Isaiah 24:1 - “Behold the Lord makes the earth empty, and makes it waste, and turns it upside down and scatters the inhabitants thereof.”
It was in 2002-2003 that BibleSearchers Reflections began to investigate the role of the earth’s geo-magnetic field in relationships to future biblical prophetic envisioned catastrophes. As reported in the article sub-titled, “Weakening the Earth’s Geomagnetic Field”, we read:
BibleSearchers Reflections – “As the Sun becomes more erratic in its own behavior, such as increasing solar flares, sun spots and geomagnetic storms, the geomagnetic shield which surrounds the earth is getting weaker, alarmingly weaker and is fast approaching zero. It is felt that the most beneficial ‘gauss strength’ of the geomagnetic field strength is between 7.4 and 12.
Today, a satellite reading of our geomagnetic field is a mere 0.4 to 0.7 gauss. Between 1835, when we started measuring and monitoring the ‘magnetic moment’ in the field strength of the earth, and 1965, the geomagnetic field strength of this earth diminished 14%. As early as 2030 AD, the geomagnetic field around the earth may hit zero. So, what happens when this protective shield is down?
First, studying the geological record, we find evidence that at least 175 times the geomagnetic fields have diminished to zero and a magnetic reversal of the poles has occurred. This means the poles have shifted to a different location.
Second, when the geomagnetic field diminishes, it allows unhindered solar energies to flow in unimpeded into the earth’s crust, creating extremely low frequency waves, associated with large air pressure changes, can create a electrical stimulation that can bring on a seismic event in the form of an earthquake.
Third, besides shifting of the poles and triggering earthquakes and deflecting solar radiation, it also serves as a shield to deflect comets and other stellar bodies from invading our atmosphere. In other words, it protects us from comet impacts.
Fourth, the jet streams in the air and the giant oceanic gulf streams all carry electrical charge with them. The solar electrical magnetic storms affect these jet and gulf streams, diverting these streams to different locations and affecting air and water temperatures. It also affects directly the atmospheric pressure by creating low pressure troughs associated with severe weather changes such as hurricanes.
Fifth, the crustal stability of the earth is also being challenged, by a noted slowing in the rotation of the earth. Since 1965, the speed of the earth’s rotation has been slowing down by 9 milliseconds per day. This might not sound like much, but there is a tremendous amount of energy that is used to keep this earth rotating. As it slows, the energy potential is transferred to the crust of the earth, causing again, an increased risks of earthquakes.
Sixth, the fluctuations in the atmospheric and magnetic currents, is causing the earth to increase the wobble in its rotation. When a top spins, we always note a wobble. As it slows down, the wobble increases, until it topples over. Between 1850 and 1950, the meandering of the magnetic north poles has averaged about two miles per year. Since 1950, our Magnetic North Pole has moved ever 200 miles. So this wobble has doubled.
Seventh, the increased penetration of solar radiation, coupled with moving the jet and gulf currents and thereby shifting the flow of warm and cool water, is causing an increase in the overall temperature of the global climate, plus changing the weather pattern in various climates and ecosystems. This is the effect of Global Warming.
Effects of the Loss of the Earth’s Magnetic Field
The effect of the collapse of Earth’s Geomagnetic Field will be catastrophic and immense. Consider the potential following effects.
· The “field strength”, called the gauss strength or the Magnetic Moment of this earth is approaching zero. When it does, a magnetic pole reversal is expected.
· With the loss of the Magnetic Moment, there is an increased risk of a comets impact due to loss of reflection by the Geomagnetic Field.
· The rotation of the earth is slowed down due to the loss of magnetic forces.
· There is an increase in the Wobble of the earth’s rotation and an increase in earthquakes.
· The loss of the magnetic shield also causes an increases in temperature from increased solar radiation or Global Warming
Imagine the discussion of global warming among scientists, as the sun continues to get hotter and hotter. Imagine the intensified scientific inquiry, such as portrayed in the Discover magazine presently on the newsstand. The November, 1999 issues portray an article, ‘Antarctica’s Hot Spot’ on pages 102-109. Let us quote;
Discover Magazine - “The more immediate goal concerns a regional warming trend in Antarctica. Nobody knows exactly what this trend means for the rest of the world, but the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula is warming up faster than anywhere on earth.”
How many feet of rising oceans would it take to engulf Houston, Texas? These are questions scientists are asking today. Calculate the number of people, plus the value of real estate, along the coastlines of every country in the world within thirty to fifty feet of present sea level. Engulf those areas with sea water and see what a global disaster would be like.
Updated to the year of 2010, we are now in the midst of progressive weather changes; earthquakes, typhoons, hurricanes, increasing solar flares, and evidence of the fragmentation of our crustal tectonic plates as we head towards 2012 and the End of the Mayan World Age. Keep our eyes awake and our senses aware! What is happening is real. The forces of the universe are changing as our world is moving from a long era of Uniformitarianism to a world of Catastrophism.
It’s all part of the Plan of Redemption and soon the “Appointed Time” of the G-d of Israel will be here at our doorsteps. The prophets have spoken, the sages and the saints have waited for this moment in history for thousands of years. This generation will no doubt be “chosen” to experience the great transition as the Great Exodus of the Lost Tribes of Israel begin returning home as our earth prepares for the revealing of the Age of the Messiah.
End of Series
You also may want to Read BibleSearchers Reflections articles:
“Signs of the Sun” – Solar Tsunami crashes into Planet Earth’s Geomagnetic Field”
Catastrophic Prelude to a Pole Shift just before the Revealing of the Messiah
Part One; Prelude to a Pole Shift? – “‘As in the Days of Noah’, the Earth Tilted and became Inclined and Sudden Destruction came upon the Earth”
Part Two; Prelude to a Pole Shift? – “The Magnetic North Pole is Moving to Siberia”
Part Three; Prelude to a Pole Shift? – “Diminished ‘Gauss Strength’ or ‘Magnetic Moment’ of Earth’s Geomagnetic Field a warning of a future Magnetic Pole Reversal”
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