obtained a circulation much more extensive than any other large volume ever published in America, upon the subject of which it treats; or perhaps in England, with the exception of Fox’s Book of Martyrs."
According to Thomas Armitage, in “A History of the Baptists, chaptered within as the, “Post-Apostolic Time – The Waldensians”, we read the following:
Thomas Armitage - "Clark’s Martyrology counts the number of Waldensian martyrs during the first half of the 13th century in France alone at two million. From A.D. 1160-1560 the Waldensians which dwelt in the Italian Alps were visited with 36 different fierce persecutions that spared neither age nor sex (Thomas Armitage, A History of the Baptists, "Post-Apostolic Times - The Waldensians," 1890).
J.P. Caldendar in his book, “Illustrations of Popery, written in 1938, gives this testimony:
J.P. Caldendar – “They (Waldensians) were almost completely destroyed as a people and most of their literary record was erased from the face of the earth. From the year 1540 to 1570 "it is proved by national authentic testimony, that nearly one million of Protestants were publicly put to death in various countries in Europe, besides all those who were privately destroyed, and of whom no human record exists" (J.P. Callender, Illustrations of Popery, 1838, p. 400).
David Plaisted as quoted above wrote this addendum to Calendar’s thesis:
David Plaisted – “Catholic historian Vergerius admits gleefully that during the Pontificate of Pope Paul IV (1555-1559) "the Inquisition alone, by tortures, starvation, or the fire, murdered more than 150,000 Protestants." These are only small samples of the brutality which was poured out upon "dissident" Christians by the Roman Catholic Church during the Inquisition.
Concerning the figure of two million killed, Bourne writes in The American Textbook of Popery dated, 1846:
George Bourne – “Bertrand, the Papal Legate, wrote a letter to Pope Honorius, desiring to be recalled from the crusade against the primitive witnesses and contenders for the faith. In that authentic document, he stated, that within fifteen years, 300,000 of those crossed soldiers had become victims to their own fanatical and blind fury. Their unrelenting and insatiable thirst for Christian and human blood spared none within the reach of their impetuous despotism and unrestricted usurpations.
On the river Garonne, a conflict occurred between the croisaders, with their ecclesiastical leaders, the Prelates of Thoulouse and Comminges; who solemnly promised to all their vassals the full pardon of sin, and the possession of heaven immediately, if they were slain in the battle. The Spanish monarch and his confederates acknowledged that they must have lost 400,000 men, in that tremendous conflict, and immediately after it-but the Papists boasted, that including the women and children, they had massacred more than two millions of the human family, in that solitary croisade against the southwest part of France. (Bourne, George, The American Textbook of Popery, Griffith & Simon, Philadelphia, 1846, pp. 402-403.
The Albigenses Medieval Inquisition
The soberness of all these genocides and holocausts could only be counter-balanced with the legacy of the Visigoth and Vandal ‘hordes’ and their decorum of respect to the Roman citizens when they earlier sacked Rome twice. Then we witnessed the bravery of their descendants during the massive pogroms and massacres that came later against them by the Roman Catholic Church and the Papal Inquisition.
These became the fulcrum for the rise of Protestant Christianity and the massive colonization that formed the 13 colonies of America. Here was the idealism and dreams of these Lost Tribers to live in a “land of the free, and the home of the brave”. They were the ones who chose to flee tyranny and set up a “New Land” in the “New World” where the primacy of the Constitution of the United States that was based upon Torah Law would include the rights for the expression of “free speech” in a land where “religious freedom” would stem the tide of global tyranny against the personal expressions of faith outside the dictates of a One State Church under the dominion of the Roman Catholic Church.
Today, we understand the history of America and the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel with greater clarity for the 13 colonies along the Eastern Seaboard of the United States represent the 12 Tribes of Israel, plus the 13th Tribe of the House of Manasseh (House of Joseph’s double portion). It was the House of Manasseh that later became representative of the United States of America. These historical facts were the origins of the Destination Yisra’el’s series of articles titled:
“America’s First Thanksgiving between the Puritan Pilgrims and the Indians”
Go to Part One – “The Legacy of the Lost Tribes of Israel upon the Puritans, the Mayflower and America’s First Thanksgiving”
Go to Part Two – “The First Thanksgiving: Squanto saves the Lives of the Israelite Pioneering Puritan Pilgrims”
Go to Part Three – “King Henry VIII, the Catholic Inquisition and the Puritan’s Visigothic Lost Israelite Ancestors; the Cathars, the Huguenots, and the Waldensians”
The expulsion of the Islamic Moors that ruled over Spain came with the return of the Roman Catholic dominion over religious expression that also gave rise again to the Spanish Inquisition under the rule of King Ferdinand I and Queen Isabella II of Spain. With these came also the expulsion of the Jewish people from Catholic Spain on the 9th of Av in the year of 1492.
Strange as it may seem, the great “discoverer of America”, Christopher Columbus worshipped on the Jewish seventh-day Shabbat offshore with his Jewish crew on the 9th of Av, 1492 aboard their three ships; the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria. Only then did they embark on their “exile from Spain” that culminated in their journey to India but instead landed in the New World of the Americas.
Even more incredulous, is to understand that Christopher Columbus was a kabbalist Jew whose Jewish name was Salvador Fernando Zarco as revealed in the Destination Yisra’el’s blog titled, “The Mystery of the Kabbalist Jew and Explorer of America, Christopher Columbus”.
Departing from the Port of Palos in 1492. Oil painting by Evaristo Domínguez, in the town hall of Palos de la Frontera.
Christopher Columbus, the Apocalyptic Quest of a “Secret Jew in Spain”
Go to Part One – “The Mystery of the Kabbalist Jew and Explorer of America, Christopher Columbus”
Go to Part Two – “The Mysterious Date Christopher Columbus set Sail to Find the Land of India”
And so today, we see the shifting of the winds as tyranny and anti-Semitism is now settling over the face of the whole earth. This is being seen most prominently by the merger of the radical anti-Semites, the Society of Saint Pius X, with the Vatican. Within the intense discussion between the two groups, we witness, German Superior (SSPX) Franz Schmidberger, who is the right-hand man of the Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX), Bernard Fellay, who stood up nose to nose against Pope Benedict XVI and proclaimed to the former Cardinal Ratzinger that it was up to the Jews to convert to (apostate) Roman Christianity:
Franz Schmidberger – “St. Peter, the first pope, preached to the Jews and told them that if you want to be saved you must do three things: You must regret your sins and convert, believe in our lord... and, thirdly, be baptized (not sprinkled but Jewish mikveh immersion). We expect that every pope who claims to be the successor of St. Peter . . . should take the same stand.”
How then could the Roman Catholic Church gain the feelings of their right or privilege to declare that their right to supremacy or primacy over Protestant Christianity to mandate the rights and privileges of salvation? On June 29, 2007 the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, under the prefecture of Cardinal William Levada explained why apostolic succession is integral to the primacy of the Roman Catholic Church over other Protestant Churches. As he wrote:
Cardinal William Levada – “The Vatican was asked why the Second Vatican Council and all Catholic statements before and after the Council do not consider Protestant Christian Communities as Churches. The Vatican responded that "according to Catholic doctrine, these Communities do not enjoy apostolic succession in the sacrament of Orders, and are, therefore, deprived of a constitutive element of the Church. These ecclesial Communities which, specifically because of the absence of the sacramental priesthood, have not preserved the genuine and integral substance of the Eucharistic Mystery cannot, according to Catholic doctrine, be called 'Churches' in the proper sense".
Not only has the Roman Catholic Church sought to delegitimize the Protestant Christian Churches, but doing so, they appealing to the “valid apostolic succession in the sacrament of Orders”. Yet according to the Apostolic Constitutions, it states:
Apostolic Constitutions - “The first Christian Church above ground in Rome was called the Palace of the British (Palladium Britannica). The first “Christian” (actually Jewish Nazarene) bishop was a Briton, Linus, son of a royal kind, personally appointed by St. Paul (Apostle Paul). AD 58”
Apostolic Constitutions – “Peter” – Concerning those bishops who have been ordained in our lifetime, we make known to you that they are these; of Antioch, Eudius, ordained by me, Peter; of the Church of Rome (Hebrew Nazarene Ecclesia of Rome), Linus, brother of Claudia, was first ordained by Paul, and after Linus’ death, Clemens, the second ordained by me, Peter.” (Apostolic Constitutions Book 1, Page 46)
These facts are also confirmed in the Constitution of the Holy Apostles, which according to “Eusebius Pamphilius: Church History, Life of Constantine, Oration in Praise of Constantine” we read:
Eusebius Pamphilius – “After the martyrdom of Paul and of Peter, Linus 576 was the first to obtain the episcopate of the Church of Rome. Paul mentions him when writing to Timothy from Rome, in the salutation at the end of the epistle. 577
According to the historical record, the Apostle Paul was martyred first in 67 CE, and with the emissaries’ message to the Apostle Peter in the region of Gaul, he quickly traveled to Rome to assist in the crisis with the young and thriving Jewish Nazarene Orthodox ecclesia. We do not know how long the Apostle Peter stayed to minister in Rome. It was not long after he arrived, that according to the traditions of the Christian Church, Peter was captured and thrown into the Mamertine Prison in Rome and near or just after the burning of Rome in 64 CE, during the days of the imperial rule of Nero, the Apostle Peter was crucified upside down. But what if that history, as written by Rome is not true?
So today, the narrow road to salvation and the wide road to destruction for the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel is finding its final manifestation before the apocalypse of G-d renders its final judgment. The prophetic model is simple.
The two main groups of actors that will perform the final dramatic act of salvation in the “Drama of the Ages” before the coming of the Maschiah ben Dovid (Messiah son of David) will be the Jews of the House of Judah and the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel. As the historical testimony is becoming more clear, the Jews and the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel were working in tandem, used a emissaries of the Divine to fulfill His Divine Purpose.
Let us be clear: there have been and will be Jewish actors that represent “bad Jews” and “good Jews”. There have been and will be Lost Israelite actors that will represent “bad Lost Israelites” and “good Lost Israelites.” Look on the geo-political scene today. Concerning the Russians, we have Medvedev and Putin who both probably have Jewish bloodlines. On the American geo-political front, we have the Bushes, Clinton, and today Obama who represent in part the American Lost Tribal bloodlines mixed with the Jewish Rothschild-Rockefeller bloodlines.
The forces of Northern France, Germany, Great Britain, plus scattered support from the Netherlands, the Isles of the North, and Scandinavia that have brought us the fulfillment of the First Four Seals of Revelation’s Apocalypse with the “War against Terror”. Within these countries are also the anti-Semitic elements seeking to force a radical Islamic Palestine State homeland right smack in the center of the biblical homeland of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the center of the Land of Israel. Yes, the bloodline descendants as provocateurs clamoring for a Palestinian State right on top of Samaria and the surrounding lands that constituted the Northern Kingdom of Israel, yes, also represent the anti-Semitic elements of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel.
To you, Lost Tribers, the Land of Israel is your homeland. For all the dreaming you have about a home in the great blue yonder, and that you will at resurrection’s moment be “caught up into the air, to meet with our L-rd” must also be anchored into the “plain or literal meaning” called peshat in the ancient Hebrew “Scripture” called the TaNaKh (Old Testament). Yet the divine biblical and prophetic consensus of the Jewish Torah Law and the prophetic writings of those that witnessed to “The Law”.
Defenders of the resurrection must remember that the phrase, “those who are caught up into the air”, will meet the Messiah not going back into heaven but “coming down to make war against the nations that have surrounded Israel.” Resurrection is not a one-way journey to Orion or any other fourth or fifth dimensional paradise but those who are resurrected will actually be caught up into the air and will travel on HaShem’s merkabahs, just like Elijah did when he was physically caught up into the air and left his student, Elisha behind with his mantle. There will be one difference, those that are resurrected will come back down to earth as the heavenly hosts descend down upon Jerusalem to “battle the nations”.
Zechariah 14:1-4, 6-7 (parts) - “I will gather all the nations to Jerusalem for the war; the city (Old City of Jerusalem) will be captured,…but the rest of the people will not be eliminated from the city (Modern West Jerusalem). HaShem will go out and wage war with those nations, as He waged war on the day of battle. His feet will stand on that day on the Mount of Olives, which faces Jerusalem on the east, and the Mount of Olives will split open at its middle, east to west…
It will be on that day, the light will not be either very bright or very dim (dark three days but in Jerusalem the light of HaShem will radiate over the whole city). It will be a unique day; it will be known as HaShem’s (day), neither day nor night, but it will happen towards evening time (setting of the sun in the west) that there will be light (complete pole shift with the rise of the sun from the west.)"
It shall be on that day, spring water will flow out of Jerusalem, half of it (will flow) to the Eastern Sea (Dead Sea) and the half of it to the Western Sea (Mediterranean Sea).”
This will occur in summer and in winter. HaShem will be the King over all the land; on that day HaShem will be revealed as One even as His Name is One. The entire land will change to a plain…People will live in it, and there will be no more devastation; and Jerusalem will settle in security.
For the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel specifically, in the days of the Messiah coming in our near future, you may have to make a choice to make; either leave the lands of your dwellings peacefully or if not, you will have to leave under harsh and apocalyptic conditions as you are cast out of your own homes as your forefathers were cast out of Egypt into a New Exodus.
As the prophets have promised, we will then be implanted back into the lands of our forefathers from the Northern Kingdom of Israel; right where the Palestinian State is expected to be presently located. Yet, an expansion into a Greater Israel will be a more likely reality.
The expansion of the Land of Israel to the east will truly open by divine intervention as the Assad dynasty of Syria and the Hussein dynasty in Jordan will implode. The world will then receive a dose of Greater Israel demonstrating that this not a speculative dream but a prophetic mandate.
Is the finger of the Divine still guiding the affairs of the nations? We believe so, and for the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel, you have one destiny? The region where the Messiah will reign on Planet Earth will be the Land of Israel. That includes your homeland reserved especially you and for all the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel.
Ezekiel 36:21-36 (parts) - For I will take you from among the nations, gather you from all the lands, and I will bring you to your own soil. Then I will sprinkle clean water upon you, that you may become cleansed. I will cleanse you from your contaminations and all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you…I will put My Spirit within you, and I will make it so that you will follow My decrees and guard My ordinances and fulfill them.
You will dwell in the land that I gave to your forefathers; you will be a people to Me and I will be a G-d to you."
On the day when I cleanse you from all your iniquities, I will cause the cities to be inhabited and the ruins will be built. The desolated land will be tilled, instead of having been desolate in the eyes of every passerby. People will say, ‘This very land, which had been desolate, has become like the Garden of Eden; and the ruined, desolate and demolished cities have been fortified, inhabited! The nations that remain around you will know that I, Hashem, have rebuilt the ruins and I have replanted the wasteland; I, HaShem, have spoken and I shall act.”
Credit to Giulio Meotti – “Op-Ed: EXPOSE: Jew Haters in the Vatican” – Israeli National News, March 1, 2012
You might want to Read the Following Destination Yisra’el Series –
The Legacy of Roman Christianity – “Two Millenniums of Hate Crimes against Jewish and Lost Israelites in Europe and the Middle East
The prophecies are clear that the G-d of Israel will fulfill what He has promised to fulfill so that peace can restored to all the earth. The theme of the final conflict between the descendants of Isaac, Esau (Edom/Rome) and Jacob (Jews and Lost Tribes of Israel) is one of the ascending prophesies to be completed at this time. In this series of articles, the days of pleasant homage to the Jews is over, and the virulent anti-Semitic persecution is about to erupt world-wide, not just to the Jews but all who seek to praise Israel and the Jews and seek to emulate themselves as wanna-be Jews, or wanna-be Israelites. They also will not be spared but will have to be counted as part of the brotherhood of the House of Jacob as though they were one with the Jews of Judah just as the Waldensians, the Huguenots, the Cathars, and the Albigenses were persecuted for allying themselves with the Jews over 300-700 years ago.
The role of prophetic understanding has now slipped away from Christian scholars as the Jews are now carrying the mantle of end-time prophetic understanding. One of the roles the Sages of Judah is to become the conduit for the Divine to give us hints as to HaShem's role in bringing forth the "Appointed Time" and the revealing of the Messiah. The great theme in all of this is the restoration of All Israel. This is not a conditional prophesy and neither is it a Jewish prophesy, but a Hebrew-Israelite prophesy. We will be restored back into brotherhood and fellowship with our cousins, the Jews of the House of Judah for that is G-d's will (Ezekiel 37). If you want to learn more, Contact “Kol Ha Tor Vision”, the Voice of the Turtledove.
Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This super Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel. For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria offering tours of Biblical Shomron.