Religious Jews recite prayers during the Birkat Hachama "Blessing of the Sun" ritual as the sun rises over the horizon on April 8, 2009 in the Galilee town of Tiberias in Northern Israel- Getty Images / David Silverman
There has always been something special about the region surrounding the Sea of Galilee that evokes a sense of holiness. As the Jewish Sages in the Talmud admit:
Mishna, Kelim 1:6-LB) - “The Land of Israel is holier than all other lands.”
According to the Ancient Wisdom of the Sages of Judah, the Land of Israel was created as the center of the sphere of human life on Planet Earth. The Holiness of the “Land” was divided into Seven Spiritual Realms of which the Sea of Galilee was Illuminated by the Sacredness of G-d Himself. This sacred Presence was called the Holy Shekinah. As read in the Jewish Kabbalah:
Jewish Kabbalah – “Eretz Yisrael has a holiness that manifests itself by seven different spiritual lights that illuminate the seven different sections of the Holy Land…Kinneret receives her illumination directly from the Shechina, the Divine Presence."
The Orthodox Jew has never quit longing for the return of the Holy Shekinah, for with it was the evidence that G-d had returned to dwell with man for all eternity. The greatest era in which the Shekinah shone forth with all its fullness was during the United Monarchy of Kings David and Solomon. This was when G-d’s Holy House, the Temple of Solomon, revealed the full spectrum of G-d’s spiritual Presence.
So today, the Holy Men of Israel continue to pray for the return of Hashem’s Shekinah, seen as the Presence of G-d Himself returning again to dwell with His chosen people; this time forever.
According to the Jewish Sages, the Divine Presence departed from the Land of Israel intwo phases of Israel’s national history.
- The first departure of the Shekinah was when the United “12 Tribed Nation of Israel” split into two; the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah. This first loss of the Shechina, the Spiritual Presence of G-d came because of the spiritual rebellion of the Northern 10 Tribes to go alone, create their own religion of the “Golden Calves”, build their own House of god, and refused to worship in the Temple of Solomon. The 10 Tribers also refused to accept the priestly ministry of the Tribe of Levi, refused to accept G-d’s appointed kings of the House of Kings David and Solomon, plus refused to accept G-d’s appointed judiciary, the Rabbinic Sages of Israel called the Mechoqeck who were to preserve the Torah and the Oracles of G-d for all ages.
- The Second withdrawal of the Presence of the Shekinah came when 10-Israel as the Northern Kingdom of Israel was sent into exile by Assyria and became 'Lost' amongst the nations.
The Northern Shoreline of the Sea of Galilee at Tiberius
According also to the Jewish Sages, the “Shechina” will Return to Galilee in the Land of Israel when the 12 Tribes are reconciled into ONE Nation again, during the Guela (Redemption of All Israel) and the final Redemption of Klal Yisra’el (All of Israel). When the Orthodox sages speak of the Shekinah, they say;
Orthodox Jewish sages – “We're waiting eagerly for the Redemption of our people, when the Shechina will illuminate all of Eretz Yisrael in an indescribably exquisite splendor. One look at the Land of Israel in all of her glory will make everyone forget about the senseless and meaningless material idiocies they chased after their entire lives. And may this day come; Soon, very soon; Amen.”
Is it any wonder that the Jewish people in touch with Torah prophetic insight are eagerly waiting for Redemption of all the Jews from the diaspora, and all the Lost Tribes of Israel, for at that time, the Shechina will illuminate the entire Land of Israel (Eretz Yisra’el) in anindescribably exquisite splendor. According to Jewish traditions, this will occur when the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel in history will re-unite with the Jews of the “House of Judah” in the prophetic future of prophecy. Will we see the revealing of the “Spirit of G-d” in theLand of Israel? Will we then se the return of the Shekinah glory as the Jewish people and the 10 Tribers already living within the Land of Israel perceive the progressive revealing of YHVH’s Messiah.
