Biblical Modeling of the Future Greater Israel and Gans Eden
Planetary Tectonic Plate Reconstruction preparing to Create a Greater Israel and a Restored Garden of Eden – Part One
Let us briefly model a chain of events that may occur where the tectonic plates, like a stack of dominoes will dismantle the continental plates, separate them, and then restore them. By the “Finger of the Divine”, the nations and imperial powers of the world will be destroyed, as “Paradise is Restored”. Peoples will revolt, like the Egyptian revolution against the totalitarian rule of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, will need to gain their freedom to make live choices of “free will” whether they want to live in Satan’s future One World Government or in G-d’s future Messianic Kingdom.
The continents of the earth will be reunited in a New Pangea as in the days of Gans Eden (Garden of Eden) as G-d’s final kingdom will be ruled from one continental mass, like Ancient Pangea. To accomplish this purpose, the G-d of the Universe will have to dismantle our present world by catastrophes in order to rearrange the continental tectonic plates as He restores a Re-Newed Pangea for His kingdom on earth. A very simplified order of sequence of plate destruction and renewal may occur during the next few months and years, but it is all under the hands of the Almighty One.
Here is a model. It may not be necessarily true in full, for many people have ardently been watching and trying to comprehend what may happen during the final days of the apocalypse. Rest assured, the Master of the Universe is now in control. He will raise up valleys and topple mountains if He so desires. He may protect one region, and give harsh judgment to others. He will tilt our earth, or roll Planet Earth over into new Polar Regions, if that is what it will take to redeem His chosen people, the Jews of the House of Judah, and the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel. If we only will look around, we will realize that He is already rocking and rolling our earth as he is rearranging this Planet Earth for the location on earth of His new Kingdom of G-d on earth. Here, they (House of Judah and the House of Israel) with His Messiah will rule with truth and justice for all mankind.
Every part of this model may not unfold in this way, for it will be His choosing how the continents are rearranged for His messianic kingdom in which YHVH’s Messiah, the Maschiah ben Dovid, will rule with a ‘rod of iron’. Yet, modeling gives us global visual panoramas of what may happen, when our Sun’s Solar System may be visited soon by its twin dark binary star, Nibiru, who may have five or more planets swirling around it, and in its train, a host of asteroids aiming for Planet Earth and all the other planets in our solar system. G-d’s emissary may be returning to give His judgment upon Planet Earth.
So what is the purpose of all this remodeling of Planet Earth to bring Restoration to Gans Eden (Garden of Eden)? The consensus of the prophets of Israel is that “All Israel” will literally be brought back home, the entire House of the Jews of Judah, and the entire House of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel.
The Domino Effect of Plate Collapse and Destruction
Catastrophic Tectonic Plate Shift One
The tilting of the Indo-Australian Tectonic Plate: The Indo-Australian Plate began to tilt simultaneously as the massive monsoons floods wrecked havoc in Pakistan as destruction rained down upon the entire Indus River Valley basin. The powerful forces driving the eastern edge of the Indian Plate under the Himalayan Mountain to the north, at the southern edge of the Eurasian Plate, has been a prognostic indicator that will eventually spell doom to the entire land mass of India and Pakistan. With the massive increase of the weight of the mega-lakes of water inundating Pakistan, the western edge of the Indian Plate subducted down about 10-15 feet, while the eastern edge towards Bangladesh was raised.
As the flooding reports came from the flooded regions of Pakistan, it was reported that the Indus River was not draining off the water. This was a big clue. When calculations of the amount of water in the flooded regions were projected to the amount of rainfall and flooding, the numbers did not match. It was only admitted in December when new satellite photos from NASA’s Earth Observatory did it reveal that from December 12, 2009 to December 2010, large regions of the Indus River were still inundated.
Pakistan’s once richest agricultural regions that included 700,000 acres of cotton, 200,000 acres of sugar cane, 200,000 acres of rice, and 300,000 acres of grasslands planted for animal fodder were still potentially under water. 1.4 million acres of Pakistan’s best farmland was potentially lost to future agriculture production. This may prove devastating not only to Pakistan, but especially the Pashtun Afghani Tribes of Bani-Israel that may precipitate tectonic cultural upheavals and the potential rise of the Islamic messiah, the Mahdi, who, according to Islamic hadiths, as a Lost Israelite will take the Pashtuni Afghani tribes to war heading towards Jerusalem.
The Planetary Plate Tectonic Map
Catastrophic Tectonic Plate Shift Two
With the rise of the eastern edge of the Indo-Australian Plate approximating the western tongue of the Eurasian Plate jutting down towards Australia and accommodating the island kingdom of Sumatra and Indonesia, we would not be surprised that the Indo-Australian plate rise could possibly force the western edge of the “tongue” of the Eurasian Plate under the Australian Plate.
If such a shift did occur, and the Australian end of the plate shifted west, this vacuum was felt all the way over to the pointing wedge pushing up towards Central America called the Kermadee Tonga Trench (KTT) where on the southeastern edge, the Island Nation of New Zealand resides, east of Australia.
The 7.4 Mw Canterbury Christchurch Earthquake on September 3, 2010
And so it happened that September 3, 2010, a 7.4 Mw Earthquake split the city of Christchurch, New Zealand, with devastating destruction. This third largest city of New Zealand sat upon the fault line of the southeastern edge of the Kermadee Tonga Trench (KTT).
The lynchpin had been pulled and the domino effect of world tectonic plate adjustment began in earnest; or so we believe. How these tectonic plate shifts will unfold and what really may happen is for the G-d of Israel to know and our creative minds to watch, observe, and pray. If this process intensifies, great devastation will be felt around the entire Earth.
The Volcano studded Island Nation of Indonesia
Catastrophic Tectonic Plate Shift Three
With the shifting of the KTT, it appeared that the Island Nation of Indonesia began to shift and tilt, as 2010 slipped into 2011. Any of the 25 dormant volcanoes were predicted to erupt, of which two have begun to erupt to date. Der Spiegel early gave warnings of potential mega-destruction of Indonesian volcanoes in the article titled, “Geologists Warning Of “Mega-Eruption”, as we read:
The Indonesian Volcano Merapi in 2005
“The Merapi eruptions are becoming more violent – and the big bang could be just ahead. The Indonesian volcano has been spewing 800°C ash clouds for days. According to Der Spiegel, 122 people have been killed, most on Friday. “Merapi is among the most dangerous volcanoes,” says geo-scientist Volker Steinbach of the German Federal Administration for Geoscience and Raw Materials (BGR).“ Der Spiegel adds:
Der Spiegel - “Friday’s eruption is its worst this decade, says the chief geologist of the Energy Administration, Raden Sukhyiar, in the “Jakarta Post”. The biggest known eruptions occurred in 1006, 1369, 1786, 1822, 1872 – destroying a large number of villages – and 1930 when 1300 people perished. Investigations of the volcano have revealed that an unprecedented Magma reservoir lurks underneath it, says Birger Lühr, a volcano researcher at the GFZ in Potsdam, Germany. A rough estimate indicates that there is three times more magma than what was ejected by the Indonesian volcano Tambora in 1815 – the biggest eruption in the last 10,000 years, which led to a cooling of the climate globally.
Geoscientists aren’t sure what to make of this huge magma reservoir. As Der Spiegel reports, they are hesitant to make predictions of catastrophe (That’s only done in climate science, even though the odds are far less). Word of a ‘mega-eruption’ is making the rounds among scientists. But apparently they are avoiding the use of the word to avoid being labelled preachers of disasters. ‘We can only speculate what the volcano will do,’ says Birger Lühr. Merapi is hardly predictable.“
By the end of January 2011, researchers watching Google Earth gave testimony that the northern coastline of the Island of Java was sinking up to twenty feet under water. Other researchers proclaimed it was a process that began as early as 2000. Simultaneously came Scene Four:
Catastrophic Tectonic Plate Shift Four
When the KTT (Kermadee Tonga Trench) cracked on September, 2010, its pointed wedge pointed towards South America. It is believed that this will pull that great continent bowing from the northern regions towards the west. The trigger point initially shifted with the raising of the eastern edge of the Indo-Australian plate; the KTT fault line then slipped.
With the cracking of the KTT, the Pacific Ocean Plate began to fold as earthquakes, flooding and island subduction began to be witnessed in the Philippines. Buoys placed to detect incoming tsunamis were reporting instead the rising and falling of the oceans tectonic plate floors. What were the buoys detecting? The tectonic plates were falling under them.
At this junction, what has been reported in this article has already been witnessed, documented, and confirmed by multiple witnesses. What we will report next in “Catastrophic Tectonic Plate Shift Five” and beyond, is modeled after a biblical understanding of the literal impact of the prophetic messages of the Jewish and Israelite prophets upon modern eschatological catastrophes projected that may occur in our soon future. To remodel and create a new homeland and a renewed Garden of Eden for His people, the G-d of Israel will have to rearrange all the continental tectonic plates to bring these prophetic events in a new biblical reality. Let us open our eyes to what may be in our prophetic future as we open Part Four!
G-d’s Divine Plan: “Paradise Lost, Paradise Restored”
Go to Part One – “The Tectonic Destruction of Planet Earth – Paradise Lost, Paradise Restored”
Go to Part Two - “The Twin Star Nibiru as G-d’s emissary of Divine Judgment”
Go to Part Three – “Ten Planetary Tectonic Plate Shifts bringing Catastrophic Destruction to Planet Earth”
Go to Part Four – “Remodeling Planet Earth in Preparation for the Return of All Israel”
To understand more about the Return of the 10 Tribes of Israel to their Homeland in Israel, Jordan, and Syria, Contact “Kol Ha Tor”, the Voice of the Turtledove.
Here is a joint Orthodox Jewish and 10-Triber Mission to bring awareness of the imminent fulfillment of the Biblical Prophecies regarding the Redemption of all Israel (12 Tribes Re-conciled and Re-United). This super Event of all Times will entail Establishing the Shomron (the Ancient Bible Heartland of the Patriarchs) and the Judean Wilderness as part of the Land of Israel, and preparing the “Land” for the Return of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel and then the Redemption of All Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Ministries for the Lost Tribes of Israel, Visit – “Shomron Lives!”, a Spiritual Retreat and Guest House in Samaria, that hosts Shomron (Samaria) Tours to reacquaint the Returning Lost Tribers of the House of Israel.