The world wide hints of war have been sweeping the world since the humiliation of the Jewish military prowess in failing to stop the thousands of rockets that landed on the northern regions of Israel in 2006. The entire world was first under the threat of war from North Korea, then Iran, and now the stakes are rising against Russia and China. Germany and Britain are under Islamic siege as terror threat cascade across the European continent.
Yet, in the center of it all is Iran. This land that represents the ancient Persian Empire will probably be the key to what will happen in the next twelve months. While the rhetoric escalates on both sides, and the secret diplomacy continues, we read from a 2007 World Net Daily report, of a “Pentagon Master Plan” to annihilate Iran’s nuclear program, titled, “Pentagon Plan: Annihilate Tehran’s Military in 3 Days – No “Pinprick Strikes” – 1,200 Targets ID’s for Massive Attack on Nuke Sites”, as stated:
WND – “The Pentagon has formulated a "three-day blitz" plan to annihilate Iran's military that targets 1,200 sites, including Tehran's nuclear facilities, in order to render its military incapable of conducting offensive, defensive or retaliatory missions. According to the London Sunday Times, citing Alexis Debat, director of terrorism and national security at the Nixon Center, the Pentagon has rejected a strategy of "pinprick strikes" against Iran's nuclear facilities. "They're about taking out the entire Iranian military," Debat said.”
If this were to happen, every black-box military weapon will be revealed to the world. For Iran to crash, her two great horns, Russia and China will have to be “broken”. What will be the cost, as World War III explodes, we cannot comprehend.
Yet, we cannot forget that what is most important in modern warfare is what is conducted on the psychological battlefield. In time, one of the opponents will blink. As they look “eye to eye”, whoever “blinks” first loses! Yet, if the prophetic path is in full swing, the odds are that there will be war, but not a military engagement against Iran.
BibleSearchers has committed itself to following a prophetic pathway. Russia, China and Europe with the United States will negotiate. Iran will be left helpless with no nations to help her. With asymmetric warfare, Iran will falter and collapse. Europe will follow along for the plunder.
“War” in the modern sense is different than “war” in the ancient days. We can be at war and there are no armies with military armaments lined up in battle to each other. Wars today are conducted in the Security Council of the United Nations, or with two assassination squads seeing who can target the enemy first.
International War is a Saudi-tipped threat about of Al Qaeda Yemen targeting two Jewish Synagogues in Chicago on October 29, 2010, as two photocopier ink cartridge are apprehended, lined with wires and coated with white PETN (pentaerythritol trinitrate) explosives disguised as chemical coating. This “battle” sent security forces scrambling worldwide inspecting cargo planes internationally while flight investigators dug through the evidence of the downed UPS Boeing 747 mail cargo flight that crashed after liftoff from Dubai on September 3, 2010 after reporting a fire in its cargo hold.
The final wars for world domination are now setting their military battle-plans in order. The two military opponents are Daniel’s Hellenistic Grecian He-Goat (America and Europe’s NATO), an unprecedented aerial power that “flew over” (Hebrew el-al) the ground as reported in Daniel 8 while the Totalitarian Persian Ram was empowered by Russia and China.
Together we see four great world powers seeking intimacy with one another as candidates for the future Quadrumvirate ruling the future One World Order’s “Sea-Beast”. They will seeking their domineering political “pecking order” as these partners impose world domination; the Dragon powers with the mouth of the British Lion, the German dominated body of the European Leopard, the feet of the Russian Bear, and the tail of the Chinese Dragon.
Revelation 13:1 – “And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea…Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him (anti-Messiah) his power, his throne, and great authority.”
The “War that Daniel saw”, today is also played out in the Stuxnet Virus taking down the entire military nuclear armament complex. This same war is played out in a separate military encounter as a suspected Drone carefully targets the top secret Imam Ali Iranian military installation earlier in August with three blasts designed to destroy Iran entire Shehad-3 ballistic intercontinental warheads capable of being fitted with triple nuclear warheads (tri-nosecones). These missiles were especially prepared for the “Little Satan” called Israel or the “Great Satan” recognized by Iranians as the forces of America and NATO called the armies of the Dijjal, the Islamic anti-Messiah still occupying Iraq and Afghanistan.
According to the acclaimed model of reunification, “Intimacy = Conflict + Change”, will we see “intimacy” rising on the international scene as the Red Communist Leninist Marxist Powers of Russia and China becoming greedy economic powers like the “West” while the Golden Economic Powers of the United States and the European Union becoming totalitarians like the “East”?
The fall festivals heralded a cluster of geo-political events that appear to precipitate a domino series of wars that may be precipitated by the fall of Iran. It was on the 2nd day of Rosh Hashanah, September 10, 2010, during the “Days of Awe” that Israel reported that Iran was hit by something unimaginable happened and Iran sudden lost her traditional bellicose demeanor.
Iran was hit by what Tehran called, “electronic warfare” and that the Stuxnet, a malware worm had infected 30-45,00 computers and operation systems in Iran’s military industrial complex. This including their Supervisroy Control and Datat Acquisition (SCADA) systems controlled by the German made Sieman’s management software Simatic WinCC and the Al Qods Brigades training facilities for foreign terrorist and clandestine para-military operations. While Tehran often doctors her reports to the west, Western intelligence in the first hour suspected that at least three million computers were disabled in Iran.
Not only that, it is now believed that Stuxnet, in its early days silently targeted the information of all the system’s processors and then transferred this information to other outside computers and then abroad to a place not identifiable. Iran’s military secrets are now transparent to “alien eyes” in a way has never been achieved in warfare in human history. Iran, now clueless of who their enemy raiders are, what they know, or what they plan to do with the information, was reeling in disarray. Who they suspect now has the knowledge or are their attackers may also be their two vocalized enemies; the Big Satan (American) and the Little Satan (Israel).
Paralyzed by the “worm”, the arrogance of the Persian Ram was deflated. Her military and nuclear programs disabled; Iran soon lost control of the Revolutionary Guards headquarters, by the spreading electronic worm. As the iconic Muslim champion of a new Islamic Caliphate, Iran’s puppet states, Syria, Hizbullah and Hamas, all noted with alarm; their champion was falling.
It is believed that a majority of Iran’s secret military facilities were disabled including those known best in the west; the Bushehr atomic power plant, the uranium enrichment facility at Natanz and the nuclear laboratories in Northern Iran. All are today working at minimal speed including the nuclear centrifuges. Iran’s command and control center was no doubt partially disabled, air defense systems, navy and marine vessels and communication systems were put “out of commission”.
The virus may even lay dormant until that day in which a ballistic is launched; it would be destroyed. No doubt, now without any major ballistic missiles or the computer hardware even to launch a missile may have taken Iran out of the “game” of destroying Israel if any regional war in the Middle East does begin.
Go to Part Two – “American, NATO, and Sunni Muslim Allies prepare for War against Shiite Iran”
The Covert War to Destroy Nuclear Iran heralds the Regional War to Destroy Israel
Go to Part One - “Nuclear Iran crumbling by the Stuxnet Malware Virus”
Go to Part Two – “American, NATO, and Sunni Muslim Allies prepare for War against Shiite Iran”
Go to Part Three – “Iranian Proxy States prepare for War against Israel”
Go to Part Four – “Israel Prepares for the Defense of “The Land” and her own National Existence”
Go to Part Five – “Will this be Israel’s last Day or a New Beginning?”
The Prophetic Fate of Iran
Part One – “Countdown to a Nuclear Iran; Russia loads Fuel Rods”
Part Two – “The Archangel Gabriel: the Persian Ram’s demise will be at the Time of the End”
Part Three – “The Sages of Judah: the Terror of the Persian Iran and its demise by Edom”
Part Four – “The Crushing of the Persian Ram opens the Gates for the Battle of GogUMagog”
To understand more about the Return of the 10 Tribes of Israel, Contact “Kol Ha Tor”, the Voice of the Turtledove, As a Reception from the House of Judah is forming to welcome the returning House of Israel
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Ministries for the Lost Tribes of Israel Visit – “Shomron Lives!” a Bed and Breakfast Guest House with Kosher Cuisine, Tours of Biblical Shomron (Samaria) and Judea, plus the Hebraic Restoration Bible College
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