The Sages of Judah representing Rabbinical Authority of Orthodox Judaism
It was four years ago, in February 2006 that BibleSearchers Reflections posted this summary of the psychological war with Iran on the time of the end as witnessed in the minds of the sages of Judah over the centuries. Titled, “The War with Iran (Persia) and the Coming of the Messiah” Their illumination of the events during the days before the coming of the Messiah, gives us a profound insight into the events that will be transpiring in our soon future.
BibleSearchers Reflections – “The nations of the world stand on the brink of a nuclear holocaust with the rise of the belligerence of the Mahdi (Islamic Messiah) inspired President of the Nation of Iran, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The Nation of Iran up to the date of 1935 was called the Nation of Persia until it requested all countries that had diplomatic relations with Persia to call it Iran, which is the name for Persia in the language of Parsi.
This fifty year old leader of the Persian Shi’ite regimen believes that the apocalypse will not only happen in his lifetime but that the ordinary people in the land cannot only inspire but also hasten the arrival of the 12th Imam, known to the Islamic people as the Mahdi. Iran’s dominant sect called the “Twelver” claims that the Mahdi will be the “righteous” descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, Muhammad Ibn Hasan. In the 9th century at the age of 5, he went into “occlusion” and disappeared. He is expected to return in an era of war, pestilence, catastrophes and cosmic and terrestrial chaos. During this time there will be a confrontation of cataclysmic proportions between the spiritual forces of good and evil. The Mahdi will arrive during this mighty battle and herald a world era of universal peace. According to President Ahmadinejad:
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - “The ultimate promise of all Divine religions, will be fulfilled with the emergence of a perfect human being (the 12th Imam), who is heir to all prophets. He will lead the world to justice and absolute peace. Oh mighty Lord, I pray to you to hasten the emergence of your last repository, the promised one."
As a member of the messianic inspired Hojjatieh Society, he passionately expects that after 11 centuries, the 12th Imam will return as the Messiah of Islam hastened by “the creation of chaos on Earth.” Is it not a surprise that that Ahmadinejad has cleaned the upper echelons of Iran’s experienced diplomatic corps who do not share his messianic fervor that his mission is to introduce this globe to an apocalyptic conflagration?
The members of the American Intelligence Services today are worried and concerned that the nuclear button will soon be in the hands of one who is inspired to annihilate the Jewish people from every inch of land in the Middle East. Many of the people in the Nation of Israel are in a state of terror and the rabbis are counseling them, “Do not fear!”
Of interest that all fail safe plans to conquer and subdue the world come with fatal flaws. It should not pass unnoticed that the Land of Persia is one of the most earthquake prone places on this earth. The Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant in which there is so much international controversy is sitting over an earthquake zone that has three times had catastrophic upheavals in recent history greater than 7.0: 1877, then 34 years later to 1911 then 51 years later to 1962. It is now 44 years since the last earthquake.
An interesting article in the New York Post on December 30, 2003 by reporter Amir Taheri titled, “Iran’s Political Quake” highlights Bushehr’s vulnerabilities.
Amir Taheri – “The (Bushehr) plant is on the same geological fault line that destroyed Bam. Each year, thousands of tremors of various degrees of intensity are recorded on that fault line. Bushehr itself has thrice been destroyed by earthquake in recent times (1877, 1911 and 1962). It is not hard to imagine what an earthquake that destroys a nuclear power plant could do to the entire Persian Gulf area.
The Germans who designed the Bushehr plant and the Russians who are building it assure everyone that it could withstand tremors of up to 7.2 on the Richter scale. That is almost one degree higher than the tremor that destroyed Bam. Also, the available historical data show that the region has not known tremors of more than 7 on the Richter scale. But there is no guarantee that a higher-intensity tremor will not strike in the future.
Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
The Persian Gulf, through which passes almost half of the world's imported crude oil, is a shallow body of water that consists entirely of the continental shelf. (On average it does not go deeper than 90 meters). The destruction of a nuclear plant by earthquake in so shallow and narrow a waterway could create a disaster many times larger than that of Chernobyl. It would affect eight coastal countries directly, while dealing a severe blow to world trade by halting oil exports for months if not years.
Understand that the tremor that destroyed the ancient earthen city of Bam in 2005 was a 7.1 magnitude quake that killed 45,000 Iranians. The building code has only narrow perimeters of stability. In an era in which several nations on this earth have black-op weaponry such as HAARP and Scalar that can create earthquakes and tectonic plate fracturing, the future of Bushehr looks slim even without an aerial nuclear strike. On December 17, 1990, 70 kilometers east of Bushehr a 6.5 quake rattled the region. This quake followed another regional quake at Darab on November 6, 2005 also in the 6.5 magnitude scale
What is interesting is that the sages of Judaism have written of this day hundreds of years ago. Let us look at a few of these writings at posted on the website of Yiddishkeit under the article, “War with Iran? A Song of the Redemption!”
