Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
BibleSearchers Reflections – All evidence that has been documented from the TaNaKh, the Brit Hadassah (reNewed Testament) plus the gleanings from the Talmud and the sages of Judah, except for our emotional response, suggests that Israel will not attack Iran. This “act” on the part of Israel may only garner the wrath of the nations and prematurely start forces of destruction that will not bring restoration. So what will happen to Iran?
The prophetic texts seem to suggest that Iran will be annihilated, but that does not necessarily have to be so. It is not the desire of the western economic globalists and internationalists to use a nuclear warhead for the catastrophic geo-political fall-out may be even more severe than the radiation contamination in Iran and the Middle East.
What the western globalists want is to control Iran’s oil and nuclear reserves for the One World Order. They do not need a devastated country to rebuild, for there is no money left in the world to loan. If the world economy continues to plunge into a deflationary depression, as appears at this time, all countries are economically on their own. The go-alone attitude of Iran against the expectations of the international world community to have total control over all nuclear weapons is not just a nuisance but is beginning to anger the west. The fulfillment of the western “dreams” to create a One World Order is receiving extreme resistance from Russia Bear; Iran’s first great horn of Daniel 8’s “Ram”. The west is invading into her backyard.
Then we have China’s burgeoning population and now the “lust” of her burgeoning populations wanting to live like the western nations threaten the very same natural resources that the west is coveting. The Dragon power of China, the second great horn of Daniel 8’s “Ram” needs Iran no different than the western globalists want Iran. China has been sucking all the building resources, like concrete, from every nation of the earth. She is also trying to corner the market on numerous strategic metal resources, located predominately on the African continent that is used in advance telecommunications and exotic weapon systems. In time, the second great horn supporting Iran’s imperial quest for a Shi’ite World Caliphate where Sharia law rules, will also have to be dwelt with.
To take down Iran, would mean that the western powers will have to “break the two horns” of Russia and China. How is that going to happen? It may be in more creative ways than watching for nuclear bombs to go airborne on intercontinental ballistic missiles or sending military troops in to capture nuclear installation bases.
Long perceived has been the role of using covert forces to destabilize Iran from within, like almost happened in 2009 with the massive riots and student strikes that immobilized the country of Iran and almost overthrew their country. Or the western powers could use their (not-so-secret) exotic ionosphere heaters to create massive weather changes; hurricanes, typhoons, and earthquakes, and out of the destruction of lands and nations resisting international control, the arrival of agents of “peace” coming in to control and pacify the people in the land.
Yet, it was Andrey Areshev, a political scientist, expert on the Strateic Culture Foundation, who wrote an article titled, “Climate Weapons: More than just a Conspiracy Theory?” and posted it on the Kremlin’s official website, RIA Novosti, when he made the following poignant remarks that opened the Pandora box for future revelations in the future.
Andrey Areshev – “The abnormally hot weather in the central regions of Russia has already caused serious economic damage. It has destroyed crops on roughly 20% of the country's agricultural land lots, the result being that the food prices are clearly set to climb next fall. On top of that, fires are raging over peat lands around Moscow. These days, the majority of forecasts concerning the climate are alarming: droughts, hurricanes, and floods are going to be increasingly frequent and severe. Director of the climate and energy program of the Wildlife Fund A. Kokorin says that the current trend is not a random phenomenon and should not be expected to subside…The incidence of the current anomalously high temperatures exclusively in Russia and some adjacent territories invites alternative explanations.
The High-Frequency Active Aural Research Program (HAARP)
M. Chossudovsky, an economics professor from the Ottawa University, wrote in 2000 that in part the ongoing climate change could be triggered by the use of new-generation nonlethal weapons…The corresponding technology is being developed in the framework of the High-Frequency Active Aural Research Program (HAARP), the objective being to build a potential to launch droughts, hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes. From the military standpoint, HAARP is supposed to create a novel type of weapons of mass destruction and an instrument of expansionist policy which can be used to selectively destabilize environmental and agricultural systems of target countries…
Far-reaching hypotheses arise naturally in the situation. Venezuelan leader H. Chavez was ridiculed for attributing the Haiti earthquake to the impact of HAARP, but, for example, similar suspicions crept in following the 2008 earthquake in China's Sichuan province. Moreover, there is evidence that the US climate influence program not only spans a number of countries and regions but is also partially based in space. For instance, the X-37B unmanned vehicle orbited on April 22, 2010 reportedly carries new types of laser weaponry…
The impression is that efforts aimed at deliberate climate change are not a myth, and that in the nearest future Russia – together with the rest of the world – will face a new generation of threats. At the moment the climate weapons may be reaching their target capacity and used to provoke droughts, to erase crops, and to induce various anomalous phenomena in certain countries.”
BibleSearchers Reflections first investigated this phenomenon of shooting billions of volts of energy into earth’s ionosphere and bouncing these rays totargets around the world began with the February 2005 article titled, “The Asian Indonesian Tsunami and the Globalist’s bid to Control the Nations of the Earth.” Hen came the April 2005 article titled, “Catastrophic Preparations of this Planet for the Coming of the Messiah” that looked at Weather and Oceanic Catastrophes, Rainforest collapse, Hurricanes, Typhoons and Tsunamis plus famine, catastrophic earth changes, progressive earthquakes, mega-quakes, meteors, and the collapse of the Magnetic field around Planet Earth.
But it was not Chavez, but more noted, Pravda, the official news of Russia announced in the article titled, “The Russian Navy reports that the U.S. created the earthquake in Haiti” on January 24, 2010, when they wrote:
Russian Pravda News – “The Russian Northern Fleet indicates that the earthquake that devastated Haiti was clearly the result of a test by the U.S. Navy through one of its earthquake weapons and drew up a diagram of linear succession in relation to earthquakes reported to have occurred by chance to the same depth in Venezuela and Honduras. The Northern Fleet has been monitoring the movements and activities of U.S. Marines in the Caribbean since 2008 when the Americans announced their intention to reestablish the Fourth Fleet, which was disbanded in 1950, and that Russia responded a year later, with the Fleet led by the nuclear-powered cruiser Peter the Great "by starting its first exercises in
this region since the end of the Cold War.”
The Epicenter of the Chinese Earthquake at Chengdu in the Sichuan Province
Since the end of the decade of the 70's in the last century, the U.S. "advanced a lot" in the state of its earthquake weapons and, according to these reports, they now use equipment with Pulse, Plasma and Tesla Electromagnetic and Sonic technology together with "shock wave bombs." The report also compares the experiences of these two earthquake weapons of the U.S. Navy last week, when the test in the Pacific caused an earthquake of magnitude 6.5 to strike in the area around the town of Eureka, Calif., causing no casualties. But the test in the Caribbean caused the death of at least 140 thousand innocent people.
According to the report, it is "more than likely" that the U.S. Navy had "full knowledge" of the catastrophic damage that this test earthquake could potentially have on Haiti and had pre-positioned its Deputy Commander of the Southern Command, General PK Keen, on the island to oversee aid work if needed. As regards the final result of the tests of these weapons, the report warns that there is a U.S. plan to destroy Iran through a series of earthquakes designed to overthrow its current Islamic regime. Additionally, according to the report, the system being tested by the USA (HAARP Project) would also create anomalies in the climate causing floods, droughts and hurricanes…”
- Warnings of Military Use of Weapons for Secret Warfare and Weather Modification;
- The Catastrophic Earthquake in China;
- The Role of Exotic Weapons in the Covert Wars of World Domination;
- Using HAARP in the Cyclone Nargis and the Devastation of Myanmar (Burma);
- The Path of HAARP and CERN leads to China’s Earthquake;
- Epicenter of China Earthquake - a Nuclear Explosion in a Large Military Armory.
What is little perceived but is inherent throughout all the TaNaKh (Old Testament) is that we are in a cosmic war between the powers of light and the powers of darkness; the angelic forces of the G-d of Israel and the angelic forces of HaSatan (Satan). It is perceived that at the time of the end, the G-d of Israel will give great powers into the hands of the Dark Forces of HaSatan to bring the full revelation of evil and the necessary judgment before the eyes of the Jews of the House of Judah and the eyes of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel. It has been determined that when the two houses are united into All Israel that the pathway of redemption through the Messiah will be complete to the Gentile, Jews, and Lost Israelites alike.
Too often we forget who is our L-rd and Master; the G-d of Creation who created man in His own image. This is same as the G-d of Noah, who saved a remnant from the global floods of destruction that destroyed the whole earth. We are witness also to the same G-d who came and formed an eternal “covenant” with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob that would remain unchanged throughout all the ages.
What we are witnessing today, are not just battles for global domination, but a battle for the minds, souls and bodies of every inhabitant upon this planet. It is not, I want the power and money and you can have your freedoms to “believe your myths, religions, and spiritual ideologies”. To the globalists, under the power of the forces of darkness, they will also want your “heart, soul, and body”. It is a war of possession that at the final end. There will be only two opposing forces; the forces of Light with the HaShem (“The Name”) as the G-d of all Creation, and the forces of Darkness with HaSatan (Satan “The Adversary”).
You will either become “demonically possessed” or will become the “bondservant” of the G-d of Israel. One will become “possessed with your body, mind and soul” or you will willfully give your allegiance to the G-d of Israel with the “bonded allegiance” of servitude (I willingly give my heart, mind and body) into the service of the Master. There will be no room for any bystanders, observers, “independents”, or “third force revolutionaries”. The “Final War” will be all or none, winner takes all.
This war for global domination will be led by none other than Lucifer, the once gilded “arch-Angel of Light” who in Isaiah 14, stood as the archetypical symbol of King Nebuchadnezzar gloating over taking possession of the Nation of G-d’s chosen ones. It was he who destroyed the kingdom of Judah, and the famed temple of Solomon dedicated to the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob where the Shekinah glory once hovered over the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant.
Lucifer was the cherubim, who stood by the throne of the Almighty One, who had thoughts that he dared not express, that he wanted to become like the Most High G-d of Creation, and wanted to stand upon the throne of the Most High G-d, even before the creation of this earth. When he went to the other worlds of creation, from all evidence he was rebuked, for later in history at the time of the Exodus, when these “sons of G-d” sat down as the rulers of their planetary civilizations, it was HaSatan who represented Planet Earth in the council of heaven. Was this not the testimony of Job from Uz in Mesopotamia, who was a councilor in the court of the Egyptian Pharaoh? It was this Pharaoh who “knew not Joseph” and sought to oppress the Children of Israel whose population explosion were threatening to take over the land of Egypt. In the days of Job, the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob greeted HaSatan, the “accuser of G-d’s people” with these words:
Job 1:8 – “Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears G-d and shuns evil?”
Satan, now having dominion over Planet Earth, could create havoc with the “chosen descendants” of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We see the archetypical symbol of the King of Tyre, identified prophetically to represent HaSatan (Satan) with these words:
Ezekiel 28:2 – “Because your heart is lifted up, and you say, ‘I am a god, I sit in the seat of gods, in the midst of the seas,’ yet you are a man, and not a god, though you set your heart as the heart of a god…you were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone was your covering…You were the anointed cherub who covers; I established you; you were on the holy mountain of G-d; you walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones. You were perfect in you ways from the day you were created, till iniquity was found in you.”
Yes, iniquity could be found in such lofty created beings, according to the prophets. The Prophet Ezekiel attests that even a cherub, who stood nearest the throne of the Almighty One, had the freedom of choice to rebel against the Most High G-d. This rebellion started in Eden, according to the Orthodox Jewish apostle of Yahshua “The Rabboni” (Jesus the Rabbi), who as John the Apostle wrote in his Revelations;
Revelation 12:7-9 – “And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”
The battle for world domination, as envisioned by Daniel the Prophet (Daniel 8) will open the eyes of all in the nations of the earth with “eyes that can see” and “ears that can hear”, that since the days of the Maschiach ben Yosef (Messiah son of Joseph), our world has been under embattlement with cosmic wars for total dominion over this earth. The G-d of Israel has emphatically placed His “seal” upon the “Land of Israel” as His Land and Jerusalem as His Zion which He so protects as the “Apple of His Eye”.
Try as you might, Rome is not mentioned in any scripture with the stamp of approval of the Almighty One as one of G-d’s Zions; neither is London, Paris, or Washington D.C. It is Jerusalem, the epi-center of all biblical prophecy that over 200 times in the TaNaKh (Old Testament) that the G-d of Israel has given His seal of divine authority as being His “Zion”.
So Daniel 8, now stands at the dividing line, where the 195 independent nations of the world are now giving allegiance to four major world powers; America, European Union, Russia and China. After the war with Persia/Iran, they peoples of these nations will soon be giving it to two; the western globalists of America and the European Union. Then America, representing “Greece” will be absorbed into the European Union representing Rome, as in the days of Yahshua HaNotzri (Jesus the Nazarene) when “Greece was the face of Rome”.
With the final transition, of the devolution of America into the North American Union, and the ascendency of the New European Union, financed by the Rothschilds, governed by the Fourth Reich Leopard power of Germany no doubt under the rule of the purported genetic daughter of Adolf Hitler. This power force will come with the spiritual guidance of the Black Pope, the Vatican Illuminati force, identified by Pope John Paul II, known as Karol Wojtyla’s mentor, Cardinal Wyszynski of Warsaw as the revived “Holy Roman Empire” known as the Black Internationale; the “Force” behind the White Pope sitting on the “Seat of St. Peter”. This power will be the same as the “Sea Beast Power” that will bring the transition of world power to its final stage in history. These
Revelation 12:12 – “Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.”
How the final destruction of Iran will come, we do not know. What we do know is that Iran will be confronted and toppled by Edom-Rome as described:
Daniel 8:7 –“Then I saw him (he-goat) confronting the ram; he was moved with rage against him, attacked the ram, and broke his two horns. There was no power in the ram to withstand him (he-goat), but he cast him down to the ground and trampled him; and there was no one that could deliver the ram from his hand.
Rabbi Yonasan Eibshetz, ztvk"l, (1690-1764) in his Sefer (Book) Yaaros Dvash – “At certain moment the time will come when Moshiach should have already arrived but the redemption has not yet come. The Moshiach will ask how it could be that the time for redemption has arrived and he still undergoes sufferings? The response that he will receive is that he must wait for nine months. Why? In order to wait for the fall of Persia (Iran) at the hands of Edom (the Christian West), and then the final redemption will come.”
Whether the Nation of Iran will be structurally damaged by conventional or nuclear armaments, we do not know. Rather, will the hierarchy of the Islamic Ayatollahs and Imams of Iran be decapitated by a military strike, or structurally will Iran be devastated with earthquakes and earth-changing catastrophes like the Earthquake at Bam in 2005, we also do not know. Only the Sovereign G-d of Israel knows that future. Yet, what is known that a new power force will soon rise carrying the mantle of Ancient Rome called Edom. Mystically it will be called “Mystery Babylon”, allegorically it will be called the “Black Internationale”, and literally it will be envisioned as the government of the Anti-Messiah (Antichrist).
Why do we know that Iran will not be destroyed? Somewhere in the near future, Iran will again be a major player in another great world battle called GogUMagog.
Ezekiel 38:19 (parts), - “Now the word of the L-rd came to me, saying, “Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal, and prophesy against him, and say, ‘Thus says the L-rd G-d: “Behold, I am against you, O Gog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal. I will turn you around, put hooks into your jaws, and lead you out, with all your army, horses, and horsemen, all splendidly clothed, a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords. Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya are with them, all of them with shield and helmet; Gomer and all its troops; the house of Togarmah from the far north and all its troops—many people are with you.
Prepare yourself and be ready…After many days you will be visited. In the latter years you will come into the land of those brought back from the sword and gathered from many people on the mountains of Israel, which had long been desolate; they were brought out of the nations, and now all of them dwell safely. You will ascend, coming like a storm, covering the land like a cloud, you and all your troops and many peoples with you.”
BibleSearchers first envisioned that the Gog-Magog War will occur seven years prior to the coming of the Messiah, for Israel will be cleaning of the Land of Israel and burying all the remains of the warriors of Gog in the Valley of Haman-Gog. Yet, with Year Three of this present Sabbatical Week of Years cycle and HaShem (‘The Name”) willing the messiah will return after this present seven year period in the Eighth Year, it now appears that outside of the Battle of Iran and Psalms 83, where ten Islamic nations surrounding Israel will attack G-d’s Holy Land, the final G0g-Magog War will merge with Revelation’s Armageddon as the final cosmic battle and the Great Controversy between HaShem and HaSatan will be over. As written in the BibleSearchers Reflections article subtitled, “The War with Iran (Persia) and the Coming of the Messiah” posted on February 2006, we read the following:
BibleSearchers Reflections – “Yet the powers behind the invasion of GogUMagog or the King of the North are the descendants of the apostate Roman Christian Church fronted by the Society of Jesus, the all powerful Jesuit Order. It is the Jesuits and the Knights of Malta who has infiltrated every intelligence organization in the western world. They command the largest espionage and intelligence organization in the world as every parish priest is their listening ear to the geo-political rumblings on every continent on this globe.
