The Basin below the Deepwater Horizon Planet, described as “Fractured beyond Repair” and flowing oil in multiple spouts, was it was explored by Russia’s Deep Water Explorer Anatoly Sagalevich with the Russian MIR-I and 2 Deep Submergence Vehicles
Isaiah 8:22 – “Then they will look towards the earth and see only distress and darkness and fearful gloom,
And they will be thrust into utter darkness.
Isaiah 24: 1 - “See, HaShem is going to lay waste the earth and devastate it; He will ruin its face and scatter its inhabitants.”
The Lands inhabited by the Lost Tribes of Israel are about to be Devastated! Reclamation and Redemption are Near
Just after the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico on April 20, 2010, an executive invitation was urgently sent by the British Petroleum Executive Board to Anatoly Sagalevich and his Deepwater team located at the Russian Shirshov Institute of Oceanology to fly to the Gulf of Mexico and bring along with them Russia’s Deep Submergence Vehicles, reported on the RiaNovasti website. They, with their Deepwater Submergence Vehicles, today hold the world’s record of descending into the deep trenches of the oceans and traveling down to 19,685 feet (6,000 meters) under the ocean.
In an unreported and secret mission, Anatoly Sagalevich and his elite scientific underwater team have been the only persons that have traveled down to the depths greater than 5,000 feet to observe and then report upon the damages sustained upon the basin floor of the Gulf of Mexico, the world’s 11th largest body of water on Planet Earth. It was there that they reported that the “Gulf of Mexico sea floor has been fractured ‘beyond all repair’ and our World should be preparing for an ecological disaster ‘beyond comprehension’ unless ‘extraordinary measures’ are taken to stop the massive flow of oil into the Gulf of Mexico’s basin.”
According to the report submitted to BP, the oil is not just pouring out of the 22 inch well bore site that has been the constant fixation of the American public on television, but that they were able to visualize at least eighteen other sites where the ocean floor had ruptured. Through the fragmented seafloor basin oil was pouring unimpeded into the once pristine waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
Not only that that the largest site spewing oil and gas into the Gulf was over seven miles (11 kilometers) away from the Platform site of Deepwater Horizon. In their estimate, over 2.9 million gallons of oil is being discharged into the Gulf of Mexico every day. (ninety million gallons a month)
During the time of the seafloor exploration by Sagalevich’s team was giving hourly reports to American government and British Petroleum officials describing what they were observing 5,000 to 6,000 feet below. It was after one of these official observation unit communicating centers that the Florida Senator Bill Nelson gave a report to MSNBC reporter, Andrea Mitchell with this report:
The Russian Deep Water Submergence Vehicle to Travel down to 6000 Feet
Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) – “Andrea we’re looking into something new right now, that there’s reports of oil that seeping up from the seabed…which would indicate, if that true, that the well casing itself is actually pierced…underneath the seabed. So, you know, the problems could be just enormous with what we’re facing.
Andrea Mitchell, MSNBC – “Now let me understand better what you’re saying. If that is true that it is coming up from the seabed, even the relief well won’t be the final solution to cap this thing. That means that we’ve got oil gushing up at disparate places along the ocean floor.
Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) – “That is possible, unless you get the plug down low enough, below where the pipe would be breached.”
Shortly afterwards, Matthew Simmons, top energy advisor to former American President George W. Bush, who also knowing of Sagalevish’s reports stated on Business Insider the following:
Matthew Simmons – “I’d be surprised if BP lasted this summer…this disaster is entirely BP’s fault.”
Then the report continued with this startling admission on CNBC’s Fast Money:
Matthew Simmons – “Matthew Simmons is sticking by his story that there is another giant leak in the Gulf of Mexico blowing massive amounts of oil into the Gulf of Mexico seven miles away.”
Later when Simmons was speaking on the Dylan Ratigan Show he made several admissions.
· When I first saw the fire and blowout on Deepwater Horizon, I underestimated the magnitude of this disaster. It has to be the “biggest blowout in history”. The cause as a “rig fire was a bunch of baloney…for it must be an unbelievable flow of oil and gas between 40,000 to 50,000 pounds per square inch.
· The 22 inch bore well site will the flow of oil seen most by Americans cannot match the flow needed to cover 40% of the Gulf of Mexico with oil. He insinuated that there has to be another site.