Yoma 10a in the Talmud – “Rabbi Yochanan said in the name of Rabbi Yehuda in the name of Rabbi Ilai: In the time to come, Rome will fall at the hands of Persia.”
Yalkut Shimoni (midrash, compiled circa 500 CE) – “Rabbi Yitzchak said: The year that Melech HaMoshiach (King Messiah) will be revealed, all the kings (leaders) of the nations will be struggling against each other. The leader of Persia (Iran) will contest with an Arab leader and the Arab leader will go to Aram (the Western Superpowers) to get council from them.
The leader of Persia will respond and destroy the entire world. All the nations of the world will be trembling and shaking and falling on their faces. They will be seized by pains like labor pains. The Jewish people will be trembling and quaking and saying: "Where can we go? Where can we go?" And [Moshiach] will say to them: my children, do not fear! Everything I did I did only for you! Why are you frightened? Don't be afraid--the days of your redemption have arrived!
Rabbi Yonasan Eibshetz, ztvk"l, (1690-1764) in his Sefer (Book) Yaaros Dvash – “At certain moment the time will come when Moshiach should have already arrived but the redemption has not yet come. The Moshiach will ask how it could be that the time for redemption has arrived and he still undergoes sufferings? The response that he will receive is that he must wait for nine months. Why? In order to wait for the fall of Persia (Iran) at the hands of Edom (the Christian West), and then the final redemption will come.”
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
On December 4, 2005, Rabbi Lazer Brody on Lazer Beams wrote on the days of Geula and redemption and its affect on the Iranian and Israeli conflict. In a private interview with Rabbi CAE, a blueblood descendant of three of the greatest Chassidic dynasties in Judaism, he explained that the Disengagement from Gaza when the Jewish were expelled from their homes in Gush Katif, the Jewish Gaza, August, 2005.
This was the beginning of the Geula or the days of redemption when the Messiah will be revealed. Could this tragic event actually be the beginning of the full redemption of all people, Jews and gentiles alike?
When we read the Zohar, one of the most revered books of mystical Judaism, it teaches that The Almighty, when He looked in His holy Torah, the world was created. The Torah in reality is the blueprint of The Creator God. According to Rebbe Nachman of Breslev, the “Torah is all one needs to understand what’s happening in the world”.
What does the Torah have to say about all this? Let’s open our Gemorra to Tractate Avoda Zara, page 2b, and examine the Tosephos commentary, called the “mashcha malchusaihu.”
Mashcha malchusaihu – Persia shall fall into the hands of Rome directly before the coming of Moshiach, for Rome shall rule the whole world for 9 months.”
Prefaced with the strong held belief that their covenant with the God of Israel has never been taken away, this places the Jewish people as the spiritual guardians not only of the Torah but as the guardians of the entire world. Yet, their future at the time of the end depends on an important fact: will the Jewish people return to HaShem, the God of Israel, and to His Torah, or not?
According to the Jewish perspective and how they perceived their role as the guardians of the “Oracles of the God of Israel” in the Holy Scripture, we discover two scenarios concerning the time of the end and the days of redemption called the Geula. With the pace of events rapidly escalating, these two scenarios are painted in stark reality for the citizens of the world to watch. The timing? In their minds, it will be in the only a few more months.
Iran’s First Nuclear Power Plant
The “Achishena” or good scenario: If the Jewish people return to the God of their forefathers, then Iran (Persia) will collapse from within without even a shot being fired in a very similar pattern that the USSR and the “iron curtain” collapsed in the early 90’s. According to the Chassidic opinion), the War of Gog from the Land of Magog will be declared over, the Messiah of Israel will reveal Himself to the whole world and the process of redemption for the whole world will begin its final stages. The “B’ito” is called the rough scenario: According to Rabbi Lazer Brody:
Rabbi Brody - “Gog Bush (Obama) quick-draws a pair of atomic six-guns at nuclear high-noon between Iran and the USA (with or without Israel), where Iran will be wiped off the globe. The Israel of Sharon (Netanyahu) and Peres becomes a puppet state of the USA for 9 months, until Moshiach sends them all packing, and Israel renews its glory of old as Hashem's palace on earth, speedily and in our time, amen.”
Yet, the prophetic drama intensifies. As written a year later by BibleSearchers Reflections in February 2007 titled, “The Map of the New Middle East”, we read following understanding that the Seventh Year of the last Sabbatical Week of Years (Rosh Hashanah 2000- Rosh Hashanah 2007) was about over and the Messiah did how return in the 8th year starting in Rosh Hashanah 2008. Instead, we watched Wall Street collapse 777 points on Rosh Hashanah 2008 and the economic world has been devolving and disappearing as the final One World Order is being developed in front of our eyes.
Biblesearchers Reflections – “To the Hebrews, within the angelic host there were four angels for the four imperial nations of Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome that would affect the Jewish people. It was Gabriel who struggled with the angelic Prince of Persia. Each of the other imperial forces had their signet angel that watched over the affairs of that empire; Babylon (Bavel), Persia (Paras), Greece (Yavan), and Rome (Edom). According to the sages of Judah, these angels were first introduced to Jacob (Ya’akov) in a dream as he laid his head and slept on that rocky pillow at Bethel (Bet El). There he saw a ladder with angels going up and down into heaven. Who were the angels of the nations that would affect the future of Jerusalem (Yerushalayim) and the land of Israel (Eritz Yisra’el)? In an insightful article on the death of Saddam Hussein, we read the following article titled, “2500 Years to Glory: From Nebuchadnezzar to Saddam” by the Jewish Maggid Dov Bar-Leib
Maggid Dov Bar-Lieb – “Here according to Rashi, the earth from Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) to Bet El (Bethel) folded up underneath his (Jacob’s) head when he had his vision of angels ascending and descending on a ladder from Heaven. Here the text draws an inextricable link between Ya'akov (Jacob) receiving the blessing and the fate of Yerushalayim, as a matter of fact the fate of the entire stretch of Eretz Yisrael (Land of Israel) stretching from Yerushalayim to Bet El…The angels were none other than the angels of the four kingdoms, Bavel (Babylon), Paras (Persia), Yavan (Greece or Ionia), and Edom (Rome). The distance of their ascension and descent on that ladder was directly proportional to the lengths of their rule over the Holy City. What is most important to understand is that at the End of Days all four angels would return to contest over the Holy City. Four angels coveting One City. What a confusing mess!”
Yet in the Talmudic commentaries of the ancient sages of Judah, called the Chazal, only two angels would be left for the final competition for global domination, the final One World
By that time, the Prince of Persia, now Iran, who had destroyed or vanquished Babylon would be in direct confrontation with the Prince of Rome (the European Union). Yet in history, the Prince of Rome did not destroy (vanquish) but absorbed or assimilated Greece into the Greco-Roman Empire. As Dov Bar-Lieb further explains:
Maggid Dov Bar-Lieb – “Well to make matters more perplexing, the Talmud in Avodah Zarah specifically states that in reality only two of the angels will be around for the final contest. Apparently, the angel of Babylon and the angel of Yavan (Greece) will not be official participants in this final contest. Now we know that the angel of Greece was simply absorbed into the goals and purposes of the angel of Rome, for Chazal tell us that Greece is the Face of Rome. From this we see that Rome did not need to vanquish Greece in order to rise. It simply needed to absorb it in order to embellish its empire.
Previously Persia under Koresh (Cyrus) had vanquished Babylon, and Greece under Alexander had vanquished Persia under Daryavush (Darius). The Greeks also were defeated by the Romans in the Punic Wars when the Greeks allied with Hannibal and the Carthaginians. Yet, the Romans ultimately absorbed Greek culture, not the other way around. In short the angel of Greece was absorbed into Rome and not simply vanquished.”
According to Maggid Dov Bar-Lieb, the coming “Great War” will be “between the Greco-Roman West and the Persians.” We have seen this war played out in covert wars, proxy wars, drugs and weapons smuggling throughout the East.
In the past fourteen years since the Oslo Accord, we have seen a progressive demand of “Land for Peace” by Vatican Rome. Yet every peace accord that Israel continued to negotiate with the Palestinian “Peace Partners” failed because they did not want just land, but Jerusalem and eventually all the land of Israel. The seven years of failed negotiations ended on Rosh Hashanah (according to biblical calculations), Tishrei 1, 5760, on September 29, 2000. That day, the Israeli Prime Minister candidate Ariel Sharon ascended the Temple Mount and prayed. Immediately, the Palestinian al-Aqsa Jihad began and the seven year Oslo Accord effectively ended.
The Palace of Saddam Hussein at his hometown of Tikrit
Slide Show of the Exterior and Interior of the Presidential Palace in Tikrit
What is conspicuously absent as we observe at the geo-political events at the time of the end? Where are the Babylonians or the angel of Babylon? The angel of Babylon was absorbed also by the Greco-Roman West when the capital city of Iraq, the land of ancient Babylon, fell to the coalition forces of the United States of American on April 9, 2003. In the war codenamed “Operation Iraqi Freedom,” the capital city of Baghdad of the resurrected empire of Babylon under Saddam Hussein fell the second time, almost as quickly as that impregnable city of Babylon of Nebuchadnezzar fell to Cyrus the Great, twenty five hundred years earlier.
