The largest biological warfare exercise by the Israeli Home Front Command is planned to begin in the second week of January, 2010 in the region of Gush Dan, the most populous region of Israel near their largest city, Tel Aviv. Code Named Orange Flame, medical services, rescue teams and city municipal leaders will be participating in an on-time simulated biological catastrophe caused either by terrorists accidental catastrophe that will respond to hundreds of Israeli citizens hypothetically exposed to some chemical substance.
Volunteers especially trained to act under certain chemical exposures will be spread out over a large region, and transported to three supporting regions medical centers, Ichiloy, Tel Hashomer and Sheba. Mass evacuation regions centers include Beit Dani in Tel Aviv, the Winter Stadium at Ramat Gan and the Honon Country Club. Purpose of the exercise is to train the country to deal with a biological terrorist attack”. It also heightens the defensive posture of the State of Israel as the world around Israel is progressive being isolate by the Communist Nations of Russia and China, the Middle Eastern Nations of Iran, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia and now Obama’s America. Click to open Entire Haaretz Article, “Israel to Simulate Biological Warfare Attack”.
By Anshel Pfeffer – Haaretz Israeli News – January 5, 2010