Barack Obama and Michelle Obama are greeted by the French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, and his wife Carla Bruni-Sarkozy upon their arrival at Palais Rohan in Strasbourg
One of the greatest and most humorous yet sad stories of the recent international press is the honest press reporting of the secret gaffes between the Jewish French President Nicolas Sarkozy and America President Barak Hussein Obama. This event occurred after a recent press conference at the Economic Summit of the Group of 20 international leaders at the French resort at Cannes. Here was where some the press conference attendees were still wearing their headphones while the microphones were still open nearby and collectively they caught the conversation of the two leaders in this private conversation.
Here, unknown to both world leaders, and in a moment of transparency, it was revealed to the whole world what was going through the minds of these two international leaders as they spoke to each other.
Sarkozy to Obama concerning Netanyahu: “I can’t stand him. He’s a liar.”
Obama’s reply to Sarkozy: “You're tired of him; what about me? I have to deal with him every day".
This news of this private conversation was accidently broadcasted by the French website Arret Sur Images where certain reporters were listening to Sarkozy’s comments spoken in the French language through a translator and the reply by Obama.
The reason for the media’s release of the conversation’s text was not because of the crass unprofessional conversation of two world leaders, but because it appeared to depict the prickly character of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Overall it depicted the strong international political insensitivity against the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and the State of Israel by the European press that is overwhelmingly in support of the creation of a Palestinian State.
The sad truth is that most of these political press reporters represent the countries in the northern half of the European continent. If the truth be really known, they were comprehend that they represent a majority of the Lost Tribes of the Northern Nation of Israel that rebelled against the G-d of Israel and had to be driven from the land of their forefathers.
Sarkozy on Netanyahu - “I just cannot look at Netanyahu, even though I must appear to be his Friend”
This insensitivity of the press in this instance against the leading statesman in Israel, the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stand in sharp contrast to the protectionism of the international press to withhold similar quotes by President Obama. This fact was most succinctly noted when Obama chastised President Sarkozy for not informing him in advance of the French’s intent to vote in favor of the Palestinian membership on the United Nation’s cultural agency, UNESCO.
As Republican Senator John McCain, member of the Foreign Relations Committee put these private comments into perspective:
Senator John McCain – “I happen to be a great admirer of Prime Minister Netanyahu…I've known him for years, and Israel is under more pressure and probably in more danger than they've been since the '67 war and that kind of comment is not only not helpful, but indicative of some of the policies towards Israel that this administration has been part of…These attitudes and policies, McCain believes, are responsible for the total failure of the Israel-Palestinian peace talks.
Strange as it may seem, French President Sarkozy a few days later, while speaking before the World Jewish Congress stated that the State of Israel had failed to win over the international media in their “built in bias” against Israel. Does this “built in bias” reflect also the bias of President Sarkozy?
While the report proclaimed that the French website Arret Sur Images “accidently broadcasted” the smearing attitudes of the American and French , it also highlighted the unprofessional journalistic conduct of the six reporters from Reuters and the Associated Press who kept to the script of an unwritten French policy and refused to publish the comments in spite of the fact that “undiplomatic remarks” are news by every definition, for they reveal the true inner thoughts that sway the polity of international leaders. As Arnold Ahlert wrote in the Jewish World Review:
Arnold Ahlert – “What reporter in his right mind would sign anything that prevents him from reporting on a story made available, not by subterfuge or anything else resembling illegality, but by the carelessness of two world leaders? Since when did a legitimate 'gotcha' moment become off limits to the press?"
Yet, it was only six years ago in 2005 that the French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who is Jewish by birth, rose to power as supposedly the most pro-Israel French president in decades. Today it appears that “Friends of Israel” keep strong pretenses of Israeli support when they need Jewish money and support during election, but are also so willing to stab the State of Israel and her leaders in the back behind the scenes. The question is why?
It was in January, 2005 when Nicolas Sarkozy assumed the leadership of the French’s Union for a Popular Movement (UMP). Soon he was on the road to eventually becoming the official resident of the Élysée Palace in Paris after the 2007 presidential election. Who then is this Nicolas Sarkozy (Nicolas Paul Stéphane Sarkozy), who is now standing side by side with the German Chancellor Angela Merkel seeking to find the right formula to save the European Union from total economic collapse? Yet, who is this internationally known political leader, and how is he of Jewish descent?
