Former President of the United States, George W. Bush
BibleSearchers Reflections - “With the understanding of the revelation that first, Iran has had nuclear weapons for several years and that second, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards were the financers of North Korea’s nuclear program, and that third, Iran now has the possession of cruise missiles that could be armed by nuclear weapons, two important seismic events occurred in the last few days of June 2008;
First, the President of the United States, George W. Bush signed an Executive Order with the declaration that America was now in a “State of Emergency” both economically and militarily. This was reported by the White House News:
White House News – "By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, find that the current existence and risk of the proliferation of weapons-usable fissile material on the Korean Peninsula constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat."
As of June 28, 2008, the President of the United States now has the constitutional right, plus all the extraordinary powers granted to him, that the president could bypass the United States Congress in order to launch a nuclear missile attack upon Iran, Russia and any other nation that comes against the defense and security of the United States. This right could include the authorization given under the new National Emergencies Act that the President could also institute marital law, suspend all civil liberties over the citizens of America, including suspending the impending elections of the next president of the United States if he were to declare that it was to the best interest of the United States. “
President George W. Bush may have been right to be afraid about the intensions for evil by the nuclear regime of Kim Jong Il in North Korea. On April 20, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig, leased by British Petroleum, blew up after becoming a flaming inferno for two days prior. One intelligence source identified that a North Korean mini-submarine torpedoed a South Korean owned Deep-water platform as an “act of war” against the South Korea and the United States. Two days later, the entire rig purportedly collapsed after the mini-submarine, in a suicide terrorist act, exploded underneath the rig by an elite trained North Korean suicide squad.
Now 30 days later, all attempts to stem the gushing oil in the bottom of the Gulf, have been temporized while a permanent solution to cap the fractured oil lines have become more elusive. The Deepwater oil has now reached the Gulf Stream and is entering the Oceanic currents. Within 18 months, it is believed, the oceans of the world will be contaminated by the spreading oil, gases, benzene and other toxins. They are expected to deplete the oxygen from the oceanic waters and exterminate a large portion of oceanic life.
Oil Slick off the Coast of Louisiana about the Size of the State of Maryland
On the “Reflections of Emuna by Rabbi Lazer Brody” on his blogsite, Lazer Beams, Rabbi Brody commented on “
The Prophecy on Gushing Oil” as plumes of oil were developing in the depths of the Gulf of Mexico:Lazer Beams – “With oil still gushing into the Gulf of Mexico and now reaching Louisiana's marshes and rivers, it looks like yet another prophecy is being fulfilled:
Ezekiel 32:14 - "I will create sediment in their waters and rivers and make them flow like oil, the word of The Lord Hashem"
The Gemara that we learn this week (Sanhedrin 98a) says that when the waters are heavy with oil, and the fish can no longer live, then these are the days when Moshiach is imminent. Our actions will determine whether Moshiach arrives joyfully or whether he arrives in the aftermath of more wars and national disasters.
The BP oil spill is yet another in a series of wake-up calls from The Almighty. It won't help to bury our head in the sand anymore, because the sand on the beaches is rapidly being contaminated with tar.
Wake up to emuna, world. Life doesn't have to be disastrous.”
We have to ask, why was President George W. Bush prevented by the Eternal One of Israel from solving the world’s nagging nuclear dilemma, Shi’ite Nuclear Iran? Apparently, the State of Israel was not ready; spiritually and politically. Neither were the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel spiritually and physically prepared to come forward and assume their divine destiny of returning to the land of their forefathers as the Tribes of Joseph or the Tribes of Ephraim.
As the G-d of Israel is stirring up the gentile nations of the world, so He also is nurturing His children in the palm of His hand. Some He has to arouse from their centuries old slumber, some He has to hone their Torah skills, some He may have to with great catastrophes and calamities of earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, and tsunamis give them a reality check.
He may have to give them a spiritual lobotomy called in the scriptures, “a new heart”. Spiritual awareness and the elevation of consciousness will soon be arriving as the physical transformation of Planet Earth beings to unfold as we head towards, 2012 and the Mayan End of the World Age.
The fact remains, do we have the “emuna”, the faith in the Sovereign Power of the Almighty that He is guiding the affairs of our redemption. This also includes the Transformation of the Zionists State of Israel and the Redemption of the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel? From every perspective, it appears that the “Appointed Time” has come, and with redemption by b'ita, the “chosen ones” will have to “walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death” but the Sovereign Power of the Almighty will be there to protect them.
A Republican President BushGog was not chosen to carry the mantle of completing the GoguMagog War, but a Democratic ObamaGog appears to be carrying that mantle today. We watch with “eyes that can see” as the sovereignty of the nations of the world are collapsing, the economic world order is disintegrating, our national borders are disappearing, America’s banking and Mortgage Industry have essentially been nationalized, the largest auto manufacturing industry nationalized and the nation’s health industry that controls 15% of America’s economy now under American control. From all appearances, HaSatan’s final One World Order is being resurrected over the global landscape.
The Global Village has almost arrived and that means only one thing, the Pathway of the Guela (Redemption) has arrived, albeit as intensive “labor pains of a woman about to give birth. The “birth pains” will not be over until YHVH’s Messiah will be fully manifested so that “every eye will see Him”.
The “World to come” will be transformed into a restored Eden as a New Messianic Age arrives in our world. We will no longer need an “Executive State of Emergency”. The kingdom of G-d will bring peace and a world age of Torah enlightenment will spread around our globe.
Credit to BibleSearchers Reflections - “The State of Emergency in
America at the Beginning of the next Sabbatical Week of Years”
You might want to read entire BibleSearchers Reflection article titled: “President George W. Bush seeks to Fulfill His Destiny and Legacy” – July 2008
Nuclear Iran Series
“Retired Major General Paul E Vallely admits; ‘Iran has Nuclear Weapons’” – Nuclear Iran Part One
“Iran had Nuclear Weapons, Cruise Missiles in 2008 and Russia did Not give it to Them – Directly” – Nuclear Iran Part Two
“President George W. Bush signed 2008 State of Emergency, feared Nuclear North Korea, prepared to Launch Attack on Nuclear Iran” - Nuclear Iran Part Three
“Is America preparing for a 2010 Tisha B’Av or Yom Kippur War with Israel against Iran?” – Nuclear Iran Part Four
To understand more about the Return of the 10 Tribes of Israel,
Contact Kol Ha Tor, the Voice of the Turtledove,
As a Reception from the House of Judah is forming to welcome the returning House of Israel