The Sack of Rome by King Alaric of the Israelite Visigoths in 410 CE
The Visigoths were one of two main branches of the Gothic Germanic waves of Lost Israelites, who came in from the regions of Asia to the east between the 4th century BCE and the 4th century CE. As a people, the “Goths” are associated by many historical scholars with the Tribe of Gad, who lived to the east of the Jordan River. The primary branch of the Germanic Goths was their tribal brothers; the Ostrogoths.
This was the era of the great migrations that were being pushed westward by the inroads of the famed Hun warrior invasions into Central Europe from the Eurasian steppes to the east. The Visigoth Israelites, in those days were living along the estuary marshes of the Danube River, one of many of their “resting places” in their centuries’ long wanderings from the lands of their Assyrian exile in Khurasan where the nations of Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan exist today.
The Goths followed the pathway of their tribal cousins, the Tribe of Dan, who where ever they went, they left their name “Dan” attached to the rivers which they crossed over the Black Sea. They first migrated northwest between the Caspian Sea and then over the Black Sea. They passed over first the “Don/Dan River” then the D(a)nieper River, the D(a)niester River and then settled along the Danube. Many Israelites migrated north up the Danube towards “Denmark/Danmark” in various waves of peoples first known as the Cimmerians, the Celts and the Cymrics.
It was Peter Heather who contended that the Visigoth’s migration to the west came in response to the threat of the Huns following behind them. As he wrote:
Peter Heather – “Mysterious as the Huns' origins and animating forces may remain, there is no doubt at all that they were behind the strategic revolution that brought the Goths to the Danube in the summer of 376."
The Visi-Goths by the tens of thousands were now arriving along the northern borders of the Roman Empire requesting asylum. This dilemma put the Arian Emperor Valens of Rome to the test. From the Danube to Bulgaria, and then to the lands to the north of Rome, the Visigoths settled and soon began serving as mercenaries protecting the Roman Empire to the regions below in Italy.
It was their Visigoth king, Alaric who served as a military leader of the Roman foederati (hired mercenary forces) under the Emperor Theodosius I in the mountain passes of the Julian Alps at the Battle of Frigidus. The Roman Emperor, Theodosius I was fighting a civil war against a usurping rival to the throne of Rome called Eugenius. It opened the eyes of the Visigoth king, to Italy’s strategic strength but also its weaknesses in Rome’s natural defenses in the mountains overlooking the Adriatic Sea.
The First War of the Visigoths ended with the Battle of Adrianople (August 9, 378). The Israelite Visigoths did not have any desire to be imperialists and rule from the capital city of Rome. It appeared that the G-d of Israel did have designs for His chosen people, even though they continued to abominate the “Holy Name of G-d”.
Famine broke out in Italy, whether by change in weather conditions, or the fragmentation of Roman social order, plus Rome’s refusal to supply its Visigoth mercenary foederati with its depleting grain stocks, or to give even the land to live and grow food. So the Visigoths turned their attention to plundering the Roman controlled regions in the Balkans. The weakness of Rome was felt with the Roman Emperor Valens was now dead and his Roman army was decimated at the Battle of Adrianople in the year of 378.
Migrations of the Germanic Israelite Gothic Tribes of the Tribe of Gad, and their Affect upon Rome
In spite of the dire conditions and weakness of the capital city of Rome, Alaric did not take advantage of his military fortune to destroy the city of Rome. He was chosen for the divine task of being G-d’s “battle ax” and he kept true to his destiny.
Jeremiah 51:19-21 – “The Portion of Jacob is not like them, for he is the Maker of all things; and Israel is the tribe of His inheritance. The L-rd of hosts is His Name.
You (Israel) are My “battle ax” and weapons of war: for with you I will break the nation in pieces; with you I will destroy kingdoms; with you I will break in pieces the horse and its rider; with you I will break in pieces the chariot and its rider…”
G-d in describing His Israel, who is not like Babylon the spiritual ancestor of Rome, He called the “Lost Israelites” His “Battle Ax”. In spite of their rebellion and apostasy, the Lost Tribes of Israel still had a divine destiny while Babylon/Edom/Rome was destined to meet their final destruction.
Obadiah 1:8-10 – “Behold, on that day – the word of Hashem – I will eradicate wise men from Edom and understanding from the Mountain of Esau. Your mighty ones to the south will be broken, so that every man will be cut off from the Mountain of Esau by the slaughter. For the oppression of your brother Jacob, disgrace will envelop you and you will be cut off forever.”
And so it was. The defiant Kingdom of Israel who was exiled to the land of Media in Khurasan beyond the Euphrates had lost their identity. When one tribe was battling the other, they did not know they were fighting their own tribal brothers. But the G-d of Israel knew exactly who “Israel” was and used them a His emissary of divine judgment.
If Alaric had chosen to destroy Rome, the course of history with the future rise of the papal power in the Vatican over Europe during the Dark Ages and the Medieval Era would have been totally different. We would not today be dealing with a spiritual force called “Mystery Rome” at the time of the end.
The Israelite king, Alaric was a follower of Arianism, the 3rd century Alexandrian presbyter, Arius, who believed that “Jesus” was not divine for the “Son of God” did not always exist but was created by and therefore inferior to God the Father. They were akin to the “Semi-Arians” who believed that “Jesus Christ” was neither uncreated nor created like we understand the world as all human beings were created.
With its corrupt concepts of the divine, if the Visigoth King Alaric would have destroyed Rome, it may have prevented the ascendency of Athanasianism, the concept from the 4th century Alexandrian presbyter, Athanasius who declared that “Christ” was of the same substance as G-d but a different person, hence Christianity’s corrupt conception of the Trinity or a tripartite god instead of the “One-G-d of Israel”.
Deuteronomy 6:4 (Shema Yisrael) – “Hear, O Israel”, the L-rd is out G-d, the L-rd is one.”
The Visigoth’s ancestors as the tribal cousins of Judah in the Northern Kingdom of Israel, refused to believe in the Torah based religion instituted at the mount called Sinai by the G-d of Israel. Rather they chose to create their own religion with the amalgamation of their beliefs with the Phoenician god of Ba’el. They refused to celebrate the festivals in the Temple of Solomon, refused to accept the Levite priests in Jerusalem as the priests of their religious national experience, and now again were part of the great debate this time in Early Christendom, who is the “Divine and Holy One of Israel”.
Classic Visigothic Dwelling in Central Europe called the Wohnstallhaus Dwellingin the Scythian-Germanic and Celtic Chernyakhov and Chernyakhov Culture in Ukraine, Rumania, Moldovia and Belarius
Theodosius I was the last emperor of Rome (379-395). He, like Constantine the Great was a promoter of the Athanasius, a Deacon at Alexandria and later the 20th Bishop of Alexandria. It was through Athanasius’ creedal concept of G-d, now the Roman Empire’s creedal concept of G-d that the Nicene Creed was formulated. With Theodosius’s able leadership, he completed in part the Constantine political reforms by fully uniting the Eastern and the Western halves of the Roman Empire. This included the final codification of the Nicene Creed and making Christianity the state religion of Rome.
From this date forward, the “Christian Church” was Romanised by its imperial decree to make the “Trinity” the official dogma of Rome and Roman Orthodox Christianity. The “Trinity” as Rome’s concept of the who G-d was that would become the “Mark” of Roman’s apostasy against the Jewish belief in the “One G-d of Israel”. It also became the fulcrum upon which was demanded that all citizens of the Roman Empire become Christians and the “Force”, as we shall soon see over centuries of wars against “unbelievers” that ended up in massive waves of religious genocide.
This Tripartite concept of G-d would also through the centuries weave itself throughout the rise and fall of Roman Christianity with the rise of the Protestant Revolt and Reformation. Like today, we now witness the fragmentation of the denominations of Protestant Christianity as the “daughters of Rome” now returning back home to Rome while they refuse to affirm their historic Hebrew-Judaic roots beliefs in the Divine as the One G-d of Israel. This is only a continuation of the original apostasy of the Northern Ten Tribes of Israel and their Exile. Without returning back to the G-d of Israel, only suggests for them, the “tikkun olam”, the repairing of the breech of apostasy of Israel will become the recipients of G-d’s divine judgment.
United Imperial Rome would be short lived for in the early 5th century the second wave of the Lost Germanic Israelites came as the Vandals, the Suebi and the Alans as they crossed the Rhine River at Moguntiacum (near modern Mainz) on December 31, 406/5. They began a campaign of destroying and ravaging the region of Southern Gaul before moving on to regions in Spain and then crossed the Mediterranean into Northern Africa. Rome never was able to gain control of many of these regions again. This invasion led to the collapse of Western Roman Empire.
Then suddenly the Roman Emperor Theodosius I died in the year of 395 CE leaving behind two young sons, both in their youth. Denied a promotion in the Roman army, Alaric and his peoples were now in a mood of rebellion. Their military ranks had been exposed as the Romans placed them at the forefront of the Battle of Frigidus, killing a large number of Visigoths while the Romans waited behind to fight. So Alaric was “raised on a shield” and Alaric I was proclaimed the King of the Visigoths. He was now prepared to seek his own kingdom rather than being the subjects of Rome.
In three separate sieges and one sack against Rome, King Alaric plundered and terrorized the Roman people. Though the Roman Empire had now, under Theodosius declared the Nicene Creed to become the Orthodox creed of the Roman Empire, the forces of Alaric, an Arian Christian were attacked on the Christian festival of Easter by Stilicho that resulted in a costly victory for Rome. It shocked Alaric for he trusted that the sanctity of the Easter festival would provide immunity from attack and Stilicho was criticized for launching a preemptive attack on a Christian holiday.
In that Easter attack, Alaric’s wife was taken prisoner by the Romans. Like the ancient Israelites in the wilderness, the battles with their enemies were all fought in the presence of their wives and children during their migrations in the wilderness of Sinai. So also the Visigoth invasion was more like a tribal migration rather than a military invasion. So Alaric left Italy in 403 CE but the fear of Alaric spread through all Rome for the royal residence of the Emperor of Rome was transferred from Milan in the Northern regions of Italy to Ravenna. In order to shore up the defenses of Rome, the warriors of the Roman Legio XX Valeria Victrix were removed from Britain and recalled back to Italy.
Five years later, Alaric returned again to Rome but was begged by Rome to desist from war and offered the bribe with a payment of 4,000 pounds of gold from the Roman Senate for his “expenses of mobilization”. But the Roman Stilicho, a friend of Alaric who brokered this “bribe” was assassinated with many of his chief ministers and the Roman government was now at war with itself.
We must understand that the Visigoth Israelites were mercenary allied troops of Roman for many years. They were called the foederati, and now they realized that as allies they were ransacked and slain at the Battle of Frigidus. Now Alaric had 30,000 additional mercenaries clamoring for the destruction of Rome. They crossed the Julian Alps, where he had been before, and for the second time, laid siege outside the walls of Rome.
While Rome starved inside, Alaric bargained outside; this time for a ransom of 5,000 pounds of gold, 30,000 pounds of silver, 4,000 silken tunics, 3,000 hides dyed scarlet, and 3,000 pounds of pepper. With his ransom in hand, he withdrew again and thus ended Alaric's second invasion and first siege of Rome.
Again in 409, Alaric was again in negotiations with Rome. He wanted a 200 x 150 mile swath of Italian land as a homeland for his people. With their homeland, they were prepared to live secure from Roman interference in peace between the Danube River and the Gulf of Venice under the leadership and control of King Alaric. The new Roman Emperor Honorius refused so the second siege and blockage of Rome was instituted. With negotiations with the Roman Senate, a rival emperor, Priscus Attalus was placed in power.
The Sack of Rome by the Alaric and the Visigoths in 410 CE
The Roman peace under the Emperor Theodosius was short-lived for around 410 CE, the Israelite Visigothic warriors again invaded Rome for the second time; this time under their Israelite King Alaric. First they invaded Greece, then over to the Italian peninsula that ended with the sack of Rome in the year of 410 CE. As BibleSearchers Reflections wrote in the article titled, “Finding a New Home for the Lost Tribes of Israel”.
BibleSearchers Reflections – “The land of Sarmatia is today in modern Ukrainia and is known for its great fertility. But Sarmatia would not be the Israelite-Scythians’ last resting place. By the 3rd century BCE, the Celtic Cimmerian people, known as the “Gauls” to the Romans began to fill the entire regions of Central Europe and Northern Italy. These ancient Israelites became so numerous that the Italians began to get concerned.
The tribes crossed over the Alps and the Apennine Mountain range that traversed the length of Italy from north to south along its eastern coastline. They began to encroach upon the Latin homeland of the Roman descendants of the House of Esau, the Edomites. It was not long before the Cimmerian Israeli Gauls began to make thrusting raids into central and southern Italy.
According to Archeologist E. Raymond Capt, it was the wandering Israelite Gauls that destroyed the Etruscan power and culture in Italy, that were the predecessors of Rome and exceeded Rome in culture and civilized statehood. It was Brennus or “Bran” who sacked ancient Rome and burned it down it in the year of 390 BCE.”
This charade of power by Rome did not last long, and Alaric “sacked” the puppet emperor and a true military siege was placed outside the gates of Rome. History is meager on the details, but within days, either by treachery or surprise, on August 24, 410 CE, the Israelite King Alaric and his Visigoth warriors broke through the Gate at Porta Salaria on the northeastern wall of Rome. For the first time in 800 years, Rome was at the mercy of her foreign occupiers. Then something strange happened.
As would be expected, if you followed the history of Imperial Rome and later Papal Rome, their merciless treatment of their enemies and opponents was legendary. The Roman ecclesiastical records that remain concerning the “Sack of Rome” all speak with amazement at the honor and mercy that the Romans received by King Alaric and the Visigothic warriors. As reported in the article titled, “Alaric I” by Wikipedia, we read:
Wikipedia – “The contemporary ecclesiastics recorded with wonder many instances of the Visigoths' clemency: Christian churches saved from ravage; protection granted to vast multitudes both of pagans and Christians who took refuge therein; vessels of gold and silver which were found in a private dwelling, spared because they "belonged to St. Peter"; at least one case in which a beautiful Roman matron appealed, not in vain, to the better feelings of the Gothic soldier who attempted her dishonor. But even these exceptional instances show that Rome was not entirely spared the horrors which usually accompany the storming of a besieged city.
Nonetheless, the written sources do not mention damages wrought by fire, save the Gardens of Sallust, which were situated close to the gate by which the Goths had made their entrance; nor is there any reason to attribute any extensive destruction of the buildings of the city to Alaric and his followers. The Basilica Aemilia in the Roman Forum did burn down, which perhaps can be attributed to Alaric: the archaeological evidence was provided by coins dating from 410 found melted in the floor. The pagan emperors' tombs of the Mausoleum of Augustus and Castel Sant'Angelo were rifled and the ashes scattered."
The Walled Fortress City of Carcassonne
What was even more intriguing, according to innumerable authors, When Alaric forces left the city of Rome, the Treasures of Solomon’s Temple became a part of their tribal possession. When they left, they headed directly over to the Walled Fortress City of Carcassonne located in the Languedoc Province in the southwestern region of France. Here in the foothills of the Pyrenees Mountain is where the Visigoths made their “Masada” called the Castle Stronghold of Montségur.
Here along with the numerous 11,000-foot peaked ranges between France and Spain is today still a wild country of sparse settlements. Also there are innumerable cave, most of which have never been explored. Somewhere in these caves, such as at Qumran near the Dead Sea, it is believed the Treasures of Jerusalem that were entombed in the dungeons of the Rome were now entombed in a new home, today known only by G-d and the angelic hosts. According to legends, the Treasures of Solomon were secreted in the grottos near Sabarthea, or in another legend, the Grotto of Ornolac or Fontanet. Then there were the legends about the cavern called “The Cathedral” or the chamber called “The Tomb of Hercules”.
Yet, the “Treasures of the Visigoths” were much larger than the “Treasures of Solomon” for the Visigothic Treasures included the two bribes of 4,000 pounds of gold, and later the 5,000 pounds of gold that were given the Visigoths to keep them from destroying the City of Rome. One thing is known, these “Treasures of the Visigoths” were within site of the “Eagle Nest” Citadel of the Cathars at Montségur and the nearby village of Rennes-le-Chateau near Couiza.
The Last Stronghold of the Cathars at the Citadel of Montségur
The amazing part of this, not accounted by most historians, the Romans were now under the dominion of the Gothic (Gadite) tribes of the ancient House of Israel. This was 1,155 years after the Tribes of Gad, Reuben and half of Manasseh of the Northern Kingdom of Israel, who lived on the other side of the Jordan, were taken into exile by the Assyrians between the years 745-741 CE.
The Visigoths did not have the genetic imprint to be rulers over the city of Rome. All they wanted was land in which to live in peace and not be bothered. It is important to note that neither the Gothic Israelites nor the Jews carried that imperialistic drive to conquer and rule. Rather, they did have a certain independent behavior; because part of their covenant with G-d, they were not to become intermingled with other peoples and nations.
While the Visigoths were “sacking Rome”, their tribal Gothic brothers, the Vandals, Alans, and the Suevi were moving into the vacuum of power in Roman Hispania (Spain). The Roman Emperor Honorius in 418 CE, sought again to hire the Visigoths as Roman mercenary federates to regain control of Spain for Rome and for their service gave them the region of Gallia Aquitania that ranged from the Pyrenees Mountains dividing Spain from Aquitaine France up the Atlantic coastline to Central France.
The Visigothic kingdom was now born and when under the rule of their second great king, Euric, Rome was forced to give them their full independence. The Visigoths would soon become the powerhouse of Europe in the fading years of Rome’s sacking by both the Israelite Visigoths and later the Israelite Vandals of the Lost Ten Tribes of the House of Israel.
The Lost Tribes of Israel as Hashem’s Emissary of Divine Judgment upon Rome
Go to Part One – “The Lost Tribes of Israel as G-d’s Emissary of Divine Judgment upon Rome”
Go to Part Two – “The Legacy of the Visigoths and the Vandals upon Protestant Christianity”
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To understand more about the Return of the 10 Tribes of Israel to their Homeland in Shomron (Samaria), Israel, Contact “Kol Ha Tor”, the Voice of the Turtledove.
Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This super Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Ministries for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria, that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel.