The Jerusalem Headquarters of the Chabad-Lubavitch Jews housed over the Archeological Gardens of the Old Jerusalem Cardo – Photo by Robert Mock
The two largest newspapers in Israel on the eve of the first day of the Passover season, the Maariv and the Yedioth Newspapers printed an advertisement by Meir Barnes, representing the “Meshichist” sect within the Chabad-Lubavitch movement in Brooklyn, New York.
The founder of the modern Chabad-Lubavitch movement, Chief Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, died in 1994. Before he died, the movement was struggling with a seismic shift of thinking in Orthodox Judaism. They were beginning to teach that Rav Schneerson could be the messiah for his teachings broadly scattered around the world affected the whole earth.
Within the messianic branch of the Chabad movement was a more fundamental and “radical” movement. They believed that Rabbi Menachem Schneerson was the messiah in his generation and that he had spiritually risen from the dead.
The newspaper advertisement also gave the riveting proclamation with bold assertions;
Chabad Maariv and the Yedioth Newspaper advertisement – “Rabbi Schneerson is G-d; Schneerson is the “Holy One, the King of Kings, the essence of the Blessed One, the eternal Light.”
As the ad continued; “
Chabad Maariv and the Yedioth Newspaper advertisements – “G-d clothed Himself in the body of the Messiah.”
They then went on to defend certain Jewish mystical traditions that Moses was “half G-d and half man,” yet today Rabbi is “totally G-d.” To make the point with greater intensity in its clarity, written on the ad beneath a photograph of Rabbi Menachem Schneerson was the biblical quotation from the TaNaKh in Isaiah 25:9 that stated, “Behold, this is our G-d.”
Quickly the Chabad advertisementswas followed by a counter advertisement that represented the rabbinic views of Rabbi Menachem Brod of Chabbad. He publically disqualified Meir Barnes as “mentally ill”.
The Chabad-Lubavitch Synagogue in Jerusalem – Photo by Robert Mock
The concept of a living Messiah in Orthodox Judaism gained a new dimension over Passover 2011. While the earth was experiencing worldwide catastrophes, the foundations of Jewish Orthodoxy were experiencing its own upheavals. So during Passover 2011, it appears that the Holy One G-d of Israel was taking His divine finger and was shaking up the Messianic concepts about G-d in Judaism.
At the same time, it appears that the G-d of Israel is also boldly proclaimed that great conflict will still be seen in the House of Jacob until;
- The restoration of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel when tens or hundreds of millions of the once defiant “Lost Tribers” are physically restored back to their tribal homelands in the Shomron (Samaria) region in the mountains of Israel plus the lands of Greater Israel, and;
- The assimilated Jews scattered throughout the Diaspora of the world are physically restored as they seek aliyah to their tribal homeland in the “disputed territories” of Judea.
Out of the great conflict in the House of Judah, will come a new Great Awakening much like the awakening of the Vilna Gaon in the late 18 century, when his disciples moved to Israel to begin the “final days” with the requisite populations of Jews living in the Land of Israel. They were to be prepared for the “coming” or the “revealing” of the Messiah son of Joseph (Maschiah ben Yosef).
Yet, though this return of the House of Judah coming to Israel in the early 1800s was epic, it also paralleled another great movement in the Christian world representing the rise of the spiritual consciousness of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel, in the Great Awakening of the 1840s.
These Lost Tribers who migrated from the regions of their exile; Khurasan in Northern Iran, Eastern Afghanistan, and Western Pakistan, did not stay there very long. Except for a small remnant known today as the Pashtun Tribes of Bani-Israel, the rest of the exiled Israelites from the Northern Kingdom of Israel traveled north and then west, following the footsteps of their cousins from the Tribe of Dan.
Everywhere the Tribe of Dan traveled, they left his name on the rivers in which he crossed; the Don (Dan) River, the Dnieper and the Dniester Rivers, and then to the Danube when they traveled north until they came to the region of Denmark (Danmark). They then fanned out over the face of Northern Gaul and then populated these regions on the continent of Europe. They were called the Cymrics, the Celtic, or the Cimmerians tribal invasions. They included the Germanic tribal invasions of the Ostrogoths, the Visigoths, the Aralens, and the Vandal peoples who confronted first and beat the Roman legions, and even conquered the city of Rome. They were eventually
pushed north to populate and settle that vast unsettled regions of Northern Europe.
The Roman Basilica di Sante Prassede where the First Roman Orthodox Gnostic Church began its Apostate Roots in Rome - Photo by Robert Mock
These Lost Tribers of the House of Israel quickly accepted the teaching of Jewish Orthodox Hasidic rabbi called “The Nazarene” in the 1st to the 3rd century CE. They became known as the “The Way”, the Jewish Hebrew Nazarenes, the British Culdees and eventually in the 3rd and 4th centuries CE, the Christians of Gaul. They stood in direct opposition to the Roman Orthodox Christians who amalgamated with the proto-Gnostic teachings of Simon Magus in the first Roman “Christian” basilica called the Basilica of Praxedes where the 4th century apostate Roman Christian Church established its pre-Constantine religious roots.
So today, great spiritual uprising are occurring in the Jewish world with the House of Judah, as equally seismic uprisings are occurring with the “Hebrew Roots Movement” the Christian world represented by the Christians of the Lost Tribes of Israel as they are fulfilling the prophetic mandate of the Three Angels Message of Revelation:
Revelation 18:4 – “My people, come out of her! So that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not be infected by her plagues, for her sins are a sticky mass piled up to heaven, and G-d has remembered her crimes.”
These similar spiritual uprisings are clearly becoming visible as the Breslav Hasidic movement represented by the followers of Rabbi Nachman from Breslav (1772-1810), a contemporary of the Vilna Gaon established a parallel movements in Orthodox Judaism that redefining the concept that the “Messiah can be G-d”.
Drawing of Rabbi Nachman of Breslav by Avraham Chaim Biton
Not only that, the Breslav Hasidic movement of Judaism is also struggling with the same concepts that the early Nazarenes in Judea did two thousand years earlier that “The Nazarene” a Jewish Hasidic rabbi called Yahshua HaMaschiah, was “The Messiah of the Jews”;
The disciples of Rabbi Nachman from the Breslav Hasidic Movement – “The messiah being one with G-d that was before the creation, the one who is perfect and worthy to sit on the Throne, was the exalted Man according to Truth. Rabbi Nachman created the world because he is on the same level as the “Blessed One” Himself.”
This has not just caused ripples but a spiritual tsunami in modern Judaism. According to some Breslav disciples of Rabbi Nachman from Breslav, any of the above quotations may represent how they conceive their now deceased Rav, but as they confess, these profound concepts cannot be understood in a simple way, but neither do they deny that Rabbi Nachman of Breslav was quoted as teaching these same concepts yet continue to question, how do we interpret his teachings and his words.
What is now becoming glaring open is the struggle between the Meshichist sect of the Chabbad and the disciples of Rabbi Nachman of Breslav. It is interesting that within Judaism that there is a philosophical concept that there is a messiah for every generation. What we perceive is a difference in a messiah who comes only for redemption from being annihilated by imperial powers, rather than a messiah who is the manifested image of the One G-d of Israel in the flesh, to keep HaShem’s chosen ones on the pathway of divine redemption.
Close and closer the House of Judah is coming into a relationship with the Lost Tribes of the House of Judah. By our defiance, we lost the Torah, and through the life and ministry of the Nazarene, we are returning home. This should not be a threat but a welcoming sign that redemption is near. We have no desire to enter into the polemics of our prior differences for we have had to cry out in grief and ask for forgiveness to HaShem, the G-d of Israel for our apostasy and our arrogance of seeking a life without G-d.
Today, we are looking to our Jewish cousins to help us walk in the pathway of Torah, recognizing that seeing Yahshua HaNotzri’s (Jesus the Nazarene’s) purpose of coming was to “Find the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel” and assist in our reclamation back into brotherhood with Judah. After 2,700 years and after two millenniums from the Messianic Era of Jesus the Messiah, we are finally wanting, desiring, and actually preparing ourselves to finally return home, in harmony and in love with our cousins, the Jews.
We are learning that we do not have to live in “idolatry” as we have as Lost Tribers have envisioned Yahshua HaMaschiah (Jesus the Messiah) as one of three gods in our past. This concept came from the foundational philosophical apostasy of the Nicene Creed that was written by Apostate Roman Christian Orthodoxy in the 4th century CE at the Roman Ecumenical Council at Nicaea. While Jewish rabbis were willing to participate in the council to assist with the formulation of that “creed”; they were forbidden to do so, upon the pain of death.
We watch with interest as our cousins, the Jews struggle with this divine concept that Messiah is the manifested image of the Eternal One of Israel that can be transmitted into our limited three dimensional sensory world as a “Son of Man”. If the Ein Sof, the One G-d of Israel can be manifested in the “burning bush” and capable of communicating with Moshe Rabbeinu (Prophet Moses), why could He also not live as a human being, walking and talking with humans on earth?
Also the Ruach HaKodesh, known by the disciples of “The Nazarene” as the “Holy Spirit” is also the same G-d, the Almighty One of Israel manifesting Himself in the dimensions of the World of the Spirit. We watch and pray with anticipation that as the messiah-to-come is yearly becoming more and more revealed to all of us, that which we could not perceive will become a part of our perceptive world to see and to believe.
As the Jewish people struggle to comprehend the role of the messiah as part of the guela, the redemption of All Israel (Yom Yisra’el), today we perceive that G-d is working through their truest in orthodoxy, with the facts that they are weighing in the Torah of accepting those ideas that a divine Messiah is not “non-Jewish” but is part of the very matrix of the Torah and the pathway of the prophets to the world’s final redemption.
Jewish Nazarene concepts of the Messiah
John 1:1-5, 14 – “In the beginning was the W-rd, and the W-rd was with G-d, and the W-rd was G-d. He was with G-d in the beginning, All things came to be through him, and without him nothing made had being.
In him was life, and the life was the light of mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not suppressed it….
The W-rd became a human being and lived with us, and we saw his Sh’khinah. The Sh’khinah of the Father’s only (manifested) S-n, full of grace and truth.”
I John 5:20 – “And we know that the S-n of G-d has come and has given us discernment, so that we may know who is genuine; moreover, we are united with the One who is genuine, united with his Son Yeshua the Messiah. He is the genuine G-d and eternal life. Children, guard yourselves against false g-ds!”
Hebrews 1:1-3, 9 – “In days gone by, G-d spoke in many and varied ways to the Fathers through the prophets. But now, in the acharit-hayamim (end of days), he has spoken to us through his Son, to whom he has given ownership of everything and through whom he created the universe. This Son is the radiance of the Sh’khinah, the very expression of G-d’s essence, upholding all that exists y his powerful word; and after he had, through himself, made purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of HaG’dulah Bam’romim (The Majesty on High).”
Colossian 1:15 – “It is through his Son that we have redemption – that is, our sins have been forgiven. He is the visible image of the invisible G-d. He is supreme over all creation, because in connection with him were created all things – in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, lordships, rules or authorities – they have all been created through him and for him. He existed before all things, and he holds everything together.”
To understand more about the Return of the Lost 10 Tribes of Israel to their Homeland in Shomron (Samaria), Israel, Contact “Kol Ha Tor”, the Voice of the Turtledove.
Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission destined to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This super Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Ministries for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria, that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel.