Will an Attack by Israel upon Iran end up being Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)?
The entire Planet Earth is weighing in on the most discussed topic of the year, will Israel attack Iran? The implications are so vast and far reaching that most shutter to consider the implications. Now we stand in the face of nuclear brinksmanship and wonder, what will happen next?
A thoughtful article was posted on “Tikun Olam” blogsite on June, 2011 as the dialogue in Israel was just getting heated up. According to the Hebrew website Maariv that is published in Hebrew cite that Meir Dagan a former senior military–intelligence official plus the former chief of the IDF intelligence Shlomo Gazit and former defense minister Benyamin Ben Eliezer plus former Mossad director Ephraim HaLevy all are publically against the unilateral Israeli air strike against Iran.
Richard Silverstein with Tikun Olam also utilized the research of Anthony Cordesmann stating the an Israeli aerial attack against Iran would be logistically difficult to do alone, and Israel would lose one-third of its strike aerial jet fleet by being hit by Iranian missiles protected by the Russian-loaned air defense system. This 33% destruction of Israeli jets would be upwards to 90 of Israel’s most advance fighter planes plus the “crème de la crème” of their fighter pilots. In total, it could spell devastating toll upon Israel and her economy for decades and lasting infamy with her Islamic neighbors:
Tikun Olam – “The first problem the authors point to is intelligence, or more precisely, the lack of it. “It is not known whether Iran has some secret facilities where it is conducting uranium enrichment,” they write. If facilities unknown to Western intelligence agencies do exist, Iran’s uranium-enrichment program could continue to develop in secret there, while Israel attacks the known sites – and the strike’s gains would thus be lost. In general, the authors state, attacking Iran is justified only if it will put an end to Iran’s nuclear program or halt it for several years. That objective is very difficult to attain.
…A strike mission on the three nuclear facilities would require no fewer than 90 combat aircraft, including all 25 F-15Es in the IAF inventory and another 65 F-16I/Cs. On top of that, all the IAF’s refueling planes will have to be airborne: 5 KC-130Hs and 4 B-707s. The combat aircraft will have to be refueled both en route to and on the way back from Iran. The IAF will have a hard time locating an area above which the tankers can cruise without being detected by the Syrians or the Turks.
One of the toughest operational problems to resolve is the fact that the facility at Natanz is buried deep underground. Part of it, the fuel-enrichment plant, reaches a depth of 8 meters, and is protected by a 2.5-meter-thick concrete wall, which is in turn protected by another concrete wall. By mid-2004 the Iranians had fortified their defense of the other part of the facility, where the centrifuges are housed. They buried it 25 meters underground and built a roof over it made of reinforced concrete several meters thick.
…Because the Natanz facility is so important, the Iranians have gone to great lengths to protect it. To contend with the serious defensive measures they have taken, the IAF will use two types of U.S.-made smart bombs. According to reports in the foreign media, 600 of these bombs – nicknamed “bunker busters” – have been sold to Israel…For these bombs to penetrate ultra-protected Iranian facilities, IAF pilots will have to strike the targets with absolute accuracy and at an optimal angle.
…Iran has built a dense aerial-defense system that will make it hard for Israeli planes to reach their targets unscathed. Among other things, the Iranians have deployed batteries of Hawk, SA-5 and SA-2 surface-to-air missiles, plus they have SA-7, SA-15, Rapier, Crotale and Stinger anti-aircraft missiles. Furthermore, 1,700 anti-aircraft guns protect the nuclear facilities – not to mention the 158 combat aircraft that might take part in defending Iran’s skies. Most of those planes are outdated, but they may be scrambled to intercept the IAF, which will thus have to use part of its strike force to deal with the situation.
…All these obstacles are nothing compared to the S-300V (SA-12 Giant) anti-aircraft defense system, which…Russia may have secretly supplied to Iran recently…The Russian system is so sophisticated and tamper-proof that the aircraft attrition rates could reach 20-30 percent: In other words, out of a strike force of 90 aircraft, 20 to 25 would be downed. This, the authors say, is “a loss Israel would hardly accept in paying.”
If Israel also decides to attack the…reactor in Bushehr, an ecological disaster and mass deaths will result. The contamination released into the air in the form of radionuclides would spread over a large area, and thousands of Iranians who live nearby would be killed immediately; in addition, possibly hundreds of thousands would subsequently die of cancer. Because northerly winds blow in the area throughout most of the year, the authors conclude that, “most definitely Bahrain, Qatar and the UAE will be heavily affected by the radionuclides.”
BibleSearchers Reflections followed the bellicose Bush era when BushGog sent a mighty naval armada that kept expanding and contracting over a year along the Iranian coast. This navy quickly dissipated as the Obama era began. These days were outlined in the following articles titled:
Golden Internationale’s Final Bid in its Triumphant Battle for World Domination
“Is the “War of Civilization” about to Erupt in the Persian Gulf” - Part One
“Wake Up World – The “War of Civilization” is all about Israel” - Part Two
“The Map of the ‘New Middle East’” – Part Three
“The Pathway of NATO and the ‘New Middle East’” – Part Four
“Frantic Drive for the Legacy of Global Domination” – Part Five
Yet, the new Messiah Obama was no match with the wily Ayatollah of Iran when he became the new ObamaGog [Gog “Prince” of the Land of Magog “United States of America”]. According to Reza Kahlili, a former CIA spy who authored the book, “A Time to Betray”, on December 6, 2010 he wrote an open letter to President Obama which stated the following:
Jewish World News - “I said (to President Obama that) I was worried that he failed to see the realities of the regime's fanaticism. In offering to negotiate with Iran over its nuclear program, Mr. Obama must have believed that the aggressive policies of his predecessor, George W. Bush, were to blame for the lack of progress. But I reminded the new president of the long history of attempted rapprochement by every US administration, each attempt ending in failure.
I explained that the very ideology of Iran's Islamic leaders was the sole reason for no progress in a negotiated settlement. They simply would not close an honest deal with infidels.”
This former CIA spy, Reza Kahlili then went on to outline the failed policies of the American White House administrations starting with Ronald Reagan all the way to the current administration under President Barak Obama in the Jewish World Review article titled, “Ex-CIA spy in Iran’s Revolutionary Guard: What Obama doesn’t grasp about striking deals with Tehran” on February 2, 2012. In summary these “failed policies” included:
Reza Kahlili on Ronald Reagan: “In the 1980s, the Reagan administration was deeply involved in negotiations with Iran over arms sales and normalization of US-Iranian ties. National Security Council staffer Oliver North could barely contain himself over the prospect of peace with Iran. Hashemi Rafsanjani, then speaker of Parliament, promised American authorities resumption of diplomatic relations once the founder of the Islamic regime, Ayatollah Khomeini, was dead. In exchange, he asked for arms and America's help in diminishing Saddam Hussein's Iraqi military machine.”
The failure of this event rocked the Reagan administration and almost the Presidency of Ronald Reagan that may only have been saved by his memory lapses of Alzheimer’s dementia.
Reza Kahlili on Iranian supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei; “Ever since entering politics, the Iranian supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has been a vengeful politician who rarely trusts anyone. Sources reveal that after the Nov. 12 explosions at the Guard's base west of Tehran, many Guard members, including commanders and even officers at the supreme leader's office, have been arrested and are under investigation. I was in the Revolutionary Guard then, but as a CIA spy. My Guard commander mocked the Americans for believing Speaker Rafsanjani's promises. The Iran-Contra Affair, in which US arms sales to Iran funded "freedom fighter" Contras in Nicaragua, ended embarrassingly for President Reagan's administration.”
Reza Kahlili on President George H.W. Bush: “President George H.W. Bush continued negotiations to improve US-Iranian relations. I was working for the CIA in Europe then when my American handler told me to consider the more moderate Rafsanjani, by then president, as the new king of Iran. This despite information I had passed on about Iran's involvement in the 1988 Pan Am bombing over Lockerbie, Scotland — and despite the fact that Rafsanjani and other regime leaders were involved in worldwide terrorism and assassination. The elder Bush's efforts at negotiation failed.”
Reza Kahlili on President Bill Clinton: “Then President Clinton attempted to persuade Iran to stop supporting terrorism and to normalize ties with the US. But he also failed to achieve results with Mohammad Khatami, the next Iranian president. President Khatami promised cooperation while secretly purchasing parts for Iran's nuclear project.”
Reza Kahlili on President George W. Bush: “Despite his harsh rhetoric, President George W. Bush, too, approached Iran. In 2006, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice negotiated with Ali Larijani, then Iran's top nuclear envoy. By the autumn, the Bush administration believed an agreement was set, expecting Mr. Larijani to appear at the UN to announce Iran's suspension of uranium enrichment as America announced the removal of sanctions. Secretary Rice showed up for the big event; Larijani never did.”
Reza Kahlili on President Barak Obama: “When Obama took office in 2009, he missed the biggest opportunity to support democracy, bring stability to the region, and secure world peace when he wrote Ayatollah Ali Khamenei requesting negotiations. Then, fraudulent elections transpired in Iran, sparking the uprising of millions of Iranians demanding freedom and democracy.