On December 30, 2006 (9th Tevet 5767), the body of the former Sunni President of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, hung lifeless at the end of a hangman’s noose in Baghdad, Iraq. He had been condemned by the nominated jurists under the rule of the Shi’ite President of Iraq, Nouri al-Maliki of the Shi’ite Islamic Dawa Party.
All the dreams of the resurrection of the mighty empire of King Nebuchadnezzar were over. The tank divisions of the Iraq army that were named after the great kings of ancient Babylonia, no longer existed. The tiles Hussein laid in Babylon that had his name imprinted on them, like Nebuchadnezzar of old, were now a part of the relics of history. The $500 million during the 1980s that Hussein spent to restored Ishtar Gate and rebuild the ancient city of Babylon were now to be relegated as a museum relic. Here was the dream of a man who once considered that he like Nebuchadnezzar of old could lay siege to Jerusalem and conquer the Jews like prey on a wild animal hunt on the sand flats of the Iraqi desert.
Over sixty million bricks were laid in the walls of the restored Babylon with the inscription, “To King Nebuchadnezzar in the reign of Saddam Hussein” and the “Era of Saddam Hussein, protector of Iraq, who rebuilt civilization and rebuilt Babylon.” The memory of Saddam Hussein will remain also on numismatic collectables for the coins he minted were printed with the motto: 2500 years of glory: From Nebuchadnezzar to Saddam Hussein.
Here was Nebuchadnezzar that was by divine decree changed into an animal for a certain period of time. Here again was Nebuchadnezzar’s clone that lived in opulent palaces and used chemical weapons of mass destruction to silence his enemies and critics of his state, now reduced to living like an animal and captured in a hole like a night burrowing mammal.
Saddam Hussein after he was captured (left), and then shaved of his beard
It was on the 10th day of Tevet in the Jewish year of 3336 that King Nebuchadnezzar began his 2½ year siege of the city of Yerushalayim (Jerusalem). Two Thousand four hundred and thirty years later (2430 years) we find the Second Babylonian Empire lying in the dust as the Allied Coalition Forces conquered the capital city of Baghdad on April 9, 2003 (Nissan 7 5763). The final end of the Second Babylon did not come until the 9th Tevet 5767, when on December 31, 2006 the “King” of Babylon met his end. The Angel of Babylon was finally absorbed by the Western Greco-Roman forces of the resurrected Princes of Greece and Rome.
Only the Prince of Persia is left to fall to the Prince of Rome, who first absorbed the Prince of Greece and now Prince of Babylon.
Daniel 8:7, 17, 19-20 (parts) –“Then I saw him (he-goat) confronting the ram; he was moved with rage against him, attacked the ram, and broke his two horns. There was no power in the ram to withstand him (he-goat), but he cast him down to the ground and trampled him; and there was no one that could deliver the ram from his hand…Understand son of man that the vision refers to the time of the end….for at the appointed time the end shall be. The ram which you saw, having the two horns – they are the kings of Media and Persia. And the male goat is the kingdom of Greece.”
With the fall of Saddam Hussein, the “second” Nebuchadnezzar, are we now seeing the rise of the “Mystery Babylon” or the “Sea Beast” of Revelation”? The land of Iraq is in the process of becoming absorbed by the Prince of Rome (European Union and NATO) who has the “face” of Greece (United States).
With the ascent of the Democratic Party that now controls the House and the Senate of the United States, the drama of the future of American foreign policy in Iraq has escalated. If the prophetic reality of Daniel eight is believed, will we see the toppling of the Shi’a Nation of Persia/Iran and possibly the Ba’ath Sunni Nation of Syria (Medes)? Will this include direct confrontation with the two horned powers that support the nation of Iran, Russia, and China?
If so, then the United States (“Great horn of the he-Goat), along with NATO, the military arm of the European Union will absorb the power of Persia, Russia and China. It is this event that those who are watching the escalation of geo-political tension in the Middle East are watching with concern and fear.”
Credit to BibleSearchers Reflections – “The War with Iran (Persia) and the Coming of the Messiah”
Go to Part Four – “The Crushing of the Persian Ram opens the Gates for the Battle of GogUMagog”
The Prophetic Fate of Iran
Part One – “Countdown to a Nuclear Iran; Russia loads Fuel Rods”
Part Two – “The Archangel Gabriel: the Persian Ram’s demise will be at the Time of the End”
Part Three – “The Sages of Judah: the Terror of the Persian Iran and its demise by Edom”
Part Four – “The Crushing of the Persian Ram opens the Gates for the Battle of GogUMagog”
The sages of Judah have spoken and their messages is consistent with the Ancient Prophets of Israel. The Persian Iran will be a Threat to the Whole World at the time of the End, a reality in which we are all experiencing today. It's time to open our eyes to this reality; a reality that will bring to its fullness the Return of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This super Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel. For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria.