Those Evil, Extremist Rightist Jews are the Pioneers of Israel – the Hilltop Youth in the Outposts
"Oh, those naughty, naughty hilltop youth! So unruly, unkempt and irreverent. No respect for authority and no regard for others. Wasting their days loitering on barren hilltops and picking fights with Arabs. (Sigh). If only their parents cared enough about them, they might be in school now where they belong, not in trouble. Good thing my kid isn't mixed up with those troublemakers!"
Hilltop youth – These are the kids the Israeli media loves to hate. By branding them "radicals, extremists and messianists", the media's hilltop youth tar-and-feathering makes it's easy to resent them. Because of them, they say, there's no peace. Because of them the world boycotts us. Because of them the economy suffers. How convenient to blame all the county's problems on a few kids scattered in the hills! Yet how many of us really know who these kids are? How many of us have actually met with any of them? Do we even know anyone who is familiar with them? Could it be that they are being deliberately misrepresented by the left-leaning media in order to prejudice us, as reported in The Muqata article, titled, “Hill-top Youth”?
Two hilltop youth take time out from building to study an ancient holy text. Pictured: inside the cave at the Shvut Ami outpost, Samaria. The cave has since been destroyed by the IDF on orders from the Defense Ministry in thehopes that these kids would give up and leave. To this day they still remain.
You might be surprised to learn that, despite what you're likely to read in the newspapers, the vast majority of these youth are good, serious and selfless kids from fine families who want only to return Jewish pride to the Land of Israel and lead her people to a better future. That's right, they want to lead, because they perceive a dangerous leadership vacuum in Israel. They see today's Israel as a rudderless ship being tossed about in a turbulent sea of hate. They see a bankrupt political leadership with no direction, no values, no backbone and certainly no chutzpah. They see an army turned gun-shy, fighting with one arm tied behind its back for fear of being charged with using "disproportionate force" by the liberal courts. They see in Israel a people who, after more than three decades of exposure to relentless left wing media "brainwashing", are confused, desperate and searching for a way out of the morass. And they see in Israel today a society largely detached from its roots, one that has forgotten the reason why they are here, one that has long ago traded their self-sustaining idealism for empty and ephemeral materialism.
Their solution to these problems is to assert the Divinely given Jewish right to settle the land, openly and proudly, without restriction and without apologies. The Torah, they say, gives them the right - indeed the imperative - to spread out over the land far and wide. The U.S. President doesn't like it? Sorry, we answer to a Higher Authority. Israel's Defense Minister is embarrassed that he can't quash them? He has no business sending in the army against us to begin with, they claim. Rather than causing Israel to be alienated from the nations of the world, they believe that by davka* settling the land with Jewish pride purposely and pointedly will Israel earn the world's respect, admiration and support, as counterintuitive as that may seem in today's world.
The hilltop youth of Samaria see themselves as the new vanguard of the settlement movement and the fulfillers of the Zionist dream. They have the vision, drive and ability to establish new points of settlement (outposts) on unsettled patches of state land, against all odds. Yesteryear's settlement movement, once a dynamo of energy and idealism, has been beaten down over the years to the point where they have all but given up on Greater Israel and are now content with isolated and fenced-in "settlement blocs" near pre-'67 Israel. That kind of "ghetto mentality" is anathema to this new breed of young men and women.
Click to Open the rest of the Blog, titled, “Outposts and Hilltop Youth”
You might want to Consider Reading Destination Yisra’el’s ‘Shomron Central’ Article Series
“The Strategic Value of Samaria, the Biblical Heartland of Israel”
“Is the Jewish Nation willing to give its Water Resources to the Palestinians for Peace?”
“Shomron, Israel’s Land of Refuge in Times of War”
“The International Rights of Israel to the Mountains of Shomron”
“The Myths and Lies of the ‘Palestinians’ and the ‘Israeli Occupation of Palestine’”
“Those Evil, Extremist Rightist Jews are the Pioneers of Israel – the Hilltop Youth in the Outposts”
“Alternatives to the Two State Solution for a Palestinian State”
“Day Tours of Shomron – The Biblical Heartland of Israel”
Are you concerned for the Future of Israel and G-d’s Covenanted Plan to Return the Lost 10 Tribes of Israel back home to the Lands where the U.N. plans to create a Palestinian State?
Contact “Kol Ha Tor”, the Voice of the Turtledove. Here is an Orthodox and Rabbinic website by the House of Judah to Welcome and Assist in this Prophetic Mandate; the Return of the Lost Tribes of theHouse of Israel.
For inquiries about Kol Ha Tor Ministries for the Lost Tribes of Israel we invite you to Visit the website – “Shomron Lives!”, a Bed and Breakfast Guest House, with Tours of the Regions of Shomron (Samaria) and Judea plus the Hebraic Restoration Bible College.
Welcome and Visit, Lost Tribers of the House of Israel, your Future Homeland!