In the prior blog on Destination Yisra’el, Rabbi Lazer Brody told his international readers that in the Courts in Heaven, the decree had been issued from the Throne of G-d that a “war” would begin before Rosh Hashanah 2011. Suddenly a few days later, he was urgently recalled back to the presence of Rabbi Shalom Arush. Rabbi Brody gives us insight into the important meeting:
Rabbi Lazer Brody – “My beloved teacher and spiritual guide Rav Shalom Arush had a bigger smile on his face this morning than I've seen in the last few weeks. He told Rabbi Nosson Maimon and me that Israel's 36 hidden tzadikim - several of whom are in contact with Rav Shalom - got together and prayed at the Kotel, the Western Wall and remnant of our Holy Temple in Jerusalem. They succeeded in delaying the decree of imminent war before Rosh Hashana that we spoke about last week.”
With a sigh of relief, we realize that such a war in Israel could erupt into a global war of unspeakable dimensions. So many are not spiritually or physically prepared and are living a life of illusions and delusions. Let us not get complacent! A great war may erupt on Yom Kippur, Succot, or anytime during the fall and winter months. Yet, it does give us a breather so we can warn our families, friends, and even those that come within our realm of influence, such as your business associates. Why? It is because the Messiah is coming and that timetable is assured!
It was on June 22, 2010, that Destination Yisra’el posted a blog titled, “The Jewish Prophecy of the Tsunami hitting the Coastline of Gaza” and wrote concerning the eminence of the Great Jewish Tzaddikim and their role in spiritually and physically defending the Jewish people and the Land of Israel:
Destination Yisra’el – “According to the Kabbalistic Jews, there are 36 hidden and righteous men called “Tzaddikim”, who are so pure that only they know the holy and unspeakable “Name” of the Almighty One of Israel. They are called the Lamed Vav Tzaddikim, known as the Tzaddikim Histarim or the “Hidden Righteous.” According to the Talmud in the Sanhedrin and the Sukkah, it states:
Sanhedrin 97b and Sukkah 45b – “As a mystical concept, the number 36 is even more intriguing. It is said that at all times there are 36 special people in the world, and that were it not for them, all of them, if even one of them was missing, the world would come to an end.
The two Hebrew letters for 36 are the lamed, which is 30, and the vav, which is six. Therefore, these 36 are referred to as the Lamed-Vav Tzadikim. This widely-held belief, this most unusual Jewish concept is based on a Talmudic statement to the effect that in every generation 36 righteous ‘greet the Shechinah,’ the Divine Presence.”
To Hasidic Judaism these 36 righteous men’s role is to justify the purpose of mankind in the eyes of the Almighty G-d of Israel. Their identity is secret and unknown even to each other. If any one of them were to come to a full realization of the purpose of their existence, they would die immediately and their role would be filled by another Tzaddik. This was explained by a Rabbi Zwerin in the following homily:
Rabbi Zwerin from Temple Sinai in Denver - "The Lamed-Vav Tzaddikim are also called the Nistarim (concealed ones). In our folk tales, they emerge from their self-imposed concealment and, by the mystic powers which they possess, they succeed in averting the threatened disasters of a people persecuted by the enemies that surround them. They return to their anonymity as soon as their task is accomplished, 'concealing' themselves once again in a Jewish community wherein they are relatively unknown.
The lamed-vavniks, scattered as they are throughout the Diaspora, have no acquaintance with one another. On very rare occasions, one of them is 'discovered' by accident, in which case the secret of their identity must not be disclosed. The lamed-vavniks do not themselves know that they are one of the 36. In fact, tradition has it that should a person claim to be one of the 36 that is proof positive that he is certainly not one. Since the 36 are each exemplars of anavah, humility, having such a virtue would preclude against one’s self-proclamation of being among the special righteous. The 36 are simply too humble to believe that they are one of the 36."
Called the “Lamedvavnik/s”, this Yiddish term hearkens back to the Torah story of Abraham who asked the God of Israel to spare the city of Sodom if ten hidden righteous men could be found within that city. With their righteousness even the most barbaric city would be saved. The fact that they are hidden suggests that every Jew should seek to be a “lamedvavnik” or a hidden righteous person. They are to lead a holy and humble life, pray as an emissary to God for the sake of their fellow humans and for the healing of the entire planet. Each one would possibly be a candidate to be the Messiah.
The concept of righteousness and the worth that even one righteous person could have in the redemption of this planet earth is astounding. The “poor in the spirit” and the “humble in the heart” brings these people in every walk of life, unknown to any around and themselves included.”
Notice that according to Rav Shalom, he states that Hashem's love for each of us is beyond anyone's comprehension; Jews and Lost Israelite alike. Notice also that this “delay” was not a cancellation of an imminent “war decree”, but a delay in order that more Jews and Lost Israelites can make teshuva, a repentance to G-d, with a turning away from their self interest and returning to the life G-d created each of us to be, “Holy and acceptable unto G-d.” Instead of “human war”, the G-d of Israel may chose to bring an earthquake and a tsunami and destroy the coastline of the Eastern Mediterranean by an “act of G-d”. The “war decree” would be still intact but the destruction would come by the “finger of the Divine, and still be delayed so that more Jews and Lost Israelite will return and find their way back home to G-d.
Rabbi Brody, in his blog, also affirmed with great astonishment that a reliable source inside the Israeli Defense Force told him that when the Israeli Embassy was torched on the eve of September 12, 2011, the Jewish Shabbat, and the Israeli ambassador to Egypt and the Israeli diplomatic staff had to flee, if any one of the Israeli diplomats or the security personnel had been harmed an immediate war would have been ignited.
The first thing that we must do is to fall upon our knees in thanksgiving to the G-d of Israel. With our gratitude to G-d, for the miracle of saving the lives of the Israeli embassy staff from thousands of Jama'a al-Islamiya Al Qaeda supporters in Egypt, a war was immediately averted. Yet, we must also affirm the concept of emuna; that the G-d of Israel is sovereign over the entire universe. In these days, He is embroiling the Middle East plus America, Europe, Russia and China to complete the centuries of covert and overt wars concerning which of the global imperialist will become the winner of the “Chest Game” for world dominion. While they are shuffling the nations, rebuilding and destroying imperial quests, we still have a little more time, to bring others to a living relationship with the G-d of Israel.
Think about your lives, O Lost Israelite! Remind yourself that you are not a “Spiritual Israelite”, a “wannabe Jew” but actually be a literal “Lost Israel” who needs to repent and return to the G-d of Israel. The divine prophecies were not abrogated (made conditional) by G-d in order for apostate Orthodox Christians to replace the “chosen identity” of the Jews of the House of Judah and the Israelites of the House of Israel. This is called “Replacement Theology” and is not biblical. The G-d of Israel has promised that what He has promised to do as written by the prophets of Israel in the prophesies of the Old Testament; He will do!
Rabbi Brody, in his blog, also affirmed with great astonishment that a reliable source inside the Israeli Defense Force told him that when the Israeli Embassy was torched on the eve of September 12, 2011, the Jewish Shabbat, and the Israeli ambassador to Egypt and the Israeli diplomatic staff had to flee, if any one of the Israeli diplomats or the security personnel had been harmed an immediate war would have been ignited between Israel and Egypt. Think about that for a second, and now turn to Hashem, the G-d of Israel with a tremendous note of gratitude. His prodigious miracle of rescuing the Israeli embassy staff from the wrath of the thousands of blood-thirsty rioters that broke into the Israeli Embassy in Cairo this past Friday night, must give us pause and thanks for His divine Providence.
As Rabbi Brody closed his blog;
Rabbi Lazer Brody – “Rav Shalom says that Hashem's love for us is beyond anyone's comprehension; the delay - not cancellation - of the war decree is to enable more people to make teshuva.
Just yesterday, Rebbetzen Kanievski said that outreach is the most important mitzva (command by Hashem) today - we must help others come home to Hashem immediately. People scoff at me when I keep saying there's not much time; I'll get no satisfaction from telling someone "I told you so" when he or she can no longer get on the train to redemption. Rather than dropping our guard, we must use the next few weeks to spread emuna (faith in the Sovereign Power of G-d) everywhere and to strengthen ourselves in teshuva (repentance) and emuna (faith). We all have work to do; Hashem is moving forward in His timetable and things are definitely not business as usual.
Halacha (how to live the life of Torah observance) forbids conjecture about when Moshiach will come. But, Halacha also demands that we prepare ourselves for his immediate arrival. We must all do teshuva (repentance) anyway before Rosh Hashana, so there's no time like the present.
Many people - particularly here in Israel - have written me that deep inside, they're hoping for an all-out war to get things over with already. I understand their feelings, but with each day, so many people are getting closer to Hashem. Let's appreciate the fact that everyone is getting another chance, for the more we come closer to Hashem, the more tremendous miracles we'll see in the coming war, which Iran, Turkey, and Hizbulla are just itching to start.”
Credit Rabbi Lazer Brody – “Rav Shalom Arush: The Decree has been Delayed – September 15, 2011
Destination Series – “The Courts of Heaven have Decreed War”
Part One – “The Hidden Holy Rabbis have spoken, the Shofar has been blown; Will Israel head to War?”
Part Two – “The Divine Decree from the Heavenly Court; the Immanent War has been Delayed”
The prophecies are clear that the G-d of Israel will fulfill what He has promised to fulfill so that peace can restored to all the earth. Part of that prophecy is the restoration of All Israel. This is not a conditional prophesy and neither is it a Jewish prophesy, but we will be restored back into brotherhood and fellowship with our cousins, the Jews of the House of Judah (Ezekiel 37)
This Biblical portrayal includes Prophecies that the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel are about to return to the Land of their Biblical Inheritance. This is Divine Destiny in living reality as the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel return to their Homelands first in Shomron (Samaria), Israel. If you want to learn more, Contact “Kol Ha Tor Vision”, the Voice of the Turtledove.
Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This super Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria, that is hosting a Shomron / Samaria 13-day Succot Tour in October 2011 to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel.