Sir Edmond de Rothschild, 1925
On September 2, 2010, Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas entered into secret conference in Washington and the White House to be negotiation for the “Final Status” of a Palestinian State. On that same day, in a news brief just before the negotiations began, Aaron Klein in the article titled, “Israel concedes Jerusalem before negotiations even begin", reported;
Aaron Klein - "JERUSALEM – Ahead of the start of today's Mideast summit in Washington, the Israeli government publicly conceded sections of Jerusalem will become part of a Palestinian state while holy sites would be governed by a 'special regime'.
Defense Minister Ehud Barak outlined a deal with the Palestinians; ‘West Jerusalem and 12 Jewish neighborhoods that are home to 200,000 residents will be ours. The Arab neighborhoods in which close to a quarter million Palestinians live will be theirs'."
Cutting Edge Ministries, in News brief on the same day also commented with these “bombshell” remarks;
Cutting Edge Ministries – “In accordance with the "New Jerusalem Covenant Plan", Israel has conceded control of Jerusalem and her holy places before negotiations with the Palestinians even begin!
The Rothschild's 500 million franc purchase of the Temple Mount and several thousand surrounding acres may be about to be brought into public view; however, great war will instantly break out when Muslims realize that the Illuminati controls the entire area!”
Little recognized four months earlier at the 62nd anniversary of the Israeli “Independence”, Prime Minister Netanyahu personally sent thanks to the Rothschild’s Yad Hanadiy Foundation for giving 100 million shekels towards building a National Library in Jerusalem. Funded and by the philanthropic arm of the International Rothschild Banking Dynasty headed by Lord Jacob Rothschild, this high-tech library will house, protect and restore all the remaining documents in Hebrew and Yiddish, the national patriotic documents and photographs of the Israeli founding fathers, the pioneering settlers and an archive of videos to be kept for posterity.
These archives have become the cornerstone of the Yad Hanadiy and the Israeli-funded Jewish Heritage Foundation Project that almost created a new Third Islamic intifada when in February 2010, Prince Minister Netanyahu announced the creation of Two Heritage Land Trails, taking tourists through the Biblical Heartland of Shomron (Samaria) and Judea where the Biblical Patriarchs lived and worshipped the G-d of Israel.
As BibleSearcher’s Destination Yisra’el reported;
Destination Yisra’el – “He (Netanyahu) introduced the national proposal to begin the construction of two Israeli Heritage Trails that will traverse the entire length and breadth of Israel. This trail would be in addition and interconnection with the existing Israel Trail, a historical trail interconnecting important archeological sites in Jewish history and the “Israeli Experience” trail that would interlink dozens of Israel’s historical, religious landmarks plus museums and memorial arenas. All in all there were 37 archeological sites as candidates for upgrade to continuous tourist attractions to add to those that are already popular tourist sites; Caesarea National Park and Mount Masada.
Other sites were to be scheduled for important restoration and repair such as; Tel Lachish plus the ancient synagogue near Sde Amudim, the Golani Junction near the Galilee city of Tiberias. There were other sites that would be included on the historical trail that included; Neot Kedumim, Susia, Qumran, Beit Shea’am, Tel Meggido, Tiberias, Tel Arad, Tel Dan, plus the famous archeological restoration at the site of King David’s Palace in the City of David and the newly restored Solomonic Walls in Jerusalem. All in all, over 109 historical projects were on the drawing board for restoration.”
The historical program for at least 39 separate locations would include a documentation center overseeing the national site’s archives plus a conference center and training facility that would train Israelis on the science and art of document preservation and historical artifact collections at various heritage sites that would include, Independence Hall in Tel Aviv, the historic Jezreel Valley railway, and the famous Dead Sea town of Ein Gedi. Through all of these sites would be the building of a collection of Jewish movie archives in honor of the renowned American-Jewish movie director, Steven Spielberg.
The Rothschild donated Israeli Knesset Building
The heritage sites of the Jewish Zionist’s Heritage Foundation will be relived in the restoration of the patriotic landmarks of the beginnings of the Zionist State of Israel. These sites were put under the control of the Zionist State of Israel whose parliament building called the Knesset along with the Israeli Supreme Court, both built upon Masonic architectural designs and also the beginning of the Israeli Museum that were financed by the largess of the Rothschild’s Yad Hanadiv Foundation.
Other heritage sites built included the restoration of the building on Rothschild Boulevard where President David Ben-Gurion proclaimed Israel a Jewish state. Also in the Northern region of Galilee at El Hai, the Russian decorated warrior of the Russo-Japanese War, Zionist leader Joseph Trumpeldor immigrated to Israel seeking to lay a pathway for other Russian émigrés to follow. He was a close friend and accomplice with Ze’ev Jabotinsky, and founder of the Zion Mule Corps, where he organized a Jewish legion of Jewish resistant fighters that served with distinction alongside the British forces in the ill fated Battle of Gallipoli against the Ottoman Turks.
Trumpeldor later was laid to rest after defending a Northern Galilee border town of Jewish farmers against an Arab uprising, rather than retreat under fire. His legend has been immortalized by Jabotinsky’s New Revisionist Party called the Alliance of Revisionists-Zionists whose youth movement was called Betar, a Hebrew acronym for the “League of Joseph Trumpeldor” and today Trumpeldor is a “Patriot” to the young pioneering settler’s movement in Shomron and Judea.
With all the largess of the Rothschilds, we may soon see their “Crown Jewel” erected on the Temple Mount; the Third Jewish Temple. This temple will come under the control of the Rothschild guided Jesuit Illuminati where the control of the most famous and disputed piece of property in the world, called the “The Old City and the Temple Mount” will be given to a “special regime”.
Is it any wonder why the President of Israel Shimon Peres was flying over to the Vatican to meet with Pope Benedict XIV simultaneously while President Barak Obama plus Netanyahu and Abbas were ensconced in secret deliberations?
Continue to “Jerusalem for Sale” Series
Go to - “The “Indomitable Jew” and the Mega-Trends bringing the Land of Israel to its Full Messianic Fulfillment” - Part Two; Jerusalem for Sale
Go to - “The Esoteric Forces of Evil will Sweep “All Israel” (Judah and Israel) to their Final Redemption” - Part Three; Jerusalem for Sale