On Sarkozy’s paternal side, he is of French and Hungarian ancestry, born to a Pál István Ernő Sárközy de Nagy-Bócsa, a Hungarian aristocrat who was married to a French and Greek Jewish bride, Andrée Jeanne "Dadu" Mallah (b. Paris, 12 October 1925), at Saint-François-de-Sales, Paris XVII. According to Jewish halakhic law, to be a Jew, your mother must be a Jew, is the reason the French president is known by his Jewish origins.
The marriage between his parents lasted only nine years when his father became independently wealthy with his own advertising agency. While they lived in his wife’s family estate, he also refused to give her family any financial assistance, later divorced Andrée Jeanne in 1959 and abandoned his family. According to the memoires of Nicholas Sarkozy, he claimed that during his childhood, he felt inferior to those who were wealthier and taller then he and put his life into this personal vignette; there was nothing that shaped his life more than being abandoned by his father and shaped much of who he is today.
Palais de Élysée, the Official Residence of France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy
Jewish Ancestry of French President Nicholas Sarkozy
The Jewish maternal grandfather of Nicolas Sarkozy was Aron Benico Mallah (1890-1972) a native of the Ottoman Empire’s Salonica married an Adèle Bouvier (1891 – 1956) who was raised in Lyon, France along the Rhône River Valley. They as a family immigrated to France where he was baptized a Catholic in 1917 as "Bénédict/Benoît Mallah".
Nicholas Sarkozy’s great grandfather, Mordohai (Mordechai) Mallah (about 1865 – 1913) of obvious Jewish name, lived in the region of Thessaloniki, also in the Ottoman Empire. He married a Reyna Magriso (1868-1944) also from the region of Thessaloniki.
Nicholas Sarkozy’s great great grandfather, Aron Nehama (Aaron Nehemiah) Mallah (1830 – 1898) was married about 1850 to a Rivka Eliakim (1830 – 1907) both of whose names are of Jewish descent.
Nicholas Sarkozy and Thessalonkiki Sabbatean Frankism
According the Joseph Nehama (1881-1971) in his recent book titled, “History of the Israelites of Salonica” (Histoire des Israelites de Salonique) lays the claim that the Mallah family originated in the region of Provence in Southern France. Here, Haim Joseph Mallah, a Frankist rabbi from Salonica spent his life as an avid propagandist of the Jewish Sabbateanism heresy throughout the northern European regions of Ukraine and Poland until his death in 1720.
Here we later find Rabbi Benedict Mallah, Sarkozy’s grandfather, who became a member of the Donmeh Society of Thessaloniki. This secret society was called the Karakash subsect of the Sabbatians where an earlier Jacob Frank, gained his fame as a false Jewish messiah in the 18th century and whose most famous modern adherent of recent years was reported to be Pope John Paul II.
There in the 17th Arrondissement district of Paris, Nicholas grandfather, Benedict Mallah, build a small mansion that was later lived in by his daughter, Andrée Jeanne "Dadu" Mallah (b. Paris, 12 October 1925), of French and Greek Jewish origins. She was married to Pál István Ernő Sárközy de Nagy-Bócsa on 8 February 1950 at Saint-François-de-Sales, Paris XVII, on 8 February 1950. That marriage lasted only nine years when his father, Pál István Ernő Sárközy, became independently wealthy with his own advertising agency.
While they lived in his wife’s family estate, he refused to give Andrée Jeanne’s family any financial assistance, and later divorced Andrée Jeanne in 1959 and abandoned his family. According to the memoires of Nicholas Sarkozy, he claimed that during his childhood, he felt inferior to those who were wealthier and taller than he. Yet, the event that shaped his life most was being abandoned by his father. As he put these memories in a time capsule of his life, Sarkozy said:
President Nicholas Sarkozy – “What made me who I am now is the sum of all the humiliations suffered during childhood.”
“I, the grandson of a Greek: Nicolas Sarkozy’s Salonika”
I was in 2008 that a book titled, “I, the grandson of a Greek: Nicolas Sarkozy’s Salonika” was launched about Sarkozy’s Greek Jewish roots. Here it tells the story of Sarkozy’s maternal side of the family, the Mallah’s, who in the 16th century Salonika became a part of the flourishing Sephardic Jewish community, called the “Jerusalem of the Balkans”. Benedict Mallah, his grandfather immigrated to Paris in the early 20th century. There he served in the French army in World War I, and afterwards became a Roman Catholic. This was classic style for Frankish Jews to go underground into the Roman Catholic Church.
