The River of Lava from the Eyjafjallajokull Volcano in Iceland
BibleSearchers Introduces Chapter Seven in a Series:
HaShem’s (“The Name’s”) Emissary brings Judgment and Redemption to Planet Earth
“The Portents of a Global Famine in the Years of 2009-2011”
The world is watching with close intent as to the effects of the Eyjafjallajokull Volcano in Iceland upon the continent of Europe, and they truly should. As this catastrophe unfolds, its affect will become global. The western coast of the United States hosts the “Seven Sisters” a family of volcanoes that could easily erupt in unison as the any of the thirty five of the volcanoes in Iceland could join as a family of brats evoking their fury in unison. Yet, we forget about the “Ring of Fire” that encircles the Pacific Ocean from earthquake prone Japan, China and the Koreas, to earthquake prone Alaska, California all the way to Chili.
What is little comprehended is that as this volcano sputters out her “Perfect Eruption” the cause of Eyjafjallajokull’s eruptions comes from the center of the earth where the “iron core engine” of Planet Earth is today becoming reenergized by the huge magnetic force field of the incoming Twin Binary Dark Star to our Solar System called “Nibiru” in Abraham’s ancient Sumer, or Nemesis the Destroyer today. This star system and its effect upon Biblical Prophecy is being investigated in the BibleSearchers Reflection in the series titled, titled, “Planet X and the 2012 End of the Mayan World Age”.
What is known is that the erupting magma boiling up from the center iron core engine of our earth found a second pathway to the surface at Eyjafjallajokull and this time exploded from beneath a glacier. The erupting hot magma touched ice and it instantly created a burst of steam. Out of the erupting brew that produced the “feared” glassified silicates that will coat the inside jet engines with a lining of glassy obsidian, was now transferred in billowing clouds three to five miles into the air over the Northern Continent of Europe. What was even more amazing, these nations that it covered and coated are the “host nations” for the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel.
What was also not comprehended is that this Planet Earth is on the brink of a historic global famine of biblical proportions. With less than four days of food left in the reserve stocks of food in America, the largest exporter of soybeans, the food stock of cattle feed around the world, has no soybeans left to sell to the rest of the nations of the world. When that revelation becomes known, according to Eric deCarbonel, a world food reserve analyst, the “2010 Food Crisis means a Financial Armageddon” but he states, the 2010 Food Crisis is different. It is “THE CRISIS”.
“Planet X and the 2012 End of the Mayan World Age”
HaShem’s (“The Name’s”) Emissary brings Judgment and Redemption to Planet Earth
As Americans and Europeans, we thought we were privileged and we would never experience famines like in Africa or India. It is true that the “chosen ones” of the House of Israel do inhabit these two continents in part, but “chosenness does not put bread and water on the table, especially when it’s time for the G-d of Israel to refine and purify our lives. To be a chosen one to return to the Land of Holiness with the presence of the Eternal One’s Messiah means we must come with a new sense of holiness, humility and a sense of accountability, and servitude to the G-d of Israel. Only then can we be returned by Divine intent to live in the land of our forefathers in “The Land of Israel” as prophesied in Ezekiel 36.
This sobering manuscript, “The Portents of a Global Famine” encourages you to study it carefully for its impact. Its truest intent will hit you with the facts that this Planet Earth is in the verge of entering the Fourth Seal of Revelation, the “Mottled Grey Horse of Hades and Hell” as famine is preparing to encompass the entire earth. At this time, we will all feel vulnerable and defenseless. All the pundits appear to be collaborating with the prophets of old that when our economy makes it final and fatal crash, the pensions and IRAs that have been confiscated, the “dollar” now worthless and the mighty nations of America and Europe reduced to third world status, then and only then can we participate in a “Global Village” governed by forces of evil where we will all share and share alike the dwindling resources of water and food around the world. This picture appears to be the intent of the globalists and also the consensus of the Hebrew prophets of old.
The Billowing Plume of Volcanic Ash at the Eyjafjallajokull Volcano in Iceland
World-wide Famine and Drought will bring all Nations to their Knees
We begin our study in the first river civilization of the ancient world, the Mesopotamian valley culture of Iraq, Babylon, where the earliest of civilizations came into being. We see the effects of what is called the worse drought since the days of the Sumerians and Babylonians when the “Second Babylon of the Apocalypse” begins to see her own demise. We seek the consensus and confirmation of the stark reality that is facing our very existence for in the year of 2006 all the “breadbasket” national food producers of the world were producing food in abundance yet by the year of 2009, they were all facing severe or historical droughts. We search for the cause and the effect of this drought upon our social culture that is truly facing an end of an era. According to researchers and scholars, it will not be the economic collapse of our nations, but the collapse of our water and food supply that will bring our financial Armageddon.
“The Portents of a Global Famine in the Years of 2009-2011”
HaShem’s (“The Name’s”) Emissary brings Judgment and Redemption to Planet Earth
It might seem as a bit boring, but those who care to learn will have their eyes open to understand what must be done, and must be done now to protect our families in these coming days of famine and sorrow. And here in this article we will travel America region by region and witness the natural food production calamities that are bringing our farmers to the brink of insolvency. We will then traverse the world, and witness the catastrophic toll that is reducing the reserve storage of food in the wealthiest nation of the earth, America, to less than four days. Lost Tribes of the House of Israel,
The causes are not comprehended by the scholars that are documenting the catastrophic streams that are affecting our lives. But, lack of comprehension of the cause does not affect the reality that they do exist. The world has run out of food. This is the microcosm of the larger picture, for the “Agent of Destruction” that will bring to us the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse of Revelation” has now entered our solar system and like the Death Angel that did “Pass-over” the ancient Israelites in the Goshen Delta of Egypt. It will bring a new Exodus as the Lost Tribes of the House of Israel will be reclaimed, redeemed and restored by the G-d of Israel as they are reunited with their tribal brother Judah and replanted back in the lands of their forefathers, as literally prophesied by Ezekiel the Prophet, for one reason only, “to Honor My Holy Name”.
“Planet X and the 2012 End of the Mayan World Age”
HaShem’s Emissary brings Judgment and Redemption for the Lost Tribes of Israel