When Pope John Paul II came to Israel with an olive branch, seeking to heal the wounds over the graves of millions of forgotten Jews, what did he want? As documented in the three part series on BibleSearchers on January-February, 2005: “The Vatican Seeks to Reclaim its Own,” the Vatican first wants the Church with the Upper Room that happens to be built over the recognized Tomb of David. Soon they will want the Temple Mount and East Jerusalem. Here is where the fight for the control of Jerusalem begins.
While most Christian scholars see Rome in its literal reality, the Jewish scholars see Rome in its symbolism. When we analyze this phrase, we must understand that all the Jewish scholars of Torah, whether Talmudic or Kabbalah, agree: “Rome” or “Edom” is symbolized today by the United States of America. This same typology is also symbolizes America or the “Land of Mogog” as being the “Great Horn” of the Hellenistic Ram of Daniel eight and Gog the leader of the Land of Magog as being the president of the United States. This is also consistent with the shadow picture of the modern globalists of Western Europe headed by the great power of the United States called by the world vision of Pope John Paul II as the “Golden Internationale.”
At the same time, the winner of the prize of global domination according to John Paul II will be the Vatican or “Rome”, whom he called the “Black Internationale.” Some of you might ask, now can this be? The current crisis with the new claimants of nuclear power, the mullahs of Iran, is only contrasted in the power behind their throne, the Red Communists, Leninists governments of Russia and China. Pope John Paul II saw them as the “Red Internationale.” As the descendants of ancient Persia, the Red Communists along with the Nation of Iran will come under the possession of the Black Internationale, just as the Red Seal of Revelation will be followed by the Black Seal of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Will we see this as such?
Maybe not! It might be safer to say that the Golden Internationale of the western Globalists, Internationalists and Trans-nationalists will in a psychological and geo-political coup take possession of the Nation of Iran. Understand that the Black Internationale at that time will be the power behind the throne of the waning months of the “He-Goat with a Notable Horn” who took down the “Great Ram with Two Great Horns” in Daniel eight. What then comes is the “Great Horn of the He-Goat” gets even mightier with great power until it is broken.
So we might protest, these great prophesies of Daniel were fulfilled during the imperial era of the Persians and the rising Grecian era of Alexander the Great. That is true, but they were but a shadow picture of the time of the end, so that those with “eyes that can see” and “ears that can hear” will understand the significance of these great streams of prophecy. As the Lord of hosts sent Gabriel, the archangel for the gentile nations to Daniel:
Daniel 8:15-17 – “Then it happened, when I, Daniel, had seen the vision and was seeking the meaning, that suddenly there stood before me one having the appearance of a man. And I heard a man’s voice between the banks of the U’lai, who called, and said, ‘Gabriel, make this man understand the vision.’ So he came near where I stood, and when he came I was afraid and fell on my face; but he said to me, ‘Understand, son of man, that the vision refers to the time of the end.’”
Here we are at the time of the end and these great prophetic streams are swirling around us, blending and morphing into an apocalyptic tapestry before our eyes. When these prophetic images passed through the eyes of Pope John Paul II, his eyes were conditioned with the prophetic lens of the prophecies of Malachy that were written about in a BibleSearchers article titled, “Pope John Paul II and the Rise of the Black Internationale.” Here it spoke of the Papal prophecies of Malachy:
The Prophecy of Malachy – “In spite of the origin of the prophecies, whether divine or satanic, these prophecies and their accuracy have withstood scrutiny over the passage of time. If there is a final note, he (Malachy) prophesied when he was to die and fulfilled his own prophecy. So we start with the successor of Innocent II, Pope Celestine II in 1143 and in a list of 112 (possibly 111 popes), their characteristics are noted to the last pope of a time of tribulation and destruction for the Vatican at the time of the end. Here were Malachy’s final words,
Malachy’s Last Pope - “In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock among many tribulations; after which the seven-hilled city (Rome, the seat of the Vatican) will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people.”
The countdown to the possession of this prize is known not only to the Holy See but also to the mullahs of Iran. Here is the battle for the prize; the city of Jerusalem. What we are seeing unfolding before our eyes today is the messianic revival in Iran of the Mahdi, the prophesied future messiah of Islam whom some reports have announced as already arrived. This messianic drive of the Mahdi may take its revenge upon the evil power of the Vatican as the mother Church of apostate Christianity and the civilization that Islam abhors so much today, the culture of the United States as the “Great Satan” and the Western social cultures of Europe.
History attests that the British and the French dominated their lands as the British and the French Mandates under the League of Nations. They overthrew their Caliphates and divided up their lands. After World War I, at the Paris Peace Conference, the name “Palestine” was first applied to a defined piece of property that comprises the nations of Israel and Jordan today.
It was to this Palestine that the British were entrusted by the League of Nations with the British Mandate (1920-1942) to implement the Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917. It this declaration it pledged:
The Balfour Declaration - "His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."
If the Islamic rage does make a pyrrhic fire of the Vatican and the city of Rome, out of the ashes may arise the “Black Internationale” and the final seat of ancient Rome in the city of Jerusalem. It will be set up by the “Society of Jesus” better known today as the Jesuits Order. There is a reason today that the Vatican wants possession of Jerusalem. With the beginning of the year 2006, the voice of the Vatican erupted loud and clear. In the three part series of BibleSearchers Reflection, the pathway of the Vatican to take possession of Jerusalem was analyzed in, “The Vatican, the Tomb of David and the Upper Room.”
In their own papal prophecies, the Vatican hierarchy understands fully that the days of the Vatican in Rome are numbered. Yet in their hearts, they believe that they will be victorious in their possession of the whole world, which in part will be true. The imperative to take possession of especially East Jerusalem with the Temple Mount and the Holy Sites of Roman Christianity is becoming stridently urgent. In their papal prophesies they will need a “New Rome” in the “New Jerusalem.” In their minds prophetic utterances of the Book of Revelation will be complete as their amillennial mindset will tell them that the millennium is already here and about over. According to St. Augustine, the Roman doctor of law in his book, “The City of God,” we read an analysis by the Barnes and Noble Spark notes or study guide on “Augustine and The City of God” that states:
St. Augustine and the City of God – “Augustine presents the four essential elements of his philosophy in The City of God: the church, the state, the City of Heaven, and the City of the World. The church is divinely established and leads humankind to eternal goodness, which is God. The state adheres to the virtues of politics and of the mind, formulating a political community. Both of these societies are visible and seek to do good.
Mirroring these are two invisible societies: the City of Heaven, for those predestined for salvation, and the City of the World, for those given eternal damnation. This grand design allows Augustine to elaborate his theory of justice, which he says issues from the proper and just sharing of those things necessary for life, just as God freely distributes air, water, and light. Humankind must therefore pursue the City of Heaven to maintain a proper sense of order, which in turn leads to true peace.”
This gives a visible difference between the Torah vision of the future apocalypse and the millennial state and the vision of apostate Roman Christianity. On one hand the prophets of Israel and the Nazarene prophet in Revelation build upon the foundational Torah picture of a Creator and Adam (mankind) His creation, who was created in God’s image. We later read of the same typology called the Husband and the Bride, or Adam and Eve. The prophets also spoke of a Heavenly Eden (Ganz Eden) and Eden of the Promised Land, both throughout the prophets, the Lord of hosts claimed these two Lands as His own possession. Finally there was the Heavenly Jerusalem and the Terrestrial Jerusalem.
Here we see a different amillennial philosophical base; the Person, the Land and the City. In the prophetic image of the millennium, there will be a “Restored Man”, a “Restored Eden” and a “Restored city of Jerusalem.” Throughout the entire Bible, the concept of Eden Lost, Eden Redeemed and Eden restored is a message that was never lost.”
Credit to BibleSearchers Reflections – “The War with Iran (Persia) and the Coming of the Messiah” – February 2006
End of Series: The Prophetic Fate of Iran
Part One – “Countdown to a Nuclear Iran; Russia loads Fuel Rods”
Part Two – “The Archangel Gabriel: the Persian Ram’s demise will be at the Time of the End”
Part Three – “The Sages of Judah: the Terror of the Persian Iran and its demise by Edom”
Part Four – “The Crushing of the Persian Ram opens the Gates for the Battle of GoguMogog”
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