According to President Sarkozy, like so many other Neo-Cons in the world political scene, he learned about his Jewish roots after his grandfather died in 1972 when he returned to Salonika for the first time to meet his mother and aunt and receive possession of his part of the family inheritance.
It was in the 17th century that the Jewish world was torn asunder by the rising popularity of what became Judaism’s most devastating messianic revivals; the Jewish false messiah Shabbatai Tzevi, the avatar of Judaism. He with his false prophet, Nathan of Gaza, promised to declare the “day of the messiah” on June 18, 1666 (6th month, 6+6+6 days, 1000 + 666). Instead Shabbatai Tzevi was captured by the Sultan of Constantinople, and given an offer he could not refuse; conversion to Islam. Instead of bringing the Jews a Jewish messiah, he led over half of 17th century Jewry into Islam.
Fifty years later, Yakov ben Judah Leib Frankovich (1726-1791) was born to a Jewish rabbi in Podolia, in “old” Poland (now days Ukraine). As a cloth merchant he traveled to the Middle East, and became a secret initiate into the Shabbatean rites of the Donmeh Shabbataism as part of the Karakash subsect of Shabbatai Tzevi’s Jewish heresy.
One of the most prominent of the Dolmeh disciples was Yakov ben Judah. Almost at the age of thirty, Yakov ben Judah, returned to Ashkenazi Poland and posed as an Orthodox Sephardi Jew where he was first called a “frenk” or a Sephardi Jew in Yiddish. With his Frankovich name, he assumed a new name, Jacob Frank. Rabbi Jacob Frank’s followers to this day are active by intermingling mystical Judaism with Islamic Sufism and transported these ideas in the mid-18th century to the region of Poland and Ukraine.
Here arose the heretical Jewish sect called Frankist, who also in devastation like lightning became indoctrinating the Eastern European Jews into the mystical anti-Torah, anti-Talmudic teachings of mystical Shabbataism. They then created a new heretical Jewish sect called Frankists. As BibleSearchers wrote in 2004, in the article titled, “The Sabbatean Jews and their Affect on Global Politics”, it reflected on the catastrophic damage done by the “The Jewish non-Jews and the Modern Dolmeh Shabbatean Jews”:
BibleSearchers Reflections – “Even today the evil ministry of the false messiah, Shabbatai Zevi, according to (Rabbi Marvin) Antelman is still alive and well in the Turkish sect called the Donmeh.
For example the dates of the festivals of the Lord as the Donmeh Shabbatean Jews worship them today have been changed. The Festival of Purim, the date commemorating when the Jews were saved from a holocaust by Haman the prime minister of Persia by the life and actions of a young Jewess who was Queen of Persia, Hadassah or Esther have now been turned into a festival of orgies. According to Antelman,
Rabbi Marvin Antelman – “The Donmeh now converted the Shabbatian Purim into an annual orgy, when members exchanged spouses for a ceremony called "extinguishing the lights." The Donmeh justified their Purim orgies, and their regular practice of sharing wives and engaging in other sexual activities, by citing biblical precedents.” (Rabbi Marvin Antelman – To Eliminate the Opiate, page 101)
What the Shabbatean connection does reveal is the suppression of authentic Judaism and the conversion to secularism and Catholicism is an identity process that is unnatural to the Jewish psyche. A Jewish non-Jew begins to hate himself to the point that he hates everything that is authentically Jewish. He wants so desperately to rebel against the God who has taken his people into a covenant relationship and calls them, “His chosen ones.”
The Sabbatean Jew wants so desperately to be like every other person, but he cannot. To the core, he will always be Jewish whether he accepts it or likes it or not. The subterranean history of the Sabbatean Jew is blended with the false messianism of Shabbatai Zevi, the religious institutional control of Jesuit Catholicism, and the global financial control of the Jewish Rothschilds. Here is the fate of the liberal Jew, the secular Jew, and the anti-Torah Jew.”
Concerning the “Geo-political and Religious Influence of the Shabbateans and the Frankists, Rabbi Marvin Antelman, the former Chief Justice of the Supreme Rabbinic Court of America wrote in his seminal book, titled, “To Eliminate the Opiate, Volume I”, the following:
Rabbi Marvin Antelman – “It was Rabbi Antelman in his seminal study showed that from the loins of the Illuminati Shabbataists, the Reign of Terror and the French Rebellion and the American Masonic Rebellion against Britain sprouted. Yes, all the founders of the young republic of American were members of the Scottish Masonic lodges.
From the loins of the Illuminati and the Shabbateans, the Jews, Karl Marx and Frederick Engel established the roots of communism. From the loins of the Rothschild Frankists Sabbataeans, John Jowe Astor and Jacob Schiff went to America, enlisted the support of the robber barons of America, Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan, and established the roots of globalism in the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The goal of the CFR according to Chamish is “to overthrow the American Constitution and switch the nation’s diplomacy to Illuminates.”
The thread of political and moral corruption continued this time in the heart of German Jews in the 1830s. The Jewish Enlightenment was initiated by German Jewish author Moses Mendelssohn, ancestor of the German composer, Felix Mendelssohn. The movements of the Reform and Conservative Judaism were to bring ecumenical anti-Torah ideas of Christian Frankists into Orthodox Judaism. The goal was to dilute the morality of Torah-observant Jews. The Jews who did not comply were quietly removed and disappeared.”
Rabbi Marvin Antelman - The Sabbatean-Frankists
Rapidly Frankism swept through all Jewry in North and Eastern Europe. It was aggressively fought against by the famed Talmudic scholar, the esteemed Talmudist Rabbi Jacob Emden in the early 17th century that became the first to expose the dangers of the teachings of the Sabbateans in the European region of Poland. It was BibleSearchers in the year of 2006 that investigated this era in the series of articles titled, “Jesus the Pharisee from the School of (Beit) Hillel in the Eyes of Talmudic Scholar Rabbi Jacob Emden”.
Rabbi Emden became the most passionate defender of covenanted orthodox Judaism against the infiltration of the Sabbateans and the profound destruction of what they were doing in the heart of Judaism in Europe. It was also during this great crisis of faith for the Jewish people with the messianic uprising of the false messiah Shabbatai Tzevi that Rabbi Jacob Emden went back to review all the fifty odd messiahs that had risen over the prior 16 centuries.
When he came to the life and ministry of Yahshua HaMaschiah (Jesus the Messiah) in the 1st century Judea, he found one Jewish Messiah that was profoundly different that all the rest. Here was a Jewish messiah that not only lived the life of Torah, but lived and taught that His disciples were to live the precepts of all the Torah above and beyond the “letter of the law”. In his charges against the heresy of Shabbatai Tzevi, Rabbi Emden wrote a letter defending the life, ministry and the Torah of Yahshua the Messiah in “The Letter of Rabbi Jacob Emden, the Seder Olam Rabbah Vezuta (1757) to the Jewish Council of Four Lands”. Here was the opinion of this sage of Judaism concerning Yahshua HaNotzri (Jesus the Nazarene):
Rabbi Jacob Emden – “Certainly, therefore, there is no doubt that one who seeks truth will agree with our thesis, that the Nazarene and his Apostles never meant to abolish the Torah of Moses from one who was born a Jew. Likewise did Paul write in his letter to the Corinthians (I Corinthians) that each should adhere to the faith in which each was called? They therefore acted in accordance with the Torah by forbidding circumcision to gentiles, according to the Halakha, as it is forbidden to one who does not accept the yoke of the commandments. They knew that it would be too difficult for the Gentiles to observe the Torah of Moses. They therefore forbade them to circumcise, and it would suffice that they observe the Seven Noahide Commandments, as commanded upon them through the Halakha from Moses at Sinai.
It is therefore a habitual saying of mine (not as a hypocritical flatterer, God forbid, for I am of the faithful believers of Israel, and I know well that the remnant of Israel will not speak falsehood, nor will their mouths contain a deceitful tongue) that the Nazarene brought about a double kindness in the world. On the one hand, he strengthened the Torah of Moses majestically, as mentioned earlier, and not one of our Sages spoke out more emphatically concerning the immutability of the Torah.
And on the other hand, he did much good for the Gentiles (providing they do not turn about his intent as they please, as some foolish ones have done because they did not fully understand the intent of the authors of the Gospels.)”
Yet the virus of destruction continued to permeate through the Sabbatean Jews around the world. It would not be until just before the 200 Anniversary (1776-1976) of the Sabbatean Masonic birth of the United States of America that Rabbi Marvin Antelman, the Jewish Chief Justice of the Jewish Supreme Court of America became the first modern Jewish rabbi to exposed the modern agenda of the Jewish Sabbateans. In the year of 1974 he wrote a book called “To Eliminate the Opiate, Volume I” that you will find heading the list of every classic list of books on modern conspiracies. It was be followed by the sequel, “To Eliminate the Opiate, Volume II”, twenty four years later in the year of 1998 that exposed the vast influence of the Sabbateans within the modern Jewish Zionist State of Israel, and why their symbiotic relationships with the globalists was and is so profound to Jewish orthodoxy and covenanted Jews.
Like “Two Peas in a Pod”: Two Jewish European Powerhouse Rulers reshaping a New Roman Empire into the New European Union
So what we now see, through the maternal side of Sarkozy’s family are Jewish rabbis who helped create one of the most devastating catastrophes of Judaism. Outside of the Holocaust when over a half of Jewry in Europe was slaughtered in the concentration camps and crematoriums of Eastern Europe, the devastation was equally felt when half of European Jewry went underground and converted to Roman Catholicism supported by the Jesuits and later the Jewish Jesuit, Adam Weishaupt’s Bavarian Illuminati while supported by Mayor Amselm Rothschild, the founder of the wealthiest banking family in the world; The Rothschilds.
This pattern was carefully followed by the earlier heresy of Shabbatai Tzevi, when a large part of Eastern Mediterranean Jewry became members of the Ottoman Dolmeh Society in Turkey as “The Turks” and corrupted the mystical works of the Jewish Kabbalah, blending it with the mystical Islamic works of Sufism.
Now we know the “Rest of the Story”, for Nicolas Sarkozy is one of the chief propagandists for the Frankist sect of Jews who are against the Orthodox Jewish rabbanim and therefore are anti-Judaism or against the life Torah observance the foundation of Orthodox Judaism. It is now known that Sarkozy is in very famous company, for both Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI are alleged also to be a Frankist Jews.
Here we can begin to comprehend the mindset of today’s French President Nicolas Sarkozy who was raised through the influence of his maternal grandfather, and apostate convert or adherent of Donmeh Judaism from Ottoman Turkey, Rabbi Benedict Mallah. What else can we expect?
Yet, the G-d of Israel does not give up upon his own. Both the Jews and the Lost Tribes of Israel were “chosen ones of the G-d of Israel”. The testimony is clear; there is “no-child of G-d” that Hashem is willing to be “left behind”. Will the Jewish gene prevail? Or is there s Divine “viral mole” that will transform even the most anti-Jew back into a halakhic observant Jew?
What mysterious the G-d of Israel has in store for us is only known by the Will of G-d!
You might be Interested in Destination Yisra’el’s Series –
“The Sabbatean Jewish Rothschild Illuminati influence upon Modern Western Globalists”
Part One – “French President Nicolas Sarkozy is a Frankist Jew: No wonder he resents Israeli PM Benyamin Netanyahu”
Part Three – “Angela Merkel becomes the “Iron Lady of Europe” and the Legends of Hitler’s Last Days”
Part Four – “Fuehrer Adolf Hitler was the son of King George the V of England”
Awaken, O House of Israel, your days are numbered for the Yemot HaMaschiah (The Days of the Messiah) are now upon us. HaShem, the G-d of Israel wants you to be prepared for your reclamation, redemption and restoration back into oneness and fellowship with the Jews of the House of Judah. It’s time to prepare for your return home to your aliyah (return to Israel), for the “disputed lands of Shomron in Samaria” include your tribal homelands.
Let us not forget that the G-d of Israel is purposefully bringing the forces of evil for the whole world to behold and to understand its catastrophic affect upon all mankind. Only then will we be able to choose goodness over evil. If you are interested in connecting to your Lost Israelite roots, Destination Yisra’el is inviting you to support the Kol Ha Tor Vision,
If the G-d of Israel is touching your heart to support directly the Pioneering Settlers of Shomron and Judea preserving these lands for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel, we invite you to Click on the “Donate to Kol Ha Tor” link in support of the joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This supernal Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria, that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel.