La Sagrada Família (The Holy Family) Roman Catholic Basilica by Antoni Gaudí in Barcelona, Spain
It was on April 23, 2010, the Israeli Investigative Reporter, Barry Chamish, and author of “The ConPromised Land”, “Israel Betrayed”, and “Shabtaitzvi, Labor Zionism and the Holocaust” wrote about a cluster of geo-political events that may herald one of the most covert and mysterious of biblical prophecies, seen by most Christian prophecy scholars as the signing of the Peace Agreement with Israel by the Antichrist. As Chamish wrote:
Barry Chamish – “Over 2000 researchers and experts on the Middle East, coming from a large number of universities, research centers and other organizations from all over the world, will gather in Barcelona in 2010 at the World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES). The European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed), the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and the Government of Catalonia will organize the WOCMES Barcelona 2010, after the two successful previous editions held in Mainz - Germany in 2002 and in Amman - Jordan in 2006.
It is rare when one city usurps all others as the capital of world conspiracy. To achieve such greatness we might have to go all the way back to 1785, when 3 giants met in Frankfurt, Germany. There, the head of the anti-Jewish Sabbateans (Sabbatians), Jacob Frank, brought his circle of Frankists to town where he formed a conspiracy with the Illuminati, led by one Adam Weishaupt. While Frank's goal was to punish all Jews who did not accept Shabtai Tzvi (Shabbatai Tzvi) and him as the Jewish messiahs, Weishaupt's organization was founded to punish those Christians who rejected Rome as the capital of world Christianity. They met with a coin dealer with much bigger plans, one Mayer Amshel Rothschild, who realized if he could just take control of a nation's economy, he would control the country. But finally, we have a new world capital, still plotting against the Jews and non-Catholic Christians, the Vatican outpost of Barcelona.”
Psalms 2:1-3 – “Why do the nations rage and the people plot a vain thing?
The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against His Anointed saying,
‘Let us break Their Bonds in pieces and cast away Their Cords from us.’”
Chamish, the ever alert international reporter watching for “Plots” against Jerusalem and G-d’s Holy Land, wrote on November 26, 1995 about the original Barcelona Conference with these words:
Barry Chamish – “An European Union-sponsored conference for Mediterranean Basin countries is scheduled to take place 27-28.11.95, in Barcelona, Spain. Israel's delegation will be headed by Foreign Minister Ehud Barak. Just three weeks after the murder of Yitzhak Rabin, Israel agreed to surrender its sovereignty in Barcelona. Of course, Rabin had to be murdered by the new Israeli Prime Minister, Shimon Peres to make the conference work. But he had help from French intelligence. (Read Chamish’s book, “Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin”,, for full details).
In the 45 days leading to Barcelona, Rabin had told the UN and American Congress that he would never divide Jerusalem or wreck Israel for peace. That attitude could ruin Barcelona. So Peres received the go-ahead to eliminate him (Prime Minister Rabin) before the Barcelona Conference.”
Barcelona Nou Stadium, Barcelona, Spain
The nations of Europe have “plotted” for years to divide up Israel and make the Nation of Israel into a non-defensible state of “un-walled villages”. It is of interest that it was the Nation of Spain that is today the driving force, along with France and Egypt to bring together a Mideast peace agreement. It is planned that this will bring to fruition the internationalist globalist strongest goal to then forge together a Union for the Mediterranean. As Expactica reported on April 10, 2010, in the article, titled, “Spain aims to revive Mideast peace talks”
Expatica – “Spain aims to revive the Middle East peace process, working with France and Egypt in the run-up to a Mediterranean summit in Barcelona in June, the Spanish foreign minister said Saturday."We are talking to France and Egypt (...) to restart the peace process in the Middle East", Miguel Angel Moratinos said during a forum on the Mediterranean in Paris.
Forty-three heads of state and government will gather on June 7 for the second summit of the Union for the Mediterranean, which was formed two years ago in Paris by Egypt and France. Israeli, Palestinian and Syrian leaders Benjamin Netanyahu, Mahmoud Abbas and Bashar al-Assad respectively are among those expected to attend…
Spain, which holds the European Union rotating presidency till June, fixed two short-term objectives: facilitate the restart of negotiations between Palestinians and Israelis, overseen by the US, and ensure success in Barcelona. "We are working with France and Egypt for something important in Barcelona", Moratinos said. He also said the summit could lead to an economic agreement being reached between the European Union and Syria, the only non-European country on the Mediterranean that has not concluded an association of this kind with the EU. "I think the conditions are there to finalise the agreement and sign it" in Barcelona, Moratinos added.
On Monday, the Spanish foreign minister is due to meet Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad and Middle East envoy Tony Blair to discuss economic support for Abbas's Palestinian Authority. "Our first immediate, urgent objective is that in one, two, three weeks, or a month, the talks start again", he said. He also stressed that Israeli settlement building in Palestinian-claimed territory must end. "We have to do everything to stop (it). There has to be diplomatic and political pressure," Moratinos said. If not, "even when politicians sit around a table to define the Palestinian state it will be impossible because there will not be the territorial conditions to define a viable Palestinian state".
As always, the onus is upon Israel to place the conditions to create the peace agreement with the Palestinians, yet if history is true to itself, the Palestinians have rejected every peace treaty in the past unless they can have 110% of what they can dream about. As the negotiations get closer to that reality they will then raise the ante for more concessions. One wonders if they will accept any agreement except for every Israeli to pack up and leave Israel. While the Palestinians have yet to prove that they can live and govern themselves for to date, they have proven that they are not capable of abiding by any peace agreements.
Then on April 8, 2010, the article was posted in Earth Times that stated, “Spain and Lebanon urge Israel to create conditions for peace” that not only urged Israel to “create the conditions for a peace process” but accused Israel of “creating wars” to obstruct the peace process. As history has also proven, the Palestinians can fire a thousand missiles at Jewish civilian homes, schools and shopping centers, but if Israel retaliates by the attacking the platforms where they are fired, they are now “creating war”. The 2006 Lebanon-Israeli War was started by the abduction of two Israeli soldiers by Hezbollah, and 2008 Operation Cast Lead was started by the incessant rocket firing upon Israeli civilian centers.
Madrid - Spain and Lebanon on Thursday urged Israel to help create the conditions for a peace process with the Palestinians, with Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri warning of the danger of an "implosion" in the Middle East. Another failure to launch a peace process would be "intolerable," Hariri said at a joint press conference with his Spanish counterpart Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero during a visit to Madrid. Extremism could spread all over the region, Hariri cautioned.
Zapatero, whose country holds the rotating European Union presidency, called on Israel to take the "necessary steps" to open a dialogue with the Palestinians as soon as possible. The Spanish premier said the dialogue could be given a boost in June at a Summit of the Union for the Mediterranean in Barcelona.
Hariri accused Israel of "creating wars" to obstruct the peace process, instead of understanding that there could only be a political solution to the Middle East conflict. Peace could only be achieved when the Palestinians got their own state with Jerusalem as its capital, the Lebanese premier said. Hariri expressed hope that the efforts of the Spanish EU presidency and the United States could get the situation moving towards a "credible" peace process.
History always has it’s blindside, and Jerusalem is the “blindside” for the world. Yet, the Jewish world is so hungry for peace to worship as they please and the wish to be left alone, that it is not improbable that if the world community pledged that the Jewish people could have seven years with a guarantee of no war, and the guarantee to worship as they pleased, and the security of the Temple Mount, now hosting three world acclaimed houses of worship, guaranteed by a third party, that such a peace agreement could pass the Israeli Knesset and a public Jewish referendum. Whether the Walled City of Jerusalem would be a part of the Palestinian capital is part of the prophetic picture that is too obscure to comprehend, yet.
Credit to Barry Chamish – “AND NOW, THE WORLD CAPITAL OF DIPLOMATIC CRIME...BARCELONA” – April 23, 2010
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