· Thomas Jefferson, the largest research vessel in the world has been brought in to map the bottom of the ocean. He feels that they will discover the origins of the massive plumes of oil in the Gulf are coming from a large open hole with no casing that is located seven miles from the rig.
· The oil spewing out of this secondary fragmented hole may continue on for months or up to thirty years and pollute the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean beyond compare.
· Simmons recommended that when the large supertankers are sucking up the oil and taking it to the terminals to unload, they should go into the oil lake and suck up the oil and remove it from the site. The next nightmare will emerge when a “Hurricane moves across the Gulf of Mexico and picks up the oil from the water and blows it upon the shoreline along the Gulf coastline; it will paint the region black”. All the oil terminals and refiners will have to shut down and the region will become a complete catastrophe.
· Simmons, seeing the perspective as a prominent oil-industry insider, warns that America has only two options, “Let the well run dry (taking over 30 years) and probably ruining the Atlantic Ocean or passing a “Nuke” down the “hole” about a thousand feet and collapsing the substructure around the site.
Sub-oceanic Nuclear Denotation as may appear in the Gulf of Mexico
The American President of course is resistant to this concept, but it’s interesting how the Hand of G-d presents to the leaders of the world with options in which they may not be able to refuse; except Pharaoh’s who choose to “harden their hearts” as they watch their imperial dreams collapse.
While the Russian and American oil experts are advocating “extreme intervention” before it is too late, the White House is resistant. History has demonstrated that Russians have effectively used nuclear technology for such purposes in the past as noted by the British Telegraph News article titled, “
British Telegraph News - “The former Soviet Union (U.S.S.R.) used nuclear weapons on five separate occasions between 1966 and 1981 to successfully cap blown-out gas and oil surface wells (there was also one attempt that failed), which have been documented in a U.S. Department of Energy report on the U.S.S.R.'s peaceful uses of nuclear explosions.
Russia is now urging the United States to consider doing the same. Komsomoloskaya Pravda, the best-selling Russian daily newspaper, asserts that although based on Soviet experience there's a one-in-five chance a nuke might not seal the well, it's "a gamble the Americans could certainly risk."
Reportedly, the U.S.S.R. developed special nuclear devices explicitly for closing blown-out gas wells, theorizing that the blast from a nuclear detonation would plug any hole within 25 to 50 meters, depending on the device's power. Much as I had idly imagined, massive explosions can be employed to collapse a runaway well on itself, thus plugging, or at least substantially stanching, the flow of oil.
With no air present in underground or underwater nuclear explosions, energy released overheats and melts acres of surrounding rock into a glass-like, form-fitting plug, blocking the flow. Russian media reports also note that other subterranean nuclear blasts were used as many as 169 times in the Soviet Union for fairly mundane tasks like creating underground storage spaces for gas or building canals.
The downside, of course, is the release of radioactivity into the environment, affecting flora like phytoplankton and other marine organisms, including fish. However, those are already being severely impacted by release of oil, which if unchecked, could (and probably already has) caused more damage than would fallout from a nuclear blast. The U.S. DOE report suggests environmental risks would be relatively minimal, since the bulk of the radiation released would be far underground.”
Of course this doesn’t discuss the effects of trying to shut down potentially an even larger oil geyser seven miles away and possibly up to eighteen total sites today leaking or expulsing oil from the bottom of the Gulf. That still doesn’t seem to be the White House’s predominate concern. According to Russia’s Deepwater Scientist Sagalevich, America’s “main concern” for using a nuke to try to reseal the subterranean foundations around the well site is not centered on the “Green Environment” rhetoric or the concern for the environmental catastrophe of the Gulf oil contaminating the oceans of the world, but what its impact would be on the continued production of oil from the Gulf of Mexico, the region just opened by the Obama administration for full oil production. Why?
From the two BP relief wells now being drilled by British Petroleum, major contributors to Obama’s election campaign and business associates of Obama’s Chief of Staff, the Israeli Rahm Emmanuel, that are being drilled a thousand feet below the floor of the gulf to divert the oil from the shattered core site, would bring in immeasurably more profits to BP even at the expense of a world environmental oceanic collapse of the fisheries of the world for human consumption or enjoyment. This is in addition that the Gulf of Mexico is the only oil producing region of the world that is capable of increasing its production. This fact was noted in the British Guardian citing that a British Petroleum annual report last year that showed American crude production growing as global oil consumption falling except in China and India.
Guardian – “The 7% increase to 7.2m barrels a day is largely attributed by Christof Ruehl, the company's chief economist, to the ramping up of new fields in the Gulf of Mexico, although it also includes shale and other oil deposits.”
As BibleSearchers’ blobsite, Destination Yisra’el’s article titled, “Torpedoed Deepwater Horizon Oil Platform: Sabotaging the International and Political Scene”, with these comments:
Destination Yisra’el – “To do so, will this now preclude that every oil producing nation in the world will demand access to thermonuclear bombs to protect the effect of sabotage in oil rig explosions? If this were to happen, it would bring the “Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons” to shambles. If a “thermonuclear option” were to be considered, experts have suggested that the American B83 (Mk-83) strategic thermonuclear bomb that has a variable yield between a low yield of 1 kiloton range up to 1,200 kilotons could be deployed as a “dial a yield” nuke and would be the most likely candidate. Thus nuke is small enough, like 12 feet long, 18 inches in diameter, weighing over 2,400 pounds that a miniature submarine could transport it to location and detonate it by remote control.
This concept was considered by Paul Noel of Pure Energy Systems in the article, “Mother of all Gushers could Kill Earth’s Oceans” when he wrote on May 2, 2010:
Paul Noel – “A nuclear detonation carries the real risk of giving us the full doomsday scenario on this well. I just don't like doing that. There is no coming back from the brink when you do that one. If it works, which I see as unlikely, great. If it doesn't work, there is now a maybe a hole 1/4 mile across leaking oil. That looks worse than any possible outcomes otherwise.”
Even more so, using a “nuke” to collapse the well will not only spell financial disaster to the American president’s major campaign contributors, it would even more so damage the extensive effort and reputation of the Obama Administration to corral the nations of the world to a common consensus that bans nuclear production and proliferation especially in the Middle East. The common goal is not to dismantle the nuclear deterrent forces of America, Europe, Russia or China but of the State of Israel and their “Sampson Option” that keeps the nations of the world from completing their many nations’ national desire for Israel’s and the Jews complete extermination.
Rather than destroy the Land of Israel and the Jewish inhabitants living there, it will presage the “Oppression and then Redemption” of a New Exodus as the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel return home preparing for the return of their Messiah, the son of Joseph who will return as the Maschiah ben Dovid (Messiah son of David). Wake up America and Northern Europe, your day of G-d’s Judgment and Redemption have now come!
Isaiah 24:1-7 (parts) – “HaShem is going to lay waste the earth and devastate it;
He will ruin its face and scatter its inhabitants.
It will be the same for priest as for people, for master as for servant…
(for the secular and for the religious)
The earth will be completely laid waste and totally plundered.
HaShem has spoken this word.
The earth dries up and withers, the world languishes and withers;…
The earth is defiled (by pollution, contaminating nature, plundering for greed and profit) by its people;
They have disobeyed the Torah Laws, violated the Statutes and broken the Everlasting Covenant.
Therefore a curse consumes the earth; its people must bear their guilt.
Therefore earth's inhabitants are burned up, and very few are left.”
The Judgment upon America and Northern Europe for the Sins of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel is about to Begin. Out of this Judgment and the Oppression upon the Lands of the Lost Tribes of Israel, her Redemption will Begin as she makes her Exodus. They will Return to the Land of Promise, the Land of their Ancestors in Israel. Lost Israel will return to live again as G-d’s Bride, and follow His Marriage Contract found in the “Laws, the Statutes and the Covenant”.
The Devastation of G-d’s Judgment upon America and Northern Europe (Lands of the Lost Tribes of Israel
Go to Part One - “‘The ‘Nuke Solution’ appears only hope for Fragmented Basin of the Gulf of Mexico – Ninety Million Gallons of Oil Spewing into the Gulf per Month”
Go to Part Two – “BPs Oil Crisis and the Oil Dispersal Agent’s Defoliation of America and Destruction of her Marine Wildlife: G-d Judgment on American Israelite’s Addiction for Oil”