According to Christians the “Coming of the Messiah” is an “Event”, but to the Jews, the revealing of the Messiah is a “Process”. This “Revealing” will be over one or two Sabbatical Weeks of Years. Is it possible to discover when the Jewish people will begin to celebrate the revealing of YHVH’s Messiah, David son of David, who will dwell and rule over the reconciled 12-Tribes of Israel? We can possible understand why the Jewish people continue to hold fast to this hope; "We're waiting eagerly for the Redemption of our people, when the Shechina will illuminate all of Eretz Yisrael in an indescribably exquisite splendor.”
How close will this day be in our future? If the Prophecy of Rabbi Yochanan as written in the Sanhedrin 97a can be identified with this present Sabbatical Week of Years, the Seven Years between the years of 2009 and 2016, will we have access to the spiritual insight; "the eyes that can see" when we pray, "Bless us with the full revealing of the Messiah". Then we may begin to identify the closeness of the Messiah with the presence of the Shekinah Glory in the Land of Israel.
Sanhedrin 97a – “Rebi Yochanan said: In the generation that (Maschiah) Ben Dovid will come, talmidei chachamim, the “pupil of wisdom” known as the Torah sage or scholar, will decrease, and the eyes of the remainder will protrude from sighing and sorrow; many chastisements and many evil decrees will be renewed; one will not cease before another begins.
Religious Jews recite prayers during the Birkat Hachama "Blessing of the Sun" ritual as the sun rises over the horizon on April 8, in the Galilee town of Tiberias in northern Israel - Getty Images / David Silverman
The rabbis taught: The Shmittah period in which Ben Dovid will come the following verses will be fulfilled:
- In the first year (Rosh Hashanah 2008) 2009, "And I caused it to rain upon one city, and upon another city I caused it not to rain." (Amos 4:7).
- In the second year (Rosh Hashanah 2009) 2010, slight famine will be sent.
- In the third year (Rosh Hashanah 20010) 2011, a great famine from which men, women, and children, pious and deed-doing people will die, and Torah will be forgotten by those who learned her
- In the fourth year (Rosh Hashanah 2011) 2012, some will be satiated, and others will not be.
- In the fifth year (Rosh Hashanah 2012) 2013, there will be great satiation, with eating, drinking, and joy, and Torah will return to those who learned it.
- In the sixth year (Rosh Hashanah 2013) 2014, voices (speaking of the Moshiach's imminent arrival) will be heard, and
- In the seventh year (Rosh Hashanah 2014) 2015, there will be war [Gog u'Magog].
- In the year after the seventh (Rosh Hashanah 2015) 2016, Ben Dovid will come.
The Sea of Galilee with the Golan Heights Beyond
If there is a consideration that the fifth year of this present Sabbatical Week of Year cycles is in 2013, when “there will be great satiation, with eating, drinking, and joy, and Torah will return to those who learned it”. Then we may also begin to perceive the beginnings of the Latter Rain and the era of the return of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit).
Will we then perceive the Holy Shekinah as it now begins to reveal its presence over the Land of Israel? Will it bring the “Good News” of the coming of the Messiah. Will it will prepare the hearts of the Holy Ones of Israel and their people in preparation for the final GogUMagog war set to begin in the 7th year. Then according to the rabbinic cycles of the Jews, in the year after the Smittah (7th year of the Sabbatical Cycle in 2015), the Messiah will come in the 8th year. May this day come; Soon, very soon; Amen.
If you have wondered how biblical prophecy fits into your life, and how it will affect the Return of the House of Israel, then the G-d of Israel is beginning his “call” to bring you home, too. You might desire to reconnect with the Biblical portrayals on what is and may be happening in your near future.
This Biblical portrayal includes Prophecies that the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel are about to return to the Land of their Biblical Inheritance. This is Divine Destiny in living reality as the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel return to their Homelands first in Shomron (Samaria), Israel. If you want to learn more, Contact “Kol Ha Tor Vision”, the Voice of the Turtledove.
Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This super Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Vision for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria, that is hosting a Shomron / Samaria 13-day Succot Tour in October 2011 to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel and a “Glenn Beck "Restoring Courage" Back-Up Jerusalem Tour” on August 21-27, 2011.