The leaders of Iran masterfully, as always, provided a sliver of hope to Obama's request, enough for the West to remain largely silent over the protests in Iran. The Iranian nuclear envoy even expressed confidence about an offer put on the table by the West in October 2009 as a step toward solving the nuclear issue. The Obama administration was ready to announce victory, though several months passed.
Then, after the demonstrations in Iran were suppressed, with tens of thousands arrested, many raped, tortured, and executed, Iran announced the deal was unacceptable. Meanwhile, Tehran said it enriched uranium to the 20 percent level, a significant advance. Iran's treachery was obvious: Their negotiating masked further enrichment on the way to nuclearization.
Now we are in a quandary that could have been avoided had the US more demonstratively assisted Iran's protesters. The Islamists have enough enriched uranium for six nuclear bombs — despite four rounds of UN sanctions. And they continue to enrich at two nuclear facilities while barbarically suppressing freedom-loving Iranians and threatening world peace.”
So we ask, in our world today, with so much knowledge we have in our information technological age, where is the “wisdom of Solomon”?
It was on December 1, 2011 that Destination Yisra’el wrote in the blog titled, “The Sages of Judah: the Terror of the Persian Iran and its demise by Edom” about the psychological war with Iran at the time of the end as witnessed that was inscribed in the brains of the sages of Judah and written down many centuries ago stating: “It was almost six years ago, on February 2006 that BibleSearchers Reflections posted this summary of the psychological war with Iran on the time of the end as witnessed in the minds of the sages of Judah over the centuries. Titled, “The War with Iran (Persia) and the Coming of the Messiah” Their illumination of the events during the days before the coming of the Messiah, gives us a profound insight into the events that will be transpiring in our soon future.”
BibleSearchers Reflections – “The nations of the world stand on the brink of a nuclear holocaust with the rise of the belligerence of the Mahdi (Islamic Messiah) inspired President of the Nation of Iran, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The Nation of Iran up to the date of 1935 was called the Nation of Persia until it requested all countries that had diplomatic relations with Persia to call it Iran, which is the name for Persia in the language of Parsi.
This fifty year old leader of the Persian Shi’ite regimen believes that the apocalypse will not only happen in his lifetime but that the ordinary people in the land cannot only inspire but also hasten the arrival of the 12th Imam, known to the Islamic people as the Mahdi. Iran’s dominant sect called the “Twelver” claims that the Mahdi will be the “righteous” descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, Muhammad Ibn Hasan. In the 9th century at the age of 5, he went into “occlusion” and disappeared.
He is expected to return in an era of war, pestilence, catastrophes and cosmic and terrestrial chaos. During this time there will be a confrontation of cataclysmic proportions between the spiritual forces of good and evil. The Mahdi will arrive during this mighty battle and herald a world era of universal peace. According to President Ahmadinejad:
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - “The ultimate promise of all Divine religions, will be fulfilled with the emergence of a perfect human being (the 12th Imam), who is heir to all prophets. He will lead the world to justice and absolute peace. Oh mighty Lord, I pray to you to hasten the emergence of your last repository, the promised one."
As a member of the messianic inspired Hojjatieh Society, he passionately expects that after 11 centuries, the 12th Imam will return as the Messiah of Islam hastened by “the creation of chaos on Earth.” Is it not a surprise that that Ahmadinejad has cleaned the upper echelons of Iran’s experienced diplomatic corps who do not share his messianic fervor that his mission is to introduce this globe to an apocalyptic conflagration?
The members of the American Intelligence Services today are worried and concerned that the nuclear button will soon be in the hands of one who is inspired to annihilate the Jewish people from every inch of land in the Middle East. Many of the people in the Nation of Israel are in a state of terror and the rabbis are counseling them, “Do not fear!”
It was later on February 2, 2012 that Destination Yisra’el posted a blog written by Rabbi Lazer Brody titled, “The Legacy of a Rabbinic Hidden Sage: Rav Yehuda Zev Leibowitz” who just before he died in January informed his student, Rabbi Shalom Arush whom he served as primary spiritual guide:
Rabbi Lazer Brody – “Before he (Rav Yehuda Zev Leibowitz) died, he told Rav Shalom Arush three things, the first two of which have materialized:
- Uprisings and infighting will sweep through the Arab countries;
- Bibi will not be able to attack Iran; Hashem will use other means as He did with Sadaam Hussein.
- I don't want to repeat the third thing that Rav Yehuda Zev said, for it hasn't materialized yet. But, I urge our cherished brothers and sisters outside of Israel to start praying and planning to make Aliya, the sooner the better.”
What is interesting is that the sages of Judaism have written of this day hundreds of years ago. Let us look at a few of these writings at posted first on the website of Yiddishkeit (no longer in print) in the article titled, “War with Iran? A Song of the Redemption!” and preserved by Destination Yisra’el in the blog article titled above, “The Sages of Judah: the Terror of the Persian Iran and its demise by Edom”:
Yoma 10a in the Talmud – “Rabbi Yochanan said in the name of Rabbi Yehuda in the name of Rabbi Ilai: In the time to come, Rome will fall at the hands of Persia.”
Yalkut Shimoni (Midrash, compiled circa 500 CE) – “Rabbi Yitzchak said: The year that Melech HaMoshiach (King Messiah) will be revealed, all the kings (leaders) of the nations will be struggling against each other. The leader of Persia (Iran) will contest with an Arab leader and the Arab leader will go to Aram (the Western Superpowers) to get council from them.
The leader of Persia will respond and destroy the entire world. All the nations of the world will be trembling and shaking and falling on their faces. They will be seized by pains like labor pains. The Jewish people will be trembling and quaking and saying: "Where can we go? Where can we go?"
And [Moshiach] will say to them: my children, do not fear! Everything I did I did only for you! Why are you frightened? Don't be afraid--the days of your redemption have arrived!
Rabbi Yonasan Eibshetz, ztvk"l, (1690-1764) in his Sefer (Book) Yaaros Dvash – “At certain moment the time will come when Moshiach should have already arrived but the redemption has not yet come. The Moshiach will ask how it could be that the time for redemption has arrived and he still undergoes sufferings? The response that he will receive is that he must wait for nine months. Why? In order to wait for the fall of Persia (Iran) at the hands of Edom (the Christian West), and then the final redemption will come.”
Here we see clearly a chain of events. There will be a delay in the days in which the Messiah should have already come, yet, the Messiah is still suffering for His beloved, the chosen people of Israel. Then we learn that “Rome will fall at the hands of Persia” and possibly fulfill the last prophecy of the Roman Catholic popes called “The Prophecy of St. Malachy” discussed in the blog titled, “The Last Days of Pope Benedict – Will Vatican’s Chief Moral Enforcer meet his Fate for Failure to Control the Vatican’s Sex Abuse Scandal?”
Destination Yisra’el – “It may be that “The Papal Prophecies of St. Malachy” may give us some clues of the future. This papal legate of Ireland recorded in 1139 his vision that has faithfully predicted the last 111 of the 112 remaining popes of the total of 267 popes recognized by the Roman Catholic Church. Pope Benedict XVI, whose prophecy described him as the “Glorious Olivet” was a Franciscan pope, whose insignia is the “Olive”. Yet the last pope, according to St. Malachy, will be Petros Romanus of which the final fate of the Vatican in Rome plus its pontiff was described:
St. Malachy – “Petros Romanus” - The 112th prophesy states: "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Petrus Romanus, who will feed his flock amid many tribulations; after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people."
Later we learn in the above series, that in the era before the “revealing” of the Melech HaMoshiach (King Messiah) the nations of the world will be in contention struggling with each other as we have seen continuously in the United Nations between America and Europe against Russia and China. It is possible that the coming of the messiah has already been in process for almost three and one-half years for we have seen this struggle between Iran, Rome and Edom, and throughout the Western Christian world since the end of the era of Bush Dynasty when BushGog handed over the reins to the new “Gog of the Land of Magog” called ObamaGog. To understand this very ancient rabbinic concept one must understand the identification of who is “Gog from the Land of Magog as understood by mystical Judaism”.
The concept of the “Revealing of the Messiah” is also a very Jewish concept, which is contrasted with Western Christian concept of the “Return of the Messiah”. To the Orthodox Jews, the “Coming of the messiah” is a “process” that will take several years to be fully “revealed”.
Yet to the Christian, the “Return of the Messiah” is an “event” that will occur at a certain moment of time. If we reconsider the Torah concepts imbedded into the prophetic imageries by the Prophets of Israel, the Messiah may not just “come with great power and glory” at a certain moment of time, but will be “revealed” over a slow escalating process of time of about 3 ½ to 7 years. This is also in harmony with Jewish biblical chronologies of the number seven with the “Sabbatical Week of Years (Seven Years)” in which the full manifestation and glory of the Messiah son of David will be fully revealed to all the 70 nations of the earth in the eighth year in which at that time “every eye will see Him.”
When the cycles of time become more clear to us, we can begin to see that such words as the “appointed time”, the “time of the end”, the “end of the age”, or when the fullness of time has come” were code words that weaved throughout both the Jewish TaNaKh, the “Scriptures” of the 1st century Nazarenes who were protégés of the 140 Disciples of the famed Rabbi Hillel the Great who escaped Jerusalem and fled to Damascus from when came the Essenes of Qumran in the days of the Orthodox Hasidic Rabbi Yahshua.
So then who was Rabbi Hillel? Rabbi Hillel was the Rabbinic Sage and Nasi (President) of the Great Sanhedrin, plus the founder of Beit Hillel, one of the greatest rabbinic yeshivas in Jerusalem before the destruction of Herod's Temple and the city of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 CE.
G-d’s Time-Wave from Creation to the New Jerusalem
Yet there are other amazing dates that synchronized with the Jewish Sabbatical Week of Years and Jubilee Cycles. Here we are to witness G-d’s Great Time-Wave, the epic wave of historical human existence upon Planet Earth and the interesting time coincidences that have woven it throughout the era of humankind.
This concept of “revealing” took on a different perspective on January 1, 2010, when Destination Yisra’el posted the blog titled, “Happy News Years - Welcome to the New Millennial of Age of the Messiah” which stated:
Destination Yisra’el – “On Rosh Hashanah 2009, according to one retired physicist, the 6000 year landmark date of the era of man ended. On that date the 7000th year “Millennium of the Messiah” began.
Physicist Michael Murray is a retired nuclear development physicist once contracted to a major Fortune 500 corporation and later a governmental contractor for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. There he utilized computers and developed programs for the physics development projects, analysis, & evaluations in the fields of isotopic neutron radiography and non-destructive testing techniques for both classified (Q Clearance – Top Secret) and non-classified U.S. government projects.
In his amazing E-book, “G-d’s Time-Wave of History” he spent over 3 ½ years of research and calculations compiling over 150 biblical and historical date points in both the TaNaKh (Old Testament) and the Brit Hadassah (ReNewed Testament) seeking to synchronize various dates in biblical and historical time with the Jewish Seven Year Sabbatical Week of Years and the Jewish Fiftieth Year of Jubilees. It came to some amazing discoveries.
The archeological and historical date of 968 BCE established for the onset of building the Temple of Solomon was synchronized with I Kings 6:1 that established that this date was precisely 2993 years after the Creation of Adam, according to biblical chronology. The temple of Solomon was completed seven years later on the 3000th anniversary of the Creation of Adam.
Other amazing dates synchronized with the Jewish Sabbatical Week of Years and Jubilee Cycles came to some interesting conclusions…Will it take One Jubilee Cycle (49 years) from the day that the Jewish State of Israel captured Jerusalem from the forces of Jordan in 1967 that the newly arrived Messiah in 2016, as the “New Joshua (Yahshua)”, will divide the Land of Israel between the House of Judah and the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel? If so, by that date, most of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel will have completed their aliyah and the House of Judah will be settled completely in the Land of Judea.”
Then as we take notice, there will conclude a diplomatic crisis at the time of the end in which a “leader of Persia (Iran) will contest with an Arab leader (Saudi Arabia) and the Arab leader (King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia) will go to Aram (the Western Superpowers) to get council from them. Did not this event occur when King Abdullah allied himself with other Sunni Arab leaders in opposing President Bashar Assad in Syria and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Iran. Is it a coincidence that Saudi Arabia is now also seeking to become a nuclear opposition power as an ally with the “Western Superpowers” as noted in the Destination Yisra’el’s article, titled, “American, NATO and Sunni Muslim Allies prepare for War against Shiite Iran?”
With the conclusion of this alliance, we see the United States and Europe supporting Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC) countries that include Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) residing along the southwestern coastline of the Strait of Hormuz in opposition to Russia and China supporting Iran on the northeastern coastline of that “Strait”. This demarcation line of the oriental world in opposition to the occidental world may be destined to be contested and shut down the economies of every country around the world in preparation for the final One World Order.
Then we read: “The leader of Persia will respond and destroy the entire world. All the nations of the world will be trembling and shaking and falling on their faces. They will be seized by pains like labor pains.
That day may be soon upon us, for as we have seen, the Islamic regime of Iran has deceived the whole world, and only after they have accomplished the preparation for their demonic deeds will the true face of evil be revealed.
We have seen this fact, loud and clear, but no western leader wishes to comprehend and our amnesia with the past and our distain for the prophecies given by the G-d of Israel by the Jewish and Israelite prophets of old including the sages of Judah over the last few centuries, have left us bewildered, befuddled and clueless. It’s time to wake up!
Iran threatens America with Nuclear Terror
We don’t have to wait for the day in which we will fully comprehend when the silos will open in Iran and missiles will be launched towards Israel and the United States. Have we forgotten or refused to remember that two years ago, on April 20, 2010, DEBKAfiles revealed and was later posted in Destination Yisra’el’s blog, “As Nuclear Iran completes its Quest to join the Nuclear Club, Tehran threatens America with Nuclear Terror” the potent threat by Tehran that was not heeded by the American White House, “If Iran is attacked, Nuclear Devices will go off in American Cities.”
With our brains folding and its memories stuffed into the deep recesses of amnesia, it may be just days, weeks or just a few months, and guaranteed by political pundits at least before election day, 2012, the Obama White House will make that fateful decision to attack Iran.
The question is not whether Iran has a nuclear bomb, for that question was answered because already has nuclear bombs, and Iran had nuclear bombs as far back as 2008. This was revealed in the May 23, 2010, the second blog on a Destination Yisra’el series blog titled, “Iran had Nuclear Weapons, Cruise Missiles in 2008 and Russia did Not give it to Them – Directly”.
Understanding the deceptions and with innuendos of coming into agreement with the Western Powers of Europe and America, according to Reza Kahlili the Islamic Ayatollahs “will never close an honest deal with the infidels.” Maybe it’s time to comprehend that Islam has arisen as the prophetic “Earth Beast” of Revelation brought forth by as the “False Prophet” in the Nazarene Book of Revelations.
And so in that day when the Jewish people will be trembling and quaking and saying: "Where can we go? Where can we go?" And [Moshiach] will say to them: my children, do not fear! Everything I did I did only for you! Why are you frightened? Don't be afraid--the days of your redemption have arrived!
Why are the Jewish people trembling and quaking when it is purported that Israel already has over 200 nuclear bombs? What happened to the “Sampson Option”? Why are the Jewish people now impotent? If the State of Israel attacks today, and a majority of her long-range nuclear-tipped jets are destroyed, give us a hint that such an attack may be a living reality.
The Jewish “hidden ones”, the rabbinic sages have already led the way and revealed to their people and to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel who are willing to listen, the days of our redemption are here!
It was back seven years ago on December 4, 2005, that Rabbi Lazer Brody wrote on Lazer Beams about the Geula and redemption and its affect on the Iranian and Israeli conflict. In a private interview with Rabbi CAE, a blueblood descendant of three of the greatest Chassidic dynasties in Judaism, he explained that the Disengagement from Gaza when the Jewish settlers were expelled from their homes in Gush Katif, along the Mediterranean Ocean in the Gaza Strips in August, 2005; this was the beginning of the Geula or the days of redemption when the Messiah will be revealed.
Could this tragic event, the Gaza expulsion actually be the beginning of the full redemption of all people, Jews and gentiles alike? When we read the Zohar, one of the most revered books of mystical Judaism, it teaches that The Almighty, when He looked in His Holy Torah, the world was created. The Torah in reality is the blueprint of The Creator God. According to Rebbe Nachman of Breslev, the “Torah is all one needs to understand what’s happening in the world”.
What does the Torah have to say about all this? Let’s open our Gemorras to Tractate Avoda Zara, page 2b, and examine the Tosephos commentary, called the “mashcha malchusaihu.”
Mashcha malchusaihu – Persia shall fall into the hands of Rome directly before the coming of Moshiach, for Rome shall rule the whole world for 9 months.”
Prefaced with the strong held belief that their covenant with the G-d of Israel has never been taken away, this places the Jewish people as the spiritual guardians not only of the Torah but as the guardians of the entire world. Yet, their future at the time of the end depends on an important fact: even though the Orthodox Jews have remained in covenant with G-d, will all the Jewish people and the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel return to HaShem, the G-d of Israel, and to His Torah, or not?
According to the Jewish perspective and how they perceived their role as the guardians of the “Oracles of the God of Israel” in the Holy Scripture, we discover two scenarios that could occur at the time of the end and in the days of redemption called the Geula; the redemption by Ahishena and redemption by B’ito (Bi’etah).
We as the Lost Tribes of Israel and the Jewish people still living in the Diaspora could have returned to the biblical pathway of redemption by our personal assent to obey the Torah. This, according to the prophets meant that we would have already returned to the Land of Israel (aliyah) as the G-d of Israel asked us to do. Redemption would have come with great miracles and the world would suddenly be changed to its divine purpose and be restored back into the control of the G-d of Israel. Yet, this epic event has not happened so the G-d of Israel now has to give us a nudge, along with options that we cannot refuse for the “appointed time” is about to come.
It now appears that “Plan A”, the Rabbinic Jewish concept of Redemption by Ahishena has not and will not happen so, we now have “Plan B”, Redemption by B’ito. Here the Jews of the House of Judah and the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel will have to be fully redeemed and restored while we “walk through the valley of the shadow of death.” Even so, the Psalmist gives us a promise; “I will fear no evil.” This will be an era that will be full of suffering and tests for all the chosen ones of Israel and also for the world in general. It will be a day that will conclude with a terrible apocalypse of which over two-thirds of the inhabitants upon Planet Earth will no longer exist.
As reported in the Commentary on Zechariah 9, under the subtitle section titled, “The Guela (Redemption) by Bi’etah or Ahishena”, we read:
BibleSearchers Reflections – “The Jewish resident does not have the desire to consider a “harsh b’ito redemption reality” for the final conclusion of this age before the nations and religious institutions seeking global domination are eliminated. Have they not been affected enough by pogroms, holocausts, persecutions, inquisitions and exterminations? No they must face the final anti-Messiah (antichrist).
In the Israeli blogsite called Mystical Paths, Rabbi Akiva from Yeranen Yaakov’s personal blogsite we read about “Redemption by “Bi’etah” or by “Ahishena:”
Yeranen Yaakov– “There are 2 types of redemption that could exist according to our sources:
- A redemption that is "Bi’etah" - i.e. one that is set at a predetermined time (Rabbi Ovadia Yosef holds that this is the Redemption with which we will be redeemed, even though he holds, on the other hand, that the generation is "זכאי" ["meritorious"]), and
- A redemption that is "Ahishena" - i.e. one that will come earlier than its set time.
The main differences between the 2 types of Redemption, besides the time that it will take place, is the amount of suffering the Jewish people and the whole world in general will endure until the Redemption takes place and the manner in which the Redemption occurs:
- “Ahishena" Redemption is a Redemption that comes suddenly, in a miraculous way. Mashiah comes, and the world reaches its correct fulfillment and purpose, together with all the beneficial designations that were promised by Hakadosh Baruch Hu (The “Holy One, bless is He”) by way of His prophets, as is described in TaNaKh (Old Testament).
- A "Bi’etah" Redemption is a Redemption that a long and hard process precedes it, full of suffering and tests for the Jewish people and for the world in general, which concludes with the terrible death of about two-thirds of the world, in addition to those among the Jewish people who, according to Hakadosh Baruch Hu's calculation, are not fit to be redeemed.”
According to some of the sources along with Kabbalists from our time, the percentage of Jews that are said to be killed during this situation, could reach Has Veshalom (destroy the Jews and wipe Israel off the map) about 80%, corresponding to the percentage of the Jewish people who were killed in Egypt during the plague of darkness, as is described in the words of Haza"l (Chochmenu Zichrona Levaracha (Our Sages of Blessed Memory). The type of Redemption that we will receive is dependent on us and on our deeds.
“Ahishena" Redemption is dependent on repentance that the Jewish nation will do. The righteous among our generation say that it's not referring to [a repentance] of all of Israel - just the majority of it - everyone according to his ability. In this scenario - that repentance will work for Israel - then, the "Bi’etah" process, which we are currently in the middle of, will stop suddenly, and the Redemption will come immediately.”
With this series of article closing, we posed the question, “Will the State of Israel strike the Nation of Iran with a Nuclear Strike? Throughout all the prophetic writings and the writings of the Rabbinic Sages of Judah, we find no evidence that the State of Israel will launch a preemptive strike against the Islamic people in Tehran and Iran.
It does appear that the entire world will be paralyzed to act against Iran, including the United States. Then something will happen and the whole world including Israel will tremble at the feet of Islam.
Will it because there is a terrorist attack or an attack from the Islamic armies of the Shi’ite Islamic Mahdi that will attack the city that stands upon the seven-hills, the city of Rome. According to Yoma 10a in the Talmud, it appears that with the prophetic portrayal by the sages of Judah, the Roman Catholic Church as we know it will disappear in a fiery inferno from religious and temporal power.
In the vacuum of Vatican Rome’s demise, a Dragon Sea Beast (Revelation 13) will rise to take its power and great authority. During these last days, last pope of the Roman Catholic Church, Petrus Romanus, according to the Prophecy of St. Malachy, will lead his flock to safety in the days of G-d’s judgment.
If these clustering of prophecies have any inherent coherent interrelationship, then possibly a future scenario on the end times will look like this. According to the 5th century CE Midrash of Yalkut Shimoni, the Ayatollah or the President of the Islamic Shi’ite Nation of Persia Iran will confront King Abdullah, the ruler of the Islamic Nation of Saudi Arabia, the guardian of the holy Islamic cities of Mecca and Medina. King Abdullah and his Sunni allies with the Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC) countries that include Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) will sit in secret council with Edom (Western Superpowers) and form an alliance against Iran.
The response of Iran will become a world class Nation of Terror and terrorism. Standing on the pulpit of the international press, with fiery belligerence, Iran will terrorize the whole earth in such a way that the “nations of the world will be trembling and shaking and falling on their faces…like labor pains. At this time also, the Jewish people will be trembling and quaking and saying, “Where can we go?”
Then during the days when the Messiah (son of Joseph) should have also arrived but was delayed, as Rabbi Yonasan Eibshetz wrote in the 17th -18th century in his Book titled “Yaaros Dvash”, when the Messiah son of Joseph will continue to suffer for an additional nine months while waiting for the Nation of Persia to fall at the hands of Edom (Western Global Powers) and then the final redemption (guela) will come.”
Then according to the Gemara to Tractate Avoda Zara, page 2b, while examining it in reference to the Tosephos commentary, called the “mashcha malchusaihu”, we then see that Persia Iran will be destroyed into the hands of Edom-Rome (Western Powers) just before the coming of the Messiah for in this day the whole world will be ruled by the Western Global Powers (Rome) for nine months.
With the pace of events rapidly escalating, the final countdown for the coming of the Jewish Messiah, David son of David, the entire geo-political map of the Nations of the earth will be redrawn into Ten Economic Unions, each with a parliament, will rule the whole world as One Unified Government of what some are now calling the “Global Village” and others are calling the New World Order.
Then on the first Jubilee Cycle of 49 years, from the day the Jewish Zionist State of Israel captured Jerusalem from the forces in 1967, the Maschiah ben David will arrive in the fall of 2016 as the “New Messiah” and the “New Joshua (Yahshua)”. At this time, the Land of Israel will be divided by the New Messiah, for the new inhabitants not only from the Jews of the House of Judah but also the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel. As the New Messiah is revealed, the pathway for the final exodus from Rome will be completed as the rebelling Lost Tribes will now be restored back into fellowship with their brothers, the Jews of the House of Judah.
You Might Want to Read; “America’s Iranian-Syrian Two-War Strategy and Israel”
Part Two – “Can America’s Naval Supremacy be Defeated by Iran in the Persian Gulf?”
Part Three – “The Fate of Iran was given to the Rabbinic Sages Centuries Ago”
The Covert War to Destroy Nuclear Iran heralds the Regional War to Destroy Israel
Go to Part One - “Nuclear Iran crumbling by the Stuxnet Malware Virus”
Go to Part Two – “American, NATO, and Sunni Muslim Allies prepare for War against Shiite Iran”
Go to Part Three – “Iranian Proxy States prepare for War against Israel”
Go to Part Four – “Israel Prepares for the Defense of “The Land” and her own National Existence”
Go to Part Five – “Will this be Israel’s last Day or a New Beginning?”
The Prophetic Fate of Iran
Part One – “Countdown to a Nuclear Iran; Russia loads Fuel Rods”
Part Two – “The Archangel Gabriel: the Persian Ram’s demise will be at the Time of the End”
Part Three – “The Sages of Judah: the Terror of the Persian Iran and its demise by Edom”
Part Four – “The Crushing of the Persian Ram opens the Gates for the Battle of GogUMagog”
Credit to BibleSearchers Reflections – “Iran has Nuclear Weapons, Cruise Missiles and Russia did Not give it to them – Directly” – July 2008
Nuclear Iran Series
“Retired Major General Paul E Vallely admits; ‘Iran has Nuclear Weapons’” – Nuclear Iran Part One
“Iran had Nuclear Weapons, Cruise Missiles in 2008 and Russia did Not give it to Them – Directly” – Nuclear Iran Part Two
“President George W. Bush signed 2008 State of Emergency, feared Nuclear North Korea, prepared to Launch Attack on Nuclear Iran” - Nuclear Iran Part Three
“Is America preparing for a 2010 Tisha B’Av or Yom Kippur War with Israel against Iran?” – Nuclear Iran Part Four
Awaken, O House of Israel, your days are numbered for the Yemot HaMaschiah (The Days of the Messiah) are now upon us. HaShem, the G-d of Israel wants you to be prepared for your reclamation, redemption and restoration back into oneness and fellowship with the Jews of the House of Judah. It’s time to prepare for your return home to your aliyah (return to Israel), for the “disputed lands of Shomron in Samaria” include your tribal homelands.
Let us not forget that the G-d of Israel is purposefully bringing the forces of evil for the whole world to behold and to understand its catastrophic affect upon all mankind. Only then will we be able to choose goodness over evil. If you are interested in connecting to your Lost Israelite roots, Destination Yisra’el is inviting you to support the Kol Ha Tor Vision,
If the G-d of Israel is touching your heart to support directly the Pioneering Settlers of Shomron and Judea preserving these lands for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel, we invite you to Click on the “Donate to Kol Ha Tor” link in support of the joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This supernal Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria, that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel.